
120 lines
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Raw Normal View History

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Dawn where
import Arvo.Common
import Arvo.Event hiding (Address)
import Azimuth.Azimuth
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Call, to)
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Eth
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Provider
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Types hiding (blockNumber)
import Network.Ethereum.Web3
import Data.Text (splitOn)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Network.Ethereum.Ens as Ens
- Dawn takes a NounMap instead of a Map. Need a conversion function.
2019-09-20 02:51:34 +03:00
- The Haskell Dawn structure as it exists right now isn't right? It can't
parse a real %dawn event in the event browser.
-- During boot, use the infura provider
provider = HttpProvider
--azimuthContract = "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB"
2019-09-20 02:51:34 +03:00
bytes32ToAtom :: BytesN 32 -> Atom
bytes32ToAtom bytes =
(reverse (BA.pack $ BA.unpack bytes)) ^. from atomBytes
retrievePoint :: Quantity -> Address -> Int -> Web3 (Atom)
retrievePoint bloq azimuth p =
withAccount () $
withParam (to .~ azimuth) $
withParam (block .~ (BlockWithNumber bloq)) $ do
(pubKey, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, keyRev, continuity) <-
points (fromIntegral p)
pure $ bytes32ToAtom pubKey
retrieveGalaxyTable :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 (Map Ship (Rift, Life, Pass))
retrieveGalaxyTable bloq azimuth =
withAccount () $
withParam (to .~ azimuth) $
withParam (block .~ (BlockWithNumber bloq)) $
M.fromList <$> mapM getRow [0..5]
getRow idx = do
(pubKey, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, keyRev, continuity) <- points idx
pure (fromIntegral idx, (fromIntegral continuity,
fromIntegral keyRev,
2019-09-20 02:51:34 +03:00
bytes32ToAtom pubKey))
-- Reads the Turf domains off the blockchain at block height `bloq`.
readAmesDomains :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 ([Turf])
readAmesDomains bloq azimuth =
withAccount () $
withParam (to .~ azimuth) $
withParam (block .~ (BlockWithNumber bloq)) $
mapM getTurf [0..2]
getTurf idx = do
str <- dnsDomains idx
pure $ Turf $ fmap Cord $ reverse $ splitOn "." str
[%dawn seed sponsor galaxies domains block eth-url snap]
-- Produces either an error or a validated boot event structure.
dawnVent :: Seed -> RIO e (Either Text Dawn)
dawnVent (Seed (Ship ship) life ring oaf) = do
-- TODO: The dawn code tries to switch which ethereum provider it uses based
-- on a ships' rank, but then doesn't do anything with it other than passing
-- it into the ship and just uses the hardcoded infura node?
hs <- runWeb3' provider $ do
-- Block number (dBloq)
dBloq <- blockNumber
print ("Eth block: " ++ (show dBloq))
azimuth <- withAccount () $ Ens.resolve "azimuth.eth"
print ("Azimuth: " ++ (show azimuth))
-- TODO: Do the entire point:...:dawn flow. This now should work in theory
-- (x ...) <- withAccount () $
-- withParam (to .~ azimuthContract) $
-- points 15
2019-09-20 02:51:34 +03:00
-- Retrieve the galaxy table [MUST FIX s/5/255/]
-- galaxyTable <- retrieveGalaxyTable dBloq azimuth
-- print $ show galaxyTable
-- Read Ames domains [DONE]
-- dTurf <- readAmesDomains dBloq azimuth
-- print $ show dTurf
pure (dBloq)
print $ show hs
pure (Left "bad")