2019-05-08 23:00:12 +03:00
module Language.Hoon.Desugar (desugar) where
2019-04-30 02:01:18 +03:00
import Prelude
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
2019-05-08 23:00:12 +03:00
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import Language.Hoon.Types
import Language.Hoon.SpecToMold
import Language.Hoon.SpecToBunt
2019-04-30 02:01:18 +03:00
-- open:ap
desugar :: Bool -> Hoon -> BHoon
desugar fab = go
-- things that are already desugared
go (HAutocons hs) = BAutocons (map go hs)
go (HDebug s h) = BDebug s (go h)
go (Hand t nk) = BHand t nk
-- but open:ap also strips note
go (Note note h) = BNote note (go h)
go (Fits h w) = BFits (go h) w
go (Sand n nou) = BSand n nou
go (Rock n nou) = BRock n nou
go (Tune t) = BTune t
go (Lost h) = BLost (go h)
go (BarCen n b) = BBarCen n (Map.map (Map.map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))) b)
go (BarPat n b) = BBarPat n (Map.map (Map.map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))) b)
go (CenTis w cs) = BCenTis w (map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h)) cs)
go (DotKet s h) = BDotKet s (go h)
go (DotLus h) = BDotLus (go h)
go (DotTar h j) = BDotTar (go h) (go j)
go (DotTis h j) = BDotTis (go h) (go j)
go (DotWut h) = BDotWut (go h)
go (KetBar h) = BKetBar (go h)
go (KetCen h) = BKetCen (go h)
go (KetLus h j) = BKetLus (go h) (go j)
go (KetPam h) = BKetPam (go h)
go (KetSig h) = BKetSig (go h)
go (KetWut h) = BKetWut (go h)
go (SigGar hint mh j) = BSigGar hint (fmap go mh) (go j)
go (SigZap h j) = BSigZap (go h) (go j)
go (TisGar h j) = BTisGar (go h) (go j)
go (TisCom h j) = BTisCom (go h) (go j)
go (WutCol h j k) = BWutCol (go h) (go j) (go k)
go (WutHax s w) = BWutHax s w
go (ZapCom h j) = BZapCom (go h) (go j)
go (ZapMic h j) = BZapMic (go h) (go j)
go (ZapTis h) = BZapTis (go h)
go (ZapPat ws h j) = BZapPat ws (go h) (go j)
go ZapZap = BZapZap
go (H_ axis) = (BCenTis [AxisLimb axis] [])
go (HBase basetype) = go (specToMold fab (SBase basetype))
go (Bust basetype) = go (specToBunt fab (SBase basetype))
go (KetCol spec) = go (specToMold fab spec)
-- writen into open:ap even though mint:ut uses handles debug case directly
-- go (Debug h) = go h
go (Error msg) = error ("%slog.[0 leaf/" ++ msg ++ "]")
go (Knit woofs) = error "TODO: implement %knit desugar"
go (HLeaf name atom) = go (specToMold fab (SLeaf name atom))
go (Limb name) = (BCenTis [NameLimb name] [])
go (Wing wing) = (BCenTis wing [])
go (Tell hs) = go (CenCol (Limb "noah") [ZapGar (ColTar hs)])
go (Yell hs) = go (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar (ColTar hs)])
go (Xray _) = error "TODO: %xray not implemented"
-- TODO implement bars
go (ColKet h1 h2 h3 h4) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2, h3, h4])
go (ColLus h1 h2 h3) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2, h3])
go (ColCab h1 h2) = BAutocons (map go [h2, h1])
go (ColHep h1 h2) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2])
go (ColSig hs) = BAutocons (map go hs ++ [BRock "n" (Atom 0)])
go (ColTar (h :| hs)) = BAutocons (go h : map go hs)
go (KetTar spec) = BKetSig (go (specToBunt fab spec))
-- CenTis, but the product is cast to the type of the old value
go (CenCab wing changes) = BKetLus (go (Wing wing))
(BCenTis wing (desugarChanges changes))
go (CenDot h1 h2) = go (CenCol h2 [h1])
go (CenKet h1 h2 h3 h4) = go (CenCol h1 [h2, h3, h4])
go (CenLus h1 h2 h3) = go (CenCol h1 [h2, h3])
go (CenHep h1 h2) = go (CenCol h1 [h2])
-- the implementation that "probably should work, but doesn't"
go (CenCol h hs)
= go (CenTar [NameLimb ""] h [([AxisLimb 6], HAutocons hs)])
-- in lieu of the "electroplating" implementation
go (CenSig wing h hs) = go (CenTar wing h [([AxisLimb 6], HAutocons hs)])
go (CenTar wing h changes)
| null changes = BTisGar (go (Wing wing)) (go h)
| otherwise = go (TisLus h (CenTis (wing ++ [AxisLimb 2]) changes))
go (KetDot h j) = BKetLus (go (CenCol h [j])) (go j)
go (KetHep spec h) = BKetLus (go (specToBunt fab spec)) (go h)
go (KetTis skin h) = go (grip skin h)
go (SigBar h j) = BSigGar "mean" (Just (hint h)) (go j)
hint (Sand "tas" x) = (BRock "tas" x)
hint (HDebug _ h) = hint h
hint h = go (BarDot (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar (TisGar (H_ 3) h)]))
go (SigCab h j) = BSigGar "mean" (Just (go (BarDot h))) (go j)
go (SigCen chum h tyre j) = error "desugar: TODO ~% not supported"
go (SigFas chum h) = error "desugar: TODO ~/ not supported"
go (SigLed n mh j) = BTisGar (go j) (BSigGar n (fmap go mh) (go (H_ 1)))
go (SigBuc name h)
= BSigGar "live" (Just (BRock "" (nameToAtom name))) (go h)
go (SigLus atom h) = BSigGar "memo" (Just (BRock "" (Atom atom))) (go h)
go (SigPam atom h j)
= BSigGar
(Just (BAutocons [BSand "" (Atom atom)
, go (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar j])]))
(go j)
go (SigTis h j) = BSigGar "germ" (Just (go h)) (go j)
go (SigWut atom h j k)
= go (TisLus
(WutDot j (Bust SNull) (HAutocons [Bust SNull, k]))
[AxisLimb 2]
(TisGar (H_ 3) k)
(SigPam atom (H_ 5) (TisGar (H_ 3) k))))
-- TODO mic runes
go (TisBar h j) = go (TisLus (specToBunt fab h) j)
--go (TisTar name Nothing h j) = BTisGar (BTune Tone) j
--go (TisTar name (Just spec) h j) = undefined
go (TisCol chs h) = BTisGar (go (CenCab [AxisLimb 1] chs)) (go h)
go (TisFas skin h j) = go (TisLus (KetTis skin h) j)
go (TisDot w h j) = BTisGar (go (CenCab [AxisLimb 1] [(w, h)])) (go j)
go (TisWut w h j k) = go (TisDot w (WutCol h j (Wing w)) k)
--go (TisKet skin wing h j)
-- = BTisGar
-- (go (KetTis
go (TisLed h j) = BTisGar (go j) (go h)
go (TisLus h j) = BTisGar (go (HAutocons [h, (H_ 1)])) (go j)
go (TisHep h j) = go (TisLus j h)
go (TisSig hs) = foldr BTisGar (go (H_ 1)) (map go hs)
go (WutBar hs)
= foldr
(\h r -> BWutCol (go h) (BRock "f" (Atom 0)) r)
(BRock "f" (Atom 1))
go (WutPam hs)
= foldr
(\h r -> BWutCol (go h) r (BRock"f" (Atom 1)))
(BRock "f" (Atom 0))
go (WutDot h j k) = BWutCol (go h) (go k) (go j)
go (WutLed h j) = BWutCol (go h) BZapZap (go j)
go (WutGar h j) = BWutCol (go h) (go j) BZapZap
go (WutKet wing h j)
= BWutCol (go (WutTis (SBase (SAtom "")) wing)) (go h) (go j)
--go (WutKet
go (ZapWut (Left vers) h)
| vers >= hoonVersion = go h
| otherwise = error "hoon-version"
go (ZapWut (Right (lower, upper)) h)
| lower <= hoonVersion && hoonVersion <= upper = go h
| otherwise = error "hoon-version"
desugarChanges = map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))
grip :: Skin -> Hoon -> Hoon
grip = error "grip not implemented"