%base: symlinks; some -test tests fail

This commit is contained in:
Ted Blackman 2021-08-30 20:39:37 +03:00
parent f277c9f1ae
commit 844386076f
66 changed files with 66 additions and 9135 deletions

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
++ card card:agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
++ scry
|= [desk=@tas =path]
%+ weld
/(scot %p our.bowl)/[desk]/(scot %da now.bowl)
++ pass
|_ =wire
++ poke
|= [=dock =cage]
[%pass wire %agent dock %poke cage]
++ poke-our
|= [app=term =cage]
^- card
(poke [our.bowl app] cage)
++ poke-self
|= =cage
^- card
(poke-our dap.bowl cage)
++ arvo
|= =note-arvo
^- card
[%pass wire %arvo note-arvo]
++ watch
|= [=dock =path]
[%pass (watch-wire path) %agent dock %watch path]
++ watch-our
|= [app=term =path]
(watch [our.bowl app] path)
++ watch-wire
|= =path
^+ wire
?. ?=(~ wire)
++ leave
|= =dock
[%pass wire %agent dock %leave ~]
++ leave-our
|= app=term
(leave our.bowl app)
++ leave-path
|= [=dock =path]
=. wire
(watch-wire path)
(leave dock)
++ wait
|= p=@da
(arvo %b %wait p)
++ rest
|= p=@da
(arvo %b %wait p)
++ warp
|= [wer=ship =riff:clay]
(arvo %c %warp wer riff)
++ warp-our
|= =riff:clay
(warp our.bowl riff)
:: right here, right now
++ warp-slim
|= [genre=?(%sing %next) =care:clay =path]
=/ =mood:clay
[care r.byk.bowl path]
=/ =rave:clay
?:(?=(%sing genre) [genre mood] [genre mood])
(warp-our q.byk.bowl `rave)
++ fact-curry
|* [=mark =mold]
|= [paths=(list path) fac=mold]
(fact mark^!>(fac) paths)
++ fact-kick
|= [=path =cage]
^- (list card)
:~ (fact cage ~[path])
(kick ~[path])
++ fact-init
|= =cage
^- card
[%give %fact ~ cage]
++ fact-init-kick
|= =cage
^- (list card)
:~ (fact cage ~)
(kick ~)
++ fact
|= [=cage paths=(list path)]
^- card
[%give %fact paths cage]
++ fact-all
|= =cage
^- (unit card)
=/ paths=(list path)
%+ turn ~(tap by sup.bowl)
|= [duct ship =path]
?~ paths ~
`[%give %fact paths cage]
++ kick
|= paths=(list path)
[%give %kick paths ~]
++ kick-only
|= [=ship paths=(list path)]
[%give %kick paths `ship]

pkg/arvo/lib/agentio.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
:: azimuth: constants and utilities
/+ ethereum
=> => [azimuth-types ethereum-types .]
+$ complete-ship
$: state=point
history=(list diff-point) ::TODO maybe block/event nr? :: newest first
keys=(map life pass)
++ fleet (map @p complete-ship)
++ eth-type
++ point
:~ [%bytes-n 32] :: encryptionKey
[%bytes-n 32] :: authenticationKey
%bool :: hasSponsor
%bool :: active
%bool :: escapeRequested
%uint :: sponsor
%uint :: escapeRequestedTo
%uint :: cryptoSuiteVersion
%uint :: keyRevisionNumber
%uint :: continuityNumber
++ deed
:~ %address :: owner
%address :: managementProxy
%address :: spawnProxy
%address :: votingProxy
%address :: transferProxy
++ eth-noun
+$ point
$: encryption-key=octs
+$ deed
$: owner=address
++ function
++ azimuth
$% [%points who=@p]
[%rights who=@p]
[%get-spawned who=@p]
[%dns-domains ind=@ud]
:: # diffs
++ update
$% [%full ships=(map ship point) dns=dnses heard=events]
[%difs dis=(list (pair event-id diff-azimuth))]
:: # constants
:: contract addresses
++ contracts mainnet-contracts
++ mainnet-contracts
:: azimuth: data contract
++ azimuth
++ ecliptic
++ linear-star-release
++ conditional-star-release
++ delegated-sending
:: launch: block number of azimuth deploy
++ launch 6.784.800
:: public: block number of azimuth becoming independent
++ public 7.033.765
:: Testnet contract addresses
++ ropsten-contracts
++ azimuth
++ ecliptic
++ linear-star-release
++ conditional-star-release
++ delegated-sending
++ launch 4.601.630
++ public launch
:: Local contract addresses
:: These addresses are only reproducible if you use the deploy
:: script in bridge
++ local-contracts
++ ecliptic
++ azimuth
++ delegated-sending
++ linear-star-release
++ conditional-star-release
++ launch 0
++ public 0
:: ++ azimuth 0x863d.9c2e.5c4c.1335.96cf.ac29.d552.55f0.d0f8.6381 :: local bridge
:: hashes of ship event signatures
++ azimuth-events
:: OwnerChanged(uint32,address)
++ owner-changed
:: Activated(uint32)
++ activated
:: Spawned(uint32,uint32)
++ spawned
:: EscapeRequested(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-requested
:: EscapeCanceled(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-canceled
:: EscapeAccepted(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-accepted
:: LostSponsor(uint32,uint32)
++ lost-sponsor
:: ChangedKeys(uint32,bytes32,bytes32,uint32,uint32)
++ changed-keys
:: BrokeContinuity(uint32,uint32)
++ broke-continuity
:: ChangedSpawnProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-spawn-proxy
:: ChangedTransferProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-transfer-proxy
:: ChangedManagementProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-management-proxy
:: ChangedVotingProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-voting-proxy
:: ChangedDns(string,string,string)
++ changed-dns
:: logic
++ pass-from-eth
|= [enc=octs aut=octs sut=@ud]
^- pass
%^ cat 3 'b'
?. &(=(1 sut) =(p.enc 32) =(p.aut 32))
(cat 8 0 0)
(cat 8 q.aut q.enc)
++ point-from-eth
|= [who=@p point:eth-noun deed:eth-noun]
^- point
:: ownership
:+ :* owner
:: network state
?. active ~
:- ~
:* key-revision
(pass-from-eth encryption-key authentication-key crypto-suite)
[has-sponsor `@p`sponsor]
?. escape-requested ~
:: spawn state
?. ?=(?(%czar %king) (clan:title who)) ~
:- ~
:* spawn-proxy
~ ::TODO call getSpawned to fill this
++ event-log-to-point-diff
=, azimuth-events
=, abi:ethereum
|= log=event-log:rpc:ethereum
^- (unit (pair ship diff-point))
~? ?=(~ mined.log) %processing-unmined-event
?: =(i.topics.log owner-changed)
=/ [who=@ wer=address]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %address])
`[who %owner wer]
?: =(i.topics.log activated)
=/ who=@
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint])
`[who %activated who]
?: =(i.topics.log spawned)
=/ [pre=@ who=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %uint])
`[pre %spawned who]
?: =(i.topics.log escape-requested)
=/ [who=@ wer=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %uint])
`[who %escape `wer]
?: =(i.topics.log escape-canceled)
=/ who=@ (decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint])
`[who %escape ~]
?: =(i.topics.log escape-accepted)
=/ [who=@ wer=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %uint])
`[who %sponsor & wer]
?: =(i.topics.log lost-sponsor)
=/ [who=@ pos=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %uint])
`[who %sponsor | pos]
?: =(i.topics.log changed-keys)
=/ who=@ (decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint])
=/ [enc=octs aut=octs sut=@ud rev=@ud]
%+ decode-results data.log
~[[%bytes-n 32] [%bytes-n 32] %uint %uint]
`[who %keys rev (pass-from-eth enc aut sut)]
?: =(i.topics.log broke-continuity)
=/ who=@ (decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint])
=/ num=@ (decode-results data.log ~[%uint])
`[who %continuity num]
?: =(i.topics.log changed-management-proxy)
=/ [who=@ sox=address]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %address])
`[who %management-proxy sox]
?: =(i.topics.log changed-voting-proxy)
=/ [who=@ tox=address]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %address])
`[who %voting-proxy tox]
?: =(i.topics.log changed-spawn-proxy)
=/ [who=@ sox=address]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %address])
`[who %spawn-proxy sox]
?: =(i.topics.log changed-transfer-proxy)
=/ [who=@ tox=address]
(decode-topics t.topics.log ~[%uint %address])
`[who %transfer-proxy tox]
:: warn about unimplemented events, but ignore
:: the ones we know are harmless.
~? ?! .= i.topics.log
:: OwnershipTransferred(address,address)
[%unimplemented-event i.topics.log]
++ apply-point-diff
|= [pot=point dif=diff-point]
^- point
?- -.dif
%full new.dif
%_ pot
net `[0 0 0 &^(^sein:title who.dif) ~]
kid ?. ?=(?(%czar %king) (clan:title who.dif)) ~
`[0x0 ~]
:: ownership
%owner pot(owner.own new.dif)
%transfer-proxy pot(transfer-proxy.own new.dif)
%management-proxy pot(management-proxy.own new.dif)
%voting-proxy pot(voting-proxy.own new.dif)
:: networking
?(%keys %continuity %sponsor %escape)
?> ?=(^ net.pot)
?- -.dif
pot(life.u.net life.dif, pass.u.net pass.dif)
%= pot
sponsor.u.net new.dif
escape.u.net ?:(has.new.dif ~ escape.u.net.pot)
%continuity pot(continuity-number.u.net new.dif)
%escape pot(escape.u.net new.dif)
:: spawning
?(%spawned %spawn-proxy)
?> ?=(^ kid.pot)
?- -.dif
=- pot(spawned.u.kid -)
(~(put in spawned.u.kid.pot) who.dif)
%spawn-proxy pot(spawn-proxy.u.kid new.dif)
++ parse-id
|= id=@t
^- azimuth:function
~| id
%+ rash id
;~ pose
(function %points 'points' shipname)
(function %get-spawned 'getSpawned' shipname)
(function %dns-domains 'dnsDomains' dem:ag)
++ function
|* [tag=@tas fun=@t rul=rule]
;~(plug (cold tag (jest fun)) (ifix [pal par] rul))
++ shipname
;~(pfix sig fed:ag)
++ function-to-call
++ azimuth
|= cal=azimuth:function
^- [id=@t dat=call-data:rpc:ethereum]
?- -.cal
:- (crip "points({(scow %p who.cal)})")
['points(uint32)' ~[uint+`@`who.cal]]
:- (crip "rights({(scow %p who.cal)})")
['rights(uint32)' ~[uint+`@`who.cal]]
:- (crip "getSpawned({(scow %p who.cal)})")
['getSpawned(uint32)' ~[uint+`@`who.cal]]
:- (crip "dnsDomains({(scow %ud ind.cal)})")
['dnsDomains(uint256)' ~[uint+ind.cal]]

pkg/arvo/lib/azimuth.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
/- rpc=json-rpc
/+ ethereum, azimuth, strandio
=, strand=strand:strandio
=, jael
++ tract azimuth:contracts:azimuth
++ fetch-point
|= [url=@ta who=ship]
=/ m (strand ,point:azimuth)
^- form:m
=/ =request:rpc:ethereum
:+ %eth-call
=- [from=~ to=tract gas=~ price=~ value=~ data=-]
(encode-call:rpc:ethereum 'points(uint32)' [%uint `@`who]~)
[%label %latest]
;< jon=json bind:m (request-rpc url `'point' request)
=/ res=cord (so:dejs:format jon)
=/ =point:eth-noun:azimuth
(decode-results:abi:ethereum res point:eth-type:azimuth)
=/ =request:rpc:ethereum
:+ %eth-call
=- [from=~ to=tract gas=~ price=~ value=~ data=-]
(encode-call:rpc:ethereum 'rights(uint32)' [%uint `@`who]~)
[%label %latest]
;< jon=json bind:m (request-rpc url `'deed' request)
=/ res=cord (so:dejs:format jon)
=/ =deed:eth-noun:azimuth
(decode-results:abi:ethereum res deed:eth-type:azimuth)
(pure:m (point-from-eth:azimuth who point deed))
++ request-rpc
|= [url=@ta id=(unit @t) req=request:rpc:ethereum]
=/ m (strand ,json)
^- form:m
%+ (retry json) `10
=/ m (strand ,(unit json))
^- form:m
=/ =request:http
:* method=%'POST'
header-list=['Content-Type'^'application/json' ~]
^= body
%- some %- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-json:html
(request-to-json:rpc:ethereum id req)
;< ~ bind:m (send-request:strandio request)
;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m
?~ rep
(pure:m ~)
(parse-response u.rep)
++ parse-response
|= =client-response:iris
=/ m (strand ,(unit json))
^- form:m
?> ?=(%finished -.client-response)
?~ full-file.client-response
(pure:m ~)
=/ body=@t q.data.u.full-file.client-response
=/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html body)
?~ jon
(pure:m ~)
=, dejs-soft:format
=/ array=(unit (list response:rpc))
((ar parse-one-response) u.jon)
?~ array
=/ res=(unit response:rpc) (parse-one-response u.jon)
?~ res
(strand-fail:strandio %request-rpc-parse-error >id< ~)
?: ?=(%error -.u.res)
(strand-fail:strandio %request-rpc-error >id< >+.res< ~)
?. ?=(%result -.u.res)
(strand-fail:strandio %request-rpc-fail >u.res< ~)
(pure:m `res.u.res)
(strand-fail:strandio %request-rpc-batch >%not-implemented< ~)
:: (pure:m `[%batch u.array])
++ parse-one-response
|= =json
^- (unit response:rpc)
=/ res=(unit [@t ^json])
%. json
=, dejs-soft:format
(ot id+so result+some ~)
?^ res `[%result u.res]
~| parse-one-response=json
:+ ~ %error %- need
%. json
=, dejs-soft:format
(ot id+so error+(ot code+no message+so ~) ~)
++ retry
|* result=mold
|= [crash-after=(unit @ud) computation=_*form:(strand (unit result))]
=/ m (strand ,result)
=| try=@ud
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(crash-after `try)
(strand-fail:strandio %retry-too-many ~)
;< ~ bind:m (backoff:strandio try ~m1)
;< res=(unit result) bind:m computation
?^ res
(pure:m u.res)
loop(try +(try))
++ get-latest-block
|= url=@ta
=/ m (strand ,block)
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m (request-rpc url `'block number' %eth-block-number ~)
(get-block-by-number url (parse-eth-block-number:rpc:ethereum json))
++ get-block-by-number
|= [url=@ta =number:block]
=/ m (strand ,block)
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
(request-rpc url `'block by number' %eth-get-block-by-number number |)
=/ =block (parse-block json)
?. =(number number.id.block)
(strand-fail:strandio %reorg-detected >number< >block< ~)
(pure:m block)
++ parse-block
|= =json
^- block
=< [[&1 &2] |2]
^- [@ @ @]
~| json
%. json
=, dejs:format
%- ot
:~ hash+parse-hex-result:rpc:ethereum

pkg/arvo/lib/azimuthio.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
/- bc=bitcoin
/+ bcu=bitcoin-utils
~% %bip-158-top ..part ~
++ params
++ p 19
++ m 784.931
++ siphash
~/ %siphash
|= [k=byts m=byts]
^- byts
?> =(wid.k 16)
?> (lte (met 3 dat.k) wid.k)
?> (lte (met 3 dat.m) wid.m)
=. k (flim:sha k)
=. m (flim:sha m)
(flim:sha (fin (comp m (init dat.k))))
:: Initialise internal state
++ init
|= k=@
^- [@ @ @ @]
=/ k0=@ (end [6 1] k)
=/ k1=@ (cut 6 [1 1] k)
:^ (mix k0 0x736f.6d65.7073.6575)
(mix k1 0x646f.7261.6e64.6f6d)
(mix k0 0x6c79.6765.6e65.7261)
(mix k1 0x7465.6462.7974.6573)
:: Compression rounds
++ comp
|= [m=byts v=[v0=@ v1=@ v2=@ v3=@]]
^- [@ @ @ @]
=/ len=@ud (div wid.m 8)
=/ last=@ (lsh [3 7] (mod wid.m 256))
=| i=@ud
=| w=@
=. w (cut 6 [i 1] dat.m)
?: =(i len)
=. v3.v (mix v3.v (mix last w))
=. v (rnd (rnd v))
=. v0.v (mix v0.v (mix last w))
%= $
v =. v3.v (mix v3.v w)
=. v (rnd (rnd v))
=. v0.v (mix v0.v w)
i (add i 1)
:: Finalisation rounds
++ fin
|= v=[v0=@ v1=@ v2=@ v3=@]
^- byts
=. v2.v (mix v2.v 0xff)
=. v (rnd (rnd (rnd (rnd v))))
:- 8
:(mix v0.v v1.v v2.v v3.v)
:: Sipround
++ rnd
|= [v0=@ v1=@ v2=@ v3=@]
^- [@ @ @ @]
=. v0 (~(sum fe 6) v0 v1)
=. v2 (~(sum fe 6) v2 v3)
=. v1 (~(rol fe 6) 0 13 v1)
=. v3 (~(rol fe 6) 0 16 v3)
=. v1 (mix v1 v0)
=. v3 (mix v3 v2)
=. v0 (~(rol fe 6) 0 32 v0)
=. v2 (~(sum fe 6) v2 v1)
=. v0 (~(sum fe 6) v0 v3)
=. v1 (~(rol fe 6) 0 17 v1)
=. v3 (~(rol fe 6) 0 21 v3)
=. v1 (mix v1 v2)
=. v3 (mix v3 v0)
=. v2 (~(rol fe 6) 0 32 v2)
[v0 v1 v2 v3]
:: +str: bit streams
:: read is from the front
:: write appends to the back
++ str
~% %str ..params ~
++ read-bit
~/ %read-bit
|= s=bits:bc
^- [bit=@ub rest=bits:bc]
?> (gth wid.s 0)
:+ ?:((gth wid.s (met 0 dat.s)) 0b0 0b1)
(dec wid.s)
(end [0 (dec wid.s)] dat.s)
++ read-bits
~/ %read-bits
|= [n=@ s=bits:bc]
^- [bits:bc rest=bits:bc]
=/ r=@ (sub wid.s n)
:- n^(cut 0 [r n] dat.s)
r^(cut 0 [0 r] dat.s)
++ write-bits
~/ %write-bits
|= [s1=bits:bc s2=bits:bc]
^- bits:bc
[(add wid.s1 wid.s2) (can 0 ~[s2 s1])]
:: +gol: Golomb-Rice encoding/decoding
++ gol
~% %gol ..params ~
:: +en: encode x and append to end of s
:: - s: bits stream
:: - x: number to add to the stream
:: - p: golomb-rice p param
++ en
~/ %en
|= [s=bits:bc x=@ p=@]
^- bits:bc
=+ q=(rsh [0 p] x)
=+ unary=[+(q) (lsh [0 1] (dec (bex q)))]
=+ r=[p (end [0 p] x)]
%+ write-bits:str s
(write-bits:str unary r)
++ de
~/ %de
|= [s=bits:bc p=@]
^- [delta=@ rest=bits:bc]
|^ ?> (gth wid.s 0)
=^ q s (get-q s)
=^ r s (read-bits:str p s)
[(add dat.r (lsh [0 p] q)) s]
++ get-q
|= s=bits:bc
=| q=@
=^ first-bit s (read-bit:str s)
?: =(0 first-bit) [q s]
=^ b s (read-bit:str s)
$(first-bit b, q +(q))
:: +hsh
++ hsh
~% %hsh ..params ~
:: +to-range
:: - item: scriptpubkey to hash
:: - f: N*M
:: - k: key for siphash (end of blockhash, reversed)
++ to-range
~/ %to-range
|= [item=byts f=@ k=byts]
^- @
(rsh [0 64] (mul f (rev 3 (siphash k item))))
:: +set-construct: return sorted hashes of scriptpubkeys
++ set-construct
|= [items=(list byts) k=byts f=@]
^- (list @)
%+ sort
%+ turn items
|= item=byts
(to-range item f k)
++ parse-filter
~/ %parse-filter
|= filter=hexb:bc
^- [n=@ux gcs-set=bits:bc]
=/ n n:(de:csiz:bcu filter)
=/ lead=@ ?:(=(1 wid.n) 1 +(wid.n))
:- dat.n
[(mul 8 (sub wid.filter lead)) `@ub`dat:(drop:byt:bcu lead filter)]
:: +to-key: blockhash (little endian) to key for siphash
++ to-key
~/ %to-key
|= blockhash=tape
^- byts
%+ take:byt:bcu 16
%- flip:byt:bcu
(from-cord:hxb:bcu (crip blockhash))
:: +match: whether block filter matches *any* target scriptpubkeys
:: - filter: full block filter, with leading N
:: - k: key for siphash (end of blockhash, reversed)
:: - targets: scriptpubkeys to match
++ match
~/ %match
|= [filter=hexb:bc k=byts targets=(list byts)]
^- ?
=/ [p=@ m=@] [p:params m:params]
=/ [n=@ux gcs-set=bits:bc] (parse-filter filter)
=+ target-hs=(set-construct:hsh targets k (mul n m))
=+ last-val=0
?~ target-hs %.n
?: =(last-val i.target-hs)
?: (gth last-val i.target-hs)
$(target-hs t.target-hs)
:: last-val is less than target: check next val in GCS, if any
?: (lth wid.gcs-set p) %.n
=^ delta gcs-set
(de:gol gcs-set p)
$(last-val (add delta last-val))
:: +all-match: returns all target byts that match
:: - filter: full block filter, with leading N
:: - targets: scriptpubkeys to match
++ all-match
~/ %all-match
|= [filter=hexb:bc blockhash=hexb:bc targets=(list [address:bc byts])]
^- (set [address:bc hexb:bc])
=/ k (to-key (trip (to-cord:hxb:bcu blockhash)))
%- ~(gas in *(set [address:bc hexb:bc]))
=/ [p=@ m=@] [p:params m:params]
=/ [n=@ux gcs-set=bits:bc] (parse-filter filter)
=/ target-map=(map @ [address:bc hexb:bc])
%- ~(gas by *(map @ [address:bc hexb:bc]))
%+ turn targets
|= [a=address:bc t=hexb:bc]
[(to-range:hsh t (mul n m) k) a t]
=+ target-hs=(sort ~(tap in ~(key by target-map)) lth)
=+ last-val=0
=| matches=(list @)
?~ target-hs
(murn matches ~(get by target-map))
?: =(last-val i.target-hs)
%= $
target-hs t.target-hs
matches [last-val matches]
?: (gth last-val i.target-hs)
$(target-hs t.target-hs)
:: last-val is less than target: get next val in GCS, if any
?: (lth wid.gcs-set p)
(murn matches ~(get by target-map))
=^ delta gcs-set
(de:gol gcs-set p)
$(last-val (add delta last-val))

pkg/arvo/lib/bip/b158.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
:: BIP173: Bech32 Addresses
:: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki
:: Heavily copies:
:: https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bech32/blob/master/index.js
/- sur=bitcoin
/+ bcu=bitcoin-utils
=, sur
=, bcu
++ prefixes
^- (map network tape)
(my [[%main "bc"] [%testnet "tb"] ~])
++ charset "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"
+$ raw-decoded [hrp=tape data=(list @) checksum=(list @)]
:: below is a port of: https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bech32/blob/master/index.js
++ polymod
|= values=(list @)
|^ ^- @
=/ gen=(list @ux)
~[0x3b6a.57b2 0x2650.8e6d 0x1ea1.19fa 0x3d42.33dd 0x2a14.62b3]
=/ chk=@ 1
|- ?~ values chk
=/ top (rsh [0 25] chk)
=. chk
(mix i.values (lsh [0 5] (dis chk 0x1ff.ffff)))
$(values t.values, chk (update-chk chk top gen))
++ update-chk
|= [chk=@ top=@ gen=(list @ux)]
=/ is (gulf 0 4)
|- ?~ is chk
?: =(1 (dis 1 (rsh [0 i.is] top)))
$(is t.is, chk (mix chk (snag i.is gen)))
$(is t.is)
++ expand-hrp
|= hrp=tape
^- (list @)
=/ front (turn hrp |=(p=@tD (rsh [0 5] p)))
=/ back (turn hrp |=(p=@tD (dis 31 p)))
(zing ~[front ~[0] back])
++ verify-checksum
|= [hrp=tape data-and-checksum=(list @)]
^- ?
%- |=(a=@ =(1 a))
%- polymod
(weld (expand-hrp hrp) data-and-checksum)
++ checksum
|= [hrp=tape data=(list @)]
^- (list @)
:: xor 1 with the polymod
=/ pmod=@
%+ mix 1
%- polymod
(zing ~[(expand-hrp hrp) data (reap 6 0)])
%+ turn (gulf 0 5)
|=(i=@ (dis 31 (rsh [0 (mul 5 (sub 5 i))] pmod)))
++ charset-to-value
|= c=@tD
^- (unit @)
(find ~[c] charset)
++ value-to-charset
|= value=@
^- (unit @tD)
?: (gth value 31) ~
`(snag value charset)
++ is-valid
|= [bech=tape last-1-pos=@] ^- ?
?& ?|(=((cass bech) bech) =((cuss bech) bech)) :: to upper or to lower is same as bech
(gte last-1-pos 1)
(lte (add last-1-pos 7) (lent bech))
(lte (lent bech) 90)
(levy bech |=(c=@tD (gte c 33)))
(levy bech |=(c=@tD (lte c 126)))
:: data should be 5bit words
++ encode-raw
|= [hrp=tape data=(list @)]
^- cord
=/ combined=(list @)
(weld data (checksum hrp data))
%- crip
(zing ~[hrp "1" (tape (murn combined value-to-charset))])
++ decode-raw
|= body=cord
^- (unit raw-decoded)
=/ bech (cass (trip body)) :: to lowercase
=/ pos (flop (fand "1" bech))
?~ pos ~
=/ last-1=@ i.pos
?. (is-valid bech last-1) :: check bech32 validity (not segwit validity or checksum)
=/ hrp (scag last-1 bech)
=/ encoded-data-and-checksum=(list @)
(slag +(last-1) bech)
=/ data-and-checksum=(list @)
%+ murn encoded-data-and-checksum
?. =((lent encoded-data-and-checksum) (lent data-and-checksum)) :: ensure all were in CHARSET
?. (verify-checksum hrp data-and-checksum)
=/ checksum-pos (sub (lent data-and-checksum) 6)
`[hrp (scag checksum-pos data-and-checksum) (slag checksum-pos data-and-checksum)]
:: +from-address: BIP173 bech32 address encoding to hex
:: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki
:: expects to drop a leading 5-bit 0 (the witness version)
++ from-address
|= body=cord
^- hexb
~| "Invalid bech32 address"
=/ d=(unit raw-decoded) (decode-raw body)
?> ?=(^ d)
=/ bs=bits (from-atoms:bit 5 data.u.d)
=/ byt-len=@ (div (sub wid.bs 5) 8)
?> =(5^0b0 (take:bit 5 bs))
?> ?| =(20 byt-len)
=(32 byt-len)
[byt-len `@ux`dat:(take:bit (mul 8 byt-len) (drop:bit 5 bs))]
:: pubkey is the 33 byte ECC compressed public key
++ encode-pubkey
|= [=network pubkey=byts]
^- (unit cord)
?. =(33 wid.pubkey)
~|('pubkey must be a 33 byte ECC compressed public key' !!)
=/ prefix (~(get by prefixes) network)
?~ prefix ~
:- ~
%+ encode-raw u.prefix
[0v0 (to-atoms:bit 5 [160 `@ub`dat:(hash-160 pubkey)])]

pkg/arvo/lib/bip/b173.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
:: BIP174: PSBTs
:: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki
/- sur=bitcoin
/+ bcu=bitcoin-utils
=, sur
=, bcu
++ en
++ globals
|= rawtx=hexb
^- map:psbt
:~ [[1 0x0] rawtx]
++ input
|= [only-witness=? i=in:psbt]
^- map:psbt
%+ weld
?: only-witness ~
~[[1^0x0 rawtx.i]]
:~ (witness-tx i)
(hdkey %input hdkey.i)
++ output
|= =out:psbt
^- map:psbt
?~ hk.out ~
:~ (hdkey %output u.hk.out)
++ witness-tx
|= i=in:psbt
^- keyval:psbt
:- [1 0x1]
%- cat:byt
:~ (flip:byt 8^value.utxo.i)
(hash-160 pubkey.hdkey.i)
++ hdkey
|= [=target:psbt h=^hdkey]
^- keyval:psbt
=/ typ=@ux
?- target
%input 0x6
%output 0x2
=/ coin-type=hexb
?- network.h
:- (cat:byt ~[1^typ pubkey.h])
%- cat:byt
:~ fprint.h
1^`@ux`bipt.h 3^0x80
coin-type 3^0x80
1^`@ux`chyg.h 3^0x0
(flip:byt 4^idx.h)
++ keyval-byts
|= kv=keyval:psbt
^- hexb
%- cat:byt
:~ 1^wid.key.kv
++ map-byts
|= m=map:psbt
^- (unit hexb)
?~ m ~
:- ~
%- cat:byt
(turn m keyval-byts)
++ base64
|= b=hexb
^- base64:psbt
%- en:base64:mimes:html
(flip:byt b)
:: +encode: make base64 cord of PSBT
:: - only-witness: don't include non-witness UTXO
++ encode
|= $: only-witness=?
inputs=(list in:psbt)
outputs=(list out:psbt)
^- base64:psbt
=/ sep=(unit hexb) `1^0x0
=/ final=(list (unit hexb))
%+ join sep
%+ turn
%- zing
:~ ~[(globals:en rawtx)]
(turn inputs (cury input:en only-witness))
(turn outputs output:en)
%- base64:en
^- byts
%- cat:byt
%+ weld ~[[5 0x70.7362.74ff]]
(murn (snoc final sep) same)
++ parse
|= psbt-base64=cord
^- (list map:psbt)
=/ todo=hexb
(drop:byt 5 (to-byts psbt-base64))
=| acc=(list map:psbt)
=| m=map:psbt
?: =(wid.todo 0)
(snoc acc m)
:: 0x0: map separator
?: =(1^0x0 (take:byt 1 todo))
$(acc (snoc acc m), m *map:psbt, todo (drop:byt 1 todo))
=^ kv todo (next-keyval todo)
$(m (snoc m kv))
:: +get-txid: extract txid from a valid PSBT
++ get-txid
|= psbt-base64=cord
^- hexb
=/ tx=hexb
%- raw-tx
%+ drop:byt 5
(to-byts psbt-base64)
%- flip:byt
(dsha256 tx)
:: +raw-tx: extract hex transaction
:: looks for key 0x0 in global map
:: crashes if tx not in hex
++ raw-tx
|= b=hexb
^- hexb
?: =(wid.b 0) !!
?: =(1^0x0 (take:byt 1 b)) !!
=/ nk (next-keyval b)
?: =(0x0 dat.key.kv.nk)
$(b rest.nk)
:: +next-keyval: returns next key-val in a PSBT map
:: input first byte must be a map key length
++ next-keyval
|= b=hexb
^- [kv=keyval:psbt rest=hexb]
=/ klen dat:(take:byt 1 b)
=/ k (take:byt klen (drop:byt 1 b))
=/ vlen dat:(take:byt 1 (drop:byt (add 1 klen) b))
=/ v (take:byt vlen (drop:byt (add 2 klen) b))
?> ?&((gth wid.k 0) (gth wid.v 0))
:- [k v]
(drop:byt ;:(add 2 klen vlen) b)
++ to-byts
|= psbt-base64=cord
^- hexb
~| "Invalid PSBT"
=+ p=(de:base64:mimes:html psbt-base64)
?~ p !!
(flip:byt u.p)

pkg/arvo/lib/bip/b174.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
:: bip32 implementation in hoon
:: to use, call one of the core initialization arms.
:: using the produced core, derive as needed and take out the data you want.
::NOTE tested to be correct against
:: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0032_TestVectors
=, hmac:crypto
=, secp:crypto
=+ ecc=secp256k1
:: prv: private key
:: pub: public key
:: cad: chain code
:: dep: depth in chain
:: ind: index at depth
:: pif: parent fingerprint (4 bytes)
|_ [prv=@ pub=point.ecc cad=@ dep=@ud ind=@ud pif=@]
+$ keyc [key=@ cai=@] :: prv/pub key + chain code
:: elliptic curve operations and values
++ point priv-to-pub.ecc
++ ser-p compress-point.ecc
++ n n:t.ecc
:: core initialization
++ from-seed
|= byts
^+ +>
=+ der=(hmac-sha512l [12 'dees nioctiB'] [wid dat])
=+ pri=(cut 3 [32 32] der)
+>.$(prv pri, pub (point pri), cad (cut 3 [0 32] der))
++ from-private
|= keyc
+>(prv key, pub (point key), cad cai)
++ from-public
|= keyc
+>(pub (decompress-point.ecc key), cad cai)
++ from-public-point
|= [pon=point.ecc cai=@]
+>(pub pon, cad cai)
++ from-extended
|= t=tape
=+ x=(de-base58check 4 t)
=> |%
++ take
|= b=@ud
^- [v=@ x=@]
:- (end [3 b] x)
(rsh [3 b] x)
=^ k x (take 33)
=^ c x (take 32)
=^ i x (take 4)
=^ p x (take 4)
=^ d x (take 1)
?> =(0 x) :: sanity check
%. [d i p]
=< set-metadata
=+ v=(swag [1 3] t)
?: =("prv" v) (from-private k c)
?: =("pub" v) (from-public k c)
++ set-metadata
|= [d=@ud i=@ud p=@]
+>(dep d, ind i, pif p)
:: derivation
++ derivation-path
;~ pfix
;~(pose (jest 'm/') (easy ~))
%+ most fas
;~ pose
%+ cook
|=(i=@ (add i (bex 31)))
;~(sfix dem soq)
== ==
++ derive-path
|= t=tape
%- derive-sequence
(scan t derivation-path)
++ derive-sequence
|= j=(list @u)
?~ j +>
=. +> (derive i.j)
$(j t.j)
++ derive
?: =(0 prv)
++ derive-private
|= i=@u
^+ +>
:: we must have a private key to derive the next one
?: =(0 prv)
~| %know-no-private-key
:: derive child at i
=/ [left=@ right=@]
=- [(cut 3 [32 32] -) (cut 3 [0 32] -)]
%+ hmac-sha512l [32 cad]
:- 37
?: (gte i (bex 31))
:: hardened child
(can 3 ~[4^i 32^prv 1^0])
:: normal child
(can 3 ~[4^i 33^(ser-p (point prv))])
=+ key=(mod (add left prv) n)
:: rare exception, invalid key, go to the next one
?: |(=(0 key) (gte left n)) $(i +(i))
%_ +>.$
prv key
pub (point key)
cad right
dep +(dep)
ind i
pif fingerprint
++ derive-public
|= i=@u
^+ +>
:: public keys can't be hardened
?: (gte i (bex 31))
~| %cant-derive-hardened-public-key
:: derive child at i
=/ [left=@ right=@]
=- [(cut 3 [32 32] -) (cut 3 [0 32] -)]
%+ hmac-sha512l [32 cad]
37^(can 3 ~[4^i 33^(ser-p pub)])
:: rare exception, invalid key, go to the next one
?: (gte left n) $(i +(i)) ::TODO or child key is "point at infinity"
%_ +>.$
pub (add-points.ecc (point left) pub)
cad right
dep +(dep)
ind i
pif fingerprint
:: rendering
++ private-key ?.(=(0 prv) prv ~|(%know-no-private-key !!))
++ public-key (ser-p pub)
++ chain-code cad
++ private-chain [private-key cad]
++ public-chain [public-key cad]
++ identity (hash160 public-key)
++ fingerprint (cut 3 [16 4] identity)
++ address
|= network=?(%main %regtest %testnet)
^- @uc
:: removes checksum
%+ rsh [3 4]
%+ en-base58check
[4 (version-bytes network %pub %.n)]
[20 identity]
++ prv-extended
|= network=?(%main %regtest %testnet)
%+ en-b58c-bip32 (version-bytes network %prv %.y)
(build-extended private-key)
++ pub-extended
|= network=?(%main %regtest %testnet)
%+ en-b58c-bip32 (version-bytes network %pub %.y)
(build-extended public-key)
++ build-extended
|= key=@
%+ can 3
:~ 33^key
++ en-b58c-bip32
|= [v=@ k=@]
%- en-base58:mimes:html
(en-base58check [4 v] [74 k])
:: base58check
++ en-base58check
:: v: version bytes
:: d: data
|= [v=byts d=byts]
=+ p=[(add wid.v wid.d) (can 3 ~[d v])]
=- (can 3 ~[4^- p])
%+ rsh [3 28]
(sha-256l:sha 32 (sha-256l:sha p))
++ de-base58check
:: vw: amount of version bytes
|= [vw=@u t=tape]
=+ x=(de-base58:mimes:html t)
=+ hash=(sha-256l:sha 32 (sha-256:sha (rsh [3 4] x)))
?> =((end [3 4] x) (rsh [3 28] hash))
(cut 3 [vw (sub (met 3 x) (add 4 vw))] x)
++ hash160
|= d=@
(ripemd-160:ripemd:crypto 32 (sha-256:sha d))
++ version-bytes
|= [network=?(%main %regtest %testnet) type=?(%pub %prv) bip32=?]
^- @ux
?- type
%pub ?:(bip32 xpub-key pay-to-pubkey)
%prv ?:(bip32 xprv-key private-key)
++ pay-to-pubkey ?:(=(network %main) 0x0 0x6f)
++ private-key ?:(=(network %main) 0x80 0xef)
++ xpub-key ?:(=(network %main) 0x488.b21e 0x435.87cf)
++ xprv-key ?:(=(network %main) 0x488.ade4 0x435.8394)

pkg/arvo/lib/bip32.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
:: bip39 implementation in hoon
/+ bip39-english
++ from-entropy
|= byts
^- tape
=. wid (mul wid 8)
~| [%unsupported-entropy-bit-length wid]
?> &((gte wid 128) (lte wid 256))
=+ cs=(div wid 32)
=/ check=@
%+ rsh [0 (sub 256 cs)]
(sha-256l:sha (div wid 8) dat)
=/ bits=byts
:- (add wid cs)
%+ can 0
:~ cs^check
=/ pieces
|- ^- (list @)
:- (end [0 11] dat.bits)
?: (lte wid.bits 11) ~
$(bits [(sub wid.bits 11) (rsh [0 11] dat.bits)])
=/ words=(list tape)
%+ turn pieces
|= ind=@ud
(snag ind `(list tape)`bip39-english)
%+ roll (flop words)
|= [nex=tape all=tape]
?~ all nex
:(weld all " " nex)
::NOTE always produces a 512-bit result
++ to-seed
|= [mnem=tape pass=tape]
^- @
%- hmac-sha512t:pbkdf:crypto
[(crip mnem) (crip (weld "mnemonic" pass)) 2.048 64]

pkg/arvo/lib/bip39.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
:: dbug: agent wrapper for generic debugging tools
:: usage: %-(agent:dbug your-agent)
+$ poke
$% [%bowl ~]
[%state grab=cord]
[%incoming =about]
[%outgoing =about]
+$ about
$@ ~
$% [%ship =ship]
[%path =path]
[%wire =wire]
[%term =term]
++ agent
|= =agent:gall
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
ag ~(. agent bowl)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
?. ?=(%dbug mark)
=^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase)
[cards this]
=/ dbug
!<(poke vase)
=; =tang
((%*(. slog pri 1) tang) [~ this])
?- -.dbug
%bowl [(sell !>(bowl))]~
=? grab.dbug =('' grab.dbug) '-'
=; product=^vase
[(sell product)]~
=/ state=^vase
:: if the underlying app has implemented a /dbug/state scry endpoint,
:: use that vase in place of +on-save's.
=/ result=(each ^vase tang)
(mule |.(q:(need (need (on-peek:ag /x/dbug/state)))))
?:(?=(%& -.result) p.result on-save:ag)
%+ slap
(slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse]))
(ream grab.dbug)
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by sup.bowl)
|= [[* a=[=ship =path]] [* b=[=ship =path]]]
(aor [path ship]:a [path ship]:b)
|= [=duct [=ship =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[path=path from=ship duct=duct]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire %+ lien duct
|=(=wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire)))
%term !!
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by wex.bowl)
|= [[[a=wire *] *] [[b=wire *] *]]
(aor a b)
|= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[wire=wire agnt=[ship term] path=path ackd=acked]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire))
%term =(term term.about.dbug)
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=([@ %dbug *] path)
(on-peek:ag path)
?+ path [~ ~]
[%u %dbug ~] ``noun+!>(&)
[%x %dbug %state ~] ``noun+!>(on-save:ag)
[%x %dbug %subscriptions ~] ``noun+!>([wex sup]:bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent on-init:ag
[cards this]
++ on-save on-save:ag
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-load:ag old-state)
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-watch:ag path)
[cards this]
++ on-leave
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-leave:ag path)
[cards this]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-agent:ag wire sign)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-arvo:ag wire sign-arvo)
[cards this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-fail:ag term tang)
[cards this]

pkg/arvo/lib/dbug.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
/+ skeleton
|* [agent=* help=*]
?: ?=(%& help)
~| %default-agent-helpfully-crashing
|_ =bowl:gall
++ on-init
++ on-save
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
++ on-poke
|= =cage
~| "unexpected poke to {<dap.bowl>} with mark {<p.cage>}"
++ on-watch
|= =path
~| "unexpected subscription to {<dap.bowl>} on path {<path>}"
++ on-leave
|= path
++ on-peek
|= =path
~| "unexpected scry into {<dap.bowl>} on path {<path>}"
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall _agent)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
%- (slog leaf+"poke failed from {<dap.bowl>} on wire {<wire>}" u.p.sign)
?~ p.sign
=/ =tank leaf+"subscribe failed from {<dap.bowl>} on wire {<wire>}"
%- (slog tank u.p.sign)
%kick `agent
~| "unexpected subscription update to {<dap.bowl>} on wire {<wire>}"
~| "with mark {<p.cage.sign>}"
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
~| "unexpected system response {<-.sign-arvo>} to {<dap.bowl>} on wire {<wire>}"
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
%- (slog leaf+"error in {<dap.bowl>}" >term< tang)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

pkg/arvo/lib/docket.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
:: ethio: Asynchronous Ethereum input/output functions.
/- rpc=json-rpc
/+ ethereum, strandio
=, ethereum-types
=, jael
=> |%
+$ topics (list ?(@ux (list @ux)))
:: +request-rpc: send rpc request, with retry
++ request-rpc
|= [url=@ta id=(unit @t) req=request:rpc:ethereum]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,json)
^- form:m
;< res=(list [id=@t =json]) bind:m
(request-batch-rpc-strict url [id req]~)
?: ?=([* ~] res)
(pure:m json.i.res)
%+ strand-fail:strandio
[>(lent res)< ~]
:: +request-batch-rpc-strict: send rpc requests, with retry
:: sends a batch request. produces results for all requests in the batch,
:: but only if all of them are successful.
++ request-batch-rpc-strict
|= [url=@ta reqs=(list [id=(unit @t) req=request:rpc:ethereum])]
|^ %+ (retry:strandio results)
+$ results (list [id=@t =json])
++ attempt-request
=/ m (strand:strandio ,(unit results))
^- form:m
;< responses=(list response:rpc) bind:m
(request-batch-rpc-loose url reqs)
=- ?~ err
(pure:m `res)
(pure:m ~)
%+ roll responses
|= $: rpc=response:rpc
[res=results err=(list [id=@t code=@t message=@t])]
?: ?=(%error -.rpc)
[res [+.rpc err]]
?. ?=(%result -.rpc)
[res [['' 'ethio-rpc-fail' (crip <rpc>)] err]]
[[+.rpc res] err]
:: +request-batch-rpc-loose: send rpc requests, with retry
:: sends a batch request. produces results for all requests in the batch,
:: including the ones that are unsuccessful.
++ request-batch-rpc-loose
|= [url=@ta reqs=(list [id=(unit @t) req=request:rpc:ethereum])]
|^ %+ (retry:strandio results)
+$ result response:rpc
+$ results (list response:rpc)
++ attempt-request
=/ m (strand:strandio ,(unit results))
^- form:m
=/ =request:http
:* method=%'POST'
header-list=['Content-Type'^'application/json' ~]
^= body
%- some %- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-json:html
a+(turn reqs request-to-json:rpc:ethereum)
;< ~ bind:m
(send-request:strandio request)
;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m
?~ rep
(pure:m ~)
(parse-responses u.rep)
++ parse-responses
|= =client-response:iris
=/ m (strand:strandio ,(unit results))
^- form:m
?> ?=(%finished -.client-response)
?~ full-file.client-response
(pure:m ~)
=/ body=@t q.data.u.full-file.client-response
=/ jon=(unit json) (de-json:html body)
?~ jon
(pure:m ~)
=/ array=(unit (list response:rpc))
((ar:dejs-soft:format parse-one-response) u.jon)
?~ array
(strand-fail:strandio %rpc-result-incomplete-batch >u.jon< ~)
(pure:m array)
++ parse-one-response
|= =json
^- (unit response:rpc)
=/ res=(unit [@t ^json])
%. json
=, dejs-soft:format
(ot id+so result+some ~)
?^ res `[%result u.res]
~| parse-one-response=json
:+ ~ %error %- need
%. json
=, dejs-soft:format
(ot id+so error+(ot code+no message+so ~) ~)
:: +read-contract: calls a read function on a contract, produces result hex
++ read-contract
|= [url=@t req=proto-read-request:rpc:ethereum]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,@t)
;< res=(list [id=@t res=@t]) bind:m
(batch-read-contract-strict url [req]~)
?: ?=([* ~] res)
(pure:m res.i.res)
%+ strand-fail:strandio
[>(lent res)< ~]
:: +batch-read-contract-strict: calls read functions on contracts
:: sends a batch request. produces results for all requests in the batch,
:: but only if all of them are successful.
++ batch-read-contract-strict
|= [url=@t reqs=(list proto-read-request:rpc:ethereum)]
|^ =/ m (strand:strandio ,results)
^- form:m
;< res=(list [id=@t =json]) bind:m
%+ request-batch-rpc-strict url
(turn reqs proto-to-rpc)
=+ ^- [=results =failures]
(roll res response-to-result)
?~ failures (pure:m results)
(strand-fail:strandio %batch-read-failed-for >failures< ~)
+$ results (list [id=@t res=@t])
+$ failures (list [id=@t =json])
++ proto-to-rpc
|= proto-read-request:rpc:ethereum
^- [(unit @t) request:rpc:ethereum]
:- id
:+ %eth-call
^- call:rpc:ethereum
[~ to ~ ~ ~ `tape`(encode-call:rpc:ethereum function arguments)]
[%label %latest]
++ response-to-result
|= [[id=@t =json] =results =failures]
^+ [results failures]
?: ?=(%s -.json)
[[id^p.json results] failures]
[results [id^json failures]]
++ get-latest-block
|= url=@ta
=/ m (strand:strandio ,block)
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
(request-rpc url `'block number' %eth-block-number ~)
(get-block-by-number url (parse-eth-block-number:rpc:ethereum json))
++ get-block-by-number
|= [url=@ta =number:block]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,block)
^- form:m
%+ (retry:strandio ,block) `10
=/ m (strand:strandio ,(unit block))
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
%+ request-rpc url
:- `'block by number'
[%eth-get-block-by-number number |]
(pure:m (parse-block json))
++ parse-block
|= =json
^- (unit block)
=< ?~(. ~ `[[&1 &2] |2]:u)
^- (unit [@ @ @])
~| json
%. json
=, dejs-soft:format
%- ot
:~ hash+parse-hex
++ parse-hex |=(=json `(unit @)`(some (parse-hex-result:rpc:ethereum json)))
++ get-logs-by-hash
|= [url=@ta =hash:block contracts=(list address) =topics]
=/ m (strand:strandio (list event-log:rpc:ethereum))
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
%+ request-rpc url
:* `'logs by hash'
%- pure:m
(parse-event-logs:rpc:ethereum json)
++ get-logs-by-range
|= $: url=@ta
contracts=(list address)
=/ m (strand:strandio (list event-log:rpc:ethereum))
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
%+ request-rpc url
:* `'logs by range'
%- pure:m
(parse-event-logs:rpc:ethereum json)
++ get-next-nonce
|= [url=@ta =address]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,@ud)
^- form:m
;< =json bind:m
%^ request-rpc url `'nonce'
[%eth-get-transaction-count address [%label %latest]]
%- pure:m
(parse-eth-get-transaction-count:rpc:ethereum json)

pkg/arvo/lib/ethio.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
/- *language-server
++ parse-error
|= =tape
^- (unit [=path =range])
=/ parse-pair
%+ cook
|=([row=@ud col=@ud] [(dec row) col])
(ifix [sel ser] ;~((glue ace) dem dem))
=/ parse-path
%+ cook
|=(p=path (slag 3 p))
(ifix [fas (jest '::')] (more fas urs:ab))
=/ parse-full
;~(plug parse-path ;~(sfix ;~((glue dot) parse-pair parse-pair) gar))
(rust tape parse-full)
++ get-errors-from-tang
|= [uri=@t =tang]
^- (list range)
=/ =path
(uri-to-path uri)
%+ murn tang
|= =tank
^- (unit range)
?. ?=([%leaf *] tank)
=/ error
(parse-error p.tank)
?~ error
?: =(path path.u.error)
++ uri-to-path
|= uri=@t
^- path
=/ pier-root=(set cord)
%- sy
['app' 'gen' 'lib' 'mar' 'ren' 'sur' 'sys' 'test' ~]
=/ path=(list cord)
(parse-uri uri)
?< ?=(~ path)
?: (~(has in pier-root) i.path)
$(path t.path)
++ parse-uri
|= uri=@t
=- (fall - /fail)
%+ rush uri
%+ more
;~(pose (plus fas) dot)
%+ cook
(star ;~(pose col hep alf))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
/+ language-server-parser
:: Autocomplete for hoon.
=/ debug |
+* option [item]
[term=cord detail=item]
:: Like +rose except also produces line number
++ lily
|* [los=tape sab=rule]
=+ vex=(sab [[1 1] los])
?~ q.vex
[%| p=p.vex(q (dec q.p.vex))]
?. =(~ q.q.u.q.vex)
[%| p=p.vex(q (dec q.p.vex))]
[%& p=p.u.q.vex]
:: Get all the identifiers accessible if this type is your subject.
++ get-identifiers
|= ty=type
%- flop
|- ^- (list (option type))
?- ty
%noun ~
%void ~
[%atom *] ~
[%cell *]
%+ weld
$(ty p.ty)
$(ty q.ty)
[%core *]
%- weld
:_ ?. ?=(%gold r.p.q.ty)
$(ty p.ty)
^- (list (option type))
%- zing
%+ turn ~(tap by q.r.q.ty)
|= [term =tome]
%+ turn
~(tap by q.tome)
|= [name=term =hoon]
^- (pair term type)
~| term=term
[name ~(play ~(et ut ty) ~[name] ~)]
[%face *]
?^ p.ty
[p.ty q.ty]~
[%fork *]
%= $
=/ tines ~(tap in p.ty)
?~ tines
|- ^- type
?~ t.tines
(~(fuse ut $(tines t.tines)) i.tines)
[%hint *] $(ty q.ty)
[%hold *] $(ty ~(repo ut ty))
++ search-exact
|* [sid=term options=(list (option))]
=/ match
%+ skim options
|= [id=cord *]
=(sid id)
?~ match
[~ i.match]
:: Get all the identifiers that start with sid.
++ search-prefix
|* [sid=cord ids=(list (option))]
^+ ids
%+ skim ids
|= [id=cord *]
^- ?(%.y %.n)
=(sid (end [3 (met 3 sid)] id))
:: Get the longest prefix of a list of identifiers.
++ longest-match
|= matches=(list (option))
^- cord
?~ matches
=/ n 1
=/ last (met 3 term.i.matches)
|- ^- term
?: (gth n last)
=/ prefix (end [3 n] term.i.matches)
?: |- ^- ?
?| ?=(~ t.matches)
?& =(prefix (end [3 n] term.i.t.matches))
$(t.matches t.t.matches)
== ==
$(n +(n))
(end [3 (dec n)] term.i.matches)
:: Run +find-type safely, printing the first line of the stack trace on
:: error.
++ find-type-mule
|= [sut=type gen=hoon]
^- (unit [term type])
=/ res (mule |.((find-type sut gen)))
?- -.res
%& p.res
%| ((slog (flop (scag 10 p.res))) ~)
:: Get the subject type of the wing where you've put the "magic-spoon".
++ find-type
|= [sut=type gen=hoon]
=* loop $
^- (unit [term type])
?- gen
[%cnts [%magic-spoon ~] *] `['' sut]
[%cnts [%magic-spoon @ ~] *] `[i.t.p.gen sut]
[%cnts [%magic-spoon @ *] *]
%= $
sut (~(play ut sut) wing+t.t.p.gen)
t.p.gen t.p.gen(t ~)
[%cnts [%magic-fork @ ~] *]
`['' (~(play ut sut) wing+t.p.gen)]
[^ *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%brcn *] (grow q.gen)
[%brpt *] (grow q.gen)
[%cnts *]
|- ^- (unit [term type])
=* inner-loop $
?~ q.gen
%+ replace
loop(gen q.i.q.gen)
|. inner-loop(q.gen t.q.gen)
[%dtkt *] (spec-and-hoon p.gen q.gen)
[%dtls *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%rock *] ~
[%sand *] ~
[%tune *] ~
[%dttr *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%dtts *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%dtwt *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%hand *] ~
[%ktbr *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%ktls *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%ktpm *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%ktsg *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%ktwt *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%note *] loop(gen q.gen)
[%sgzp *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%sggr *] loop(gen q.gen) :: should check for hoon in p.gen
[%tsgr *] (change p.gen q.gen)
[%tscm *]
%+ replace
loop(gen p.gen)
|.(loop(gen q.gen, sut (~(busk ut sut) p.gen)))
[%wtcl *] (bell p.gen q.gen r.gen)
[%fits *] (both p.gen wing+q.gen)
[%wthx *] loop(gen wing+q.gen)
[%dbug *] loop(gen q.gen)
[%zpcm *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%lost *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%zpmc *] (both p.gen q.gen)
[%zpts *] loop(gen p.gen)
[%zppt *] (both q.gen r.gen)
[%zpgl *] (spec-and-hoon p.gen q.gen)
[%zpzp *] ~
=+ doz=~(open ap gen)
?: =(doz gen)
~_ (show [%c 'hoon'] [%q gen])
~> %mean.'play-open'
loop(gen doz)
++ replace
|= [a=(unit [term type]) b=(trap (unit [term type]))]
^- (unit [term type])
?~(a $:b a)
++ both
|= [a=hoon b=hoon]
(replace loop(gen a) |.(loop(gen b)))
++ bell
|= [a=hoon b=hoon c=hoon]
%+ replace loop(gen a)
|. %+ replace loop(gen b, sut (~(gain ut sut) a))
|. loop(gen c, sut (~(lose ut sut) a))
++ spec-and-hoon
|= [a=spec b=hoon]
(replace (find-type-in-spec sut a) |.(loop(gen b)))
++ change
|= [a=hoon b=hoon]
(replace loop(gen a) |.(loop(gen b, sut (~(play ut sut) a))))
++ grow
|= m=(map term tome)
=/ tomes ~(tap by m)
|- ^- (unit [term type])
=* outer-loop $
?~ tomes
=/ arms ~(tap by q.q.i.tomes)
|- ^- (unit [term type])
=* inner-loop $
?~ arms
outer-loop(tomes t.tomes)
%+ replace
loop(gen q.i.arms, sut (~(play ut sut) gen))
|. inner-loop(arms t.arms)
:: Not implemented yet. I wonder whether we should modify types found
:: in spec mode such that if it's a mold that produces a type, it
:: should just display the type and not that it's technically a
:: function.
++ find-type-in-spec
|= [sut=type pec=spec]
^- (unit [term type])
++ get-id-sym
|= [pos=@ud =tape]
%^ get-id pos tape
^- $-(nail (like (unit @t)))
;~(sfix (punt sym) (star ;~(pose prn (just `@`10))))
++ get-id-cord
|= [pos=@ud =tape]
%^ get-id pos tape
^- $-(nail (like (unit @t)))
;~(sfix (punt (cook crip (star prn))) (star ;~(pose prn (just `@`10))))
++ get-id
|= [pos=@ud txt=tape seek=$-(nail (like (unit @t)))]
^- [forward=(unit @t) backward=(unit @t) id=(unit @t)]
=/ forward=(unit @t)
(scan (slag pos txt) seek)
=/ backward=(unit @t)
%- (lift |=(t=@t (swp 3 t)))
(scan (flop (scag pos txt)) seek)
=/ id=(unit @t)
?~ forward
?~ backward
?~ backward
`(cat 3 u.backward u.forward)
[forward backward id]
:: Insert magic marker in hoon source at the given position.
++ insert-magic
|= [pos=@ud txt=tape]
^- [back-pos=@ud fore-pos=@ud txt=tape]
:: Find beg-pos by searching backward to where the current term
:: begins
=+ (get-id-sym pos txt)
=/ back-pos
?~ backward
(sub pos (met 3 u.backward))
=/ fore-pos
?~ forward
(add pos (met 3 u.forward))
:+ back-pos fore-pos
:: Insert "magic-spoon" marker so +find-type can identify where to
:: stop.
;: weld
(scag back-pos txt)
?: &(?=(~ id) ?=([%'.' *] (slag pos txt)))
?~ id
(slag back-pos txt)
:: Produce the longest possible advance without choosing between
:: matches.
:: Takes a +hoon which has already has a magic-spoon marker. Useful if
:: you want to handle your own parsing.
++ advance-hoon
|= [sut=type gen=hoon]
%+ bind (find-type-mule sut gen)
|= [id=term typ=type]
=/ matches=(list (option type))
(search-prefix id (get-identifiers typ))
(longest-match matches)
:: Same as +advance-hoon, but takes a position and text directly.
++ advance-tape
|= [sut=type pos=@ud code=tape]
(advance-hoon sut (scan txt:(insert-magic pos code) vest))
:: Produce a list of matches.
:: Takes a +hoon which has already has a magic-spoon marker. Useful if
:: you want to handle your own parsing.
++ tab-list-hoon
|= [sut=type gen=hoon]
^- (unit (list (option type)))
%+ bind (find-type-mule sut gen)
|= [id=term typ=type]
(search-prefix id (get-identifiers typ))
:: Same as +advance-hoon, but takes a position and text directly.
++ tab-list-tape
|= [sut=type pos=@ud code=tape]
^- (each (unit (list (option type))) [row=@ col=@])
~? > debug %start-magick
=/ magicked txt:(insert-magic pos code)
~? > debug %start-parsing
=/ res (lily magicked (language-server-parser *path))
?: ?=(%| -.res)
~? > debug [%parsing-error p.res]
[%| p.res]
:- %&
~? > debug %parsed-good
((cury tab-list-hoon sut) hoon:`pile:clay`p.res)
:: Generators
++ tab-generators
|= [pfix=path app=(unit term) gens=(list term)]
^- (list (option tank))
%+ turn gens
|= gen=term
^- (option tank)
=/ pax=path
(weld pfix ~[gen %hoon])
=/ file
.^(@t %cx pax)
:_ (render-help file)
?~ app
(cat 3 '+' gen)
?: =(%hood u.app)
(cat 3 '|' gen)
:((cury cat 3) ':' u.app '|' gen)
:: Stolen from +help
++ render-help
|= a=@t
^- tank
:- %leaf
=/ c (to-wain:format a)
?~ c "~"
?. =(':: ' (end [3 4] i.c))
(trip i.c)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
:: Fast type printing that's easy on the eyes or your money back
=> |%
+$ cape [p=(map @ud wine) q=wine]
+$ wine
$@ $? %noun
$% [%mato p=term]
[%gate p=hoon q=type r=wine]
[%core p=(list @ta) q=wine]
[%face p=term q=wine]
[%list p=term q=wine]
[%pear p=term q=@]
[%bcwt p=(list wine)]
[%plot p=(list wine)]
[%stop p=@ud]
[%tree p=term q=wine]
[%unit p=term q=wine]
|_ sut=type
++ dash
|= [mil=tape lim=char lam=tape]
^- tape
=/ esc (~(gas in *(set @tD)) lam)
:- lim
|- ^- tape
?~ mil [lim ~]
?: ?| =(lim i.mil)
=('\\' i.mil)
(~(has in esc) i.mil)
['\\' i.mil $(mil t.mil)]
?: (lte ' ' i.mil)
[i.mil $(mil t.mil)]
['\\' ~(x ne (rsh 2 i.mil)) ~(x ne (end 2 i.mil)) $(mil t.mil)]
++ deal |=(lum=* (dish dole lum))
++ dial
|= ham=cape
=+ gid=*(set @ud)
=| top-level=? :: don't need circumfix punctuation
=< `tank`-:$
++ many
|= haz=(list wine)
^- [(list tank) (set @ud)]
?~ haz [~ gid]
=^ mor gid $(haz t.haz)
=^ dis gid ^$(q.ham i.haz)
[[dis mor] gid]
++ $
^- [tank (set @ud)]
?- q.ham
%noun :_(gid [%leaf '*' ~])
%path :_(gid [%leaf '/' ~])
%type :_(gid [%leaf '#' 't' ~])
%void :_(gid [%leaf '#' '!' ~])
%wool :_(gid [%leaf '*' '"' '"' ~])
%wall :_(gid [%leaf '*' '\'' '\'' ~])
%yarn :_(gid [%leaf '"' '"' ~])
[%mato *] :_(gid [%leaf '@' (trip p.q.ham)])
[%gate *]
=^ sam gid
?. ?=([%plot * * *] r.q.ham)
?: ?=(%plot -.r.q.ham)
%- (slog -:$(q.ham r.q.ham) ~)
[`u=- +]:$(q.ham i.p.r.q.ham, top-level |)
:_ gid
:+ %rose
:- ?> ?=(%core -.q.q.ham)
?: ?=(%dry q.p.q.q.q.ham)
" -> "
" ~> "
?: top-level
["" ""]
["(" ")"]
:+ ?~(sam leaf+"_" u.sam)
=/ res (mule |.((~(play ut q.q.ham) p.q.ham)))
?- -.res
%& duck(sut p.res)
%| leaf+"###"
[%core *]
=^ sam gid
?. ?=([%plot * * ~] q.q.ham)
[`u=- +]:$(q.ham i.p.q.q.ham)
:_ gid
?~ sam
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' ~] ['>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ p.q.ham ~
[[%leaf (rip 3 i.p.q.ham)] $(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham)]
:+ %rose
[" -> " "" ""]
:+ u.sam
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' ~] ['>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ p.q.ham ~
[[%leaf (rip 3 i.p.q.ham)] $(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham)]
[%face *]
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%palm [['=' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf (trip p.q.ham)] cox ~])
[%list *]
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
[%bcwt *]
=^ coz gid (many p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [[' ' ~] ['?' '(' ~] [')' ~]] coz])
[%plot *]
=^ coz gid (many p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]] coz])
[%pear *]
:_(gid [%leaf '$' ~(rend co [%$ p.q.ham q.q.ham])])
[%stop *]
=+ num=~(rend co [%$ %ud p.q.ham])
?: (~(has in gid) p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%leaf '#' num])
=^ cox gid
%= $
gid (~(put in gid) p.q.ham)
q.ham (~(got by p.ham) p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%palm [['.' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf ['^' '#' num]] cox ~])
[%tree *]
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
[%unit *]
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
++ dish !:
|= [ham=cape lum=*] ^- tank
~| [%dish-h ?@(q.ham q.ham -.q.ham)]
~| [%lump lum]
~| [%ham ham]
%- need
=| gil=(set [@ud *])
|- ^- (unit tank)
?- q.ham
%= $
?: ?=(@ lum)
[%mato %$]
:- %plot
|- ^- (list wine)
[%noun ?:(?=(@ +.lum) [[%mato %$] ~] $(lum +.lum))]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[['/' ~] ['/' ~] ~]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
?> ?=(@ -.lum)
[[%leaf (rip 3 -.lum)] $(lum +.lum)]
=+ tyr=|.((dial dole))
=+ vol=tyr(sut lum)
=+ cis=;;(tank .*(vol [%9 2 %0 1]))
:^ ~ %palm
[~ ~ ~ ~]
[[%leaf '#' 't' '/' ~] cis ~]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' '|' ~] ['|' '>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
[[%leaf (trip ;;(@ -.lum))] $(lum +.lum)]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' '<' ~] ['>' '>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
[(need ^$(q.ham %yarn, lum -.lum)) $(lum +.lum)]
[~ %leaf (dash (tape lum) '"' "\{")]
[%mato *]
?. ?=(@ lum)
:+ ~
?+ (rash p.q.ham ;~(sfix (cook crip (star low)) (star hig)))
~(rend co [%$ p.q.ham lum])
%$ ~(rend co [%$ %ud lum])
%t (dash (rip 3 lum) '\'' ~)
%tas ['%' ?.(=(0 lum) (rip 3 lum) ['$' ~])]
[%gate *]
[%core *]
:: XX needs rethinking for core metal
:: ?. ?=(^ lum) ~
:: => .(lum `*`lum)
:: =- ?~(tok ~ [~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['<' ~] ['>' ~]] u.tok])
:: ^= tok
:: |- ^- (unit (list tank))
:: ?~ p.q.ham
:: =+ den=^$(q.ham q.q.ham)
:: ?~(den ~ [~ u.den ~])
:: =+ mur=$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham, lum +.lum)
:: ?~(mur ~ [~ [[%leaf (rip 3 i.p.q.ham)] u.mur]])
[~ (dial ham)]
[%face *]
=+ wal=$(q.ham q.q.ham)
?~ wal
[~ %palm [['=' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf (trip p.q.ham)] u.wal ~]
[%list *]
?: =(~ lum)
[~ %leaf '~' ~]
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['~' '[' ~] [']' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?: ?=(@ lum)
?.(=(~ lum) ~ [~ ~])
=+ [for=^$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum -.lum) aft=$(lum +.lum)]
?. &(?=(^ for) ?=(^ aft))
[~ u.for u.aft]
[%bcwt *]
|- ^- (unit tank)
?~ p.q.ham
=+ wal=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham)
?~ wal
$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham)
[%plot *]
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?~ p.q.ham
?: ?=([* ~] p.q.ham)
=+ wal=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham)
?~(wal ~ [~ [u.wal ~]])
?@ lum
=+ gim=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham, lum -.lum)
?~ gim
=+ myd=$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham, lum +.lum)
?~ myd
[~ u.gim u.myd]
[%pear *]
?. =(lum q.q.ham)
=. p.q.ham
(rash p.q.ham ;~(sfix (cook crip (star low)) (star hig)))
=+ fox=$(q.ham [%mato p.q.ham])
?> ?=([~ %leaf ^] fox)
?: ?=(?(%n %tas) p.q.ham)
[~ %leaf '%' p.u.fox]
[%stop *]
?: (~(has in gil) [p.q.ham lum]) ~
=+ kep=(~(get by p.ham) p.q.ham)
?~ kep
~|([%stop-loss p.q.ham] !!)
$(gil (~(put in gil) [p.q.ham lum]), q.ham u.kep)
[%tree *]
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['{' ~] ['}' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
=+ tuk=*(list tank)
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?: =(~ lum)
[~ tuk]
?. ?=([n=* l=* r=*] lum)
=+ rol=$(lum r.lum)
?~ rol
=+ tim=^$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum n.lum)
?~ tim
$(lum l.lum, tuk [u.tim u.rol])
[%unit *]
?@ lum
?.(=(~ lum) ~ [~ %leaf '~' ~])
?. =(~ -.lum)
=+ wal=$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum +.lum)
?~ wal
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]] [%leaf '~' ~] u.wal ~]
++ doge
|= ham=cape
=- ?+ woz woz
[%list * [%mato %'ta']] %path
[%list * [%mato %'t']] %wall
[%list * [%mato %'tD']] %yarn
[%list * %yarn] %wool
^= woz
^- wine
?. ?=([%stop *] q.ham)
?: ?& ?= [%bcwt [%pear %n %0] [%plot [%pear %n %0] [%face *] ~] ~]
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.i.t.p.q.ham))
[%unit =<([p q] i.t.p.i.t.p.q.ham)]
=+ may=(~(get by p.ham) p.q.ham)
?~ may
=+ nul=[%pear %n 0]
?. ?& ?=([%bcwt *] u.may)
?=([* * ~] p.u.may)
|(=(nul i.p.u.may) =(nul i.t.p.u.may))
=+ din=?:(=(nul i.p.u.may) i.t.p.u.may i.p.u.may)
?: ?& ?=([%plot [%face *] [%face * %stop *] ~] din)
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.p.din)
=(1 (met 3 p.i.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.din))
:+ %list
(cat 3 p.i.p.din p.i.t.p.din)
?: ?& ?= $: %plot
[%face *]
[%face * %stop *]
[[%face * %stop *] ~]
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.p.din)
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.t.p.din)
=(1 (met 3 p.i.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.t.p.din))
:+ %tree
%^ cat
(cat 3 p.i.t.p.din p.i.t.t.p.din)
++ dole
^- cape
=+ gil=*(set type)
=+ dex=[p=*(map type @) q=*(map @ wine)]
=< [q.p q]
|- ^- [p=[p=(map type @) q=(map @ wine)] q=wine]
=- [p.tez (doge q.p.tez q.tez)]
^= tez
^- [p=[p=(map type @) q=(map @ wine)] q=wine]
?: (~(meet ut sut) -:!>(*type))
[dex %type]
?- sut
%noun [dex sut]
%void [dex sut]
[%atom *] [dex ?~(q.sut [%mato p.sut] [%pear p.sut u.q.sut])]
[%cell *]
=+ hin=$(sut p.sut)
=+ yon=$(dex p.hin, sut q.sut)
:- p.yon
:- %plot
?:(?=([%plot *] q.yon) [q.hin p.q.yon] [q.hin q.yon ~])
[%core *]
?: ?=([[%$ * [[%$ @ *] ~ ~]] ~ ~] q.r.q.sut)
=/ dad $(sut p.sut)
:- p.dad
~! q.r.q.sut
[%gate q.n.q.q.n.q.r.q.sut sut(r.p.q %gold) q.dad]
=+ yad=$(sut p.sut)
:- p.yad
=+ ^= doy ^- [p=(list @ta) q=wine]
?: ?=([%core *] q.yad)
[p.q.yad q.q.yad]
[~ q.yad]
:- %core
:_ q.doy
:_ p.doy
%^ cat 3
%~ rent co
:+ %$ %ud
%- ~(rep by (~(run by q.r.q.sut) |=(tome ~(wyt by q.+<))))
|=([[@ a=@u] b=@u] (add a b))
%^ cat 3
?-(r.p.q.sut %gold '.', %iron '|', %lead '?', %zinc '&')
=+ gum=(mug q.r.q.sut)
%+ can 3
:~ [1 (add 'a' (mod gum 26))]
[1 (add 'a' (mod (div gum 26) 26))]
[1 (add 'a' (mod (div gum 676) 26))]
[%hint *]
$(sut q.sut)
[%face *]
=+ yad=$(sut q.sut)
?^(p.sut yad [p.yad [%face p.sut q.yad]])
[%fork *]
=+ yed=(sort ~(tap in p.sut) aor)
=- [p [%bcwt q]]
|- ^- [p=[p=(map type @) q=(map @ wine)] q=(list wine)]
?~ yed
[dex ~]
=+ mor=$(yed t.yed)
=+ dis=^$(dex p.mor, sut i.yed)
[p.dis q.dis q.mor]
[%hold *]
=+ hey=(~(get by p.dex) sut)
?^ hey
[dex [%stop u.hey]]
?: (~(has in gil) sut)
=+ dyr=+(~(wyt by p.dex))
[[(~(put by p.dex) sut dyr) q.dex] [%stop dyr]]
=+ rom=$(gil (~(put in gil) sut), sut ~(repo ut sut))
=+ rey=(~(get by p.p.rom) sut)
?~ rey
[[p.p.rom (~(put by q.p.rom) u.rey q.rom)] [%stop u.rey]]
++ duck (dial dole)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
/- lsp=language-server
++ util
++ get-json-string
|= [jon=(map @t json) key=@t]
^- (unit cord)
=/ cord-jon=(unit json)
(~(get by jon) key)
?~ cord-jon
?> ?=([%s *] u.cord-jon)
++ dejs
=, dejs:format
++ request
|= jon=json
?> ?=([%o *] jon)
=/ method=cord
%- method
(trip (need (get-json-string:util p.jon 'method')))
=/ id=cord
(need (get-json-string:util p.jon 'id'))
=/ params=json
(~(got by p.jon) 'params')
^- all:request:lsp
?+ method [%unknown jon]
%text-document--hover (text-document--hover params id)
%text-document--completion (text-document--completion params id)
++ text-document--hover
|= [params=json id=cord]
^- text-document--hover:request:lsp
:+ %text-document--hover
%. params
%: ot
++ text-document--completion
|= [params=json id=cord]
:+ %text-document--completion id
%. params
%: ot
++ notification
|= jon=json
?> ?=([%o *] jon)
=/ method=cord
%- method
(trip (need (get-json-string:util p.jon 'method')))
=/ params=json
(~(got by p.jon) 'params')
^- all:notification:lsp
?+ method [%unknown jon]
(text-document--did-change params)
(text-document--did-open params)
(text-document--did-save params)
(text-document--did-close params)
++ text-document--did-save
|= jon=json
^- text-document--did-save:notification:lsp
?> ?=([%o *] jon)
=/ doc-id
(~(got by p.jon) 'textDocument')
:- %text-document--did-save
(text-document-id doc-id)
++ text-document--did-close
|= jon=json
^- text-document--did-close:notification:lsp
?> ?=([%o *] jon)
=/ doc-id
(~(got by p.jon) 'textDocument')
:- %text-document--did-close
(text-document-id doc-id)
++ text-document--did-change
|= jon=json
^- text-document--did-change:notification:lsp
:- %text-document--did-change
%. jon
%: ot
++ text-document--did-open
|= jon=json
^- text-document--did-open:notification:lsp
?> ?=([%o *] jon)
:- %text-document--did-open
(text-document-item (~(got by p.jon) 'textDocument'))
:: Utilities
++ text-document-item
|= jon=json
^- text-document-item:lsp
%. jon
%: ot
version+(mu ni)
++ text-document-id
%: ou
uri+(un so)
version+(uf ~ (pe ~ ni))
++ text-document-changes
%- ar
%: ou
range+(uf ~ (pe ~ range))
'rangeLength'^(uf ~ (pe ~ ni))
text+(un so)
++ method
|= =tape
^- cord
%- crip %- zing
%+ join "--"
^- (list ^tape)
%+ turn
^- (list (list ^tape))
%+ scan
%+ more
;~ plug
(star low)
(star ;~(plug (cook |=(a=@ (add a 32)) hig) (star low)))
|= words=(list ^tape)
^- ^tape
(zing (join "-" words))
++ range
%: ot
++ position
%: ot
++ enjs
=, enjs:format
++ text-document--publish-diagnostics
|= pub=text-document--publish-diagnostics:notification:lsp
^- json
%: pairs
diagnostics+a+(turn diagnostics.pub diagnostic)
++ notification
|= notification=all:notification:lsp
^- json
=/ params=json
?+ -.notification !!
(text-document--publish-diagnostics notification)
~! -.notification
=/ method=cord (crip (unparse-method -.notification))
%: pairs
++ response
|= res=all:response:lsp
^- json
?- -.res
%text-document--hover (text-document--hover res)
%text-document--completion (text-document--completion res)
++ wrap-in-id
|= [id=cord res=json]
%: pairs
++ text-document--hover
|= hov=text-document--hover:response:lsp
%+ wrap-in-id id.hov
%+ frond 'contents'
?~ contents.hov
++ text-document--completion
|= com=text-document--completion:response:lsp
%+ wrap-in-id id.com
[%a (turn completion.com completion-item)]
++ unparse-method
|= =cord
^- ^tape
%+ rash cord
%+ cook |=(l=(list ^tape) (zing (join "/" l)))
%+ more (jest '--')
%+ cook
|= tapes=(list ^tape)
^- ^tape
?~ tapes ~
%- zing
:- i.tapes
%+ turn t.tapes
|= t=^tape
^- ^tape
?~ t ~
[`@tD`(sub i.t 32) t.t]
%+ more
;~(less (jest '--') hep)
(star alf)
++ completion-item
|= com=completion-item:lsp
^- json
%: pairs
kind+(numb kind.com)
'insertTextFormat'^(numb insert-text-format.com)
++ position
|= =position:lsp
^- json
%: pairs
line+(numb row.position)
character+(numb col.position)
++ range
|= =range:lsp
^- json
%: pairs
start+(position start.range)
end+(position end.range)
++ diagnostic
|= diag=diagnostic:lsp
^- json
%: pairs
range+(range range.diag)
severity+(numb severity.diag)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
:: lifted directly from ford, should probably be in zuse
=, clay
=< pile-rule
++ pile-rule
|= pax=path
%- full
%+ ifix
:_ gay
:: parse optional /? and ignore
;~(plug gay (punt ;~(plug fas wut gap dem gap)))
;~ plug
%+ cook (bake zing (list (list taut)))
%+ rune hep
(most ;~(plug com gaw) taut-rule)
%+ cook (bake zing (list (list taut)))
%+ rune lus
(most ;~(plug com gaw) taut-rule)
%+ rune tis
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix gap stap))
%+ rune sig
;~((glue gap) sym wyde:vast stap)
%+ rune cen
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix gap ;~(pfix cen sym)))
%+ rune buc
;~ (glue gap)
;~(pfix cen sym)
;~(pfix cen sym)
%+ rune tar
;~ (glue gap)
;~(pfix cen sym)
%+ stag %tssg
(most gap tall:(vang & pax))
++ pant
|* fel=^rule
;~(pose fel (easy ~))
++ mast
|* [bus=^rule fel=^rule]
;~(sfix (more bus fel) bus)
++ rune
|* [bus=^rule fel=^rule]
%- pant
%+ mast gap
;~(pfix fas bus gap fel)
++ taut-rule
%+ cook |=(taut +<)
;~ pose
(stag ~ ;~(pfix tar sym))
;~(plug (stag ~ sym) ;~(pfix tis sym))
(cook |=(a=term [`a a]) sym)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
/- lsp-sur=language-server
/+ auto=language-server-complete
++ snippet
|= [rune=tape text=tape]
^- json
=, enjs:format
%- pairs
:~ 'label'^(tape rune)
'insertTextFormat'^(numb 2)
'insertText'^(tape text)
++ runes
^- (list (option:auto tape))
:~ :- '|$'
:- '|_'
++ $\{2:arm}
:- '|:'
:- '|%'
++ $\{1:arm}
:- '|.'
:- '|^'
++ $\{2:arm}
:- '|-'
:- '|~'
:- '|*'
:- '|='
:- '|@'
++ $\{1:arm}
:- '|?'
:- ':_'
:- ':^'
:- ':-'
:- ':+'
:- ':~'
:- ':*'
:- '%_'
$\{2:wing} $\{3:new-value}
:- '%.'
:- '%-'
:- '%:'
:- '%*'
$\{1:target-wing} $\{2:from}
$\{3:wing} $\{4:new-value}
:- '%^'
:- '%+'
:- '%~'
:- '%='
$\{2:wing} $\{3:new-value}
:- '.^'
:- '.+'
:- '.*'
:- '.='
:- '.?'
:- '^|'
:- '^.'
:- '^+'
:- '^-'
:- '^&'
:- '^~'
:- '^='
:- '^?'
:- '^*'
:- '^:'
:- '~|'
:- '~_'
:- '~%'
:- '~/'
:- '~<'
:- '~>'
:- '~$'
:- '~+'
:- '~&'
:- '~='
:- '~?'
:- '~!'
:- ';='
:- ';:'
:- ';/'
:- ';<'
$\{1:type} bind:m $\{2:body1}
:- ';~'
:- ';;'
:- '=|'
:- '=:'
$\{1:wing} $\{2:value}
:- '=/'
:- '=;'
:- '=.'
:- '=?'
$\{1:wing} $\{2:condition}
:- '=<'
:- '=-'
:- '=>'
:- '=^'
$\{1:face} $\{2:wing}
:- '=+'
:- '=~'
:- '=*'
$\{1:alias} $\{2:value}
:- '=,'
:- '?|'
:- '?-'
$\{2:type} $\{3:value}
:- '?:'
:- '?.'
:- '?^'
:- '?<'
:- '?>'
:- '?+'
$\{1:case} $\{2:else}
$\{3:type} $\{4:value}
:- '?&'
:- '?@'
:- '?~'
:- '?#'
:- '?='
:- '?!'
:- '!,'
:- '!>'
:- '!;'
:- '!='
:- '!@'
:- '!?'
:- '!!'
|= rune=tape
^- (list completion-item:lsp-sur)
=? rune =(' ' (snag 0 rune))
(slag 1 rune)
~& rune
%+ turn (search-prefix:auto (crip rune) runes)
|= [name=cord snippet=tape]
^- completion-item:lsp-sur
[name 1 '' '' (crip snippet) 2]

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
=, eyre
+$ request-line
$: [ext=(unit @ta) site=(list @t)]
args=(list [key=@t value=@t])
:: +parse-request-line: take a cord and parse out a url
++ parse-request-line
|= url=@t
^- request-line
(fall (rush url ;~(plug apat:de-purl:html yque:de-purl:html)) [[~ ~] ~])
++ manx-to-octs
|= man=manx
^- octs
(as-octt:mimes:html (en-xml:html man))
++ json-to-octs
|= jon=json
^- octs
(as-octt:mimes:html (en-json:html jon))
++ app
:: +require-authorization:
:: redirect to the login page when unauthenticated
:: otherwise call handler on inbound request
++ require-authorization
|= $: =inbound-request:eyre
handler=$-(inbound-request:eyre simple-payload:http)
^- simple-payload:http
?: authenticated.inbound-request
~! this
~! +:*handler
(handler inbound-request)
=- [[307 ['location' -]~] ~]
%^ cat 3
:: +require-authorization-simple:
:: redirect to the login page when unauthenticated
:: otherwise pass through simple-paylod
++ require-authorization-simple
|= [=inbound-request:eyre =simple-payload:http]
^- simple-payload:http
?: authenticated.inbound-request
~! this
=- [[307 ['location' -]~] ~]
%^ cat 3
++ give-simple-payload
|= [eyre-id=@ta =simple-payload:http]
^- (list card:agent:gall)
=/ header-cage
[%http-response-header !>(response-header.simple-payload)]
=/ data-cage
[%http-response-data !>(data.simple-payload)]
:~ [%give %fact ~[/http-response/[eyre-id]] header-cage]
[%give %fact ~[/http-response/[eyre-id]] data-cage]
[%give %kick ~[/http-response/[eyre-id]] ~]
++ gen
++ max-1-da ['cache-control' 'max-age=86400']
++ max-1-wk ['cache-control' 'max-age=604800']
++ html-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `octs
[200 [['content-type' 'text/html'] ?:(cache [max-1-wk ~] ~)]]
++ css-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `octs
[200 [['content-type' 'text/css'] ?:(cache [max-1-wk ~] ~)]]
++ js-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `octs
[200 [['content-type' 'text/javascript'] ?:(cache [max-1-wk ~] ~)]]
++ png-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `octs
[200 [['content-type' 'image/png'] ?:(cache [max-1-wk ~] ~)]]
++ svg-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `octs
[200 [['content-type' 'image/svg+xml'] ?:(cache [max-1-wk ~] ~)]]
++ ico-response
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
[[200 [['content-type' 'image/x-icon'] max-1-wk ~]] `octs]
++ woff2-response
=| cache=?
|= =octs
^- simple-payload:http
[[200 [['content-type' 'font/woff2'] max-1-wk ~]] `octs]
++ json-response
=| cache=_|
|= =json
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `(json-to-octs json)
[200 [['content-type' 'application/json'] ?:(cache [max-1-da ~] ~)]]
++ manx-response
=| cache=_|
|= man=manx
^- simple-payload:http
:_ `(manx-to-octs man)
[200 [['content-type' 'text/html'] ?:(cache [max-1-da ~] ~)]]
++ not-found
^- simple-payload:http
[[404 ~] ~]
++ login-redirect
|= =request:http
^- simple-payload:http
=- [[307 ['location' -]~] ~]
%^ cat 3
++ redirect
|= redirect=cord
^- simple-payload:http
[[307 ['location' redirect]~] ~]

pkg/arvo/lib/server.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
:: shoe: console application library
:: /lib/sole: draw some characters
:: /lib/shoe: draw the rest of the fscking app
:: call +agent with a type, then call the resulting function with a core
:: of the shape described in +shoe.
:: you may produce classic gall cards and "shoe-effects", shorthands for
:: sending cli events to connected clients.
:: default implementations for the shoe-specific arms are in +default.
:: for a simple usage example, see /app/shoe.
/- *sole
/+ sole, auto=language-server-complete
+$ state-0
$: %0
soles=(map @ta sole-share)
:: $card: standard gall cards plus shoe effects
+$ card
$% card:agent:gall
[%shoe sole-ids=(list @ta) effect=shoe-effect] :: ~ sends to all soles
:: $shoe-effect: easier sole-effects
+$ shoe-effect
$% :: %sole: raw sole-effect
[%sole effect=sole-effect]
:: %table: sortable, filterable data, with suggested column char widths
[%table head=(list dime) wide=(list @ud) rows=(list (list dime))]
:: %row: line sections with suggested char widths
[%row wide=(list @ud) cols=(list dime)]
:: +shoe: gall agent core with extra arms
++ shoe
|* command-type=mold
$_ ^|
|_ bowl:gall
:: +command-parser: input parser for a specific session
:: if the head of the result is true, instantly run the command
++ command-parser
|~ sole-id=@ta
|~(nail *(like [? command-type]))
:: +tab-list: autocomplete options for the session (to match +command-parser)
++ tab-list
|~ sole-id=@ta
:: (list [@t tank])
*(list (option:auto tank))
:: +on-command: called when a valid command is run
++ on-command
|~ [sole-id=@ta command=command-type]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ can-connect
|~ sole-id=@ta
++ on-connect
|~ sole-id=@ta
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-disconnect
|~ sole-id=@ta
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
::NOTE standard gall agent arms below, though they may produce %shoe cards
++ on-init
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-save
++ on-load
|~ vase
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-poke
|~ [mark vase]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-watch
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-leave
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-peek
|~ path
*(unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign:agent:gall]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire sign-arvo]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
:: +default: bare-minimum implementations of shoe arms
++ default
|* [shoe=* command-type=mold]
|_ =bowl:gall
++ command-parser
|= sole-id=@ta
(easy *[? command-type])
++ tab-list
|= sole-id=@ta
++ on-command
|= [sole-id=@ta command=command-type]
[~ shoe]
++ can-connect
|= sole-id=@ta
(team:title [our src]:bowl)
++ on-connect
|= sole-id=@ta
[~ shoe]
++ on-disconnect
|= sole-id=@ta
[~ shoe]
:: +agent: creates wrapper core that handles sole events and calls shoe arms
++ agent
|* command-type=mold
|= =(shoe command-type)
=| state-0
=* state -
^- agent:gall
++ deal
|= cards=(list card)
%+ turn cards
|= =card
^- card:agent:gall
?. ?=(%shoe -.card) card
?- -.effect.card
=- [%give %fact - %sole-effect !>(effect.effect.card)]
%+ turn
?^ sole-ids.card sole-ids.card
~(tap in ~(key by soles))
|= sole-id=@ta
=; fez=(list sole-effect)
$(effect.card [%sole %mor fez])
=, +.effect.card
:- (row:draw & wide head)
%+ turn rows
(cury (cury row:draw |) wide)
$(effect.card [%sole (row:draw | +.effect.card)])
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
og ~(. shoe bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards shoe on-init:og
[(deal cards) this]
++ on-save !>([%shoe-app on-save:og state])
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
:: we could be upgrading from a shoe-less app, in which case the vase
:: contains inner application state instead of our +on-save.
:: to distinguish between the two, we check for the presence of our own
:: +on-save tag in the vase.
?. ?=([%shoe-app ^] q.old-state)
=^ cards shoe (on-load:og old-state)
[(deal cards) this]
=^ old-inner state +:!<([%shoe-app vase state-0] old-state)
=^ cards shoe (on-load:og old-inner)
[(deal cards) this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
?. ?=(%sole-action mark)
=^ cards shoe (on-poke:og mark vase)
[(deal cards) this]
=/ act !<(sole-action vase)
=* sole-id id.act
=/ cli-state=sole-share
(~(gut by soles) sole-id *sole-share)
|^ =^ [cards=(list card) =_cli-state] shoe
?- -.dat.act
%det (apply-edit +.dat.act)
%clr [[~ cli-state] shoe]
%ret try-command
%tab [(tab +.dat.act) shoe]
:- (deal cards)
this(soles (~(put by soles) sole-id cli-state))
++ effect
|= =sole-effect
^- card
[%shoe [sole-id]~ %sole sole-effect]
++ apply-edit
|= =sole-change
^+ [[*(list card) cli-state] shoe]
=^ inverse cli-state
(~(transceive sole cli-state) sole-change)
:: res: & for fully parsed, | for parsing failure at location
=/ res=(each (unit [run=? cmd=command-type]) @ud)
%+ rose (tufa buf.cli-state)
(command-parser:og sole-id)
?: ?=(%& -.res)
:: only auto-run eligible commands if they were typed out
:: (that is, not retrieved from command history)
?. &(?=(^ p.res) run.u.p.res !?=(%set -.ted.sole-change))
[[~ cli-state] shoe]
(run-command cmd.u.p.res)
:_ shoe
:: parsing failed
?. &(?=(%del -.inverse) =(+(p.inverse) (lent buf.cli-state)))
:: if edit was somewhere in the middle, let it happen anyway
[~ cli-state]
:: if edit was insertion at buffer tail, revert it
=^ undo cli-state
(~(transmit sole cli-state) inverse)
:_ cli-state
:_ ~
%+ effect %mor
:~ [%det undo] :: undo edit
[%err p.res] :: cursor to error location
++ try-command
^+ [[*(list card) cli-state] shoe]
=/ res=(unit [? cmd=command-type])
%+ rust (tufa buf.cli-state)
(command-parser:og sole-id)
?^ res (run-command cmd.u.res)
[[[(effect %bel ~)]~ cli-state] shoe]
++ run-command
|= cmd=command-type
^+ [[*(list card) cli-state] shoe]
=^ cards shoe (on-command:og sole-id cmd)
:: clear buffer
=^ clear cli-state (~(transmit sole cli-state) [%set ~])
=- [[[- cards] cli-state] shoe]
%+ effect %mor
:~ [%nex ~]
[%det clear]
++ tab
|= pos=@ud
^- (quip card _cli-state)
=+ (get-id-cord:auto pos (tufa buf.cli-state))
=/ needle=term
(fall id %$)
:: autocomplete empty command iff user at start of command
=/ options=(list (option:auto tank))
(search-prefix:auto needle (tab-list:og sole-id))
=/ advance=term
(longest-match:auto options)
=/ to-send=tape
%- trip
(rsh [3 (met 3 needle)] advance)
=/ send-pos=@ud
%+ add pos
(met 3 (fall forward ''))
=| cards=(list card)
:: only render the option list if we couldn't complete anything
=? cards &(?=(~ to-send) ?=(^ options))
[(effect %tab options) cards]
|- ^- (quip card _cli-state)
?~ to-send
[(flop cards) cli-state]
=^ char cli-state
(~(transmit sole cli-state) [%ins send-pos `@c`i.to-send])
%_ $
cards [(effect %det char) cards]
send-pos +(send-pos)
to-send t.to-send
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
?. ?=([%sole @ ~] path)
=^ cards shoe
(on-watch:og path)
[(deal cards) this]
=* sole-id i.t.path
?> (can-connect:og sole-id)
=. soles (~(put by soles) sole-id *sole-share)
=^ cards shoe
(on-connect:og sole-id)
:_ this
%- deal
:_ cards
[%shoe [sole-id]~ %sole %pro & dap.bowl "> "]
++ on-leave
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards shoe (on-leave:og path)
[(deal cards) this]
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. =(/x/dbug/state path) ~
``noun+(slop on-save:og !>(shoe=state))
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards shoe (on-agent:og wire sign)
[(deal cards) this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards shoe (on-arvo:og wire sign-arvo)
[(deal cards) this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards shoe (on-fail:og term tang)
[(deal cards) this]
++ draw
++ row
|= [bold=? wide=(list @ud) cols=(list dime)]
^- sole-effect
:- %mor
^- (list sole-effect)
=/ cows=(list [wid=@ud col=dime])
%- head
%^ spin cols wide
|= [col=dime wiz=(list @ud)]
~| [%too-few-wide col]
?> ?=(^ wiz)
[[i.wiz col] t.wiz]
=/ cobs=(list [wid=@ud (list tape)])
(turn cows col-as-lines)
=+ [lin=0 any=|]
=| fez=(list sole-effect)
|- ^+ fez
=; out=tape
:: done when we're past the end of all columns
?: (levy out (cury test ' '))
(flop fez)
=; fec=sole-effect
$(lin +(lin), fez [fec fez])
?. bold txt+out
klr+[[`%br ~ ~]^[(crip out)]~]~
%+ roll cobs
|= [[wid=@ud lines=(list tape)] out=tape]
%+ weld out
%+ weld ?~(out "" " ")
=+ l=(swag [lin 1] lines)
?^(l i.l (reap wid ' '))
++ col-as-lines
|= [wid=@ud col=dime]
^- [@ud (list tape)]
:- wid
%+ turn
(break wid (col-as-text col) (break-sets -.col))
(cury (cury pad wid) (alignment -.col))
++ col-as-text
|= col=dime
^- tape
?+ p.col (scow col)
%t (trip q.col)
%tas ['%' (scow col)]
++ alignment
|= wut=@ta
^- ?(%left %right)
?: ?=(?(%t %ta %tas %da) wut)
++ break-sets
|= wut=@ta
:: for: may break directly before these characters
:: aft: may break directly after these characters
:: new: always break on these characters, consuming them
^- [for=(set @t) aft=(set @t) new=(set @t)]
?+ wut [(sy " ") (sy ".:-/") (sy "\0a")]
?(%p %q) [(sy "-") (sy "-") ~]
%ux [(sy ".") ~ ~]
++ break
|= [wid=@ud cot=tape brs=_*break-sets]
^- (list tape)
~| [wid cot]
?: =("" cot) ~
=; [lin=tape rem=tape]
[lin $(cot rem)]
:: take snip of max width+1, search for breakpoint on that.
:: we grab one char extra, to look-ahead for for.brs.
:: later on, we always transfer _at least_ the extra char.
=^ lin=tape cot
[(scag +(wid) cot) (slag +(wid) cot)]
=+ len=(lent lin)
:: find the first newline character
=/ new=(unit @ud)
=+ new=~(tap in new.brs)
=| las=(unit @ud)
?~ new las
$(new t.new, las (hunt lth las (find [i.new]~ lin)))
:: if we found a newline, break on it
?^ new
:- (scag u.new lin)
(weld (slag +(u.new) lin) cot)
:: if it fits, we're done
?: (lte len wid)
[lin cot]
=+ nil=(flop lin)
:: search for latest aft match
=/ aft=(unit @ud)
:: exclude the look-ahead character from search
=. len (dec len)
=. nil (slag 1 nil)
=- ?~(- ~ `+(u.-))
^- (unit @ud)
=+ aft=~(tap in aft.brs)
=| las=(unit @ud)
?~ aft (bind las (cury sub (dec len)))
$(aft t.aft, las (hunt lth las (find [i.aft]~ nil)))
:: search for latest for match
=/ for=(unit @ud)
=+ for=~(tap in for.brs)
=| las=(unit @ud)
?~ for (bind las (cury sub (dec len)))
=- $(for t.for, las (hunt lth las -))
=+ (find [i.for]~ nil)
:: don't break before the first character
?:(=(`(dec len) -) ~ -)
:: if any result, break as late as possible
=+ brk=(hunt gth aft for)
?~ brk
:: lin can't break, produce it in its entirety
:: (after moving the look-ahead character back)
:- (scag wid lin)
(weld (slag wid lin) cot)
:- (scag u.brk lin)
=. cot (weld (slag u.brk lin) cot)
:: eat any leading whitespace the next line might have, "clean break"
|- ^+ cot
?~ cot ~
?. ?=(?(%' ' %'\09') i.cot)
$(cot t.cot)
++ pad
|= [wid=@ud lyn=?(%left %right) lin=tape]
^+ lin
=+ l=(lent lin)
?: (gte l wid) lin
=+ p=(reap (sub wid l) ' ')
?- lyn
%left (weld lin p)
%right (weld p lin)

pkg/arvo/lib/shoe.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
:: Similar to default-agent except crashes everywhere
^- agent:gall
|_ bowl:gall
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-save
^- vase
++ on-load
|~ old-state=vase
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-poke
|~ in-poke-data=cage
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-watch
|~ path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-leave
|~ path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-peek
|~ path
^- (unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)

pkg/arvo/lib/skeleton.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/sole/lib
/? 310
/- *sole
|_ sole-share :: shared-state engine
++ abet +<
++ apply
|= ted=sole-edit
^+ +>
?- -.ted
%del +>.$(buf (weld (scag p.ted buf) (slag +(p.ted) buf)))
%ins +>.$(buf (weld (scag p.ted buf) `_buf`[q.ted (slag p.ted buf)]))
%mor |- ^+ +>.^$
?~ p.ted
$(p.ted t.p.ted, +>.^$ ^$(ted i.p.ted))
%nop +>.$
%set +>.$(buf p.ted)
:: ++transmute: symmetric operational transformation.
:: for any sole state +>, obeys
:: =+ [x=(transmute a b) y=(transmute b a)]
:: .= (apply:(apply a) x)
:: (apply:(apply b) y)
++ transmute :: dex as after sin
|= [sin=sole-edit dex=sole-edit]
~| [%transmute sin dex]
^- sole-edit
?: ?=(%mor -.sin)
|- ^- sole-edit
?~ p.sin dex
$(p.sin t.p.sin, dex ^$(sin i.p.sin))
?: ?=(%mor -.dex)
:- %mor
|- ^- (list sole-edit)
?~ p.dex ~
[^$(dex i.p.dex) $(p.dex t.p.dex)]
?: |(?=(%nop -.sin) ?=(%nop -.dex)) dex
?: ?=(%set -.sin) [%nop ~]
?: ?=(%set -.dex) dex
?- -.sin
?- -.dex
%del ?: =(p.sin p.dex) [%nop ~]
?:((lth p.sin p.dex) dex(p (dec p.dex)) dex)
%ins ?:((lth p.sin p.dex) dex(p (dec p.dex)) dex)
?- -.dex
%del ?:((lte p.sin p.dex) dex(p +(p.dex)) dex)
%ins ?: =(p.sin p.dex)
?:((lth q.sin q.dex) dex dex(p +(p.dex)))
?:((lte p.sin p.dex) dex(p +(p.dex)) dex)
++ commit :: local change
|= ted=sole-edit
^- sole-share
abet:(apply(own.ven +(own.ven), leg [ted leg]) ted)
:: ++inverse: inverse of change in context.
:: for any sole state +>, obeys
:: =(+> (apply:(apply a) (inverse a)))
++ inverse :: relative inverse
|= ted=sole-edit
^- sole-edit
=. ted ?.(?=([%mor * ~] ted) ted i.p.ted)
?- -.ted
%del [%ins p.ted (snag p.ted buf)]
%ins [%del p.ted]
%mor :- %mor
%- flop
|- ^- (list sole-edit)
?~ p.ted ~
:- ^$(ted i.p.ted)
$(p.ted t.p.ted, +>.^$ (apply i.p.ted))
%nop [%nop ~]
%set [%set buf]
++ receive :: naturalize event
|= sole-change
^- [sole-edit sole-share]
?. &(=(his.ler his.ven) (lte own.ler own.ven))
~| [%receive-sync his+[his.ler his.ven] own+[own.ler own.ven]]
?> &(=(his.ler his.ven) (lte own.ler own.ven))
?> |(!=(own.ler own.ven) =(`@`0 haw) =(haw (sham buf)))
=. leg (scag (sub own.ven own.ler) leg)
:: ~? !=(own.ler own.ven) [%miss-leg leg]
=+ dat=(transmute [%mor leg] ted)
:: ~? !=(~ leg) [%transmute from+ted to+dat ~]
[dat abet:(apply(his.ven +(his.ven)) dat)]
++ remit :: conditional accept
|= [cal=sole-change ask=$-((list @c) ?)]
^- [(unit sole-change) sole-share]
=+ old=buf
=^ dat +>+<.$ (receive cal)
?: (ask buf)
[~ +>+<.$]
=^ lic +>+<.$ (transmit (inverse(buf old) dat))
[`lic +>+<.$]
++ transmit :: outgoing change
|= ted=sole-edit
^- [sole-change sole-share]
[[[his.ven own.ven] (sham buf) ted] (commit ted)]
++ transceive :: receive and invert
|= sole-change
^- [sole-edit sole-share]
=+ old=buf
=^ dat +>+<.$ (receive +<.$)
[(inverse(buf old) dat) +>+<.$]
++ transpose :: adjust position
|= pos=@ud
=+ dat=(transmute [%mor leg] [%ins pos `@c`0])
?> ?=(%ins -.dat)

pkg/arvo/lib/sole.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ input
$% [%poke =cage]
[%sign =wire =sign-arvo]
[%agent =wire =sign:agent:gall]
[%watch =path]
+$ strand-input [=bowl in=(unit input)]
+$ tid @tatid
+$ bowl
$: our=ship
mom=(unit tid)
:: cards: cards to send immediately. These will go out even if a
:: later stage of the computation fails, so they shouldn't have
:: any semantic effect on the rest of the system.
:: Alternately, they may record an entry in contracts with
:: enough information to undo the effect if the computation
:: fails.
:: wait: don't move on, stay here. The next sign should come back
:: to this same callback.
:: skip: didn't expect this input; drop it down to be handled
:: elsewhere
:: cont: continue computation with new callback.
:: fail: abort computation; don't send effects
:: done: finish computation; send effects
++ strand-output-raw
|* a=mold
$~ [~ %done *a]
$: cards=(list card)
$= next
$% [%wait ~]
[%skip ~]
[%cont self=(strand-form-raw a)]
[%fail err=(pair term tang)]
[%done value=a]
++ strand-form-raw
|* a=mold
$-(strand-input (strand-output-raw a))
:: Abort strand computation with error message
++ strand-fail
|= err=(pair term tang)
|= strand-input
[~ %fail err]
:: Asynchronous transcaction monad.
:: Combo of four monads:
:: - Reader on input
:: - Writer on card
:: - Continuation
:: - Exception
++ strand
|* a=mold
++ output (strand-output-raw a)
:: Type of an strand computation.
++ form (strand-form-raw a)
:: Monadic pure. Identity computation for bind.
++ pure
|= arg=a
^- form
|= strand-input
[~ %done arg]
:: Monadic bind. Combines two computations, associatively.
++ bind
|* b=mold
|= [m-b=(strand-form-raw b) fun=$-(b form)]
^- form
|= input=strand-input
=/ b-res=(strand-output-raw b)
(m-b input)
^- output
:- cards.b-res
?- -.next.b-res
%wait [%wait ~]
%skip [%skip ~]
%cont [%cont ..$(m-b self.next.b-res)]
%fail [%fail err.next.b-res]
%done [%cont (fun value.next.b-res)]
:: The strand monad must be evaluted in a particular way to maintain
:: its monadic character. +take:eval implements this.
++ eval
:: Indelible state of a strand
+$ eval-form
$: =form
:: Convert initial form to eval-form
++ from-form
|= =form
^- eval-form
:: The cases of results of +take
+$ eval-result
$% [%next ~]
[%fail err=(pair term tang)]
[%done value=a]
:: Take a new sign and run the strand against it
++ take
:: cards: accumulate throughout recursion the cards to be
:: produced now
=| cards=(list card)
|= [=eval-form =strand-input]
^- [[(list card) =eval-result] _eval-form]
=* take-loop $
:: run the strand callback
=/ =output (form.eval-form strand-input)
:: add cards to cards
=. cards
%+ welp
:: XX add tag to wires?
:: case-wise handle next steps
?- -.next.output
%wait [[cards %next ~] eval-form]
%skip [[cards %next ~] eval-form]
%fail [[cards %fail err.next.output] eval-form]
%done [[cards %done value.next.output] eval-form]
:: recurse to run continuation with initialization input
%_ take-loop
form.eval-form self.next.output
strand-input [bowl.strand-input ~]

pkg/arvo/lib/strand.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
/- spider
/+ libstrand=strand
=, strand=strand:libstrand
=, strand-fail=strand-fail:libstrand
++ send-raw-cards
|= cards=(list =card:agent:gall)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= strand-input:strand
[cards %done ~]
++ send-raw-card
|= =card:agent:gall
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-cards card ~)
++ ignore
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%fail %ignore ~]
++ get-bowl
=/ m (strand ,bowl:strand)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done bowl.tin]
++ get-beak
=/ m (strand ,beak)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done [our q.byk da+now]:bowl.tin]
++ get-time
=/ m (strand ,@da)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done now.bowl.tin]
++ get-our
=/ m (strand ,ship)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done our.bowl.tin]
++ get-entropy
=/ m (strand ,@uvJ)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done eny.bowl.tin]
:: Convert skips to %ignore failures.
:: This tells the main loop to try the next handler.
++ handle
|* a=mold
=/ m (strand ,a)
|= =form:m
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=/ res (form tin)
=? next.res ?=(%skip -.next.res)
[%fail %ignore ~]
:: Wait for a poke with a particular mark
++ take-poke
|= =mark
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %poke @ *]
?. =(mark p.cage.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
`[%done q.cage.u.in.tin]
++ take-sign-arvo
=/ m (strand ,[wire sign-arvo])
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign *]
`[%done [wire sign-arvo]:u.in.tin]
:: Wait for a subscription update on a wire
++ take-fact-prefix
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,[path cage])
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %fact *]
?. =(watch+wire (scag +((lent wire)) wire.u.in.tin))
`[%skip ~]
`[%done (slag (lent wire) wire.u.in.tin) cage.sign.u.in.tin]
:: Wait for a subscription update on a wire
++ take-fact
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,cage)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %fact *]
?. =(watch+wire wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
`[%done cage.sign.u.in.tin]
:: Wait for a subscription close
++ take-kick
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %kick *]
?. =(watch+wire wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
++ echo
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
%- (main-loop ,~)
:~ |= ~
^- form:m
;< =vase bind:m ((handle ,vase) (take-poke %echo))
=/ message=tape !<(tape vase)
%- (slog leaf+"{message}..." ~)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s2)
%- (slog leaf+"{message}.." ~)
(pure:m ~)
|= ~
^- form:m
;< =vase bind:m ((handle ,vase) (take-poke %over))
%- (slog leaf+"over..." ~)
(pure:m ~)
++ take-watch
=/ m (strand ,path)
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %watch *]
`[%done path.u.in.tin]
++ take-wake
|= until=(unit @da)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%wait @ ~] %behn %wake *]
?. |(?=(~ until) =(`u.until (slaw %da i.t.wire.u.in.tin)))
`[%skip ~]
?~ error.sign-arvo.u.in.tin
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %timer-error u.error.sign-arvo.u.in.tin]
++ take-poke-ack
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %poke-ack *]
?. =(wire wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
?~ p.sign.u.in.tin
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %poke-fail u.p.sign.u.in.tin]
++ take-watch-ack
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %watch-ack *]
?. =(watch+wire wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
?~ p.sign.u.in.tin
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %watch-ack-fail u.p.sign.u.in.tin]
++ poke
|= [=dock =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /poke %agent dock %poke cage]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
(take-poke-ack /poke)
++ raw-poke
|= [=dock =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /poke %agent dock %poke cage]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
`[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %poke-ack *]
?. =(/poke wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
++ raw-poke-our
|= [app=term =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
(raw-poke [our.bowl app] cage)
++ poke-our
|= [=term =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(poke [our term] cage)
++ watch
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass watch+wire %agent dock %watch path]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
(take-watch-ack wire)
++ watch-our
|= [=wire =term =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(watch wire [our term] path)
++ scry
|* [=mold =path]
=/ m (strand ,mold)
^- form:m
?> ?=(^ path)
?> ?=(^ t.path)
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
%- pure:m
.^(mold i.path (scot %p our.bowl) i.t.path (scot %da now.bowl) t.t.path)
++ leave
|= [=wire =dock]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass watch+wire %agent dock %leave ~]
(send-raw-card card)
++ leave-our
|= [=wire =term]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(leave wire [our term])
++ rewatch
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
;< ~ bind:m ((handle ,~) (take-kick wire))
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text "rewatching {<dock>} {<path>}")
;< ~ bind:m (watch wire dock path)
(pure:m ~)
++ wait
|= until=@da
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-wait until)
(take-wake `until)
++ sleep
|= for=@dr
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
(wait (add now for))
++ send-wait
|= until=@da
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /wait/(scot %da until) %arvo %b %wait until]
(send-raw-card card)
++ map-err
|* computation-result=mold
=/ m (strand ,computation-result)
|= [f=$-([term tang] [term tang]) computation=form:m]
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* loop $
=/ c-res (computation tin)
?: ?=(%cont -.next.c-res)
c-res(self.next ..loop(computation self.next.c-res))
?. ?=(%fail -.next.c-res)
c-res(err.next (f err.next.c-res))
++ set-timeout
|* computation-result=mold
=/ m (strand ,computation-result)
|= [time=@dr computation=form:m]
^- form:m
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
=/ when (add now time)
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /timeout/(scot %da when) %arvo %b %wait when]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* loop $
?: ?& ?=([~ %sign [%timeout @ ~] %behn %wake *] in.tin)
=((scot %da when) i.t.wire.u.in.tin)
`[%fail %timeout ~]
=/ c-res (computation tin)
?: ?=(%cont -.next.c-res)
c-res(self.next ..loop(computation self.next.c-res))
?: ?=(%done -.next.c-res)
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /timeout/(scot %da when) %arvo %b %rest when]
c-res(cards [card cards.c-res])
++ send-request
|= =request:http
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass /request %arvo %i %request request *outbound-config:iris)
++ send-cancel-request
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass /request %arvo %i %cancel-request ~)
++ take-client-response
=/ m (strand ,client-response:iris)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %finished *]
`[%done client-response.sign-arvo.u.in.tin]
:: Wait until we get an HTTP response or cancelation and unset contract
++ take-maybe-sigh
=/ m (strand ,(unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m
?~ rep
(pure:m ~)
:: XX s/b impossible
?. ?=(%finished -.u.rep)
(pure:m ~)
(pure:m (some (to-httr:iris +.u.rep)))
++ take-maybe-response
=/ m (strand ,(unit client-response:iris))
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %cancel *]
`[%done ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %finished *]
`[%done `client-response.sign-arvo.u.in.tin]
++ extract-body
|= =client-response:iris
=/ m (strand ,cord)
^- form:m
?> ?=(%finished -.client-response)
?> ?=(^ full-file.client-response)
(pure:m q.data.u.full-file.client-response)
++ fetch-cord
|= url=tape
=/ m (strand ,cord)
^- form:m
=/ =request:http [%'GET' (crip url) ~ ~]
;< ~ bind:m (send-request request)
;< =client-response:iris bind:m take-client-response
(extract-body client-response)
++ fetch-json
|= url=tape
=/ m (strand ,json)
^- form:m
;< =cord bind:m (fetch-cord url)
=/ json=(unit json) (de-json:html cord)
?~ json
(strand-fail %json-parse-error ~)
(pure:m u.json)
++ hiss-request
|= =hiss:eyre
=/ m (strand ,(unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-request (hiss-to-request:html hiss))
:: +build-file: build the source file at the specified $beam
++ build-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,(unit vase))
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %a case spur)
?~ riot
(pure:m ~)
?> =(%vase p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m (some !<(vase q.r.u.riot)))
:: +build-mark: build a mark definition to a $dais
++ build-mark
|= [[=ship =desk =case] mak=mark]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,dais:clay)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %b case /[mak])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-mark >arg< ~)
?> =(%dais p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m !<(dais:clay q.r.u.riot))
:: +build-tube: build a mark conversion gate ($tube)
++ build-tube
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =mars:clay]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,tube:clay)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %c case /[a.mars]/[b.mars])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-tube >arg< ~)
?> =(%tube p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m !<(tube:clay q.r.u.riot))
:: +build-nave: build a mark definition to a $nave
++ build-nave
|= [[=ship =desk =case] mak=mark]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %e case /[mak])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-nave >arg< ~)
?> =(%nave p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m q.r.u.riot)
:: +build-cast: build a mark conversion gate (static)
++ build-cast
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =mars:clay]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %f case /[a.mars]/[b.mars])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-cast >arg< ~)
?> =(%cast p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m q.r.u.riot)
:: Read from Clay
++ warp
|= [=ship =riff:clay]
=/ m (strand ,riot:clay)
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card %pass /warp %arvo %c %warp ship riff)
(take-writ /warp)
++ read-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case:clay] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,cage)
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %x case spur)
?~ riot
(strand-fail %read-file >arg< ~)
(pure:m r.u.riot)
++ check-for-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case:clay] =spur]
=/ m (strand ,?)
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %x case spur)
(pure:m ?=(^ riot))
++ list-tree
|= [[=ship =desk =case:clay] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,(list path))
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %t case spur)
?~ riot
(strand-fail %list-tree >arg< ~)
(pure:m !<((list path) q.r.u.riot))
:: Take Clay read result
++ take-writ
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,riot:clay)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign * ?(%behn %clay) %writ *]
?. =(wire wire.u.in.tin)
`[%skip ~]
`[%done +>.sign-arvo.u.in.tin]
:: +check-online: require that peer respond before timeout
++ check-online
|= [who=ship lag=@dr]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
%+ (map-err ,~) |=(* [%offline *tang])
%+ (set-timeout ,~) lag
;< ~ bind:m
(poke [who %hood] %helm-hi !>(~))
(pure:m ~)
:: Queue on skip, try next on fail %ignore
++ main-loop
|* a=mold
=/ m (strand ,~)
=/ m-a (strand ,a)
=| queue=(qeu (unit input:strand))
=| active=(unit [in=(unit input:strand) =form:m-a forms=(list $-(a form:m-a))])
=| state=a
|= forms=(lest $-(a form:m-a))
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* top `form:m`..$
=. queue (~(put to queue) in.tin)
|^ (continue bowl.tin)
++ continue
|= =bowl:strand
^- output:m
?> =(~ active)
?: =(~ queue)
`[%cont top]
=^ in=(unit input:strand) queue ~(get to queue)
^- output:m
=. active `[in (i.forms state) t.forms]
^- output:m
(run bowl in)
++ run
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
^- output:m
?> ?=(^ active)
=/ res (form.u.active tin)
=/ =output:m
?- -.next.res
%wait `[%wait ~]
%skip `[%cont ..$(queue (~(put to queue) in.tin))]
%cont `[%cont ..$(active `[in.u.active self.next.res forms.u.active])]
%done (continue(active ~, state value.next.res) bowl.tin)
?: &(?=(^ forms.u.active) ?=(%ignore p.err.next.res))
%= $
active `[in.u.active (i.forms.u.active state) t.forms.u.active]
in.tin in.u.active
`[%fail err.next.res]
[(weld cards.res cards.output) next.output]
++ retry
|* result=mold
|= [crash-after=(unit @ud) computation=_*form:(strand (unit result))]
=/ m (strand ,result)
=| try=@ud
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(crash-after `try)
(strand-fail %retry-too-many ~)
;< ~ bind:m (backoff try ~m1)
;< res=(unit result) bind:m computation
?^ res
(pure:m u.res)
loop(try +(try))
++ backoff
|= [try=@ud limit=@dr]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< eny=@uvJ bind:m get-entropy
%- sleep
%+ min limit
?: =(0 try) ~s0
%+ add
(mul ~s1 (bex (dec try)))
(mul ~s0..0001 (~(rad og eny) 1.000))
:: ----
:: Output
++ flog
|= =flog:dill
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass / %arvo %d %flog flog)
++ flog-text
|= =tape
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(flog %text tape)
++ flog-tang
|= =tang
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =wall
(zing (turn (flop tang) (cury wash [0 80])))
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ wall
(pure:m ~)
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text i.wall)
loop(wall t.wall)
++ trace
|= =tang
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(pure:m ((slog tang) ~))
++ app-message
|= [app=term =cord =tang]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ msg=tape :(weld (trip app) ": " (trip cord))
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text msg)
(flog-tang tang)
:: ----
:: Handle domains
++ install-domain
|= =turf
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass / %arvo %e %rule %turf %put turf)
:: ----
:: Threads
++ start-thread
|= file=term
=/ m (strand ,tid:spider)
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
(start-thread-with-args byk.bowl file *vase)
++ start-thread-with-args
|= [=beak file=term args=vase]
=/ m (strand ,tid:spider)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
=/ tid
(scot %ta (cat 3 (cat 3 'strand_' file) (scot %uv (sham file eny.bowl))))
=/ poke-vase !>([`tid.bowl `tid beak file args])
;< ~ bind:m (poke-our %spider %spider-start poke-vase)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s0) :: wait for thread to start
(pure:m tid)
+$ thread-result
(each vase [term tang])
++ await-thread
|= [file=term args=vase]
=/ m (strand ,thread-result)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
=/ tid (scot %ta (cat 3 'strand_' (scot %uv (sham file eny.bowl))))
=/ poke-vase !>([`tid.bowl `tid file args])
;< ~ bind:m (watch-our /awaiting/[tid] %spider /thread-result/[tid])
;< ~ bind:m (poke-our %spider %spider-start poke-vase)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s0) :: wait for thread to start
;< =cage bind:m (take-fact /awaiting/[tid])
;< ~ bind:m (take-kick /awaiting/[tid])
?+ p.cage ~|([%strange-thread-result p.cage file tid] !!)
%thread-done (pure:m %& q.cage)
%thread-fail (pure:m %| !<([term tang] q.cage))

pkg/arvo/lib/strandio.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

pkg/arvo/lib/treaty.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
:: Print what your agent is doing.
/- verb
|= [loud=? =agent:gall]
=| bowl-print=_|
^- agent:gall
|^ !.
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
ag ~(. agent bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-init"))
=^ cards agent on-init:ag
[[(emit-event %on-init ~) cards] this]
++ on-save
^- vase
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-save"))
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-load"))
=^ cards agent (on-load:ag old-state)
[[(emit-event %on-load ~) cards] this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-poke with mark {<mark>}"))
?: ?=(%verb mark)
?- !<(?(%loud %bowl) vase)
%loud `this(loud !loud)
%bowl `this(bowl-print !bowl-print)
=^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase)
[[(emit-event %on-poke mark) cards] this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-watch on path {<path>}"))
=^ cards agent
?: ?=([%verb %events ~] path)
[~ agent]
(on-watch:ag path)
[[(emit-event %on-watch path) cards] this]
++ on-leave
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-leave on path {<path>}"))
?: ?=([%verb %event ~] path)
[~ this]
=^ cards agent (on-leave:ag path)
[[(emit-event %on-leave path) cards] this]
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-peek on path {<path>}"))
(on-peek:ag path)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-agent on wire {<wire>}, {<-.sign>}"))
=^ cards agent (on-agent:ag wire sign)
[[(emit-event %on-agent wire -.sign) cards] this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- %+ print bowl |.
"{<dap.bowl>}: on-arvo on wire {<wire>}, {<[- +<]:sign-arvo>}"
=^ cards agent (on-arvo:ag wire sign-arvo)
[[(emit-event %on-arvo wire [- +<]:sign-arvo) cards] this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
%- (print bowl |.("{<dap.bowl>}: on-fail with term {<term>}"))
=^ cards agent (on-fail:ag term tang)
[[(emit-event %on-fail term) cards] this]
++ print
|= [=bowl:gall render=(trap tape)]
^+ same
=? . bowl-print
%- (slog >bowl< ~)
?. loud same
%- (slog [%leaf $:render] ~)
++ emit-event
|= =event:verb
^- card:agent:gall
[%give %fact ~[/verb/events] %verb-event !>(event)]

pkg/arvo/lib/verb.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
:: belt: runtime belt structure
|_ =belt:dill
++ grad %noun
:: +grab: convert from
++ grab
++ noun belt:dill
++ json
^- $-(^json belt:dill)
=, dejs:format
%- of
:~ aro+(su (perk %d %l %r %u ~))
ctl+(cu taft so)
met+(cu taft so)
txt+(ar (cu taft so))
:: +grow: convert to
++ grow
++ noun belt

pkg/arvo/mar/belt.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
/- *bill
|_ bil=bill
++ grow
++ mime `^mime`[/text/x-bill (as-octs:mimes:html hoon)]
++ noun bil
++ hoon
^- @t
|^ (crip (of-wall:format (wrap-lines (zing (turn bil spit-chit)))))
++ wrap-lines
|= taz=wall
^- wall
?~ taz ["~"]~
:- (weld ":~ " i.taz)
%- snoc :_ "=="
(turn t.taz |=(t=tape (weld " " t)))
++ spit-chit
|= =chit
^- wall
?- -.chit
%apes [":- %apes" (wrap-lines (spit-duz duz.chit))]
%fish [":- %fish" (wrap-lines (spit-duz duz.chit))]
++ spit-duz
|= duz=(list dude:gall)
^- wall
(turn duz |=(=dude:gall "%{<dude>}"))
++ txt (to-wain:format hoon)
++ grab
++ noun bill
++ mime
|= [=mite len=@ud tex=@]
~_ tex
!<(bill (slap !>(~) (ream tex)))
++ grad %noun

pkg/arvo/mar/bill.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
:: blit: runtime blit structure
|_ =blit:dill
++ grad %noun
:: +grab: convert from
++ grab
++ noun blit:dill
:: +grow: convert to
++ grow
++ noun blit
++ json
^- ^json
=, enjs:format
%+ frond -.blit
?- -.blit
%bel b+&
%clr b+&
%hop (numb p.blit)
%lin a+(turn p.blit |=(c=@c s+(tuft c)))
%mor b+&
%url s+p.blit
%- pairs
:~ 'path'^(path p.blit)
'file'^s+(en:base64:mimes:html (as-octs:mimes:html (jam q.blit)))
%- pairs
:~ 'path'^(path p.blit)
'file'^s+(en:base64:mimes:html (as-octs:mimes:html q.blit))
:- %a
%+ turn p.blit
|= [=stye text=(list @c)]
%- pairs
:~ 'text'^a+(turn text |=(c=@c s+(tuft c)))
:- 'stye'
%- pairs
|^ :~ 'back'^(color p.q.stye)
'fore'^(color q.q.stye)
'deco'^a+(turn ~(tap in p.stye) |=(d=deco ?~(d ~ s+d)))
++ color
|= =tint
?@ tint ?~(tint ~ s+tint)
s+(crip ((x-co:co 6) (rep 3 ~[b g r]:tint)))

pkg/arvo/mar/blit.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

pkg/arvo/mar/docket.hoon Symbolic link
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/hoon/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
|_ own=@t
++ grow :: convert to
++ mime `^mime`[/text/x-hoon (as-octs:mimes:html own)] :: convert to %mime
++ elem :: convert to %html
;div:pre(urb_codemirror "", mode "hoon"):"{(trip own)}"
:: =+ gen-id="src-{<`@ui`(mug own)>}"
:: ;div
:: ;textarea(id "{gen-id}"):"{(trip own)}"
:: ;script:"""
:: CodeMirror.fromTextArea(
:: window[{<gen-id>}],
:: \{lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true}
:: )
:: """
:: ==
++ hymn
:: ;html:(head:title:"Source" "+{elem}")
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/".
;link/"/lib/syntax/codemirror.css"(rel "stylesheet");
;textarea#src:"{(trip own)}"
;script:'CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})'
++ txt
(to-wain:format own)
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @t :: clam from %noun
++ txt of-wain:format
++ grad %txt

pkg/arvo/mar/hoon.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/htm/mar
/? 310
|_ own=manx
++ grad %noun
++ grow :: convert to
++ noun own
++ hymn own
++ grab |% :: convert from
++ noun manx :: clam from %noun
-- --

pkg/arvo/mar/htm.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/html/mar
/? 310
:::: compute
=, html
|_ htm=@t
++ grow :: convert to
|% ::
++ mime [/text/html (met 3 htm) htm] :: to %mime
++ hymn (need (de-xml htm)) :: to %hymn
-- ::
++ grab ^?
|% :: convert from
++ noun @t :: clam from %noun
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q) :: retrieve form %mime
++ grad %mime

pkg/arvo/mar/html.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/httr/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
=, format
=, html
|_ hit=httr
++ grad %noun
++ grow |% ++ wall (turn wain trip)
++ wain (to-wain cord)
++ json (need (de-json cord))
++ cord q:octs
++ noun hit
++ octs
~| hit
?> =(2 (div p.hit 100))
(need r.hit)
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun httr :: clam from %noun

pkg/arvo/mar/httr.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/hymn/mar
/? 310
=, mimes:html
=, html
|_ own=manx
++ grad %noun
++ grow :: convert to
++ html (crip (en-xml own)) :: convert to %html
++ mime [/text/html (as-octs html)] :: convert to %mime
++ grab |% :: convert from
++ noun manx :: clam from %noun
-- --

pkg/arvo/mar/hymn.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/js/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
|_ mud=@
++ grow
++ mime [/application/javascript (as-octs:mimes:html (@t mud))]
++ elem ;script
;- (trip (@t mud))
++ hymn ;html:(head:"+{elem}" body)
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] (@t q.q))
++ noun cord :: clam from %noun
++ grad %mime

pkg/arvo/mar/js.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/json/mar
/? 310
:::: compute
=, eyre
=, format
=, html
|_ jon=json
++ grow :: convert to
++ mime [/application/json (as-octs:mimes -:txt)] :: convert to %mime
++ txt [(crip (en-json jon))]~
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] (fall (rush (@t q.q) apex:de-json) *json))
++ noun json :: clam from %noun
++ numb numb:enjs
++ time time:enjs
++ grad %mime

pkg/arvo/mar/json.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
/- *json-rpc
|_ res=response
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun res
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun response :: from noun
++ httr :: from httr
|= hit=httr:eyre
^- response
~| hit
?: ?=(%2 (div p.hit 100))
=, html
%- json
?~ r.hit
(need (de-json q:u.r.hit))
++ json :: from json
=, dejs-soft:format
|= a=json
^- response
=; dere
=+ res=((ar dere) a)
?~ res (need (dere a))
[%batch u.res]
|= a=json
^- (unit response)
=/ res=(unit [@t json])
::TODO breaks when no id present
((ot id+so result+some ~) a)
?^ res `[%result u.res]
~| a
:+ ~ %error %- need
((ot id+so error+(ot code+no message+so ~) ~) a)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
=/ weft ,[lal=@tas num=@ud] :: TODO remove after merge
|_ kel=weft
++ grow
++ mime `^mime`[/text/x-kelvin (as-octs:mimes:html hoon)]
++ noun kel
++ hoon (crip "{<[lal num]:kel>}\0a")
++ txt (to-wain:format hoon)
++ grab
++ noun weft
++ mime
|= [=mite len=@ud tex=@]
!<(weft (slap !>(~) (ream tex)))
++ grad %noun

pkg/arvo/mar/kelvin.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
/- *language-server
/+ lsp-json=language-server-json
|_ not=all:notification
++ grad %noun
++ grab
++ noun all:notification
++ json
|= jon=^json
(notification:dejs:lsp-json jon)
++ grow
++ noun not
++ json
(notification:enjs:lsp-json not)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
/- *language-server
/+ lsp-json=language-server-json
|_ req=all:request
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun req
++ grab
++ noun all:request
++ json
|= jon=^json
(request:dejs:lsp-json jon)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
/- *language-server
/+ lsp=language-server-json
|_ res=all:response
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun res
++ json (response:enjs:lsp res)
++ grab
++ noun all:response

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/mime/mar
/? 310
|_ own=mime
++ grow
++ jam `@`q.q.own
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun mime :: clam from %noun
++ tape
|=(a=_"" [/application/x-urb-unknown (as-octt:mimes:html a)])
++ grad
++ form %mime
++ diff |=(mime +<)
++ pact |=(mime +<)
++ join |=([mime mime] `(unit mime)`~)
++ mash
|= [[ship desk mime] [ship desk mime]]
^- mime
~|(%mime-mash !!)

pkg/arvo/mar/mime.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/noun/mar
/? 310
:::: A minimal noun mark
|_ non=*
++ grab |%
++ noun *
++ grad
++ form %noun
++ diff |=(* +<)
++ pact |=(* +<)
++ join |=([* *] *(unit *))
++ mash |=([[ship desk *] [ship desk *]] `*`~|(%noun-mash !!))

pkg/arvo/mar/noun.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
|_ pax=path
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun pax
++ grab
++ noun path

pkg/arvo/mar/path.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
|_ dat=@
++ grow
++ mime [/image/png (as-octs:mimes:html dat)]
++ grab
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @
++ grad %mime

pkg/arvo/mar/png.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/purl/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
|_ url=purl
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun url
++ hiss [url %get ~ ~]
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun purl :: clam from %noun

pkg/arvo/mar/purl.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/action/sole/mar
/? 310
/- sole
=, sole
|_ sole-action
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun +<.grad
++ grab :: convert from
++ json
|= jon=^json ^- sole-action
%- need %. jon
=> [dejs-soft:format ..sole-action]
|^ (ot id+so dat+(fo %ret (of det+change tab+ni ~)) ~)
++ fo
|* [a=term b=fist]
|=(c=json ?.(=([%s a] c) (b c) (some [a ~])))
++ ra
|* [a=[term fist] b=fist]
|= c=json %. c
?.(=(%a -.c) b (pe -.a (ar +.a)))
++ ke :: callbacks
|* [gar=* sef=(trap fist)]
|= jon=json ^- (unit _gar)
=- ~! gar ~! (need -) -
((sef) jon)
++ change (ot ler+(at ni ni ~) ted+(pe 0v0 edit) ~)
++ char (cu taft so)
++ edit
%+ ke *sole-edit |. ~+
%+ fo %nop
%+ ra mor+edit
(of del+ni set+(cu tuba sa) ins+(ot at+ni cha+char ~) ~)
++ noun sole-action :: clam from %noun

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/effect/sole/mar
/? 310
/- sole
=, sole
=, format
++ mar-sole-change :: XX dependency
|_ cha=sole-change
++ grow
|% ++ json
^- ^json
=, enjs
=; edi
=,(cha (pairs ted+(edi ted) ler+a+~[(numb own.ler) (numb his.ler)] ~))
|= det=sole-edit
?- -.det
%nop [%s 'nop']
%mor [%a (turn p.det ..$)]
%del (frond %del (numb p.det))
%set (frond %set (tape (tufa p.det)))
%ins (frond %ins (pairs at+(numb p.det) cha+s+(tuft q.det) ~))
++ wush
|= [wid=@u tan=tang]
^- tape
(of-wall (turn (flop tan) |=(a=tank (of-wall (wash 0^wid a)))))
++ purge :: discard ++styx style
|= a=styx ^- tape
%- zing %+ turn a
|= a=_?>(?=(^ a) i.a)
?@(a (trip a) ^$(a q.a))
|_ sef=sole-effect
++ grad %noun
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun sole-effect :: clam from %noun
++ grow
=, enjs
++ noun sef
++ json
^- ^json
?+ -.sef
~|(unsupported-effect+-.sef !!)
%mor [%a (turn p.sef |=(a=sole-effect json(sef a)))]
%err (frond %hop (numb p.sef))
%txt (frond %txt (tape p.sef))
%tan (frond %tan (tape (wush 160 p.sef)))
%det (frond %det json:~(grow mar-sole-change +.sef))
%+ frond %pro
(pairs vis+b+vis.sef tag+s+tag.sef cad+(tape (purge cad.sef)) ~)
:- %a
%+ turn p.sef
|= [=cord =^tank]
%+ frond %tab
%- pairs
:~ match+s+cord
info+(tape ~(ram re tank))
?(%bel %clr %nex %bye)
(frond %act %s -.sef)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
|_ dat=@
++ grow
++ mime [/image/'svg+xml' (as-octs:mimes:html dat)]
++ grab
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @
++ grad %mime

pkg/arvo/mar/svg.hoon Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/tang/mar
/? 310
=, format
|_ tan=(list tank)
++ grad %noun
++ grow
++ noun tan
++ json
=/ result=(each (list ^json) tang)
(mule |.((turn tan tank:enjs:format)))
?- -.result
%& a+p.result
%| a+[a+[%s '[[output rendering error]]']~]~
++ elem
=- ;pre:code:"{(of-wall -)}"
^- wall %- zing ^- (list wall)
(turn (flop tan) |=(a=tank (wash 0^160 a)))
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun (list ^tank) :: clam from %noun
++ tank |=(a=^tank [a]~)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More