Various cleanups.

This commit is contained in:
C. Guy Yarvin 2015-05-12 13:10:22 -07:00
parent 23939c6dfd
commit 5665fb132a
12 changed files with 360 additions and 1714 deletions

View File

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hook/core/helm/ape :: ::
:: :: ::
/? 314 :: zuse version
/- *sole :: structures
/+ sole :: libraries
:: :: ::
:::: :: ::
!: :: ::
=> |% :: principal structures
++ helm-house :: all state
$: %0 :: state version
bur=(unit (pair ship mace)) :: requesting ticket
hoc=(map bone helm-session) :: consoles
== ::
++ helm-session ::
$: say=sole-share ::
mud=(unit (sole-dialog ,@ud)) ::
== ::
++ funk (pair ,@ ,@) ::
++ begs ,[his=@p tic=@p eny=@t ges=gens] :: begin data
++ helm-wish ::
$| $? %reset :: reset kernel
%verb :: verbose mode
== ::
$% [%reload p=(list term)] :: reload vanes
== ::
++ suss ,[term @tas @da] :: config report
++ dill :: sent to %dill
$% [%crud p=term q=(list tank)] :: fat report
[%text p=tape] :: thin report
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
++ card ::
$% [%cash wire p=@p q=buck] ::
[%conf wire dock %load ship term] ::
[%flog wire dill] ::
[%plug wire @p @tas @p @tas] ::
[%want wire sock path *] :: send message
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: user-level move
-- ::
:: ::
:::: ::
:: ::
|_ $: hid=hide :: system state
helm-house :: program state
== ::
++ he :: per session
|_ [[ost=bone moz=(list move)] helm-session] ::
++ he-abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) %_(+> hoc (~(put by hoc) ost +<+))] ::
:: ::
++ he-wish-start
|= dap=term
%_(+> moz :_(moz [ost %conf /start [our.hid dap] %load our.hid %main]))
++ he-wish-reset
^+ .
=- %_(+ moz (weld zum moz))
^= zum %- flop ^- (list move)
=+ top=`path`/(scot %p our.hid)/base/arvo/(scot %da lat.hid)
:- [ost %flog /reset %vega (weld top `path`/hoon)]
%+ turn
^- (list ,[p=@tas q=@tas])
:~ [%$ %zuse]
[%a %ames]
[%c %clay]
[%d %dill]
[%e %eyre]
[%f %ford]
[%g %gall]
[%t %time]
|= [p=@tas q=@tas]
=+ way=`path`(welp top /[q])
=+ txt=((hard ,@) .^(%cx (welp way /hoon)))
[ost %flog /reset %veer p way txt]
++ he-wish-reload
|= all=(list term)
%_ +>.$
%- weld
:_ moz
%+ turn all
=+ ark=(arch .^(%cy /(scot %p our.hid)/base/(scot %da lat.hid)/arvo))
=+ van=(~(tap by r.ark))
|= nam=@tas
=. nam
?. =(1 (met 3 nam))
=+ ^- zaz=(list ,[p=span ~])
(skim van |=([a=term ~] =(nam (end 3 1 a))))
?> ?=([[@ ~] ~] zaz)
=+ tip=(end 3 1 nam)
=+ way=[(scot %p our.hid) %base (scot %da lat.hid) %arvo nam %hoon ~]
=+ fil=(,@ .^(%cx way))
:* ost
[%veer ?:(=('z' tip) %$ tip) way (,@ .^(%cx way))]
++ he-wish-verb
%_ .
:_ moz
[ost %flog /verb %verb ~]
++ he-wish-init
|= him=ship
%_ +>.$
:_ moz
[ost %flog /init %crud %hax-init leaf/(scow %p him) ~]
++ hake :: poke core
|= [ost=bone src=ship]
?> =(src our.hid)
~(. he [ost ~] (fall (~(get by hoc) ost) *helm-session))
++ poke-helm-reset
|= [from ~]
~& %poke-helm-reset
he-abet:he-wish-reset:(hake ost src)
++ poke-helm-verb
|= [from ~]
~& %poke-helm-verb
he-abet:he-wish-verb:(hake ost src)
++ poke-helm-init
|= [from him=ship]
~& %poke-helm-init
he-abet:(he-wish-init:(hake ost src) him)
++ poke-helm-reload
|= [from all=(list term)]
he-abet:(he-wish-reload:(hake ost src) all)
++ poke-helm-start
|= [from dap=term]
he-abet:(he-wish-start:(hake ost src) dap)
++ poke-helm-begin
|= [from begs]
~& %behn-helm-begin
?> ?=(~ bur)
=+ buz=(shax :(mix (jam ges) eny))
=+ loy=(bruw 2.048 buz)
:_ +>.$(bur `[his [0 sec:ex:loy]~])
:~ :* ost %want /ticketing [our.hid (sein his)] /q/ta
his tic ges pub:ex:loy
++ poke-will
|= [from wil=(unit will)]
?> ?=(^ bur)
:_ +>.$(bur ~)
?~ wil
:~ [ost %cash ~ p.u.bur q.u.bur u.wil]
[ost %plug ~ our.hid %main (sein our.hid) %main]
[ost %plug ~ our.hid %arvo (sein our.hid) %arvo]
[ost %plug ~ our.hid %try (sein our.hid) %try]
++ onto
|= [then saw=(each suss tang)]
:_ +> :_ ~
?- -.saw
%| [ost %pass ~ %flog %crud `@tas`-.way `tang`p.saw]
%& [ost %pass ~ %flog %text "<{<p.saw>}>"]

View File

@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
%kiln ?>(?=(%kiln -.paw) `kiln-part`paw) ::
== ::
++ hood-head ,_-:*hood-part ::
++ hood-mold ::
|= hed=hood-head ::
++ hood-make ::
|* hed=hood-head ::
?- hed ::
%helm helm-part ::
%kiln kiln-part ::
%helm *helm-part ::
%kiln *kiln-part ::
== ::
++ hood-part ::
$? helm-part ::
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
++ able :: find/make part
|* hed=hood-head
=+ rep=(~(get by lac) hed)
((hood-good hed) ?^(rep u.rep `hood-part`*(hood-mold hed)))
=+ par=?^(rep u.rep `hood-part`(hood-make hed))
((hood-good hed) par)
++ ably :: save part
|* [moz=(list) rep=hood-part]

View File

@ -4,43 +4,7 @@
=> =~
:: structures
++ flog :: error wrapper
$% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
== ::
++ cuft :: internal gift
$% [%coup p=(unit tang)] :: poke result
[%diff p=cage] :: subscription output
[%quit ~] :: close subscription
[%reap p=(unit tang)] :: peer result
== ::
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%hear p=lane q=@] :: receive packet
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%send p=lane q=@] :: transmit packet
[%waft p=sock q=*] :: response message
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
[%went p=ship q=cape] :: reaction message
[%woot p=ship q=coop] :: e2e reaction message
== ::
++ hasp ,[p=ship q=term] :: see %gall
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%barn ~] :: new unix process
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: error with trace
[%cash p=@p q=buck] :: civil license
[%hear p=lane q=@] :: receive packet
[%hole p=lane q=@] :: packet failed
[%junk p=@] :: entropy
[%kick p=@da] :: wake up
[%make p=(unit ,@t) q=@ud r=@ s=?] :: wild license
[%sith p=@p q=@uw r=?] :: imperial generator
[%wake ~] :: timer activate
[%want p=sock q=path r=*] :: send message
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
[%wont p=sock q=path r=*] :: e2e send message
== ::
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note gift)] :: local move
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note gift-ames)] :: local move
++ note :: out request $->
$? $: %d :: to %dill
$% [%flog p=flog] ::
@ -1596,16 +1560,16 @@
|% :: vane interface
++ call :: handle request
|= $: hen=duct
hic=(hypo (hobo kiss))
hic=(hypo (hobo kiss-ames))
=> %= . :: XX temporary
^- kiss
^- kiss-ames
?: ?=(%soft -.q.hic)
((hard kiss) p.q.hic)
?: (~(nest ut -:!>(*kiss)) | p.hic) q.hic
((hard kiss-ames) p.q.hic)
?: (~(nest ut -:!>(*kiss-ames)) | p.hic) q.hic
~& [%ames-call-flub (,@tas `*`-.q.hic)]
((hard kiss) q.hic)
((hard kiss-ames) q.hic)
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=^ duy ..knob
@ -1855,7 +1819,7 @@
++ knob
|= [hen=duct kyz=kiss]
|= [hen=duct kyz=kiss-ames]
^- [(list move) _+>]
?: ?=(%crud -.kyz)
[[[hen [%slip %d %flog kyz]] ~] +>]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -17,30 +17,8 @@
mer=(map (pair ship desk) mery) :: outstanding merges
syn=? :: sync to unix
== ::
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%ergo p=@p q=@tas r=@ud s=(list ,[path (unit mime)])]
:: version update
[%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%mere p=(each (set path) (pair term tang))] :: merge result
[%note p=@tD q=tank] :: debug message
[%writ p=riot] :: response
== ::
++ khan ::
$: fil=(unit (unit cage)) :: XX see khan-to-soba
dir=(map ,@ta khan) ::
== ::
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%font p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas] :: set upstream
[%info p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal edit
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%into p=@p q=@tas r=khan] :: external edit
[%lynx p=@p q=@tas r=(unit ,?)] :: sync to unix
[%merg p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas t=germ] :: merge desks
[%plug p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas] :: unset upstream
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
[%warp p=sock q=riff] :: file request
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
== ::
++ gift gift-clay :: out result <-$
++ kiss kiss-clay :: in request ->$
++ mery ::
$: gem=germ :: strategy
cas=case :: ali's case
@ -102,26 +80,6 @@
$: @tas :: by any
$% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
== == == ::
++ silk :: construction layer
$& [p=silk q=silk] :: cons
$% [%bake p=mark q=beam r=path] :: local synthesis
[%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: general synthesis
[%bunt p=mark] :: example of mark
[%call p=silk q=silk] :: slam
[%cast p=mark q=silk] :: translate
[%diff p=silk q=silk] :: diff
[%done p=(set beam) q=gage] :: literal
[%dude p=tank q=silk] :: error wrap
[%dune p=(set beam) q=(unit gage)] :: unit literal
[%join p=mark q=silk r=silk] :: merge
[%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: mutant
[%pact p=silk q=silk] :: patch
[%reef ~] :: kernel reef
[%ride p=twig q=silk] :: silk thru twig
[%tabl p=(list (pair silk silk))] :: list
[%vale p=mark q=ship r=*] :: validate [our his]
[%volt p=(set beam) q=(cask ,*)] :: unsafe add type
== ::
++ raft :: filesystem
$: fat=(map ship room) :: domestic
hoy=(map ship rung) :: foreign
@ -138,7 +96,6 @@
mer=(map (pair ship desk) mery) :: outstanding merges
syn=? :: sync to unix
== ::
++ riff ,[p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: request/desist
++ rind :: request manager
$: nix=@ud :: request index
bom=(map ,@ud ,[p=duct q=rave]) :: outstanding

View File

@ -3,59 +3,6 @@
|= pit=vase
=> |% :: interface tiles
++ console-action :: console to app
$% [%det console-change] :: edit prompt line
[%inn ~] :: enter session
[%out ~] :: exit session
[%ret ~] :: submit and clear
== ::
++ console-buffer (list ,@c) :: command state
++ console-change :: network change
$: ler=console-clock :: destination clock
haw=@uvH :: source hash
ted=console-edit :: state change
== ::
++ console-clock ,[own=@ud his=@ud] :: vector clock
++ console-edit :: shared state change
$% [%del p=@ud] :: delete one at
[%ins p=@ud q=@c] :: insert at
[%mor p=(list console-edit)] :: combination
[%nop ~] :: no-op
[%set p=console-buffer] :: discontinuity
== ::
++ console-effect :: app to console
$% [%bel ~] :: beep
[%blk p=@ud q=@c] :: blink/match char at
[%clr ~] :: clear screen
[%det console-change] :: edit input
[%nex ~] :: save and clear input
[%tan p=(list tank)] :: classic tank
:: [%taq p=tanq] :: modern tank
[%txt p=tape] :: text line
== ::
++ dill-belt :: console input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%cru p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: echo error
[%ctl p=@c] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@c] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%rez p=@ud q=@ud] :: resize, cols, rows
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
[%yow p=gill] :: connect to app
== ::
++ dill-blit :: console output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%mor p=(list dill-blit)] :: multiple blits
[%pro p=(list ,@c)] :: show as cursor/line
[%qit ~] :: close console
[%out p=(list ,@c)] :: send output line
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact
-- ::
=> |% :: console protocol
@ -74,41 +21,7 @@
== ::
-- => ::
|% :: protocol below
++ blew ,[p=@ud q=@ud] :: columns rows
++ belt :: raw console input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%ctl p=@c] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@c] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
== ::
++ blit :: raw console output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%lin p=(list ,@c)] :: set current line
[%mor ~] :: newline
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ flog :: sent to %dill
$% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%bbye ~] :: reset prompt
[%blit p=(list blit)] :: terminal output
[%init p=@p] :: set owner
[%logo ~] :: logout
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
++ gift gift-dill :: out result <-$
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%belt p=belt] :: terminal input
[%blew p=blew] :: terminal config
@ -132,19 +45,12 @@
++ mess ::
$% [%dill-belt p=(hypo dill-belt)] ::
== ::
++ club :: agent action
$% [%peer p=path] :: subscribe
[%poke p=cage] :: apply
[%pull ~] :: unsubscribe
[%pump ~] :: pump yes/no
== ::
++ cuft :: internal gift
$% [%coup p=(unit tang)] :: poke result
[%quit ~] :: close subscription
[%reap p=(unit tang)] :: peer result
[%diff p=cage] :: subscription output
== ::
++ cuss (pair term club) :: internal kiss
++ suss (trel term ,@tas ,@da) :: config report
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note gift)] :: local move
++ note-ames :: weird ames move
@ -165,7 +71,7 @@
== ::
++ note-gall ::
$% [%conf dock %load ship desk] ::
[%deal p=sock q=cuss] ::
[%deal p=sock q=cush] ::
== ::
++ note :: out request $->
$% [%a note-ames] ::

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
[[%got ~] p=@uvH q=httr] :: remote response
== ::
++ hasp ,[p=ship q=term] :: don't see %gall
++ hapt ,[p=ship q=path] :: do see %gall
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%born ~] :: new unix process
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: XX rethink

View File

@ -5,60 +5,6 @@
=> =~
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rest of arvo
++ hood :: assembly plan
$: zus=@ud :: zuse kelvin
sur=(list hoot) :: structures
lib=(list hoof) :: libraries
fan=(list horn) :: resources
src=(list hoop) :: program
== ::
++ hoof (pair term (unit (pair case ship))) :: resource reference
++ hoot (pair bean hoof) :: structure gate/core
++ hoop :: source in hood
$% [%& p=twig] :: direct twig
[%| p=beam] :: resource location
== ::
++ horn :: resource tree
$% [%ape p=twig] :: /~ twig by hand
[%arg p=twig] :: /$ argument
[%day p=horn] :: /| list by @dr
[%dub p=term q=horn] :: /= apply face
[%fan p=(list horn)] :: /. list
[%for p=path q=horn] :: /, descend
[%hel p=@ud q=horn] :: /% propagate heel
[%hub p=horn] :: /@ list by @ud
[%man p=(map span horn)] :: /* hetero map
[%nap p=horn] :: /_ homo map
[%now p=horn] :: /& list by @da
[%saw p=twig q=horn] :: /; operate on
[%see p=beam q=horn] :: /: relative to
[%sic p=tile q=horn] :: /^ cast
[%toy p=mark] :: /mark/ static
== ::
++ milk (trel ship desk silk) :: sourced silk
++ silk :: construction layer
$& [p=silk q=silk] :: cons
$% [%bake p=mark q=beam r=path] :: local synthesis
[%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: general synthesis
[%bunt p=mark] :: example of mark
[%call p=silk q=silk] :: slam
[%cast p=mark q=silk] :: translate
[%diff p=silk q=silk] :: diff
[%done p=(set beam) q=gage] :: literal
[%dude p=tank q=silk] :: error wrap
[%dune p=(set beam) q=(unit gage)] :: unit literal
[%file p=beam] :: from clay
[%join p=mark q=silk r=silk] :: merge
[%mash p=mark q=milk r=milk] :: annotate
[%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: mutant
[%pact p=silk q=silk] :: patch
[%plan p=beam q=spur r=hood] :: structured assembly
[%reef ~] :: kernel reef
[%ride p=twig q=silk] :: silk thru twig
[%tabl p=(list (pair silk silk))] :: list
[%vale p=mark q=ship r=*] :: validate [our his]
[%volt p=(set beam) q=(cask ,*)] :: unsafe add type
== ::
++ volt ?(%low %high) :: voltage
++ torc $|(?(%iron %gold) [%lead p=ship]) :: security control
++ roon :: reverse ames msg
@ -73,76 +19,13 @@
-- ::
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: local arvo
++ club :: agent action
$% [%peer p=path] :: subscribe
[%poke p=cage] :: apply
[%pull ~] :: unsubscribe
[%pump ~] :: subscription ack
== ::
++ culm :: config action
$% [%load p=scup] :: load/reload
:: [%kick ~] :: restart everything
:: [%stop ~] :: toggle suspend
:: [%wipe ~] :: destroy all state
== ::
++ cuss (pair dude club) :: internal kiss
++ cuft :: internal gift
$% [%coup p=(unit tang)] :: poke result
[%diff p=cage] :: subscription output
[%quit ~] :: close subscription
[%reap p=(unit tang)] :: peer result
== ::
++ cote :: ++ap note
$% [%meta p=@tas q=vase] ::
[%send p=ship q=cuss] ::
[%send p=ship q=cush] ::
== ::
++ cove (pair duct (mold cote cuft)) :: internal move
++ cute (pair bone (mold cote cuft)) :: internal move
++ dude term :: local identity
++ scup (pair ship desk) :: autoupdate
++ suss (trel dude ,@tas ,@da) :: config report
++ tang (list tank) :: error abstraction
-- ::
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %gall cards
++ kiss-ames ::
$% [%wont p=sock q=path r=*] ::
== ::
++ kiss-gall :: incoming request
$% [%conf p=dock q=culm] :: configure app
[%init p=ship] :: set owner
[%deal p=sock q=cuss] :: full transmission
[%rote p=sack q=path r=*] :: remote request
[%roth p=sack q=path r=*] :: remote response
== ::
++ kiss-ford ::
$% [%exec p=@p q=beak r=(unit silk)] :: make / kill
[%wasp p=@p q=@uvH] :: depends query
== ::
++ gift-ames ::
$% [%woot p=ship q=(unit ares)] :: e2e reaction message
== ::
++ gift-gall :: outgoing result
$% [%onto p=(each suss tang)] :: about agent
[%unto p=cuft] :: within agent
[%mack p=(unit tang)] :: message ack
== ::
++ gift-ford :: out result <-$
$% [%made p=@uvH q=(each gage tang)] :: computed result
[%news ~] :: fresh depends
== ::
++ sign-gall :: incoming result
$% [%a gift-ames] ::
[%f gift-ford] ::
[%g gift-gall] ::
== ::
++ note-gall :: outgoing request
$? [@tas %meta p=vase] ::
$% [%a kiss-ames] ::
[%f kiss-ford] ::
[%g kiss-gall] ::
== == ::
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note-gall gift-gall)] :: typed move
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note-arvo gift-arvo)] :: typed move
-- ::
|% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %gall state
@ -235,7 +118,7 @@
(mo-boot dap ?:((~(has by bum) dap) %old %new) p.lum)
++ mo-pass :: standard pass
|= [pax=path noh=note-gall]
|= [pax=path noh=note-arvo]
%_(+> moz :_(moz [hen %pass pax noh]))
++ mo-give
@ -308,11 +191,11 @@
:: ~& [%mo-boot dap how pup]
%+ mo-pass [%sys how dap (scot %p p.pup) q.pup ~]
=+ bek=[p.pup q.pup [%da now]]
^- note-gall
^- note-arvo
[%f %exec our bek `[%boil %core [bek [dap %ape ~]] ~]]
++ mo-away :: foreign request
|= [him=ship caz=cuss] ::
|= [him=ship caz=cush] ::
^+ +>
:: ~& [%mo-away him caz]
?: ?=(%pump -.q.caz)
@ -333,7 +216,7 @@
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %way -.q.caz ~]
`note-gall`[%a %wont [our him] [%q %ge p.caz ~] [num roc]]
`note-arvo`[%a %wont [our him] [%q %ge p.caz ~] [num roc]]
++ mo-baal :: error convert a
|= art=(unit ares)
@ -381,7 +264,7 @@
(~(got by r:(~(got by sap) him)) num)
++ mo-come :: handle locally
|= [her=ship caz=cuss]
|= [her=ship caz=cush]
^+ +>
=+ pry=`prey`[%high [~ her]]
(mo-club p.caz pry q.caz)
@ -393,7 +276,7 @@
[~ `tang`[[%leaf (trip p.u.cup)] q.u.cup]]
++ mo-cyst :: take in /sys
|= [pax=path sih=sign-gall]
|= [pax=path sih=sign-arvo]
^+ +>
?+ -.pax !!
%dep :: update
@ -478,7 +361,7 @@
++ mo-cook :: take in /use
|= [pax=path hin=(hypo sign-gall)]
|= [pax=path hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^+ +>
?. ?=([@ @ ?(%inn %out) *] pax)
~& [%mo-cook-bad-pax pax]
@ -530,7 +413,7 @@
|= [him=@p dap=dude num=@ud rok=rook]
%+ mo-pass
[%sys %req (scot %p him) dap (scot %ud num) ~]
^- note-gall
^- note-arvo
?- -.rok
%m [%f %exec our (mo-beak dap) ~ %vale p.rok our q.rok]
%s [%g %deal [him our] dap %peer p.rok]
@ -611,8 +494,8 @@
:+ %pass `path`[%use dap p.q.cov]
?- -.q.q.cov
%send `note-gall`[%g %deal [our p.q.q.cov] q.q.q.cov]
%meta `note-gall`[`@tas`p.q.q.cov %meta `vase`q.q.q.cov]
%send `note-arvo`[%g %deal [our p.q.q.cov] q.q.q.cov]
%meta `note-arvo`[`@tas`p.q.q.cov %meta `vase`q.q.q.cov]
@ -762,6 +645,7 @@
++ ap-move-diff :: give diff move
|= [sto=bone vax=vase]
=. vax (spec vax)
^- (each cute tang)
?. &(?=(^ q.vax) ?=(@ -.q.vax) ((sane %tas) -.q.vax))
[%| (ap-suck "move: improper diff")]
@ -1149,7 +1033,7 @@
++ take :: response
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=(hypo sign-gall)]
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
~| [%gall-take tea]
?> ?=([@ ?(%sys %use) *] tea)

View File

@ -9634,7 +9634,6 @@
a ::
== ::
++ kirk (unit (set monk)) :: audience
++ khan ,[p=@tas q=@ta] :: foreign identity
++ lens :: observation core
$_ ^? ::
|% ++ u *(unit (unit ,~)) :: existence
@ -9652,7 +9651,7 @@
++ mass (each noun (list (pair cord ,mass))) :: memory usage
++ mill (each vase milt) :: vase/metavase
++ milt ,[p=* q=*] :: metavase
++ monk (each ship khan) :: general identity
++ monk (each ship ,[p=@tas q=@ta]) :: general identity
++ mold :: new kernel action
|* [a=$+(* *) b=$+(* *)] :: forward/reverse
$% [%pass p=path q=a] :: advance

View File

@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@
wab=(map ship bath) :: relationship
== ::
++ cred :: credential
$: hut=hoot :: client host
$: hut=hart :: client host
aut=(jug ,@tas ,@t) :: client identities
orx=oryx :: CSRF secret
acl=(unit ,@t) :: accept-language
@ -2001,7 +2001,6 @@
++ hiss ,[p=purl q=moth] :: outbound request
++ hist ,[p=@ud q=(list ,@t)] :: depth texts
++ hole ,@t :: session identity
++ hoot ,[p=? q=(unit ,@ud) r=host] :: secure/port/host
++ hort ,[p=(unit ,@ud) q=host] :: http port/host
++ host $%([& p=(list ,@t)] [| p=@if]) :: http host
++ hoke %+ each ,[%localhost ~] :: local host
@ -2264,23 +2263,329 @@
++ will (list deed) :: certificate
++ zuse %310 :: hoon/zuse kelvin
:: ::
:::: :::: this will become `%york`, separating out structures
:: :: related to arvo in
:::: :::: this will become `%york`, vane structures.
:: ::
++ gift-ames :: out result <-$
$% [%hear p=lane q=@] :: receive packet
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%send p=lane q=@] :: transmit packet
[%waft p=sock q=*] :: response message
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
[%went p=ship q=cape] :: reaction message
[%woot p=ship q=coop] :: e2e reaction message
== ::
++ kiss-ames :: in request ->$
$% [%barn ~] :: new unix process
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: error with trace
[%cash p=@p q=buck] :: civil license
[%hear p=lane q=@] :: receive packet
[%hole p=lane q=@] :: packet failed
[%junk p=@] :: entropy
[%kick p=@da] :: wake up
[%make p=(unit ,@t) q=@ud r=@ s=?] :: wild license
[%sith p=@p q=@uw r=?] :: imperial generator
[%wake ~] :: timer activate
[%want p=sock q=path r=*] :: send message
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
[%wont p=sock q=path r=*] :: e2e send message
== ::
:::: %clay
++ khan ::
$: fil=(unit (unit cage)) :: XX see khan-to-soba
dir=(map ,@ta khan) ::
== ::
++ mick (list ,[path (unit mime)])
++ riff ,[p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: request/desist
:::: ::
++ gift-clay :: out result <-$
$% [%ergo p=@p q=@tas r=@ud s=mick] :: version update
[%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%mere p=(each (set path) (pair term tang))] :: merge result
[%note p=@tD q=tank] :: debug message
[%writ p=riot] :: response
== ::
++ kiss-clay :: in request ->$
$% [%font p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas] :: set upstream
[%info p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal edit
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%into p=@p q=@tas r=khan] :: external edit
[%lynx p=@p q=@tas r=(unit ,?)] :: sync to unix
[%merg p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas t=germ] :: merge desks
[%plug p=@p q=@tas r=@p s=@tas] :: unset upstream
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
[%warp p=sock q=riff] :: file request
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
== ::
++ blew ,[p=@ud q=@ud] :: columns rows
++ belt :: old belt
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%ctl p=@c] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@c] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
== ::
++ blit :: old blit
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%lin p=(list ,@c)] :: set current line
[%mor ~] :: newline
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ dill-belt :: new belt
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%cru p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: echo error
[%ctl p=@] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%rez p=@ud q=@ud] :: resize, cols, rows
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
[%yow p=gill] :: connect to app
== ::
++ dill-blit :: new blit
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%mor p=(list dill-blit)] :: multiple blits
[%pro p=(list ,@c)] :: show as cursor/line
[%qit ~] :: close console
[%out p=(list ,@c)] :: send output line
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ flog :: sent to %dill
$% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
++ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact
++ gift-dill :: out result <-$
$% [%bbye ~] :: reset prompt
[%blit p=(list blit)] :: terminal output
[%init p=@p] :: set owner
[%logo ~] :: logout
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
++ kiss-dill :: in request ->$
$% [%belt p=belt] :: terminal input
[%blew p=blew] :: terminal config
[%boot p=*] :: weird %dill boot
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: error with trace
[%flog p=flog] :: wrapped error
[%flow p=@tas q=(list gill)] :: terminal config
[%hail ~] :: terminal refresh
[%hook ~] :: this term hung up
[%harm ~] :: all terms hung up
[%init p=ship] :: after gall ready
[%noop ~] :: no operation
[%talk p=tank] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: install vane
[%vega p=path] :: reboot by path
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
:::: %eyre
++ gram :: inter-ship message
$? [[%lon ~] p=hole] :: login request
[[%aut ~] p=hole] :: login reply
[[%hat ~] p=hole q=hart] :: login redirect
[[%get ~] p=@uvH q=[? clip httq]] :: remote request
[[%got ~] p=@uvH q=httr] :: remote response
== ::
:::: ::
++ kiss-eyre :: in request ->$
$% [%born ~] :: new unix process
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: XX rethink
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%them p=(unit hiss)] :: outbound request
[%they p=@ud q=httr] :: inbound response
[%this p=? q=clip r=httq] :: inbound request
[%thud ~] :: inbound cancel
[%wart p=sack q=@tas r=_`[path *]`*gram] :: urbit message
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
== ::
++ gift-eyre :: out result <-$
$% [%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%thou p=httr] :: raw http response
[%thus p=@ud q=(unit hiss)] :: http request/cancel
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: drop-through
[%vega p=path] :: drop-through
== ::
:::: %ford
++ hood :: assembly plan
$: zus=@ud :: zuse kelvin
sur=(list hoot) :: structures
lib=(list hoof) :: libraries
fan=(list horn) :: resources
src=(list hoop) :: program
== ::
++ hoof (pair term (unit (pair case ship))) :: resource reference
++ hoot (pair bean hoof) :: structure gate/core
++ hoop :: source in hood
$% [%& p=twig] :: direct twig
[%| p=beam] :: resource location
== ::
++ horn :: resource tree
$% [%ape p=twig] :: /~ twig by hand
[%arg p=twig] :: /$ argument
[%day p=horn] :: /| list by @dr
[%dub p=term q=horn] :: /= apply face
[%fan p=(list horn)] :: /. list
[%for p=path q=horn] :: /, descend
[%hel p=@ud q=horn] :: /% propagate heel
[%hub p=horn] :: /@ list by @ud
[%man p=(map span horn)] :: /* hetero map
[%nap p=horn] :: /_ homo map
[%now p=horn] :: /& list by @da
[%saw p=twig q=horn] :: /; operate on
[%see p=beam q=horn] :: /: relative to
[%sic p=tile q=horn] :: /^ cast
[%toy p=mark] :: /mark/ static
== ::
++ milk (trel ship desk silk) :: sourced silk
++ silk :: construction layer
$& [p=silk q=silk] :: cons
$% [%bake p=mark q=beam r=path] :: local synthesis
[%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: general synthesis
[%bunt p=mark] :: example of mark
[%call p=silk q=silk] :: slam
[%cast p=mark q=silk] :: translate
[%diff p=silk q=silk] :: diff
[%done p=(set beam) q=gage] :: literal
[%dude p=tank q=silk] :: error wrap
[%dune p=(set beam) q=(unit gage)] :: unit literal
[%file p=beam] :: from clay
[%join p=mark q=silk r=silk] :: merge
[%mash p=mark q=milk r=milk] :: annotate
[%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: mutant
[%pact p=silk q=silk] :: patch
[%plan p=beam q=spur r=hood] :: structured assembly
[%reef ~] :: kernel reef
[%ride p=twig q=silk] :: silk thru twig
[%tabl p=(list (pair silk silk))] :: list
[%vale p=mark q=ship r=*] :: validate [our his]
[%volt p=(set beam) q=(cask ,*)] :: unsafe add type
== ::
++ gift-ford :: out result <-$
$% [%made p=@uvH q=(each gage tang)] :: computed result
[%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%news ~] :: fresh depends
== ::
++ kiss-ford :: in request ->$
$% [%exec p=@p q=beak r=(unit silk)] :: make / kill
[%wasp p=@p q=@uvH] :: depends query
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
== ::
:::: %gall
++ club :: agent action
$% [%peer p=path] :: subscribe
[%poke p=cage] :: apply
[%pull ~] :: unsubscribe
[%pump ~] :: pump yes/no
== ::
++ cuft :: internal gift
$% [%coup p=(unit tang)] :: poke result
[%diff p=cage] :: subscription output
[%quit ~] :: close subscription
[%reap p=(unit tang)] :: peer result
== ::
++ culm :: config action
$% [%load p=scup] :: load/reload
:: [%kick ~] :: restart everything
:: [%stop ~] :: toggle suspend
:: [%wipe ~] :: destroy all state
== ::
++ cush (pair term club) :: internal kiss
++ dude term :: server identity
++ scup (pair ship desk) :: autoupdate
++ suss (trel dude ,@tas ,@da) :: config report
:::: ::
++ kiss-gall :: incoming request
$% [%conf p=dock q=culm] :: configure app
[%init p=ship] :: set owner
[%deal p=sock q=cush] :: full transmission
[%rote p=sack q=path r=*] :: remote request
[%roth p=sack q=path r=*] :: remote response
== ::
++ gift-gall :: outgoing result
$% [%onto p=(each suss tang)] :: about agent
[%unto p=cuft] :: within agent
[%mack p=(unit tang)] :: message ack
== ::
:::: %time
++ gift-time :: out result <-$
$% [%mass p=mass] :: memory usage
[%wake ~] :: wakey-wakey
== ::
++ kiss-time :: in request ->$
$% [%rest p=@da] :: cancel alarm
[%wait p=@da] :: set alarm
[%wake ~] :: timer activate
[%wegh ~] :: report memory
== ::
:::: %arvo
++ gift-arvo :: out result <-$
$? gift-ames
++ kiss-arvo :: in request ->$
$? kiss-ames
++ note-arvo :: out request $->
$? [@tas %meta vase]
$% [%a kiss-ames]
[%c kiss-clay]
[%d kiss-dill]
[%e kiss-eyre]
[%f kiss-ford]
[%g kiss-gall]
[%t kiss-time]
== ==
++ sign-arvo :: in result $<-
$% [%a gift-ames]
[%c gift-clay]
[%d gift-dill]
[%e gift-eyre]
[%f gift-ford]
[%g gift-gall]
[%t gift-time]

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
:: :: ::
:::: :: ::
!: :: ::
|% :: helm library
|% :: kiln library
++ kiln-work :: work in kiln
|= [[hide from] kiln-part]
?> =(src our)
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
:~ :~ leaf/""
leaf/"done setting up scratch space in %{-}"
leaf/"please resolve the following conflicts and run"
leaf/":helm+merge %{(trip syd)} {<our>} %{-}"
leaf/":+merge %{(trip syd)} {<our>} %{-}"
?~ annotated

View File

@ -89,28 +89,4 @@
leg=(list sole-edit) :: unmerged edits
buf=sole-buffer :: sole state
== ::
++ dill-belt :: sole input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%cru p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: echo error
[%ctl p=@] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%rez p=@ud q=@ud] :: resize, cols, rows
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
[%yow p=gill] :: connect to app
== ::
++ dill-blit :: sole output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%mor p=(list dill-blit)] :: multiple blits
[%pro p=(list ,@c)] :: show as cursor/line
[%qit ~] :: close console
[%out p=(list ,@c)] :: send output line
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact