king dawn: nits

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Glaysher 2020-09-04 14:44:26 -04:00
parent 07089a1c93
commit 74b40e0e52

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@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
Use etherium to access PKI information.
module Urbit.Vere.Dawn where
module Urbit.Vere.Dawn ( dawnVent
, dawnCometList
, renderShip
, mineComet
) where
import Urbit.Arvo.Common
import Urbit.Arvo.Event hiding (Address)
import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Call, rights, to, (.=))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Text (splitOn)
@ -21,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
@ -28,20 +34,19 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT
-- During boot, use the infura provider
provider :: String
provider = ""
-- The address of the azimuth contract as a string.
azimuthAddr = "0x223c067f8cf28ae173ee5cafea60ca44c335fecb" :: Text
azimuthAddr :: Text
azimuthAddr = "0x223c067f8cf28ae173ee5cafea60ca44c335fecb"
-- Conversion Utilities --------------------------------------------------------
passFromBS :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Pass
passFromBS enc aut sut | bytesAtom sut /= 1 =
Pass (Ed.PublicKey mempty) (Ed.PublicKey mempty)
passFromBS enc aut sut =
Pass (decode aut) (decode enc)
decode = Ed.PublicKey
passFromBS enc aut sut
| bytesAtom sut /= 1 = Pass (Ed.PublicKey mempty) (Ed.PublicKey mempty)
| otherwise = Pass (Ed.PublicKey aut) (Ed.PublicKey enc)
bsToBool :: ByteString -> Bool
bsToBool bs = bytesAtom bs == 1
@ -60,8 +65,7 @@ hexStrToAtom =
bytesAtom . reverse . toBytes . hexString . removePrefix . encodeUtf8
onLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
onLeft fun (Left a) = Left $ fun a
onLeft fun (Right c) = Right c
onLeft fun = bimap fun id
-- Data Validation -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ ringToPass Ring{..} = Pass{..}
-- So, like with Vere, we roll our own.
dawnSendHTTP :: String -> L.ByteString -> RIO e (Either Int L.ByteString)
dawnSendHTTP endpoint requestData = liftIO do
manager <- C.newManager TLS.tlsManagerSettings
@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ dawnSendHTTP endpoint requestData = liftIO do
let request = initialRequest
{ C.method = "POST"
, C.requestBody = C.RequestBodyLBS $ requestData
, C.requestHeaders = [("Accept", "applciation/json"),
, C.requestHeaders = [("Accept", "application/json"),
("Content-Type", "application/json"),
("Charsets", "utf-8")]
@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ dawnSendHTTP endpoint requestData = liftIO do
let code = HT.statusCode $ C.responseStatus response
case code of
200 -> pure $ Right $ C.responseBody response
x -> pure $ Left x
_ -> pure $ Left code
class RequestMethod m where
getRequestMethod :: m -> Text
@ -138,11 +143,11 @@ dawnPostRequests :: forall req e resp
dawnPostRequests endpoint responseBuilder requests = do
-- Encode our input requests
let requestPayload =
encode $ Array $ fromList $ map toFullRequest $ zip [0..] requests
encode $ Array $ fromList $ fmap toFullRequest $ zip [0..] requests
-- Send to the server
responses <- dawnSendHTTP endpoint requestPayload >>= \case
Left err -> error $ "error fetching " ++ provider ++ ": HTTP " ++ (show err)
Left err -> error $ "error fetching " <> provider <> ": HTTP " <> (show err)
Right x -> pure x
-- Get a list of the result texts in the order of the submitted requests
@ -151,25 +156,21 @@ dawnPostRequests endpoint responseBuilder requests = do
Just x -> pure $ map rrResult $ sortOn rrId x
-- Build the final result structure by calling the passed in builder with the
-- request (some outputs need data from the request sturcture, eitherwise,
-- request (some outputs need data from the request structure, eitherwise,
-- we'd lean on FromJSON).
let results = map (uncurry responseBuilder) (zip requests rawSorted)
pure results
toFullRequest :: (Int, req) -> Value
toFullRequest (id, req) = object [ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: Text)
, "method" .= getRequestMethod req
, "params" .= req
, "id" .= id
toFullRequest (rid, req) = object [ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: Text)
, "method" .= getRequestMethod req
, "params" .= req
, "id" .= rid
-- Azimuth JSON Requests -------------------------------------------------------
-- Simple packing a block number to the text format.
blockNumToStr :: Int -> Text
blockNumToStr bn = pack $ "0x" <> (showHex bn "")
-- Not a full implementation of the Ethereum ABI, but just the ability to call
-- a method by encoded id (like 0x63fa9a87 for `points(uint32)`), and a single
-- UIntN 32 parameter.
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ instance ToJSON BlockRequest where
-- No need to parse, it's already in the format we'll pass as an argument to
-- eth calls which take a block number.
parseBlockRequest :: BlockRequest -> Text -> TextBlockNum
parseBlockRequest br txt = txt
parseBlockRequest _ txt = txt
type TextBlockNum = Text
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ instance RequestMethod PointRequest where
getRequestMethod PointRequest{..} = "eth_call"
instance ToJSON PointRequest where
-- 0x63fa9a87 is the points(uint32) call.
toJSON PointRequest{..} =
Array $ fromList [object [ "to" .= azimuthAddr
, "data" .= encodeCall "0x63fa9a87" grqPointId],
@ -304,13 +306,14 @@ instance RequestMethod TurfRequest where
getRequestMethod TurfRequest{..} = "eth_call"
instance ToJSON TurfRequest where
-- 0xeccc8ff1 is the dnsDomains(uint32) call.
toJSON TurfRequest{..} =
Array $ fromList [object [ "to" .= azimuthAddr
, "data" .= encodeCall "0xeccc8ff1" trqTurfId],
String trqHexBlockNum
-- This is another hack instead of a full Ethereum ABI resposne.
-- This is another hack instead of a full Ethereum ABI response.
parseTurfResponse :: TurfRequest -> Text -> Turf
parseTurfResponse a raw = turf
@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ parseTurfResponse a raw = turf
(_, blRest) = splitAt 64 without0x
(utfLenStr, utfStr) = splitAt 64 blRest
utfLen = fromIntegral $ bytesAtom $ reverse $ toBytes $ hexString utfLenStr
dnsStr = decodeUtf8 $ (BS.take utfLen) $ toBytes $ hexString utfStr
dnsStr = decodeUtf8 $ BS.take utfLen $ toBytes $ hexString utfStr
turf = Turf $ fmap Cord $ reverse $ splitOn "." dnsStr
-- Azimuth Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ parseTurfResponse a raw = turf
retrievePoint :: String -> TextBlockNum -> Ship -> RIO e EthPoint
retrievePoint endpoint block ship =
dawnPostRequests provider parseEthPoint
[(PointRequest block (fromIntegral ship))] >>= \case
[PointRequest block (fromIntegral ship)] >>= \case
[x] -> pure x
_ -> error "JSON server returned multiple return values."
@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ validateShipAndGetSponsor endpoint block (Seed ship life ring oaf) =
-- A comet address is the fingerprint of the keypair
let shipFromPass = cometFingerprint $ ringToPass ring
when (ship /= shipFromPass) $
fail ("comet name doesn't match fingerprint " ++ show ship ++ " vs " ++
fail ("comet name doesn't match fingerprint " <> show ship <> " vs " <>
show shipFromPass)
when (life /= 1) $
fail ("comet can never be re-keyed")
@ -354,15 +357,15 @@ validateShipAndGetSponsor endpoint block (Seed ship life ring oaf) =
pure $ shipSein ship
validateRest = do
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving " ++ renderShip ship ++ "'s public keys")
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving " <> renderShip ship <> "'s public keys")
whoP <- retrievePoint endpoint block ship
case epNet whoP of
Nothing -> fail "ship not keyed"
Just (netLife, pass, contNum, (hasSponsor, who), _) -> do
when (netLife /= life) $
fail ("keyfile life mismatch; keyfile claims life " ++
show life ++ ", but Azimuth claims life " ++
fail ("keyfile life mismatch; keyfile claims life " <>
show life <> ", but Azimuth claims life " <>
show netLife)
when ((ringToPass ring) /= pass) $
fail "keyfile does not match blockchain"
@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ getSponsorshipChain :: String -> TextBlockNum -> Ship -> RIO e [(Ship,EthPoint)]
getSponsorshipChain endpoint block = loop
loop ship = do
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving keys for sponsor " ++ renderShip ship)
putStrLn ("boot: retrieving keys for sponsor " <> renderShip ship)
ethPoint <- retrievePoint endpoint block ship
case (clanFromShip ship, epNet ethPoint) of
@ -385,16 +388,16 @@ getSponsorshipChain endpoint block = loop
(Ob.Moon, _) -> fail "Moons cannot be sponsors"
(_, Nothing) ->
fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ renderShip ship ++ " not booted")
fail $ unpack ("Ship " <> renderShip ship <> " not booted")
(Ob.Galaxy, Just _) -> pure [(ship, ethPoint)]
(_, Just (_, _, _, (False, _), _)) ->
fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ renderShip ship ++ " has no sponsor")
fail $ unpack ("Ship " <> renderShip ship <> " has no sponsor")
(_, Just (_, _, _, (True, sponsor), _)) -> do
chain <- loop sponsor
pure $ chain ++ [(ship, ethPoint)]
pure $ chain <> [(ship, ethPoint)]
-- Produces either an error or a validated boot event structure.
dawnVent :: HasLogFunc e => Seed -> RIO e (Either Text Dawn)
@ -409,7 +412,7 @@ dawnVent dSeed@(Seed ship life ring oaf) =
x -> error "Unexpected multiple returns from block # request"
let dBloq = hexStrToAtom hexStrBlock
putStrLn ("boot: ethereum block #" ++ tshow dBloq)
putStrLn ("boot: ethereum block #" <> tshow dBloq)
immediateSponsor <- validateShipAndGetSponsor provider hexStrBlock dSeed
dSponsor <- getSponsorshipChain provider hexStrBlock immediateSponsor