mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 23:12:04 +03:00
npm: remove tmp api files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import { Patp, Poke, Scry } from '../lib';
import { Contact, ContactUpdateAdd, ContactUpdateEdit, ContactUpdateRemove, ContactEditField, ContactShare, ContactUpdate, ContactUpdateAllowShips, ContactUpdateAllowGroup, ContactUpdateSetPublic } from './types';
export declare const CONTACT_UPDATE_VERSION = 0;
declare const storeAction: <T extends ContactUpdate>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
export { storeAction as contactStoreAction };
export declare const addContact: (ship: Patp, contact: Contact) => Poke<ContactUpdateAdd>;
export declare const removeContact: (ship: Patp) => Poke<ContactUpdateRemove>;
export declare const share: (recipient: Patp, version?: number) => Poke<ContactShare>;
export declare const editContact: (ship: Patp, editField: ContactEditField) => Poke<ContactUpdateEdit>;
export declare const allowShips: (ships: Patp[]) => Poke<ContactUpdateAllowShips>;
export declare const allowGroup: (ship: string, name: string) => Poke<ContactUpdateAllowGroup>;
export declare const setPublic: (setPublic: any) => Poke<ContactUpdateSetPublic>;
export declare const retrieve: (ship: string) => {
app: string;
mark: string;
json: {
add: {
resource: {
ship: string;
name: string;
ship: string;
export declare const fetchIsAllowed: (entity: string, name: string, ship: string, personal: boolean) => Scry;
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
export const CONTACT_UPDATE_VERSION = 0;
const storeAction = (data, version = CONTACT_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'contact-store',
mark: `contact-update-${version}`,
json: data
export { storeAction as contactStoreAction };
export const addContact = (ship, contact) => {
contact['last-updated'] = Date.now();
return storeAction({
add: { ship, contact }
export const removeContact = (ship) => storeAction({
remove: { ship }
export const share = (recipient, version = CONTACT_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'contact-push-hook',
mark: 'contact-share',
json: { share: recipient }
export const editContact = (ship, editField) => storeAction({
edit: {
'edit-field': editField,
timestamp: Date.now()
export const allowShips = (ships) => storeAction({
allow: {
export const allowGroup = (ship, name) => storeAction({
allow: {
group: { ship, name }
export const setPublic = (setPublic) => {
return storeAction({
'set-public': setPublic
export const retrieve = (ship) => {
const resource = { ship, name: '' };
return {
app: 'contact-pull-hook',
mark: 'pull-hook-action',
json: {
add: {
export const fetchIsAllowed = (entity, name, ship, personal) => {
const isPersonal = personal ? 'true' : 'false';
return {
app: 'contact-store',
path: `/is-allowed/${entity}/${name}/${ship}/${isPersonal}`
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
import { Path, Patp } from '../lib';
import { Resource } from '../groups';
export declare type ContactUpdate = ContactUpdateAdd | ContactUpdateRemove | ContactUpdateEdit | ContactUpdateInitial | ContactUpdateAllowGroup | ContactUpdateAllowShips | ContactUpdateSetPublic;
export interface ContactUpdateAdd {
add: {
ship: Patp;
contact: Contact;
export interface ContactUpdateRemove {
remove: {
ship: Patp;
export interface ContactUpdateEdit {
edit: {
ship: Patp;
'edit-field': ContactEditField;
timestamp: number;
export interface ContactUpdateAllowShips {
allow: {
ships: Patp[];
export interface ContactUpdateAllowGroup {
allow: {
group: Resource;
export interface ContactUpdateSetPublic {
'set-public': boolean;
export interface ContactShare {
share: Patp;
export interface ContactUpdateInitial {
initial: Rolodex;
export declare type Rolodex = {
[p in Patp]: Contact;
export declare type Contacts = Rolodex;
export interface Contact {
nickname: string;
bio: string;
status: string;
color: string;
avatar: string | null;
cover: string | null;
groups: Path[];
'last-updated': number;
declare type ContactKeys = keyof Contact;
export declare type ContactEditFieldPrim = Exclude<ContactKeys, 'groups' | 'last-updated'>;
export declare type ContactEditField = Partial<Pick<Contact, ContactEditFieldPrim>> & {
'add-group'?: Resource;
'remove-group'?: Resource;
export {};
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import { Poke, Scry } from '../lib';
import { Chad } from './types';
export declare function chadIsRunning(chad: Chad): boolean;
export declare const scryCharges: Scry;
export declare const scryDockets: Scry;
export declare const scryTreaties: Scry;
export declare const scryDefaultAlly: Scry;
export declare const scryAllies: Scry;
export declare const scryAllyTreaties: (ship: string) => Scry;
* Uninstall a desk, and remove docket
export declare function docketUninstall(desk: string): Poke<string>;
export declare function docketInstall(ship: string, desk: string): Poke<any>;
export declare function allyShip(ship: string): Poke<any>;
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
export function chadIsRunning(chad) {
return 'glob' in chad || 'site' in chad;
export const scryCharges = {
app: 'docket',
path: '/charges'
export const scryDockets = {
app: 'docket',
path: '/dockets'
export const scryTreaties = {
app: 'treaty',
path: '/treaties'
export const scryDefaultAlly = {
app: 'treaty',
path: '/default-ally'
export const scryAllies = {
app: 'treaty',
path: '/allies'
export const scryAllyTreaties = (ship) => ({
app: 'treaty',
path: `/treaties/${ship}`
* Uninstall a desk, and remove docket
export function docketUninstall(desk) {
return {
app: 'docket',
mark: 'docket-uninstall',
json: desk
export function docketInstall(ship, desk) {
return {
app: 'docket',
mark: 'docket-install',
json: `${ship}/${desk}`
export function allyShip(ship) {
return {
app: 'treaty',
mark: 'ally-update-0',
json: {
add: ship
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import { Cass } from '../hood';
export declare type DeskStatus = 'active' | 'suspended';
export declare type DocketHref = DocketHrefSite | DocketHrefGlob;
export interface DocketHrefGlob {
glob: {
base: string;
export interface DocketHrefSite {
site: string;
export interface Docket {
title: string;
info?: string;
color: string;
href: DocketHref;
website: string;
license: string;
version: string;
image?: string;
export interface Charge extends Docket {
chad: Chad;
export declare type Chad = HungChad | GlobChad | SiteChad | InstallChad | SuspendChad;
export interface HungChad {
hung: string;
export interface GlobChad {
glob: null;
export interface SiteChad {
site: null;
export interface InstallChad {
install: null;
export interface SuspendChad {
suspend: null;
export interface Treaty extends Docket {
ship: string;
desk: string;
cass: Cass;
hash: string;
export interface Charges {
[desk: string]: Charge;
export interface Treaties {
[ref: string]: Treaty;
export declare type Charter = string[];
export interface Allies {
[ship: string]: Charter;
export interface Provider {
shipName: string;
nickname?: string;
status?: string;
export declare type ChargeUpdate = ChargeUpdateInitial | ChargeUpdateAdd | ChargeUpdateDel;
export interface ChargeUpdateInitial {
initial: {
[desk: string]: Charge;
export interface ChargeUpdateAdd {
'add-charge': {
desk: string;
charge: Charge;
export interface ChargeUpdateDel {
'del-charge': string;
export declare type AllyUpdate = AllyUpdateIni | AllyUpdateAdd | AllyUpdateDel | AllyUpdateNew;
export interface AllyUpdateIni {
ini: {
[ship: string]: string[];
export interface AllyUpdateAdd {
add: string;
export interface AllyUpdateDel {
del: string;
export interface AllyUpdateNew {
new: {
ship: string;
alliance: string[];
export declare type TreatyUpdate = TreatyUpdateIni | TreatyUpdateAdd | TreatyUpdateDel;
export interface TreatyUpdateIni {
ini: {
[foreignDesk: string]: Treaty;
export interface TreatyUpdateAdd {
add: Treaty;
export interface TreatyUpdateDel {
del: string;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
import { GroupPolicy, Resource } from '../groups';
import { Scry } from '../lib';
import { Enc, Path, Patp, PatpNoSig, Poke, Thread } from '../lib/types';
import { Content, GraphNodePoke, Post } from './types';
export declare const GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION = 3;
export declare const createBlankNodeWithChildPost: (ship: PatpNoSig, parentIndex: string, childIndex: string, contents: Content[]) => GraphNodePoke;
export declare const markPending: (nodes: any) => any;
export declare const createPost: (ship: PatpNoSig, contents: Content[], parentIndex?: string, childIndex?: string) => Post;
declare const storeAction: <T>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
export { storeAction as graphStoreAction };
declare const viewAction: <T>(threadName: string, action: T) => Thread<T>;
export { viewAction as graphViewAction };
declare const hookAction: <T>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
export { hookAction as graphHookAction };
export declare const createManagedGraph: (ship: PatpNoSig, name: string, title: string, description: string, group: Path, mod: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const createUnmanagedGraph: (ship: PatpNoSig, name: string, title: string, description: string, policy: Enc<GroupPolicy>, mod: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const joinGraph: (ship: Patp, name: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const deleteGraph: (ship: PatpNoSig, name: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const leaveGraph: (ship: Patp, name: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const groupifyGraph: (ship: Patp, name: string, toPath?: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const evalCord: (cord: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const addGraph: (ship: Patp, name: string, graph: any, mark: any) => Poke<any>;
export declare const addNodes: (ship: Patp, name: string, nodes: Object) => Thread<any>;
export declare const addPost: (ship: Patp, name: string, post: Post) => Thread<any>;
export declare const addNode: (ship: Patp, name: string, node: GraphNodePoke) => Thread<any>;
export declare const createGroupFeed: (group: Resource, vip?: any) => Thread<any>;
export declare const disableGroupFeed: (group: Resource) => Thread<any>;
* Set dm-hook to screen new DMs or not
export declare const setScreen: (screen: boolean) => Poke<any>;
* Accept a pending DM request
* @param ship the ship to accept
export declare const acceptDm: (ship: string) => Poke<{
accept: string;
* Decline a pending DM request
* @param ship the ship to accept
export declare const declineDm: (ship: string) => Poke<{
decline: string;
* Remove posts from a set of indices
export declare const removePosts: (ship: Patp, name: string, indices: string[]) => Poke<any>;
* Remove a DM message from our inbox
* @remarks
* This does not remove the message from the recipients inbox
export declare const removeDmMessage: (our: Patp, index: string) => Poke<any>;
* Send a DM to a ship
* @param our sender
* @param ship recipient
* @param contents contents of message
export declare const addDmMessage: (our: PatpNoSig, ship: Patp, contents: Content[]) => Poke<any>;
* Fetch newest (larger keys) nodes in a graph under some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export declare const getNewest: (ship: string, name: string, count: number, index?: string) => Scry;
* Fetch nodes in a graph that are older (key is smaller) and direct
* siblings of some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export declare const getOlderSiblings: (ship: string, name: string, count: number, index: string) => Scry;
* Fetch nodes in a graph that are younger (key is larger) and direct
* siblings of some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export declare const getYoungerSiblings: (ship: string, name: string, count: number, index: string) => Scry;
* Fetch all nodes in a graph under some index, without loading children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export declare const getShallowChildren: (ship: string, name: string, index?: string) => {
app: string;
path: string;
* Fetch newest nodes in a graph as a flat map, including children,
* optionally starting at a specified key
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param start key to start at
export declare const getDeepOlderThan: (ship: string, name: string, count: number, start?: string) => {
app: string;
path: string;
* Fetch a flat map of a nodes ancestors and firstborn children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export declare const getFirstborn: (ship: string, name: string, index: string) => Scry;
* Fetch a single node, and all it's children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export declare const getNode: (ship: string, name: string, index: string) => Scry;
* Fetch entire graph
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
export declare const getGraph: (ship: string, name: string) => Scry;
@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
import { makeResource, resourceFromPath } from '../groups';
import { decToUd, deSig, unixToDa } from '../lib';
import { patp2dec } from 'urbit-ob';
export const GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION = 3;
export const createBlankNodeWithChildPost = (ship, parentIndex = '', childIndex = '', contents) => {
const date = unixToDa(Date.now()).toString();
const nodeIndex = parentIndex + '/' + date;
const childGraph = {};
childGraph[childIndex] = {
post: {
author: `~${ship}`,
index: nodeIndex + '/' + childIndex,
'time-sent': Date.now(),
hash: null,
signatures: []
children: null
return {
post: {
author: `~${ship}`,
index: nodeIndex,
'time-sent': Date.now(),
contents: [],
hash: null,
signatures: []
children: childGraph
export const markPending = (nodes) => {
Object.keys(nodes).forEach((key) => {
nodes[key].post.author = deSig(nodes[key].post.author);
nodes[key].post.pending = true;
if (nodes[key].children) {
nodes[key].children = markPending(nodes[key].children);
return nodes;
export const createPost = (ship, contents, parentIndex = '', childIndex = 'DATE_PLACEHOLDER') => {
if (childIndex === 'DATE_PLACEHOLDER') {
childIndex = unixToDa(Date.now()).toString();
return {
author: `~${ship}`,
index: parentIndex + '/' + childIndex,
'time-sent': Date.now(),
hash: null,
signatures: []
function moduleToMark(mod) {
if (mod === 'link') {
return 'graph-validator-link';
if (mod === 'publish') {
return 'graph-validator-publish';
if (mod === 'chat') {
return 'graph-validator-chat';
return undefined;
const storeAction = (data, version = GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
mark: `graph-update-${version}`,
json: data
export { storeAction as graphStoreAction };
const viewAction = (threadName, action) => ({
inputMark: 'graph-view-action',
outputMark: 'json',
body: action
export { viewAction as graphViewAction };
const hookAction = (data, version = GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'graph-push-hook',
mark: `graph-update-${version}`,
json: data
const dmAction = (data) => ({
app: 'dm-hook',
mark: 'dm-hook-action',
json: data
export { hookAction as graphHookAction };
export const createManagedGraph = (ship, name, title, description, group, mod) => {
const associated = { group: resourceFromPath(group) };
const resource = makeResource(`~${ship}`, name);
return viewAction('graph-create', {
create: {
module: mod,
mark: moduleToMark(mod)
export const createUnmanagedGraph = (ship, name, title, description, policy, mod) => viewAction('graph-create', {
create: {
resource: makeResource(`~${ship}`, name),
associated: { policy },
module: mod,
mark: moduleToMark(mod)
export const joinGraph = (ship, name) => viewAction('graph-join', {
join: {
resource: makeResource(ship, name),
export const deleteGraph = (ship, name) => viewAction('graph-delete', {
'delete': {
resource: makeResource(`~${ship}`, name)
export const leaveGraph = (ship, name) => viewAction('graph-leave', {
'leave': {
resource: makeResource(ship, name)
export const groupifyGraph = (ship, name, toPath) => {
const resource = makeResource(ship, name);
const to = toPath && resourceFromPath(toPath);
return viewAction('graph-groupify', {
groupify: {
export const evalCord = (cord) => {
return ({
inputMark: 'graph-view-action',
outputMark: 'tang',
threadName: 'graph-eval',
body: {
eval: cord
export const addGraph = (ship, name, graph, mark) => {
return storeAction({
'add-graph': {
resource: { ship, name },
export const addNodes = (ship, name, nodes) => ({
inputMark: `graph-update-${GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION}`,
outputMark: 'graph-view-action',
threadName: 'graph-add-nodes',
body: {
'add-nodes': {
resource: { ship, name },
export const addPost = (ship, name, post) => {
const nodes = {};
nodes[post.index] = {
children: null
return addNodes(ship, name, nodes);
export const addNode = (ship, name, node) => {
const nodes = {};
nodes[node.post.index] = node;
return addNodes(ship, name, nodes);
export const createGroupFeed = (group, vip = '') => ({
inputMark: 'graph-view-action',
outputMark: 'resource',
threadName: 'graph-create-group-feed',
body: {
'create-group-feed': {
resource: group,
export const disableGroupFeed = (group) => ({
inputMark: 'graph-view-action',
outputMark: 'json',
threadName: 'graph-disable-group-feed',
body: {
'disable-group-feed': {
resource: group
* Set dm-hook to screen new DMs or not
export const setScreen = (screen) => dmAction({ screen });
* Accept a pending DM request
* @param ship the ship to accept
export const acceptDm = (ship) => dmAction({
accept: ship
* Decline a pending DM request
* @param ship the ship to accept
export const declineDm = (ship) => dmAction({
decline: ship
* Remove posts from a set of indices
export const removePosts = (ship, name, indices) => hookAction({
'remove-posts': {
resource: { ship, name },
* Remove a DM message from our inbox
* @remarks
* This does not remove the message from the recipients inbox
export const removeDmMessage = (our, index) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
mark: `graph-update-${GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION}`,
json: {
'remove-posts': {
resource: { ship: our, name: 'dm-inbox' },
indices: [index]
* Send a DM to a ship
* @param our sender
* @param ship recipient
* @param contents contents of message
export const addDmMessage = (our, ship, contents) => {
const post = createPost(our, contents, `/${patp2dec(ship)}`);
const node = {
children: null
return {
app: 'dm-hook',
mark: `graph-update-${GRAPH_UPDATE_VERSION}`,
json: {
'add-nodes': {
resource: { ship: `~${our}`, name: 'dm-inbox' },
nodes: {
[post.index]: node
const encodeIndex = (idx) => idx.split('/').map(decToUd).join('/');
* Fetch newest (larger keys) nodes in a graph under some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export const getNewest = (ship, name, count, index = '') => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/siblings` +
* Fetch nodes in a graph that are older (key is smaller) and direct
* siblings of some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export const getOlderSiblings = (ship, name, count, index) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/siblings/older/lone/${count}${encodeIndex(index)}`
* Fetch nodes in a graph that are younger (key is larger) and direct
* siblings of some index
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param index index to query
export const getYoungerSiblings = (ship, name, count, index) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/siblings/newer/lone/${count}${encodeIndex(index)}`
* Fetch all nodes in a graph under some index, without loading children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export const getShallowChildren = (ship, name, index = '') => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/children/lone/~/~${encodeIndex(index)}`
* Fetch newest nodes in a graph as a flat map, including children,
* optionally starting at a specified key
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param count number of nodes to load
* @param start key to start at
export const getDeepOlderThan = (ship, name, count, start = '') => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/siblings` +
`/${start.length > 0 ? 'older' : 'newest'}` +
* Fetch a flat map of a nodes ancestors and firstborn children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export const getFirstborn = (ship, name, index) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/firstborn${encodeIndex(index)}`
* Fetch a single node, and all it's children
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
* @param index index to query
export const getNode = (ship, name, index) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}/node/index/kith${encodeIndex(index)}`
* Fetch entire graph
* @param ship ship of graph
* @param name name of graph
export const getGraph = (ship, name) => ({
app: 'graph-store',
path: `/graph/${ship}/${name}`
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
import { Patp } from '../lib';
import { BigIntOrderedMap } from '../lib/BigIntOrderedMap';
import { BigIntArrayOrderedMap } from '../lib/BigIntArrayOrderedMap';
export interface TextContent {
text: string;
export interface UrlContent {
url: string;
export interface CodeContent {
code: {
expression: string;
output: string[] | undefined;
export interface ReferenceContent {
reference: AppReference | GraphReference | GroupReference;
export interface GraphReference {
graph: {
graph: string;
group: string;
index: string;
export interface GroupReference {
group: string;
export interface AppReference {
app: {
ship: string;
desk: string;
path: string;
export interface MentionContent {
mention: string;
export declare type Content = TextContent | UrlContent | CodeContent | ReferenceContent | MentionContent;
export interface Post {
author: Patp;
contents: Content[];
hash: string | null;
index: string;
pending?: boolean;
signatures: string[];
'time-sent': number;
export interface GraphNodePoke {
post: Post;
children: GraphChildrenPoke | null;
export interface GraphChildrenPoke {
[k: string]: GraphNodePoke;
export interface GraphNode {
children: Graph | null;
post: Post;
export interface FlatGraphNode {
children: null;
post: Post;
export declare type Graph = BigIntOrderedMap<GraphNode>;
export declare type Graphs = {
[rid: string]: Graph;
export declare type FlatGraph = BigIntArrayOrderedMap<FlatGraphNode>;
export declare type FlatGraphs = {
[rid: string]: FlatGraph;
export declare type ThreadGraphs = {
[rid: string]: {
[index: string]: FlatGraph;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import { Enc, Path, Patp, PatpNoSig, Poke, Thread } from '../lib/types';
import { Group, GroupPolicy, GroupPolicyDiff, GroupUpdateAddMembers, GroupUpdateAddTag, GroupUpdateChangePolicy, GroupUpdateRemoveGroup, GroupUpdateRemoveMembers, GroupUpdateRemoveTag, Resource, RoleTags, Tag } from './types';
import { GroupUpdate } from './update';
export declare const GROUP_UPDATE_VERSION = 0;
export declare const proxyAction: <T>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
declare const storeAction: <T extends GroupUpdate>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
export { storeAction as groupStoreAction };
declare const viewAction: <T>(data: T) => Poke<T>;
export { viewAction as groupViewAction };
export declare const viewThread: <T>(thread: string, action: T) => Thread<T>;
export declare const removeMembers: (resource: Resource, ships: PatpNoSig[]) => Poke<GroupUpdateRemoveMembers>;
export declare const addTag: (resource: Resource, tag: Tag, ships: Patp[]) => Poke<GroupUpdateAddTag>;
export declare const removeTag: (tag: Tag, resource: Resource, ships: PatpNoSig[]) => Poke<GroupUpdateRemoveTag>;
export declare const addMembers: (resource: Resource, ships: PatpNoSig[]) => Poke<GroupUpdateAddMembers>;
export declare const removeGroup: (resource: Resource) => Poke<GroupUpdateRemoveGroup>;
export declare const changePolicy: (resource: Resource, diff: Enc<GroupPolicyDiff>) => Poke<Enc<GroupUpdateChangePolicy>>;
export declare const makeResource: (ship: string, name: string) => {
ship: string;
name: string;
export declare const join: (ship: string, name: string, app: "groups" | "graph", autojoin: boolean, share: boolean) => Poke<any>;
export declare const createGroup: (name: string, policy: Enc<GroupPolicy>, title: string, description: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const deleteGroup: (ship: string, name: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const leaveGroup: (ship: string, name: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const invite: (ship: string, name: string, ships: Patp[], description: string) => Thread<any>;
export declare const abortJoin: (resource: string) => Poke<any>;
export declare const roleTags: string[];
export declare const groupBunts: {
group: () => Group;
policy: () => GroupPolicy;
export declare const joinError: readonly ["no-perms", "strange", "abort"];
export declare const joinResult: readonly ["done", "no-perms", "strange", "abort"];
export declare const joinLoad: readonly ["start", "added", "metadata"];
export declare const joinProgress: readonly ["start", "added", "metadata", "done", "no-perms", "strange", "abort"];
export declare const roleForShip: (group: Group, ship: PatpNoSig) => RoleTags | undefined;
export declare const resourceFromPath: (path: Path) => Resource;
export declare const isWriter: (group: Group, resource: string, ship: string) => boolean;
export declare const isHost: (resource: string, ship: string) => boolean;
export declare const isChannelAdmin: (group: Group, resource: string, ship: string) => boolean;
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
export const GROUP_UPDATE_VERSION = 0;
export const proxyAction = (data, version = GROUP_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'group-push-hook',
mark: `group-update-${version}`,
json: data
const storeAction = (data, version = GROUP_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'group-store',
mark: `group-update-${version}`,
json: data
export { storeAction as groupStoreAction };
const viewAction = (data) => ({
app: 'group-view',
mark: 'group-view-action',
json: data
export { viewAction as groupViewAction };
export const viewThread = (thread, action) => ({
inputMark: 'group-view-action',
outputMark: 'json',
threadName: thread,
body: action
export const removeMembers = (resource, ships) => proxyAction({
removeMembers: {
export const addTag = (resource, tag, ships) => proxyAction({
addTag: {
export const removeTag = (tag, resource, ships) => proxyAction({
removeTag: {
export const addMembers = (resource, ships) => proxyAction({
addMembers: {
export const removeGroup = (resource) => storeAction({
removeGroup: {
export const changePolicy = (resource, diff) => proxyAction({
changePolicy: {
export const makeResource = (ship, name) => {
return { ship, name };
export const join = (ship, name, app, autojoin, share) => viewAction({
join: {
resource: makeResource(ship, name),
shareContact: share || false,
export const createGroup = (name, policy, title, description) => viewThread('group-create', {
create: {
export const deleteGroup = (ship, name) => viewThread('group-delete', {
remove: makeResource(ship, name)
export const leaveGroup = (ship, name) => viewThread('group-leave', {
leave: makeResource(ship, name)
export const invite = (ship, name, ships, description) => viewThread('group-invite', {
invite: {
resource: makeResource(ship, name),
export const abortJoin = (resource) => viewAction({
abort: resource
export const roleTags = ['janitor', 'moderator', 'admin'];
// TODO make this type better?
export const groupBunts = {
group: () => ({ members: new Set(), tags: { role: {} }, hidden: false, policy: groupBunts.policy() }),
policy: () => ({ open: { banned: new Set(), banRanks: new Set() } })
export const joinError = ['no-perms', 'strange', 'abort'];
export const joinResult = ['done', ...joinError];
export const joinLoad = ['start', 'added', 'metadata'];
export const joinProgress = [...joinLoad, ...joinResult];
export const roleForShip = (group, ship) => {
return roleTags.reduce((currRole, role) => {
const roleShips = group?.tags?.role?.[role];
return roleShips && roleShips.has(ship) ? role : currRole;
}, undefined);
export const resourceFromPath = (path) => {
const [, , ship, name] = path.split('/');
return { ship, name };
export const isWriter = (group, resource, ship) => {
const graph = group.tags?.graph;
const writers = graph && graph[resource]?.writers;
const admins = group?.tags?.role?.admin ?? new Set();
if (typeof writers === 'undefined') {
return true;
else {
return writers.has(ship) || admins.has(ship);
export const isHost = (resource, ship) => {
const [, , host] = resource.split('/');
return ship === host;
export const isChannelAdmin = (group, resource, ship) => {
const role = roleForShip(group, ship.slice(1));
return (isHost(resource, ship) ||
role === 'admin' ||
role === 'moderator');
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './update';
export * from './view';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './update';
export * from './view';
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
import { PatpNoSig, Path, ShipRank, Enc } from '../lib';
import { roleTags } from './index';
export declare type RoleTags = typeof roleTags[number];
interface RoleTag {
tag: 'admin' | 'moderator' | 'janitor';
interface AppTag {
app: string;
resource: string;
tag: string;
export declare type Tag = AppTag | RoleTag;
export interface InvitePolicy {
invite: {
pending: Set<PatpNoSig>;
export interface OpenPolicy {
open: {
banned: Set<PatpNoSig>;
banRanks: Set<ShipRank>;
export interface Resource {
name: string;
ship: PatpNoSig;
export declare type OpenPolicyDiff = AllowRanksDiff | BanRanksDiff | AllowShipsDiff | BanShipsDiff;
export interface AllowRanksDiff {
allowRanks: ShipRank[];
export interface BanRanksDiff {
banRanks: ShipRank[];
export interface AllowShipsDiff {
allowShips: PatpNoSig[];
export interface BanShipsDiff {
banShips: PatpNoSig[];
export declare type InvitePolicyDiff = AddInvitesDiff | RemoveInvitesDiff;
export interface AddInvitesDiff {
addInvites: PatpNoSig[];
export interface RemoveInvitesDiff {
removeInvites: PatpNoSig[];
export interface ReplacePolicyDiff {
replace: GroupPolicy;
export declare type GroupPolicyDiff = {
open: OpenPolicyDiff;
} | {
invite: InvitePolicyDiff;
} | ReplacePolicyDiff;
export declare type GroupPolicy = OpenPolicy | InvitePolicy;
export interface TaggedShips {
[tag: string]: Set<PatpNoSig>;
export interface Tags {
role: TaggedShips;
[app: string]: TaggedShips;
export interface Group {
members: Set<PatpNoSig>;
tags: Tags;
policy: GroupPolicy;
hidden: boolean;
export declare type Groups = {
[p in Path]: Group;
export interface GroupUpdateInitial {
initial: Enc<Groups>;
export interface GroupUpdateAddGroup {
addGroup: {
resource: Resource;
policy: Enc<GroupPolicy>;
hidden: boolean;
export interface GroupUpdateAddMembers {
addMembers: {
ships: PatpNoSig[];
resource: Resource;
export interface GroupUpdateRemoveMembers {
removeMembers: {
ships: PatpNoSig[];
resource: Resource;
export interface GroupUpdateAddTag {
addTag: {
tag: Tag;
resource: Resource;
ships: PatpNoSig[];
export interface GroupUpdateRemoveTag {
removeTag: {
tag: Tag;
resource: Resource;
ships: PatpNoSig[];
export interface GroupUpdateChangePolicy {
changePolicy: {
resource: Resource;
diff: GroupPolicyDiff;
export interface GroupUpdateRemoveGroup {
removeGroup: {
resource: Resource;
export interface GroupUpdateExpose {
expose: {
resource: Resource;
export interface GroupUpdateInitialGroup {
initialGroup: {
resource: Resource;
group: Enc<Group>;
export declare type GroupUpdate = GroupUpdateInitial | GroupUpdateAddGroup | GroupUpdateAddMembers | GroupUpdateRemoveMembers | GroupUpdateAddTag | GroupUpdateRemoveTag | GroupUpdateChangePolicy | GroupUpdateRemoveGroup | GroupUpdateExpose | GroupUpdateInitialGroup;
export declare type GroupAction = Omit<GroupUpdate, 'initialGroup' | 'initial'>;
export {};
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=update.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import { joinError, joinProgress, joinResult } from ".";
import { Patp } from "../lib";
export declare type JoinError = typeof joinError[number];
export declare type JoinResult = typeof joinResult[number];
export declare type JoinProgress = typeof joinProgress[number];
export interface JoinRequest {
* Whether to display the join request or not
hidden: boolean;
* Timestamp of when the request started
started: number;
ship: Patp;
progress: JoinProgress;
shareContact: boolean;
autojoin: boolean;
app: 'graph' | 'groups';
invite: string[];
export interface JoinRequests {
[rid: string]: JoinRequest;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=view.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import { BigInteger } from 'big-integer';
import { Poke } from '../lib/types';
import { HarkBin, HarkBinId, HarkLid, HarkPlace } from './types';
export declare const harkAction: <T>(data: T) => Poke<T>;
declare const graphHookAction: <T>(data: T) => Poke<T>;
export { graphHookAction as harkGraphHookAction };
declare const groupHookAction: <T>(data: T) => Poke<T>;
export { groupHookAction as harkGroupHookAction };
export declare const actOnNotification: (frond: string, intTime: BigInteger, bin: HarkBin) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const setMentions: (mentions: boolean) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const setWatchOnSelf: (watchSelf: boolean) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const setDoNotDisturb: (dnd: boolean) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const archive: (bin: HarkBin, lid: HarkLid) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const opened: Poke<{
opened: any;
export declare const markCountAsRead: (place: HarkPlace) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const markEachAsRead: (place: HarkPlace, path: string) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const seen: () => Poke<{
seen: any;
export declare const readAll: Poke<{
'read-all': any;
export declare const archiveAll: Poke<{
'archive-all': any;
export declare const ignoreGroup: (group: string) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const ignoreGraph: (graph: string, index: string) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const listenGroup: (group: string) => Poke<unknown>;
export declare const listenGraph: (graph: string, index: string) => Poke<unknown>;
* Read all graphs belonging to a particular group
export declare const readGroup: (group: string) => Poke<{
'read-group': string;
* Read all unreads in a graph
export declare const readGraph: (graph: string) => Poke<{
'read-graph': string;
export declare function harkBinToId(bin: HarkBin): HarkBinId;
export declare function harkBinEq(a: HarkBin, b: HarkBin): boolean;
export declare function harkLidToId(lid: HarkLid): string;
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
import { decToUd } from '../lib';
export const harkAction = (data) => ({
app: 'hark-store',
mark: 'hark-action',
json: data
const graphHookAction = (data) => ({
app: 'hark-graph-hook',
mark: 'hark-graph-hook-action',
json: data
export { graphHookAction as harkGraphHookAction };
const groupHookAction = (data) => ({
app: 'hark-group-hook',
mark: 'hark-group-hook-action',
json: data
export { groupHookAction as harkGroupHookAction };
export const actOnNotification = (frond, intTime, bin) => harkAction({
[frond]: {
time: decToUd(intTime.toString()),
export const setMentions = (mentions) => graphHookAction({
'set-mentions': mentions
export const setWatchOnSelf = (watchSelf) => graphHookAction({
'set-watch-on-self': watchSelf
export const setDoNotDisturb = (dnd) => harkAction({
'set-dnd': dnd
export const archive = (bin, lid) => harkAction({
archive: {
export const opened = harkAction({
opened: null
export const markCountAsRead = (place) => harkAction({
'read-count': place
export const markEachAsRead = (place, path) => harkAction({
'read-each': {
export const seen = () => harkAction({ seen: null });
export const readAll = harkAction({ 'read-all': null });
export const archiveAll = harkAction({ 'archive-all': null });
export const ignoreGroup = (group) => groupHookAction({
ignore: group
export const ignoreGraph = (graph, index) => graphHookAction({
ignore: {
export const listenGroup = (group) => groupHookAction({
listen: group
export const listenGraph = (graph, index) => graphHookAction({
listen: {
* Read all graphs belonging to a particular group
export const readGroup = (group) => harkAction({
'read-group': group
* Read all unreads in a graph
export const readGraph = (graph) => harkAction({
'read-graph': graph
export function harkBinToId(bin) {
const { place, path } = bin;
return `${place.desk}${place.path}${path}`;
export function harkBinEq(a, b) {
return (a.place.path === b.place.path &&
a.place.desk === b.place.desk &&
a.path === b.path);
export function harkLidToId(lid) {
if ('time' in lid) {
return `archive-${lid.time}`;
return Object.keys(lid)[0];
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
export interface HarkStats {
count: number;
each: string[];
last: number;
export interface Timebox {
[binId: string]: Notification;
export declare type HarkContent = {
ship: string;
} | {
text: string;
export interface HarkBody {
title: HarkContent[];
time: string;
content: HarkContent[];
link: string;
binned: string;
export interface HarkPlace {
desk: string;
path: string;
export interface HarkBin {
path: string;
place: HarkPlace;
export declare type HarkLid = {
unseen: null;
} | {
seen: null;
} | {
time: string;
export declare type HarkBinId = string;
export interface Notification {
bin: HarkBin;
time: number;
body: HarkBody[];
export interface NotificationGraphConfig {
watchOnSelf: boolean;
mentions: boolean;
watching: WatchedIndex[];
export interface Unreads {
[path: string]: HarkStats;
interface WatchedIndex {
graph: string;
index: string;
export declare type GroupNotificationsConfig = string[];
export {};
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import { Poke, Scry } from '../lib';
import { Vats, Vat } from './types';
export declare const getVats: Scry;
* Install a foreign desk
export declare function kilnInstall(ship: string, desk: string, local?: string): Poke<any>;
* Uninstall a desk
export declare function kilnUninstall(desk: string): Poke<any>;
export declare function kilnSuspend(desk: string): Poke<any>;
export declare function kilnRevive(desk: string): Poke<any>;
export declare function kilnBump(force?: boolean, except?: string[]): {
app: string;
mark: string;
json: {
force: boolean;
except: string[];
export declare function kilnPause(desk: string): {
app: string;
mark: string;
json: string;
export declare function kilnResume(desk: string): {
app: string;
mark: string;
json: string;
export declare const scryLag: Scry;
export declare function getBlockers(vats: Vats): string[];
export declare function getVatPublisher(vat: Vat): string | undefined;
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
export const getVats = {
app: 'hood',
path: '/kiln/vats'
* Install a foreign desk
export function kilnInstall(ship, desk, local) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-install',
json: {
local: local || desk
* Uninstall a desk
export function kilnUninstall(desk) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-uninstall',
json: desk
export function kilnSuspend(desk) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-suspend',
json: desk
export function kilnRevive(desk) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-revive',
json: desk
export function kilnBump(force = false, except = []) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-bump',
json: {
export function kilnPause(desk) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-pause',
json: desk
export function kilnResume(desk) {
return {
app: 'hood',
mark: 'kiln-resume',
json: desk
export const scryLag = ({ app: 'hood', path: '/kiln/lag' });
export function getBlockers(vats) {
const blockers = [];
const base = vats?.base;
if (!base) {
return blockers;
const blockedOn = base.arak.rail?.next?.[0]?.weft?.kelvin;
if (!blockedOn) {
return blockers;
.filter(([desk]) => desk !== 'base')
.forEach(([desk, vat]) => {
// assuming only %zuse
const woofs = vat.arak.rail?.next || [];
const kelvins = woofs.map(n => n.weft.kelvin);
if (!(kelvins.includes(blockedOn))) {
return blockers;
export function getVatPublisher(vat) {
if (vat.arak.rail) {
const { rail } = vat.arak;
return (rail?.publisher || rail?.ship || undefined);
return undefined;
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
* A pending commit, awaiting a future kelvin version
interface Woof {
aeon: number;
weft: Weft;
interface Rein {
* Agents not in manifest that should be running
add: string[];
* Agents in manifest that should not be running
sub: string[];
export interface Rail {
* Original publisher of desk, if available
publisher: string | null;
* Ship of foreign vat
ship: string;
* Desk of foreign vat
desk: string;
* Aeon (version number) that we currently have synced
aeon: number;
next: Woof[];
paused: boolean;
* A tracker of a foreign {@link Vat}
export interface Arak {
rein: Rein;
rail: Rail | null;
* A component's kelvin version
export interface Weft {
* Name of the component
* @remarks
* Usually %zuse, %hoon, or %lull
name: string;
* Kelvin version
kelvin: number;
export interface KilnDiffBlock {
block: {
desk: string;
arak: Arak;
weft: Weft;
blockers: string[];
export interface KilnDiffReset {
reset: {
desk: string;
arak: Arak;
export interface KilnDiffMerge {
merge: {
desk: string;
arak: Arak;
export interface KilnDiffMergeSunk {
'merge-sunk': {
desk: string;
arak: Arak;
tang: string;
export interface KilnDiffMergeFail {
'merge-fail': {
desk: string;
arak: Arak;
tang: string;
export declare type KilnDiff = KilnDiffBlock | KilnDiffReset | KilnDiffMerge | KilnDiffMergeSunk | KilnDiffMergeFail;
* Cases for revision
export interface Cass {
* Revision number
ud: number;
* Timestamp of revision, as stringifed `@da`
* @remarks
* If \@da is outside valid positive unix timestamp, value will be zero
da: string;
* A local desk installation
export interface Vat {
* Desk that this Vat describes
desk: string;
* Hash of the desk, rendered as `@uv`
* @remarks
* Equivalent to
* ```hoon
* .^(@uv %cz /=desk=)
* ```
hash: string;
* Current revision
cass: Cass;
* Foreign sync
arak: Arak;
export interface Vats {
[desk: string]: Vat;
export {};
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export * from './contacts';
export * as contacts from './contacts';
export * from './graph';
export * as graph from './graph';
export * from './groups';
export * as groups from './groups';
export * from './hark';
export * as hark from './hark';
export * from './invite';
export * from './metadata';
export * as metadata from './metadata';
export * from './settings';
export * as settings from './settings';
export * from './s3';
export * as s3 from './s3';
export * from './lib';
export * from './lib/BigIntOrderedMap';
export * from './lib/BigIntArrayOrderedMap';
export * as hood from './hood';
export * from './hood';
export * as docket from './docket';
export * from './docket';
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
export * from './contacts';
export * as contacts from './contacts';
export * from './graph';
export * as graph from './graph';
export * from './groups';
export * as groups from './groups';
export * from './hark';
export * as hark from './hark';
export * from './invite';
// this conflicts with /groups/lib invite
// export * as invite from './invite';
export * from './metadata';
export * as metadata from './metadata';
export * from './settings';
export * as settings from './settings';
export * from './s3';
export * as s3 from './s3';
export * from './lib';
export * from './lib/BigIntOrderedMap';
export * from './lib/BigIntArrayOrderedMap';
export * as hood from './hood';
export * from './hood';
export * as docket from './docket';
export * from './docket';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
import { Poke, Serial } from "../lib";
import { InviteUpdate, InviteUpdateAccept, InviteUpdateDecline } from "./types";
export declare const inviteAction: <T extends InviteUpdate>(data: T) => Poke<T>;
export declare const accept: (app: string, uid: Serial) => Poke<InviteUpdateAccept>;
export declare const decline: (app: string, uid: Serial) => Poke<InviteUpdateDecline>;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
export const inviteAction = (data) => ({
app: 'invite-store',
mark: 'invite-action',
json: data
export const accept = (app, uid) => inviteAction({
accept: {
term: app,
export const decline = (app, uid) => inviteAction({
decline: {
term: app,
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import { Serial, PatpNoSig, Path } from '../lib';
import { Resource } from "../groups";
export declare type InviteUpdate = InviteUpdateInitial | InviteUpdateCreate | InviteUpdateDelete | InviteUpdateInvite | InviteUpdateAccept | InviteUpdateAccepted | InviteUpdateDecline;
export interface InviteUpdateAccept {
accept: {
term: string;
uid: Serial;
export interface InviteUpdateInitial {
initial: Invites;
export interface InviteUpdateCreate {
create: {
term: string;
export interface InviteUpdateDelete {
delete: {
term: string;
export interface InviteUpdateInvite {
invite: {
term: string;
uid: Serial;
invite: Invite;
export interface InviteUpdateAccepted {
accepted: {
term: string;
uid: Serial;
export interface InviteUpdateDecline {
decline: {
term: string;
uid: Serial;
export declare type Invites = {
[p in Path]: AppInvites;
export declare type AppInvites = {
[s in Serial]: Invite;
export interface Invite {
app: string;
recipient: PatpNoSig;
resource: Resource;
ship: PatpNoSig;
text: string;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import { immerable } from 'immer';
import bigInt, { BigInteger } from 'big-integer';
export declare function stringToArr(str: string): bigInt.BigInteger[];
export declare function arrToString(arr: BigInteger[]): string;
export declare function sortBigIntArr(a: BigInteger[], b: BigInteger[]): number;
export declare class BigIntArrayOrderedMap<V> implements Iterable<[BigInteger[], V]> {
root: Record<string, V>;
cachedIter: [BigInteger[], V][] | null;
[immerable]: boolean;
reversed: boolean;
constructor(items?: [BigInteger[], V][], reversed?: boolean);
get size(): number;
get(key: BigInteger[]): V;
gas(items: [BigInteger[], V][]): this;
set(key: BigInteger[], value: V): this;
clear(): this;
has(key: BigInteger[]): boolean;
delete(key: BigInteger[]): this;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[BigInteger[], V]>;
peekLargest(): [bigInt.BigInteger[], V];
peekSmallest(): [bigInt.BigInteger[], V];
keys(): bigInt.BigInteger[][];
generateCachedIter(): [bigInt.BigInteger[], V][];
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
import produce, { immerable, castDraft, setAutoFreeze, enablePatches } from 'immer';
import bigInt from 'big-integer';
export function stringToArr(str) {
return str.split('/').slice(1).map((ind) => {
return bigInt(ind);
export function arrToString(arr) {
let string = '';
arr.forEach((key) => {
string = string + `/${key.toString()}`;
return string;
function sorted(a, b, reversed = false) {
const getSort = sortBigIntArr(a, b);
if (reversed) {
return getSort * -1;
else {
return getSort;
export function sortBigIntArr(a, b) {
const aLen = a.length;
const bLen = b.length;
const aCop = a.slice(0);
const bCop = b.slice(0);
let i = 0;
while (i < aLen && i < bLen) {
if (aCop[i].lt(bCop[i])) {
return 1;
else if (aCop[i].gt(bCop[i])) {
return -1;
else {
return bLen - aLen;
export class BigIntArrayOrderedMap {
root = {};
cachedIter = null;
[immerable] = true;
reversed = false;
constructor(items = [], reversed = false) {
items.forEach(([key, val]) => {
this.set(key, val);
this.reversed = reversed;
get size() {
return Object.keys(this.root).length;
get(key) {
return this.root[arrToString(key)] ?? null;
gas(items) {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
items.forEach(([key, value]) => {
draft.root[arrToString(key)] = castDraft(value);
}, (patches) => {
// console.log(`gassed with ${JSON.stringify(patches, null, 2)}`);
set(key, value) {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
draft.root[arrToString(key)] = castDraft(value);
draft.cachedIter = null;
clear() {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
draft.cachedIter = [];
draft.root = {};
has(key) {
return arrToString(key) in this.root;
delete(key) {
const result = produce(this, (draft) => {
delete draft.root[arrToString(key)];
draft.cachedIter = null;
return result;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let idx = 0;
const result = this.generateCachedIter();
return {
[Symbol.iterator]: this[Symbol.iterator],
next: () => {
if (idx < result.length) {
return { value: result[idx++], done: false };
return { done: true, value: null };
peekLargest() {
const sorted = Array.from(this);
return sorted[0];
peekSmallest() {
const sorted = Array.from(this);
return sorted[sorted.length - 1];
keys() {
return Array.from(this).map(([k, v]) => k);
generateCachedIter() {
if (this.cachedIter) {
return [...this.cachedIter];
const result = Object.keys(this.root).map((key) => {
return [stringToArr(key), this.root[key]];
}).sort(([a], [b]) => sorted(a, b, this.reversed));
this.cachedIter = result;
return [...result];
//# sourceMappingURL=BigIntArrayOrderedMap.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import { immerable } from 'immer';
import bigInt, { BigInteger } from 'big-integer';
export declare class BigIntOrderedMap<V> implements Iterable<[BigInteger, V]> {
root: Record<string, V>;
cachedIter: [BigInteger, V][] | null;
[immerable]: boolean;
constructor(items?: [BigInteger, V][]);
get size(): number;
get(key: BigInteger): V;
gas(items: [BigInteger, V][]): this;
set(key: BigInteger, value: V): this;
clear(): this;
has(key: BigInteger): boolean;
delete(key: BigInteger): this;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[BigInteger, V]>;
peekLargest(): [bigInt.BigInteger, V];
peekSmallest(): [bigInt.BigInteger, V];
keys(): bigInt.BigInteger[];
generateCachedIter(): [bigInt.BigInteger, V][];
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
import produce, { immerable, castDraft, setAutoFreeze, enablePatches } from 'immer';
import bigInt from 'big-integer';
function sortBigInt(a, b) {
if (a.lt(b)) {
return 1;
else if (a.eq(b)) {
return 0;
else {
return -1;
export class BigIntOrderedMap {
root = {};
cachedIter = null;
[immerable] = true;
constructor(items = []) {
items.forEach(([key, val]) => {
this.set(key, val);
get size() {
if (this.cachedIter) {
return this.cachedIter.length;
return this.generateCachedIter().length;
get(key) {
return this.root[key.toString()] ?? null;
gas(items) {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
items.forEach(([key, value]) => {
draft.root[key.toString()] = castDraft(value);
draft.cachedIter = null;
}, (patches) => {
// console.log(`gassed with ${JSON.stringify(patches, null, 2)}`);
set(key, value) {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
draft.root[key.toString()] = castDraft(value);
draft.cachedIter = null;
clear() {
return produce(this, (draft) => {
draft.cachedIter = [];
draft.root = {};
has(key) {
return key.toString() in this.root;
delete(key) {
const result = produce(this, (draft) => {
delete draft.root[key.toString()];
draft.cachedIter = null;
return result;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let idx = 0;
const result = this.generateCachedIter();
return {
[Symbol.iterator]: this[Symbol.iterator],
next: () => {
if (idx < result.length) {
return { value: result[idx++], done: false };
return { done: true, value: null };
peekLargest() {
const sorted = Array.from(this);
return sorted[0];
peekSmallest() {
const sorted = Array.from(this);
return sorted[sorted.length - 1];
keys() {
return Array.from(this).map(([k, v]) => k);
generateCachedIter() {
if (this.cachedIter) {
return [...this.cachedIter];
const result = Object.keys(this.root).map((key) => {
const num = bigInt(key);
return [num, this.root[key]];
}).sort(([a], [b]) => sortBigInt(a, b));
this.cachedIter = result;
return [...result];
//# sourceMappingURL=BigIntOrderedMap.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
import { BigInteger } from "big-integer";
import { Resource } from "../groups/types";
import { Post, GraphNode } from "../graph/types";
* Given a bigint representing an urbit date, returns a unix timestamp.
* @param {BigInteger} da The urbit date
* @return {number} The unix timestamp
export declare function daToUnix(da: BigInteger): number;
* Given a unix timestamp, returns a bigint representing an urbit date
* @param {number} unix The unix timestamp
* @return {BigInteger} The urbit date
export declare function unixToDa(unix: number): BigInteger;
export declare function makePatDa(patda: string): BigInteger;
export declare function udToDec(ud: string): string;
export declare function decToUd(str: string): string;
export declare function resourceAsPath(resource: Resource): string;
export declare function uuid(): string;
export declare function daToDate(st: string): Date;
export declare function dateToDa(d: Date, mil?: boolean): string;
export declare function deSig(ship: string): string | null;
export declare function cite(ship: string): string;
export declare function uxToHex(ux: string): string;
export declare const hexToUx: (hex: string) => string;
export declare function stringToTa(str: string): string;
export declare const buntPost: () => Post;
export declare function makeNodeMap(posts: Post[]): Record<string, GraphNode>;
@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
import bigInt from "big-integer";
const DA_UNIX_EPOCH = bigInt("170141184475152167957503069145530368000"); // `@ud` ~1970.1.1
const DA_SECOND = bigInt("18446744073709551616"); // `@ud` ~s1
function chunk(arr, size) {
let chunk = [];
let newArray = [chunk];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (chunk.length < size) {
else {
chunk = [arr[i]];
return newArray;
function dropWhile(arr, pred) {
const newArray = arr.slice();
for (const item of arr) {
if (pred(item)) {
else {
return newArray;
return newArray;
* Given a bigint representing an urbit date, returns a unix timestamp.
* @param {BigInteger} da The urbit date
* @return {number} The unix timestamp
export function daToUnix(da) {
// ported from +time:enjs:format in hoon.hoon
const offset = DA_SECOND.divide(bigInt(2000));
const epochAdjusted = offset.add(da.subtract(DA_UNIX_EPOCH));
return Math.round(epochAdjusted.multiply(bigInt(1000)).divide(DA_SECOND).toJSNumber());
* Given a unix timestamp, returns a bigint representing an urbit date
* @param {number} unix The unix timestamp
* @return {BigInteger} The urbit date
export function unixToDa(unix) {
const timeSinceEpoch = bigInt(unix).multiply(DA_SECOND).divide(bigInt(1000));
return DA_UNIX_EPOCH.add(timeSinceEpoch);
export function makePatDa(patda) {
return bigInt(udToDec(patda));
export function udToDec(ud) {
return ud.replace(/\./g, "");
export function decToUd(str) {
const transform = chunk(str.split('').reverse(), 3)
.map(group => group.reverse().join(''))
return transform.replace(/^[0\.]+/g, '');
export function resourceAsPath(resource) {
const { name, ship } = resource;
return `/ship/~${ship}/${name}`;
export function uuid() {
let str = "0v";
str += Math.ceil(Math.random() * 8) + ".";
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let _str = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000000).toString(32);
_str = ("00000" + _str).substr(-5, 5);
str += _str + ".";
return str.slice(0, -1);
Goes from:
~2018.7.17..23.15.09..5be5 // urbit @da
(javascript Date object)
export function daToDate(st) {
const dub = function (n) {
return parseInt(n) < 10 ? "0" + parseInt(n) : n.toString();
const da = st.split("..");
const bigEnd = da[0].split(".");
const lilEnd = da[1].split(".");
const ds = `${bigEnd[0].slice(1)}-${dub(bigEnd[1])}-${dub(bigEnd[2])}T${dub(lilEnd[0])}:${dub(lilEnd[1])}:${dub(lilEnd[2])}Z`;
return new Date(ds);
Goes from:
(javascript Date object)
~2018.7.17..23.15.09..5be5 // urbit @da
export function dateToDa(d, mil = false) {
const fil = function (n) {
return n >= 10 ? n : "0" + n;
return (`~${d.getUTCFullYear()}.` +
`${d.getUTCMonth() + 1}.` +
`${fil(d.getUTCDate())}..` +
`${fil(d.getUTCHours())}.` +
`${fil(d.getUTCMinutes())}.` +
`${fil(d.getUTCSeconds())}` +
`${mil ? "..0000" : ""}`);
export function deSig(ship) {
if (!ship) {
return null;
return ship.replace("~", "");
// trim patps to match dojo, chat-cli
export function cite(ship) {
let patp = ship, shortened = '';
if (patp === null || patp === '') {
return null;
if (patp.startsWith('~')) {
patp = patp.substr(1);
// comet
if (patp.length === 56) {
shortened = '~' + patp.slice(0, 6) + '_' + patp.slice(50, 56);
return shortened;
// moon
if (patp.length === 27) {
shortened = '~' + patp.slice(14, 20) + '^' + patp.slice(21, 27);
return shortened;
return `~${patp}`;
export function uxToHex(ux) {
if (ux.length > 2 && ux.substr(0, 2) === '0x') {
const value = ux.substr(2).replace('.', '').padStart(6, '0');
return value;
const value = ux.replace('.', '').padStart(6, '0');
return value;
export const hexToUx = (hex) => {
const nonZeroChars = dropWhile(hex.split(''), y => y === '0');
const ux = chunk(nonZeroChars.reverse(), 4).map(x => {
return x.reverse().join('');
}).reverse().join('.') || '0';
return `0x${ux}`;
// encode the string into @ta-safe format, using logic from +wood.
// for example, 'some Chars!' becomes '~.some.~43.hars~21.'
export function stringToTa(str) {
let out = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const char = str[i];
let add = "";
switch (char) {
case " ":
add = ".";
case ".":
add = "~.";
case "~":
add = "~~";
const charCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
if ((charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) || // a-z
(charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) || // 0-9
char === "-") {
add = char;
else {
// TODO behavior for unicode doesn't match +wood's,
// but we can probably get away with that for now.
add = "~" + charCode.toString(16) + ".";
out = out + add;
return "~." + out;
export const buntPost = () => ({
author: '',
contents: [],
hash: null,
index: '',
signatures: [],
'time-sent': 0
export function makeNodeMap(posts) {
const nodes = {};
posts.forEach((p) => {
nodes[String(p.index)] = { children: null, post: p };
return nodes;
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
* Martian embassy
import { BigIntOrderedMap } from "./BigIntOrderedMap";
export declare type Path = string;
export declare type Patp = string;
export declare type PatpNoSig = string;
export declare type Serial = string;
export declare type Jug<K, V> = Map<K, Set<V>>;
export declare type AppName = 'chat' | 'link' | 'contacts' | 'publish' | 'graph' | 'groups';
export declare type ShipRank = 'czar' | 'king' | 'duke' | 'earl' | 'pawn';
export declare type Action = 'poke' | 'subscribe' | 'ack' | 'unsubscribe' | 'delete';
export declare type SetElement<S> = S extends Set<(infer T)> ? T : never;
export declare type MapKey<M> = M extends Map<(infer K), any> ? K : never;
export declare type MapValue<M> = M extends Map<any, (infer V)> ? V : never;
* Turns sets into arrays and maps into objects so we can send them over the wire
export declare type Enc<S> = S extends Set<any> ? Enc<SetElement<S>>[] : S extends Map<string, any> ? {
[s: string]: Enc<MapValue<S>>;
} : S extends object ? {
[K in keyof S]: Enc<S[K]>;
} : S extends BigIntOrderedMap<infer T> ? {
[index: string]: T;
} : S;
export declare type Mark = string;
export interface Poke<Action> {
ship?: string;
app: string;
mark: Mark;
json: Action;
export interface Scry {
app: string;
path: string;
export interface Thread<Action> {
inputMark: string;
outputMark: string;
threadName: string;
body: Action;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
* Martian embassy
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './types';
export * from './lib';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import { Path, Poke, PatpNoSig } from '../lib';
import { MdAppName, Association, Metadata, MetadataUpdate, MetadataUpdateAdd, MetadataUpdateRemove, MetadataEditField, MetadataUpdateEdit } from './types';
export declare const METADATA_UPDATE_VERSION = 2;
export declare const metadataAction: <T extends MetadataUpdate>(data: T, version?: number) => Poke<T>;
export declare const add: (ship: PatpNoSig, appName: MdAppName, resource: Path, group: Path, title: string, description: string, dateCreated: string, color: string, moduleName: string) => Poke<MetadataUpdateAdd>;
export { add as metadataAdd };
export declare const remove: (appName: MdAppName, resource: string, group: string) => Poke<MetadataUpdateRemove>;
export { remove as metadataRemove };
export declare const edit: (association: Association, edit: MetadataEditField) => Poke<MetadataUpdateEdit>;
export { edit as metadataEdit };
* @deprecated use {@link edit} instead
export declare const update: (association: Association, newMetadata: Partial<Metadata>) => Poke<MetadataUpdateAdd>;
export { update as metadataUpdate };
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
import { uxToHex } from '../lib';
export const metadataAction = (data, version = METADATA_UPDATE_VERSION) => ({
app: 'metadata-push-hook',
mark: `metadata-update-${version}`,
json: data
export const add = (ship, appName, resource, group, title, description, dateCreated, color, moduleName) => metadataAction({
add: {
resource: {
'app-name': appName
metadata: {
'date-created': dateCreated,
creator: `~${ship}`,
config: { graph: moduleName },
picture: '',
hidden: false,
preview: false,
vip: ''
export { add as metadataAdd };
export const remove = (appName, resource, group) => metadataAction({
remove: {
resource: {
'app-name': appName
export { remove as metadataRemove };
export const edit = (association, edit) => metadataAction({
edit: {
group: association.group,
resource: {
resource: association.resource,
'app-name': association['app-name']
export { edit as metadataEdit };
* @deprecated use {@link edit} instead
export const update = (association, newMetadata) => {
const metadata = { ...association.metadata, ...newMetadata };
metadata.color = uxToHex(metadata.color);
return metadataAction({
add: {
group: association.group,
resource: {
resource: association.resource,
'app-name': association['app-name']
export { update as metadataUpdate };
//# sourceMappingURL=lib.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
import { Path, Patp } from '../lib';
export declare type MdAppName = 'groups' | 'graph';
export declare type MetadataUpdate = MetadataUpdateInitial | MetadataUpdateAdd | MetadataUpdateUpdate | MetadataUpdateRemove | MetadataUpdateEdit;
export interface MetadataUpdateInitial {
associations: ResourceAssociations;
export declare type ResourceAssociations = {
[p in Path]: Association;
export declare type MetadataUpdateAdd = {
add: AssociationPoke;
export declare type MetadataUpdateUpdate = {
update: AssociationPoke;
export interface MetadataUpdateEdit {
edit: {
resource: MdResource;
group: string;
edit: MetadataEditField;
export declare type MetadataEditField = Partial<Omit<Metadata, 'config' | 'creator' | 'date-created'>>;
export declare type MetadataUpdateRemove = {
remove: {
resource: MdResource;
group: string;
export interface MdResource {
resource: string;
'app-name': MdAppName;
export interface MetadataUpdatePreview {
group: string;
channels: Associations;
'channel-count': number;
members: number;
metadata: Metadata;
export declare type Associations = {
groups: AppAssociations<GroupConfig>;
graph: AppAssociations<GraphConfig>;
export declare type AppAssociations<C = MetadataConfig> = {
[p in Path]: Association<C>;
export declare type Association<C = MetadataConfig> = MdResource & {
group: Path;
metadata: Metadata<C>;
export interface AssociationPoke {
group: Path;
resource: MdResource;
metadata: Metadata;
export interface Metadata<C = MetadataConfig> {
color: string;
creator: Patp;
'date-created': string;
description: string;
title: string;
config: C;
hidden: boolean;
picture: string;
preview: boolean;
vip: PermVariation;
export declare type MetadataConfig = GroupConfig | GraphConfig;
export interface GraphConfig {
graph: string;
export interface GroupConfig {
group: undefined | {} | MdResource;
export declare type PermVariation = '' | ' ' | 'reader-comments' | 'member-metadata' | 'host-feed' | 'admin-feed';
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export * from './lib';
export * from './types';
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import { Poke } from '../lib/types';
import { S3UpdateAccessKeyId, S3UpdateAddBucket, S3UpdateCurrentBucket, S3UpdateEndpoint, S3UpdateRemoveBucket, S3UpdateSecretAccessKey } from './types';
export declare const setCurrentBucket: (bucket: string) => Poke<S3UpdateCurrentBucket>;
export declare const addBucket: (bucket: string) => Poke<S3UpdateAddBucket>;
export declare const removeBucket: (bucket: string) => Poke<S3UpdateRemoveBucket>;
export declare const setEndpoint: (endpoint: string) => Poke<S3UpdateEndpoint>;
export declare const setAccessKeyId: (accessKeyId: string) => Poke<S3UpdateAccessKeyId>;
export declare const setSecretAccessKey: (secretAccessKey: string) => Poke<S3UpdateSecretAccessKey>;
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