king: fix byte order of Ipv4

This commit is contained in:
pilfer-pandex 2021-04-08 21:03:21 -04:00
parent 48837a1fbe
commit 17bf33d3a0
2 changed files with 35 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Data.Bits
import Data.Serialize
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as H
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
@ -159,6 +160,19 @@ deriveNoun ''JsonNode
-- Ames Destinations -------------------------------------------------
serializeToNoun :: Serialize a => a -> Noun
serializeToNoun = A . bytesAtom . encode
serializeParseNoun :: Serialize a => String -> Int -> Noun -> Parser a
serializeParseNoun desc len = named (pack desc) . \case
A (atomBytes -> bs)
-- Atoms lose leading 0s, but since lsb, these become trailing NULs
| length bs <= len -> case decode $ bs <> replicate (len - length bs) 0 of
Right aa -> pure aa
Left msg -> fail msg
| otherwise -> fail ("putative " <> desc <> " " <> show bs <> " too long")
C{} -> fail ("unexpected cell in " <> desc)
newtype Patp a = Patp { unPatp :: a }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Num, ToNoun, FromNoun)
@ -167,8 +181,19 @@ newtype Port = Port { unPort :: Word16 }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Real, Integral, Num, ToNoun, FromNoun)
-- @if
newtype Ipv4 = Ipv4 { unIpv4 :: Word32 }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Num, ToNoun, FromNoun)
newtype Ipv4 = Ipv4 { unIpv4 :: N.HostAddress }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Enum)
instance Serialize Ipv4 where
get = Ipv4 <$> N.tupleToHostAddress
<$> ((,,,) <$> getWord8 <*> getWord8 <*> getWord8 <*> getWord8)
put (Ipv4 (N.hostAddressToTuple -> (a, b, c, d))) = for_ [a, b, c, d] putWord8
instance ToNoun Ipv4 where
toNoun = serializeToNoun
instance FromNoun Ipv4 where
parseNoun = serializeParseNoun "Ipv4" 4
instance Show Ipv4 where
show (Ipv4 i) =
@ -178,6 +203,7 @@ instance Show Ipv4 where
show (i .&. 0xff)
-- @is
-- should probably use hostAddress6ToTuple here, but no one uses it right now
newtype Ipv6 = Ipv6 { unIpv6 :: Word128 }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Real, Integral, Num, ToNoun, FromNoun)
@ -190,21 +216,14 @@ data AmesAddress = AAIpv4 Ipv4 Port
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Serialize AmesAddress where
get = AAIpv4 <$> (Ipv4 <$> getWord32le) <*> (Port <$> getWord16le)
put (AAIpv4 (Ipv4 ip) (Port port)) = putWord32le ip >> putWord16le port
get = AAIpv4 <$> get <*> (Port <$> getWord16le)
put (AAIpv4 ip (Port port)) = put ip >> putWord16le port
instance FromNoun AmesAddress where
parseNoun = named "AmesAddress" . \case
A (atomBytes -> bs)
-- Atoms lose leading 0s, but since lsb, these become trailing NULs
| length bs <= 6 -> case decode $ bs <> replicate (6 - length bs) 0 of
Right aa -> pure aa
Left msg -> fail msg
| otherwise -> fail ("putative address " <> show bs <> " too long")
C{} -> fail "unexpected cell in ames address"
parseNoun = serializeParseNoun "AmesAddress" 6
instance ToNoun AmesAddress where
toNoun = A . bytesAtom . encode
toNoun = serializeToNoun
type AmesDest = Each Galaxy AmesAddress

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@ -80,10 +80,6 @@ data ShipClass
muk :: ByteString -> Word20
muk bs = mugBS bs .&. (2 ^ 20 - 1)
-- XX check this
getAmesAddress :: Get AmesAddress
getAmesAddress = AAIpv4 <$> (Ipv4 <$> getWord32le) <*> (Port <$> getWord16le)
putAmesAddress :: Putter AmesAddress
putAmesAddress = \case
AAIpv4 (Ipv4 ip) (Port port) -> putWord32le ip >> putWord16le port
@ -104,7 +100,7 @@ instance Serialize Packet where
guard isAmes
pktOrigin <- if isRelayed
then Just <$> getAmesAddress
then Just <$> get
else pure Nothing
-- body
@ -157,9 +153,10 @@ instance Serialize Packet where
putWord32le head
case pktOrigin of
Just o -> putAmesAddress o
Just o -> put o
Nothing -> pure ()
putByteString body
putShipGetRank s@(Ship (LargeKey p q)) = case () of
_ | s < 2 ^ 16 -> (0, putWord16le $ fromIntegral s) -- lord