2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
module Data.Noun.Poet where
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
import ClassyPrelude hiding (fromList)
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
import Control.Lens
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Noun
2019-05-15 01:13:18 +03:00
import Data.Noun.Atom
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
import Data.Noun.Pill
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
import Data.Void
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
import Data.Word
2019-05-15 01:13:18 +03:00
import GHC.Natural
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-05-11 00:59:45 +03:00
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
-- Types For Hoon Constructs ---------------------------------------------------
`Nullable a <-> ?@(~ a)`
This is distinct from `unit`, since there is no tag on the non-atom
case, therefore `a` must always be cell type.
data Nullable a = Nil | NotNil a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
2019-06-02 00:49:21 +03:00
newtype Tour = Tour [Char]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Tape = Tape ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
newtype Cord = Cord ByteString
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show)
2019-06-02 00:49:21 +03:00
type Tang = [Tank]
data Tank
= TLeaf Tape
| TPlum Plum
| TPalm (Tape, Tape, Tape, Tape) [Tank]
| TRose (Tape, Tape, Tape) [Tank]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Tile = Cord
data WideFmt
= WideFmt { delimit :: Tile, enclose :: Maybe (Tile, Tile) }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data TallFmt
= TallFmt { intro :: Tile, indef :: Maybe (Tile, Tile) }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PlumFmt
= PlumFmt (Maybe WideFmt) (Maybe TallFmt)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Plum
= PAtom Cord
| PPara Tile [Cord]
| PTree PlumFmt [Plum]
| PSbrk Plum
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
-- IResult ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data IResult a = IError NounPath String | ISuccess a
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Applicative IResult where
pure = ISuccess
(<*>) = ap
instance Fail.MonadFail IResult where
fail err = IError [] err
instance Monad IResult where
return = pure
fail = Fail.fail
ISuccess a >>= k = k a
IError path err >>= _ = IError path err
instance MonadPlus IResult where
mzero = fail "mzero"
mplus a@(ISuccess _) _ = a
mplus _ b = b
instance Alternative IResult where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance Semigroup (IResult a) where
(<>) = mplus
instance Monoid (IResult a) where
mempty = fail "mempty"
mappend = (<>)
-- Result ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Result a = Error String | Success a
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Applicative Result where
pure = Success
(<*>) = ap
instance Fail.MonadFail Result where
fail err = Error err
instance Monad Result where
return = pure
fail = Fail.fail
Success a >>= k = k a
Error err >>= _ = Error err
instance MonadPlus Result where
mzero = fail "mzero"
mplus a@(Success _) _ = a
mplus _ b = b
instance Alternative Result where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance Semigroup (Result a) where
(<>) = mplus
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
instance Monoid (Result a) where
mempty = fail "mempty"
mappend = (<>)
-- "Parser" --------------------------------------------------------------------
type Failure f r = NounPath -> String -> f r
type Success a f r = a -> f r
newtype Parser a = Parser {
runParser :: forall f r. NounPath -> Failure f r -> Success a f r -> f r
instance Monad Parser where
m >>= g = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let ks' a = runParser (g a) path kf ks
in runParser m path kf ks'
return = pure
fail = Fail.fail
instance Fail.MonadFail Parser where
fail msg = Parser $ \path kf _ks -> kf (reverse path) msg
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f m = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let ks' a = ks (f a)
in runParser m path kf ks'
apP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
apP d e = do
b <- d
b <$> e
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \_path _kf ks -> ks a
(<*>) = apP
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = fail "empty"
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = fail "mzero"
mplus a b = Parser $ \path kf ks -> let kf' _ _ = runParser b path kf ks
in runParser a path kf' ks
instance Semigroup (Parser a) where
(<>) = mplus
instance Monoid (Parser a) where
mempty = fail "mempty"
mappend = (<>)
-- Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------------
class FromNoun a where
parseNoun :: Noun -> Parser a
class ToNoun a where
toNoun :: a -> Noun
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
fromNoun :: FromNoun a => Noun -> Maybe a
fromNoun n = runParser (parseNoun n) [] onFail onSuccess
onFail p m = Nothing
onSuccess x = Just x
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
_Poet :: (ToNoun a, FromNoun a) => Prism' Noun a
_Poet = prism' toNoun fromNoun
-- Trivial Conversion ----------------------------------------------------------
instance ToNoun Void where
toNoun = absurd
instance FromNoun Void where
parseNoun = fail "Can't produce void"
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-05-18 06:44:13 +03:00
instance ToNoun Noun where
toNoun = id
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
instance FromNoun Noun where
parseNoun = pure
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
-- Loobean Conversion ----------------------------------------------------------
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
instance ToNoun Bool where
toNoun True = Atom 0
toNoun False = Atom 1
instance FromNoun Bool where
parseNoun (Atom 0) = pure True
parseNoun (Atom 1) = pure False
parseNoun (Cell _ _) = fail "expecting a bool, but got a cell"
parseNoun (Atom a) = fail ("expecting a bool, but got " <> show a)
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
-- Atom Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
instance ToNoun Atom where
toNoun = Atom
instance FromNoun Atom where
parseNoun (Cell _ _) = fail "Expecting an atom, but got a cell"
parseNoun (Atom a) = pure a
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
-- Natural Conversion-----------------------------------------------------------
instance ToNoun Natural where toNoun = toNoun . MkAtom
instance FromNoun Natural where parseNoun = fmap unAtom . parseNoun
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
-- Word Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
atomToWord :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Atom -> Parser a
atomToWord atom = do
if atom > fromIntegral (maxBound :: a)
then fail "Atom doesn't fit in fixed-size word"
else pure (fromIntegral atom)
wordToNoun :: Integral a => a -> Noun
wordToNoun = Atom . fromIntegral
nounToWord :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Noun -> Parser a
nounToWord = parseNoun >=> atomToWord
instance ToNoun Word where toNoun = wordToNoun
instance ToNoun Word8 where toNoun = wordToNoun
instance ToNoun Word16 where toNoun = wordToNoun
instance ToNoun Word32 where toNoun = wordToNoun
instance ToNoun Word64 where toNoun = wordToNoun
instance FromNoun Word where parseNoun = nounToWord
instance FromNoun Word8 where parseNoun = nounToWord
instance FromNoun Word16 where parseNoun = nounToWord
instance FromNoun Word32 where parseNoun = nounToWord
instance FromNoun Word64 where parseNoun = nounToWord
-- Nullable Conversion ---------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO Consider enforcing that `a` must be a cell.
instance ToNoun a => ToNoun (Nullable a) where
toNoun Nil = Atom 0
toNoun (NotNil x) = toNoun x
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun (Nullable a) where
parseNoun (Atom 0) = pure Nil
parseNoun (Atom n) = fail ("Expected ?@(~ ^), but got " <> show n)
parseNoun n = NotNil <$> parseNoun n
-- Maybe is `unit` -------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO Consider enforcing that `a` must be a cell.
instance ToNoun a => ToNoun (Maybe a) where
toNoun Nothing = Atom 0
toNoun (Just x) = Cell (Atom 0) (toNoun x)
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun (Maybe a) where
parseNoun = \case
Atom 0 -> pure Nothing
Atom n -> unexpected ("atom " <> show n)
Cell (Atom 0) t -> Just <$> parseNoun t
Cell n _ -> unexpected ("cell with head-atom " <> show n)
unexpected s = fail ("Expected unit value, but got " <> s)
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-01 03:21:44 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
-- List Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
instance ToNoun a => ToNoun [a] where
toNoun xs = fromList (toNoun <$> xs)
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun [a] where
parseNoun (Atom 0) = pure []
parseNoun (Atom _) = fail "list terminated with non-null atom"
parseNoun (Cell l r) = (:) <$> parseNoun l <*> parseNoun r
-- Cord Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
instance ToNoun Cord where
toNoun (Cord bs) = Atom (bs ^. from (pill . pillBS))
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
instance FromNoun Cord where
parseNoun n = do
atom <- parseNoun n
pure $ Cord (atom ^. pill . pillBS)
2019-05-11 00:59:45 +03:00
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:49:21 +03:00
-- Tank and Plum Conversion ----------------------------------------------------
instance ToNoun WideFmt where toNoun (WideFmt x xs) = toNoun (x, xs)
instance ToNoun TallFmt where toNoun (TallFmt x xs) = toNoun (x, xs)
instance ToNoun PlumFmt where toNoun (PlumFmt wide tall) = toNoun (wide, tall)
instance FromNoun WideFmt where parseNoun = fmap (uncurry WideFmt) . parseNoun
instance FromNoun TallFmt where parseNoun = fmap (uncurry TallFmt) . parseNoun
instance FromNoun PlumFmt where parseNoun = fmap (uncurry PlumFmt) . parseNoun
instance ToNoun Plum where
toNoun = \case
PAtom cord -> toNoun cord
PPara t cs -> toNoun (Cord "para", t, cs)
PTree f ps -> toNoun (Cord "tree", f, ps)
PSbrk p -> toNoun (Cord "sbrk", p)
instance FromNoun Plum where
parseNoun = undefined
instance ToNoun Tank where
toNoun = undefined
instance FromNoun Tank where
parseNoun = undefined
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
-- Pair Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b) => ToNoun (a, b) where
toNoun (x, y) = Cell (toNoun x) (toNoun y)
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
instance (FromNoun a, FromNoun b) => FromNoun (a, b) where
parseNoun (Atom n) = fail ("expected a cell, but got an atom: " <> show n)
parseNoun (Cell l r) = (,) <$> parseNoun l <*> parseNoun r
-- Trel Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b, ToNoun c) => ToNoun (a, b, c) where
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
toNoun (x, y, z) = toNoun (x, (y, z))
instance (FromNoun a, FromNoun b, FromNoun c) => FromNoun (a, b, c) where
parseNoun n = do
(x, t) <- parseNoun n
(y, z) <- parseNoun t
pure (x, y, z)
-- Quad Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b, ToNoun c, ToNoun d) => ToNoun (a, b, c, d) where
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
toNoun (p, q, r, s) = toNoun (p, (q, r, s))
2019-05-10 05:02:47 +03:00
2019-06-02 00:07:40 +03:00
instance (FromNoun a, FromNoun b, FromNoun c, FromNoun d)
=> FromNoun (a, b, c, d)
parseNoun n = do
(p, tail) <- parseNoun n
(q, r, s) <- parseNoun tail
pure (p, q, r, s)
-- Pent Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------
instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b, ToNoun c, ToNoun d, ToNoun e)
=> ToNoun (a, b, c, d, e) where
toNoun (p, q, r, s, t) = toNoun (p, (q, r, s, t))
instance (FromNoun a, FromNoun b, FromNoun c, FromNoun d, FromNoun e)
=> FromNoun (a, b, c, d, e)
parseNoun n = do
(p, tail) <- parseNoun n
(q, r, s, t) <- parseNoun tail
pure (p, q, r, s, t)
-- Sext Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------
instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b, ToNoun c, ToNoun d, ToNoun e, ToNoun f)
=> ToNoun (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
toNoun (p, q, r, s, t, u) = toNoun (p, (q, r, s, t, u))
instance (FromNoun a, FromNoun b, FromNoun c, FromNoun d, FromNoun e,FromNoun f)
=> FromNoun (a, b, c, d, e, f)
parseNoun n = do
(p, tail) <- parseNoun n
(q, r, s, t, u) <- parseNoun tail
pure (p, q, r, s, t, u)