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module Deppy.Core where
import ClassyPrelude
import Bound
import Control.Category ((<<<), (>>>))
import Data.Deriving (deriveEq1, deriveOrd1, deriveRead1, deriveShow1)
import Data.Map (foldlWithKey)
import Numeric.Natural
type Typ = Exp
data Exp a
= Var a
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| Typ
| Fun (Abs a)
| Lam (Abs a)
| App (Exp a) (Exp a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Abs a = Abs
{ spec :: Typ a
, body :: Scope () Exp a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriveEq1 ''Abs
deriveOrd1 ''Abs
deriveRead1 ''Abs
deriveShow1 ''Abs
--makeBound ''Abs
deriveEq1 ''Exp
deriveOrd1 ''Exp
deriveRead1 ''Exp
deriveShow1 ''Exp
--makeBound ''Exp
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Abs a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Abs a)
deriving instance Read a => Read (Abs a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Abs a)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Exp a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Exp a)
deriving instance Read a => Read (Exp a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Exp a)
instance Applicative Exp where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Exp where
return = Var
Var a >>= f = f a
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Typ >>= _ = Typ
Fun a >>= f = Fun (bindAbs a f)
Lam a >>= f = Lam (bindAbs a f)
App x y >>= f = App (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
bindAbs :: Abs a -> (a -> Exp b) -> Abs b
bindAbs (Abs s b) f = Abs (s >>= f) (b >>>= f)
lam :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Exp a -> Exp a
lam v t e = Lam (Abs t (abstract1 v e))
fun :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Exp a -> Typ a
fun v t e = Fun (Abs t (abstract1 v e))
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infixl 9 @:
(@:) = App
type Env a = a -> Typ a
extend :: (b -> Typ a) -> Env a -> Env (Var b a)
extend handleNewBindings oldEnv = \case
-- TODO can we use Scope to decrease the cost of this?
B v -> F <$> handleNewBindings v
F v -> F <$> oldEnv v
extend1 :: Typ a -> Env a -> Env (Var () a)
extend1 t = extend \() -> t
type Typing = Maybe
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-- TODO maybe this should be Typing () for error reporting?
-- think about env vs instantiate for bindings; if instantiate
-- as below, should the types be different?
nest :: Eq a => Typ a -> Typ a -> Bool
nest Typ Typ = True
-- following Cardelli 80something, we check the RHSs assuming
-- the *lesser* of the LHSs for both
nest (Fun (Abs a b)) (Fun (Abs a' b')) =
nest a' a && nest (instantiate1 a' b) (instantiate1 a' b')
nest Var{} _ = error "nest: free var"
nest _ Var{} = error "nest: free var"
nest Lam{} _ = error "nest: lambda"
nest _ Lam{} = error "nest: lambda"
nest t@App{} u = nest (whnf t) u
nest t u@App{} = nest t (whnf u)
nest _ _ = False
check :: Eq a => Env a -> Exp a -> Typ a -> Typing ()
check env e t = do
t' <- infer env e
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guard (nest t t')
infer :: forall a. Eq a => Env a -> Exp a -> Typing (Typ a)
infer env = \case
Var v -> pure $ env v
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Typ -> pure $ Typ
Lam (Abs t b) -> do
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Typ <- infer env t
(toScope -> t') <- infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
pure $ Fun (Abs t t')
Fun (Abs t b) -> do
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Typ <- infer env t
Typ <- infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
pure $ Typ
App x y -> do
Fun (Abs t b) <- infer env x
check env y t
pure $ whnf (instantiate1 y b)
whnf :: Eq a => Exp a -> Exp a
whnf = \case
App (whnf -> Lam (Abs _ b)) x -> instantiate1 x b
e -> e