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synced 2024-12-19 21:02:01 +03:00
1172 lines
40 KiB
1172 lines
40 KiB
!: :: %gall, agent execution
!? 163
|= pit=vase
=> =~
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rest of arvo
++ volt ?(%low %high) :: voltage
++ torc $|(?(%iron %gold) [%lead p=ship]) :: security control
++ roon :: reverse ames msg
$% [%d p=mark q=*] :: diff (diff)
[%x ~] ::
== ::
++ rook :: forward ames msg
$% [%m p=mark q=*] :: message
[%s p=path] :: subscribe
[%u ~] :: cancel/unsubscribe
== ::
-- ::
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: local arvo
++ cote :: ++ap note
$% [%meta p=@tas q=vase] ::
[%send p=ship q=cush] ::
[%hiss p=mark q=cage]
== ::
++ cove (pair bone (mold cote cuft)) :: internal move
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note-arvo gift-arvo)] :: typed move
-- ::
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %gall state
++ axle :: all state
$: %0 :: state version
pol=(map ship mast) :: apps by ship
== ::
++ gest :: subscriber data
$: sup=bitt :: incoming subscribers
neb=boat :: outgoing subscribers
qel=(map bone ,@ud) :: queue meter
== ::
++ mast :: ship state
$: sys=duct :: system duct
sap=(map ship scar) :: foreign contacts
bum=(map dude seat) :: running agents
wub=(map dude sofa) :: waiting queue
== ::
++ ffuc :: new cuff
$: p=(unit (set ship)) :: disclosing to
q=ship :: attributed to
== ::
++ prey (pair volt ffuc) :: privilege
++ seat :: agent state
$: mom=duct :: control duct
liv=? :: unstopped
toc=torc :: privilege
tyc=stic :: statistics
ged=gest :: subscribers
hav=vase :: running state
byk=beak :: update control
zam=scar :: opaque ducts
== ::
++ sofa :: queue for blocked
$: kys=(qeu (trel duct prey club)) :: queued kisses
== ::
++ stic :: statistics
$: act=@ud :: change number
eny=@uvI :: entropy
lat=@da :: time
== ::
-- ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: vane header
. ==
=| all=axle :: all vane state
|= $: now=@da :: urban time
eny=@uvI :: entropy
ska=sled :: activate
== :: opaque core
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: state machine
++ mo
|_ $: $: our=@p
moz=(list move)
++ mo-abed :: initialize
|= [our=@p hen=duct]
^+ +>
%_ +>
our our
hen hen
+<+ (~(got by pol.all) our)
++ mo-abet :: resolve to
^- [(list move) _+>+]
:_ +>+(pol.all (~(put by pol.all) our +<+))
%- flop
%+ turn moz
|= a=move
?. ?=(%pass -.q.a) a
[p.a %pass [(scot %p our) p.q.a] q.q.a]
++ mo-conf :: configure
|= [dap=dude lum=culm]
(mo-boot dap ?:((~(has by bum) dap) %old %new) p.p.lum q.p.lum da/now)
++ mo-pass :: standard pass
|= [pax=path noh=note-arvo]
%_(+> moz :_(moz [hen %pass pax noh]))
++ mo-give
|= git=gift-gall
%_(+> moz :_(moz [hen %give git]))
++ mo-okay :: valid agent core
|= vax=vase
^- ?
=+ bol=(slew 12 vax)
?~ bol |
(~(nest ut p.u.bol) %| -:!>(*bowl))
++ mo-boom :: complete new boot
|= [dap=dude byk=beak dep=@uvH gux=gage]
^+ +>
?- -.gux
%tabl ~|(%made-tabl !!)
=. +> (mo-bold byk dap dep)
=. +> (mo-give %onto %| p.gux)
?> ?=(@ p.p.gux)
?. (mo-okay q.p.gux)
(mo-give %onto %| [%leaf "{<dap>}: bogus core"]~)
=. +> (mo-bold byk dap dep)
=. +> (mo-born dap byk q.p.gux)
=+ old=+>.$
=+ wag=(ap-prop:(ap-abed:ap dap [%high [~ our]]) ~)
?^ -.wag
=. +>.$ old
(mo-give %onto %| u.-.wag)
=. +>.$ ap-abet:+.wag
(mo-give:(mo-claw dap) %onto %& dap %boot now)
++ mo-born :: new seat
|= [dap=dude byk=beak hav=vase]
=+ sat=*seat
%_ +>.$
%+ ~(put by bum) dap
%_ sat
mom hen
byk byk
hav hav
p.zam 1
q.zam [[[~ ~] 0] ~ ~]
r.zam [[0 [~ ~]] ~ ~]
++ mo-boon :: complete old boot
|= [dap=dude byk=beak dep=@uvH gux=gage]
^+ +>
=+ sut=(~(get by bum) dap)
?~ sut
~& [%gall-old-boon dap]
=. bum (~(put by bum) dap u.sut(byk byk))
=. +>.$ (mo-bold byk dap dep)
?- -.gux
%tabl ~|(%made-tabl !!)
%| (mo-give %onto %| p.gux)
%& ?> ?=(@ p.p.gux)
ap-abet:(ap-peep:(ap-abed:ap dap [%high [~ our]]) q.p.gux)
++ mo-bold :: wait for dep
|= [byk=beak dap=dude dep=@uvH]
^+ +>
%+ mo-pass [%sys %dep (scot %p p.byk) q.byk dap ~]
[%f %wasp our dep]
++ mo-boot :: create ship
|= [dap=dude how=?(%new %old) byk=beak]
^+ +>
:: ~& [%mo-boot dap how byk]
%+ mo-pass [%sys how dap (scot %p p.byk) q.byk (scot r.byk) ~]
^- note-arvo
[%f %exec our byk `[%core [byk [dap %ape ~]]]]
++ mo-away :: foreign request
|= [him=ship caz=cush] ::
^+ +>
:: ~& [%mo-away him caz]
?: ?=(%pump -.q.caz)
:: you'd think this would send an ack for the diff
:: that caused this pump. it would, but we already
:: sent it when we got the diff in ++mo-cyst. then
:: we'd have to save the network duct and connect it
:: to this returning pump.
=+ ^= roc ^- rook
?- -.q.caz
%peel !!
%poke [%m p.p.q.caz q.q.p.q.caz]
%pull [%u ~]
%puff !!
%punk !!
%peer [%s p.q.caz]
=+ ^= dak
?+ -.q.caz !!
%poke %k
%pull %l
%peer %r
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %way ~]
`note-arvo`[%a %wont [our him] [%g dak p.caz ~] [42 roc]]
++ mo-baal :: error convert a
|= art=(unit ares)
^- ares
?~(art ~ ?~(u.art `[%blank ~] u.art))
++ mo-baba :: error convert b
|= ars=ares
^- (unit tang)
?~ ars ~
`[[%leaf (trip p.u.ars)] q.u.ars]
++ mo-awed :: foreign response
|= [him=ship why=?(%peer %poke %pull) art=(unit ares)]
^+ +>
:: ~& [%mo-awed him why art]
=+ tug=(mo-baba (mo-baal art))
?- why
%peer (mo-give %unto %reap tug)
%poke (mo-give %unto %coup tug)
%pull +>.$
++ mo-come :: handle locally
|= [her=ship caz=cush]
^+ +>
=+ pry=`prey`[%high [~ her]]
(mo-club p.caz pry q.caz)
++ mo-coup :: back from mo-away
|= [dap=dude him=ship cup=ares]
%^ mo-give %unto %coup
?~ cup ~
[~ `tang`[[%leaf (trip p.u.cup)] q.u.cup]]
++ mo-chew :: reverse build path
|= pax=path
^- beak
?> ?=([@ @ @ ~] pax)
[(slav %p i.pax) i.t.pax da/(slav %da i.t.t.pax)]
++ mo-cyst :: take in /sys
|= [pax=path sih=sign-arvo]
^+ +>
?+ -.pax !!
%dep :: update
?> ?=([%f %news *] sih)
?> ?=([@ @ @ ~] t.pax)
%^ mo-boot i.t.t.t.pax
?:((~(has by bum) i.t.t.t.pax) %old %new)
[(slav %p i.t.pax) i.t.t.pax [%da now]]
?> ?=([%f %made *] sih)
?> ?=([@ @ @ @ ~] t.pax)
(mo-boom i.t.pax (mo-chew t.t.pax) +>.sih)
%old :: reload old
?> ?=([%f %made *] sih)
?> ?=([@ @ @ @ ~] t.pax)
(mo-boon i.t.pax (mo-chew t.t.pax) +>.sih)
%pel :: translated peer
?> ?=([@ @ ~] t.pax)
=+ :* mar=i.t.pax
?: ?=([%f %made *] sih)
?- -.q.+.sih
%tabl ~|(%made-tabl !!)
%& (mo-give %unto %diff p.q.+>.sih)
%| =. p.q.+>.sih (turn p.q.+>.sih |=(a=tank rose/[~ "! " ~]^[a]~))
~> %slog.`%*(. >[%wh %y]< +> [>%mo-cyst-fail< (flop p.q.+>.sih)])
(mo-give %unto %quit ~) :: XX better errors pls
?> ?=([%g %unto *] sih)
?. ?=(%diff -.+>.sih)
(mo-give %unto +>.sih)
%+ mo-pass
[%sys pax]
[%f %exec our (mo-beak dap) ~ %cast mar %done ~ `cage`+>+.sih]
%red :: forward ack
?> ?=([@ @ ~] t.pax)
?> ?=([%a ?(%waft %woot) *] sih)
=+ :* him=(slav %p i.t.pax)
=> .(pax `path`[%req t.pax])
?- +<.sih
~& %red-waft
=+ fay=((hard (unit (pair mark noun))) r.+>.sih)
(mo-give %unto ?~(fay [%quit ~] [%doff u.fay]))
?~ r.+>.sih
(mo-pass [%sys pax] %g %deal [him our] dap %pump ~)
~& [%diff-bad-ack q.+>.sih]
=. +>.$ (mo-pass [%sys pax] %g %deal [him our] dap %pull ~)
(mo-give %rend [%g %r dap ~] ~)
%req :: inbound request
?> ?=([@ @ ~] t.pax)
=+ :* him=(slav %p i.t.pax)
?: ?=([%f %made *] sih)
?- -.q.+>.sih
%tabl ~|(%made-tabl !!)
%| (mo-give %mack `p.q.+>.sih) :: XX should crash
%& (mo-pass [%sys pax] %g %deal [him our] i.t.t.pax %poke p.q.+>.sih)
?: ?=([%a %woot *] sih) +>.$ :: quit ack, boring
?> ?=([%g %unto *] sih)
=+ cuf=`cuft`+>.sih
?- -.cuf
%coup (mo-give %mack p.cuf)
%reap (mo-give %mack p.cuf)
%diff (mo-give %rend [%g %r dap ~] [~ p.p.cuf q.q.p.cuf])
%doff (mo-give %rend [%g %r dap ~] [~ p.cuf q.cuf])
%quit (mo-give %rend [%g %r dap ~] ~)
%val :: inbound validate
?> ?=([@ @ ~] t.pax)
=+ [him=(slav %p i.t.pax) dap=i.t.t.pax]
?> ?=([%f %made *] sih)
?- -.q.+>.sih
%tabl !!
%| (mo-give %unto %coup `p.q.+>.sih) :: XX invalid, crash
%& (mo-clip dap `prey`[%high ~ him] %poke p.q.sih)
%way :: outbound request
?> ?=([%a ?(%waft %woot) *] sih)
?- +<.sih
?> ?=([%g %r @ ~] q.+>.sih)
=+ fay=((hard (unit (pair mark noun))) r.+>.sih)
(mo-give %unto ?~(fay [%quit ~] [%doff u.fay]))
?> ?=([%g @ @ ~] q.+>.sih)
%- mo-awed
:* p.+>.sih
?+ i.t.q.+>.sih !!
%k %poke
%r %peer
%l %pull
++ mo-cook :: take in /use
|= [pax=path hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^+ +>
?. ?=([@ @ ?(%inn %out %cay) *] pax)
~& [%mo-cook-bad-pax pax]
=+ dap=`@tas`i.pax
=+ pry=`prey`[%high [~ (slav %p i.t.pax)]]
=+ pap=(ap-abed:ap dap pry)
=+ vax=(slot 3 `vase`hin)
?- i.t.t.pax
%inn ap-abet:(ap-pour:pap t.t.t.pax (slot 3 `vase`hin))
%cay ?. ?=([%e %sigh *] q.hin)
~& [%mo-cook-weird q.hin]
~& [%mo-cook-weird-path pax]
ap-abet:(ap-purr:pap +<.q.hin t.t.t.pax +>.q.hin)
%out ?: ?=([%f %made *] q.hin)
?- -.q.+>.q.hin
%tabl ~|(%made-tabl !!)
%& ap-abet:(ap-pout:pap t.t.t.pax %diff +.q.+>.q.hin)
%| =+ why=p.q.+>.q.hin
=. why (turn why |=(a=tank rose/[~ "! " ~]^[a]~))
~> %slog.`%*(. >[%wh %y]< +> [>%mo-cook-fail< (flop why)])
~& [him=q.q.pry our=our pax=pax]
:: here we should crash because the right thing
:: for the client to do is to upgrade so that it
:: understands the server's mark, thus allowing
:: the message to proceed. but ames is not quite
:: ready for promiscuous crashes, so instead we
:: send a pull outward and a quit downward.
:: or not... outgoing dap (XXX) is not in the path.
:: =. +>.$ ap-abet:(ap-pout:pap t.t.t.pax %quit ~)
:: %+ mo-pass
:: [%use pax]
:: [%g %deal [q.q.pry our] XXX %pull ~]
?. ?=([%g %unto *] q.hin)
~& [%mo-cook-weird q.hin]
~& [%mo-cook-weird-path pax]
?: ?=(%doff +>-.q.hin)
%+ mo-pass
[%use pax]
[%f %exec our byk.pap ~ %vale p.+>+.q.hin our q.+>+.q.hin]
ap-abet:(ap-pout:pap t.t.t.pax +>.q.hin)
++ mo-claw :: clear queue
|= dap=dude
^+ +>
?. (~(has by bum) dap) +>
=+ suf=(~(get by wub) dap)
?~ suf +>.$
|- ^+ +>.^$
?: =(~ kys.u.suf)
+>.^$(wub (~(del by wub) dap))
=^ lep kys.u.suf [p q]:~(get to kys.u.suf)
$(moz :_(moz [p.lep %slip %g %deal [q.q.q.lep our] dap r.lep]))
:: $(+>.^$ (mo-clip(hen p.lep) dap q.lep r.lep))
++ mo-beak :: build beak
|= dap=dude
=- ?.(=(p our) - -(r [%da now])) :: soft dependencies
^- beak
byk:(~(got by bum) dap)
++ mo-clip :: apply club
|= [dap=dude pry=prey cub=club]
?: ?=(%puff -.cub)
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %val (scot %p q.q.pry) dap ~]
[%f %exec our (mo-beak dap) ~ %vale p.cub our q.cub]
?: ?=(%punk -.cub)
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %val (scot %p q.q.pry) dap ~]
[%f %exec our (mo-beak dap) ~ %cast p.cub %done ~ q.cub]
?: ?=(%peel -.cub)
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %pel p.cub dap ~]
[%g %deal [q.q.pry our] dap %peer q.cub]
ap-abet:(ap-club:(ap-abed:ap dap pry) cub)
++ mo-club :: local action
|= [dap=dude pry=prey cub=club]
^+ +>
?: |(!(~(has by bum) dap) (~(has by wub) dap))
:: ~& [%mo-club-qeu dap cub]
=+ syf=(fall (~(get by wub) dap) *sofa)
+>.$(wub (~(put by wub) dap syf(kys (~(put to kys.syf) [hen pry cub]))))
(mo-clip dap pry cub)
++ mo-gawk :: ames forward
|= [him=@p dap=dude num=@ud rok=rook]
=. +> ?.(?=(%u -.rok) +> (mo-give %mack ~))
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %req (scot %p him) dap ~]
^- note-arvo
?- -.rok
:: %m [%f %exec our (mo-beak dap) ~ %vale p.rok our q.rok]
%m [%g %deal [him our] dap %puff p.rok q.rok]
%s [%g %deal [him our] dap %peer p.rok]
%u [%g %deal [him our] dap %pull ~]
++ mo-gawp :: response ack
|= [him=@p dap=dude cop=coop]
^+ +>
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %req (scot %p him) dap ~]
?~ cop
[%g %deal [him our] dap %pump ~]
[%g %deal [him our] dap %pull ~]
++ ap :: agent engine
|_ $: $: dap=dude
zip=(list cove)
dub=(list (each suss tang))
++ ap-abed :: initialize
|= [dap=dude pry=prey]
^+ +>
=: ^dap dap
^pry pry
+>+<+ `seat`(~(got by bum) dap)
=+ unt=(~(get by q.zam) hen)
=: act.tyc +(act.tyc)
eny.tyc (shax (mix (add dap act.tyc) eny))
lat.tyc now
?^ unt
+>.$(ost u.unt)
%= +>.$
ost p.zam
p.zam +(p.zam)
q.zam (~(put by q.zam) hen p.zam)
r.zam (~(put by r.zam) p.zam hen)
++ ap-abet :: resolve
^+ +>
=> ap-abut
%_ +>
bum (~(put by bum) dap +<+)
moz :(weld (turn zip ap-aver) (turn dub ap-avid) moz)
++ ap-abut :: track queue
^+ .
=+ [pyz=zip ful=*(set bone)]
|- ^+ +>
?~ pyz
=+ ded=(~(tap in ful) ~)
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ ded +>.^$
%= $
ded t.ded
%= ap-kill
ost i.ded
q.q.pry p:(~(got by sup.ged) i.ded)
?. ?=([%give %diff *] q.i.pyz)
$(pyz t.pyz)
=^ vad +> ap-fill(ost p.i.pyz)
$(pyz t.pyz, ful ?:(vad ful (~(put in ful) p.i.pyz)))
++ ap-aver :: cove to move
|= cov=cove
^- move
:- (~(got by r.zam) p.cov)
?- -.q.cov
?(%slip %sick) !!
%give ?<(=(0 p.cov) [%give %unto p.q.cov])
:+ %pass `path`[%use dap p.q.cov]
?- -.q.q.cov
%hiss `note-arvo`[%e %hiss p.q.q.cov q.q.q.cov]
%send `note-arvo`[%g %deal [our p.q.q.cov] q.q.q.cov]
%meta `note-arvo`[`@tas`p.q.q.cov %meta `vase`q.q.q.cov]
++ ap-avid :: onto results
|=([a=(each suss tang)] [hen %give %onto a])
++ ap-call :: call into server
|= [cog=term arg=vase]
^- [(unit tang) _+>]
=. +> ap-bowl
=+ arm=(ap-farm cog)
?: ?=(%| -.arm) [`p.arm +>.$]
=+ zem=(ap-slam cog p.arm arg)
?: ?=(%| -.zem) [`p.zem +>.$]
(ap-sake p.zem)
++ ap-club :: apply effect
|= cub=club
^+ +>
?- -.cub
%peel !!
%poke (ap-poke +.cub)
%peer (ap-peer +.cub)
%puff !!
%punk !!
%pull ap-pull
%pump ap-fall
++ ap-diff :: pour a diff
|= [her=ship pax=path cag=cage]
=. q.cag (spec q.cag)
=+ cug=(ap-find [%diff p.cag +.pax])
?~ cug
%. [| her +.pax]
ap-pump:(ap-lame %diff (ap-suck "diff: no {<`path`[p.cag +.pax]>}"))
=+ ^= arg ^- vase
%- slop
?: =(0 p.u.cug)
[!>(`path`+.pax) !>(cag)]
[!>((slag (dec p.u.cug) `path`+.pax)) q.cag]
=^ cam +>.$ (ap-call q.u.cug arg)
?^ cam
(ap-pump:(ap-lame q.u.cug u.cam) | her pax)
(ap-pump & her pax)
++ ap-pump :: update subscription
|= [oak=? her=ship pax=path]
=+ way=[(scot %p her) %out pax]
?: oak
(ap-pass way %send her -.pax %pump ~)
(ap-pass:(ap-give %quit ~) way %send her -.pax %pull ~)
++ ap-fall :: drop from queue
^+ .
?. (~(has by sup.ged) ost) .
=+ soy=(~(get by qel.ged) ost)
?: |(?=(~ soy) =(0 u.soy))
~& [%ap-fill-under [our dap] q.q.pry ost]
=. u.soy (dec u.soy)
:: ~& [%ap-fill-sub [[our dap] q.q.pry ost] u.soy]
?: =(0 u.soy)
+(qel.ged (~(del by qel.ged) ost))
+(qel.ged (~(put by qel.ged) ost u.soy))
++ ap-farm :: produce arm
|= cog=term
^- (each vase tang)
=+ puz=(mule |.((~(mint ut p.hav) [%noun [%cnzy cog]])))
?: ?=(%| -.puz) [%| p.puz]
=+ ton=(mock [q.hav q.p.puz] ap-sled)
?- -.ton
%0 [%& p.p.puz p.ton]
%1 [%| (turn p.ton |=(a=* (smyt (path a))))]
%2 [%| p.ton]
++ ap-fill :: add to queue
^- [? _.]
=+ suy=(fall (~(get by qel.ged) ost) 0)
?: =(20 suy)
~& [%ap-fill-full [our dap] q.q.pry ost]
[%| +]
:: ~? !=(20 suy) [%ap-fill-add [[our dap] q.q.pry ost] +(suy)]
[%& +(qel.ged (~(put by qel.ged) ost +(suy)))]
++ ap-find :: general arm
|= [cog=term pax=path]
=+ dep=0
|- ^- (unit (pair ,@ud term))
=+ ^= spu
?~ pax ~
$(pax t.pax, dep +(dep), cog (ap-hype cog i.pax))
?^ spu spu
?.((ap-fond cog) ~ `[dep cog])
++ ap-fond :: check for arm
|= cog=term
^- ?
(slob cog p.hav)
++ ap-give :: return result
|= cit=cuft
^+ +>
+>(zip :_(zip [ost %give cit]))
++ ap-bowl :: set up bowl
%_ .
^- bowl
:* :* our :: host
q.q.pry :: guest
dap :: agent
== ::
:* wex=~ :: outgoing
sup=sup.ged :: incoming
== ::
:* ost=ost :: cause
act=act.tyc :: tick
eny=eny.tyc :: nonce
now=lat.tyc :: time
byk=byk :: source
== == ::
++ ap-hype :: hyphenate
|=([a=term b=term] `term`(cat 3 a (cat 3 '-' b)))
++ ap-move :: process each move
|= vax=vase
^- (each cove tang)
?@ q.vax [%| (ap-suck "move: invalid move (atom)")]
?^ -.q.vax [%| (ap-suck "move: invalid move (bone)")]
?@ +.q.vax [%| (ap-suck "move: invalid move (card)")]
=+ hun=(~(get by r.zam) -.q.vax)
?. (~(has by r.zam) -.q.vax)
[%| (ap-suck "move: invalid card (bone {<-.q.vax>})")]
=+ cav=(slot 3 (spec (slot 3 vax)))
?+ +<.q.vax
(ap-move-pass -.q.vax +<.q.vax cav)
%diff (ap-move-diff -.q.vax cav)
%hiss (ap-move-hiss -.q.vax cav)
%peer (ap-move-peer -.q.vax cav)
%pull (ap-move-pull -.q.vax cav)
%poke (ap-move-poke -.q.vax cav)
%send (ap-move-send -.q.vax cav)
%quit (ap-move-quit -.q.vax cav)
++ ap-move-quit :: give quit move
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
?^ q.vax [%| (ap-suck "move: improper quit")]
[%& `cove`[sto %give `cuft`[%quit ~]]]
++ ap-move-diff :: give diff move
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
=. vax (spec vax)
^- (each cove tang)
?. &(?=(^ q.vax) ?=(@ -.q.vax) ((sane %tas) -.q.vax))
[%| (ap-suck "move: improper diff")]
[%& sto %give %diff `cage`[-.q.vax (slot 3 (spec vax))]]
++ ap-move-hiss :: pass %hiss
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
?. &(?=([p=* q=@ q=^] q.vax) ((sane %tas) q.q.vax))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed hiss ask.[%hiss path mark cage]")]
=+ gaw=(slot 7 vax)
?. &(?=([p=@ q=^] q.gaw) ((sane %tas) p.q.gaw))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed cage")]
=+ pux=((soft path) p.q.vax)
?. &(?=(^ pux) (levy u.pux (sane %ta)))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed path")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- [(scot %p q.q.pry) %cay u.pux]
[%hiss q.q.vax [p.q.gaw (slot 3 (spec gaw))]]
++ ap-move-mess :: extract path, target
|= vax=vase
^- (each (trel path ship term) tang)
?. ?& ?=([p=* [q=@ r=@] s=*] q.vax)
(gte 1 (met 7 q.q.vax))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed target")]
=+ pux=((soft path) p.q.vax)
?. &(?=(^ pux) (levy u.pux (sane %ta)))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed path")]
[%& [(scot %p q.q.vax) %out r.q.vax u.pux] q.q.vax r.q.vax]
++ ap-move-pass :: pass general move
|= [sto=bone wut=* vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
?. &(?=(@ wut) ((sane %tas) wut))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed card")]
=+ pux=((soft path) -.q.vax)
?. &(?=(^ pux) (levy u.pux (sane %ta)))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed path")]
=+ huj=(ap-vain wut)
?~ huj [%| (ap-suck "move: unknown note {(trip wut)}")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- [(scot %p q.q.pry) %inn u.pux]
[%meta u.huj (slop (ap-term %tas wut) (slot 3 vax))]
++ ap-move-poke :: pass %poke
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
=+ yep=(ap-move-mess vax)
?: ?=(%| -.yep) yep
=+ gaw=(slot 7 vax)
?. &(?=([p=@ q=*] q.gaw) ((sane %tas) p.q.gaw))
[%| (ap-suck "poke: malformed cage")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- p.p.yep
[%send q.p.yep r.p.yep %poke p.q.gaw (slot 3 (spec gaw))]
++ ap-move-peer :: pass %peer
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
=+ yep=(ap-move-mess vax)
?: ?=(%| -.yep) yep
=+ pux=((soft path) +>.q.vax)
?. &(?=(^ pux) (levy u.pux (sane %ta)))
[%| (ap-suck "peer: malformed path")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- p.p.yep
[%send q.p.yep r.p.yep %peer u.pux]
++ ap-move-pull :: pass %pull
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
=+ yep=(ap-move-mess vax)
?: ?=(%| -.yep) yep
?. =(~ +>.q.vax)
[%| (ap-suck "pull: malformed card")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- p.p.yep
[%send q.p.yep r.p.yep %pull ~]
++ ap-move-send :: pass gall action
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
^- (each cove tang)
?. ?& ?=([p=* [q=@ r=@] [s=@ t=*]] q.vax)
(gte 1 (met 7 q.q.vax))
((sane %tas) r.q.vax)
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed send")]
=+ pux=((soft path) p.q.vax)
?. &(?=(^ pux) (levy u.pux (sane %ta)))
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed path")]
?: ?=(%poke s.q.vax)
=+ gav=(spec (slot 7 vax))
?> =(%poke -.q.gav)
?. ?& ?=([p=@ q=*] t.q.vax)
((sane %tas) p.t.q.vax)
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed poke")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- [(scot %p q.q.vax) %out r.q.vax u.pux]
^- cote
:: ~& [%ap-move-send `path`[(scot %p q.q.vax) %out r.q.vax u.pux]]
[%send q.q.vax r.q.vax %poke p.t.q.vax (slot 3 (spec (slot 3 gav)))]
=+ cob=((soft club) [s t]:q.vax)
?~ cob
[%| (ap-suck "move: malformed club")]
:^ %& sto %pass
:- [(scot %p q.q.vax) %out r.q.vax u.pux]
:: ~& [%ap-move-send `path`[(scot %p q.q.vax) %out r.q.vax u.pux]]
[%send q.q.vax r.q.vax u.cob]
++ ap-pass :: request action
|= [pax=path coh=cote]
^+ +>
+>(zip :_(zip [ost %pass pax coh]))
++ ap-peep :: reinstall
|= vax=vase
^+ +>
(ap-prep(hav vax) `hav)
++ ap-peer :: apply %peer
|= pax=path
^+ +>
=. +> (ap-peon pax)
=+ cug=(ap-find %peer pax)
?~ cug +>.$
=+ old=zip
=. zip ~
=^ cam +>.$
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
!>(`path`(slag p.u.cug pax))
=. zip (weld zip `(list cove)`[[ost %give %reap cam] old])
?^(cam ap-pule +>.$)
++ ap-peon :: add subscriber
|= pax=path
%_ +>.$
sup.ged (~(put by sup.ged) ost [q.q.pry pax])
++ ap-poke :: apply %poke
|= cag=cage
^+ +>
=+ cug=(ap-find %poke p.cag ~)
?~ cug
(ap-give %coup `(ap-suck "no poke arm for {(trip p.cag)}"))
:: ~& [%ap-poke dap p.cag cug]
=^ tur +>.$
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
?. =(0 p.u.cug) q.cag
(slop (ap-term %tas p.cag) q.cag)
(ap-give %coup tur)
++ ap-lame :: pour error
|= [wut=@tas why=tang]
^+ +>
=+ cug=(ap-find /lame)
?~ cug
=. why [>%ap-lame dap wut< (turn why |=(a=tank rose/[~ "! " ~]^[a]~))]
~> %slog.`%*(. >[%wh %y]< +> (flop why))
=^ cam +>.$
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
!>([wut why])
?^ cam
~&([%ap-lame-lame u.cam] +>.$)
++ ap-pour :: generic take
|= [pax=path vax=vase]
^+ +>
?. &(?=([@ *] q.vax) ((sane %tas) -.q.vax))
(ap-lame %pour (ap-suck "pour: malformed card"))
=+ cug=(ap-find [-.q.vax pax])
?~ cug
(ap-lame -.q.vax (ap-suck "pour: no {(trip -.q.vax)}: {<pax>}"))
=^ cam +>.$
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
%+ slop
!>(`path`(slag p.u.cug pax))
(slot 3 vax)
?^ cam (ap-lame -.q.vax u.cam)
++ ap-purr :: unwrap take
|= [wha=term pax=path cag=cage]
^+ +>
=. q.cag (spec q.cag)
=+ cug=(ap-find [wha p.cag pax])
?~ cug
(ap-lame wha (ap-suck "{(trip wha)}: no {<`path`[p.cag pax]>}"))
=+ ^= arg ^- vase
%- slop
?: =(0 p.u.cug)
[!>(`path`pax) !>(cag)]
[!>((slag (dec p.u.cug) `path`pax)) q.cag]
=^ cam +>.$ (ap-call q.u.cug arg)
?^ cam (ap-lame q.u.cug u.cam)
++ ap-pout :: specific take
|= [pax=path cuf=cuft]
^+ +>
?- -.cuf
%coup (ap-take q.q.pry %coup +.pax `!>(p.cuf))
%diff (ap-diff q.q.pry pax p.cuf)
%doff !!
%quit (ap-take q.q.pry %quit +.pax ~)
%reap (ap-take q.q.pry %reap +.pax `!>(p.cuf))
++ ap-prep :: install
|= vux=(unit vase)
^+ +>
=^ gac +>.$ (ap-prop vux)
%= +>.$
:_(dub ?~(gac [%& dap ?~(vux %boot %bump) now] [%| u.gac]))
++ ap-prop :: install
|= vux=(unit vase)
^- [(unit tang) _+>]
?. (ap-fond %prep)
?~ vux
=+ [new=p:(slot 13 hav) old=p:(slot 13 u.vux)]
?. (~(nest ut p:(slot 13 hav)) %| p:(slot 13 u.vux))
:_(+>.$ `(ap-suck "prep mismatch"))
`+>.$(+13.q.hav +13.q.u.vux)
=^ tur +>.$
%+ ap-call %prep
?~(vux !>(~) (slop !>(~) (slot 13 u.vux)))
?~(tur `+>.$ :_(+>.$ `u.tur))
++ ap-pule :: silent delete
=+ wim=(~(get by sup.ged) ost)
?~ wim +
%_ +
sup.ged (~(del by sup.ged) ost)
qel.ged (~(del by qel.ged) ost)
++ ap-pull :: load delete
=+ wim=(~(get by sup.ged) ost)
?~ wim ~&(%ap-pull-none +)
=: sup.ged (~(del by sup.ged) ost)
qel.ged (~(del by qel.ged) ost)
=+ cug=(ap-find %pull q.u.wim)
?~ cug +>
=^ cam +>
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
!>((slag p.u.cug q.u.wim))
?^ cam (ap-lame q.u.cug u.cam)
++ ap-kill :: queue kill
~& [%ap-kill dap ost]
(ap-give:ap-pull %quit ~)
++ ap-take :: non-diff gall take
|= [her=ship cog=term pax=path vux=(unit vase)]
^+ +>
=+ cug=(ap-find cog pax)
?~ cug
~& [%ap-take-none cog pax]
=^ cam +>.$
%+ ap-call q.u.cug
=+ den=!>((slag p.u.cug pax))
?~(vux den (slop den u.vux))
?^ cam (ap-lame q.u.cug u.cam)
++ ap-safe :: process move list
|= vax=vase
^- (each (list cove) tang)
?~ q.vax [%& ~]
?@ q.vax [%| (ap-suck "move: malformed list")]
=+ sud=(ap-move (slot 2 vax))
?: ?=(%| -.sud) sud
=+ res=$(vax (slot 3 vax))
?: ?=(%| -.res) res
[%& p.sud p.res]
++ ap-sake :: handle result
|= vax=vase
^- [(unit tang) _+>]
?: ?=(@ q.vax)
[`(ap-suck "sake: invalid product (atom)") +>.$]
=+ muz=(ap-safe (slot 2 vax))
?: ?=(%| -.muz) [`p.muz +>.$]
=+ sav=(ap-save (slot 3 vax))
?: ?=(%| -.sav) [`p.sav +>.$]
:- ~
%_ +>.$
zip (weld (flop p.muz) zip)
hav p.sav
++ ap-save :: verify core
|= vax=vase
^- (each vase tang)
?. (~(nest ut p.hav) %| p.vax)
[%| (ap-suck "invalid core")]
[%& vax]
++ ap-slam :: virtual slam
|= [cog=term gat=vase arg=vase]
^- (each vase tang)
=+ wiz=(mule |.((slit p.gat p.arg)))
?: ?=(%| -.wiz)
%- =+ sam=(~(peek ut p.gat) %free 6)
(slog 0 >%ap-slam-mismatch< ~(duck ut p.arg) ~(duck ut sam) ~)
[%| (ap-suck "call: {<cog>}: type mismatch")]
=+ ton=(mong [q.gat q.arg] ap-sled)
?- -.ton
%0 [%& p.wiz p.ton]
%1 [%| (turn p.ton |=(a=* (smyt (path a))))]
%2 [%| p.ton]
++ ap-sled (mole (slod ska)) :: namespace view
++ ap-suck :: standard tang
|= msg=tape
^- tang
[%leaf (weld "gall: {<dap>}: " msg)]~
++ ap-term :: atomic vase
|= [a=@tas b=@]
^- vase
[[%cube b %atom a] b]
++ ap-vain :: card to vane
|= sep=@tas
^- (unit ,@tas)
?+ sep ~& [%ap-vain sep]
%cash `%a
%conf `%g
%deal `%g
%exec `%f
%flog `%d
%info `%c
%lynx `%c
%merg `%c
%them `%e
%wait `%t
%wont `%a :: XX for begin; remove
%warp `%c
++ call :: request
|= [hen=duct hic=(hypo (hobo kiss-gall))]
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=> .(q.hic ?.(?=(%soft -.q.hic) q.hic ((hard kiss-gall) p.q.hic)))
?- -.q.hic
?. (~(has by pol.all) p.p.q.hic)
~& [%gall-not-ours p.p.q.hic]
[~ ..^$]
mo-abet:(mo-conf:(mo-abed:mo p.p.q.hic hen) q.p.q.hic q.q.hic)
=< mo-abet
?. (~(has by pol.all) q.p.q.hic) :: either to us
?> (~(has by pol.all) p.p.q.hic) :: or from us
(mo-away:(mo-abed:mo p.p.q.hic hen) q.p.q.hic q.q.hic)
(mo-come:(mo-abed:mo q.p.q.hic hen) p.p.q.hic q.q.hic)
:: ~& [%gall-init p.q.hic]
[~ ..^$(pol.all (~(put by pol.all) p.q.hic [hen ~ ~ ~]))]
?. (~(has by pol.all) p.p.q.hic)
~& [%gall-not-ours p.q.hic]
[~ ..^$]
?> ?=([?(%k %l %r) @ ~] q.q.hic)
=+ dap=i.t.q.q.hic
=+ our=p.p.q.hic
=+ him=q.p.q.hic
=< mo-abet
(mo-gawp:(mo-abed:mo our hen) him dap s.q.hic)
?. (~(has by pol.all) p.p.q.hic)
~& [%gall-not-ours p.q.hic]
[~ ..^$]
?> ?=([?(%k %l %r) @ ~] q.q.hic)
=+ dap=i.t.q.q.hic
=+ our=p.p.q.hic
=+ him=q.p.q.hic
=+ mes=((hard ,[@ud rook]) s.q.hic)
=< mo-abet
(mo-gawk:(mo-abed:mo our hen) him dap mes)
:_ ..^$ :_ ~
:^ hen %give %mass
:- %gall
:- %|
:~ all/`all
++ doze :: sleep until
|= [now=@da hen=duct]
^- (unit ,@da)
++ load :: recreate vane
|= old=axle
^+ ..^$
..^$(all old)
++ scry
|= [fur=(unit (set monk)) ren=@tas who=ship syd=desk lot=coin tyl=path]
^- (unit (unit (pair mark ,*)))
[~ ~]
++ stay :: save w/o cache
++ take :: response
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
~| [%gall-take tea]
?> ?=([@ ?(%sys %use) *] tea)
=+ our=(need (slaw %p i.tea))
=+ mow=(mo-abed:mo our hen)
?: ?=(%sys i.t.tea)
mo-abet:(mo-cyst:mow t.t.tea q.hin)
?> ?=(%use i.t.tea)
mo-abet:(mo-cook:mow t.t.tea hin)