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:: dice: helper functions for L2 Rollers
/- *dice
/+ naive, *naive-transactions
++ nonce-order
|= [a=[* =nonce:naive] b=[* =nonce:naive]]
(lte nonce.a nonce.b)
++ apply-effects
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
|= [chain-t=@ =effects:naive =indices]
^+ indices
%+ roll effects
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
|= [=diff:naive indices=_indices]
?. ?=([%tx *] diff) indices::[nas own spo]
=< indices
(apply-raw-tx | chain-t raw-tx.diff indices)
++ apply-raw-tx
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
|= [force=? chain-t=@ =raw-tx:naive =indices]
^- [? ups=(list update) indices=_indices]
=+ cache-nas=nas.indices
=/ chain-t=@t (ud-to-ascii:naive chain-t)
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
?. (verify-sig-and-nonce:naive verifier chain-t nas.indices raw-tx)
~& [%verify-sig-and-nonce %failed tx.raw-tx]
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
[force ~ indices]
=^ * points.nas.indices
(increment-nonce:naive nas.indices from.tx.raw-tx)
?~ nex=(receive-tx:naive nas.indices tx.raw-tx)
~& [%receive-tx %failed]
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
=? nas.indices !force cache-nas
[force ~ indices]
=* new-nas +.u.nex
=* effects -.u.nex
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
=/ [updates=(list update) own=_own.indices spo=_spo.indices]
(update-indices effects cache-nas new-nas [own spo]:indices)
=: nas.indices new-nas
own.indices own
spo.indices spo
[& updates indices]
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
++ update-indices
|= $: =effects:naive
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
^- [(list update) own=_owners spo=_sponsors]
%+ roll effects
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
|= $: =diff:naive
ups=(list update)
=, orm:naive
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
?. ?=([%point *] diff) [ups owners sponsors]
2021-08-22 19:23:30 +03:00
=* ship ship.diff
=/ old=(unit point:naive)
2021-08-22 19:23:30 +03:00
(get points.cache-nas ship)
=/ new=point:naive
2021-08-22 19:23:30 +03:00
(need (get points.nas ship))
=* event +>.diff
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
=^ updates owners ownership
=+ sponsors=sponsorship
:+ (weld ups updates)
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
++ sponsorship
^+ sponsors
?+ -.event sponsors
?^ old
:: ownership change
:: owner event with ?=(~ old) is a spawn
=* parent who.sponsor.net.new
?: =(parent ship) sponsors
%+ ~(put by sponsors) parent
?~ sponsor=(~(get by sponsors) parent)
:_ *(set @p)
(~(put in *(set @p)) ship)
:_ requests.u.sponsor
(~(put in residents.u.sponsor) ship)
?~ old sponsors
=* from who.sponsor.net.u.old
=* to to.event
=* escape escape.net.u.old
?~ to
:: cancel/reject escape
?~ escape sponsors
?~ receiver=(~(get by sponsors) u.escape)
%+ ~(put by sponsors) u.escape
:- residents.u.receiver
(~(del in requests.u.receiver) ship)
:: normal escape
%+ ~(put by sponsors) u.to
?~ receiver=(~(get by sponsors) u.to)
:- *(set @pp)
(~(put in *(set @pp)) ship)
:- residents.u.receiver
(~(put in requests.u.receiver) ship)
?~ old sponsors
=* from who.sponsor.net.u.old
=* to sponsor.event
=/ previous (~(get by sponsors) from)
?~ to
:: detach
?~ previous sponsors
%+ ~(put by sponsors) from
:_ requests.u.previous
(~(del in residents.u.previous) ship)
:: accepted
=/ receiver (~(get by sponsors) u.to)
=? sponsors ?=(^ receiver)
%+ ~(put by sponsors) u.to
:- (~(put in residents.u.receiver) ship)
(~(del in requests.u.receiver) ship)
=? sponsors ?=(^ previous)
%+ ~(put by sponsors) from
:_ requests.u.previous
(~(del in residents.u.previous) ship)
2021-11-10 19:46:22 +03:00
++ ownership
^- (quip update _owners)
=; [to=(unit owner) from=(unit owner)]
=? owners &(?=(^ from) !=(address.u.from 0x0))
(~(del ju owners) u.from ship)
?: ?| =(~ to)
&(?=(^ to) =(address.u.to 0x0))
[ups owners]
?~ to [ups owners]
:_ (~(put ju owners) u.to ship)
(snoc ups [%point ship new u.to from])
?+ -.event [~ ~]
:- `[%own +.event]
?~ old ~
`[%own address.owner.own.u.old]
:- `[%manage +.event]
?~ old ~
`[%manage address.management-proxy.own.u.old]
:- `[%spawn +.event]
?~ old ~
`[%spawn address.spawn-proxy.own.u.old]
:- `[%vote +.event]
?~ old ~
`[%vote address.voting-proxy.own.u.old]
:- `[%transfer +.event]
?~ old ~
`[%transfer address.transfer-proxy.own.u.old]
2021-08-22 19:23:30 +03:00
++ get-owner
|= [=point:naive =proxy:naive]
^- [nonce=@ _point]
=* own own.point
?- proxy
:- nonce.owner.own
point(nonce.owner.own +(nonce.owner.own))
:- nonce.spawn-proxy.own
point(nonce.spawn-proxy.own +(nonce.spawn-proxy.own))
:- nonce.management-proxy.own
point(nonce.management-proxy.own +(nonce.management-proxy.own))
:- nonce.voting-proxy.own
point(nonce.voting-proxy.own +(nonce.voting-proxy.own))
:- nonce.transfer-proxy.own
point(nonce.transfer-proxy.own +(nonce.transfer-proxy.own))