
614 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

:: gaze: azimuth statistics
:: general flow:
:: - receive events
:: - process events whose timestamp is known
:: - request timestamps for unknown block numbers (if not already running)
:: - receive timestamps, process events
/- eth-watcher
/+ default-agent, verb
=, ethereum
=, azimuth
=> |%
+$ state-0
$: %0
:: qued: event logs waiting on block timestamp, oldest first
:: time: timstamps of block numbers
:: seen: events sorted by timestamp, newest first
:: days: stats by day, newest first
running=(unit @ta)
time=(map @ud @da)
seen=(list [wen=@da wat=event])
days=(list [day=@da sat=stats])
+$ loglist loglist:eth-watcher
+$ event
$% [%azimuth who=ship dif=diff-point]
[%invite by=ship of=ship gift=ship to=address]
+$ stats
$: spawned=(list @p)
activated=(list @p)
transfer-p=(list @p)
transferred=(list @p)
configured=(list @p)
breached=(list @p)
request=(list @p)
sponsor=(list @p)
management-p=(list @p)
voting-p=(list @p)
spawn-p=(list @p)
invites-senders=(list @p)
+$ card card:agent:gall
++ node-url 'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545'
++ refresh-rate ~h1
=| state-0
=* state -
%+ verb |
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
do ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
[setup-cards:do this]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
^- (quip card _this)
[~ this(state !<(state-0 old))]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> ?=(%noun mark)
=/ =noun !<(noun vase)
|- ^- [cards=(list card) =_this]
?+ noun ~|([dap.bowl %unknown-poke noun] !!)
:_ this
:~ leave-eth-watcher:do
:- cards:$(noun %reconnect)
this(qued ~, seen ~, days ~)
:_ this:$(noun %reset)
:~ leave-eth-watcher:do
[export:do this]
~& latest=(turn (scag 5 seen) head)
~& oldest=(turn (slag (sub (max 5 (lent seen)) 5) seen) head)
~& :- 'order is'
=- ?:(sane 'sane' 'insane')
%+ roll seen
|= [[this=@da *] last=@da sane=?]
:- this
?: =(*@da last) &
(lte this last)
~& time=~(wyt by time)
~& qued=(lent qued)
~& days=(lent days)
[~ this]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?. =(/watcher wire) [~ this]
[[watch-eth-watcher:do]~ this]
?+ wire (on-agent:def wire sign)
[%watcher ~]
?. ?=(%eth-watcher-diff p.cage.sign)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
%- handle-eth-watcher-diff:do
!<(diff:eth-watcher q.cage.sign)
[cards this]
[%timestamps @ ~]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
=/ =tank leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} thread failed; will retry"
%- (slog tank leaf+<term> tang)
=^ cards state
[cards this]
=^ cards state
%- save-timestamps:do
!<((list [@ud @da]) q.cage.sign)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ +<.sign-arvo ~|([dap.bowl %strange-arvo-sign +<.sign-arvo] !!)
?: =(/export wire)
[[wait-export:do export:do] this]
?: =(/watch wire)
[[watch-eth-watcher:do]~ this]
~& [dap.bowl %strange-wake wire]
[~ this]
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ =bowl:gall
++ setup-cards
^- (list card)
:~ wait-export
:: we punt on subscribing to the eth-watcher for a little while.
:: this way we get a %history diff containing all past events,
:: instead of so many individual %log diffs that we bail meme.
:: (to repro, replace this with `watch-eth-watcher`)
++ wait
|= [=wire =@dr]
^- card
[%pass wire %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl dr)]
++ wait-export (wait /export refresh-rate)
++ to-eth-watcher
|= [=wire =task:agent:gall]
^- card
[%pass wire %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] task]
++ setup-eth-watcher
%+ to-eth-watcher /setup
:+ %poke %eth-watcher-poke
!> ^- poke:eth-watcher
:+ %watch /[dap.bowl]
:* node-url
~[azimuth delegated-sending]:mainnet-contracts
:: see also comment in +setup-cards
++ await-eth-watcher (wait /watch ~m30)
++ watch-eth-watcher
%+ to-eth-watcher /watcher
[%watch /logs/[dap.bowl]]
++ leave-eth-watcher
%+ to-eth-watcher /watcher
[%leave ~]
++ clear-eth-watcher
%+ to-eth-watcher /clear
:+ %poke %eth-watcher-poke
!> ^- poke:eth-watcher
[%clear /logs/[dap.bowl]]
++ poke-spider
|= [=wire =cage]
^- card
[%pass wire %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke cage]
++ watch-spider
|= [=wire =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass wire %agent [our.bowl %spider] %watch sub-path]
:: +handle-eth-watcher-diff: process new logs, clear state on rollback
:: processes logs for which we know the timestamp
:: adds timestamp-less logs to queue
++ handle-eth-watcher-diff
|= =diff:eth-watcher
^- (quip card _state)
=^ logs state
^- [loglist _state]
?- -.diff
%history ~& [%got-history (lent loglist.diff)]
[loglist.diff state(qued ~, seen ~)]
%log ~& %got-log
[[event-log.diff ~] state]
%disavow ~& %disavow-unimplemented
[~ state]
%- process-logs
%+ skip logs
|= =event-log:rpc
%- is-lockup-block
block-number:(need mined.event-log)
:: +is-lockup-block: whether the block contains lockup/ignorable transactions
:: this is the stupid dumb equivalent to actually identifying lockup
:: transactions procedurally, which is still in git history, but didn't
:: work quite right for unidentified reasons
++ is-lockup-block
|= num=@ud
^- ?
%+ roll
^- (list [@ud @ud])
:~ [7.050.978 7.051.038]
|= [[start=@ud end=@ud] in=_|]
?: in &
&((gte num start) (lte num end))
:: +request-timestamps: request block timestamps for the logs as necessary
:: will come back as a thread result
++ request-timestamps
^- (quip card _state)
?~ qued [~ state]
?^ running [~ state]
=/ tid=@ta
%+ scot %ta
:((cury cat 3) dap.bowl '_' (scot %uv eny.bowl))
:_ state(running `tid)
:~ (watch-spider /timestamps/[tid] /thread-result/[tid])
%+ poke-spider /timestamps/[tid]
:- %spider-start
=- !>([~ `tid %eth-get-timestamps -])
!> ^- [@t (list @ud)]
:- node-url
=- ~(tap in -)
%- ~(gas in *(set @ud))
^- (list @ud)
%+ turn qued
|= log=event-log:rpc
block-number:(need mined.log)
:: +save-timestamps: store timestamps into state
++ save-timestamps
|= timestamps=(list [@ud @da])
^- (quip card _state)
=. time (~(gas by time) timestamps)
=. running ~
(process-logs ~)
:: +process-logs: handle new incoming logs
++ process-logs
|= new=loglist :: oldest first
^- (quip card _state)
=. qued (weld qued new)
?~ qued [~ state]
=- %_ request-timestamps
qued (flop rest) :: oldest first
seen (weld logs seen) :: newest first
days (count-events (flop logs)) :: oldest first
%+ roll `loglist`qued
|= [log=event-log:rpc [rest=loglist logs=(list [wen=@da wat=event])]]
:: to ensure logs are processed in sane order,
:: stop processing as soon as we skipped one
?^ rest [[log rest] logs]
=/ tim=(unit @da)
%- ~(get by time)
block-number:(need mined.log)
?~ tim [[log rest] logs]
:- rest
=+ ven=(event-log-to-event log)
?~ ven logs
[[u.tim u.ven] logs]
:: +event-log-to-event: turn raw log into gaze noun
++ event-log-to-event
|= log=event-log:rpc
^- (unit event)
?: =(azimuth:mainnet-contracts address.log)
=+ (event-log-to-point-diff log)
?~ - ~
?: =(delegated-sending:mainnet-contracts address.log)
?. .= i.topics.log
=+ ^- [of=@ pool=@] ::TODO =/
~| t.topics.log
%+ decode-topics:abi:ethereum t.topics.log
~[%uint %uint]
=+ ^- [by=@ gift=@ to=@] ::TODO =/
~| data.log
%+ decode-topics:abi:ethereum
%+ rash data.log
=- ;~(pfix (jest '0x') -)
%+ stun [3 3]
(bass 16 (stun [64 64] hit))
~[%uint %uint %address]
`invite+[by of gift to]
:: +count-events: add events to the daily stats
++ count-events
|= logs=_seen :: oldest first
^+ days
=/ head=[day=@da sat=stats]
?^ days i.days
*[@da stats]
=+ tail=?~(days ~ t.days)
:: when done, store updated head, but only if it's set
?~ logs
?: =(*[@da stats] head) tail
[head tail]
=* log i.logs
:: calculate day for current event, set head if unset
=/ day=@da
(sub wen.log (mod wen.log ~d1))
=? day.head =(*@da day.head) day
:: same day as head, so add to it
?: =(day day.head)
%_ $
sat.head (count-event wat.log sat.head)
logs t.logs
~| [%weird-new-day old=day.head new=day]
?> (gth day day.head)
:: newer day than head of days, so start new head
%_ $
tail [head tail]
head [day *stats]
:: +count-event: add event to the stats, if it's relevant
++ count-event
|= [eve=event sat=stats]
^- stats
?- -.eve
%invite sat(invites-senders [by.eve invites-senders.sat])
?+ -.dif.eve sat
%spawned sat(spawned [who.dif.eve spawned.sat])
%activated sat(activated [who.eve activated.sat])
%transfer-proxy ?: =(0x0 new.dif.eve) sat
sat(transfer-p [who.eve transfer-p.sat])
%owner sat(transferred [who.eve transferred.sat])
%keys sat(configured [who.eve configured.sat])
%continuity sat(breached [who.eve breached.sat])
%escape ?~ new.dif.eve sat
sat(request [who.eve request.sat])
%sponsor ?. has.new.dif.eve sat
sat(sponsor [who.eve sponsor.sat])
%management-proxy sat(management-p [who.eve management-p.sat])
%voting-proxy sat(voting-p [who.eve voting-p.sat])
%spawn-proxy sat(spawn-p [who.eve spawn-p.sat])
:: +export: periodically export data
++ export
^- (list card)
:~ (export-move %days (export-days days))
(export-move %months (export-months days))
(export-move %events export-raw)
:: +export-move: %info move to write exported .txt
++ export-move
|= [nom=@t dat=(list @t)]
^- card
=- [%pass /export/[nom] %arvo %c %info -]
%+ foal:space:userlib
/(scot %p our.bowl)/home/(scot %da now.bowl)/gaze-exports/[nom]/txt
[%txt !>(dat)]
:: +peek-x: accept gall scry
:: %/days/txt: per day, digest stats
:: %/months/txt: per month, digest stats
:: %/raw/txt: all observed events
++ peek-x ::TODO
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit (pair mark *)))
?~ pax ~
?: =(%days i.pax)
:^ ~ ~ %txt
(export-days days)
?: =(%months i.pax)
:^ ~ ~ %txt
(export-months days)
?: =(%raw i.pax)
:: +export-months: generate a csv of stats per month
++ export-months
|= =_days
%- export-days
^+ days
%+ roll (flop days)
|= [[day=@da sat=stats] mos=(list [mod=@da sat=stats])]
^+ mos
=/ mod=@da
%- year
=+ (yore day)
-(d.t 1)
?~ mos [mod sat]~
?: !=(mod mod.i.mos)
[[mod sat] mos]
:_ t.mos
:- mod
::TODO this is hideous. can we make a wet gate do this?
:* (weld spawned.sat spawned.sat.i.mos)
(weld activated.sat activated.sat.i.mos)
(weld transfer-p.sat transfer-p.sat.i.mos)
(weld transferred.sat transferred.sat.i.mos)
(weld configured.sat configured.sat.i.mos)
(weld breached.sat breached.sat.i.mos)
(weld request.sat request.sat.i.mos)
(weld sponsor.sat sponsor.sat.i.mos)
(weld management-p.sat management-p.sat.i.mos)
(weld voting-p.sat voting-p.sat.i.mos)
(weld spawn-p.sat spawn-p.sat.i.mos)
(weld invites-senders.sat invites-senders.sat.i.mos)
:: +export-days: generate a csv of stats per day
++ export-days
|= =_days
:- %- crip
;: weld
"transfer proxy,"
"transferred (unique),"
"configured (unique),"
"escape request,"
"sponsor change,"
"invites (unique senders)"
|^ ^- (list @t)
%+ turn days
|= [day=@da stats]
%- crip
;: weld
(scow %da day) ","
(count spawned) ","
(count activated) ","
(count transfer-p) ","
(unique transferred) ","
(unique configured) ","
(count request) ","
(count sponsor) ","
(unique invites-senders)
++ count
|* l=(list)
(num (lent l))
++ unique
|* l=(list)
;: weld
(count l)
(num ~(wyt in (~(gas in *(set)) l)))
++ num (d-co:co 1)
:: +export-raw: generate a csv of individual transactions
++ export-raw
:- %- crip
;: weld
"field 1,field2,field3"
|^ ^- (list @t)
%+ turn seen
:: (cork tail event-to-row crip)
|= [wen=@da =event]
(crip "{(scow %da wen)},{(event-to-row event)}")
++ event-to-row
|= =event
?- -.event
%azimuth (point-diff-to-row +.event)
%invite (invite-to-row +.event)
++ point-diff-to-row
|= [who=ship dif=diff-point]
^- tape
%+ weld "{(pon who)},"
?- -.dif
%full "full,"
%owner "owner,{(adr new.dif)}"
%activated "activated,"
%spawned "spawned,{(pon who.dif)}"
%keys "keys,{(num life.dif)}"
%continuity "breached,{(num new.dif)}"
%sponsor "sponsor,{(spo has.new.dif)},{(pon who.new.dif)}"
%escape "escape-req,{(req new.dif)}"
%management-proxy "management-p,{(adr new.dif)}"
%voting-proxy "voting-p,{(adr new.dif)}"
%spawn-proxy "spawn-p,{(adr new.dif)}"
%transfer-proxy "transfer-p,{(adr new.dif)}"
++ invite-to-row
|= [by=ship of=ship ship to=address]
"{(pon by)},invite,{(pon of)},{(adr to)}"
++ num (d-co:co 1)
++ pon (cury scow %p)
++ adr |=(a=@ ['0' 'x' ((x-co:co (mul 2 20)) a)])
++ spo |=(h=? ?:(h "escaped to" "detached from"))
++ req |=(r=(unit @p) ?~(r "canceled" (pon u.r)))