king: missing changes in Main, plus setrlimit for fds

This commit is contained in:
pilfer-pandex 2021-03-16 21:46:41 -04:00
parent 88375f37ec
commit 72f0201de3

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@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Sys
import qualified System.Posix.Resource as Sys
import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB
import qualified System.Random as Sys
import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log
@ -460,6 +461,13 @@ pillFrom = \case
noun <- cueBS body & either throwIO pure
fromNounErr noun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
multiOnFatal :: HasKingEnv e => e -> IO ()
multiOnFatal env = runRIO env $ do
(view stderrLogFuncL >>=) $ flip runRIO $ logError
("Urbit is shutting down because of a problem with the HTTP server.\n"
<> "Please restart it at your leisure.")
view killKingActionL >>= atomically
newShip :: CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> RIO KingEnv ()
newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
@ -472,7 +480,8 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
"run ship" flow, and possibly sequence them from the outside if
that's really needed.
multi <- multiEyre (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True)
env <- ask
multi <- multiEyre (multiOnFatal env) (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True)
-- TODO: We hit the same problem as above: we need a host env to boot a ship
-- because it may autostart the ship, so build an inactive port configuration.
@ -660,6 +669,7 @@ main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
runKingEnv args log $ case args of
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runShips ko ships
@ -693,6 +703,11 @@ main = do
for_ [Sys.sigTERM, Sys.sigINT] $ \sig -> do
Sys.installHandler sig (Sys.Catch onKillSig) Nothing
setRLimits = do
nofiles <- Sys.getResourceLimit Sys.ResourceOpenFiles
Sys.setResourceLimit Sys.ResourceOpenFiles
nofiles { Sys.softLimit = Sys.ResourceLimit 10240 }
verboseLogging :: CLI.Cmd -> Bool
verboseLogging = \case
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> any CLI.oVerbose (ships <&> \(_, o, _) -> o)
@ -716,7 +731,6 @@ main = do
CLI.CmdRun ko _ -> CLI.LogStderr
_ -> CLI.LogStderr
Runs a ship but restarts it if it crashes or shuts down on it's own.
@ -792,7 +806,8 @@ runShips CLI.Host {..} ships = do
-- a king-wide option.
multi <- multiEyre meConf
env <- ask
multi <- multiEyre (multiOnFatal env) meConf
ports <- buildPortHandler hUseNatPmp