
635 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
:: :: ::
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
:::: /hook/core/dojo/app :: ::::
:: :: ::
/? 314 :: arvo kelvin
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
/- *console :: console structures
/+ console :: console library
:: :: ::
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
:::: :: ::::
!: :: ::
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
=> |% :: external structures
++ house :: all state
$: hoc=(map bone session) :: conversations
== ::
++ session :: per conversation
$: say=console-share :: command-line state
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
syd=desk :: active desk
luc=(unit case) :: special case
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
poy=(unit dojo-project) :: working
var=(map term cage) :: variable state
old=(set term) :: used TLVs
== ::
++ dojo-command ::
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
$% [%poke p=goal q=dojo-source] :: make and poke
[%save p=term q=dojo-source] :: save/print
[%show p=dojo-source] :: print
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
== ::
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dojo-source :: construction node
$: p=@ud :: assembly index
q=dojo-build :: general build
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
== ::
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dojo-build :: one ford step
$& [p=dojo-build q=dojo-build] :: build cell
$% [%ex p=twig] :: hoon expression
[%fi p=(list dojo-filter) q=dojo-build] :: filter pipeline
[%fo p=dojo-model] :: form
[%sc p=dojo-model] :: script
[%va p=term] :: dojo variable
== ::
++ dojo-filter :: pipeline filter
$% [%a p=twig] :: direct gate
[%b p=mark] :: simple transmute
[%c p=dojo-model] :: full filter
== ::
++ dojo-model :: data construction
$: p=dojo-server :: core source
q=dojo-config :: configuration
== ::
++ dojo-server :: numbered device
$: p=@ud :: assembly index
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
q=path :: gate path
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
== ::
++ dojo-config :: configuration
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
$: p=(list dojo-source) :: by order
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
q=(map term (unit dojo-source)) :: by keyword
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
== ::
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dojo-problem (each dojo-source dojo-server) :: construction problem
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ dojo-project :: construction state
$: mad=dojo-command :: operation
num=@ud :: number of tasks
cur=@ud :: currently solving
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
pro=(unit vase) :: prompting loop
idl=? :: not calling ford
per=(unit console-edit) :: pending reverse
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
job=(map ,@ud dojo-problem) :: problems
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
rez=(map ,@ud cage) :: results
== ::
++ bead ,[p=(set beam) q=cage] :: computed result
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ goal ,[p=ship q=term] :: flat application
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%mean p=ares] :: error
[%nice ~] :: acknowledge
[%rush %console-effect console-effect] ::
== ::
++ hapt ,[p=ship q=path] ::
++ move ,[p=bone q=(mold note gift)] ::
++ hood :: assembly plan
$: zus=@ud :: zuse kelvin
sur=(list hoot) :: structures
lib=(list hoof) :: libraries
fan=(list horn) :: resources
src=(list hoop) :: program
== ::
++ hoof (pair term (unit (pair case ship))) :: resource reference
++ hoot (pair bean hoof) :: structure gate/core
++ hoop :: source in hood
$% [%& p=twig] :: direct twig
[%| p=beam] :: resource location
== ::
++ horn :: resource tree
$% [%ape p=twig] :: /~ twig by hand
[%arg p=twig] :: /$ argument
[%day p=horn] :: /| list by @dr
[%dub p=term q=horn] :: /= apply face
[%fan p=(list horn)] :: /. list
[%for p=path q=horn] :: /, descend
2015-03-06 01:58:04 +03:00
[%hel p=@ud q=horn] :: /% propagate heel
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
[%hub p=horn] :: /@ list by @ud
[%man p=(map span horn)] :: /* hetero map
[%nap p=horn] :: /_ homo map
[%now p=horn] :: /& list by @da
[%saw p=twig q=horn] :: /; operate on
[%see p=beam q=horn] :: /: relative to
[%sic p=tile q=horn] :: /^ cast
[%toy p=mark] :: /mark/ static
== ::
2015-03-06 01:58:04 +03:00
++ silk :: construction layer
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
$& [p=silk q=silk] :: cons
$% [%bake p=mark q=beam r=path] :: local synthesis
[%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: general synthesis
[%call p=silk q=silk] :: slam
[%cast p=mark q=silk] :: translate
[%done p=(set beam) q=cage] :: literal
[%dude p=tank q=silk] :: error wrap
[%dune p=(set beam) q=(unit cage)] :: unit literal
[%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: mutant
[%plan p=beam q=spur r=hood] :: structured assembly
[%reef ~] :: kernel reef
[%ride p=twig q=silk] :: silk thru twig
[%vale p=mark q=ship r=*] :: validate [our his]
== ::
++ note-ford :: note to ford
$% [%exec p=@p q=(unit silk)] :: make / kill
== ::
++ note-gall :: note to %gall
$% [%mess p=[p=ship q=path] q=ship r=cage] ::
== ::
++ sign-gall :: sign from %gall
$% [%mean p=ares] ::
[%nice ~] ::
== ::
++ sign-ford :: sign from ford
$% [%made p=(each bead (list tank))] :: computed result
== ::
++ note :: out request $->
$% [%f note-ford] ::
[%g note-gall] ::
== ::
++ sign :: in result $<-
$% [%f sign-ford] ::
[%g sign-gall] ::
== ::
-- ::
:: ::
:::: ::
:: ::
|_ $: hid=hide :: system state
house :: program state
== ::
++ he :: per session
|_ [[ost=bone moz=(list move)] session] ::
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dp :: dojo parser
++ dp-command :: ++dojo-command
%+ knee *dojo-command |. ~+
;~ pose
%+ stag %poke
;~ pfix zap
;~(plug dp-goal ;~(pfix ace dp-source))
%+ stag %save
;~ pfix tis
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix ace dp-source))
(stag %show dp-source)
++ dp-source (stag 0 dp-build) :: ++dojo-source
++ dp-build :: ++dojo-build
%+ knee *dojo-build |. ~+
;~ pose
(ifix [sel ser] dp-many)
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
;~(pfix col (stag %fo dp-model-gun))
;~(pfix bar (stag %sc dp-model-sic))
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
;~(pfix buc (stag %va sym))
(stag %ex dp-twig)
++ dp-many :: ++dojo-build
%+ cook
|= a=(list dojo-build)
^- dojo-build
?~(a !! ?~(t.a i.a [i.a $(a t.a)]))
(most ace dp-build)
++ dp-goal :: ++goal
%+ cook |=(a=goal a)
;~ pose
;~ plug
;~(pfix sig fed:ag)
;~(pfix fas sym)
(cook |=(a=term `goal`[our.hid a]) sym)
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
++ dp-model-gun ;~(plug dp-server-gun dp-config) :: ++dojo-model
++ dp-model-sic ;~(plug dp-server-sic dp-config) :: ++dojo-model
++ dp-server-gun (stag 0 (stag %gun dp-device)) :: ++dojo-server
++ dp-server-sic (stag 0 (stag %sic dp-device)) :: ++dojo-server
++ dp-twig wide:(vang & ~) :: ++twig
++ dp-device (most fas sym) :: ++dojo-device
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dp-value :: ++dojo-source
%+ cook |=(a=dojo-source a)
%+ stag 0
;~ pose
(ifix [kel ker] dp-many)
(stag %va ;~(pfix buc sym))
(stag %ex dp-twig)
++ dp-config :: ++dojo-config
%+ cook |=(a=dojo-config a)
;~ plug
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
(more ace dp-value)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
%+ cook
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
~(gas by *(map term (unit dojo-source)))
%+ more
;~(plug com ace)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
;~ plug
;~(pfix tis sym)
;~ pose
;~(pfix ace (stag ~ dp-value))
(easy ~)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ dy :: project work
|_ dojo-project ::
++ dy-abet +>(poy `+<) :: resolve
++ dy-amok +>(poy ~) :: terminate
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-ford :: silk to ford
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
|= [pax=path kas=silk]
^+ +>+>
(he-pass(poy `+>+<(idl %|)) pax %f %exec our.hid `kas)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-slam :: call by ford
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
|= [pax=path gat=vase sam=vase]
^+ +>+>
(dy-ford pax %call [%done ~ %noun gat] [%done ~ %noun sam])
++ dy-rush :: send effects, abet
|= fec=console-effect
^+ +>+>
(he-rush(poy `+>+<) fec)
++ dy-rash :: send effects, amok
|= fec=console-effect
^+ +>+>
(he-rush(poy ~) fec)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-init-command :: ++dojo-command
|= mad=dojo-command
^+ [mad +>]
?- -.mad
%poke =^(src +>.$ (dy-init-source q.mad) [[%poke p.mad src] +>.$])
%save =^(src +>.$ (dy-init-source q.mad) [[%save p.mad src] +>.$])
%show =^(src +>.$ (dy-init-source p.mad) [[%show p.mad] +>.$])
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
++ dy-init-source-unit :: (unit dojo-source)
|= urc=(unit dojo-source)
^+ [urc +>]
?~ urc [~ +>]
=^ src +> (dy-init-source u.urc)
[`src +>.$]
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-init-source :: ++dojo-source
|= src=dojo-source
^+ [src +>]
=^ bul +> (dy-init-build q.src)
=: p.src num
q.src bul
[src +>.$(num +(num), job (~(put by job) num [%& src]))]
++ dy-init-build :: ++dojo-build
|= bul=dojo-build
^+ [bul +>]
?^ -.bul
=^ one +>.$ $(bul -.bul)
=^ two +>.$ $(bul +.bul)
[[one two] +>.$]
?- -.bul
%ex [bul +>.$]
%fi !!
%fo =^(mod +>.$ (dy-init-model p.bul) [[%fo mod] +>.$])
%sc !!
%va [bul +>.$]
++ dy-init-model :: ++dojo-model
|= mol=dojo-model
^+ [mol +>]
=^ one +>.$ (dy-init-server p.mol)
=^ two +>.$ (dy-init-config q.mol)
[[one two] +>.$]
++ dy-init-server :: ++dojo-server
|= srv=dojo-server
=. p.srv num
[srv +>.$(num +(num), job (~(put by job) num [%| srv]))]
++ dy-init-config :: prepare config
|= cig=dojo-config
^+ [cig +>]
=^ ord +>.$ (dy-init-ordered p.cig)
=^ key +>.$ (dy-init-named q.cig)
[[ord key] +>.$]
++ dy-init-ordered :: (list dojo-source)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
|= ord=(list dojo-source)
^+ [ord +>]
?~ ord [~ +>.$]
=^ fir +>.$ (dy-init-source i.ord)
=^ mor +>.$ $(ord t.ord)
[[fir mor] +>.$]
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-init-named :: (map @tas dojo-src)
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
|= key=(map term (unit dojo-source))
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
^+ [key +>.$]
?~ key [~ +>.$]
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
=^ top +>.$ (dy-init-source-unit q.n.key)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
=^ lef +>.$ $(key l.key)
=^ rit +>.$ $(key r.key)
[[[p.n.key top] lef rit] +>.$]
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-init :: full initialize
^+ .
=^(dam . (dy-init-command mad) +(mad dam))
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
++ dy-work :: console action
|= act=console-action
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
?- -.act
%det (he-stir +.act)
%ret (he-done (tufa buf.say))
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
++ dy-hand :: complete step
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
|= cag=cage
^+ +>+>
dy-step(cur +(cur), rez (~(put by rez) cur cag))
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
++ dy-meal :: vase to cage
|= vax=vase
?. &(?=(@ -.q.vax) !((sane %tas) -.q.vax))
~& %dy-meal-cage
(dy-rash %bel ~)
(dy-hand -.q.vax (slot 3 vax))
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
++ dy-made-edit :: console edit
|= cag=cage
^+ +>+>
?> ?=(^ per)
?^ q.q.cag
~& %dy-made-edit-good
dy-abet(per ~)
~& %dy-made-edit-bad
=^ lic say (~(transmit cs say) u.per)
(dy-rush(per ~) %mor [%bel ~] [%det lic] ~)
++ dy-made-make :: created prompt
|= cag=cage
^+ +>+>
~& %dy-made-make
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
(dy-slam /dial q.cag !>(~))
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
++ dy-made-dial :: dialog product
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
|= cag=cage
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
^+ +>+>
?. ?=([~ ~ *] q.q.cag)
~& %dy-made-dial-fail
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
(dy-rash %bel ~)
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
=+ tan=((list tank) +14.q.cag)
=+ vax=(spec (slot 15 q.cag))
?+ -.q.vax !!
?~ +<.q.vax
~& %dy-made-dial-abort
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
(dy-rash %bel ~)
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
(dy-meal (slot 7 vax))
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
(dy-rush(pro `(slot 2 vax)) %pro (console-prompt +.q.vax))
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
++ dy-done :: submit
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
|= txt=tape
~& %dy-done
?> ?=(^ pro)
(dy-slam /dial u.pro (slop [[%atom %n] ~] !>(txt)))
++ dy-over :: finish construction
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
^+ +>
?- -.mad
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
%- he-pass(poy ~)
:* /poke
[p.p.mad [q.p.mad ~]]
(~(got by rez) p.q.mad)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
dy-amok(var (~(put by var) p.mad (~(got by rez) p.q.mad)))
(dy-rash %tan (sell q:(~(got by rez) p.p.mad)) ~)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
++ dy-edit :: handle edit
|= cal=console-change
^+ +>+>
=+ old=buf.say
=^ dat say (~(receive cs say) cal)
=. dat (~(inverse cs say(buf old)) dat)
?: |(?=(^ per) !idl ?=(~ pro))
~& %dy-edit-busy
=^ lic say (~(transmit cs say) dat)
(dy-rush %mor [%det lic] [%bel ~] ~)
(dy-slam(per `dat) /edit u.pro !>(buf.say))
++ dy-work :: handle input
|= act=console-action
^+ +>+>
?- -.act
%det (dy-edit +.act)
%ret (dy-done (tufa buf.say))
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
++ dy-cage |=(num=@ud (~(got by rez) num)) :: known cage
++ dy-vase |=(num=@ud q:(dy-cage num)) :: known vase
++ dy-silk-vase |=(vax=vase [%done ~ %noun vax]) :: vase to silk
++ dy-silk-form :: configure
|= [cag=cage cig=dojo-config]
^- silk
:+ %ride [%cnzy %$]
:+ %mute [%done ~ cag]
^- (list (pair wing silk))
:* :- [[~ 12] ~]
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
(dy-silk-vase !>([he-beak lat.hid]))
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
:- [[~ 46] ~]
%- dy-silk-vase
|- ^- vase
?~ p.cig !>(~)
(slop (dy-vase p.i.p.cig) $(p.cig t.p.cig))
%+ turn (~(tap by q.cig))
|= [a=term b=(unit dojo-source)]
^- (pair wing silk)
:- [a [~ 47] ~]
%- dy-silk-vase
?~(b !>([~ ~]) (dy-vase p.u.b))
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ dy-silk-build :: build to silk
|= bul=dojo-build
^- silk
?^ -.bul [$(bul -.bul) $(bul +.bul)]
?+ -.bul !!
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
%fo (dy-silk-form (dy-cage p.p.p.bul) q.p.bul)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
%ex [%ride p.bul [%reef ~]]
++ dy-silk-device :: device to silk
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
|= pax=path
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
^- silk
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
[%boil %gate [he-beak pax] ~]
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ dy-step :: advance project
^+ +>
?: =(cur num)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
=+ pob=(~(got by job) cur)
?- -.pob
%& (dy-ford /hand (dy-silk-build q.p.pob))
%| (dy-ford /make (dy-silk-device q.p.pob))
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ he-dope :: sole user of ++dp
|= txt=tape ::
^- (each (unit dojo-command) hair) :: prefix/result
=+ vex=(dp-command:dp [1 1] txt)
?. =(+((lent txt)) q.p.vex) :: fully parsed
[%| p.vex] :: syntax error
[%& ?~(q.vex ~ `p.u.q.vex)] :: prefix/complete
++ he-duke :: ++he-dope variant
|= txt=tape
^- (each dojo-command ,@ud)
=+ foy=(he-dope txt)
?- -.foy
%| [%| q.p.foy]
%& ?~(p.foy [%| (lent txt)] [%& u.p.foy])
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ he-abet :: resolve
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
[(flop moz) %_(+> hoc (~(put by hoc) ost +<+))]
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
++ he-beak :: logical beam
^- beak
[our.hid syd ?^(luc u.luc [%da lat.hid])]
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ he-give :: emit gift
|= git=gift
^+ +>
%_(+> moz [[ost %give git] moz])
++ he-pass
|= [pax=path noy=note]
%_(+> moz [[ost %pass pax noy] moz])
++ he-rush :: emit update
|= fec=console-effect
^+ +>
(he-give %rush %console-effect fec)
++ he-peer :: subscribe to
++ he-prom :: send prompt
%- he-rush
:- %pro
[& %$ (tuba (weld (scow %p our.hid) ":dojo> "))]
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ he-ford :: result from ford
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
|= [pax=path rey=(each bead (list tank))]
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ poy)
?- -.rey
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
%& =+ dye=~(. dy u.poy)
=. idl.dye &
?+ pax ~&(%he-ford-path !!)
[%hand ~] (dy-hand:dye q.p.rey)
[%dial ~] (dy-made-dial:dye q.p.rey)
[%make ~] (dy-made-make:dye q.p.rey)
[%edit ~] (dy-made-edit:dye q.p.rey)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
%| ~& [%he-ford-fail pax]
(he-rush(poy ~) %tan p.rey)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
++ he-like :: accept line
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
|= buf=(list ,@c)
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
=(%& -:(he-dope (tufa buf)))
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ he-stir :: apply change
|= cal=console-change
^+ +>
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
=^ dut say (~(remit cs say) cal he-like)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
?~ dut
(he-rush %mor [%det u.dut] [%bel ~] ~)
++ he-plan :: execute command
|= mad=dojo-command
^+ +>
?> ?=(~ poy)
=< dy-step
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
~(dy-init dy mad [0 0 ~ %& ~ ~ ~])
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ he-done :: parse command
|= txt=tape
^+ +>
2015-03-06 12:11:01 +03:00
=+ doy=(he-duke txt)
?- -.doy
%- he-rush
:~ %mor
[%tan [%leaf "syntax error at {<p.doy>}"]~]
[%bel ~]
=+ old=(weld "> " (tufa buf.say))
=^ cal say (~(transmit cs say) [%set ~])
%. p.doy
=< he-plan
%- he-rush
:~ %mor
[%txt old]
[%nex ~]
[%det cal]
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ he-work :: apply input
|= act=console-action
^+ +>
2015-03-06 00:22:39 +03:00
?^ poy
(~(dy-work dy u.poy) act)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
?- -.act
%det (he-stir +.act)
%ret (he-done (tufa buf.say))
++ peer
|= [ost=bone her=ship pax=path]
^- [(list move) _+>]
?< (~(has by hoc) ost)
?> =(/console pax)
?> =(her our.hid)
2015-03-08 23:19:39 +03:00
=< he-abet
%~ he-peer he
:- [ost ~]
^- session
:* *console-share :: say=console-share
%main :: syd=desk
~ :: luc=(unit case)
~ :: poy=(unit dojo-project)
~ :: var=(map term cage)
~ :: old=(set term)
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
++ poke-console-action
|= [ost=bone her=ship act=console-action]
^- [(list move) _+>]
he-abet:(~(he-work he [ost [ost %give %nice ~]~] (~(got by hoc) ost)) act)
++ pour
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
|= [ost=bone pax=path sih=sign]
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
^- [(list move) _+>]
2015-03-07 23:39:54 +03:00
:: ~& [%dojo-pour pax]
2015-02-22 01:42:36 +03:00
?- -.sih
he-abet:(~(he-ford he [[ost ~] (~(got by hoc) ost)]) pax +>.sih)
%g !!