mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 10:02:47 +03:00
Got something working: Can "replay" event log for ship whos snapshot is already up to date..
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ instance Applicative IResult where
(<*>) = ap
instance Fail.MonadFail IResult where
fail err = IError [] err
fail err = traceM ("!" <> err <> "!") >> IError [] err
instance Monad IResult where
return = pure
@ -203,6 +203,12 @@ fromNoun n = runParser (parseNoun n) [] onFail onSuccess
onFail p m = Nothing
onSuccess x = Just x
fromNounErr :: FromNoun a => Noun -> Either Text a
fromNounErr n = runParser (parseNoun n) [] onFail onSuccess
onFail p m = Left (pack m)
onSuccess x = Right x
_Poet :: (ToNoun a, FromNoun a) => Prism' Noun a
_Poet = prism' toNoun fromNoun
@ -287,7 +293,7 @@ instance ToNoun a => ToNoun (Nullable a) where
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun (Nullable a) where
parseNoun (Atom 0) = pure Nil
parseNoun (Atom n) = fail ("Expected ?@(~ ^), but got " <> show n)
parseNoun (Atom n) = fail ("Nullable: expected ?@(~ ^), but got " <> show n)
parseNoun n = NotNil <$> parseNoun n
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-- TODO: Make sure transaction closed in all error cases
-- TODO: Don't allow writing non-contiguous events
module Vere.Log (
-- we don't export write; you use the queue
) where
TODO: Make sure transaction closed in all error cases
TODO: Don't allow writing non-contiguous events
module Vere.Log ( open
, close
, readEvents
, latestEventNumber
, readIdent
, writeIdent
, putJam
) where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (init)
import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
@ -32,131 +34,73 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
-- TODO: Handle throws on the async
init :: FilePath -> TQueue (Writ [Eff]) -> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO LogState
init dir inp cb = do
-- Open/Close an Event Log -----------------------------------------------------
open :: FilePath -> IO EventLog
open dir = do
env <- mdb_env_create
mdb_env_set_maxdbs env 3
mdb_env_set_mapsize env (40 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
mdb_env_open env dir []
writer <- persistThread env inp cb
pure (LogState env inp cb writer)
pure (EventLog env)
-- TODO: properly handle shutdowns during write
shutdown :: LogState -> IO ()
shutdown s = do
void $ waitCancel (writer s)
mdb_env_close (env s)
close :: EventLog -> IO ()
close (EventLog env) = mdb_env_close env
waitCancel :: Async a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
waitCancel async = cancel async >> waitCatch async
-- Read/Write Log Identity -----------------------------------------------------
Read one or more items from a TQueue, only blocking on the first item.
readQueue :: TQueue a -> STM (NonNull [a])
readQueue q =
readTQueue q >>= go . singleton
readIdent :: EventLog -> IO LogIdentity
readIdent (EventLog env) = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") []
who <- get txn db "who"
is_fake <- get txn db "is-fake"
life <- get txn db "life"
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure (LogIdentity who is_fake life)
writeIdent :: EventLog -> LogIdentity -> IO ()
writeIdent (EventLog env) LogIdentity{..} = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") [MDB_CREATE]
let flags = compileWriteFlags []
putNoun flags txn db "who" who
putNoun flags txn db "is-fake" is_fake
putNoun flags txn db "life" life
mdb_txn_commit txn
pure ()
-- Latest Event Number ---------------------------------------------------------
latestEventNumber :: EventLog -> IO Word64
latestEventNumber (EventLog env) =
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
cur <- mdb_cursor_open txn db
res <- fetch txn db cur
mdb_cursor_close cur
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure res
go acc =
tryReadTQueue q >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)
key = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
val = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
fetch txn db cur =
withKVPtrs key val $ \pKey pVal ->
mdb_cursor_get MDB_LAST cur pKey pVal >>= \case
False -> pure 0
True -> peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
byteStringAsMdbVal :: ByteString -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
byteStringAsMdbVal bs k =
BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs \(ptr,sz) ->
k (MDB_val (fromIntegral sz) (castPtr ptr))
mdbValToAtom :: MDB_val -> IO Atom
mdbValToAtom (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
pure (bs ^. from (pill . pillBS))
maybeErr :: Maybe a -> String -> IO a
maybeErr (Just x) _ = pure x
maybeErr Nothing msg = error msg
mdbValToNoun :: MDB_val -> IO Noun
mdbValToNoun (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
let res = (bs ^? from pillBS . from pill . _Cue)
maybeErr res "mdb bad cue"
putRaw :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> MDB_val -> MDB_val -> IO ()
putRaw flags txn db key val =
mdb_put flags txn db key val >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> error "mdb bad put"
putNoun :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> Noun -> IO ()
putNoun flags txn db key val =
byteStringAsMdbVal key $ \mKey ->
byteStringAsMdbVal (val ^. re _CueBytes) $ \mVal ->
putRaw flags txn db mKey mVal
putJam :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> Word64 -> Jam -> IO ()
putJam flags txn db id (Jam atom) = do
withWord64AsMDBval id $ \idVal -> do
let !bs = atom ^. pill . pillBS
byteStringAsMdbVal bs $ \mVal -> do
putRaw flags txn db idVal mVal
get :: MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> IO Noun
get txn db key =
byteStringAsMdbVal key \mKey ->
mdb_get txn db mKey >>= maybe (error "mdb bad get") mdbValToNoun
mdbValToWord64 :: MDB_val -> IO Word64
mdbValToWord64 (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
assertErr (sz == 8) "wrong size in mdbValToWord64"
peek (castPtr ptr)
withWord64AsMDBval :: Word64 -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsMDBval w cb = do
withWordPtr w $ \p ->
cb (MDB_val (fromIntegral (sizeOf w)) (castPtr p))
withWordPtr :: Word64 -> (Ptr Word64 -> IO a) -> IO a
withWordPtr w cb = do
allocaBytes (sizeOf w) (\p -> poke p w >> cb p)
-- TODO: We need to be able to send back an exception to the main thread on an
-- exception on the persistence thread.
persistThread :: MDB_env
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO (Async ())
persistThread env inputQueue onPersist = asyncBound $
forever do
writs <- atomically $ readQueue inputQueue
writeEvents writs
atomically $ traverse_ onPersist writs
writeEvents writs = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
let flags = compileWriteFlags [MDB_NOOVERWRITE]
for_ writs $ \w -> do
putJam flags txn db (eventId w) (event w)
mdb_txn_commit txn
deriving instance Show MDB_val
-- Read Events -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: This will read len items and will error if there are less than that
-- available. This differs from the current pier.c's expectations.
readEvents :: LogState -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO (V.Vector (Word64,Atom))
readEvents (LogState env _ _ _) first len =
readEvents :: EventLog -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO (V.Vector (Word64,Atom))
readEvents (EventLog env) first len =
withWordPtr first $ \pIdx ->
withKVPtrs (MDB_val 8 (castPtr pIdx)) (MDB_val 0 nullPtr) $ \pKey pVal ->
@ -186,6 +130,9 @@ readEvents (LogState env _ _ _) first len =
pure vec
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
int :: Word64 -> Int
int = fromIntegral
@ -193,44 +140,63 @@ assertErr :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
assertErr True _ = pure ()
assertErr False m = error m
latestEventNumber :: LogState -> IO Word64
latestEventNumber (LogState env _ _ _) =
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
cur <- mdb_cursor_open txn db
res <- fetch txn db cur
mdb_cursor_close cur
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure res
key = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
val = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
fetch txn db cur =
withKVPtrs key val $ \pKey pVal ->
mdb_cursor_get MDB_LAST cur pKey pVal >>= \case
False -> pure 0
True -> peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
maybeErr :: Maybe a -> String -> IO a
maybeErr (Just x) _ = pure x
maybeErr Nothing msg = error msg
byteStringAsMdbVal :: ByteString -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
byteStringAsMdbVal bs k =
BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs \(ptr,sz) ->
k (MDB_val (fromIntegral sz) (castPtr ptr))
readLogIdentity :: LogState -> IO LogIdentity
readLogIdentity (LogState env _ _ _) = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") []
who <- get txn db "who"
is_fake <- get txn db "is-fake"
life <- get txn db "life"
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure (LogIdentity who is_fake life)
mdbValToWord64 :: MDB_val -> IO Word64
mdbValToWord64 (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
assertErr (sz == 8) "wrong size in mdbValToWord64"
peek (castPtr ptr)
writeLogIdentity :: LogState -> LogIdentity -> IO ()
writeLogIdentity (LogState env _ _ _) LogIdentity{..} = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") [MDB_CREATE]
let flags = compileWriteFlags []
putNoun flags txn db "who" who
putNoun flags txn db "is-fake" is_fake
putNoun flags txn db "life" life
mdb_txn_commit txn
pure ()
withWord64AsMDBval :: Word64 -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsMDBval w cb = do
withWordPtr w $ \p ->
cb (MDB_val (fromIntegral (sizeOf w)) (castPtr p))
withWordPtr :: Word64 -> (Ptr Word64 -> IO a) -> IO a
withWordPtr w cb = do
allocaBytes (sizeOf w) (\p -> poke p w >> cb p)
-- Lower-Level Operations ------------------------------------------------------
get :: MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> IO Noun
get txn db key =
byteStringAsMdbVal key \mKey ->
mdb_get txn db mKey >>= maybe (error "mdb bad get") mdbValToNoun
mdbValToAtom :: MDB_val -> IO Atom
mdbValToAtom (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
pure (bs ^. from (pill . pillBS))
mdbValToNoun :: MDB_val -> IO Noun
mdbValToNoun (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
let res = (bs ^? from pillBS . from pill . _Cue)
maybeErr res "mdb bad cue"
putRaw :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> MDB_val -> MDB_val -> IO ()
putRaw flags txn db key val =
mdb_put flags txn db key val >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> error "mdb bad put"
putNoun :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> Noun -> IO ()
putNoun flags txn db key val =
byteStringAsMdbVal key $ \mKey ->
byteStringAsMdbVal (val ^. re _CueBytes) $ \mVal ->
putRaw flags txn db mKey mVal
putJam :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> Word64 -> Jam -> IO ()
putJam flags txn db id (Jam atom) = do
withWord64AsMDBval id $ \idVal -> do
let !bs = atom ^. pill . pillBS
byteStringAsMdbVal bs $ \mVal -> do
putRaw flags txn db idVal mVal
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
TODO Close the database on uncaught exception.
TODO `Persist` should just be the thread id.
the thread should close the database when it is killed.
module Vere.Persist (start, stop) where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (init)
import Vere.Log
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Database.LMDB.Raw
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Persist = Persist EventLog (Async ())
-- Start and Stop --------------------------------------------------------------
start :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO Persist
start log inp cb = do
tid <- asyncBound (persistThread log inp cb)
pure (Persist log tid)
-- TODO: properly handle shutdowns during write
stop :: Persist -> IO ()
stop (Persist log tid) = do
void (cancel tid)
void (waitCatch tid)
close log
-- Persist Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: We need to be able to send back an exception to the main thread on an
-- exception on the persistence thread.
persistThread :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO ()
persistThread (EventLog env) inputQueue onPersist =
forever do
writs <- atomically $ readQueue inputQueue
writeEvents writs
atomically $ traverse_ onPersist writs
writeEvents writs = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
let flags = compileWriteFlags [MDB_NOOVERWRITE]
for_ writs $ \w -> do
putJam flags txn db (eventId w) (event w)
mdb_txn_commit txn
-- Get eventhing from the input queue. -----------------------------------------
Read one or more items from a TQueue, only blocking on the first item.
readQueue :: TQueue a -> STM (NonNull [a])
readQueue q =
readTQueue q >>= go . singleton
go acc =
tryReadTQueue q >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)
@ -7,87 +7,75 @@ import Data.Noun.Pill
import Vere
import Vere.Pier.Types
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Worker as Worker
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Persist as Persist
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
import Vere.Serf (Serf, EventId)
ioDrivers = [] :: [IODriver]
-- This is called to make a freshly booted pier. It assigns an identity to an
-- event log and takes a chill pill.
newPier :: Pill -> FilePath -> LogIdentity -> IO Pier
newPier pill top id = do
boot :: Pill -> FilePath -> LogIdentity -> IO (Serf, EventLog, EventId, Mug)
boot pill top id = do
let logPath = top <> "/log"
computeQueue <- newTQueueIO
persistQueue <- newTQueueIO
releaseQueue <- newTQueueIO
log <- Log.open logPath
-- What we really want to do is write the log identity and then do normal
-- startup, but writeLogIdentity requires a full log state including
-- input/output queues.
logState <- Log.init logPath persistQueue (writeTQueue releaseQueue)
Log.writeIdent log id
-- In first boot, we need to write this!
Log.writeLogIdentity logState id
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
(e, m) <- Serf.bootSerf serf id pill
let logLatestEventNumber = 0
let getEvents = Log.readEvents logState
workerState <- Worker.startWorkerProcess
Worker.bootWorker workerState id pill
performCommonPierStartup workerState computeQueue persistQueue releaseQueue logState
pure (serf, log, e, m)
-- This reads in a pier
runPierFromDisk :: FilePath -> IO Pier
runPierFromDisk top = do
let logPath = top <> "/log"
What we really want to do is write the log identity and then do
normal startup, but writeIdent requires a full log state
including input/output queues.
resume :: FilePath -> IO (Serf, EventLog, EventId, Mug)
resume top = do
log <- Log.open (top <> "/.urb/log")
ident <- Log.readIdent log
lastEv <- Log.latestEventNumber log
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
(e, m) <- Serf.replay serf ident lastEv (Log.readEvents log)
computeQueue <- newTQueueIO
persistQueue <- newTQueueIO
releaseQueue <- newTQueueIO
pure (serf, log, e, m)
-- What we really want to do is write the log identity and then do normal
-- startup, but writeLogIdentity requires a full log state including
-- input/output queues.
logState <- Log.init logPath persistQueue (writeTQueue releaseQueue)
-- In first boot, we need to write this!
id <- Log.readLogIdentity logState
logLatestEventNumber <- Log.latestEventNumber logState
let getEvents = Log.readEvents logState
workerState <- Worker.startWorkerProcess
Worker.resumeWorker workerState id logLatestEventNumber getEvents
performCommonPierStartup workerState computeQueue persistQueue releaseQueue logState
performCommonPierStartup :: Worker.Worker
performCommonPierStartup :: Serf.Serf
-> TQueue Ovum
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> LogState
-> IO Pier
performCommonPierStartup workerState computeQueue persistQueue releaseQueue logState = do
performCommonPierStartup serf computeQ persistQ releaseQ logState = do
for ioDrivers $ \x -> do
bootMessage <- bornEvent x
atomically $ writeTQueue computeQueue bootMessage
atomically $ writeTQueue computeQ bootMessage
driverThreads <- for ioDrivers $ \x -> do
startDriver x (writeTQueue computeQueue)
startDriver x (writeTQueue computeQ)
-- TODO: Don't do a bunch of extra work; we send all events to all drivers
portingThread <- async $ do
forever $ do
r <- atomically (readTQueue releaseQueue)
r <- atomically (readTQueue releaseQ)
for_ driverThreads $ \(_, k) ->
for_ (payload r) $ \eff ->
k eff
Worker.workerThread workerState (readTQueue computeQueue) undefined
Serf.workerThread serf (readTQueue computeQ) undefined
pure (Pier{..})
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ data Pier = Pier
, portingThread :: Async ()
newtype EventLog = EventLog MDB_env
-- TODO: We are uncertain about q's type. There's some serious entanglement
-- with u3_pier in this logic in the C code, and you might not be able to get
-- away with anything less than passing the full u3_writ around.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Vere.Worker where
module Vere.Serf where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Lens
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
data Worker = Worker
data Serf = Serf
{ sendHandle :: Handle
, recvHandle :: Handle
, process :: ProcessHandle
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ data Worker = Worker
-- , getInput :: STM (Writ ())
-- , onComputed :: Writ [Effect] -> STM ()
-- , onExit :: Worker -> IO ()
-- , onExit :: Serf -> IO ()
-- , task :: Async ()
@ -39,20 +39,27 @@ data Worker = Worker
-- Think about how to handle process exit
-- Tear down subprocess on exit? (terminiteProcess)
startWorkerProcess :: IO Worker
startWorkerProcess =
TODO Think about how to handle process exit
TODO Tear down subprocess on exit? (terminiteProcess)
TODO `config` is a stub, fill it in.
startSerfProcess :: FilePath -> IO Serf
startSerfProcess pier =
(Just i, Just o, _, p) <- createProcess pSpec
pure (Worker i o p)
pure (Serf i o p)
pSpec =
(proc "urbit-worker" []) { std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
chkDir = traceShowId pier
diskKey = ""
config = "0"
args = [chkDir, diskKey, config]
pSpec = (proc "urbit-worker" args)
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
kill :: Worker -> IO ExitCode
kill :: Serf -> IO ExitCode
kill w = do
terminateProcess (process w)
waitForProcess (process w)
@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ newtype ShipId = ShipId (Ship, Bool)
type Play = Nullable (EventId, Mug, ShipId)
type Play = Maybe (EventId, Mug, ShipId)
data Plea
= Play Play
@ -106,27 +113,27 @@ instance FromNoun Plea where
type CompletedEventId = Word64
type NextEventId = Word64
type WorkerState = (EventId, Mug)
type SerfState = (EventId, Mug)
type ReplacementEv = (EventId, Mug, Job)
type WorkResult = (EventId, Mug, [Eff])
type WorkerResp = (Either ReplacementEv WorkResult)
type WorkResult = (EventId, Mug, [Eff])
type SerfResp = (Either ReplacementEv WorkResult)
-- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------
data WorkerExn
data SerfExn
= BadComputeId EventId WorkResult
| BadReplacementId EventId ReplacementEv
| UnexpectedPlay EventId Play
| BadPleaAtom Atom
| BadPleaNoun Noun
| BadPleaNoun Noun Text
| ReplacedEventDuringReplay EventId ReplacementEv
| WorkerConnectionClosed
| SerfConnectionClosed
| UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip Plea
| InvalidInitialPlea Plea
deriving (Show)
instance Exception WorkerExn
instance Exception SerfExn
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -140,25 +147,32 @@ fromJustExn :: Exception e => Maybe a -> e -> IO a
fromJustExn Nothing exn = throwIO exn
fromJustExn (Just x) exn = pure x
fromRightExn :: Exception e => Either Text a -> (Text -> e) -> IO a
fromRightExn (Left m) exn = throwIO (exn m)
fromRightExn (Right x) _ = pure x
sendAndRecv :: Worker -> EventId -> Atom -> IO WorkerResp
sendAndRecv :: Serf -> EventId -> Atom -> IO SerfResp
sendAndRecv w eventId event =
traceM ("sendAndRecv: " <> show eventId)
sendAtom w $ work eventId (Jam event)
res <- loop
traceM "sendAndRecv.done"
pure res
produce :: WorkResult -> IO WorkerResp
produce :: WorkResult -> IO SerfResp
produce (i, m, o) = do
guardExn (i /= eventId) (BadComputeId eventId (i, m, o))
pure $ Right (i, m, o)
replace :: ReplacementEv -> IO WorkerResp
replace :: ReplacementEv -> IO SerfResp
replace (i, m, j) = do
guardExn (i /= eventId) (BadReplacementId eventId (i, m, j))
pure (Left (i, m, j))
loop :: IO WorkerResp
loop :: IO SerfResp
loop = recvPlea w >>= \case
Play p -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlay eventId p)
Done i m o -> produce (i, m, o)
@ -166,32 +180,43 @@ sendAndRecv w eventId event =
Stdr _ cord -> print cord >> loop
Slog _ pri t -> printTank pri t >> loop
sendBootEvent :: LogIdentity -> Worker -> IO ()
sendBootEvent :: LogIdentity -> Serf -> IO ()
sendBootEvent id w = do
sendAtom w $ jam $ toNoun (Cord "boot", id)
-- the ship is booted, but it is behind. shove events to the worker until it is
-- caught up.
replay :: Worker
-> WorkerState
-> LogIdentity
-> EventId
-> (EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom)))
-> IO (EventId, Mug)
replay w (wid, wmug) identity lastCommitedId getEvents = do
replayEvents :: Serf
-> SerfState
-> LogIdentity
-> EventId
-> (EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom)))
-> IO (EventId, Mug)
replayEvents w (wid, wmug) identity lastCommitedId getEvents = do
traceM ("replayEvents: " <> show wid <> " " <> show wmug)
when (wid == 1) (sendBootEvent identity w)
vLast <- newIORef (wid, wmug)
loop vLast wid
readIORef vLast
res <- readIORef vLast
traceM ("replayEvents.return " <> show res)
pure res
-- Replay events in batches of 1000.
loop vLast curEvent = do
traceM ("replayEvents.loop: " <> show curEvent)
let toRead = min 1000 (1 + lastCommitedId - curEvent)
when (toRead > 0) do
traceM ("replayEvents.loop.getEvents " <> show toRead)
events <- getEvents curEvent toRead
traceM ("got events " <> show (length events))
for_ events $ \(eventId, event) -> do
sendAndRecv w eventId event >>= \case
Left ev -> throwIO (ReplacedEventDuringReplay eventId ev)
@ -200,45 +225,35 @@ replay w (wid, wmug) identity lastCommitedId getEvents = do
loop vLast (curEvent + toRead)
bootWorker :: Worker
-> LogIdentity
-> Pill
-> IO ()
bootWorker w identity pill =
bootSerf :: Serf -> LogIdentity -> Pill -> IO (EventId, Mug)
bootSerf w ident pill =
recvPlea w >>= \case
Play Nil -> pure ()
x@(Play _) -> throwIO (UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip x)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
Play Nothing -> pure ()
x@(Play _) -> throwIO (UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip x)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
-- TODO: actually boot the pill
requestSnapshot w
-- Maybe return the current event id ? But we'll have to figure that out
-- later.
pure ()
pure undefined
resumeWorker :: Worker
-> LogIdentity
-> EventId
-> (EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom)))
-> IO (EventId, Mug)
resumeWorker w identity logLatestEventNumber eventFetcher =
type GetEvents = EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom))
replay :: Serf -> LogIdentity -> EventId -> GetEvents -> IO (EventId, Mug)
replay w ident lastEv getEvents = do
ws@(eventId, mug) <- recvPlea w >>= \case
Play Nil -> pure (1, Mug 0)
Play (NotNil (e, m, _)) -> pure (e, m)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
Play Nothing -> pure (1, Mug 0)
Play (Just (e, m, _)) -> pure (e, m)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
r <- replay w ws identity logLatestEventNumber eventFetcher
traceM ("got plea! " <> show eventId <> " " <> show mug)
requestSnapshot w
replayEvents w ws ident lastEv getEvents
pure r
workerThread :: Worker -> STM Ovum -> (EventId, Mug) -> IO (Async ())
workerThread :: Serf -> STM Ovum -> (EventId, Mug) -> IO (Async ())
workerThread w getEvent (evendId, mug) = async $ forever do
ovum <- atomically $ getEvent
@ -247,15 +262,15 @@ workerThread w getEvent (evendId, mug) = async $ forever do
let mat = jam (undefined (mug, currentDate, ovum))
-- Writ (eventId + 1) Nothing mat
-- -- assign a new event id.
-- -- assign a date
-- -- get current mug state
-- -- (jam [mug event])
-- sendAndRecv
-- sendAndRecv
requestSnapshot :: Worker -> IO ()
requestSnapshot :: Serf -> IO ()
requestSnapshot w = undefined
-- The flow here is that we start the worker and then we receive a play event
@ -263,7 +278,7 @@ requestSnapshot w = undefined
-- <- [%play ...]
-- Base on this, the main flow is
-- Base on this, the main flow is
-- [%work ] ->
@ -281,8 +296,12 @@ requestSnapshot w = undefined
-- Basic Send and Receive Operations -------------------------------------------
sendAtom :: Worker -> Atom -> IO ()
sendAtom w a = hPut (sendHandle w) (unpackAtom a)
sendAtom :: Serf -> Atom -> IO ()
sendAtom w a = do
traceM "sendAtom"
hPut (sendHandle w) (unpackAtom a)
hFlush (sendHandle w)
traceM "sendAtom.return ()"
atomBytes :: Iso' Atom ByteString
atomBytes = pill . pillBS
@ -292,26 +311,44 @@ packAtom = view (from atomBytes)
unpackAtom :: Atom -> ByteString
unpackAtom = view atomBytes
recvLen :: Worker -> IO Word64
recvLen :: Serf -> IO Word64
recvLen w = do
traceM "recvLen.wait"
bs <- hGet (recvHandle w) 8
traceM "recvLen.got"
case length bs of
-- This is not big endian safe
8 -> unsafeUseAsCString bs (peek . castPtr)
_ -> throwIO WorkerConnectionClosed
_ -> throwIO SerfConnectionClosed
recvBytes :: Worker -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
recvBytes w = hGet (recvHandle w) . fromIntegral
recvBytes :: Serf -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
recvBytes w = do
traceM "recvBytes"
hGet (recvHandle w) . fromIntegral
recvAtom :: Worker -> IO Atom
recvAtom :: Serf -> IO Atom
recvAtom w = do
traceM "recvAtom"
len <- recvLen w
bs <- recvBytes w len
pure (packAtom bs)
recvPlea :: Worker -> IO Plea
cordString :: Cord -> String
cordString (Cord bs) = unpack $ decodeUtf8 bs
recvPlea :: Serf -> IO Plea
recvPlea w = do
traceM "recvPlea"
a <- recvAtom w
traceM ("recvPlea.cue " <> show (length $ a ^. atomBytes))
n <- fromJustExn (cue a) (BadPleaAtom a)
p <- fromJustExn (fromNoun n) (BadPleaNoun n)
pure p
traceM "recvPlea.doneCue"
p <- fromRightExn (fromNounErr n) (BadPleaNoun n)
traceM "recvPlea.done"
-- TODO Hack!
case p of
Stdr e msg -> traceM (cordString msg) >> recvPlea w
_ -> pure p
@ -2,45 +2,78 @@ module Main where
import ClassyPrelude
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Noun.Jam hiding (main)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import Data.Noun.Jam ()
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Persist as Persist
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
main :: IO ()
main = do
let logPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog/"
(s,l,e,m) <- Pier.resume "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/zod/"
putStrLn "Resumed!"
pure ()
tryCopyLog :: IO ()
tryCopyLog = do
let logPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog/"
falselogPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog2/"
-- junk
persistQueue <- newTQueueIO
releaseQueue <- newTQueueIO
logState <- Log.init logPath persistQueue (writeTQueue releaseQueue)
logId <- Log.readLogIdentity logState
print logId
persistQ <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ <- newTQueueIO
log <- Log.open logPath
persist <- Persist.start log persistQ (writeTQueue releaseQ)
ident <- Log.readIdent log
latestEvent <- Log.latestEventNumber logState
print latestEvent
events <- Log.readEvents logState 1 3142
--print $ cue . snd <$> events
lastEv <- Log.latestEventNumber log
events <- Log.readEvents log 1 3142
persistQueue2 <- newTQueueIO
releaseQueue2 <- newTQueueIO
falseLogState <- Log.init falselogPath persistQueue2 (writeTQueue releaseQueue2)
Log.writeLogIdentity falseLogState logId
print ident
print lastEv
print (length events)
persistQ2 <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ2 <- newTQueueIO
log2 <- Log.open falselogPath
persist2 <- Persist.start log2 persistQ2 (writeTQueue releaseQ2)
Log.writeIdent log2 ident
let writs = events <&> \(id, a) ->
Writ id Nothing (Jam a) []
Writ id Nothing (Jam a) []
print "About to write"
for_ writs $ \w -> atomically $ writeTQueue persistQueue2 w
for_ writs $ \w ->
atomically (writeTQueue persistQ2 w)
print "About to wait"
replicateM_ 100 $ atomically $ readTQueue releaseQueue2
replicateM_ 100 $ do
atomically $ readTQueue releaseQ2
print "Done"
@ -1047,10 +1047,10 @@ _pier_work_create(u3_pier* pir_u)
sprintf(wag_c, "%u", pir_u->wag_w);
arg_c[0] = bin_c; // executable
arg_c[1] = pax_c; // path to checkpoint directory
arg_c[2] = key_c; // disk key
arg_c[3] = wag_c; // runtime config
arg_c[0] = bin_c; // executable
arg_c[1] = pax_c; // path to checkpoint directory (might be the pier, might be $pier/chk)
arg_c[2] = key_c; // disk key (ignored)
arg_c[3] = wag_c; // runtime config
arg_c[4] = 0;
uv_pipe_init(u3L, &god_u->inn_u.pyp_u, 0);
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ nix:
- SDL2_image
- zlib
urbit: '-fobject-code'
# build:
# library-profiling: true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user