Generate HUnfoldable instances using TH.

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Paweł Nowak 2014-11-22 22:53:09 +01:00
parent 92c75d44a1
commit 1ee1d5635d
2 changed files with 54 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -118,37 +118,20 @@ class HUnfoldable t where
-- HFoldable instances.
$(mapM (mkHFoldableInst ''HFoldable) [sizeLimit, sizeLimit-1 .. 2])
instance HFoldable () where
toHList () = HNil
instance (Rep a ~ '[a]) => HFoldable a where
toHList a = HCons a HNil
$(mapM mkHFoldableInst [2 .. sizeLimit])
-- HUnfoldable instances.
instance (HUnfoldable a, HUnfoldable b, HUnfoldable c, HUnfoldable d) => HUnfoldable (a, b, c, d) where
hListParser = case appendRightId (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep b ++ Rep c ++ Rep d)) of
Refl -> hListParser `bindMI` (\a ->
hListParser `bindMI` (\(b, c, d) ->
returnMI (a, b, c, d)))
instance (HUnfoldable a, HUnfoldable b, HUnfoldable c) => HUnfoldable (a, b, c) where
hListParser = case appendRightId (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep c)) of
Refl -> hListParser `bindMI` (\a ->
hListParser `bindMI` (\b ->
hListParser `bindMI` (\c ->
returnMI (a, b, c))))
instance (HUnfoldable a, HUnfoldable b) => HUnfoldable (a, b) where
hListParser = case appendRightId (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep b)) of
Refl -> hListParser `bindMI` (\a ->
hListParser `bindMI` (\b ->
returnMI (a, b)))
instance HUnfoldable () where
hListParser = HParser $ \r -> ((), r)
instance (Rep a ~ '[a]) => HUnfoldable a where
hListParser = HParser $ \(HCons a r) -> (a, r)
instance HUnfoldable () where
hListParser = HParser $ \r -> ((), r)
$(mapM mkHUnfoldableInst [2 .. sizeLimit])

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@ -13,11 +13,14 @@ Stability : experimental
module Data.Tuple.Morph.TH (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Tuple.Morph.Append
import Data.Type.Equality
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- | Generates names starting with letters of the alphabet, then
@ -61,23 +64,56 @@ mkRep n = fmap (:[])
rep = foldr1 (\x y -> AppT (AppT append x) y) reps
return $ TySynEqn [tuple] rep
-- | Creates a HFoldable instance for @k@ element tuples.
mkHFoldableInst :: Name -> Int -> Q Dec
mkHFoldableInst className k = do
mkInst :: Name -> Int -> ([Name] -> [Dec]) -> Dec
mkInst className k decs =
let names = mkNames k
-- types a, b, c, ...
vars = map VarT names
-- type (a, b, c, ...)
tuple = tupleFrom vars
tvars = map VarT names
in InstanceD [ClassP className [tvar] | tvar <- tvars]
(AppT (ConT className) (tupleFrom tvars))
(decs names)
-- | Creates a HFoldable instance for @k@ element tuples.
mkHFoldableInst :: Int -> Q Dec
mkHFoldableInst k = return $ mkInst (mkName "HFoldable") k $ \names ->
let toHListName = mkName "toHList"
-- pattern (a, b, c, ...)
tupleP = TupP $ map VarP names
toHListName = mkName "toHList"
-- toHList a, toHList b, toHList c, ...
hlists = map (\n -> AppE (VarE toHListName) (VarE n)) names
-- toHList a ++@ toHList b ++@ toHList c ++@ ...
body = NormalB $ foldr1 (\x y -> AppE (AppE (VarE '(++@)) x) y) hlists
toHList = FunD toHListName [Clause [tupleP] body []]
return $ InstanceD
[ClassP className [var] | var <- vars]
(AppT (ConT className) tuple)
in [toHList]
-- | Creates a HUnfoldable instance for @k@ element tuples.
mkHUnfoldableInst :: Int -> Q Dec
mkHUnfoldableInst k = return $ mkInst (mkName "HUnfoldable") k $ \names ->
let hListParserName = mkName "hListParser"
repName = mkName "Rep"
bindMIName = mkName "bindMI"
returnMIName = mkName "returnMI"
-- Proxy :: Proxy (Rep z)
proxy = SigE (ConE 'Proxy)
(AppT (ConT ''Proxy)
(AppT (ConT repName)
(VarT $ last names)))
-- appendRightId proxy
theorem = AppE (VarE 'appendRightId) proxy
-- bindMI hListParser (\a ->
-- bindMI hListParser (\b ->
-- ...
-- returnMI (a, b, c, ...))...)
bindE n e = AppE (AppE (VarE bindMIName)
(VarE hListParserName))
(LamE [VarP n] e)
returnE = (AppE (VarE returnMIName) (TupE (map VarE names)))
matchBody = NormalB $ foldr bindE returnE names
-- case theorem of Refl -> ???
body = NormalB $ CaseE theorem [Match (ConP 'Refl []) matchBody []]
hListParser = FunD hListParserName [Clause [] body []]
in [hListParser]