This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Summers 2019-06-12 13:47:36 -07:00
parent 3e518f4d99
commit 3fd0ab4270
6 changed files with 648 additions and 33 deletions

pkg/hs-conq/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
module Language.Conq where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (pure, (<.>), Left, Right)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
type Tup a b = (a, b)
data Sum a b = L a | R b
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Sum a b) where
show (L x) = case show x of { "()" "L"; xs "L" <> xs }
show (R x) = case show x of { "()" "R"; xs "R" <> xs }
data Lit
= Nil
| LTup Lit Lit
| LLef Lit
| LRit Lit
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Lit where
show = \case
Nil -> "~"
LTup x y -> "[" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> "]"
LLef Nil -> "1"
LRit Nil -> "0"
LLef l -> "<l " <> show l <> ">"
LRit r -> "<r " <> show r <> ">"
class ToLit a where
toLit :: a -> Lit
instance ToLit () where
toLit () = Nil
instance (ToLit a, ToLit b) => ToLit (Sum a b) where
toLit (L l) = LLef (toLit l)
toLit (R r) = LRit (toLit r)
instance (ToLit a, ToLit b) => ToLit (Tup a b) where
toLit (l, r) = LTup (toLit l) (toLit r)
data Exp
= ESubj
| ENull
| EEval
| ELeft
| EWrit
| EHead
| ETail
| EDist
| EWith Exp Exp
| ECons Exp Exp
| ECase Exp Exp
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Exp where
showsPrec d = \case
ESubj -> showString "."
ENull -> showString "~"
EEval -> showString "!"
ELeft -> showString "L"
EWrit -> showString "R"
EHead -> showString "-"
ETail -> showString "+"
EDist -> showString "%"
EWith x y -> showsPrec d x . showsPrec d y
ECons x y -> showString "["
. showsPrec d x
. showString " "
. showsPrec d y
. showString "]"
ECase x y -> showString "<"
. showsPrec d x
. showString " "
. showsPrec d y
. showString ">"
class ToConq a s r where
toConq :: a -> Conq s r
instance ToConq (Conq s a, Conq a r) s r where
toConq (x,y) = With x y
instance ToConq (Conq s a, Conq a b, Conq b r) s r where
toConq (x,y,z) = With (toConq (x,y)) z
instance ToConq (Conq s a, Conq a b, Conq b c, Conq c r) s r where
toConq (x,y,z,p) = With (toConq (x,y,z)) p
instance ToConq (Conq s a, Conq a b, Conq b c, Conq c d, Conq d r) s r where
toConq (x,y,z,p,q) = With (toConq (x,y,z,p)) q
data Conq s r where
Subj :: Conq s s
Null :: Conq s ()
Left :: Conq a (Sum a b)
Writ :: Conq b (Sum a b)
Head :: Conq (Tup a b) a
Tail :: Conq (Tup a b) b
Cons :: Conq s a -> Conq s b -> Conq s (a, b)
Kase :: Conq a r -> Conq b r -> Conq (Sum a b) r
Dist :: Conq (Sum a b,s) (Sum (a,s) (b,s))
With :: Conq s a -> Conq a r -> Conq s r
Eval :: Conq (a, Conq a r) r
-- Case :: Conq (a,s) r -> Conq (b,s) r -> Conq (Sum a b,s) r
instance Category Conq where
id = Subj
(.) = flip With
instance Show (Conq s r) where
show c = show (toExp c)
run :: s -> Conq s r -> r
run sut = \case
Null -> ()
Subj -> sut
With x y -> run (run sut x) y
Eval -> case sut of (s,f) -> run s f
Cons x y -> (run sut x, run sut y)
Left -> L sut
Writ -> R sut
Head -> fst sut
Tail -> snd sut
Dist -> case sut of { (L l,x) -> L (l,x); (R r,x) -> R (r,x); }
Kase p q -> case sut of { L l -> run l p; R r -> run r q; }
--Case p q -> case sut of (L l,x) -> run (l,x) p
-- (R r,x) -> run (r,x) q
times :: Int -> Conq s s -> Conq s s
times 0 _ = id
times 1 f = f
times n f = With f (times (n-1) f)
runTimes :: Int -> s -> Conq s s -> s
runTimes n sut conq = go n
go 0 = sut
go 1 = run sut conq
go n = run (go (n-1)) conq
toExp :: Conq s r -> Exp
toExp = \case
Subj -> ESubj
Null -> ENull
Eval -> EEval
Left -> ELeft
Writ -> EWrit
Head -> EHead
Tail -> ETail
Dist -> EDist
Cons x y -> ECons (toExp x) (toExp y)
--Case l r -> ECase (toExp l) (toExp r)
Kase l r -> ECase (toExp l) (toExp r)
With x y -> EWith (toExp x) (toExp y)
fromExp :: forall s r. (Typeable s, Typeable r) => Exp -> Maybe (Conq s r)
fromExp = \case
ESubj ->
case testEquality (typeRep @s) (typeRep @r) of
Just Refl -> Just (coerce Subj)
Nothing -> Nothing
_ ->
-- Axis Lookup -----------------------------------------------------------------
a1 :: Conq a a
a1 = Subj
a2 :: Conq (Tup a b) a
a2 = Head
a3 :: Conq (Tup a b) b
a3 = Tail
a4 :: Conq (Tup (Tup a b) c) a
a4 = Head . Head
a5 :: Conq (Tup (Tup a b) c) b
a5 = Tail . Head
a6 :: Conq (Tup a (Tup b c)) b
a6 = Head . Tail
a7 :: Conq (Tup a (Tup b c)) c
a7 = Tail . Tail
a8 :: Conq (((a, b), c), d) a
a8 = Head . Head . Head
-- Eat Operations --------------------------------------------------------------
nothing :: Conq s (Sum () a)
nothing = Left . Null
just :: Conq a (Sum () a)
just = Writ
case' :: Conq (a,s) r -> Conq (b,s) r -> Conq (Sum a b,s) r
case' x y = Kase x y . Dist
previewLeft :: Conq (Sum a b) (Sum () a)
previewLeft = Kase just nothing
previewWrit :: Conq (Sum a b) (Sum () b)
previewWrit = Kase nothing just
-- Pair Operations -------------------------------------------------------------
curry' :: Conq (a, b) c -> Conq s a -> Conq s b -> Conq s c
curry' f x y = With (Cons x y) f
both :: Conq a b -> Conq (a, a) (b, b)
both x = Cons (With Head x) (With Tail x)
dub_equal :: Conq (a, a) Bit -> Conq ((a, a), (a, a)) Bit
dub_equal cmp = With results and'
results = Cons (With (both Head) cmp) (With (both Tail) cmp)
dub_test :: Conq a Bit -> Conq (a, a) Bit
dub_test test = curry' and' (With Head test) (With Tail test)
dub_inc :: Conq a a -> Conq a Bit -> Conq (a, a) (a, a)
dub_inc inc null = With bump_low (if' low_zero bump_hig id)
bump_low = Cons (With Head inc) Tail
bump_hig = Cons Head (With Tail inc)
low_zero = With Head null
bit :: Int -> Bit
bit n = runTimes n val_bit_zero bit_inc
-- Boolean Operations ----------------------------------------------------------
type Bit = Sum () ()
true :: Conq s Bit
true = Writ . Null
false :: Conq s Bit
false = Left . Null
not' :: Conq Bit Bit
not' = Kase Writ Left
id' :: Conq Bit Bit
id' = Kase Writ Left
dup :: Conq a (a, a)
dup = Cons Subj Subj
if' :: Conq s Bit -> Conq s r -> Conq s r -> Conq s r
if' c t f = case' (With Tail f) (With Tail t) . Cons c Subj
and' :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
and' = if' a2 a3 false
or' :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
or' = if' a2 true a3
xor' :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
xor' = if' a2 (With a3 not') a3
bit_eq :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
bit_eq = if' a2 a3 (With a3 not')
bit_zero :: Conq s Bit
bit_zero = false
val_bit_zero :: Bit
val_bit_zero = run () bit_zero
bit_is_zero :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_is_zero = not'
bit_inc :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_inc = not'
-- Duo Operations (2 bit) ------------------------------------------------------
type Duo = (Bit, Bit)
duo_zero :: Conq s Duo
duo_zero = Cons bit_zero bit_zero
duo_is_zero :: Conq Duo Bit
duo_is_zero = dub_test bit_is_zero
duo_inc :: Conq Duo Duo
duo_inc = Kase (Cons true Tail) (Cons false (not' . Tail)) . Dist
factor :: Conq (Sum (a, c) (b, c)) (Sum a b, c)
factor = Kase (Cons (Left . Head) Tail)
(Cons (Writ . Head) Tail)
duo :: Int -> Duo
duo n = runTimes n (run () duo_zero) duo_inc
duo_equal :: Conq (Duo, Duo) Bit
duo_equal = dub_equal bit_eq
-- Nibble Operations (4 bit) ---------------------------------------------------
type Nyb = (Duo, Duo)
nyb_zero :: Conq a Nyb
nyb_zero = Cons duo_zero duo_zero
nyb_is_zero :: Conq Nyb Bit
nyb_is_zero = dub_test duo_is_zero
nyb_inc :: Conq Nyb Nyb
nyb_inc = dub_inc duo_inc duo_is_zero
nyb :: Int -> Nyb
nyb n = runTimes n (run () nyb_zero) nyb_inc
nyb_equal :: Conq (Nyb, Nyb) Bit
nyb_equal = dub_equal duo_equal
-- Byte Operations (8 bit) -----------------------------------------------------
type Byt = (Nyb, Nyb)
byt_zero :: Conq a Byt
byt_zero = Cons nyb_zero nyb_zero
byt_is_zero :: Conq Byt Bit
byt_is_zero = dub_test nyb_is_zero
byt_inc :: Conq Byt Byt
byt_inc = dub_inc nyb_inc nyb_is_zero
byt :: Int -> Byt
byt n = runTimes n (run () byt_zero) byt_inc
byt_equal :: Conq (Byt, Byt) Bit
byt_equal = dub_equal nyb_equal
-- Short Operations (16 bit) ---------------------------------------------------
type Short = (Byt, Byt)
short_zero :: Conq a Short
short_zero = Cons byt_zero byt_zero
short_is_zero :: Conq Short Bit
short_is_zero = dub_test byt_is_zero
short_inc :: Conq Short Short
short_inc = dub_inc byt_inc byt_is_zero
short :: Int -> Short
short n = runTimes n (run () short_zero) short_inc
short_equal :: Conq (Short, Short) Bit
short_equal = dub_equal byt_equal
-- Wide Operations (32 bit) ----------------------------------------------------
type Wide = (Short, Short)
wide_zero :: Conq a Wide
wide_zero = Cons short_zero short_zero
wide_is_zero :: Conq Wide Bit
wide_is_zero = dub_test short_is_zero
wide_inc :: Conq Wide Wide
wide_inc = dub_inc short_inc short_is_zero
wide :: Int -> Wide
wide n = runTimes n (run () wide_zero) wide_inc
wide_equal :: Conq (Wide, Wide) Bit
wide_equal = dub_equal short_equal
-- Long Operations (64 bit) ----------------------------------------------------
type Long = (Wide, Wide)
long_zero :: Conq a Long
long_zero = Cons wide_zero wide_zero
long_is_zero :: Conq Long Bit
long_is_zero = dub_test wide_is_zero
long_inc :: Conq Long Long
long_inc = dub_inc wide_inc wide_is_zero
long :: Int -> Long
long n = runTimes n (run () long_zero) long_inc
long_equal :: Conq (Long, Long) Bit
long_equal = dub_equal wide_equal
n0 :: Conq a (Sum () a)
n0 = Left . Null
n1 :: Conq a (Sum () (Sum () a))
n1 = Writ . n0
n2 :: Conq a (Sum () (Sum () (Sum () a)))
n2 = Writ . n1

pkg/hs-conq/package.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
name: language-conq
version: 0.1.0
license: AGPL-3.0-only
source-dirs: lib
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -O2
- async
- base
- case-insensitive
- chunked-data
- classy-prelude
- containers
- data-fix
- extra
- flat
- ghc-prim
- http-client
- http-types
- integer-gmp
- largeword
- lens
- megaparsec
- mtl
- multimap
- para
- pretty-show
- QuickCheck
- semigroups
- smallcheck
- stm
- stm-chans
- tasty
- tasty-quickcheck
- tasty-th
- text
- these
- time
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- vector
- ApplicativeDo
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveAnyClass
- DeriveDataTypeable
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- EmptyDataDecls
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- NoImplicitPrelude
- NumericUnderscores
- OverloadedStrings
- PartialTypeSignatures
- QuasiQuotes
- Rank2Types
- RankNTypes
- RecordWildCards
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TemplateHaskell
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- UnicodeSyntax
- ViewPatterns

View File

@ -1,49 +1,116 @@
module Vere.Isle where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Word
import qualified Vere.Isle.Util as C
import qualified SDL as SDL
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Flat (Flat)
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.Vector ((!))
import Data.Flat (Flat)
data Color
= Black | DarkGray
| Blue | LightBlue
| Green | LightGreen
| Cyan | LightCyan
| Red | LightRed
| Magenta | LightMagenta
| Brown | Yellow
| LightGray | White
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
deriving anyclass Flat
newtype Word4 = Word4 Word8
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
type Blit = Vector (Vector Color)
newtype Word10 = Word10 Word16
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
solid :: Color -> Blit
solid c = replicate 640 (replicate 480 c)
data RGB = RGB !Word8 !Word8 !Word8
toRGB :: Color -> (Word8, Word8, Word8)
toRGB = \case
Black -> (0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
DarkGray -> (0x55, 0x55, 0x55)
Blue -> (0x00, 0x00, 0xAA)
LightBlue -> (0x55, 0x55, 0xFF)
Green -> (0x00, 0xAA, 0x00)
LightGreen -> (0x55, 0xFF, 0x55)
Cyan -> (0x00, 0xAA, 0xAA)
LightCyan -> (0x55, 0xFF, 0xFF)
Red -> (0xAA, 0x00, 0x00)
LightRed -> (0xFF, 0x55, 0x55)
Magenta -> (0xAA, 0x00, 0xAA)
LightMagenta -> (0xFF, 0x55, 0xFF)
Brown -> (0xAA, 0x55, 0x00)
Yellow -> (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x55)
LightGray -> (0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA)
White -> (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
type Bitmap = Word64 -- 8x8 bitmap
TODO Storable instance?
(Then I can use an unboxed vector)
data Tile = Tile
{ tFore :: !Word4
, tBack :: !Word4
, tSpry :: !Word10
data Display = Display
{ dColors :: V.Vector RGB -- size: 16
, dSprites :: V.Vector Bitmap -- size: 1024
, dTiles :: V.Vector Tile -- size: 3600 (80x45)
, dSurf :: V.Vector SDL.Surface -- size: 3600 (80x45)
initializeSurfaces :: IO (V.Vector SDL.Surface)
initializeSurfaces =
V.generateM 3600
$ const
$ SDL.createRGBSurface (SDL.V2 8 8)
$ SDL.RGB888
initialDisplay :: IO Display
initialDisplay =
surf <- initializeSurfaces
pure $ Display (V.generate 16 initialColors)
(V.generate 1024 initialSprites)
(V.generate 3600 initialTiles)
initialSprites :: Int -> Bitmap
initialSprites = fromIntegral
green = 4
white = 15
initialTiles :: Int -> Tile
initialTiles i =
Tile green white (fromIntegral i `mod` 1024)
initialColors :: Int -> RGB
initialColors = \case
0 -> RGB 0x00 0x00 0x00 -- Black
1 -> RGB 0x55 0x55 0x55 -- DarkGray
2 -> RGB 0x00 0x00 0xAA -- Blue
3 -> RGB 0x55 0x55 0xFF -- LightBlue
4 -> RGB 0x00 0xAA 0x00 -- Green
5 -> RGB 0x55 0xFF 0x55 -- LightGreen
6 -> RGB 0x00 0xAA 0xAA -- Cyan
7 -> RGB 0x55 0xFF 0xFF -- LightCyan
8 -> RGB 0xAA 0x00 0x00 -- Red
9 -> RGB 0xFF 0x55 0x55 -- LightRed
10 -> RGB 0xAA 0x00 0xAA -- Magenta
11 -> RGB 0xFF 0x55 0xFF -- LightMagenta
12 -> RGB 0xAA 0x55 0x00 -- Brown
13 -> RGB 0xFF 0xFF 0x55 -- Yellow
14 -> RGB 0xAA 0xAA 0xAA -- LightGray
15 -> RGB 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF -- White
n -> error ("bad color: " <> show n)
renderTile :: Display -> Tile -> SDL.Surface -> IO ()
renderTile d (Tile fg bg tx) surf = do
let for = dColors d ! fromIntegral fg
let bac = dColors d ! fromIntegral bg
let spry = dSprites d ! fromIntegral tx
for_ [0..63] $ \i -> do
let col = if testBit spry i then for else bac
renderPixel i surf col
renderPixel :: Int -> SDL.Surface -> RGB -> IO ()
renderPixel = undefined
-- data Display = Display
{-dColors :: V.Vector RGB -- size: 16
, dSprites :: V.Vector Bitmap -- size: 1024
, dTiles :: V.Vector Tile -- size: 3600 (80x45)
, dSurf :: V.Vector SDL.Surface -- size: 3600 (80x45)
render :: Display -> IO ()
render = undefined
draw :: Display -> IO ()
draw = undefined

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ dependencies:
- containers
- data-fix
- extra
- fixed-vector
- flat
- ghc-prim
- hashtables
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ dependencies:
- ApplicativeDo
- DataKinds
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveAnyClass

View File

@ -4,11 +4,20 @@ packages:
- pkg/hs-urbit
- pkg/hs-vere
- pkg/hs-hoon
- pkg/hs-conq
- para-1.1@sha256:a90eebb063ad70271e6e2a7f00a93e8e8f8b77273f100f39852fbf8301926f81
- flat-0.3.4@sha256:002a0e0ae656ea8cc02a772d0bcb6ea7dbd7f2e79070959cc748ad1e7138eb38
- pkgconfig
- SDL2
- SDL2_image
- zlib
# build:
# library-profiling: true
# executable-profiling: true