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Generate FromNoun and ToNoun instances
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
module Data.Noun.Poet.TH where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (fromList)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Noun.Poet hiding (hsToHoon)
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
import Data.Noun.Pill
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import GHC.Natural
import GHC.Generics hiding (from)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import RIO (decodeUtf8Lenient)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
data Foo = Foo Int | Bar Int
-- Types For Hoon Constructs ---------------------------------------------------
-- data Deriving = Deriving { tyCon :: Name, tyVar :: Name }
data Shape
= Tup Name Con
| Enu Name [Name]
| Sum Name [Con]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
nameStr :: Name -> String
nameStr (Name (OccName n) _) = n
typeShape :: Name -> Q Shape
typeShape tyName = do
(tyConName, tyVars, cs) <- reify tyName >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ nm tyVars _ cs _) -> pure (nm, tyVars, cs)
TyConI (NewtypeD _ nm tyVars _ c _) -> pure (nm, tyVars, [c])
TyConI _ -> fail badSynonym
_ -> fail "not type"
allEmpty <- all id <$> (traverse emptyCon cs)
if allEmpty
then do
conNames :: [Name] <- traverse conName' cs
pure (Enu tyConName conNames)
case cs of
[] -> pure $ Enu tyConName []
[c] -> pure $ Tup tyConName c
cs -> pure $ Sum tyConName cs
badSynonym = "deriveFunctor: tyCon may not be a type synonym."
conName' :: Con -> Q Name
conName' = \case
NormalC nm bangType -> pure nm
RecC nm varBangTypes -> pure nm
InfixC bangType1 nm bangType2 -> fail "Infix constructors are not supported"
ForallC tyVarBndrs ctx con -> fail "Polymorphic types are not supported"
GadtC nm bangTypes ty -> fail "GADTs are not supported"
RecGadtC nm varBangTypes ty -> fail "GADTs are not supported"
emptyCon :: Con -> Q Bool
emptyCon = \case
NormalC nm bangType -> pure (null bangType)
RecC nm varBangTypes -> pure (null varBangTypes)
InfixC bangType1 nm bangType2 -> fail "Infix constructors are not supported"
ForallC tyVarBndrs ctx con -> fail "Polymorphic types are not supported"
GadtC nm bangTypes ty -> fail "GADTs are not supported"
RecGadtC nm varBangTypes ty -> fail "GADTs are not supported"
deriveNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveNoun tyName = do
(<>) <$> deriveToNoun tyName <*> deriveFromNoun tyName
deriveToNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveToNoun tyName = do
let t = conT tyName
shape <- typeShape tyName
traceM (show shape)
body <- case shape of
Tup nm con -> pure [| \_ -> Atom 0 |]
Enu nm cons -> enumToAtom cons
Sum nm cons -> pure [| \_ -> Atom 0 |]
instance ToNoun $t where
toNoun = $body
enumToAtom :: [Name] -> Q ExpQ
enumToAtom cons = do
matches <- traverse mkMatch cons
pure (pure (LamCaseE matches))
mkMatch :: Name -> Q Match
mkMatch nm = pure $ Match (ConP nm []) (NormalB body) []
body = AppE (VarE 'toNoun) $ AppE (ConE 'Cord) strLit
strLit = LitE $ StringL $ unpack $ hsToHoon $ nameStr nm
deriveFromNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromNoun tyName =
instance FromNoun $t where
parseNoun = $body
t = conT tyName
body = [| \_ -> fail "unimplemented" |]
(tyConName, tyVars, cs) <- reify tyName >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ nm tyVars _ cs _) -> pure (nm, tyVars, cs)
TyConI (NewtypeD _ nm tyVars _ c _) -> pure (nm, tyVars, [c])
TyConI _ -> fail badSynonym
_ -> fail "not type"
let KindedTV tyVar StarT = P.last tyVars
let instanceType = (conT ''ToNoun)
varT (foldl' apply (conT tyConName) (P.init tyVars))
putQ $ Deriving tyConName tyVar
sequence [instanceD (pure []) instanceType [genToNoun cs]]
apply t (PlainTV name) = appT t (varT name)
apply t (KindedTV name _) = appT t (varT name)
badSynonym = "deriveFunctor: tyCon may not be a type synonym."
genToNoun :: [Con] -> DecQ
genToNoun cons = funD 'toNoun (genToNounClause <$> cons)
genToNounClause :: Con -> Q Clause
genToNounClause c@(NormalC name fieldTypes) = do
f <- newName "f"
fieldNames <- replicateM (length fieldTypes) (newName "x")
let pats = varP f:[conP name (map varP fieldNames)]
body = normalB $ appsE $
conE name : map (newField f) (zip fieldNames fieldTypes)
clause pats body []
genToNounClause _ = fail "wut"
newField :: Name -> (Name, StrictType) -> Q Exp
newField f (x, (_, fieldType)) = do
Just (Deriving typeCon typeVar) <- getQ
case fieldType of
VarT typeVar' | typeVar' == typeVar ->
[| $(varE f) $(varE x) |]
ty `AppT` VarT typeVar' |
leftmost ty == (ConT typeCon) && typeVar' == typeVar ->
[| fmap $(varE f) $(varE x) |]
_ -> [| $(varE x) |]
leftmost :: Type -> Type
leftmost (AppT ty1 _) = leftmost ty1
leftmost ty = ty
hsToHoon :: String -> Text
hsToHoon = go []
go acc [] = pack $ intercalate "-" $ reverse acc
go acc (c:cs) = go (elem:acc) remain
head = C.toLower c
(tail, remain) = break C.isUpper cs
elem = head:tail