2018-03-19 21:23:04 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: sys/zuse/hoon
:: |ford: build system vane interface
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
++ ford-api ^?
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: |able:ford: ford's public +move interface
++ able ^?
:: +task:able:ford: requests to ford
+= task
$% :: %make: perform a build, either live or once
$: %make
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: our: who our ship is (remove after cc-release)
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: plan: the schematic to build
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: date: the formal date of the build, or ~ for live
date=(unit @da)
:: %kill: stop a build; send on same duct as original %make request
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
$: %kill
:: our: who our ship is (remove after cc-release)s
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: %wegh: produce memory usage information
[%wegh ~]
:: %wipe: clear cache
[%wipe ~]
:: +gift:able:ford: responses from ford
+= gift
$% :: %mass: memory usage; response to %wegh +task
[%mass p=mass]
:: %made: build result; response to %make +task
$: %made
:: date: formal date of the build
:: result: result of the build; either complete build, or error
$= result
$% :: %complete: contains the result of the completed build
[%complete build-result]
:: %incomplete: couldn't finish build; contains error message
[%incomplete tang]
== == ==
:: +disc: a desk on a ship; can be used as a beak that varies with time
+= disc (pair ship desk)
:: +view: a possibly time-varying view of a +disc
:: Either it contains a +case, which means it's pinned to a time,
:: or the (unit case) is ~, meaning the time can vary.
+= view (trel ship desk (unit case))
:: +rail: a possibly time-varying full path
:: Either its +view contains a +case, which means it's pinned to a time
:: (in which case it's equivalent to a +beam), or the (unit case) is ~,
:: meaning the time can vary.
+= rail (pair view spur)
:: +dependency: dependency on a value from the urbit namespace
+= dependency
$% :: live dependency on a clay path; varies with time
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
[%clay-live care=care:clay bel=(pair disc spur)]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: once dependency on a clay path; pinned time
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
[%clay-once care=care:clay =beam]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: live dependency on a gall path; varies with time
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
[%gall-live care=care:clay bel=(pair disc spur)]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: once dependency on a gall path; pinned time
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
[%gall-once care=care:clay =beam]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: +build-result: the referentially transparent result of a +build
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: A +build produces either an error or a result. A result is a tagged
:: union of the various kinds of datatypes a build can produce. The tag
:: represents the sub-type of +schematic that produced the result.
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
+= build-result
$% :: %error: the build produced an error whose description is :message
[%error message=tang]
:: %result: result of successful +build, tagged by +schematic sub-type
$: %result
$^ [head=build-result tail=build-result]
$% [%$ cage]
[%alts build-result]
[%bake cage]
[%bunt cage]
[%call vase]
[%cast cage]
[%core vase]
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
[%diff cage]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
[%dude build-result]
[%file cage]
[%hood scaffold]
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
[%join cage]
[%mash cage]
[%mute cage]
[%pact cage]
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
[%path (pair disc spur)]
[%plan vase]
[%reef vase]
[%ride vase]
[%slit type]
[%slim (pair type nock)]
[%scry cage]
[%vale cage]
[%volt cage]
== == ==
:: +schematic: plan for building
++ schematic
:: If the head of the +schematic is a pair, it's an auto-cons
:: schematic. Its result will be the pair of results of its
:: sub-schematics.
$^ [head=schematic tail=schematic]
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
$% :: %$: literal value. Produces its input unchanged.
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
$: %$
:: literal: the value to be produced by the build
:: %alts: alternative build choices
:: Try each choice in :choices, in order; accept the first one that
:: succeeds. Note that the result inherits the dependencies of all
:: failed schematics, as well as the successful one.
$: %alts
:: choices: list of build options to try
choices=(list schematic)
:: %bake: run a file through a renderer
$: %bake
:: renderer: name of renderer; also its file path in ren/
:: query-string: the query string of the renderer's http path
:: path-to-render: full path of file to render
:: %bunt: produce the default value for a mark
$: %bunt
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark; also its file path in mar/
:: %call: call a gate on a sample
$: %call
:: gate: schematic whose result is a gate
:: sample: schematic whose result will be the gate's sample
:: %cast: cast the result of a schematic through a mark
$: %cast
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark; also its file path in ren/
:: input: schematic whose result will be run through the mark
:: %core: build a hoon program from a source file
$: %core
:: source-path: clay path from which to load hoon source
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: %diff: produce marked diff from :first to :second
$: %diff
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: old: schematic producing data to be used as diff starting point
:: new: schematic producing data to be used as diff ending point
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: %dude: wrap a failure's error message with an extra message
$: %dude
:: error: a trap producing an error message to wrap the original
error=(trap tank)
:: attempt: the schematic to try, whose error we wrap, if any
:: %hood: create a +hood from a hoon source file
$: %hood
:: source-path: clay path from which to load hoon source
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: %join: merge two diffs into one diff; produces `~` if conflicts
$: %join
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of the mark to use for diffs; also file path in mar/
:: first: schematic producing first diff
:: second: schematic producing second diff
:: %mash: force a merge, annotating any conflicts
$: %mash
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark used in diffs; also file path in mar/
:: first: schematic producing first diff
:: second: schematic producing second diff
:: %mute: mutate a noun by replacing its wings with new values
$: %mute
:: subject: schematic producing the noun to mutate
:: mutations: axes and schematics to produce their new contents
mutations=(list (pair wing schematic))
:: %pact: patch a marked noun by applying a diff
$: %pact
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark to use in diff; also file path in mar/
:: start: schematic producing a noun to be patched
:: diff: schematic producing the diff to apply to :start
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: %path: resolve a path with `-`s to a path with `/`s
:: Resolve +file-path to a path containing a file, replacing
:: any `-`s in the path with `/`s if no file exists at the
:: original path. Produces an error if multiple files match,
:: e.g. a/b/c and a/b-c, or a/b/c and a-b/c.
:: TODO verify current implementation
$: %path
:: location: the +disc within which to resolve :file-path
:: file-path: the path to resolve
:: %plan: build a hoon program from a preprocessed source file
$: %plan
:: source-path: the clay path of the hoon source file
:: query-string: the query string of the http request
:: scaffold: preprocessed hoon source and imports
:: %reef: produce a hoon+zuse kernel. used internally for caching
[%reef ~]
:: %ride: eval hoon as formula with result of a schematic as subject
$: %ride
:: formula: a hoon to be evaluated against a subject
:: subject: a schematic whose result will be used as subject
:: %scry: lookup a value from the urbit namespace
$: %scry
:: request: the request to be made against the namespace
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: %slim: compile a hoon against a subject type
$: %slim
:: compile-time subject type for the :formula
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: formula: a +hoon to be compiled to (pair type nock)
:: %slit: get type of gate product
$: %slit
:: gate: a vase containing a gate
:: sample: a vase containing the :gate's sample
:: %vale: coerce a noun to a mark, validated
$: %vale
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark to use; also file path in mar/
:: input: the noun to be converted using the mark
:: %volt: coerce a noun to a mark, unsafe
$: %volt
:: location: where in clay to load the mark from
:: mark: name of mark to use; also file path in mar/
:: input: the noun to be converted using the mark
:: +scaffold: program construction in progress
:: A source file with all its imports and requirements, which will be
:: built and combined into one final product.
+= scaffold
$: :: zuse-version: the kelvin version of the standard library
:: structures: files from %/sur which are included
structures/(list cable)
:: libraries: files from %/lib which are included
libraries/(list cable)
:: cranes: a list of resources to transform and include
cranes/(list crane)
:: sources: hoon sources, either parsed or on the filesystem
sources/(list brick)
:: +cable: a reference to something on the filesystem
+= cable
$: :: expand-namespace: expose internal faces to subject
:: file-path: location in clay
:: remote-location: if not `~`, remote location of file
remote-location=(unit (pair case ship))
:: +brick: hoon code, either directly specified or referencing clay
+= brick
$% $: :: %direct: inline parsed hoon
$: :: %indirect: reference to a hoon file in clay
== ==
:: +truss: late-bound path
:: TODO: the +tyke data structure should be rethought, possibly as part
:: of this effort since it is actually a `(list (unit hoon))`, when it
:: only represents @tas. It should be a structure which explicitly
:: represents a path with holes that need to be filled in.
+= truss
$: pre/(unit tyke)
pof/(unit {p/@ud q/tyke})
:: +crane: parsed rune used to include and transform resources
:: Cranes lifting cranes lifting cranes!
:: A recursive tree of Ford directives that specifies instructions for
:: including and transforming resources from the Urbit namespace.
+= crane
$% $: :: %fssg: `/~` hoon literal
:: `/~ <hoon>` produces a crane that evaluates arbitrary hoon.
$: :: %fsbc: `/$` process query string
:: `/$` will call a gate with the query string supplied to this
:: build. If no query string, this errors.
$: :: %fsbr: `/|` first of many options that succeeds
:: `/|` takes a series of cranes and produces the first one
:: (left-to-right) that succeeds. If none succeed, it produces
:: stack traces from all of its arguments.
:: choices: cranes to try
choices=(list crane)
$: :: %fsts: `/=` wrap a face around a crane
:: /= runs a crane (usually produced by another ford rune), takes
:: the result of that crane, and wraps a face around it.
:: face: face to apply
:: crane: internal build step
$: :: %fsdt: `/.` null-terminated list
:: Produce a null-terminated list from a sequence of cranes,
:: terminated by a `==`.
:: items: cranes to evaluate
items=(list crane)
$: :: %fscm: `/,` switch by path
:: `/,` is a switch statement, which picks a branch to evaluate
:: based on whether the current path matches the path in the
:: switch statement. Takes a sequence of pairs of (path, crane)
:: terminated by a `==`.
:: cases: produces evaluated crane of first +spur match
cases=(list (pair spur crane))
$: :: %fscn: `/%` propagate extra arguments into renderers
:: `/%` will forward extra arguments (usually from Eyre) on to
:: any renderer in :crane. Without this, renderers that use `/$`
:: to read the extra arguments will crash.
$: :: %fspm: `/&` pass through a series of marks
:: `/&` passes a crane through multiple marks, right-to-left.
:: marks: marks to apply to :crane, in reverse order
marks=(list mark)
$: :: %fscb: `/_` run a crane on each file in the current directory
:: `/_` takes a crane as an argument. It produces a new crane
:: representing the result of mapping the supplied crane over the
:: list of files in the current directory. The keys in the
:: resulting map are the basenames of the files in the directory,
:: and each value is the result of running that crane on the
:: contents of the file.
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
$: :: %fssm: `/;` operate on
:: `/;` takes a hoon and a crane. The hoon should evaluate to a
:: gate, which is then called with the result of the crane as its
:: sample.
$: :: %fscl: `/:` evaluate at path
:: `/:` takes a path and a +crane, and evaluates the crane with
:: the current path set to the supplied path.
:: path: late bound path to be resolved relative to current beak
:: This becomes current path of :crane
$: :: %fskt: `/^` cast
:: `/^` takes a +mold and a +crane, and casts the result of the
:: crane to the mold.
:: mold: evaluates to a mold to be applied to :crane
$: :: %fszp: `/!mark/` evaluate as hoon, then pass through mark
$: :: %fszy: `/mark/` passes current path through :mark
== ==
:: sys/ford/hoon
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: when ford becomes a real vane, it'll start from a vase
:: |= pit=vase
=, ford-api
:: ford internal data structures
=> =~
=, ford-api :: TODO remove once in vane
:: +move: arvo moves that ford can emit
++ move
$: :: duct: request identifier
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
:: card: move contents; either a +note or a +gift:able
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
card=(wind note gift:able)
:: +note: private request from ford to another vane
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
+= note
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
$% :: %c: to clay
$: %c
:: %warp: internal (intra-ship) file request
$% $: %warp
:: sock: pair of requesting ship, requestee ship
:: riff: clay request contents
== == ==
:: %f: to ford itself
$: %f
:: %make: perform a build
$% $: %make
:: schematic: the schematic to build
:: date: the formal date of the build, or ~ for live
date=(unit @da)
== == ==
:: %g: to gall
$: %g
:: %unto: full transmission
:: TODO: document more fully
$% $: %deal
:: sock: pair of requesting ship, requestee ship
:: cush: gall request contents
== == == ==
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: +sign: private response from another vane to ford
+= sign
$% :: %c: from clay
$: %c
:: %writ: internal (intra-ship) file response
$% $: %writ
:: riot: response contents
== == == ==
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
=, ford-api :: TODO remove once in vane
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: +axle: overall ford state
+= axle
$: :: date: date at which ford's state was updated to this data structure
:: state-by-ship: storage for all the @p's this ford has been
:: Once the cc-release boot sequence lands, we can remove this
:: mapping, since an arvo will not change @p identities. until
:: then, we need to support a ship booting as a comet before
:: becoming its adult identity.
state-by-ship=(map ship ford-state)
:: +ford-state: all state that ford maintains for a @p ship identity
+= ford-state
$: :: results: all stored build results
:: Ford generally stores the result for all the most recently
:: completed live builds, unless it's been asked to wipe its cache.
results=(map build cache-line)
:: builds-by-schematic: all attempted builds, sorted by time
:: For each schematic we've attempted to build at any time,
:: list the formal dates of all build attempts, sorted newest first.
builds-by-schematic=(map schematic (list @da))
:: builds-by-date: all attempted builds, grouped by time
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
builds-by-date=(jug @da schematic)
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: components: bidirectional linkages between sub-builds and clients
:: The first of the two jugs maps from a build to its sub-builds.
:: The second of the two jugs maps from a build to its client builds.
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
$= components
$: :: sub-builds: jug from a build to its sub-builds
sub-builds=(jug build build)
:: client-builds: jug from a build to its client builds
client-builds=(jug build build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: rebuilds: bidirectional linkages between old and new identical builds
:: Old and new build must have the same schematic and result.
:: This can form a chain, like build<-->build<-->build.
$= rebuilds
$: :: new: map from old build to new build
new=(map build build)
:: old: map from new build to old build
old=(map build build)
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: blocks: map from +dependency to all builds waiting for its retrieval
blocks=(jug dependency build)
:: build request tracking
:: listeners: external requests for a build, both live (:live=&) and once
listeners=(jug build [listener=duct live=?])
:: builds-by-listener: reverse lookup for :listeners; find build by duct
builds-by-listener=(map duct build)
:: update tracking
:: live-leaf-builds: which live builds depend on a live +dependency
live-leaf-builds=(jug dependency build)
:: live-root-builds: which live builds depend on any files in a +disc
live-root-builds=(jug disc build)
:: dependencies: dependencies of a live build
dependencies=(map build (jug disc dependency))
:: dependency-updates: all clay updates we need to know about
:: dependency-updates stores all Clay changes at dates that
:: Ford needs to track because Ford is tracking attempted builds with
:: that formal date. The changed dependencies are grouped first by
:: date, then within a single date, they're grouped by +disc.
dependency-updates=(map @da (jug disc dependency))
:: +build: a referentially transparent request for a build.
:: Each unique +build will always produce the same +build-result
:: when run (if it completes). A live build consists of a sequence of
:: instances of +build with the same :plan and increasing :date.
+= build
$: :: date: the formal date of this build; unrelated to time of execution
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: schematic: the schematic that determines how to run this build
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: +cache-line: a record of our result of running a +build
:: Proof that a build has been run. Might include the result if Ford is
:: caching it. If Ford wiped the result from its cache, the result will
:: be replaced with a tombstone so Ford still knows the build has been
:: run before. Otherwise, contains the last accessed time of the result,
:: for use in cache reclamation.
+= cache-line
$% :: %result: the result of running a +build, and its last access time
$: %result
:: last-accessed: the last time this result was accessed
:: Updated every time this result is used in another build or
:: requested in a build request.
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
:: build-result: the referentially transparent result of a +build
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-15 21:48:24 +03:00
:: %tombstone: marker that this build has been run and its result wiped
[%tombstone ~]
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
:: +make-product: the result of running +make
+= make-product
$: :: result: result of running a build
$= result
$% :: %build-result: the build completed
[%build-result =build-result]
:: %blocks: the build is waiting on something else
[%blocks blocks=(set block)]
:: possibly mutated version of the rest of the persistent state
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
:: +block: something a build can get stuck on
+= block
$% :: %build: the build blocked on another build, :build
[%build =build]
:: %dependency: the build blocked on an external :dependency
[%dependency =dependency]
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: +vane: short names for vanes
:: TODO: move to zuse
+= vane ?(%a %b %c %d %e %f %g)
2018-03-20 20:30:39 +03:00
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
=, format
2018-03-20 20:30:39 +03:00
:: +unify-jugs: make a new jug, unifying sets for all keys
++ unify-jugs
|* [a=(jug) b=(jug)]
^+ a
=/ tapped ~(tap by b)
|- ^+ a
?~ tapped a
=/ key p.i.tapped
=/ vals ~(tap in q.i.tapped)
=. a
|- ^+ a
?~ vals a
$(vals t.vals, a (~(put ju a) key i.vals))
$(tapped t.tapped)
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: +to-wire: encode a +dependency in a +wire
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: If :dependency is live, create a +beam from :bel.dependency
:: by using revision 0 as the +case and encode that.
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
++ to-wire
|= =dependency
^- wire
|^ ?- -.dependency
=/ beam=beam
[[ship=p.p.bel desk=q.p.bel case=[%ud 0]] spur=q.bel]:dependency
(encode %c care.dependency & beam)
(encode %c care.dependency | beam.dependency)
=/ beam=beam
[[ship=p.p.bel desk=q.p.bel case=[%ud 0]] spur=q.bel]:dependency
(encode %g care.dependency & beam)
(encode %g care.dependency | beam.dependency)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +encode:to-wire: encode :vane, :care, :live, and :beam into a +wire
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
++ encode
|= [vane=?(%c %g) care=care:clay live=? =beam]
^- wire
[vane care (scot %f live) (en-beam beam)]
:: +from-wire: decode a +dependency from a +wire
++ from-wire
|= =wire
^- dependency
?> ?=([@ @ @ *] wire)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: parse :wire's components into :vane, :care, :live, and :beam
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
=/ vane ((hard ?(%c %g)) i.wire)
=/ care ((hard care:clay) i.t.wire)
=/ live =(0 (slav %f i.t.t.wire))
=/ beam (need (de-beam ((hard ^wire) t.t.t.wire)))
?. live
?: =(%c vane)
[%clay-once care beam]
[%gall-once care beam]
=/ bel [disc=[p.beam q.beam] spur=s.beam]
?: =(%c vane)
[%clay-live care bel]
[%gall-live care bel]
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
:: +by-schematic: door for manipulating :builds-by-schematic.ford-state
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: The :dates list for each key in :builds is sorted in reverse
:: chronological order. These operations access and mutate keys and values
:: of :builds and maintain that sort order.
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
++ by-schematic
|_ builds=(map schematic (list @da))
:: +put: add a +build to :builds
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: If :build already exists in :builds, this is a no-op.
:: Otherwise, replace the value at the key :schematic.build
:: with a new :dates list that contains :date.build.
2018-03-19 23:41:42 +03:00
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
++ put
|= =build
^+ builds
%+ ~(put by builds) schematic.build
=/ dates (fall (~(get by builds) schematic.build) ~)
2018-03-19 23:41:42 +03:00
?^ (find [date.build]~ dates)
(sort [date.build dates] gte)
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
:: +del: remove a +build from :builds
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: Removes :build from :builds by replacing the value at
:: the key :schematic.build with a new :dates list with
:: :date.build omitted. If the resulting :dates list is
:: empty, then remove the key-value pair from :builds.
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
++ del
|= =build
^+ builds
=. builds %+ ~(put by builds) schematic.build
=/ dates (~(got by builds) schematic.build)
2018-03-19 23:41:42 +03:00
=/ date-index (need (find [date.build]~ dates))
(oust [date-index 1] dates)
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
:: if :builds has an empty entry for :build, delete it
=? builds
2018-03-19 23:41:42 +03:00
=(~ (~(got by builds) schematic.build))
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
(~(del by builds) schematic.build)
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: +per-event: per-event core
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
++ per-event
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
:: completed-builds: root builds completed in this event, in reverse order
=| completed-builds=(list build)
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
:: scry-results: responses to scry's to handle in this event
:: If a value is `~`, the requested resource is not available.
:: Otherwise, the value will contain a +cage.
=| scry-results=(map dependency (unit cage))
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: the +per-event door; each event will have a different sample
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
|_ [[our=@p =duct now=@da scry=sley] state=ford-state]
:: |entry-points: externally fired arms
::+| entry-points
:: +start-build: perform a fresh +build, either live or once
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
++ start-build
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
|= [=schematic date=(unit @da)]
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
^- [(list move) ford-state]
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=< (finalize moves=-)
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
=+ [live when]=?~(date [& now] [| u.date])
2018-03-19 21:23:04 +03:00
=/ build=build [when schematic]
:: add :build to our state
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
=: listeners.state
(~(put ju listeners.state) build [duct live])
(~(put by builds-by-listener.state) duct build)
2018-03-19 21:41:41 +03:00
(~(put ju builds-by-date.state) date.build schematic.build)
2018-03-19 21:23:04 +03:00
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
(~(put by-schematic builds-by-schematic.state) build)
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
(execute build)
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
++ rebuild !!
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +unblock: continue builds that had blocked on :dependency
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
++ unblock
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
|= [=dependency scry-result=(unit cage)]
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
^- [(list move) ford-state]
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=< (finalize moves=-)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: find all the :blocked-builds to continue
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=/ blocked-builds ~(tap in (~(get ju blocks.state) dependency))
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: place :scry-result in :scry-results.per-event
:: We don't want to call the actual +scry function again,
:: because we already tried that in a previous event and it
:: had no synchronous answer. This +unblock call is a result
:: of the response to the asynchronous request we made to
:: retrieve that resource from another vane.
:: Instead, we'll intercept any calls to +scry by looking up
:: the arguments in :scry-results.per-event. This is ok because
:: in this function we attempt to run every +build that had
:: blocked on the resource, so the information is guaranteed
:: to be used during this event before it goes out of scope.
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
=. scry-results (~(put by scry-results) dependency scry-result)
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=| moves=(list move)
|- ^+ [moves this]
?~ blocked-builds [moves this]
=^ new-moves this (execute i.blocked-builds)
$(moves (welp moves new-moves), blocked-builds t.blocked-builds)
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
++ cancel !!
:: |construction: arms for performing builds
::+| construction
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +execute: main recursive construction algorithm
:: Runs +make on :build if necessary, and recurses potentially
:: "upward" to :build's clients and "downward" to :build's sub-builds.
:: Enqueues moves to Clay to request resources for blocked +scry
:: operations and places completed root builds in :completed-builds
:: to be processed at the end of the event.
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
++ execute
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
|= =build
^- [(list move) _this]
:: if the build is complete, we're done
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
:: TODO: make sure we don't need to do anything here
?^ (~(get by results.state) build)
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
[~ this]
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: the build isn't complete, so try running +make on it
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
=^ made state (make build)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: dispatch on the product of +make
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
?- -.result.made
:: %build-result: build completed and produced its result
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: place completed result in persistent cache
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=* cache-entry
[%result last-accessed=now build-result=build-result.result.made]
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
=. results.state (~(put by results.state) build cache-entry)
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
:: prepend :build to :completed-builds, which is in reverse order
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=? completed-builds (~(has by listeners.state) build)
[build completed-builds]
2018-03-21 21:14:36 +03:00
:: recurse "upward" into client builds now that :build is done
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=/ clients=(list ^build)
~(tap in (fall (~(get by client-builds.components.state) build) ~))
=| moves=(list move)
|- ^+ [moves this]
?~ clients [moves this]
=^ new-moves this (execute i.clients)
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
$(moves (welp moves new-moves), clients t.clients)
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
:: %blocks: build got stuck and produced a set of blocks
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=/ blocks ~(tap in blocks.result.made)
=| moves=(list move)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: recurse "downward" into the builds we blocked on
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
|- ^+ [moves this]
?~ blocks [moves this]
=* block i.blocks
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
?- -.block
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: %build: :build blocked on a sub-build, so run the sub-build
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=^ new-moves this (execute build.block)
$(moves (welp moves new-moves), blocks t.blocks)
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: %dependency: :build blocked on a +dependency
:: Enqueue a request +move to fetch the blocked resource.
:: Link :block and :build in :blocks.state so we know
:: which build to rerun in a later event when we +unblock
:: on that +dependency.
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=/ dependency=dependency dependency.block
:: TODO: remove to handle other kinds of +dependency
?> ?=(%clay-once -.dependency)
:: store :dependency in persistent state
=. blocks.state (~(put ju blocks.state) dependency build)
:: construct new :move to request blocked resource
=/ wire (to-wire dependency)
=/ note=note
=, dependency
:* %c %warp sock=[our their=p.beam]
[q.beam `[%sing care case=r.beam spur=s.beam]]
=/ move=move [duct=~ [%pass wire note]]
[[move moves] this]
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +make: attempt to perform :build, non-recursively
:: Registers component linkages between :build and its sub-builds.
:: Attempts to perform +scry if necessary. Does not directly enqueue
:: any moves.
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
++ make
|= =build
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
^- make-product
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: dispatch based on the kind of +schematic in :build
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
|^ ?- -.schematic.build
^ (autocons head.schematic.build tail.schematic.build)
%$ (literal literal.schematic.build)
%alts !!
%bake !!
%bunt !!
%call !!
%cast !!
%core !!
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
%diff !!
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
%dude !!
%file !!
%hood !!
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
%join !!
%mash !!
%mute !!
%pact !!
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
%path !!
%plan !!
%reef !!
%ride !!
%slit !!
%slim !!
%scry (scry dependency.schematic.build)
%vale !!
%volt !!
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
++ literal
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
|= =cage ^- make-product
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
[[%build-result %result %$ cage] state]
++ autocons
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
|= [head=schematic tail=schematic] ^- make-product
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=^ head-result state (depend-on head)
=^ tail-result state (depend-on tail)
=| blocks=(set block)
=? blocks ?=(~ head-result) (~(put in blocks) [%build date.build head])
=? blocks ?=(~ tail-result) (~(put in blocks) [%build date.build tail])
:: if either build blocked, we're not done
?^ blocks
[[%blocks blocks] state]
?< ?=(~ head-result)
?< ?=(~ tail-result)
=- [[%build-result -] state]
`build-result`[%result u.head-result u.tail-result]
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
++ scry
|= =dependency ^- make-product
?- -.dependency
%clay-live !!
:: link :dependency to :build
=. dependencies.state
%+ ~(put by dependencies.state) build
%- ~(put ju (fall (~(get by dependencies.state) build) ~))
=* disc [p q]:beam.dependency
[disc dependency]
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
:: perform scry operation if we don't already know the result
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: Look up :dependency in :scry-results.per-event to avoid
:: rerunning a previously blocked +scry.
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
=/ scry-response
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
?: (~(has by scry-results) dependency)
(~(get by scry-results) dependency)
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
(^scry ~ ~ `@tas`(cat 3 %c care.dependency) beam.dependency)
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
:: scry blocked
?~ scry-response
^- make-product
[[%blocks (sy [%dependency dependency]~)] state]
:: scry failed
?~ u.scry-response
=/ error=tang
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
:~ leaf+"clay-once scry failed for"
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
leaf+"%c{(trip care.dependency)} {<(en-beam beam.dependency)>}"
2018-03-20 22:01:49 +03:00
^- make-product
[[%build-result %error error] state]
:: scry succeeded
^- make-product
[[%build-result %result %scry u.u.scry-response] state]
%gall-live !!
%gall-once !!
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: |utilities:make: helper arms
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
::+| utilities
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +depend-on: register component linkage between :build and :kid
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
++ depend-on
|= kid=schematic
^- [(unit build-result) ford-state]
=/ sub-build=^build [date.build kid]
(~(put ju builds-by-date.state) date.build kid)
(~(put by-schematic builds-by-schematic.state) sub-build)
(~(put ju sub-builds.components.state) build sub-build)
(~(put ju client-builds.components.state) sub-build build)
=/ maybe-cache-line (~(get by results.state) sub-build)
?~ maybe-cache-line
[~ state]
=* cache-line u.maybe-cache-line
?: ?=(%tombstone -.cache-line)
[~ state]
[`build-result.cache-line state]
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: |utilities:per-event: helper arms
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
::+| utilities
++ this .
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: +finalize: convert per-event state to moves and persistent state
:: Converts :completed-builds to %made +move's, performs +duct
:: accounting, and runs +cleanup on completed once builds and
:: stale live builds.
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
:: TODO: needs rework to support live builds
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
++ finalize
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
|= moves=(list move)
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
^- [(list move) ford-state]
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
:: sort completed-builds chronologically (they were originally reversed)
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
=. completed-builds (flop completed-builds)
=< [moves state]
:: process the completed builds in a loop
|- ^- [moves=(list move) _this]
:: exit condition: no builds left to process
?~ completed-builds
[moves this]
=* build i.completed-builds
:: look up :build's result from cache
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
=/ cache-line (~(got by results.state) build)
:: :build just completed, so there's no way it could have been reclaimed
?> ?=(%result -.cache-line)
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
:: create moves to send out for this build
=/ moves-for-build
%+ turn ~(tap in (~(get ju listeners.state) build))
|= [duct=^duct live=?]
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
[duct %give %made date.build %complete build-result.cache-line]
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
:: remove all ducts related to this build
2018-03-16 12:34:40 +03:00
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
=. builds-by-listener.state
%+ roll moves-for-build
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
|= [=move builds-by-listener=_builds-by-listener.state]
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
=* duct -.move
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
(~(del by builds-by-listener) duct)
2018-03-19 21:23:04 +03:00
=. listeners.state (~(del by listeners.state) build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: try to delete this build entirely if nothing depends on it
=. state (cleanup build)
2018-03-16 13:44:48 +03:00
:: recurse with changes applied
%_ $
completed-builds t.completed-builds
moves (welp moves moves-for-build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: +cleanup: try to clean up a build and its sub-builds
++ cleanup
|= =build
^- ford-state
:: if something depends on this build, no-op and return
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
?: ?| (~(has by client-builds.components.state) build)
2018-03-20 00:15:39 +03:00
(~(has by old.rebuilds.state) build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
(~(has by listeners.state) build)
:: remove :build from :state, starting with its cache line
=. results.state (~(del by results.state) build)
:: remove :date.build from list of dates for this schematic
=. builds-by-schematic.state
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
(~(del by-schematic builds-by-schematic.state) build)
:: remove :build from :builds-by-date
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
=. builds-by-date.state
2018-03-19 21:41:41 +03:00
(~(del ju builds-by-date.state) date.build schematic.build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: if no more builds at this date, remove the date from :dependency-updates
=? dependency-updates.state
!(~(has by builds-by-date.state) date.build)
(~(del by dependency-updates.state) date.build)
2018-03-19 21:23:04 +03:00
:: direct-deps: dependencies of :build itself, not :kids
=/ direct-deps (fall (~(get by dependencies.state) build) ~)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: kids: :build's sub-builds
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=/ kids ~(tap in (~(get ju sub-builds.components.state) build))
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: gather :dependencies from :build and its :kids
2018-03-20 00:15:39 +03:00
=/ all-deps=(jug disc dependency) direct-deps
=. all-deps
|- ^+ all-deps
?~ kids all-deps
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=/ grandkids ~(tap in (~(get ju sub-builds.components.state) i.kids))
2018-03-20 20:33:29 +03:00
=/ kid-deps (fall (~(get by dependencies.state) i.kids) ~)
2018-03-19 22:23:43 +03:00
2018-03-20 20:33:29 +03:00
$(kids (weld t.kids grandkids), all-deps (unify-jugs all-deps kid-deps))
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: remove :build's direct dependencies
=. dependencies.state (~(del by dependencies.state) build)
:: remove :build from :blocks
=/ dep-values
=- ~(tap in -)
%+ roll ~(val by direct-deps)
|= [deps=(set dependency) dep-values=(set dependency)]
(~(uni in dep-values) deps)
=. blocks.state
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
%+ roll dep-values
|= [dep=dependency blocks=_blocks.state]
(~(del ju blocks) dep build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: for each dependency :build relied on, remove it from :live-leaf-builds
2018-03-21 03:37:57 +03:00
=. live-leaf-builds.state
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
%+ roll dep-values
|= [dep=dependency live-leaf-builds=_live-leaf-builds.state]
(~(del ju live-leaf-builds) dep build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: for each +disc :build relied on, delete :build from :live-root-builds
2018-03-20 00:15:39 +03:00
=/ discs ~(tap in ~(key by all-deps))
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
=. live-root-builds.state
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
%+ roll discs
|= [=disc live-root-builds=_live-root-builds.state]
(~(del ju live-root-builds.state) disc build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: remove the mapping from :build to its sub-builds
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=. sub-builds.components.state
(~(del by sub-builds.components.state) build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: for each +build in :kids, remove :build from its clients
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=. client-builds.components.state
2018-03-20 00:08:31 +03:00
%+ roll kids
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
|= [kid=^build clients=_client-builds.components.state]
(~(del ju clients) kid build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: if there is a newer rebuild of :build, delete the linkage
2018-03-20 00:15:39 +03:00
=/ rebuild (~(get by new.rebuilds.state) build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
=? rebuilds.state ?=(^ rebuild)
%_ rebuilds.state
2018-03-20 00:15:39 +03:00
new (~(del by new.rebuilds.state) build)
old (~(del by old.rebuilds.state) build)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: recurse on :kids
=. state
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
%+ roll kids
|= [kid=^build new-state=_state]
(cleanup(state new-state) kid)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
:: recurse on :rebuild; note this must be done after recursing on :kids
2018-03-20 04:03:18 +03:00
=? state ?=(^ rebuild) (cleanup u.rebuild)
2018-03-17 02:17:59 +03:00
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: end =~
. ==
=, ford-api :: TODO remove once in vane
:::: vane core
=| axle
|= [now=@da eny=@ scry=sley]
:: allow jets to be registered within this core
~% %ford-d ..is ~ :: XX why the '-d'?
:: ^? :: to be added to real vane
:: +call: handle a +task:able from arvo
++ call
|= [=duct type=* wrapped-task=(hobo task:able)]
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
^- [(list move) _this]
:: unwrap :task from :wrapped-task
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
=/ task=task:able
?. ?=(%soft -.wrapped-task)
((hard task:able) p.wrapped-task)
?- -.task
:: %make: request to perform a build
:: perform the build indicated by :task
:: First, we find or create the :ship-state for :our.task,
:: modifying :state-by-ship as necessary. Then we dispatch to the |ev
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: by constructing :event-args and using them to create :start-build,
:: which performs the build. The result of :start-build is a pair of
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: :moves and a mutant :ship-state. We update our :state-by-ship map
:: with the new :ship-state and produce it along with :moves.
=^ ship-state state-by-ship (find-or-create-ship-state our.task)
2018-03-16 04:38:33 +03:00
=* event-args [[our.task duct now scry] ship-state]
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
=* start-build ~(start-build per-event event-args)
=^ moves ship-state (start-build schematic.task date.task)
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
=. state-by-ship (~(put by state-by-ship) our.task ship-state)
[moves this]
%kill !!
%wipe !!
%wegh !!
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: +take: receive a response from another vane
++ take
|= [=wire =duct wrapped-sign=(hypo sign)]
^- [(list move) _this]
:: unwrap :sign from :wrapped-sign
:: TODO: verify wrapped-sign isn't an evil vase?
=/ sign=sign q.wrapped-sign
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
:: TODO: support other responses
?> ?=([%c %writ *] sign)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: scry-result: parse a (unit cage) from :sign
:: If the result is `~`, the requested resource was not available.
2018-03-21 04:20:11 +03:00
=/ scry-result=(unit cage)
?~ riot.sign
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: parse :wire into :our, :ship-state, and :dependency
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
?> ?=([@ @ *] wire)
=/ our=@p (slav %p i.wire)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: we know :our is already in :state-by-ship because we sent this request
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
=/ ship-state (~(got by state-by-ship) our)
=/ dependency (from-wire t.wire)
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
:: unblock the builds that had blocked on :dependency
:: First, we create :event-args and use them as the sample for
:: +unblock:per-event. Then grab :moves and a mutated :ship-state
:: from the result of that call, and place the new :ship-state
:: back in :state-by-ship.state.
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
:: TODO check whether we need rebuild or unblock
=* event-args [[our duct now scry] ship-state]
2018-03-21 21:10:54 +03:00
=* unblock ~(unblock per-event event-args)
=^ moves ship-state (unblock dependency scry-result)
2018-03-21 01:39:22 +03:00
=. state-by-ship (~(put by state-by-ship) our ship-state)
[moves this]
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
:: %utilities
++ this .
2018-03-16 14:09:14 +03:00
:: +find-or-create-ship-state: find or create a ford-state for a @p
:: Accesses and modifies :state-by-ship.
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
++ find-or-create-ship-state
|= our=@p
^- [ford-state _state-by-ship]
2018-03-16 14:09:14 +03:00
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00
=/ existing (~(get by state-by-ship) our)
2018-03-16 14:09:14 +03:00
?^ existing
[u.existing state-by-ship]
=| new-state=ford-state
[new-state (~(put by state-by-ship) our new-state)]
2018-03-16 03:21:46 +03:00