Remove Isle for now.

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Summers 2019-12-10 23:06:58 -08:00
parent b5919df50d
commit 3a99fe7834
2 changed files with 0 additions and 224 deletions

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Isle where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified SDL as SDL
import qualified Vere.Isle.Util as C
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.Vector ((!))
newtype Word4 = Word4 Word8
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
newtype Word10 = Word10 Word16
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
data RGB = RGB !Word8 !Word8 !Word8
type Bitmap = Word64 -- 8x8 bitmap
TODO Storable instance?
(Then I can use an unboxed vector)
data Tile = Tile
{ tFore :: !Word4
, tBack :: !Word4
, tSpry :: !Word10
data Display = Display
{ dColors :: V.Vector RGB -- size: 16
, dSprites :: V.Vector Bitmap -- size: 1024
, dTiles :: V.Vector Tile -- size: 3600 (80x45)
, dSurf :: V.Vector SDL.Surface -- size: 3600 (80x45)
initializeSurfaces :: IO (V.Vector SDL.Surface)
initializeSurfaces =
V.generateM 3600
$ const
$ SDL.createRGBSurface (SDL.V2 8 8)
$ SDL.RGB888
initialDisplay :: IO Display
initialDisplay =
surf <- initializeSurfaces
pure $ Display (V.generate 16 initialColors)
(V.generate 1024 initialSprites)
(V.generate 3600 initialTiles)
initialSprites :: Int -> Bitmap
initialSprites = fromIntegral
green = 4
white = 15
initialTiles :: Int -> Tile
initialTiles i =
Tile green white (fromIntegral i `mod` 1024)
initialColors :: Int -> RGB
initialColors = \case
0 -> RGB 0x00 0x00 0x00 -- Black
1 -> RGB 0x55 0x55 0x55 -- DarkGray
2 -> RGB 0x00 0x00 0xAA -- Blue
3 -> RGB 0x55 0x55 0xFF -- LightBlue
4 -> RGB 0x00 0xAA 0x00 -- Green
5 -> RGB 0x55 0xFF 0x55 -- LightGreen
6 -> RGB 0x00 0xAA 0xAA -- Cyan
7 -> RGB 0x55 0xFF 0xFF -- LightCyan
8 -> RGB 0xAA 0x00 0x00 -- Red
9 -> RGB 0xFF 0x55 0x55 -- LightRed
10 -> RGB 0xAA 0x00 0xAA -- Magenta
11 -> RGB 0xFF 0x55 0xFF -- LightMagenta
12 -> RGB 0xAA 0x55 0x00 -- Brown
13 -> RGB 0xFF 0xFF 0x55 -- Yellow
14 -> RGB 0xAA 0xAA 0xAA -- LightGray
15 -> RGB 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF -- White
n -> error ("bad color: " <> show n)
renderTile :: Display -> Tile -> SDL.Surface -> IO ()
renderTile d (Tile fg bg tx) surf = do
let for = dColors d ! fromIntegral fg
let bac = dColors d ! fromIntegral bg
let spry = dSprites d ! fromIntegral tx
for_ [0..63] $ \i -> do
let col = if testBit spry i then for else bac
renderPixel i surf col
renderPixel :: Int -> SDL.Surface -> RGB -> IO ()
renderPixel = undefined
-- data Display = Display
{-dColors :: V.Vector RGB -- size: 16
, dSprites :: V.Vector Bitmap -- size: 1024
, dTiles :: V.Vector Tile -- size: 3600 (80x45)
, dSurf :: V.Vector SDL.Surface -- size: 3600 (80x45)
render :: Display -> IO ()
render = undefined
draw :: Display -> IO ()
draw = undefined
main :: IO ()
main = C.withSDL $ C.withWindow "Lesson 01" (640, 480) $
\w -> do
screen <- SDL.getWindowSurface w
-- pixelFormat <- SDL.surfaceFormat `applyToPointer` screen
-- color <- SDL.mapRGB pixelFormat 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
SDL.surfaceFillRect screen Nothing (SDL.V4 maxBound maxBound maxBound maxBound)
SDL.updateWindowSurface w
SDL.delay 2000
SDL.freeSurface screen

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
module Vere.Isle.Util where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Text (Text)
import SDL (($=))
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Image
withSDL :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m ()
withSDL op = do
SDL.initialize []
void op
withSDLImage :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m ()
withSDLImage op = do
SDL.Image.initialize []
void op
withWindow :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> (Int, Int) -> (SDL.Window -> m a) -> m ()
withWindow title (x, y) op = do
w <- SDL.createWindow title p
SDL.showWindow w
void $ op w
SDL.destroyWindow w
p = SDL.defaultWindow { SDL.windowInitialSize = z }
z = SDL.V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
withRenderer :: (MonadIO m) => SDL.Window -> (SDL.Renderer -> m a) -> m ()
withRenderer w op = do
r <- SDL.createRenderer w (-1) rendererConfig
void $ op r
SDL.destroyRenderer r
rendererConfig :: SDL.RendererConfig
rendererConfig = SDL.RendererConfig
{ SDL.rendererType = SDL.AcceleratedVSyncRenderer
, SDL.rendererTargetTexture = False
renderSurfaceToWindow :: (MonadIO m) => SDL.Window -> SDL.Surface -> SDL.Surface -> m ()
renderSurfaceToWindow w s i
= SDL.surfaceBlit i Nothing s Nothing
>> SDL.updateWindowSurface w
isContinue :: Maybe SDL.Event -> Bool
isContinue = maybe True (not . isQuitEvent)
conditionallyRun :: (Monad m) => m a -> Bool -> m Bool
conditionallyRun f True = True <$ f
conditionallyRun _ False = pure False
isQuitEvent :: SDL.Event -> Bool
isQuitEvent (SDL.Event _t SDL.QuitEvent) = True
isQuitEvent _ = False
setHintQuality :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
setHintQuality = SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleNearest
loadTextureWithInfo :: (MonadIO m) => SDL.Renderer -> FilePath -> m (SDL.Texture, SDL.TextureInfo)
loadTextureWithInfo r p = do
t <- SDL.Image.loadTexture r p
i <- SDL.queryTexture t
pure (t, i)
mkPoint :: a -> a -> SDL.Point SDL.V2 a
mkPoint x y = SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y)
mkRect :: a -> a -> a -> a-> SDL.Rectangle a
mkRect x y w h = SDL.Rectangle o z
o = SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y)
z = SDL.V2 w h