front-end error handling

This commit is contained in:
Anton Dyudin 2016-04-29 17:08:29 -07:00
parent b79e1fec4e
commit 1cbeac4505

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ Dispatcher = require('./');
Persistence = require('./');
module.exports = {
setPasscode: function(pass) {
return Dispatcher.dispatch({
setPasscode: pass
claimShip: function(pass, ship) {
putClaim: {
@ -48,16 +53,14 @@ module.exports = {
status = arg.status, data =;
if (err != null) {
throw new Error("Client error");
} else {
return Dispatcher.dispatch({
gotData: {
path: path,
data: data
if (status !== 200) {
throw new Error("Server error");
return Dispatcher.dispatch({
gotData: {
path: path,
data: data
@ -83,15 +86,23 @@ module.exports = {
get: function(arg, cb) {
var fresh, path;
path = arg.path, fresh = arg.fresh;
if (fresh || !dup[path]) {
dup[path] = true;
if (!(dup[path] === "pending" || (!fresh && dup[path] === "got"))) {
dup[path] = "pending";
return urb.bind("/scry/x/womb" + path, {
appl: "hood"
}, function() {
urb.drop("/scry/x/womb" + path, {
}, function(err, dat) {
cb(err, dat);
return urb.drop("/scry/x/womb" + path, {
appl: "hood"
}, function() {});
return cb.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
return dup[path] = "got";
}, function(err, nice) {
var ref;
if (!(nice != null ? (ref = != null ? ref.ok : void 0 : void 0)) {
dup[path] = "got";
return cb(err, nice);
@ -99,8 +110,7 @@ module.exports = {
var EventEmitter, WombDispatcher, WombStore, _data, _local, _localDefault, unpackFrond,
slice = [].slice;
var EventEmitter, WombDispatcher, WombStore, _data, _default, unpackFrond;
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
@ -108,17 +118,16 @@ unpackFrond = require('./').unpackFrond;
WombDispatcher = require('./');
_data = {};
_local = {
claim: {}
_data = {
pass: sessionStorage.womb_pass
_localDefault = {
claim: "none"
_default = {
claim: "none",
pass: ""
WombStore = _.extend(new EventEmitter, {
WombStore = _.extend((new EventEmitter).setMaxListeners(50), {
emitChange: function() {
return this.emit('change');
@ -129,12 +138,8 @@ WombStore = _.extend(new EventEmitter, {
return this.removeListener("change", cb);
retrieve: function(path) {
var key, ref, ref1, ref2;
if (path[0] !== "_") {
return _data[path];
ref = path.slice(1).split("/"), key = ref[0], path = 2 <= ref.length ?, 1) : [];
return (ref1 = (ref2 = _local[key]) != null ? ref2[path.join("/")] : void 0) != null ? ref1 : _localDefault[key];
var ref;
return (ref = _data[path]) != null ? ref : _default[path.split("/")[0]];
gotData: function(arg1) {
var data, path;
@ -144,12 +149,16 @@ WombStore = _.extend(new EventEmitter, {
putClaim: function(arg1) {
var ship;
ship = arg1.ship;
return _local.claim[ship] = "wait";
return _data["claim/" + ship] = "wait";
gotClaim: function(arg1) {
var own, ship;
ship = arg1.ship, own = arg1.own;
return _local.claim[ship] = (own ? "own" : "xeno");
return _data["claim/" + ship] = (own ? "own" : "xeno");
setPasscode: function(pass) {
_data.pass = pass;
return sessionStorage.womb_pass = pass != null ? pass : "";
@ -165,22 +174,32 @@ WombStore.dispatchToken = WombDispatcher.register(function(action) {
module.exports = WombStore;
var Balance, History, Mail, Planets, Scry, Shop, Stars, b, clas, code, div, h6, input, p, recl, ref, rele, shipShape, span;
var Actions, Balance, FromStore, History, Label, Mail, Planets, Scry, ShipInput, Shop, Stars, b, clas, code, div, h6, name, p, recl, ref, rele, span;
clas = require('classnames');
shipShape = require('../').shipShape;
Actions = require('../');
Scry = require('./');
FromStore = (Scry = require('./')).FromStore;
Shop = require('./');
Label = require('./');
ShipInput = require('./');
recl = React.createClass;
rele = React.createElement;
ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, b = ref.b, h6 = ref.h6, input = ref.input, p = ref.p, span = ref.span, code = ref.code;
name = function(displayName, component) {
return _.extend(component, {
displayName: displayName
ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, b = ref.b, h6 = ref.h6, p = ref.p, span = ref.span, code = ref.code;
Mail = function(email) {
return code({
@ -207,56 +226,95 @@ History = function(history) {
Stars = Shop("stars");
Stars = Shop("stars", 7);
Planets = Shop("planets");
Planets = Shop("planets", 14);
Balance = Scry("/balance", function(arg) {
var history, owner, pass, planets, ref1, stars;
pass = arg.pass, (ref1 =, planets = ref1.planets, stars = ref1.stars, owner = ref1.owner, history = ref1.history);
return div({}, h6({}, "Balance"), p({}, "Hello ", Mail(owner)), p({}, "This balance was ", History(history), "It contains ", b({}, planets || "no"), " Planets ", "and ", b({}, stars || "no"), " Stars."), stars ? rele(Stars, {
pass: pass
}) : void 0, planets ? rele(Planets, {
pass: pass
}) : void 0);
Balance = Scry("/balance/~:pass", function(arg) {
var balance, history, owner, planets, stars;
balance = arg.balance;
if ( {
return div({}, Label("Invalid passcode", "warning"));
planets = balance.planets, stars = balance.stars, owner = balance.owner, history = balance.history;
return div({}, h6({}, "Balance"), p({}, "Hello ", Mail(owner)), p({}, "This balance was ", History(history), "It contains ", b({}, planets || "no"), " Planets ", "and ", b({}, stars || "no"), " Stars."), stars ? rele(Stars) : void 0, planets ? rele(Planets) : void 0);
module.exports = recl({
displayName: "Claim",
getInitialState: function() {
var ref1;
return {
passcode: (ref1 = localStorage.womb_claim) != null ? ref1 : ""
setPasscode: function(passcode) {
localStorage.womb_claim = passcode != null ? passcode : "";
return this.setState({
passcode: passcode
onChange: function(arg) {
var pass, target;
target =;
pass = target.value.trim();
if (pass[0] !== '~') {
pass = "~" + pass;
module.exports = name("Claim", FromStore("pass", function(arg) {
var pass;
pass = arg.pass;
return div({}, p({}, "Input a passcode to claim ships: "), ShipInput({
length: 57,
defaultValue: pass,
onInputShip: Actions.setPasscode
}), pass ? rele(Balance, {
pass: pass
}) : void 0);
var Actions, ClaimButton, FromStore, Label, ShipInput, _ClaimButton, button, name, recl, rele;
Actions = require('../');
FromStore = require('./').FromStore;
Label = require('./');
ShipInput = require('./');
button = React.DOM.button;
recl = React.createClass;
rele = React.createElement;
name = function(displayName, component) {
return _.extend(component, {
displayName: displayName
ClaimButton = FromStore("pass", function(arg) {
var pass, ship;
pass = arg.pass, ship = arg.ship;
if (!ship) {
return button({
disabled: true
}, "Claim (invalid)");
return rele(_ClaimButton, {
ship: ship,
onClick: function() {
return Actions.claimShip(pass, ship);
return this.setPasscode(((shipShape(pass)) && pass.length === 57 ? pass.slice(1) : void 0));
render: function() {
return div({}, p({}, "Input a passcode to claim ships: "), input({
onChange: this.onChange,
defaultValue: this.state.passcode
}), this.state.passcode ? rele(Balance, {
pass: this.state.passcode,
spur: "/~" + this.state.passcode
}) : void 0);
_ClaimButton = FromStore("claim/:ship", function(arg) {
var claim, onClick;
claim = arg.claim, onClick = arg.onClick;
switch (claim) {
case "own":
return Label("Claimed!", "success");
case "wait":
return Label("Claiming...");
case "xeno":
return Label("Taken", "warning");
case "none":
return button({
onClick: onClick
}, "Claim");
throw new Error("Bad claim type: " + claim);
module.exports = name("ClaimButton", ClaimButton);
var span;
span = React.DOM.span;
@ -271,7 +329,7 @@ module.exports = function(s, type) {
var Claim, Ships, div, h4, ref, rele;
Claim = require('./');
@ -287,8 +345,8 @@ module.exports = function() {
var Actions, Store, div, i, recl, ref, rele;
var Actions, FromStore, Scry, Store, div, i, recl, ref, rele;
Actions = require('../');
@ -300,38 +358,43 @@ rele = React.createElement;
ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, i = ref.i;
module.exports = function(path, Child) {
FromStore = function(path, Child) {
return recl({
displayName: "Scry" + path.split('/').join('-'),
displayName: "FromStore." + path.split('/').join('-'),
getInitialState: function() {
return this.retrieveData();
retrieveData: function() {
return {
data: Store.retrieve(this.getPath())
var data, obj;
data = Store.retrieve(this.getPath());
return (
obj = {
loaded: data != null
obj["" + (this.getKey())] = data,
getKey: function() {
return path.match(/[a-z0-9-]+/)[0];
getPath: function() {
var ref1;
return path + ((ref1 = this.props.spur) != null ? ref1 : "");
checkState: function() {
if ( == null) {
return Actions.getData(this.getPath());
return path.replace(/:([a-z0-9_.~-]+)/g, (function(_this) {
return function(m, key) {
return _this.props[key];
componentDidMount: function() {
return this.checkState();
return Store.addChangeListener(this.changeListener);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
return Store.removeChangeListener(this.changeListener);
componentDidUpdate: function(_props, _state) {
if (_props !== this.props) {
return this.setState(this.retrieveData());
return this.checkState();
changeListener: function() {
if (this.isMounted()) {
@ -339,22 +402,80 @@ module.exports = function(path, Child) {
render: function() {
return div({
style: {
display: "inline"
}, == null ? i({
key: "load"
}, "Fetching data...") : rele(Child, _.extend({}, this.props, {
key: "got",
}), this.props.children));
return rele(Child, _.extend({}, this.props, this.state, {
path: this.getPath()
Scry = function(path, Child) {
return FromStore(path, recl({
displayName: "Scry",
checkProps: function() {
if (!this.props.loaded) {
return Actions.getData(this.props.path);
componentDidMount: function() {
return this.checkProps();
componentDidUpdate: function(_props, _state) {
return this.checkProps();
render: function() {
return div({
style: {
display: "inline"
}, !this.props.loaded ? i({
key: "load"
}, "Fetching data...") : rele(Child, _.extend({}, this.props, {
key: "got"
}), this.props.children));
module.exports = Scry;
module.exports.FromStore = FromStore;
var input, name, recl, shipShape;
shipShape = require('../').shipShape;
input = React.DOM.input;
recl = React.createClass;
name = function(displayName, component) {
return _.extend(component, {
displayName: displayName
module.exports = name("ShipInput", function(arg) {
var defaultValue, length, onInputShip;
onInputShip = arg.onInputShip, length = arg.length, defaultValue = arg.defaultValue;
return input({
defaultValue: defaultValue,
onChange: function(arg1) {
var ship, target;
target =;
ship = target.value.trim();
if (ship[0] !== '~') {
ship = "~" + ship;
return onInputShip(((shipShape(ship)) && ship.length === length ? ship.slice(1) : void 0));
var Label, Scry, Stat, clas, code, div, labels, li, name, p, pre, recl, ref, rele, span, ul;
clas = require('classnames');
@ -381,8 +502,9 @@ labels = {
split: "Distributing"
Stat = name("Stat", function(stats) {
var className, dist, free, live, owned, ship, split;
Stat = name("Stat", function(arg) {
var className, dist, free, live, owned, ship, split, stats;
stats = arg.stats;
return ul({}, (function() {
var ref1, results;
results = [];
@ -405,7 +527,9 @@ Stat = name("Stat", function(stats) {
if (_.isEmpty(split)) {
return Label(labels.split);
} else {
return rele(Stat, split);
return rele(Stat, {
stats: split
@ -417,21 +541,17 @@ Stat = name("Stat", function(stats) {
module.exports = Scry("/stats", function(arg) {
var data;
data =;
return rele(Stat, data);
module.exports = Scry("/stats", Stat);
var Actions, ClaimButton, Label, Scry, Shop, ShopShips, button, div, h6, li, recl, ref, rele, span, ul;
Actions = require('../');
var ClaimButton, Scry, ShipInput, Shop, ShopShips, button, div, h6, li, recl, ref, rele, span, ul;
Scry = require('./');
Label = require('./');
ShipInput = require('./');
ClaimButton = require('./');
ref = React.DOM, ul = ref.ul, li =, div = ref.div, h6 = ref.h6, button = ref.button, span = ref.span;
@ -439,48 +559,30 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rele = React.createElement;
ClaimButton = Scry("_claim", function(arg) {
var data, onClick;
data =, onClick = arg.onClick;
switch (data) {
case "own":
return Label("Claimed!", "success");
case "wait":
return Label("Claiming...");
case "xeno":
return Label("Taken", "warning");
case "none":
return button({
onClick: onClick
}, "Claim");
ShopShips = Scry("/shop", function(arg) {
var claimShip, data, who;
data =, claimShip = arg.claimShip;
ShopShips = Scry("/shop/:type/:nth", function(arg) {
var ship, shop;
shop =;
return ul({
className: "shop"
}, (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
who = data[i];
for (i = 0, len = shop.length; i < len; i++) {
ship = shop[i];
className: "option",
key: who
key: ship
}, span({
className: "mono"
}, "~", who, " "), rele(ClaimButton, {
spur: "/" + who,
onClick: claimShip(who)
}, "~", ship, " "), rele(ClaimButton, {
ship: ship
return results;
Shop = function(type) {
Shop = function(type, length) {
return recl({
displayName: "Shop-" + type,
roll: function() {
@ -494,21 +596,23 @@ Shop = function(type) {
getInitialState: function() {
return this.roll();
claimShip: function(ship) {
return (function(_this) {
return function() {
return Actions.claimShip(_this.props.pass, ship);
onInputShip: function(customShip) {
return this.setState({
customShip: customShip
render: function() {
var spur;
spur = "/" + type + "/" + this.state.shipSelector;
var ref1;
return div({}, h6({}, "Avaliable " + type + " (random). ", button({
onClick: this.reroll
}, "Reroll")), rele(ShopShips, _.extend({}, this.props, {
spur: spur,
claimShip: this.claimShip
type: type,
nth: this.state.shipSelector
})), h6({}, "Custom"), div({}, "Specific " + type + ": ", rele(ShipInput, {
length: length,
onInputShip: this.onInputShip
}), rele(ClaimButton, {
ship: (ref1 = this.state.customShip) != null ? ref1 : ""
@ -517,7 +621,7 @@ Shop = function(type) {
module.exports = Shop;
var MainComponent, TreeActions;
MainComponent = require('./components/');
@ -527,7 +631,7 @@ TreeActions = window.tree.actions;
TreeActions.registerComponent("womb", MainComponent);
slice = [].slice;
@ -552,7 +656,7 @@ module.exports = {
Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson.
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see
@ -602,7 +706,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
@ -902,4 +1006,4 @@ function isUndefined(arg) {
return arg === void 0;