2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
=+ [bug=`?`| was=*(set path) wer=*path]
++ gash %+ cook
|= a/(list tyke) ^- tyke
?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))
(more fas gasp)
++ gasp ;~ pose
%+ cook
|=({a/tyke b/tyke c/tyke} :(weld a b c))
;~ plug
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (star tis))
(cook |=(a/twig [[~ a] ~]) hasp)
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (star tis))
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (plus tis))
++ glam ~+((glue ace))
++ hasp ;~ pose
(ifix [sel ser] wide)
(stag %call (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide)))
(stag %sand (stag %t qut))
%+ cook
|=(a/coin [%sand ?:(?=({$~ $tas *} a) %tas %ta) ~(rent co a)])
++ mota %+ cook
|=({a/tape b/tape} (rap 3 (weld a b)))
;~(plug (star low) (star hig))
++ plex
|= gen/twig ^- (unit path)
?: ?=({$dbug *} gen)
$(gen q.gen)
?. ?=({$conl *} gen) ~
%+ reel p.gen
|= {a/twig b/_`(unit path)`[~ u=/]}
?~ b ~
?. ?=({$sand ?($ta $tas) @} a) ~
`[q.a u.b]
++ pray
|= gen/twig ~| %pray ^- (unit twig)
~& [%pray-disabled gen]
++ prey
|= gun/(list twig) ^- (unit twig)
?~ gun `[%$ 1]
=+ gup=(pray i.gun)
?~ gup ~
?~ t.gun gup
(bind $(gun t.gun) |=(a/twig [%per u.gup a]))
++ phax
|= ruw/(list (list beer))
=+ [yun=*(list twig) cah=*(list @)]
=+ wod=|=({a/tape b/(list twig)} ^+(b ?~(a b [[%nub %knit (flop a)] b])))
|- ^+ yun
?~ ruw
(flop (wod cah yun))
?~ i.ruw $(ruw t.ruw)
?@ i.i.ruw
$(i.ruw t.i.ruw, cah [i.i.ruw cah])
$(i.ruw t.i.ruw, cah ~, yun [p.i.i.ruw (wod cah yun)])
++ posh
|= {pre/(unit tyke) pof/(unit {p/@ud q/tyke})}
^- (unit (list twig))
=- ?^(- - ~&(%posh-fail -))
=+ wom=(poof wer)
%+ biff
?~ pre `u=wom
%+ bind (poon wom u.pre)
|= moz/(list twig)
?~(pof moz (weld moz (slag (lent u.pre) wom)))
|= yez/(list twig)
?~ pof `yez
=+ zey=(flop yez)
=+ [moz=(scag p.u.pof zey) gul=(slag p.u.pof zey)]
=+ zom=(poon (flop moz) q.u.pof)
?~(zom ~ `(weld (flop gul) u.zom))
++ poof |=(pax/path ^-((list twig) (turn pax |=(a/@ta [%sand %ta a]))))
++ poon
|= {pag/(list twig) goo/tyke}
^- (unit (list twig))
?~ goo `~
%+ both
?^(i.goo i.goo ?~(pag ~ `u=i.pag))
$(goo t.goo, pag ?~(pag ~ t.pag))
++ poor
%+ sear posh
;~ plug
(stag ~ gash)
;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix cen porc)) (easy ~))
++ porc
;~ plug
(cook |=(a/(list) (lent a)) (star cen))
;~(pfix fas gash)
++ rump
%+ sear
|= {a/wing b/(unit twig)} ^- (unit twig)
?~(b [~ %wing a] ?.(?=({@ $~} a) ~ [~ [%rock %tas i.a] u.b]))
;~(plug rope ;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix lus wide)) (easy ~)))
++ rood
;~ pfix fas
(stag %conl poor)
++ rupl
%+ cook
|= {a/? b/(list twig) c/?}
?: a
?: c
[%conl [%conl b] ~]
[%conl b]
?: c
[%conl [%conp b] ~]
[%conp b]
;~ plug
;~ pose
(cold | (just '['))
(cold & (jest '~['))
;~ pose
(ifix [ace gap] (most gap tall))
(most ace wide)
;~ pose
(cold & (jest ']~'))
(cold | (just ']'))
++ cram :: parse unmark
=> |%
++ item (pair mite marl:twig) :: xml node generator
++ colm @ud :: column
++ flow marl:twig :: node or generator
++ mite :: context
$? $down :: outer embed
$rule :: horizontal ruler
$list :: unordered list
$lime :: list item
$lord :: ordered list
$poem :: verse
$bloc :: blockquote
$head :: heading
== ::
++ trig :: line style
$: col/@ud :: start column
sty/trig-style :: style
== ::
++ trig-style :: type of parsed line
$? $done :: end of input
$rule :: --- horizontal ruler
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
$fens :: ``` code fence
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
$lint :: + line item
$lite :: - line item
$head :: # heading
$bloc :: > block-quote
$expr :: ;sail expression
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
$stet :: == to end markdown
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
$text :: anything else
== ::
++ graf :: paragraph element
$% {$bold p/(list graf)} :: *bold*
{$talc p/(list graf)} :: _italics_
{$quod p/(list graf)} :: "double quote"
{$code p/tape} :: code literal
{$text p/tape} :: text symbol
{$link p/(list graf) q/tape} :: URL
{$expr p/tuna:twig} :: interpolated hoon
=< apex
++ apex
:: top: original indentation level
2017-08-23 01:03:34 +03:00
|= a/nail
%+ pfix (whit:parse a)
|= {{@u top/@u} tape} ^- (like marl:twig)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
~($ main top +<)
++ main
:: state of the parsing loop. we maintain a construction
:: stack for elements and a line stack for lines in the
:: current block. a blank line causes the current block
:: to be parsed and thrown in the current element. when
:: the indent column retreats, the element stack rolls up.
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
:: verbose: debug printing enabled
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: err: error position
:: col: current control column
:: hac: stack of items under construction
:: cur: current item under construction
:: lub: current block being read in
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
:: last-column: last column read, for backtracking
:: top: initial markdown indent
:: [naz los]: parsing state
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
=/ verbose |
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
=| err/(unit hair)
=| col/@ud
=| hac/(list item)
=/ cur/item [%down ~]
2017-08-22 22:34:27 +03:00
=| lub/(unit (pair hair wall))
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
=| last-column/@ud
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
|_ {top/@ud naz/hair los/tape}
++ $ :: resolve
^- (like flow)
=> line
:: if error position is set, produce error
?. =(~ err) [+.err ~]
:: all data was consumed
=- [naz `[- [naz los]]]
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
=> close-item
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
|- ^- flow
:: fold all the way to top
?~ hac fine
$(..^$ fold)
++ cur-indent
?- p.cur
$down 2
$rule 0
$head 0
$list 0
$lime 2
$lord 0
$poem 8
$bloc 2
++ back :: column retreat
|= luc/@ud
^+ +>
?: =(luc col) +>
:: nex: next backward step that terminates this context
=/ nex/@ud cur-indent ::REVIEW code and poem blocks are handled elsewhere
?: (gth nex (sub col luc))
:: indenting pattern violation
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
~? verbose indent-pattern-violation+[p.cur nex col luc]
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
..^$(col luc, err `[p.naz luc])
=. ..^$ fold
$(col (sub col nex))
++ fine :: item to flow
^- flow
?: ?=(?($down $head $expr) p.cur)
(flop q.cur)
=- [[- ~] (flop q.cur)]~
?- p.cur
$rule %hr
$list %ul
$lord %ol
$lime %li
$poem %div ::REVIEW actual container element?
$bloc %blockquote
++ fold ^+ . :: complete and pop
?~ hac .
%= .
hac t.hac
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
cur [p.i.hac (weld fine q.i.hac)]
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
++ snap :: capture raw line
=| nap/tape
|- ^+ [nap +>]
:: no unterminated lines
?~ los
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
~? verbose %unterminated-line
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
[~ +>(err `naz)]
?. =(`@`10 i.los)
?: (gth col q.naz)
?. =(' ' i.los)
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
~? verbose expected-indent+[col naz los]
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
[~ +>(err `naz)]
$(los t.los, q.naz +(q.naz))
:: save byte and repeat
$(los t.los, q.naz +(q.naz), nap [i.los nap])
:: consume newline
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
:_ +>(los t.los, naz [+(p.naz) 1], last-column q.naz)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: trim trailing spaces
|- ^- tape
?: ?=({$' ' *} nap)
$(nap t.nap)
(flop nap)
++ look :: inspect line
^- (unit trig)
(wonk (look:parse naz los))
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
++ close-item :: compose block
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
^+ .
:: empty block, no action
?~ lub .
:: if block is verse
?: ?=($poem p.cur)
:: add break between stanzas
=. q.cur ?~(q.cur q.cur [[[%br ~] ~] q.cur])
=- fold(lub ~, q.cur (weld - q.cur), col (sub col 8))
%+ turn q.u.lub
|= tape ^- manx
:: each line is a paragraph
:- [%p ~]
:_ ~
:: yex: block recomposed, with newlines
=/ yex/tape
(zing (turn (flop q.u.lub) |=(a/tape (runt [(dec col) ' '] "{a}\0a"))))
:: vex: parse of paragraph
=/ vex/(like marl:twig)
:: either a one-line header or a paragraph
%. [p.u.lub yex]
%- full
?- p.cur
$rule =<(;~(pfix (punt whit) hrul) parse)
$head head:parse
@ para:parse
:: if error, propagate correctly
?~ q.vex ..$(err `p.vex)
:: finish tag if it's a header or rule
=< ?:(?=(?($head $rule) p.cur) fold ..$)
:: save good result, clear buffer
..$(lub ~, q.cur (weld p.u.q.vex q.cur))
++ line ^+ . :: body line loop
=. col ?~(col top col)
:: abort after first error
?: !=(~ err) .
:: pic: profile of this line
=/ pic look
:: if line is blank
?~ pic
:: break section
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
=~(+:snap close-item line)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: line is not blank
=> .(pic u.pic)
:: if end of input, complete
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
?: ?=($done sty.pic)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
..$(q.naz col.pic)
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
:: if == or dedent, complete and backtrack
?: |(?=($stet sty.pic) (lth col.pic top))
%_ ..$
p.naz (dec p.naz)
q.naz last-column
los ['\0a' los] :: put newline back
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: bal: inspection copy of lub, current section
=/ bal lub
:: if within section
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
?~ bal (open-item pic)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: detect unspaced new containers
?: ?& ?=(?($down $lime $bloc) p.cur)
|(!=(%text sty.pic) (gth col.pic col))
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
%- =>(close-item open-item) pic
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: first line of container is legal
?~ q.u.bal
=^ nap ..$ snap
line(lub bal(q.u [nap q.u.bal]))
::- - - foo
:: detect bad block structure
?. ?- p.cur
:: can't(/directly) contain text
?($lord $list) ~|(bad-leaf-container+p.cur !!)
:: only one line in a header/break
?($head $rule) |
:: literals need to end with a blank line
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
?($poem $expr) (gte col.pic col)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
:: text flows must continue aligned
?($down $list $lime $lord $bloc) =(col.pic col)
2017-08-23 03:13:32 +03:00
~? verbose bad-block-structure+[p.cur col col.pic]
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
..$(err `[p.naz col.pic])
:: accept line and continue
=^ nap ..$ snap
line(lub bal(q.u [nap q.u.bal]))
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
++ parse-hoon :: hoon in markdown
^+ .
=/ vex/(like marl:twig) (expr:parse naz los)
?~ q.vex
..$(err `p.vex)
=+ [res naz los]=u.q.vex
%_ ..$
naz naz
los los
q.cur (weld (flop `marl:twig`res) q.cur) :: prepend to the stack
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
++ parse-fens
^+ .
=/ vex/(like wall) ((fenced-code:parse col) naz los)
?~ q.vex
..$(err `p.vex)
=+ [wal naz los]=u.q.vex
=/ txt/tape
%+ roll `wall`wal
|=({a/tape b/tape} "{a}\0a{b}")
=/ res/manx [[%pre ~] ;/(txt) ~]
%_ ..$
naz naz
los los
q.cur [res q.cur]
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
++ open-item :: enter list/quote
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
|= pic/trig
:: if column has retreated, adjust stack
=. +>.$ ?. (lth col.pic col) +>.$ (back col.pic)
:: dif: columns advanced
:: erp: error position
=/ dif (sub col.pic col)
=/ erp [p.naz col.pic]
=. col col.pic
:: execute appropriate paragraph form
?: ?=($expr sty.pic)
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
?: ?=($fens sty.pic)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
=< line:abet:apex
++ abet :: accept line
:: nap: take first line
..$(lub `[naz ~])
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
++ apex ^+ . :: by column offset
?+ dif fail ::
$8 (push %poem) :: verse literal
$0 :: unindented forms
?- sty.pic
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
?($done $stet) !! :: end of markdown
2017-08-22 22:34:27 +03:00
$rule (push %rule) :: horizontal ruler
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
$head (push %head) :: heading
$bloc (entr %bloc) :: blockquote line
$lite (lent %list) :: unnumbered list
$lint (lent %lord) :: numbered list
$text text :: anything else
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
++ fail .(err `erp) :: set error position
++ push |=(mite +>(hac [cur hac], cur [+< ~])):: push context
++ entr :: enter container
|= typ/mite
^+ +>
:: indent by 2
=. col (add 2 col)
:: "parse" marker
=. los (slag (sub col q.naz) los)
=. q.naz col
(push typ)
++ lent :: list entry
|= ord/?($lord $list)
^+ +>
:: can't switch list types
?: =(?-(ord $list %lord, $lord %list) p.cur)
:: push list item
=< (entr %lime)
:: push list context, unless we're in list
?:(=(ord p.cur) ..push (push ord))
++ text :: plain text
^+ .
:: only in lists, fold
?. ?=(?($list $lord) p.cur) .
.(^$ fold)
++ parse :: individual parsers
++ look :: classify line
%+ cook |=(a/(unit trig) a)
;~ pfix (star ace)
%+ here
|=({a/pint b/?($~ trig-style)} ?~(b ~ `[q.p.a b]))
;~ pose
(full (easy %done)) :: end of input
(cold ~ (just `@`10)) :: blank line
2017-08-23 03:02:13 +03:00
(cold %stet duz) :: == (ends markdown)
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
(cold %rule ;~(plug hep hep hep)) :: --- horizontal ruler
2017-08-22 02:30:19 +03:00
(cold %fens ;~(plug tec tec tec)) :: ``` code fence
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
(cold %head ;~(plug (star hax) ace)) :: # heading
(cold %lite ;~(plug hep ace)) :: - line item
(cold %lint ;~(plug lus ace)) :: + line item
(cold %bloc ;~(plug gar ace)) :: > block-quote
(cold %expr sem) :: ;sail expression
(easy %text) :: anything else
++ cash :: escaped fence
|* tem/rule
%- echo
%- star
;~ pose
;~(plug bas tem)
;~(less tem prn)
++ cool :: reparse
|* $: :: fex: primary parser
:: sab: secondary parser
|= {naz/hair los/tape}
^+ *sab
:: vex: fenced span
=/ vex/(like tape) (fex naz los)
?~ q.vex vex
:: hav: reparse full fenced text
=/ hav ((full sab) [naz p.u.q.vex])
:: reparsed error position is always at start
?~ q.hav [naz ~]
:: the complete span with the main product
:- p.vex
`[p.u.q.hav q.u.q.vex]
::REVIEW surely there is a less hacky "first or after space" solution
++ easy-sol :: parse start of line
|* a/*
|= b/nail
?: =(1 q.p.b) ((easy a) b)
(fail b)
++ echo :: hoon literal
|* sab/rule
|= {naz/hair los/tape}
^- (like tape)
:: vex: result of parsing wide twig
=/ vex (sab naz los)
:: use result of expression parser
?~ q.vex vex
=- [p.vex `[- q.u.q.vex]]
:: but replace payload with bytes consumed
|- ^- tape
?: =(q.q.u.q.vex los) ~
?~ los ~
[i.los $(los +.los)]
++ word :: flow parser
%+ knee *(list graf) |. ~+
%+ cook |=(a/?(graf (list graf)) ?+(a a {@ *} [a]~))
;~ pose
:: ordinary word
%+ stag %text
;~(plug ;~(pose low hig) (star ;~(pose nud low hig hep)))
:: naked \escape
(stag %text ;~(pfix bas (cook trip ;~(less ace prn))))
:: *bold literal*
(stag %bold (ifix [tar tar] (cool (cash tar) work)))
:: _italic literal_
(stag %talc (ifix [cab cab] (cool (cash cab) work)))
:: "quoted text"
(stag %quod (ifix [doq doq] (cool (cash doq) work)))
:: `classic markdown quote`
(stag %code (ifix [tec tec] (cash tec)))
:: ++arm
(stag %code ;~(plug lus lus low (star ;~(pose nud low hep))))
:: [arbitrary *content*](url)
%+ stag %link
;~ (glue (punt whit))
(ifix [sel ser] (cool (cash ser) work))
(ifix [pel per] (cash per))
:: #twig
;~ plug
(stag %text ;~(pose (cold " " whit) (easy-sol ~)))
(stag %code ;~(pfix hax (echo wide)))
;~(simu whit (easy ~))
:: direct hoon constant
;~ plug
(stag %text ;~(pose (cold " " whit) (easy-sol ~)))
%+ stag %code
%- echo
;~ pose
::REVIEW just copy in 0x... parsers directly?
;~(simu ;~(plug (just '0') alp) bisk:so)
;~(pfix dot perd:so)
;~(pfix sig ;~(pose twid:so (easy [%$ %n 0])))
;~(pfix cen ;~(pose sym buc pam bar qut nuck:so))
;~(simu whit (easy ~))
:: whitespace
(stag %text (cold " " whit))
:: {interpolated} sail
(stag %expr inline-embed:(sail |))
:: just a byte
(stag %text (cook trip ;~(less ace prn)))
++ work (cook zing (star word)) :: indefinite flow
++ down :: parse inline flow
%+ knee *flow |. ~+
=- (cook - work)
:: collect raw flow into xml tags
|= gaf/(list graf)
^- flow
=< main
++ main
^- flow
?~ gaf ~
?. ?=($text -.i.gaf)
(weld (item i.gaf) $(gaf t.gaf))
:: fip: accumulate text blocks
=/ fip/(list tape) [p.i.gaf]~
|- ^- flow
?~ t.gaf [;/((zing (flop fip))) ~]
?. ?=($text -.i.t.gaf)
[;/((zing (flop fip))) ^$(gaf t.gaf)]
$(gaf t.gaf, fip :_(fip p.i.t.gaf))
++ item
|= nex/graf
^- flow ::CHECK can be tuna:twig?
?- -.nex
$text !! :: handled separately
$expr [p.nex]~
$bold [[%b ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
$talc [[%i ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
$code [[%code ~] ;/(p.nex) ~]~
$quod ::
:: smart quotes
%= ^$
:- [%text (tufa ~-~201c. ~)]
%+ weld p.nex
`(list graf)`[%text (tufa ~-~201d. ~)]~
$link [[%a [%href q.nex] ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
++ hrul :: empty besides fence
(cold ~ ;~(plug hep hep hep (star hep) (just '\0a')))
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
++ tecs
;~(plug tec tec tec (just '\0a'))
++ fenced-code
|= col/@u ~+
=/ ind (stun [(dec col) (dec col)] ace)
2017-08-23 00:58:44 +03:00
=/ ind-tecs ;~(plug ind tecs)
%+ ifix [ind-tecs ind-tecs]
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
%- star
2017-08-23 00:58:44 +03:00
;~ pose
%+ ifix [ind (just '\0a')]
;~(less tecs (star prn))
(cold "" ;~(plug (star ace) (just '\0a')))
2017-08-23 00:02:44 +03:00
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
++ para :: paragraph
%+ cook
|=(a/flow ?~(a ~ [[%p ~] a]~))
;~(pfix (punt whit) down)
++ expr :: expression
%+ ifix [(punt whit) (punt whit)] :: whitespace surround
=> (sail &) :: tall-form
(cook drop-top top-level) :: list of tags
++ whit :: whitespace
(cold ' ' (plus ;~(pose (just ' ') (just '\0a'))))
++ head :: parse heading
%+ cook
|= a/manx:twig ^- marl:twig
=. a.g.a :_(a.g.a [%id (sanitize-to-id c.a)])
;~ plug
:: # -> 1 -> %h1, ### -> 3 -> %h3, etc
:(cook |=(a/@u /(crip "h{<a>}")) lent (stun [1 6] hax))
;~(pfix whit down)
++ sanitize-to-id :: # text into elem id
|= a/(list tuna:twig) ^- tape
=; raw/tape
%+ turn raw
|= @tD
^- @tD
?: ?| &((gte +< 'a') (lte +< 'z'))
&((gte +< '0') (lte +< '9'))
?: &((gte +< 'A') (lte +< 'Z'))
(add 32 +<)
:: collect all text in header flow
|- ^- tape
?~ a ~
%+ weld
^- tape
?- i.a
{{$$ {$$ *} $~} $~} :: text node contents
(murn v.i.a.g.i.a |=(a/beer ?^(a ~ (some a))))
{^ *} $(a c.i.a) :: concatenate children
{@ *} ~ :: ignore interpolation
$(a t.a)
++ sail :: xml template
|= in-tall-form/? =| lin/?
++ apex :: product twig
%+ cook
|= tum/(each manx marl):twig ^- twig
?- -.tum
$& [%xmn p.tum]
$| [%xml p.tum]
++ top-level :: entry-point
;~(pfix sem ?:(in-tall-form tall-top wide-top))
++ inline-embed :: brace interpolation
%+ cook |=(a/tuna:twig a)
;~ pose
;~(pfix sem bracketed-elem(in-tall-form |))
;~(plug tuna-mode sump)
(stag %tape sump)
++ script-or-style :: script or style
%+ cook |=(a/marx:twig a)
;~ plug
;~(pose (jest %script) (jest %style))
++ tuna-mode :: xml node(s) kind
;~ pose
(cold %tape hep)
(cold %manx lus)
(cold %marl tar)
(cold %call cen)
++ wide-top :: wide outer top
%+ knee *(each manx marl):twig |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %| wide-quote)
(stag %| wide-paren-elems)
(stag %& ;~(plug tag-head wide-tail))
++ wide-inner-top :: wide inner top
%+ knee *(each tuna marl):twig |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %& ;~(plug tuna-mode wide))
++ wide-attrs :: wide attributes
%+ cook |=(a/(unit mart:twig) (fall a ~))
%- punt
%+ ifix [pel per]
%+ more (jest ', ')
;~((glue ace) a-mane hopefully-quote)
++ wide-tail :: wide elements
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
;~(pose ;~(pfix col wrapped-elems) (cold ~ sem) (easy ~))
++ wide-elems :: wide elements
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
%+ cook join-tops
(star ;~(pfix ace wide-inner-top))
++ wide-paren-elems :: wide flow
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
%+ cook join-tops
(ifix [pel per] (more ace wide-inner-top))
++ drop-top
|= a/(each tuna marl):twig ^- marl:twig
?- -.a
$& [p.a]~
$| p.a
++ join-tops
|= a/(list (each tuna marl)):twig ^- marl:twig
(zing (turn a drop-top))
++ wide-quote :: wide quote
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
;~ pose
;~ less (jest '"""')
(ifix [doq doq] (cook collapse-chars quote-innards))
%- inde
%+ ifix [(jest '"""\0a') (jest '\0a"""')]
(cook collapse-chars quote-innards(lin |))
++ quote-innards :: wide+tall flow
%+ cook |=(a/(list $@(@ tuna:twig)) a)
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose (mask "-+*%;\{") bas doq bix:ab))
;~(less bas kel ?:(in-tall-form fail doq) prn)
?:(lin fail ;~(less (jest '\0a"""') (just '\0a')))
++ bracketed-elem :: bracketed element
%+ ifix [kel ker]
;~(plug tag-head wide-elems)
++ wrapped-elems :: wrapped tuna
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
;~ pose
(cook |=(@t `marl`[;/((trip +<))]~) qut)
(cook drop-top wide-top)
++ a-mane :: mane as twig
%+ cook
|= {a/@tas b/(unit @tas)}
?~(b a [a u.b])
;~(plug sym ;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix cab sym)) (easy ~)))
++ en-class
|= a/(list {$class p/term})
^- (unit {$class tape})
?~ a ~
%- some
:- %class
%+ welp (trip p.i.a)
?~ t.a ~
[' ' $(a t.a)]
++ tag-head :: tag head
%+ cook
=+ twig ::REVIEW rename dynamic xml types
|= {a/mane b/mart c/mart}
^- marx
[a (weld b c)]
;~ plug
%+ cook
|= a/(list (unit {term (list beer)}))
^- (list {term (list beer)})
:: discard nulls
(murn a same)
;~ plug
(punt ;~(plug (cold %id hax) (cook trip sym)))
(cook en-class (star ;~(plug (cold %class dot) sym)))
(punt ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold %href fas) (cold %src pat)) soil))
(easy ~)
++ tall-top :: tall top
%+ knee *(each manx marl):twig |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %| ;~(pfix (plus ace) (cook collapse-chars quote-innards)))
(stag %& ;~(plug script-or-style script-style-tail))
(stag %& tall-elem)
(stag %| wide-quote)
(stag %| ;~(pfix tis tall-tail))
2017-08-23 01:03:34 +03:00
(stag %& ;~(pfix gar (stag [%div ~] cram)))
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
(stag %| ;~(plug ;~((glue gap) tuna-mode tall) (easy ~)))
(easy %| [;/("\0a")]~)
++ tall-attrs :: tall attributes
%- star
;~ pfix ;~(plug gap tis)
;~((glue gap) a-mane hopefully-quote)
++ tall-elem :: tall preface
%+ cook
=+ twig ::REVIEW rename dynamic xml types
|= {a/{p/mane q/mart} b/mart c/marl}
^- manx
[[p.a (weld q.a b)] c]
;~(plug tag-head tall-attrs tall-tail)
::REVIEW is there a better way to do this?
++ hopefully-quote :: prefer "quote" form
%+ cook |=(a/(list beer) a)
%+ cook |=(a/twig ?:(?=($knit -.a) p.a [~ a]~))
++ script-style-tail :: unescaped tall tail
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
%+ ifix [gap ;~(plug gap duz)]
%+ most gap
;~ pfix sem
%+ cook |=(a/tape ;/(a))
;~ pose
;~(pfix ace (star prn))
(easy "\0a")
++ tall-tail :: tall tail
?> in-tall-form
%+ cook |=(a/marl:twig a)
;~ pose
(cold ~ sem)
;~(pfix col wrapped-elems(in-tall-form |))
;~(pfix col ace (cook collapse-chars(in-tall-form |) quote-innards))
(cook join-tops (ifix [gap ;~(plug gap duz)] (most gap top-level)))
++ collapse-chars :: group consec chars
|= reb/(list $@(@ tuna:twig))
^- marl:twig
=| {sim/(list @) tuz/marl:twig}
|- ^- marl:twig
?~ reb
=. sim
?. in-tall-form sim
[10 |-(?~(sim sim ?:(=(32 i.sim) $(sim t.sim) sim)))]
?~(sim tuz [;/((flop sim)) tuz])
?@ i.reb
$(reb t.reb, sim [i.reb sim])
?~ sim [i.reb $(reb t.reb, sim ~)]
[;/((flop sim)) i.reb $(reb t.reb, sim ~)]
++ scat !:
%+ knee *twig |. ~+
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:- ','
;~ pose
(stag %wing rope)
;~(pfix com (stag %burn wide))
:- '!'
;~ pose
(stag %not ;~(pfix zap wide))
(stag %fail (cold ~ ;~(plug zap zap)))
:- '_'
;~(pfix cab (stag %shoe wide))
:- '$'
;~ pose
;~ pfix buc
;~ pose
(stag %leaf (stag %tas (cold %$ buc)))
(stag %leaf (stag %f (cold & pam)))
(stag %leaf (stag %f (cold | bar)))
(stag %leaf (stag %t qut))
(stag %leaf (sear |=(a/coin ?:(?=($$ -.a) (some +.a) ~)) nuck:so))
:- '%'
;~ pfix cen
;~ pose
(stag %conl (sear |~({a/@ud b/tyke} (posh ~ ~ a b)) porc))
(stag %rock (stag %tas (cold %$ buc)))
(stag %rock (stag %f (cold & pam)))
(stag %rock (stag %f (cold | bar)))
(stag %rock (stag %t qut))
(cook (jock &) nuck:so)
(stag %conl (sear |=(a/(list) (posh ~ ~ (lent a) ~)) (star cen)))
:- '&'
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/wing [%make a ~]) rope)
(stag %and ;~(pfix pam (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide))))
;~(plug (stag %rock (stag %f (cold & pam))) ;~(pfix lus wide))
(stag %sand (stag %f (cold & pam)))
:- '\''
(stag %sand (stag %t qut))
:- '('
(stag %call (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide)))
:- '{'
(stag %bank (ifix [kel ker] (most ace wide)))
:- '*'
;~ pose
(stag %bunt ;~(pfix tar wide))
(cold [%base %noun] tar)
:- '@'
;~(pfix pat (stag %base (stag %atom mota)))
:- '+'
;~ pose
(stag %bump ;~(pfix lus (ifix [pel per] wide)))
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list beer))
:- %nub
[%knit |-(^-((list beer) ?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))))]
(most dog ;~(pfix lus soil))
(cook |=(a/wing [%make a ~]) rope)
:- '-'
;~ pose
(stag %sand tash:so)
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list beer))
[%conl (phax a)]
(most dog ;~(pfix hep soil))
(cook |=(a/wing [%make a ~]) rope)
:- '.'
;~ pose
(cook (jock |) ;~(pfix dot perd:so))
(cook |=(a/wing [%make a ~]) rope)
:- ['0' '9']
%+ cook
|= {a/dime b/(unit twig)}
?~(b [%sand a] [[%rock a] u.b])
;~(plug bisk:so (punt ;~(pfix lus wide)))
:- ':'
;~ pfix col
;~ pose
(stag %wad (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide)))
;~(pfix fas (stag %nub wide))
:- '='
(stag %same ;~(pfix tis (ifix [pel per] ;~(glam wide wide))))
:- '?'
;~ pose
(stag %pick ;~(pfix wut (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide))))
(cold [%base %bean] wut)
:- '['
:- '^'
;~ pose
(stag %wing rope)
(cold [%base %cell] ket)
:- '`'
;~ pfix tec
;~ pose
%+ cook
|=({a/@ta b/twig} [%like [%sand a 0] [%like [%sand %$ 0] b]])
;~(pfix pat ;~(plug mota ;~(pfix tec wide)))
;~ pfix tar
(stag %cast (stag [%base %noun] ;~(pfix tec wide)))
(stag %cast ;~(plug wide ;~(pfix tec wide)))
(stag %like ;~(pfix lus ;~(plug wide ;~(pfix tec wide))))
(cook |=(a/twig [[%rock %n ~] a]) wide)
:- '"'
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list beer))
[%knit |-(^-((list beer) ?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))))]
(most dog soil)
:- ['a' 'z']
:- '|'
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/wing [%make a ~]) rope)
(stag %or ;~(pfix bar (ifix [pel per] (most ace wide))))
;~(plug (stag %rock (stag %f (cold | bar))) ;~(pfix lus wide))
(stag %sand (stag %f (cold | bar)))
:- '~'
;~ pose
;~ pfix sig
;~ pose
(stag %conl (ifix [sel ser] (most ace wide)))
%+ stag %open
%+ ifix
[pel per]
;~(glam rope wide (most ace wide))
(cook (jock |) twid:so)
(stag [%bust %null] ;~(pfix lus wide))
(easy [%bust %null])
:- '/'
:- '<'
(ifix [gal gar] (stag %tell (most ace wide)))
:- '>'
(ifix [gar gal] (stag %yell (most ace wide)))
++ soil
;~ pose
;~ less (jest '"""')
%+ ifix [doq doq]
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose bas doq kel bix:ab))
;~(less doq bas kel prn)
(stag ~ sump)
%- inde %+ ifix
[(jest '"""\0a') (jest '\0a"""')]
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose bas kel bix:ab))
;~(less bas kel prn)
;~(less (jest '\0a"""') (just `@`10))
(stag ~ sump)
++ sump (ifix [kel ker] (stag %conp (most ace wide)))
++ norm :: rune regular form
|= tol/?
=< %- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ :- '|'
;~ pfix bar
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %door expr)]
['%' (rune cen %core expe)]
[':' (rune col %gasp expb)]
['.' (rune dot %trap expa)]
['/' (rune fas %door expr)]
['-' (rune hep %loop expa)]
['^' (rune ket %cork expr)]
['~' (rune sig %port expb)]
['*' (rune tar %gill expb)]
['=' (rune tis %gate expb)]
['?' (rune wut %tray expa)]
:- '$'
;~ pfix buc
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['@' (rune pat %claw expb)]
['_' (rune cab %shoe expa)]
[':' (rune col %bank exps)]
['%' (rune cen %book exps)]
['^' (rune ket %bush expb)]
['-' (rune hep %lamb expb)]
['=' (rune tis %coat expg)]
['?' (rune wut %pick exps)]
:- '%'
;~ pfix cen
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %keep exph)]
['.' (rune dot %lace expb)]
['^' (rune ket %calq expd)]
['+' (rune lus %calt expc)]
['-' (rune hep %call expk)]
['~' (rune sig %open expu)]
['*' (rune tar %bake expm)]
['=' (rune tis %make exph)]
:- ':'
;~ pfix col
;~ pose
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %scon expb)]
['^' (rune ket %conq expd)]
['+' (rune lus %cont expc)]
['-' (rune hep %cons expb)]
['~' (rune sig %conl exps)]
['*' (rune tar %conp exps)]
(word %door expr)
(word %core expe)
(word %gasp expb)
(word %trap expa)
(word %door expr)
(word %loop expa)
(word %cork expr)
(word %port expb)
(word %gill expb)
(word %gate expb)
(word %tray expa)
(word %bunt expa)
(word %claw expb)
(word %shoe expa)
(word %bank exps)
(word %book exps)
(word %bush expb)
(word %lamb expb)
(word %coat expg)
(word %pick exps)
(word %keep exph)
(word %lace expb)
(word %calq expd)
(word %calt expc)
(word %call expk)
(word %open expu)
(word %bake expm)
(word %make exph)
(word %scon expb)
(word %conq expd)
(word %cont expc)
(word %cons expb)
(word %conl exps)
(word %conp exps)
(word %bump expa)
(word %nock expb)
(word %same expb)
(word %deep expa)
(word %wish expn)
(word %wish expn)
(word %iron expa)
(word %ward expb)
(word %cast expb)
(word %like expb)
(word %zinc expa)
(word %burn expa)
(word %name expg)
(word %lead expa)
(word %show expb)
(word %poll expf)
(word %lurk expb)
(word %fast hind)
(word %funk hine)
(word %thin hinb)
(word %hint hinb)
(word %memo hinc)
(word %dump hinf)
(word %warn hing)
(word %ddup expb)
(word %peep expb)
(word %wad expi)
(word %nub expa)
(word %dip expi)
(word %fry expb)
(word %new expb)
(word %set expq)
(word %sip expt)
(word %fix expp)
(word %rap expb)
(word %var expo)
(word %rev expo)
(word %per expb)
(word %nip expb)
(word %aka expl)
(word %pin expb)
(word %tow expi)
(word %or exps)
(word %if expc)
(word %lest expc)
(word %deny expb)
(word %sure expb)
;~(pfix (jest %case) (toad tkhp))
;~(pfix (jest %ifcl) (toad tkkt))
;~(pfix (jest %fits) (toad tkts))
;~(pfix (jest %deft) (toad tkls))
(word %and exps)
;~(pfix (jest %ifat) (toad tkpt))
;~(pfix (jest %ifno) (toad tksg))
(word %not expa)
(word %twig expb)
(word %spit expb)
(word %wrap expa)
(word %code expa)
(word %need hinh)
:- '.'
;~ pfix dot
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['+' (rune lus %bump expa)]
['*' (rune tar %nock expb)]
['=' (rune tis %same expb)]
['?' (rune wut %deep expa)]
['^' (rune ket %wish expn)]
:- '^'
;~ pfix ket
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %iron expa)]
['.' (rune dot %ward expb)]
['-' (rune hep %cast expb)]
['+' (rune lus %like expb)]
['&' (rune pam %zinc expa)]
['~' (rune sig %burn expa)]
['=' (rune tis %name expg)]
['?' (rune wut %lead expa)]
:- '~'
;~ pfix sig
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %show expb)]
['$' (rune buc %poll expg)]
['_' (rune cab %lurk expb)]
['%' (rune cen %fast hind)]
['/' (rune fas %funk hine)]
['<' (rune gal %thin hinb)]
['>' (rune gar %hint hinb)]
['+' (rune lus %memo hinc)]
['&' (rune pam %dump hinf)]
['?' (rune wut %warn hing)]
['=' (rune tis %ddup expb)]
['!' (rune zap %peep expb)]
:- ';'
;~ pfix sem
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ [':' (rune col %wad expi)]
['/' (rune fas %nub expa)]
['~' (rune sig %dip expi)]
[';' (rune sem %fry expb)]
:- '='
;~ pfix tis
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %new expb)]
['.' (rune dot %set expq)]
['^' (rune ket %sip expt)]
[':' (rune col %fix expp)]
['/' (rune fas %var expo)]
[';' (rune sem %rev expo)]
['<' (rune gal %rap expb)]
['>' (rune gar %per expb)]
['-' (rune hep %nip expb)]
['*' (rune tar %aka expl)]
['+' (rune lus %pin expb)]
['~' (rune sig %tow expi)]
:- '?'
;~ pfix wut
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %or exps)]
[':' (rune col %if expc)]
['.' (rune dot %lest expc)]
['<' (rune gal %deny expb)]
['>' (rune gar %sure expb)]
['-' ;~(pfix hep (toad tkhp))]
['^' ;~(pfix ket (toad tkkt))]
['=' ;~(pfix tis (toad tkts))]
['+' ;~(pfix lus (toad tkls))]
['&' (rune pam %and exps)]
['@' ;~(pfix pat (toad tkpt))]
['~' ;~(pfix sig (toad tksg))]
['!' (rune zap %not expa)]
:- '!'
;~ pfix zap
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ [':' ;~(pfix col (toad expz))]
['.' ;~(pfix dot (toad |.(loaf(bug |))))]
[',' (rune com %twig expb)]
[';' (rune sem %spit expb)]
['>' (rune gar %wrap expa)]
['=' (rune tis %code expa)]
['?' (rune wut %need hinh)]
++ boog :: core arms
%+ knee [p=*term q=*foot] |. ~+
;~ pfix lus
;~ pose
%+ cook
|=({a/$ash b/term c/twig} [b a c])
;~ gunk
(cold %ash (just '+'))
;~(pose (cold %$ buc) sym)
%+ cook
|=({a/$elm b/term c/twig} [b a c])
;~ gunk
(cold %elm (just '-'))
;~(pose (cold %$ buc) sym)
++ wisp :: core tail
%- ulva
%+ sear
|= a/(list (pair term foot))
=| b/(map term foot)
|- ^- (unit _b)
?~ a `b
?: (~(has by b) p.i.a)
~&(duplicate-arm+p.i.a ~)
$(a t.a, b (~(put by b) p.i.a q.i.a))
(most muck boog)
++ toad :: untrap parser exp
|* har/_expa
=+ dur=(ifix [pel per] $:har(tol |))
?:(tol ;~(pose ;~(pfix gap $:har(tol &)) dur) dur)
++ rune :: build rune
|* {dif/rule tuq/* har/_expa}
;~(pfix dif (stag tuq (toad har)))
++ word :: build keyword
|* {key/cord har/_expa}
;~(pfix (jest key) (stag key (toad har)))
++ moar :: :moar hack
%+ cook
|= {a/(list) b/(list (pair wing twig))}
^- twig
[%make [[%| (lent a) `%$] ~] b]
;~(pfix (jest %moar) ;~(plug (star (jest %r)) (toad |.((butt rick)))))
++ glop ~+((glue mash)) :: separated by space
++ gunk ~+((glue muck)) :: separated list
++ butt |* zor/rule :: closing == if tall
?:(tol ;~(sfix zor ;~(plug gap duz)) zor)
++ ulva |* zor/rule :: closing -- and tall
?.(tol fail ;~(sfix zor ;~(plug gap dun)))
++ hank (most muck loaf) :: gapped twigs
++ loaf ?:(tol tall wide) :: hoon, current width
++ mash ?:(tol gap ;~(plug com ace)) :: list separator
++ muck ?:(tol gap ace) :: general separator
++ teak %+ knee *tiki |. ~+ :: wing or twig
=+ ^= gub
|= {a/term b/$%({$& p/wing} {$| p/twig})}
^- tiki
?-(-.b $& [%& [~ a] p.b], $| [%| [~ a] p.b])
=+ ^= wyp
;~ pose
%+ cook gub
;~ plug
;~(pfix tis ;~(pose (stag %& rope) (stag %| wide)))
(stag %& (stag ~ rope))
(stag %| (stag ~ wide))
?. tol wyp
;~ pose
;~ pfix
;~(plug ket tis gap)
%+ cook gub
;~ plug
;~(pfix gap ;~(pose (stag %& rope) (stag %| tall)))
(stag %| (stag ~ tall))
++ rack (most mash ;~(gunk loaf loaf)) :: list [twig twig]
++ rick (most mash ;~(gunk rope loaf)) :: list [wing twig]
:: rune contents
++ expa |.(loaf) :: one twig
++ expb |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf)) :: two twigs
++ expc |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf)) :: three twigs
++ expd |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf loaf)) :: four twigs
++ expe |.(wisp) :: core tail
++ expf |.(;~(gunk ;~(pfix cen sym) loaf)) :: %term and twig
++ expg |.(;~(gunk sym loaf)) :: term and twig
++ exph |.((butt ;~(gunk rope rick))) :: wing, [tile twig]s
++ expi |.((butt ;~(gunk loaf hank))) :: one or more twigs
++ expj |.(;~(gunk sym rope loaf)) :: term, wing, and twig
++ expk |.(;~(gunk loaf ;~(plug loaf (easy ~)))) :: list of two twigs
++ expl |.(;~(gunk sym loaf loaf)) :: term, two twigs
++ expm |.((butt ;~(gunk rope loaf rick))) :: several [tile twig]s
++ expn |.(;~(gunk loaf (stag %conp (butt hank)))):: autoconsed twigs
++ expo |.(;~(gunk wise loaf loaf)) :: =;
++ expp |.(;~(gunk (butt rick) loaf)) :: [wing twig]s, twig
++ expq |.(;~(gunk rope loaf loaf)) :: wing and two twigs
++ expr |.(;~(gunk loaf wisp)) :: twig and core tail
++ exps |.((butt hank)) :: closed gapped twigs
++ expt |.(;~(gunk wise rope loaf loaf)) :: =^
++ expu |.(;~(gunk rope loaf (butt hank))) :: wing, twig, twigs
++ expv |.((butt rick)) :: just changes
++ expz |.(loaf(bug &)) :: twig with tracing
:: tiki expansion for %wt runes
++ tkhp |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/(list (pair twig twig))}
(~(wthp ah a) b)
(butt ;~(gunk teak rack))
++ tkkt |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/twig c/twig}
(~(wtkt ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ tkls |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/twig c/(list (pair twig twig))}
(~(wtls ah a) b c)
(butt ;~(gunk teak loaf rack))
++ tkpt |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/twig c/twig}
(~(wtpt ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ tksg |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/twig c/twig}
(~(wtsg ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ tkts |. %+ cook |= {a/twig b/tiki}
(~(wtts ah b) a)
;~(gunk loaf teak)
:: hint syntax
++ hinb |.(;~(gunk bont loaf)) :: hint and twig
++ hinc |. :: optional =en, twig
;~(pose ;~(gunk bony loaf) ;~(plug (easy ~) loaf))
++ hind |.(;~(gunk bonk loaf bonz loaf)) :: jet twig "bon"s twig
++ hine |.(;~(gunk bonk loaf)) :: jet-hint and twig
++ hinf |. :: 0-3 >s, two twigs
;~ pose
;~(gunk (cook lent (stun [1 3] gar)) loaf loaf)
(stag 0 ;~(gunk loaf loaf))
++ hing |. :: 0-3 >s, three twigs
;~ pose
;~(gunk (cook lent (stun [1 3] gar)) loaf loaf loaf)
(stag 0 ;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf))
++ bonk :: jet signature
;~ pfix cen
;~ pose
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix col ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot ;~(pfix dot dem)))))
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix col ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot dem))))
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot dem))
++ hinh |. :: 1/2 numbers, twig
;~ gunk
;~ pose
(ifix [sel ser] ;~(plug dem ;~(pfix ace dem)))
++ bont ;~ (bend) :: term, optional twig
;~(pfix cen sym)
;~(pfix dot ;~(pose wide ;~(pfix muck loaf)))
++ bony (cook |=(a/(list) (lent a)) (plus tis)) :: base 1 =en count
++ bonz :: term-labelled twigs
;~ pose
(cold ~ sig)
%+ ifix
?:(tol [;~(plug duz gap) ;~(plug gap duz)] [pel per])
(more mash ;~(gunk ;~(pfix cen sym) loaf))
++ lang :: lung sample
$: ros/twig :: XX translation
$= vil
$% {$tis p/twig}
{$col p/twig}
{$ket p/twig}
{$fas p/twig}
{$pel p/(list (pair wing twig))}
++ lung
%- bend
|= lang
^- (unit twig)
?- -.vil
$col ?:(=([%base %bean] ros) ~ [~ %rap ros p.vil])
$pel (bind ~(reek ap ros) |=(hyp/wing [%make hyp p.vil]))
$ket [~ ros p.vil]
$fas =+ tog=~(hock ap ros)
?.(?=(@ tog) ~ [~ %coat tog p.vil])
$tis =+ tog=~(hock ap ros)
?:(=([%0 ~] tog) ~ [~ %name tog p.vil])
++ long
%+ knee *twig |. ~+
;~ lung
;~ pose
;~(plug (cold %tis tis) wide)
;~(plug (cold %col col) wide)
;~(plug (cold %ket ket) wide)
;~(plug (cold %fas fas) wide)
;~ plug
(easy %pel)
(ifix [pel per] lobo)
++ lobo (most ;~(plug com ace) ;~(glam rope wide))
++ loon (most ;~(plug com ace) ;~(glam wide wide))
++ lute :: tall [] noun
%+ stag %conp
%+ ifix
[;~(plug sel gap) ;~(plug gap ser)]
(most gap tall)
++ rope :: wing form
%+ knee *wing
|. ~+
%+ (slug |=({a/limb b/wing} [a b]))
;~ pose
(cold [%| 0 ~] com)
%+ cook
|=({a/(list) b/term} ?~(a b [%| (lent a) `b]))
;~(plug (star ket) ;~(pose sym (cold %$ buc)))
%+ cook
|=(a/axis [%& a])
;~ pose
;~(pfix lus dim:ag)
;~(pfix pam (cook |=(a/@ ?:(=(0 a) 0 (mul 2 +($(a (dec a)))))) dim:ag))
;~(pfix bar (cook |=(a/@ ?:(=(0 a) 1 +((mul 2 $(a (dec a)))))) dim:ag))
(cold 1 dot)
++ wise %+ cook
|=({a/term b/(unit twig)} ?~(b a [a u.b]))
;~(plug sym (punt ;~(pfix fas wide)))
++ tall :: full tall form
%+ knee *twig
2017-08-23 01:03:34 +03:00
|.(~+((wart ;~(pose (norm &) long lute apex:(sail &)))))
2017-08-19 04:43:44 +03:00
++ wide :: full wide form
%+ knee *twig
|.(~+((wart ;~(pose (norm |) long apex:(sail |)))))
++ wart
|* zor/rule
%+ here
|= {a/pint b/twig}
?:(bug [%dbug [wer a] b] b)