2018-03-28 01:48:04 +05:30

302 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Gauge.Main (defaultMain, bgroup, bench, nfIO)
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Streamly as A
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as A
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Data.Atomics (atomicModifyIORefCAS)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, writeIORef)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Conduit.Simple as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Logic as LG
import qualified Data.Machine as M
#if MIN_VERSION_transient(0,5,1)
import qualified Transient.Internals as T
import qualified Transient.Indeterminism as T
import qualified ListT as LT
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- XXX due to a GHC bug passing bind as an argument causes perf
-- degradation, so we should keep that in account when comparing.
let as = streamly_serial
ai = streamly_interleaved
aa = streamly_async
ap = streamly_parallel
defaultMain [
bgroup "streamly"
[ bench "function style all serial" $ nfIO streamly_function_style
, bgroup "serial bind"
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO (as (A.<>))
, bench "fair serial" $ nfIO (as (A.<=>))
, bench "left parallel" $ nfIO (as (A.<|))
, bench "fair parallel" $ nfIO (as (A.<|>))
, bgroup "interleaved bind"
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO (ai (A.<>))
, bench "fair serial" $ nfIO (ai (A.<=>))
, bench "left parallel" $ nfIO (ai (A.<|))
, bench "fair parallel" $ nfIO (ai (A.<|>))
, bgroup "async bind"
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO (aa (A.<>))
, bench "fair serial" $ nfIO (aa (A.<=>))
, bench "left parallel" $ nfIO (aa (A.<|))
, bench "fair parallel" $ nfIO (aa (A.<|>))
, bgroup "parallel bind"
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO (ap (A.<>))
, bench "fair serial" $ nfIO (ap (A.<=>))
, bench "left parallel" $ nfIO (ap (A.<|))
, bench "fair parallel" $ nfIO (ap (A.<|>))
-- Benchmark smallest possible actions composed together
, bgroup "serial bind nil"
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO (streamly_nil (A.<>))
, bench "fair serial" $ nfIO (streamly_nil (A.<=>))
, bench "left parallel" $ nfIO (streamly_nil (A.<|))
, bench "fair parallel" $ nfIO (streamly_nil (A.<|>))
#if MIN_VERSION_transient(0,5,1)
, bgroup "others"
[ bench "transient" $ nfIO transient_basic
, bench "transient-nil" $ nfIO transient_nil
, bench "logict" $ nfIO logict_basic
, bench "list-t" $ nfIO list_t_basic
, bench "simple-conduit" $ nfIO simple_conduit_basic
, bench "simple-conduit-bind" $ nfIO simple_conduit_bind
, bench "machines" $ nfIO machines_basic
{-# INLINABLE map #-}
map :: Monad m => (a -> Int) -> a -> m Int
map f x = return $ f x
{-# INLINABLE filter #-}
filter :: (Monad m, Alternative m) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> m a
filter cond x = guard (not $ cond x) >> return x
amap :: Monad (s IO) => (Int -> Int) -> Int -> s IO Int
amap =
afilter :: (Alternative (s IO), Monad (s IO)) => (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> s IO Int
afilter = Main.filter
{-# INLINE streamly_basic #-}
:: (Alternative (t IO), Monad (t IO), A.Streaming t)
=> (forall a. t IO a -> IO [a])
-> (t IO Int -> t IO Int -> t IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_basic tl g = do
xs <- tl $ do
A.drop 100 (A.forEachWith g [1..100000 :: Int] $ \x ->
afilter even x >>= amap (+1))
>>= amap (+1)
>>= afilter (\y -> y `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
{-# INLINE streamly_function_style #-}
streamly_function_style :: IO Int
streamly_function_style = do
xs <- A.toList $ A.serially $
A.each [1..100000 :: Int]
& A.filter even
& fmap (+1)
& A.drop 100
& fmap (+1)
& A.filter (\y -> y `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
{-# INLINE streamly_serial #-}
:: (A.StreamT IO Int -> A.StreamT IO Int -> A.StreamT IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_serial = streamly_basic (A.toList . A.serially)
{-# INLINE streamly_interleaved #-}
:: (A.InterleavedT IO Int -> A.InterleavedT IO Int -> A.InterleavedT IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_interleaved = streamly_basic (A.toList . A.interleaving)
{-# INLINE streamly_async #-}
:: (A.AsyncT IO Int -> A.AsyncT IO Int -> A.AsyncT IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_async = streamly_basic (A.toList . A.asyncly)
{-# INLINE streamly_parallel #-}
:: (A.ParallelT IO Int -> A.ParallelT IO Int -> A.ParallelT IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_parallel = streamly_basic (A.toList . A.parallely)
{-# INLINE streamly_nil #-}
streamly_nil :: (A.StreamT IO Int -> A.StreamT IO Int -> A.StreamT IO Int)
-> IO Int
streamly_nil f = do
xs <- (A.toList . A.serially) $ do
(A.forEachWith f [1..100000:: Int] $
\x -> return x >>= return . id)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 100000) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
#if MIN_VERSION_transient(0,5,1)
{-# NOINLINE count #-}
count :: IORef Int
count = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
drop :: (MonadIO m, Alternative m) => Int -> Int -> m Int
drop num x = do
mn <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS count $ \n ->
if n < num then (n + 1, False) else (n, True)
guard mn
return x
tmap :: (a -> Int) -> a -> T.TransIO Int
tmap =
tfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> T.TransIO a
tfilter = Main.filter
tdrop :: Int -> Int -> T.TransIO Int
tdrop = Main.drop
transient_basic :: IO (Maybe Int)
transient_basic = T.keep' $ T.threads 0 $ do
liftIO $ writeIORef count 0
xs <- 49900 $ do
T.choose [1..100000 :: Int]
>>= tfilter even
>>= tmap (+1)
>>= tdrop 100
>>= tmap (+1)
>>= tfilter (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
T.exit (Prelude.length xs)
transient_nil :: IO (Maybe Int)
transient_nil = T.keep' $ T.threads 0 $ do
xs <- 49900 $ do
T.choose [1..100000 :: Int]
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
T.exit (Prelude.length xs)
lfilter :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> LT.ListT IO Int
lfilter = Main.filter
lmap :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> LT.ListT IO Int
lmap =
ldrop :: Int -> Int -> LT.ListT IO Int
ldrop = Main.drop
list_t_basic :: IO Int
list_t_basic = do
writeIORef count 0
xs <- LT.toList $ do
LT.fromFoldable [1..100000 :: Int]
>>= lfilter even
>>= lmap (+1)
>>= ldrop 100
>>= lmap (+1)
>>= lfilter (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
lgfilter :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> LG.LogicT IO Int
lgfilter = Main.filter
lgmap :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> LG.LogicT IO Int
lgmap =
lgdrop :: Int -> Int -> LG.LogicT IO Int
lgdrop = Main.drop
logict_basic :: IO Int
logict_basic = do
writeIORef count 0
--xs <- LG.observeManyT 2900 $ do
xs <- LG.observeAllT $ do
LG.msum $ return [1..100000]
>>= lgfilter even
>>= lgmap (+1)
>>= lgdrop 100
>>= lgmap (+1)
>>= lgfilter (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
simple_conduit_basic :: IO Int
simple_conduit_basic = do
xs <- S.sourceList [1..100000]
S.$= S.filterC even
S.$= S.mapC ((+1) :: Int -> Int)
S.$= S.dropC 100
S.$= S.mapC ((+1) :: Int -> Int)
S.$= S.filterC (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0)
S.$$ S.sinkList
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length (xs :: [Int]))
smap :: Monad (s IO) => (Int -> Int) -> Int -> s IO Int
smap =
sfilter :: (Alternative (s IO), Monad (s IO)) => (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> s IO Int
sfilter = Main.filter
{-# INLINE simple_conduit_bind #-}
simple_conduit_bind :: IO Int
simple_conduit_bind = do
xs <- S.sinkList $ do
S.dropC 100 (S.sourceList [1..100000 :: Int] >>= \x ->
sfilter even x >>= smap (+1))
>>= smap (+1)
>>= sfilter (\y -> y `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length xs)
machines_basic :: IO Int
machines_basic = do
xs <- M.runT $ M.source [1..100000]
M.~> M.filtered even
M.~> M.mapping (+1)
M.~> M.dropping 100
M.~> M.mapping (+1)
M.~> M.filtered (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0)
assert (Prelude.length xs == 49900) $
return (Prelude.length (xs ::[Int]))