more bugfixes: now boots and restores from checkpoint

This commit is contained in:
Paul Driver 2018-03-31 13:51:41 -07:00
parent b8506c70ea
commit 4fc65663c6
2 changed files with 72 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ _cj_mine_par_old(u3_noun lan, u3_noun axe, u3_noun pel, u3_noun loc)
if ( u3_nul == lan ) {
return u3_none;
else if ( u3r_sing(axe, u3h(par = u3h(lan))) ) {
else if ( c3y == u3r_sing(axe, u3h(par = u3h(lan))) ) {
u3_noun lol = u3qdb_put(u3t(par), pel, loc),
rap = u3nc(u3k(axe), lol);
return u3nc(rap, u3k(u3t(lan)));
@ -762,14 +762,13 @@ _cj_mine_par(u3_noun lan, u3_noun axe, u3_noun pel, u3_noun loc)
static void
_cj_mine(u3_noun cey, u3_noun cor)
c3_l jax_l;
c3_l par_l, jax_l;
u3_noun bat = u3h(cor),
reg, loc, bal, act, nam, axe, huc, ger;
hap, reg, loc, bal, act, nam, axe, huc, ger;
u3x_trel(cey, &nam, &axe, &huc);
if ( 0 == axe ) {
u3_noun pay = u3t(cor);
jax_l = 0;
reg = _cj_find_cold(bat);
loc = u3nt(u3nt(c3y, c3y, u3k(pay)), u3k(nam), u3k(huc));
if ( u3_none == reg ) {
@ -779,12 +778,11 @@ _cj_mine(u3_noun cey, u3_noun cor)
reg = ger;
bal = u3nc(u3k(nam), u3_nul);
act = u3nq(jax_l, u3_nul, bal, _cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
par_l = 0;
else {
u3_weak par, pel, pac;
u3_noun pat;
c3_l par_l;
par = u3r_at(axe, cor);
if ( u3_none == par || c3n == u3du(par) ) {
@ -802,13 +800,8 @@ _cj_mine(u3_noun cey, u3_noun cor)
pac = _cj_find_warm(pel);
c3_assert(u3_none != pac);
par_l = u3h(pac);
jax_l = _cj_hot_mean(par_l, nam);
bal = u3nc(u3k(nam), u3k(u3h(u3t(u3t(pac)))));
act = u3nq(jax_l,
_cj_warm_hump(jax_l, huc),
_cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
pat = ( ( 3 == axe ) && (c3y == u3h(u3h(pel))) )
? u3nt(c3y, c3n, u3k(pel))
: u3nt(c3n, u3k(axe), u3k(pel));
@ -822,10 +815,13 @@ _cj_mine(u3_noun cey, u3_noun cor)
u3z(pel); u3z(reg);
reg = ger;
jax_l = _cj_hot_mean(par_l, nam);
#if 0
u3m_p("new jet", bal);
fprintf(stderr, " bat %x, jax %d\r\n", u3r_mug(bat), jax_l);
hap = _cj_warm_hump(jax_l, huc);
act = u3nq(jax_l, hap, bal, _cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
u3h_put(u3R->jed.cod_p, bat, reg);
u3h_put(u3R->jed.war_p, loc, act);
@ -863,6 +859,25 @@ _cj_warm_reap(u3_noun kev)
/* _cj_uni_jun(): merge junior map into senior map.
* jum is RETAINED.
static u3_noun
_cj_uni_jun(u3_noun sem, u3_noun jum)
if ( u3_nul == jum ) {
return sem;
else {
u3_noun n, l, r;
u3x_trel(jum, &n, &l, &r);
sem = _cj_uni_jun(sem, l);
sem = _cj_uni_jun(sem, r);
return u3kdb_put(sem, u3a_take(u3h(n)), u3a_take(u3t(n)));
/* _cj_remarry(): merge parent lists.
* jul is RETAINED.
@ -870,38 +885,35 @@ _cj_warm_reap(u3_noun kev)
static u3_noun
_cj_remarry(u3_noun sel, u3_noun jul)
u3_noun kel, kev, i, j, par, les, axe, pel, loc;
for ( i = jul; u3_nul != i; i = u3t(i) ) {
par = u3h(i);
axe = u3a_take(u3h(par));
kel = u3qdb_tap(u3t(par));
for ( j = kel; u3_nul != j; j = u3t(j) ) {
kev = u3h(j);
pel = u3a_take(u3h(kev));
loc = u3a_take(u3t(kev));
les = _cj_mine_par(sel, axe, pel, loc);
u3z(sel); u3z(pel); u3z(loc);
sel = les;
u3z(kel); u3z(axe);
if ( u3_nul == sel ) {
return u3a_take(jul);
else if ( u3_nul == jul ) {
return sel;
/* _cj_graft(): merge root maps of registry.
* jor is RETAINED.
static u3_noun
_cj_graft(u3_noun sor, u3_noun jor)
u3_noun i, rut, kel = u3qdb_tap(jor);
for ( i = kel; u3_nul != i; i = u3t(i) ) {
rut = u3h(i);
sor = u3kdb_put(sor, u3a_take(u3h(rut)), u3a_take(u3t(rut)));
return sor;
else {
u3_noun sap = u3h(sel),
jup = u3h(jul),
sax = u3h(sap),
jux = u3h(jup);
if ( c3y == u3r_sing(sax, jux) ) {
u3_noun lol = _cj_uni_jun(u3k(u3t(sap)), u3t(jup)),
par = u3nc(u3k(u3h(sap)), lol),
nex = _cj_remarry(u3k(u3t(sel)), u3t(jul)),
pro = u3nc(par, nex);
return pro;
else if ( c3y == u3qa_lth(sax, jux) ) {
u3_noun nex = _cj_remarry(u3k(u3t(sel)), jul),
pro = u3nc(u3k(sap), nex);
return pro;
else {
return u3nc(u3a_take(jup), _cj_remarry(sel, u3t(jul)));
/* _cj_cold_reap(): reap cold dashboard entries.
@ -914,7 +926,7 @@ _cj_cold_reap(u3_noun kev)
u3_weak ser = _cj_find_cold(bat);
u3_noun reg = ( u3_none == ser )
? u3a_take(jur)
: u3nc(_cj_graft(u3k(u3h(ser)), u3h(jur)),
: u3nc(_cj_uni_jun(u3k(u3h(ser)), u3h(jur)),
_cj_remarry(u3k(u3t(ser)), u3t(jur)));
u3h_put(u3R->jed.cod_p, bat, reg);
u3z(ser); u3z(bat);
@ -935,7 +947,7 @@ static void
_cj_ream(u3_noun all)
c3_l par_l, jax_l;
u3_noun i, j, k, rul, loc, bal, act, lop, kev, rut,
u3_noun i, j, k, rul, loc, bal, act, lop, kev, rut, hap,
pat, reg, pol, rem, rec, bat, pel, nam, huc;
u3_weak pac;
@ -947,11 +959,17 @@ _cj_ream(u3_noun all)
// register roots
rul = u3qdb_tap(rut);
jax_l = 0;
for ( j = rul; j != u3_nul; j = u3t(j) ) {
loc = u3t(u3h(j));
bal = u3nc(u3k(u3h(u3t(loc))), u3_nul);
act = u3nq(jax_l, u3_nul, bal, _cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
u3x_trel(loc, &pat, &nam, &huc);
bal = u3nc(u3k(nam), u3_nul);
jax_l = _cj_hot_mean(0, nam);
hap = _cj_warm_hump(jax_l, huc);
act = u3nq(jax_l, hap, bal, _cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
#if 0
u3m_p("old jet", bal);
fprintf(stderr, " bat %x, jax %d\r\n", u3r_mug(bat), jax_l);
u3h_put(u3R->jed.war_p, loc, act);
@ -990,8 +1008,11 @@ _cj_ream(u3_noun all)
_cj_warm_hump(jax_l, huc),
_cj_jit(jax_l, bat));
#if 0
u3m_p("old jet", bal);
fprintf(stderr, " bat %x, jax %d\r\n", u3r_mug(bat), jax_l);
u3h_put(u3R->jed.war_p, loc, act);
lop = u3t(lop);
@ -1006,7 +1027,7 @@ static u3_noun rel;
static void
_cj_warm_tap(u3_noun kev)
rel = u3nc(kev, u3k(rel));
rel = u3nc(u3k(kev), u3k(rel));
/* u3j_ream(): rebuild warm state

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@ -509,9 +509,9 @@ void