2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
window.urb.seqn_s = 0
window.urb.send = function(params,cb) {
throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.send.")
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
if(!params.appl) {
2014-08-15 01:15:40 +04:00
throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.send.")
params.appl = urb.appl
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
if(!params.data) { params.data = {}; }
var method, perm, url, $this
type = params.type ? params.type : "mes"
perm = this.perms[type]
params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship
2014-10-24 01:09:39 +04:00
params.mark = params.mark ? params.mark : "json"
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
method = "put"
url = [perm,this.user,this.port,this.seqn_s]
url = "/"+url.join("/")
$this = this
this.qreq(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) {
if(err) { $this.seqn_s--; }
if(cb) { cb.apply(this,arguments); }
window.urb.subscribe = function(params,cb) {
throw new Error("You must supply a callback to urb.subscribe.")
throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.subscribe.")
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
if(!params.appl) {
2014-08-15 01:15:40 +04:00
throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.subscribe.")
params.appl = urb.appl
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
throw new Error("You must specify a path for urb.subscribe.")
params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship
var method, perm, url, $this
params.type = "sub"
this.cabs[this.gsig(params)] = cb
url = [this.perms["sub"],this.user,this.port]
url = "/"+url.join("/")
method = "put"
$this = this
this.qreq(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) {
2014-08-05 22:45:59 +04:00
if(cb) { cb.apply(this,[err,{status: data.status, data: data.data}])}
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
if(!err && $this.puls == 0) {
params.type = "pol"
2014-07-17 06:10:13 +04:00
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
2014-07-17 06:10:13 +04:00
2014-07-29 03:17:59 +04:00
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
window.urb.unsubscribe = function(params,cb) {
throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.unsubscribe.")
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
if(!params.appl) {
2014-08-15 01:15:40 +04:00
throw new Error("You must specify an appl for urb.unsubscribe.")
params.appl = urb.appl
2014-08-18 12:41:01 +04:00
2014-08-01 03:57:35 +04:00
throw new Error("You must specify a path for urb.unsubscribe.")
params.ship = params.ship ? params.ship : this.ship
method = "put"
type = "uns"
url = [this.perms[type],this.user,this.port]
url = "/"+url.join("/")
var $this = this
this.req(method,url,params,true,function(err,data) {
$this.cabs[$this.gsig(params)]('subscription closed')
delete $this.cabs[$this.gsig(params)]