move dill tiles to dill.hoon

This commit is contained in:
~hatteb-mitlyd 2014-06-08 14:27:04 -07:00
parent cf8f7410b9
commit 4fc08655c8
2 changed files with 47 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
:: dill (4d), terminal handling
|= pit=vase
=> |%
=> |% :: interface tiles
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%bbye ~] :: reset prompt
[%blit p=(list blit)] :: terminal output
@ -60,6 +60,52 @@
[%vega p=path] :: by %batz
[%warn p=tape] :: by %batz
:::::::: :: dill tiles
++ bein :: terminal control
$: $: bul=@ud :: buffer length
bus=@ud :: cursor in buffer
but=(list ,@c) :: buffer text
buy=prom :: input style
== ::
$: hiz=@ud :: history depth
hux=path :: history path
hym=(map ,@ud (list ,@c)) :: history overlay
hyt=hist :: history object
hyr=(unit (list ,@c)) :: history search
== ::
$: pol=@ud :: length of prompt
pot=tape :: prompt text
== ::
== ::
++ blew ,[p=@ud q=@ud] :: columns rows
++ belt :: raw console input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%ctl p=@ud] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@ud] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
== ::
++ blit :: raw console output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%lin p=(list ,@c)] :: set current line
[%mor ~] :: newline
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ blot :: kill ring
$: p=@ud :: length
q=@ud :: depth
r=(list (list ,@c)) :: kills
== ::
++ blur ,[p=@ud q=(unit bein) r=blot] :: columns, prompt
++ yard :: terminal state
$: p=? :: verbose
q=blur :: display state
r=(map path hist) :: history
== ::
-- =>
++ dy

View File

@ -2023,22 +2023,6 @@
raz=(map path race) :: statements inbound
ryl=(map path rill) :: statements outbound
== ::
++ bein :: terminal control
$: $: bul=@ud :: buffer length
bus=@ud :: cursor in buffer
but=(list ,@c) :: buffer text
buy=prom :: input style
== ::
$: hiz=@ud :: history depth
hux=path :: history path
hym=(map ,@ud (list ,@c)) :: history overlay
hyt=hist :: history object
hyr=(unit (list ,@c)) :: history search
== ::
$: pol=@ud :: length of prompt
pot=tape :: prompt text
== ::
== ::
++ bead ,[p=(set beam) q=cage] :: computed result
++ beam ,[[p=ship q=desk r=case] s=path] :: global name
++ beak ,[p=ship q=desk r=case] :: garnish with beak
@ -2049,30 +2033,6 @@
lys=@da :: last sent
pac=rock :: packet data
== ::
++ belt :: raw console input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%ctl p=@ud] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@ud] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
== ::
++ blew ,[p=@ud q=@ud] :: columns rows
++ blit :: raw console output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%lin p=(list ,@c)] :: set current line
[%mor ~] :: newline
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ blot :: kill ring
$: p=@ud :: length
q=@ud :: depth
r=(list (list ,@c)) :: kills
== ::
++ blur ,[p=@ud q=(unit bein) r=blot] :: columns, prompt
++ boat ,[(list slip) tart] :: user stage
++ boon :: fort output
$% [%beer p=ship q=@uvG] :: gained ownership
@ -2533,9 +2493,4 @@
++ wund (list ,[p=life q=ring r=acru]) :: mace in action
++ will (list deed) :: certificate
++ worm ,* :: vase of tart
++ yard :: terminal state
$: p=? :: verbose
q=blur :: display state
r=(map path hist) :: history
== ::