Implement quickcheck on path utilities and fix a bug.

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Elliot Glaysher 2019-10-10 16:24:12 -07:00
parent c28f2693b5
commit 0633010a92
3 changed files with 33 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -592,11 +592,12 @@ pathToFilePath p = joinPath components
filePathToPath :: FilePath -> Path
filePathToPath fp = Path path
path = map (MkKnot . pack) (dir ++ file)
dir = case (splitDirectories $ (takeDirectory fp)) of
["."] -> []
("/":xs) -> xs
x -> x
file = [takeBaseName fp, ext]
path = map (MkKnot . pack) (dir ++ file)
file = if ext /= "" then [takeBaseName fp, ext] else [takeBaseName fp]
ext = case takeExtension fp of
('.':xs) -> xs
x -> x

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module ClayTests (tests) where
import Noun.Conversions
import UrbitPrelude
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
instance Arbitrary Knot where
arbitrary = (MkKnot . pack) <$> sublistOf ['a'..'z']
nonEmptyList :: (Arbitrary a) => Gen [a]
nonEmptyList = sized $ \n ->
do k <- choose (1, max 1 n)
vector k
instance Arbitrary Path where
arbitrary = Path <$> nonEmptyList
testPathRoundTrip :: Path -> Property
testPathRoundTrip p =
classify (1 == (length $ unPath p)) "singleton" $
(filePathToPath (pathToFilePath p)) === p
tests = testGroup "Clay"
[ testProperty "Path round trip" $ testPathRoundTrip ]

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import System.Environment (setEnv)
import qualified AmesTests
import qualified ArvoTests
import qualified BehnTests
import qualified ClayTests
import qualified DawnTests
import qualified DeriveNounTests
import qualified HoonMapSetTests
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ main = do
[ AmesTests.tests
, ArvoTests.tests
, BehnTests.tests
, ClayTests.tests
, DawnTests.tests
, DeriveNounTests.tests
, HoonMapSetTests.tests