mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 18:12:47 +03:00
Merge pull request #1740 from urbit/king-cleanup
Further terminal fixes and cleanups
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,12 +106,8 @@ clay pierPath king enqueueEv =
runSync :: RAcquire e (EffCb e SyncEf)
runSync = do
tim <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure (handleEffect tim)
runSync = handleEffect <$> mkRAcquire start stop
-- TODO: Traditionally, lock file acquisition was handled in the unix
-- driver. This should instead be bumped up to main or something.
start :: RIO e ClayDrv
start = ClayDrv <$> newTVarIO mempty
stop c = pure ()
@ -162,20 +158,23 @@ clay pierPath king enqueueEv =
atomically $ modifyTVar (cdMountPoints cd) (M.delete desk)
-- Change the structures off of the event into something we can work with in Unix.
calculateActionHash :: FilePath -> (Path, Maybe Mime) -> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int))
-- Change the structures off of the event into something we can work with
-- in Unix.
calculateActionHash :: FilePath -> (Path, Maybe Mime)
-> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int))
calculateActionHash base (p, Nothing) = (base </> pathToFilePath p, Nothing)
calculateActionHash base (p, Just (Mime t f)) =
(base </> pathToFilePath p, Just ((Mime t f), (hash $ unOcts $ unFile f)))
-- Performs the actions on the actual filesystem
performAction :: (Map FilePath Int) -> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int)) -> RIO e ()
performAction :: (Map FilePath Int) -> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int))
-> RIO e ()
performAction m (fp, Nothing) = do
logDebug $ displayShow ("(clay) deleting file ", fp)
removeFile fp
performAction m (fp, Just ((Mime _ (File (Octs bs)), hash)))
| skip =
logDebug $ displayShow ("(clay) skipping unchanged file update " , fp)
| skip = logDebug $
displayShow ("(clay) skipping unchanged file update " , fp)
| otherwise = do
logDebug $ displayShow ("(clay) updating file " , fp)
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory fp
@ -203,7 +202,8 @@ clay pierPath king enqueueEv =
applySyncAction m (fp, (Just (_, h))) = M.insert fp h m
-- Changes an action list item into a form injectable into Urbit
actionsToInto :: FilePath -> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int)) -> (Path, Maybe Mime)
actionsToInto :: FilePath -> (FilePath, Maybe (Mime, Int))
-> (Path, Maybe Mime)
actionsToInto prefix (fp, mybData) = (p, mybOutData)
p = filePathToPath strippedFp
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
module Vere.Http.Client where
import Arvo (KingId, Ev(..), BlipEv(..), HttpClientEf(..),
HttpClientEv(..), HttpClientReq(..), HttpEvent(..),
import Arvo (BlipEv(..), Ev(..), HttpClientEf(..), HttpClientEv(..),
HttpClientReq(..), HttpEvent(..), KingId,
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Builder)
import Vere.Pier.Types
@ -52,15 +52,12 @@ client :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
client kingId enqueueEv = ([], runHttpClient)
runHttpClient :: RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpClientEf)
runHttpClient = do
tim <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure (handleEffect tim)
runHttpClient = handleEffect <$> mkRAcquire start stop
start :: RIO e (HttpClientDrv)
start = do
manager <- io $ H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings
var <- newTVarIO M.empty
pure $ HttpClientDrv manager var
start = HttpClientDrv <$>
(io $ H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings) <*>
newTVarIO M.empty
stop :: HttpClientDrv -> RIO e ()
stop HttpClientDrv{..} = do
@ -108,7 +105,8 @@ client kingId enqueueEv = ([], runHttpClient)
loop = getChunk >>= \case
Nothing -> planEvent id (Continue Nothing True)
Just bs -> do
planEvent id $ Continue (Just $ File $ Octs bs) False
planEvent id $
Continue (Just $ File $ Octs bs) False
planEvent id (Start headers Nothing False)
@ -124,7 +122,8 @@ client kingId enqueueEv = ([], runHttpClient)
describe (Start header Nothing final) =
"(Start " ++ (show header) ++ " ~ " ++ (show final)
describe (Start header (Just (File (Octs bs))) final) =
"(Start " ++ (show header) ++ " (" ++ (show $ length bs) ++ " bytes) " ++ (show final)
"(Start " ++ (show header) ++ " (" ++ (show $ length bs) ++ " bytes) " ++
(show final)
describe (Continue Nothing final) =
"(Continue ~ " ++ (show final)
describe (Continue (Just (File (Octs bs))) final) =
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ pier pierPath mPort (serf, log, ss) = do
inst <- io (KingId . UV . fromIntegral <$> randomIO @Word16)
terminalSystem <- initializeLocalTerminal
serf <- pure serf { sStderr = (tsStderr terminalSystem) }
swapMVar (sStderr serf) (tsStderr terminalSystem)
let ship = who (Log.identity log)
@ -11,13 +11,10 @@ module Vere.Serf ( Serf, sStderr, SerfState(..), doJob
, Config(..), Flags, Flag(..)
) where
import UrbitPrelude hiding (fail)
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo
import Control.Monad.Fail (fail)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Void
import Noun
import System.Process
import System.ProgressBar
import Vere.Pier.Types
@ -28,7 +25,6 @@ import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
@ -79,10 +75,8 @@ ssLastEv = pred . ssNextEv
data Serf e = Serf
{ sendHandle :: Handle
, recvHandle :: Handle
, errThread :: Async ()
, process :: ProcessHandle
, sState :: MVar SerfState
, sStderr :: Text -> RIO e ()
, sStderr :: MVar (Text -> RIO e ())
data ShipId = ShipId Ship Bool
@ -127,9 +121,9 @@ deriveNoun ''Plea
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
printTank :: HasLogFunc e => (Text -> RIO e ()) -> Word32 -> Tank -> RIO e ()
printTank :: HasLogFunc e => MVar (Text -> RIO e ()) -> Word32 -> Tank -> RIO e ()
printTank log _pri tank =
(log . unlines . fmap unTape . wash (WashCfg 0 80)) tank
((printErr log) . unlines . fmap unTape . wash (WashCfg 0 80)) tank
guardExn :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => Bool -> e -> m ()
guardExn ok = io . unless ok . throwIO
@ -138,6 +132,10 @@ fromRightExn :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => Either a b -> (a -> e) -> m b
fromRightExn (Left m) exn = throwIO (exn m)
fromRightExn (Right x) _ = pure x
printErr :: MVar (Text -> RIO e ()) -> Text -> RIO e ()
printErr m txt = do
f <- readMVar m
f txt
-- Process Management ----------------------------------------------------------
@ -153,9 +151,9 @@ startUp conf@(Config pierPath flags) = do
(Just i, Just o, Just e, p) <- createProcess pSpec
pure (i, o, e, p)
ss <- newEmptyMVar
et <- async (readStdErr e)
pure (Serf i o et p ss serf)
stderr <- newMVar putStrLn
async (readStdErr e stderr)
pure (Serf i o p stderr)
diskKey = ""
config = show (compileFlags flags)
@ -166,11 +164,13 @@ startUp conf@(Config pierPath flags) = do
, std_err = CreatePipe
readStdErr :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e => Handle -> RIO e ()
readStdErr h =
readStdErr :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e => Handle -> MVar (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e ()
readStdErr h print =
untilEOFExn $ do
ln <- io $ IO.hGetLine h
serf ("[stderr] " <> T.strip (pack ln))
raw <- io $ IO.hGetLine h
let ln = T.strip (pack raw)
printErr print ln
serf ("[stderr] " <> ln)
eofMsg = "[Serf.readStdErr] serf stderr closed"
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ recvPlea w = do
n <- fromRightExn (cue a) (const $ BadPleaAtom a)
p <- fromRightExn (fromNounErr n) (\(p,m) -> BadPleaNoun (traceShowId n) p m)
case p of PStdr e msg -> do (sStderr w) (cordText msg)
case p of PStdr e msg -> do printErr (sStderr w) (cordText msg)
recvPlea w
PSlog _ pri t -> do printTank (sStderr w) pri t
recvPlea w
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ sendWork w job =
PPlay p -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlay eId p)
PDone i m o -> produce (SerfState (i+1) m, o)
PWork work -> replace (DoWork work)
PStdr _ cord -> (sStderr w) (cordText cord) >> loop
PStdr _ cord -> printErr (sStderr w) (cordText cord) >> loop
PSlog _ pri t -> printTank (sStderr w) pri t >> loop
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Vere.Term (initializeLocalTerminal, term, TerminalSystem(..)) where
import Arvo hiding (Term)
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo hiding (Term)
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Char
@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ import Foreign.Storable
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Console.Terminfo.Base
import RIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import RIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import RIO.FilePath
import System.Console.Terminfo.Base
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Output to the attached terminal is either a series of vere blits, or it is an
@ -29,9 +32,11 @@ data LineState = LineState String Int
-- A record used in reading data from stdInput.
data ReadData = ReadData
{ rdBuf :: Ptr Word8
, rdEscape :: Bool
, rdBracket :: Bool
{ rdBuf :: Ptr Word8
, rdEscape :: Bool
, rdBracket :: Bool
, rdUTF8 :: ByteString
, rdUTF8width :: Int
-- Minimal terminal interface.
@ -41,15 +46,15 @@ data ReadData = ReadData
-- the session is over, and has a general in/out queue in the types of the
-- vere/arvo interface.
data TerminalSystem e = TerminalSystem
{ tsReadQueue :: TQueue Belt
, tsWriteQueue :: TQueue VereOutput
, tsStderr :: Text -> RIO e ()
{ tsReadQueue :: TQueue Belt
, tsWriteQueue :: TQueue VereOutput
, tsStderr :: Text -> RIO e ()
-- Private data to the TerminalSystem that we keep around for stop().
data Private = Private
{ pReaderThread :: Async ()
, pWriterThread :: Async ()
{ pReaderThread :: Async ()
, pWriterThread :: Async ()
, pPreviousConfiguration :: TerminalAttributes
@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ initialHail = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvHail (UD 1, ()) ()
runMaybeTermOutput :: Terminal -> (Terminal -> Maybe TermOutput) -> RIO e ()
runMaybeTermOutput t getter = case (getter t) of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just x -> io $ runTermOutput t x
Just x -> io $ runTermOutput t x
rioAllocaBytes :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Int -> (Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
@ -113,7 +118,8 @@ initializeLocalTerminal = do
io $ setTerminalAttributes stdInput newTermSettings Immediately
tsReadQueue <- newTQueueIO
pReaderThread <- asyncBound (readTerminal tsReadQueue tsWriteQueue (bell tsWriteQueue))
pReaderThread <- asyncBound
(readTerminal tsReadQueue tsWriteQueue (bell tsWriteQueue))
let tsStderr = \txt ->
atomically $ writeTQueue tsWriteQueue $ VerePrintOutput $ unpack txt
@ -249,12 +255,13 @@ initializeLocalTerminal = do
readTerminal :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> TQueue Belt -> TQueue VereOutput -> (RIO e ()) -> RIO e ()
readTerminal rq wq bell =
rioAllocaBytes 1 $ \ buf -> loop (ReadData buf False False)
rioAllocaBytes 1 $ \ buf -> loop (ReadData buf False False B.empty 0)
loop :: ReadData -> RIO e ()
loop rd@ReadData{..} = do
-- The problem with using fdRead raw is that it will text encode things
-- like \ESC instead of 27. That makes it broken for our purposes.
-- The problem with using fdRead raw is that it will text encode
-- things like \ESC instead of 27. That makes it broken for our
-- purposes.
t <- io $ try (fdReadBuf stdInput rdBuf 1)
case t of
@ -289,10 +296,18 @@ initializeLocalTerminal = do
else do
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
-- if not escape
else if False then
-- TODO: Put the unicode accumulation logic here.
loop rd
else if rdUTF8width /= 0 then do
-- continue reading into the utf8 accumulation buffer
rd@ReadData{..} <- pure rd { rdUTF8 = snoc rdUTF8 w }
if length rdUTF8 /= rdUTF8width then loop rd
else do
case UTF8.decode rdUTF8 of
Nothing ->
error "empty utf8 accumulation buffer"
Just (c, bytes) | bytes /= rdUTF8width ->
error "utf8 character size mismatch?!"
Just (c, bytes) -> sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
loop rd { rdUTF8 = B.empty, rdUTF8width = 0 }
else if w >= 32 && w < 127 then do
sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
loop rd
@ -319,7 +334,10 @@ initializeLocalTerminal = do
loop rd { rdEscape = True }
else do
-- start the utf8 accumulation buffer
loop rd
loop rd { rdUTF8 = singleton w,
rdUTF8width = if w < 224 then 2
else if w < 240 then 3
else 4 }
sendBelt :: HasLogFunc e => Belt -> RIO e ()
sendBelt b = do
@ -366,8 +384,8 @@ term TerminalSystem{..} shutdownSTM pierPath king enqueueEv =
handleFsWrite :: Blit -> RIO e ()
handleFsWrite (Sag path noun) = performPut path (jamBS noun)
handleFsWrite (Sav path atom) = pure () --performPut path atom
handleFsWrite _ = pure ()
handleFsWrite (Sav path atom) = performPut path (atom ^. atomBytes)
handleFsWrite _ = pure ()
performPut :: Path -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
performPut path bs = do
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ dependencies:
- unliftio
- unliftio-core
- unordered-containers
- utf8-string
- vector
- wai
- wai-conduit
Reference in New Issue
Block a user