u3: removes +repn and +ripn

This commit is contained in:
Joe Bryan 2020-12-01 18:03:02 -08:00
parent 0420dad443
commit 50f8650105
4 changed files with 1 additions and 227 deletions

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@ -69,8 +69,6 @@
u3_noun u3wc_rep(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_rev(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_rip(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_repn(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_ripn(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_rsh(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_swp(u3_noun);
u3_noun u3wc_sqt(u3_noun);

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@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
#include "all.h"
Get the lowest `n` bits of a word `w` using a bitmask.
#define TAKEBITS(n,w) \
((n)==32) ? (w) : \
((n)==0) ? 0 : \
((w) & ((1 << (n)) - 1))
Divide, rounding up.
#define DIVCEIL(x,y) \
(x==0) ? 0 : \
1 + ((x - 1) / y);
u3qc_repn(u3_atom bits, u3_noun blox)
if ( (c3n == u3a_is_cat(bits) || bits==0 || bits>31) ) {
return u3m_bail(c3__fail);
// Calculate input and output size.
c3_w num_blox_w = u3qb_lent(blox);
c3_w bit_widt_w = num_blox_w * bits;
c3_w wor_widt_w = DIVCEIL(bit_widt_w, 32);
u3i_slab sab_u;
u3i_slab_bare(&sab_u, 5, wor_widt_w);
// Fill the atom buffer with bits from each block.
// Bits are pushed into the `acc_w` register and flushed to the buffer
// once full.
// acc_w register
// use_w number of register bits filled (used)
// cur_w next buffer word to flush into.
c3_w acc_w=0, use_w=0, *cur_w=sab_u.buf_w;
# define FLUSH() *cur_w++=acc_w; acc_w=use_w=0
# define SLICE(sz,off,val) TAKEBITS(sz, val) << off
for (c3_w i=0; i<num_blox_w; i++) {
u3_noun blok_n = u3h(blox);
blox = u3t(blox);
if ( c3n == u3a_is_cat(blok_n) ) {
return u3m_bail(c3__fail);
c3_w blok_w = blok_n;
for (c3_w rem_in_blok_w=bits; rem_in_blok_w;) {
c3_w rem_in_acc_w = 32 - use_w;
if (rem_in_blok_w == rem_in_acc_w) { // EQ
acc_w |= SLICE(rem_in_blok_w, use_w, blok_w);
rem_in_blok_w = 0;
else if (rem_in_blok_w < rem_in_acc_w) { // LT
acc_w |= SLICE(rem_in_blok_w, use_w, blok_w);
use_w += rem_in_blok_w;
rem_in_blok_w = 0;
else { // GT
acc_w |= SLICE(rem_in_acc_w, use_w, blok_w);
rem_in_blok_w -= rem_in_acc_w;
blok_w = blok_w >> rem_in_acc_w;
// If the last word isn't fully used, it will still need to be
// flushed.
if (use_w) {
return u3i_slab_mint(&sab_u);
u3wc_repn(u3_noun cor)
u3_noun bits, blox;
if ( (c3n == u3r_mean(cor, u3x_sam_2, &bits, u3x_sam_3, &blox, 0)) ||
(c3n == u3ud(bits)) )
return u3m_bail(c3__exit);
return u3qc_repn(bits, blox);
u3kc_repn(u3_atom bits, u3_atom blox)
u3_noun res = u3qc_repn(bits, blox);
u3z(bits); u3z(blox);
return res;

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
#include "all.h"
Get the lowest `n` bits of a word `w` using a bitmask.
#define TAKEBITS(n,w) \
((n)==32) ? (w) : \
((n)==0) ? 0 : \
((w) & ((1 << (n)) - 1))
Divide, rounding up.
#define DIVCEIL(x,y) \
(x==0) ? 0 : \
1 + ((x - 1) / y);
`ripn` breaks `atom` into a list of blocks, of bit-width `bits`. The
resulting list will be least-significant block first.
XX TODO This only handles cases where the bit-width is <= 32.
For each block we produce, we need to grab the relevant words inside
`atom`, so we first compute their indicies.
`ins_idx` is the word-index of the least-significant word we
care about, and `sig_idx` is the word after that.
Next we grab those words (`ins_word` and `sig_word`) from the atom
using `u3r_word`. Note that `sig_idx` might be out-of-bounds for the
underlying array of `atom`, but `u3r_word` returns 0 in that case,
which is exatly what we want.
Now, we need to grab the relevant bits out of both words, and combine
them. `bits_rem_in_ins_word` is the number of remaining (insignificant)
bits in `ins_word`, `nbits_ins` is the number of bits we want from the
less-significant word, and `nbits_sig` from the more-significant one.
Take the least significant `nbits_sig` bits from `sig_word`, and take
the slice we care about from `ins_word`. In order to take that slice,
we drop `bits_rem_in_ins_word` insignificant bits, and then take the
`nbits_sig` most-significant bits.
Last, we slice out those bits from the two words, combine them into
one word, and cons them onto the front of the result.
u3_noun u3qc_ripn(u3_atom bits, u3_atom atom) {
if ( !_(u3a_is_cat(bits) || bits==0 || bits>31) ) {
return u3m_bail(c3__fail);
c3_w bit_width = u3r_met(0, atom);
c3_w num_blocks = DIVCEIL(bit_width, bits);
u3_noun res = u3_nul;
for ( c3_w blk = 0; blk < num_blocks; blk++ ) {
c3_w next_blk = blk + 1;
c3_w blks_rem = num_blocks - next_blk;
c3_w bits_rem = blks_rem * bits;
c3_w ins_idx = bits_rem / 32;
c3_w sig_idx = ins_idx + 1;
c3_w bits_rem_in_ins_word = bits_rem % 32;
c3_w ins_word = u3r_word(ins_idx, atom);
c3_w sig_word = u3r_word(sig_idx, atom);
c3_w nbits_ins = c3_min(bits, 32 - bits_rem_in_ins_word);
c3_w nbits_sig = bits - nbits_ins;
c3_w ins_word_bits = TAKEBITS(nbits_ins, ins_word >> bits_rem_in_ins_word);
c3_w sig_word_bits = TAKEBITS(nbits_sig, sig_word);
c3_w item = ins_word_bits | (sig_word_bits << nbits_ins);
res = u3nc(item, res);
return res;
u3_noun u3wc_ripn(u3_noun cor) {
u3_noun bits, atom;
if ( (c3n == u3r_mean(cor, u3x_sam_2, &bits, u3x_sam_3, &atom, 0)) ||
(c3n == u3ud(bits)) ||
(c3n == u3ud(atom)) )
return u3m_bail(c3__exit);
return u3qc_ripn(bits, atom);
u3_noun u3kc_ripn(u3_atom bits, u3_atom atom) {
u3_noun res = u3qc_ripn(bits, atom);
u3z(bits), u3z(atom);
return res;

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
To generate the hashes, take the sha256 of the jammed battery. For example:
> `@ux`(shax (jam -:ripn))
> `@ux`(shax (jam -:rip))
@ -1572,15 +1572,6 @@ static c3_c* _141_two_rip_ha[] = {
static u3j_harm _141_two_repn_a[] = {{".2", u3wc_repn, c3y}, {}};
static c3_c* _141_two_repn_ha[] = {
static u3j_harm _141_two_ripn_a[] = {{".2", u3wc_ripn, c3y}, {}};
static c3_c* _141_two_ripn_ha[] = {
static u3j_harm _141_two_rsh_a[] = {{".2", u3wc_rsh, c3y}, {}};
static c3_c* _141_two_rsh_ha[] = {
@ -1868,8 +1859,6 @@ static u3j_core _141_two_d[] =
{ "rep", 7, _141_two_rep_a, 0, _141_two_rep_ha },
{ "rev", 7, _141_two_rev_a, 0, _141_two_rev_ha },
{ "rip", 7, _141_two_rip_a, 0, _141_two_rip_ha },
{ "repn", 7, _141_two_repn_a, 0, _141_two_repn_ha },
{ "ripn", 7, _141_two_ripn_a, 0, _141_two_ripn_ha },
{ "rsh", 7, _141_two_rsh_a, 0, _141_two_rsh_ha },
{ "swp", 7, _141_two_swp_a, 0, _141_two_swp_ha },
{ "rub", 7, _141_two_rub_a, 0, _141_two_rub_ha },