2018-08-16 04:40:49 +05:30

1017 lines
42 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (Exception, try, ErrorCall(..), catch, throw)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError, MonadError)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT, ExceptT)
import Data.Foldable (forM_, fold)
import Data.List (sort)
import System.Mem (performMajorGC)
import Data.IORef
import Test.Hspec as H
import Streamly
import Streamly.Prelude ((.:), nil)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
singleton :: IsStream t => a -> t m a
singleton a = a .: nil
toListSerial :: SerialT IO a -> IO [a]
toListSerial = S.toList . serially
toListInterleaved :: WSerialT IO a -> IO [a]
toListInterleaved = S.toList . wSerially
toListAsync :: AsyncT IO a -> IO [a]
toListAsync = S.toList . asyncly
toListParallel :: WAsyncT IO a -> IO [a]
toListParallel = S.toList . wAsyncly
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
-- These are not run parallely because the timing gets affected
-- unpredictably when other tests are running on the same machine.
describe "Nested parallel and serial compositions" $ do
let t = timed
p = wAsyncly
s = serially
-- This is not correct, the result can also be [4,4,8,0,8,0,2,2]
-- because of parallelism of [8,0] and [8,0].
it "Nest <|>, <>, <|> (1)" $
let t = timed
in toListSerial (
((t 8 <|> t 4) <> (t 2 <|> t 0))
<|> ((t 8 <|> t 4) <> (t 2 <|> t 0)))
`shouldReturn` ([4,4,8,8,0,0,2,2])
it "Nest <|>, <>, <|> (2)" $
(S.toList . wAsyncly) (
s (p (t 4 <> t 8) <> p (t 1 <> t 2))
<> s (p (t 4 <> t 8) <> p (t 1 <> t 2)))
`shouldReturn` ([4,4,8,8,1,1,2,2])
-- FIXME: These two keep failing intermittently on Mac OS X
-- Need to examine and fix the tests.
it "Nest <|>, <=>, <|> (1)" $
let t = timed
in toListSerial (
((t 8 <|> t 4) <=> (t 2 <|> t 0))
<|> ((t 9 <|> t 4) <=> (t 2 <|> t 0)))
`shouldReturn` ([4,4,0,0,8,2,9,2])
it "Nest <|>, <=>, <|> (2)" $
let t = timed
in toListSerial (
((t 4 <|> t 8) <=> (t 1 <|> t 2))
<|> ((t 4 <|> t 9) <=> (t 1 <|> t 2)))
`shouldReturn` ([4,4,1,1,8,2,9,2])
it "Nest <|>, <|>, <|>" $
(S.toList . wAsyncly) (
((t 4 <> t 8) <> (t 0 <> t 2))
<> ((t 4 <> t 8) <> (t 0 <> t 2)))
`shouldReturn` ([0,0,2,2,4,4,8,8])
describe "restricts concurrency and cleans up extra tasks" $ do
it "take 1 asyncly" $ checkCleanup asyncly (S.take 1)
it "take 1 wAsyncly" $ checkCleanup wAsyncly (S.take 1)
it "take 1 aheadly" $ checkCleanup aheadly (S.take 1)
it "takeWhile (< 0) asyncly" $ checkCleanup asyncly (S.takeWhile (< 0))
it "takeWhile (< 0) wAsyncly" $ checkCleanup wAsyncly (S.takeWhile (< 0))
it "takeWhile (< 0) aheadly" $ checkCleanup aheadly (S.takeWhile (< 0))
-- parallely fails on CI machines, may need more difference in times of
-- the events, but that would make tests even slower.
it "take 1 parallely" $ checkCleanup parallely (S.take 1)
it "takeWhile (< 0) parallely" $ checkCleanup parallely (S.takeWhile (< 0))
testFoldOpsCleanup "head" S.head
testFoldOpsCleanup "null" S.null
testFoldOpsCleanup "elem" (S.elem 0)
testFoldOpsCleanup "notElem" (S.notElem 0)
testFoldOpsCleanup "elemIndex" (S.elemIndex 0)
-- S.lookup
testFoldOpsCleanup "notElem" (S.notElem 0)
testFoldOpsCleanup "find" (S.find (==0))
testFoldOpsCleanup "findIndex" (S.findIndex (==0))
testFoldOpsCleanup "all" (S.all (==1))
testFoldOpsCleanup "any" (S.any (==0))
testFoldOpsCleanup "and" (S.and . (==1))
testFoldOpsCleanup "or" (S.or . (==0))
-- Semigroup/Monoidal Composition strict ordering checks
-- test both (<>) and mappend to make sure we are using correct instance
-- for Monoid that is using the right version of semigroup. Instance
-- deriving can cause us to pick wrong instances sometimes.
describe "WSerial interleaved (<>) ordering check" $ interleaveCheck wSerially (<>)
describe "WSerial interleaved mappend ordering check" $ interleaveCheck wSerially mappend
-- describe "WAsync interleaved (<>) ordering check" $ interleaveCheck wAsyncly (<>)
-- describe "WAsync interleaved mappend ordering check" $ interleaveCheck wAsyncly mappend
describe "Async (<>) time order check" $ parallelCheck asyncly (<>)
describe "Async mappend time order check" $ parallelCheck asyncly mappend
-- XXX this keeps failing intermittently, need to investigate
-- describe "WAsync (<>) time order check" $ parallelCheck wAsyncly (<>)
-- describe "WAsync mappend time order check" $ parallelCheck wAsyncly mappend
describe "Parallel (<>) time order check" $ parallelCheck parallely (<>)
describe "Parallel mappend time order check" $ parallelCheck parallely mappend
checkCleanup :: IsStream t
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> t IO Int)
-> IO ()
checkCleanup t op = do
r <- newIORef (-1 :: Int)
runStream . serially $ do
_ <- t $ op $ delay r 0 S.|: delay r 1 S.|: delay r 2 S.|: S.nil
return ()
threadDelay 500000
res <- readIORef r
res `shouldBe` 0
delay ref i = threadDelay (i*200000) >> writeIORef ref i >> return i
checkCleanupFold :: IsStream t
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (SerialT IO Int -> IO (Maybe Int))
-> IO ()
checkCleanupFold t op = do
r <- newIORef (-1 :: Int)
_ <- op $ t $ delay r 0 S.|: delay r 1 S.|: delay r 2 S.|: S.nil
threadDelay 500000
res <- readIORef r
res `shouldBe` 0
delay ref i = threadDelay (i*200000) >> writeIORef ref i >> return i
testFoldOpsCleanup :: String -> (SerialT IO Int -> IO a) -> Spec
testFoldOpsCleanup name f = do
let testOp op x = op x >> return Nothing
it (name ++ " asyncly") $ checkCleanupFold asyncly (testOp f)
it (name ++ " wAsyncly") $ checkCleanupFold wAsyncly (testOp f)
it (name ++ " aheadly") $ checkCleanupFold aheadly (testOp f)
it (name ++ " parallely") $ checkCleanupFold parallely (testOp f)
parallelTests :: SpecWith ()
parallelTests = H.parallel $ do
describe "Runners" $ do
-- XXX move these to property tests
-- XXX use an IORef to store and check the side effects
it "simple serially" $
(runStream . serially) (return (0 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` ()
it "simple serially with IO" $
(runStream . serially) (S.yieldM $ putStrLn "hello") `shouldReturn` ()
describe "Empty" $ do
it "Monoid - mempty" $
(toListSerial mempty) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
-- it "Alternative - empty" $
-- (toListSerial empty) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
-- it "MonadPlus - mzero" $
-- (toListSerial mzero) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
-- Functor
describe "Functor (fmap)" $ do
-- XXX we should do these through property tests by using a
-- construction via list fold construction method.
it "fmap on composed (<>)" $
(toListSerial $ fmap (+1) (return 1 <> return 2))
`shouldReturn` ([2,3] :: [Int])
it "fmap on composed (<>)" $
((toListParallel $ fmap (+1) (return 1 <> return 2)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([2,3] :: [Int])
-- Applicative
describe "Applicative" $ do
-- XXX we should do these through property tests by using a
-- construction via list fold construction method.
it "Apply - serial composed first argument" $
(toListSerial $ (,) <$> (return 1 <> return 2) <*> (return 3))
`shouldReturn` ([(1,3),(2,3)] :: [(Int, Int)])
it "Apply - serial composed second argument" $
(toListSerial $ (,) <$> (return 1) <*> (return 2 <> return 3))
`shouldReturn` ([(1,2),(1,3)] :: [(Int, Int)])
it "Apply - parallel composed first argument" $
(toListParallel ((,) <$> (return 1 <> return 2) <*> (return 3)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([(1,3),(2,3)] :: [(Int, Int)])
it "Apply - parallel composed second argument" $
(toListParallel ((,) <$> (return 1) <*> (return 2 <> return 3)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([(1,2),(1,3)] :: [(Int, Int)])
-- Monoidal Compositions, multiset equality checks
describe "Serial Composition" $ compose serially mempty id
describe "Ahead Composition" $ compose aheadly mempty id
describe "WSerial Composition" $ compose wSerially mempty sort
describe "Async Composition" $ compose asyncly mempty sort
describe "WAsync Composition" $ compose wAsyncly mempty sort
describe "Parallel Composition" $ compose parallely mempty sort
describe "Semigroup Composition for ZipSerial" $ compose zipSerially mempty id
describe "Semigroup Composition for ZipAsync" $ compose zipAsyncly mempty id
-- XXX need to check alternative compositions as well
-- TBD Monoidal composition combinations
-- TBD need more such combinations to be tested.
describe "serial <> and serial <>" $ composeAndComposeSimple serially serially (cycle [[1 .. 9]])
describe "ahead <> and ahead <>" $ composeAndComposeSimple aheadly aheadly (cycle [[1 .. 9]])
describe "ahead <> and serial <>" $ composeAndComposeSimple aheadly serially (cycle [[1 .. 9]])
describe "serial <> and ahead <>" $ composeAndComposeSimple serially aheadly (cycle [[1 .. 9]])
describe "<> and <=>" $ composeAndComposeSimple
([ [1 .. 9]
, [1 .. 9]
, [1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8]
, [1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8]
describe "<=> and <=>" $ composeAndComposeSimple
([ [1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 8, 6, 9]
, [1, 7, 4, 8, 2, 9, 5, 3, 6]
, [1, 4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 5, 8]
, [1, 7, 4, 9, 3, 8, 6, 2, 5]
describe "<=> and <>" $ composeAndComposeSimple
([ [1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 8, 6, 9]
, [1, 7, 4, 8, 2, 9, 5, 3, 6]
, [1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 8, 6, 9]
, [1, 7, 4, 8, 2, 9, 5, 3, 6]
-- Monoidal composition recursion loops
describe "Serial loops" $ loops serially id reverse
describe "Ahead loops" $ loops aheadly id reverse
describe "Async parallel loops" $ loops asyncly sort sort
describe "WAsync loops" $ loops wAsyncly sort sort
describe "parallel loops" $ loops parallely sort sort
-- Bind and monoidal composition combinations
describe "Bind and compose Stream 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially serially
describe "Bind and compose Stream 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially wSerially
describe "Bind and compose Stream 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially asyncly
describe "Bind and compose Stream 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose Stream 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially parallely
describe "Bind and compose Stream 6" $ bindAndComposeSimple serially aheadly
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 0" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly aheadly
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly serially
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly wSerially
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly asyncly
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose Ahead Stream 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple aheadly parallely
describe "Bind and compose Costream 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially serially
describe "Bind and compose Costream 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially wSerially
describe "Bind and compose Costream 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially asyncly
describe "Bind and compose Costream 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose Costream 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially parallely
describe "Bind and compose Costream 6" $ bindAndComposeSimple wSerially aheadly
describe "Bind and compose Async 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly serially
describe "Bind and compose Async 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly wSerially
describe "Bind and compose Async 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly asyncly
describe "Bind and compose Async 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose Async 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly parallely
describe "Bind and compose Async 6" $ bindAndComposeSimple asyncly aheadly
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly serially
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly wSerially
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly asyncly
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly parallely
describe "Bind and compose WAsync 6" $ bindAndComposeSimple wAsyncly aheadly
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 1" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely serially
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 2" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely wSerially
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 3" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely asyncly
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 4" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely wAsyncly
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 5" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely parallely
describe "Bind and compose Parallel 6" $ bindAndComposeSimple parallely aheadly
let fldr, fldl :: (IsStream t, Semigroup (t IO Int)) => [t IO Int] -> t IO Int
fldr = foldr (<>) nil
fldl = foldl (<>) nil
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose serially aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy serially aheadly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose aheadly serially" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose aheadly wSerially" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose aheadly asyncly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose aheadly wAsyncly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose aheadly parallely" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose serially aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy aheadly aheadly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose wserially aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wSerially aheadly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose asyncly aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy asyncly aheadly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose wAsyncly aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy wAsyncly aheadly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely serially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely wSerially k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely asyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely wAsyncly k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely parallely k
forM_ [fldr, fldl] $ \k ->
describe "Bind and compose parallely aheadly" $ bindAndComposeHierarchy parallely aheadly k
-- Nest two lists using different styles of product compositions
it "Nests two streams using monadic serial composition" nestTwoSerial
it "Nests two streams using monadic ahead composition" nestTwoAhead
it "Nests two streams using monadic interleaved composition" nestTwoInterleaved
it "Nests two streams using monadic Async composition" nestTwoAsync
it "Nests two streams using monadic WAsync composition" nestTwoWAsync
it "Nests two streams using monadic parallel composition" nestTwoParallel
it "Nests two streams using applicative serial composition" nestTwoSerialApp
it "Nests two streams using applicative ahead composition" nestTwoAheadApp
it "Nests two streams using applicative interleaved composition" nestTwoInterleavedApp
it "Nests two streams using applicative Async composition" nestTwoAsyncApp
it "Nests two streams using applicative WAsync composition" nestTwoWAsyncApp
it "Nests two streams using applicative parallel composition" nestTwoParallelApp
-- TBD Bind and Bind combinations
-- TBD combine all binds and all compose in one example
describe "Miscellaneous combined examples" mixedOps
describe "Miscellaneous combined examples aheadly" mixedOpsAheadly
describe "Simple MonadError and MonadThrow" simpleMonadError
describe "Composed MonadError serially" $ composeWithMonadError serially
describe "Composed MonadError wSerially" $ composeWithMonadError wSerially
describe "Composed MonadError asyncly" $ composeWithMonadError asyncly
describe "Composed MonadError wAsyncly" $ composeWithMonadError wAsyncly
describe "Composed MonadThrow serially" $ composeWithMonadThrow serially
describe "Composed MonadThrow wSerially" $ composeWithMonadThrow wSerially
describe "Composed MonadThrow asyncly" $ composeWithMonadThrow asyncly
describe "Composed MonadThrow wAsyncly" $ composeWithMonadThrow wAsyncly
describe "Composed MonadThrow parallely" $ composeWithMonadThrow parallely
describe "Composed MonadThrow aheadly" $ composeWithMonadThrow aheadly
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite asyncly
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite wAsyncly
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite aheadly
-- Some ad-hoc tests that failed at times
it "takes n from stream of streams" (takeCombined 1 aheadly)
it "takes n from stream of streams" (takeCombined 2 asyncly)
it "takes n from stream of streams" (takeCombined 3 wAsyncly)
-- Folds are strict enough
it "foldx is strict enough" checkFoldxStrictness
it "foldl' is strict enough" checkFoldl'Strictness
it "scanx is strict enough" checkScanxStrictness
it "scanl' is strict enough" checkScanl'Strictness
it "foldxM is strict enough" (checkFoldMStrictness foldxMStrictCheck)
it "foldlM' is strict enough" (checkFoldMStrictness foldlM'StrictCheck)
it "scanlM' is strict enough" (checkScanlMStrictness scanlM'StrictCheck)
-- Slower tests are at the end
-- Thread limits
it "asyncly crosses thread limit (2000 threads)" $
runStream (asyncly $ fold $
replicate 2000 $ S.yieldM $ threadDelay 1000000)
`shouldReturn` ()
it "aheadly crosses thread limit (4000 threads)" $
runStream (aheadly $ fold $
replicate 4000 $ S.yieldM $ threadDelay 1000000)
`shouldReturn` ()
takeCombined :: (Monad m, Semigroup (t m Int), Show a, Eq a, IsStream t)
=> Int -> (t m Int -> SerialT IO a) -> IO ()
takeCombined n t = do
let constr = S.fromFoldable
r <- (S.toList . t) $
S.take n ((constr ([] :: [Int])) <> constr ([] :: [Int]))
r `shouldBe` []
checkFoldxStrictness :: IO ()
checkFoldxStrictness = do
let s = return (1 :: Int) `S.consM` error "failure"
catch (S.foldx (\_ a -> if a == 1 then error "success" else "done")
"begin" id s)
(\e -> case e of
ErrorCall err -> return err
_ -> throw e)
`shouldReturn` "success"
checkFoldl'Strictness :: IO ()
checkFoldl'Strictness = do
let s = return (1 :: Int) `S.consM` error "failure"
catch (S.foldl' (\_ a -> if a == 1 then error "success" else "done")
"begin" s)
(\e -> case e of
ErrorCall err -> return err
_ -> throw e)
`shouldReturn` "success"
checkScanxStrictness :: IO ()
checkScanxStrictness = do
let s = return (1 :: Int) `S.consM` error "failure"
(runStream (
S.scanx (\_ a ->
if a == 1
then error "success"
else "done")
"begin" id s
>> return "finished"
(\e -> case e of
ErrorCall err -> return err
_ -> throw e)
`shouldReturn` "success"
checkScanl'Strictness :: IO ()
checkScanl'Strictness = do
let s = return (1 :: Int) `S.consM` error "failure"
(\_ a ->
if a == 1
then error "success"
else "done")
>> return "finished"
(\e -> case e of
ErrorCall err -> return err
_ -> throw e)
`shouldReturn` "success"
foldlM'StrictCheck :: IORef Int -> SerialT IO Int -> IO ()
foldlM'StrictCheck ref s =
S.foldlM' (\_ _ -> writeIORef ref 1) () s
foldxMStrictCheck :: IORef Int -> SerialT IO Int -> IO ()
foldxMStrictCheck ref s =
S.foldxM (\_ _ -> writeIORef ref 1) (return ()) return s
checkFoldMStrictness :: (IORef Int -> SerialT IO Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
checkFoldMStrictness f = do
ref <- newIORef 0
let s = return 1 `S.consM` error "x"
catch (f ref s) (\(_ :: ErrorCall) -> return ())
readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1
scanlM'StrictCheck :: IORef Int -> SerialT IO Int -> SerialT IO ()
scanlM'StrictCheck ref s =
S.scanlM' (\_ _ -> writeIORef ref 1) () s
checkScanlMStrictness :: (IORef Int -> SerialT IO Int -> SerialT IO ()) -> IO ()
checkScanlMStrictness f = do
ref <- newIORef 0
let s = return 1 `S.consM` error "x"
catch (runStream $ f ref s) (\(_ :: ErrorCall) -> return ())
readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1
takeInfinite :: IsStream t => (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int) -> Spec
takeInfinite t = do
it "take 1" $
(runStream $ t $
S.take 1 $ S.repeatM (print "hello" >> return (1::Int)))
`shouldReturn` ()
-- XXX need to test that we have promptly cleaned up everything after the error
-- XXX We can also check the output that we are expected to get before the
-- error occurs.
data ExampleException = ExampleException String deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception ExampleException
simpleMonadError :: Spec
simpleMonadError = do
it "simple runExceptT" $ do
(runExceptT $ runStream $ return ())
`shouldReturn` (Right () :: Either String ())
it "simple runExceptT with error" $ do
(runExceptT $ runStream $ throwError "E") `shouldReturn` Left "E"
it "simple try" $ do
(try $ runStream $ return ())
`shouldReturn` (Right () :: Either ExampleException ())
it "simple try with throw error" $ do
(try $ runStream $ throwM $ ExampleException "E")
`shouldReturn` (Left (ExampleException "E") :: Either ExampleException ())
:: ( IsStream t
, Semigroup (t IO Int)
, MonadThrow (t IO)
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int) -> Spec
composeWithMonadThrow t = do
it "Compose throwM, nil" $
(try $ tl (throwM (ExampleException "E") <> S.nil))
`shouldReturn` (Left (ExampleException "E") :: Either ExampleException [Int])
it "Compose nil, throwM" $
(try $ tl (S.nil <> throwM (ExampleException "E")))
`shouldReturn` (Left (ExampleException "E") :: Either ExampleException [Int])
oneLevelNestedSum "serially" serially
oneLevelNestedSum "wSerially" wSerially
oneLevelNestedSum "asyncly" asyncly
oneLevelNestedSum "wAsyncly" wAsyncly
-- XXX add two level nesting
oneLevelNestedProduct "serially" serially
oneLevelNestedProduct "wSerially" wSerially
oneLevelNestedProduct "asyncly" asyncly
oneLevelNestedProduct "wAsyncly" wAsyncly
tl = S.toList . t
oneLevelNestedSum desc t1 =
it ("One level nested sum " ++ desc) $ do
let nested = (S.fromFoldable [1..10] <> throwM (ExampleException "E")
<> S.fromFoldable [1..10])
(try $ tl (S.nil <> t1 nested <> S.fromFoldable [1..10]))
`shouldReturn` (Left (ExampleException "E") :: Either ExampleException [Int])
oneLevelNestedProduct desc t1 =
it ("One level nested product" ++ desc) $ do
let s1 = t $ foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = t1 $ foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
try $ tl (do
x <- adapt s1
y <- s2
if (x + y > 10)
then throwM (ExampleException "E")
else return (x + y)
`shouldReturn` (Left (ExampleException "E") :: Either ExampleException [Int])
:: ( IsStream t
, Semigroup (t (ExceptT String IO) Int)
, MonadError String (t (ExceptT String IO))
=> (t (ExceptT String IO) Int -> SerialT (ExceptT String IO) Int) -> Spec
_composeWithMonadError t = do
let tl = S.toList . t
it "Compose throwError, nil" $
(runExceptT $ tl (throwError "E" <> S.nil)) `shouldReturn` Left "E"
it "Compose nil, error" $
(runExceptT $ tl (S.nil <> throwError "E")) `shouldReturn` Left "E"
nestTwoSerial :: Expectation
nestTwoSerial =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in toListSerial (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) `shouldReturn` ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoAhead :: Expectation
nestTwoAhead =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in (S.toList . aheadly) (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) `shouldReturn` ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoSerialApp :: Expectation
nestTwoSerialApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in toListSerial ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2)
`shouldReturn` ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoAheadApp :: Expectation
nestTwoAheadApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in (S.toList . aheadly) ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2)
`shouldReturn` ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoInterleaved :: Expectation
nestTwoInterleaved =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in toListInterleaved (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) `shouldReturn` ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoInterleavedApp :: Expectation
nestTwoInterleavedApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in toListInterleaved ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2)
`shouldReturn` ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoAsync :: Expectation
nestTwoAsync =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in (toListAsync (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoAsyncApp :: Expectation
nestTwoAsyncApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in (toListAsync ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,11,9,10,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoWAsync :: Expectation
nestTwoWAsync =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in ((S.toList . wAsyncly) (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoParallel :: Expectation
nestTwoParallel =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in ((S.toList . parallely) (do
x <- s1
y <- s2
return (x + y)
) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoWAsyncApp :: Expectation
nestTwoWAsyncApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in ((S.toList . wAsyncly) ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
nestTwoParallelApp :: Expectation
nestTwoParallelApp =
let s1 = foldMapWith (<>) return [1..4]
s2 = foldMapWith (<>) return [5..8]
in ((S.toList . parallely) ((+) <$> s1 <*> s2) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` sort ([6,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,12] :: [Int])
timed :: (IsStream t, Monad (t IO)) => Int -> t IO Int
timed x = S.yieldM (threadDelay (x * 100000)) >> return x
interleaveCheck :: IsStream t
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> t IO Int -> t IO Int)
-> Spec
interleaveCheck t f =
it "Interleave four" $
(S.toList . t) ((singleton 0 `f` singleton 1) `f` (singleton 100 `f` singleton 101))
`shouldReturn` ([0, 100, 1, 101])
parallelCheck :: (IsStream t, Monad (t IO))
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> t IO Int -> t IO Int)
-> Spec
parallelCheck t f = do
it "Parallel ordering left associated" $
(S.toList . t) (((event 4 `f` event 3) `f` event 2) `f` event 1)
`shouldReturn` ([1..4])
it "Parallel ordering right associated" $
(S.toList . t) (event 4 `f` (event 3 `f` (event 2 `f` event 1)))
`shouldReturn` ([1..4])
where event n = (S.yieldM $ threadDelay (n * 200000)) >> (return n)
compose :: (IsStream t, Semigroup (t IO Int))
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int) -> t IO Int -> ([Int] -> [Int]) -> Spec
compose t z srt = do
-- XXX these should get covered by the property tests
it "Compose mempty, mempty" $
(tl (z <> z)) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
it "Compose empty at the beginning" $
(tl $ (z <> singleton 1)) `shouldReturn` [1]
it "Compose empty at the end" $
(tl $ (singleton 1 <> z)) `shouldReturn` [1]
it "Compose two" $
(tl (singleton 0 <> singleton 1) >>= return . srt)
`shouldReturn` [0, 1]
it "Compose many" $
((tl $ forEachWith (<>) [1..100] singleton) >>= return . srt)
`shouldReturn` [1..100]
-- These are not covered by the property tests
it "Compose three - empty in the middle" $
((tl $ (singleton 0 <> z <> singleton 1)) >>= return . srt)
`shouldReturn` [0, 1]
it "Compose left associated" $
((tl $ (((singleton 0 <> singleton 1) <> singleton 2) <> singleton 3))
>>= return . srt) `shouldReturn` [0, 1, 2, 3]
it "Compose right associated" $
((tl $ (singleton 0 <> (singleton 1 <> (singleton 2 <> singleton 3))))
>>= return . srt) `shouldReturn` [0, 1, 2, 3]
it "Compose hierarchical (multiple levels)" $
((tl $ (((singleton 0 <> singleton 1) <> (singleton 2 <> singleton 3))
<> ((singleton 4 <> singleton 5) <> (singleton 6 <> singleton 7)))
) >>= return . srt) `shouldReturn` [0..7]
where tl = S.toList . t
:: ( IsStream t1, Semigroup (t1 IO Int)
, IsStream t2, Monoid (t2 IO Int), Monad (t2 IO)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
, Semigroup (t2 IO Int)
=> (t1 IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t2 IO Int -> t2 IO Int)
-> [[Int]] -> Spec
composeAndComposeSimple t1 t2 answer = do
let rfold = adapt . t2 . foldMapWith (<>) return
it "Compose right associated outer expr, right folded inner" $
((S.toList . t1) (rfold [1,2,3] <> (rfold [4,5,6] <> rfold [7,8,9])))
`shouldReturn` (answer !! 0)
it "Compose left associated outer expr, right folded inner" $
((S.toList . t1) ((rfold [1,2,3] <> rfold [4,5,6]) <> rfold [7,8,9]))
`shouldReturn` (answer !! 1)
let lfold xs = adapt $ t2 $ foldl (<>) mempty $ map return xs
it "Compose right associated outer expr, left folded inner" $
((S.toList . t1) (lfold [1,2,3] <> (lfold [4,5,6] <> lfold [7,8,9])))
`shouldReturn` (answer !! 2)
it "Compose left associated outer expr, left folded inner" $
((S.toList . t1) ((lfold [1,2,3] <> lfold [4,5,6]) <> lfold [7,8,9]))
`shouldReturn` (answer !! 3)
:: (IsStream t, Semigroup (t IO Int), Monad (t IO))
=> (t IO Int -> t IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int])
-> ([Int] -> [Int])
-> Spec
loops t tsrt hsrt = do
it "Tail recursive loop" $ ((S.toList . adapt) (loopTail 0) >>= return . tsrt)
`shouldReturn` [0..3]
it "Head recursive loop" $ ((S.toList . adapt) (loopHead 0) >>= return . hsrt)
`shouldReturn` [0..3]
loopHead x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
S.yieldM $ putStrLn "LoopHead..."
t $ (if x < 3 then loopHead (x + 1) else nil) <> return x
loopTail x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
S.yieldM $ putStrLn "LoopTail..."
t $ return x <> (if x < 3 then loopTail (x + 1) else nil)
:: ( IsStream t1, IsStream t2, Semigroup (t2 IO Int), Monad (t2 IO))
=> (t1 IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t2 IO Int -> t2 IO Int)
-> Spec
bindAndComposeSimple t1 t2 = do
-- XXX need a bind in the body of forEachWith instead of a simple return
it "Compose many (right fold) with bind" $
((S.toList . t1) (adapt . t2 $ forEachWith (<>) [1..10 :: Int] return)
>>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` [1..10]
it "Compose many (left fold) with bind" $
let forL xs k = foldl (<>) nil $ map k xs
in ((S.toList . t1) (adapt . t2 $ forL [1..10 :: Int] return)
>>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` [1..10]
:: ( IsStream t1, Monad (t1 IO)
, IsStream t2, Monad (t2 IO))
=> (t1 IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> (t2 IO Int -> t2 IO Int)
-> ([t2 IO Int] -> t2 IO Int)
-> Spec
bindAndComposeHierarchy t1 t2 g = do
it "Bind and compose nested" $
((S.toList . t1) bindComposeNested >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` (sort (
[12, 18]
++ replicate 3 13
++ replicate 3 17
++ replicate 6 14
++ replicate 6 16
++ replicate 7 15) :: [Int])
-- bindComposeNested :: WAsyncT IO Int
bindComposeNested =
let c1 = tripleCompose (return 1) (return 2) (return 3)
c2 = tripleCompose (return 4) (return 5) (return 6)
c3 = tripleCompose (return 7) (return 8) (return 9)
b = tripleBind c1 c2 c3
-- it seems to be causing a huge space leak in hspec so disabling this for now
-- c = tripleCompose b b b
-- m = tripleBind c c c
-- in m
in b
tripleCompose a b c = adapt . t2 $ g [a, b, c]
tripleBind mx my mz =
mx >>= \x -> my
>>= \y -> mz
>>= \z -> return (x + y + z)
mixedOps :: Spec
mixedOps = do
it "Compose many ops" $
(toListSerial composeMixed >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([8,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11
] :: [Int])
composeMixed :: SerialT IO Int
composeMixed = do
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
x <- return 1
y <- return 2
z <- do
x1 <- wAsyncly $ return 1 <> return 2
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
y1 <- asyncly $ return 1 <> return 2
z1 <- do
x11 <- return 1 <> return 2
y11 <- asyncly $ return 1 <> return 2
z11 <- wSerially $ return 1 <> return 2
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
return (x11 + y11 + z11)
return (x1 + y1 + z1)
return (x + y + z)
mixedOpsAheadly :: Spec
mixedOpsAheadly = do
it "Compose many ops" $
(toListSerial composeMixed >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([8,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11
] :: [Int])
composeMixed :: SerialT IO Int
composeMixed = do
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
x <- return 1
y <- return 2
z <- do
x1 <- wAsyncly $ return 1 <> return 2
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
y1 <- aheadly $ return 1 <> return 2
z1 <- do
x11 <- return 1 <> return 2
y11 <- aheadly $ return 1 <> return 2
z11 <- parallely $ return 1 <> return 2
S.yieldM $ return ()
S.yieldM $ putStr ""
return (x11 + y11 + z11)
return (x1 + y1 + z1)
return (x + y + z)