Merge pull request #3320 from urbit/pp/log-cli

king: configure logging via cli flags
This commit is contained in:
pilfer-pandex 2020-08-17 12:14:58 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7bf4ff4b00
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 169 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ where
import Urbit.King.Config
import Urbit.Prelude
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
, getXdgDirectory
, XdgDirectory(XdgCache)
import System.Posix.Internals (c_getpid)
import System.Posix.Types (CPid(..))
import System.Random (randomIO)
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ import Urbit.King.App.Class (HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Multi (MultiEyreApi)
import Urbit.Vere.Ports (PortControlApi, HasPortControlApi(..))
-- KingEnv ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class HasKingId a where
@ -77,36 +81,48 @@ instance HasKingId KingEnv where
-- Running KingEnvs ------------------------------------------------------------
runKingEnvStderr :: Bool -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvStderr verb inner = do
runKingEnvStderr :: Bool -> LogLevel -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvStderr verb lvl inner = do
logOptions <-
logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
logOptionsHandle stderr verb
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
<&> setLogMinLevel lvl
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc logFunc inner
runKingEnvLogFile :: Bool -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvLogFile verb inner = withLogFileHandle $ \h -> do
logOptions <-
logOptionsHandle h verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False
stderrLogOptions <-
logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime False <&> setLogUseLoc False
runKingEnvLogFile :: Bool -> LogLevel -> Maybe FilePath -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvLogFile verb lvl fileM inner = do
logFile <- case fileM of
Just f -> pure f
Nothing -> defaultLogFile
withLogFileHandle logFile $ \h -> do
logOptions <-
logOptionsHandle h verb
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
<&> setLogMinLevel lvl
stderrLogOptions <-
logOptionsHandle stderr verb
<&> setLogUseTime False
<&> setLogUseLoc False
<&> setLogMinLevel lvl
withLogFunc stderrLogOptions $ \stderrLogFunc -> withLogFunc logOptions
$ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc stderrLogFunc inner
withLogFunc stderrLogOptions $ \stderrLogFunc -> withLogFunc logOptions
$ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc stderrLogFunc inner
withLogFileHandle :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle act = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let logDir = home </> ".urbit"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
withFile (logDir </> "king.log") AppendMode $ \handle -> do
withLogFileHandle :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle f act =
withFile f AppendMode $ \handle -> do
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
act handle
defaultLogFile :: IO FilePath
defaultLogFile = do
logDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "urbit"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
pure (logDir </> "king.log")
runKingEnvNoLog :: RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnvNoLog act = withFile "/dev/null" AppendMode $ \handle -> do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle handle True
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc logFunc act
runKingEnvNoLog act = runKingEnv mempty mempty act
runKingEnv :: LogFunc -> LogFunc -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a
runKingEnv logFunc stderr action = do

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@ -6,22 +6,24 @@
module Urbit.King.CLI where
import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude hiding (log)
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
import Data.Word (Word16)
import RIO (LogLevel(..))
import System.Environment (getProgName)
data KingOpts = KingOpts
{ koSharedHttpPort :: Maybe Word16
, koSharedHttpsPort :: Maybe Word16
, koUseNatPmp :: Bool
data Host = Host
{ hSharedHttpPort :: Maybe Word16
, hSharedHttpsPort :: Maybe Word16
, hUseNatPmp :: Bool
deriving (Show)
-- | Options for each running pier.
data Opts = Opts
{ oQuiet :: Bool
, oHashless :: Bool
@ -45,6 +47,19 @@ data Opts = Opts
deriving (Show)
-- | Options for the logging subsystem.
data Log = Log
{ lTarget :: Maybe (LogTarget FilePath)
, lLevel :: LogLevel
deriving (Show)
data LogTarget a
= LogOff
| LogStderr
| LogFile a
deriving (Show)
data BootType
= BootComet
| BootFake Text
@ -103,8 +118,8 @@ data Bug
deriving (Show)
data Cmd
= CmdNew New Opts
| CmdRun KingOpts [(Run, Opts, Bool)]
= CmdNew New Opts
| CmdRun Host [(Run, Opts, Bool)]
| CmdBug Bug
| CmdCon FilePath
deriving (Show)
@ -136,7 +151,7 @@ footNote exe = string $ intercalate "\n"
parseArgs :: IO Cmd
parseArgs :: IO (Cmd, Log)
parseArgs = do
nm <- getProgName
@ -196,11 +211,6 @@ pillFromURL = PillSourceURL <$> strOption
<> value defaultPillURL
<> help "URL to pill file")
enableNat :: Parser Bool
enableNat = not <$> switch
( long "no-port-forwarding"
<> help "Disable trying to ask the router to forward ames ports")
pierPath :: Parser FilePath
pierPath = strArgument (metavar "PIER" <> help "Path to pier")
@ -299,7 +309,7 @@ opts = do
oVerbose <- switch $ short 'v'
<> long "verbose"
<> help "Verbose"
<> help "Puts the serf and king into verbose mode"
<> hidden
oExit <- switch $ short 'x'
@ -338,24 +348,69 @@ opts = do
oFullReplay <- switch
$ long "full-log-replay"
<> help "Ignores the snapshot and recomputes state from log"
<> help "Ignores snapshot and recomputes state from event log"
<> hidden
pure (Opts{..})
newShip :: Parser Cmd
newShip = CmdNew <$> new <*> opts
log :: Parser Log
log = do
lTarget <-
$ ( flag' LogStderr
$ long "log-to-stderr"
<> long "stderr"
<> help "Display logs on stderr"
<> hidden
<|> ( fmap LogFile . strOption
$ long "log-to"
<> metavar "LOG_FILE"
<> help "Append logs to the given file"
<> hidden
<|> ( flag' LogOff
$ long "no-logging"
<> help "Disable logging entirely"
<> hidden
lLevel <-
( flag' LevelDebug
$ long "log-debug"
<> help "Log errors, warnings, info, and debug messages"
<> hidden
<|> ( flag' LevelInfo
$ long "log-info"
<> help "Log errors, warnings, and info"
<> hidden
<|> ( flag' LevelWarn
$ long "log-warn"
<> help "Log errors and warnings (default)"
<> hidden
<|> ( flag' LevelError
$ long "log-error"
<> help "Log errors only"
<> hidden
<|> pure LevelWarn
pure (Log{..})
newShip :: Parser (Cmd, Log)
newShip = (,) <$> (CmdNew <$> new <*> opts) <*> log
runOneShip :: Parser (Run, Opts, Bool)
runOneShip = (,,) <$> fmap Run pierPath <*> opts <*> df
df = switch (short 'd' <> long "daemon" <> help "Daemon mode" <> hidden)
kingOpts :: Parser KingOpts
kingOpts = do
koUseNatPmp <- enableNat
koSharedHttpPort <-
host :: Parser Host
host = do
hSharedHttpPort <-
$ option auto
$ metavar "PORT"
@ -363,7 +418,7 @@ kingOpts = do
<> help "HTTP port"
<> hidden
koSharedHttpsPort <-
hSharedHttpsPort <-
$ option auto
$ metavar "PORT"
@ -371,10 +426,17 @@ kingOpts = do
<> help "HTTPS port"
<> hidden
pure (KingOpts{..})
hUseNatPmp <-
fmap not
$ switch
$ long "no-port-forwarding"
<> help "Disable trying to ask the router to forward ames ports"
<> hidden
runShip :: Parser Cmd
runShip = CmdRun <$> kingOpts <*> some runOneShip
pure (Host{..})
runShip :: Parser (Cmd, Log)
runShip = (,) <$> (CmdRun <$> host <*> some runOneShip) <*> log
valPill :: Parser Bug
valPill = do
@ -418,8 +480,8 @@ browseEvs = EventBrowser <$> pierPath
checkDawn :: Parser Bug
checkDawn = CheckDawn <$> keyfilePath
bugCmd :: Parser Cmd
bugCmd = fmap CmdBug
bugCmd :: Parser (Cmd, Log)
bugCmd = (flip (,) <$> log <*>) $ fmap CmdBug
$ subparser
$ command "validate-pill"
( info (valPill <**> helper)
@ -454,15 +516,15 @@ bugCmd = fmap CmdBug
$ progDesc "Shows the list of stars accepting comets"
conCmd :: Parser Cmd
conCmd = CmdCon <$> pierPath
conCmd :: Parser (Cmd, Log)
conCmd = (,) <$> (CmdCon <$> pierPath) <*> log
allFx :: Parser Bug
allFx = do
bPierPath <- strArgument (metavar "PIER" <> help "Path to pier")
pure CollectAllFX{..}
cmd :: Parser Cmd
cmd :: Parser (Cmd, Log)
cmd = subparser
$ command "new" ( info (newShip <**> helper)
$ progDesc "Boot a new ship."

View File

@ -635,12 +635,12 @@ checkComet = do
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- CLI.parseArgs
(args, log) <- CLI.parseArgs
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
runKingEnv args $ case args of
runKingEnv args log $ case args of
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> runShips ko ships
CLI.CmdNew n o -> newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax ) -> collectAllFx pax
@ -654,11 +654,14 @@ main = do
CLI.CmdCon pier -> connTerm pier
runKingEnv args =
let verb = verboseLogging args
in if willRunTerminal args
then runKingEnvLogFile verb
else runKingEnvStderr verb
runKingEnv args log =
verb = verboseLogging args
CLI.Log {..} = log
in case logTarget lTarget args of
CLI.LogFile f -> runKingEnvLogFile verb lLevel f
CLI.LogStderr -> runKingEnvStderr verb lLevel
CLI.LogOff -> runKingEnvNoLog
setupSignalHandlers = do
mainTid <- myThreadId
@ -671,12 +674,23 @@ main = do
CLI.CmdRun ko ships -> any CLI.oVerbose (ships <&> \(_, o, _) -> o)
_ -> False
willRunTerminal :: CLI.Cmd -> Bool
willRunTerminal = \case
CLI.CmdCon _ -> True
CLI.CmdRun ko [(_,_,daemon)] -> not daemon
CLI.CmdRun ko _ -> False
_ -> False
-- If the user hasn't specified where to log, what we do depends on what
-- command she has issued. Notably, the LogFile Nothing outcome means that
-- runKingEnvLogFile should run an IO action to get the official app data
-- directory and open a canonically named log file there.
logTarget :: Maybe (CLI.LogTarget FilePath)
-> CLI.Cmd
-> CLI.LogTarget (Maybe FilePath)
logTarget = \case
Just (CLI.LogFile f) -> const $ CLI.LogFile (Just f)
Just CLI.LogStderr -> const $ CLI.LogStderr
Just CLI.LogOff -> const $ CLI.LogOff
Nothing -> \case
CLI.CmdCon _ -> CLI.LogFile Nothing
CLI.CmdRun ko [(_,_,daemon)] | daemon -> CLI.LogStderr
| otherwise -> CLI.LogFile Nothing
CLI.CmdRun ko _ -> CLI.LogStderr
_ -> CLI.LogStderr
@ -746,18 +760,18 @@ runShipNoRestart r o d = do
cancel tid
logTrace $ display (pier <> " terminated.")
runShips :: CLI.KingOpts -> [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> RIO KingEnv ()
runShips CLI.KingOpts {..} ships = do
runShips :: CLI.Host -> [(CLI.Run, CLI.Opts, Bool)] -> RIO KingEnv ()
runShips CLI.Host {..} ships = do
let meConf = MultiEyreConf
{ mecHttpPort = fromIntegral <$> koSharedHttpPort
, mecHttpsPort = fromIntegral <$> koSharedHttpsPort
{ mecHttpPort = fromIntegral <$> hSharedHttpPort
, mecHttpsPort = fromIntegral <$> hSharedHttpsPort
, mecLocalhostOnly = False -- TODO Localhost-only needs to be
-- a king-wide option.
multi <- multiEyre meConf
ports <- buildPortHandler koUseNatPmp
ports <- buildPortHandler hUseNatPmp
runHostEnv multi ports (go ships)

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@ -34,10 +34,9 @@ import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint, ppShow)
import RIO (RIO, runRIO)
import RIO (Utf8Builder, display, displayShow)
import RIO (threadDelay)
import RIO (HasLogFunc, LogFunc, logDebug, logError, logFuncL, logInfo,
logOptionsHandle, logOther, logWarn, mkLogFunc, setLogUseLoc,
setLogUseTime, withLogFunc)
import RIO (HasLogFunc, LogFunc, LogLevel(..), logDebug, logError, logFuncL,
logInfo, logOptionsHandle, logOther, logWarn, mkLogFunc,
setLogMinLevel, setLogUseLoc, setLogUseTime, withLogFunc)
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO

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@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ router slog waitFx Drivers {..} = do
logEvent :: HasLogFunc e => Ev -> RIO e ()
logEvent ev = do
logTrace $ "<- " <> display (summarizeEvent ev)
logInfo $ "<- " <> display (summarizeEvent ev)
logDebug $ "[EVENT]\n" <> display pretty
pretty :: Text
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ logEvent ev = do
logEffect :: HasLogFunc e => Lenient Ef -> RIO e ()
logEffect ef = do
logTrace $ " -> " <> display (summarizeEffect ef)
logInfo $ " -> " <> display (summarizeEffect ef)
logDebug $ display $ "[EFFECT]\n" <> pretty ef
pretty :: Lenient Ef -> Text