system-prefs: updating icons

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Hunter Miller 2021-10-12 09:54:44 -05:00
parent 2f0f0faad3
commit 7b16f8d375
6 changed files with 75 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import React from 'react';
export const Interface = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => (
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d="M10.2629 19.2638C10.2308 19.2612 10.1984 19.2651 10.1678 19.2752C10.1372 19.2852 10.1089 19.3012 10.0845 19.3223C10.0601 19.3433 10.04 19.369 10.0255 19.3978C10.011 19.4267 10.0023 19.4581 10 19.4903C10 22.5145 12.8617 25 16.3777 25H16.6223C20.1383 25 23 22.5512 23 19.4903C22.9977 19.4581 22.9891 19.4267 22.9746 19.3978C22.9601 19.369 22.9401 19.3433 22.9157 19.3223C22.8912 19.3012 22.8628 19.2852 22.8322 19.2752C22.8016 19.2651 22.7692 19.2612 22.7371 19.2638H16.763V17.7517C19.7531 17.6353 22.1256 15.5845 22.1989 12.9643V12.7317L21.777 7.86476C21.7352 7.61399 21.6021 7.38762 21.4034 7.22934C21.2046 7.07107 20.9543 6.99211 20.7008 7.00769H20.6458C20.3817 6.99791 20.1209 7.06726 19.8965 7.20687C19.6721 7.34647 19.4944 7.54997 19.3862 7.7913L18.7747 9.54217C18.7576 9.5815 18.7294 9.61496 18.6935 9.63846C18.6577 9.66197 18.6158 9.67448 18.5729 9.67448C18.5301 9.67448 18.4881 9.66197 18.4523 9.63846C18.4164 9.61496 18.3882 9.5815 18.3711 9.54217L17.7596 7.78517C17.6442 7.55011 17.4653 7.35215 17.2432 7.21371C17.0211 7.07526 16.7647 7.00187 16.5031 7.00187C16.2414 7.00187 15.985 7.07526 15.7629 7.21371C15.5408 7.35215 15.362 7.55011 15.2465 7.78517L14.635 9.54217C14.618 9.58128 14.5896 9.6144 14.5537 9.63731C14.5177 9.66021 14.4758 9.67185 14.4332 9.67073C14.3897 9.67226 14.3467 9.66086 14.3097 9.63798C14.2727 9.6151 14.2433 9.58177 14.2252 9.54217L13.6138 7.77906C13.5084 7.54379 13.3365 7.34468 13.119 7.20646C12.9016 7.06824 12.6483 6.99699 12.3908 7.00157H12.3298C12.0757 6.98756 11.8254 7.0679 11.6268 7.22718C11.4282 7.38645 11.2953 7.61347 11.2536 7.86476L10.8317 12.9582C10.8287 12.9764 10.8287 12.995 10.8317 13.0133C10.9295 15.6029 13.2775 17.6292 16.2676 17.7455V19.2576L10.2629 19.2638Z"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import React from 'react';
export const Notifications = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => (
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d="M22.484 18.3687C22.2804 18.4174 22.0769 18.4601 21.9025 18.5149C20.0649 18.9716 19.8962 19.2518 20.2218 21.2006C20.3381 21.8826 20.4428 22.5647 20.5359 23.2529C20.6114 23.5034 20.6135 23.7719 20.542 24.0237C20.4705 24.2756 20.3286 24.4992 20.1347 24.6658C19.5997 25.0251 19.0879 24.7389 18.6402 24.4161C17.9249 23.8984 17.2271 23.3564 16.5584 22.7779C16.428 22.6392 16.2719 22.5299 16.0997 22.4569C15.9274 22.3838 15.7427 22.3485 15.5569 22.353C15.3711 22.3576 15.1882 22.402 15.0194 22.4834C14.8506 22.5649 14.6995 22.6817 14.5755 22.8266C13.8951 23.4356 13.1915 24.0446 12.4762 24.6232C12.3064 24.8171 12.0787 24.9449 11.8305 24.9858C11.5823 25.0268 11.3283 24.9783 11.1098 24.8485C10.9052 24.6924 10.759 24.4666 10.6964 24.2098C10.6337 23.953 10.6586 23.6814 10.7666 23.4417C11.0225 22.4835 11.3074 21.5355 11.6214 20.5977C11.771 20.2589 11.7871 19.8721 11.6663 19.5211C11.5455 19.17 11.2975 18.8829 10.976 18.7219C10.1968 18.2286 9.42927 17.7232 8.67914 17.1872C8.45772 17.0624 8.27581 16.8726 8.15598 16.6411C8.03615 16.4095 7.98352 16.1464 8.0045 15.884C8.08591 15.275 8.58604 15.0618 9.05705 14.9339C9.73741 14.7634 10.4236 14.6173 11.1098 14.4711C12.8194 14.1179 13.0694 13.7342 12.7844 11.8889C12.6361 11.1242 12.5275 10.3517 12.4589 9.57472C12.3891 8.27146 13.0869 7.8147 14.1743 8.4846C14.9445 8.98903 15.6791 9.55076 16.3724 10.1655C16.5106 10.3113 16.6759 10.426 16.8581 10.5023C17.0402 10.5787 17.2354 10.6151 17.4316 10.6094C17.6278 10.6037 17.8208 10.556 17.9986 10.4691C18.1765 10.3823 18.3354 10.2582 18.4657 10.1046C19.107 9.49923 19.7786 8.93003 20.4777 8.39935C20.9022 8.08267 21.4255 7.79035 21.9547 8.20447C22.4839 8.61859 22.327 9.15451 22.199 9.6539C21.9864 10.4894 21.7321 11.3127 21.4372 12.1203C21.3314 12.3196 21.267 12.5401 21.2484 12.7673C21.2298 12.9945 21.2575 13.2232 21.3295 13.4384C21.4014 13.6536 21.5162 13.8504 21.6661 14.0158C21.8159 14.1812 21.9976 14.3115 22.199 14.398C22.8503 14.7695 23.4725 15.2019 24.0889 15.616C24.5715 15.9632 25.0773 16.3651 24.9901 17.0594C24.8854 17.8693 24.1703 17.9363 23.5946 18.1251C23.2291 18.2283 22.8583 18.3096 22.484 18.3687V18.3687Z"

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@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { NotificationPrefs } from './preferences/NotificationPrefs';
import { SystemUpdatePrefs } from './preferences/SystemUpdatePrefs';
import notificationsSVG from '../assets/notifications.svg';
import systemUpdatesSVG from '../assets/system-updates.svg';
import { InterfacePrefs } from './preferences/InterfacePrefs';
import { useCharges } from '../state/docket';
import { AppPrefs } from './preferences/AppPrefs';
@ -13,6 +11,9 @@ import { DocketImage } from '../components/DocketImage';
import { ErrorAlert } from '../components/ErrorAlert';
import { useMedia } from '../logic/useMedia';
import { LeftArrow } from '../components/icons/LeftArrow';
import { System } from '../components/icons/System';
import { Interface } from '../components/icons/Interface';
import { Notifications } from '../components/icons/Notifications';
interface SystemPreferencesSectionProps {
url: string;
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ export const SystemPreferences = (props: RouteComponentProps<{ submenu: string }
<div className="sm:flex h-full overflow-y-auto">
<Route exact={isMobile} path={match.url}>
<aside className="flex-none self-start w-full sm:w-auto min-w-60 py-4 sm:py-8 font-semibold text-black sm:text-gray-400 border-r-2 border-gray-50">
<aside className="flex-none self-start w-full sm:w-auto min-w-60 py-4 sm:py-8 font-semibold text-black sm:text-gray-600 border-r-2 border-gray-50">
<nav className="px-2 sm:px-6">
<h2 className="sm:hidden h3 mb-4 px-2">System Preferences</h2>
<ul className="space-y-1">
@ -84,18 +85,18 @@ export const SystemPreferences = (props: RouteComponentProps<{ submenu: string }
<img className="w-8 h-8 mr-3" src={notificationsSVG} alt="" />
<Notifications className="w-8 h-8 mr-3 bg-gray-100 rounded-md" />
<img className="w-8 h-8 mr-3" src={systemUpdatesSVG} alt="" />
<System className="w-8 h-8 mr-3 bg-gray-100 rounded-md" />
System Updates
<SystemPreferencesSection url={subUrl('interface')} active={matchSub('interface')}>
<img className="w-8 h-8 mr-3" src={systemUpdatesSVG} alt="" />
<Interface className="w-8 h-8 mr-3 bg-gray-100 rounded-md" />
Interface Settings