var womb fixes and improvements

This commit is contained in:
Galen Wolfe-Pauly 2016-08-16 15:51:00 -07:00
parent d72d3ffcbb
commit 4c1e3897c0
2 changed files with 610 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -35,12 +35,21 @@ button {
font-weight: 500;
background-color: transparent;
border: 2px solid #000;
padding: 9px 9px 5px 9px;
button.claim {
margin-left: 1rem;
button.reroll {
background-color: #555;
border-color: #555;
color: #fff;
input.pick { margin-right: 1rem; }
.split .label { margin-left: 1rem; }
button.invalid { opacity: .5; } li {
margin-top: .3rem;

View File

@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ module.exports = {
confirmShip: function(pass, ship) {
return Dispatcher.dispatch({
confirmClaim: {
pass: pass,
ship: ship
claimShip: function(pass, ship) {
putClaim: {
@ -165,6 +173,17 @@ WombStore = _.extend((new EventEmitter).setMaxListeners(50), {
path = arg1.path, data =;
return _data[path] = data;
confirmClaim: function(arg1) {
var k, ship, v;
ship = arg1.ship;
for (k in _data) {
v = _data[k];
if (k.indexOf('claim/') !== -1 && v === "confirm") {
_data[k] = "none";
return _data["claim/" + ship] = "confirm";
putClaim: function(arg1) {
var ship;
ship = arg1.ship;
@ -277,23 +296,19 @@ Balance = Scry("/balance/:pass", function(arg) {
planets = balance.planets, stars = balance.stars, owner = balance.owner, history = balance.history;
return div({}, h3({}, "Balance"), p({}, "Hello ", Mail(owner), ", "), p({}, "This balance was ", History(history)), p({}, "You currently hold ", b({}, planets || "no"), " Planets ", "and ", b({}, stars || "no"), " Stars."), p({
className: 'red'
}, b({}, "Warning: "), "When you click 'Claim' we will send the relevant tickets to the email address above. This can only be done once!"), stars ? rele(Stars) : void 0, planets ? rele(Planets) : void 0);
}, b({}, "Warning: "), "When you click 'Claim' we will send the ticket to the email address above. This can only be done once!"), stars ? rele(Stars) : void 0, planets ? rele(Planets) : void 0);
module.exports = name("Claim", FromStore("pass", function(arg) {
var pass;
pass = arg.pass;
return div({}, p({}, "To view your ships, input your passcode."), PassInput({
minLength: 32,
minLength: 28,
defaultValue: pass,
onInputPass: Actions.setPasscode
}), pass ? rele(Balance, {
pass: pass
}) : div({
style: {
marginTop: "1rem"
}, h3({}, "Convert an old ticket"), rele(Recycling, {})));
}) : div({}, h3({}, "Convert an old ticket"), rele(Recycling, {})));
@ -326,31 +341,37 @@ ClaimButton = FromStore("pass", function(arg) {
if (!ship) {
return button({
disabled: true,
className: 'claim'
}, "Claim (invalid)");
className: 'claim invalid'
}, "Invalid");
return rele(_ClaimButton, {
ship: ship,
onClick: function() {
return Actions.claimShip(pass, ship);
pass: pass,
ship: ship
_ClaimButton = FromStore("claim/:ship", function(arg) {
var claim, onClick;
claim = arg.claim, onClick = arg.onClick;
var claim, pass, ship;
claim = arg.claim, pass = arg.pass, ship = arg.ship;
switch (claim) {
case "own":
return Label("Claimed!", "success");
case "wait":
return Label("Claiming...");
case "xeno":
return Label("Taken", "warning");
return Label("Not available", "warning");
case "none":
return button({
onClick: onClick
onClick: function() {
return Actions.confirmShip(pass, ship);
}, "Claim");
case "confirm":
return button({
onClick: function() {
return Actions.claimShip(pass, ship);
}, "Click again to confirm.");
throw new Error("Bad claim type: " + claim);
@ -457,7 +478,7 @@ ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h3 = ref.h3, h4 = ref.h4, a = ref.a;
module.exports = function() {
return div({}, h3({
className: 'first-a'
}, "Claim an invite"), rele(Claim, {}), NET ? div({}, h4({}, "Network"), rele(Ships, {})) : void 0, div({
}, "Claim an invite"), rele(Claim, {}), NET ? div({}, h3({}, "Network"), rele(Ships, {})) : void 0, div({
className: 'footer'
}, "Questions? Email us:", a({
href: ""
@ -757,7 +778,7 @@ module.exports = name("ShipInput", function(arg) {
return input({
defaultValue: defaultValue,
placeholder: placeholder,
className: 'mono',
className: 'mono pick',
onChange: function(arg1) {
var ship, target;
target =;
@ -815,7 +836,7 @@ Stat = name("Stat", function(arg) {
key: ship
}, span({
className: "mono"
}, "~" + ship), " (", live, "): ", (function() {
}, "~" + ship), (function() {
switch (false) {
case free == null:
return Label(;
@ -839,11 +860,552 @@ Stat = name("Stat", function(arg) {
module.exports = Scry("/stats", Stat);
module.exports = function() {
return Stat({
stats: {
"binzod": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"pacnym-disber": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"natmeb-rapdux": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"donlyt-pidhec": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"malnus-nidfes": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"fontyd-rovsyx": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"rovtev-nompyx": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"tonrex-balsur": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"donryg-ribwyt": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dalrys-pocnyx": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dandel-rovbur": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sicdyt-lidwed": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"danren-tidren": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "seen"
"bus": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"rocbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"hidbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"nimbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"lisbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sambus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"litbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sigbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"fidbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wacbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wanbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dirbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"binbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sabbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"marbus": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "live"
"samzod": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"wannes-sopsyx": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"winsyx-wicsyl": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "live"
"pub": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"dirpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"lispub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sampub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wanpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sigpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"marpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wacpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"binpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"lanpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"litpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sogpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"hidpub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "live"
"dev": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"wandev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"litdev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"bindev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sigdev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"samdev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"mardev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"hiddev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dirdev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"lisdev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "seen"
"marzod": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"wicdev-wisryt": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"tomfur-figpur": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"panret-tocsel": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"pittyp-datfyn": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"tocbel-habnyx": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"locnyl-dacdel": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "seen"
"wanzod": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"maldeb-hapben": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"modlep-fosreg": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dalnut-dovtux": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dirwex-dosrev": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"lanrus-rinfep": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"novlud-padtyv": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"rostex-fossyl": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"rossec-nordys": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"balhul-polsub": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"hapryx-hopner": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "seen"
"ten": {
"dist": {
"split": {
"wisten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"molten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"marten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"binten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sigten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wacten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"wanten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"mitten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"dirten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sabten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"samten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"listen": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"sogten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"tarten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"litten": {
"dist": {
"owned": ""
"live": "cold"
"live": "live"
var ClaimButton, Scry, ShipInput, Shop, ShopShips, button, div, h6, li, recl, ref, rele, span, ul;
var ClaimButton, Scry, ShipInput, Shop, ShopShips, button, code, div, h6, li, recl, ref, rele, span, ul;
Scry = require('./');
@ -851,7 +1413,7 @@ ShipInput = require('./');
ClaimButton = require('./');
ref = React.DOM, ul = ref.ul, li =, div = ref.div, h6 = ref.h6, button = ref.button, span = ref.span;
ref = React.DOM, ul = ref.ul, li =, div = ref.div, h6 = ref.h6, button = ref.button, span = ref.span, code = ref.code;
recl = React.createClass;
@ -901,17 +1463,26 @@ Shop = function(type, length) {
render: function() {
var ref1;
return div({}, h6({}, "Avaliable " + type + " (random). ", button({
onClick: this.reroll
}, "Reroll")), rele(ShopShips, _.extend({}, this.props, {
return div({}, h6({}, "Avaliable " + type + " — "), rele(ShopShips, _.extend({}, this.props, {
type: type,
nth: this.state.shipSelector
})), h6({}, "Custom"), div({}, "Specific " + type + ": ", rele(ShipInput, {
})), button({
onClick: this.reroll,
className: 'reroll'
}, "Get a new set"), h6({}, "Custom " + type + " — "), div({}, div({
style: {
marginBottom: ".3rem"
}, "If you understand how to pick a ", code({}, "@p"), " for " + type + ", feel free:"), div({
style: {
marginBottom: "1rem"
}, rele(ShipInput, {
length: length,
onInputShip: this.onInputShip
}), rele(ClaimButton, {
ship: (ref1 = this.state.customShip) != null ? ref1 : ""