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synced 2024-12-19 12:51:51 +03:00
clay: refactor +wake
+wake had accumulated several layers of abstractions which were later rendered unnecessary. This removes those abstractions and should have no semantic effect.
This commit is contained in:
@ -241,16 +241,6 @@
:: Result of a subscription
+$ sub-result
$% [%blab =mood =cage]
[%bleb ver=@ud ins=@ud range=(unit (pair aeon aeon))]
[%balk cage=(unit cage) =mood]
[%blas moods=(set mood)]
[%blub ~]
:: Domestic ship.
:: `hun` is the duct to dill, and `dos` is a collection of our desks.
@ -287,7 +277,8 @@
$: rus=(map desk rede) :: neighbor desks
+$ move [p=duct q=(wind note gift)] :: local move
+$ card (wind note gift) :: local card
+$ move [p=duct q=card] :: local move
+$ note :: out request $->
$~ [%b %wait *@da] ::
$% $: %$ :: to arvo
@ -1184,16 +1175,6 @@
|= mof=(list move)
%_(+> mow (weld mow (flop mof)))
:: Produce either null or a result along a subscription.
:: Producing null means subscription has been completed or cancelled.
++ balk
|= [hen=duct cay=(unit cage) mun=mood]
^+ +>
?~ cay (blub hen)
(blab hen mun u.cay)
:: Set timer.
++ bait
@ -1206,18 +1187,18 @@
|= [hen=duct tym=@da]
(emit hen %pass /tyme/(scot %p her)/[syd] %b %rest tym)
:: Give subscription result.
:: Give %writ, or slip a drip if foreign desk
:: Result can be either a direct result (cage) or a lobe of a result. In
:: the latter case we fetch the data at the lobe and produce that.
++ blab
|= [hen=duct mun=mood =cage]
^+ +>
=/ gift [%writ ~ [care.mun case.mun syd] path.mun cage]
?: ?=(^ ref)
(emit hen %slip %b %drip !>(gift))
(emit hen %give gift)
++ writ
|= res=(unit [=mood =cage])
^- card
=/ =riot
?~ res
`[[care.mood case.mood syd] path.mood cage]:[u.res syd=syd]
?~ ref
[%give %writ riot]
[%slip %b %drip !>([%writ riot])]
++ case-to-date
|= =case
@ -1262,59 +1243,6 @@
%ud ?:((gth p.lok let.dom) ~ [~ p.lok])
++ blas
|= [hen=duct das=(set mood)]
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ das)
:: translate the case to a date
=/ cas [%da (case-to-date case.n.das)]
=/ res
(~(run in `(set mood)`das) |=(m=mood [care.m path.m]))
=/ gift [%wris cas res]
?: ?=(^ ref)
(emit hen %slip %b %drip !>(gift))
(emit hen %give gift)
:: Give next step in a subscription.
++ bleb
|= [hen=duct ver=@ud ins=@ud hip=(unit (pair aeon aeon))]
^+ +>
%^ blab hen [%w [%ud ins] ~]
?~ hip
[%null [%atom %n ~] ~]
[%nako !>((make-nako:ze ver u.hip))]
:: Tell subscriber that subscription is done.
++ blub
|= hen=duct
?: ?=(^ ref)
(emit hen %slip %b %drip !>([%writ ~]))
(emit hen %give %writ ~)
:: Lifts a function so that a single result can be fanned out over a set of
:: subscriber ducts.
:: Thus, `((duct-lift func) subs arg)` runs `(func sub arg)` for each `sub`
:: in `subs`.
++ duct-lift
|* send=_|=([duct *] ..duct-lift)
|= [a=(set duct) arg=_+<+.send] ^+ ..duct-lift
=+ all=~(tap by a)
|- ^+ ..duct-lift
?~ all ..duct-lift
=. +>.send ..duct-lift
$(all t.all, duct-lift (send i.all arg))
++ blub-all (duct-lift |=([a=duct ~] (blub a)))
++ blab-all (duct-lift blab)
++ blas-all (duct-lift blas)
++ balk-all (duct-lift balk)
++ bleb-all (duct-lift bleb)
++ static-ford-args [ank.dom ~ ~ lat.ran fod.dom]
:: Create a ford appropriate for the aeon
@ -3025,9 +2953,9 @@
?: &(?=(^ for) !(foreign-capable rav))
~& [%bad-foreign-request-care from=for rav]
=^ [new-sub=(unit rove) sub-results=(list sub-result)] fod.dom
=^ [new-sub=(unit rove) cards=(list card)] fod.dom
(try-fill-sub for (rave-to-rove rav))
=. ..start-request (send-sub-results sub-results [hen ~ ~])
=. ..start-request (send-cards cards [hen ~ ~])
?~ new-sub
(duce for u.new-sub)
@ -3377,51 +3305,43 @@
%many [- track moat]:rov
++ send-sub-results
|= [sub-results=(list sub-result) ducts=(set duct)]
++ send-cards
|= [cards=(list card) ducts=(set duct)]
^+ ..wake
?~ sub-results
=. ..wake
?- -.i.sub-results
%blab (blab-all ducts +.i.sub-results)
%bleb (bleb-all ducts +.i.sub-results)
%balk (balk-all ducts +.i.sub-results)
%blas (blas-all ducts +.i.sub-results)
%blub (blub-all ducts +.i.sub-results)
$(sub-results t.sub-results)
%- emil
%- zing
%+ turn cards
|= =card
%+ turn ~(tap by ducts)
|= =duct
[duct card]
:: Loop through open subscriptions and check if we can fill any of
:: them.
++ wake
^+ .
=/ old-subs=(list [=wove ducts=(set duct)]) ~(tap by qyx)
=| new-subs=(list [=wove ducts=(set duct)])
=/ subs=(list [=wove ducts=(set duct)]) ~(tap by qyx)
=| qux=cult
|- ^+ ..wake
?~ old-subs
:: install new subs
..wake(qyx (~(gas by *cult) new-subs))
?: =(~ ducts.i.old-subs)
:: drop forgotten roves
$(old-subs t.old-subs)
=^ [new-sub=(unit rove) sub-results=(list sub-result)] fod.dom
(try-fill-sub wove.i.old-subs)
=. ..wake (send-sub-results sub-results ducts.i.old-subs)
=. new-subs
?~ new-sub
[[[for.wove.i.old-subs u.new-sub] ducts.i.old-subs] new-subs]
$(old-subs t.old-subs)
?~ subs
..wake(qyx qux)
?: =(~ ducts.i.subs)
$(subs t.subs)
=^ [new-sub=(unit rove) cards=(list card)] fod.dom
(try-fill-sub wove.i.subs)
=. ..wake (send-cards cards ducts.i.subs)
=? qux ?=(^ new-sub)
=/ =wove [for.wove.i.subs u.new-sub]
%+ ~(put by qux) wove
(~(uni in ducts.i.subs) (fall (~(get by qux) wove) ~))
$(subs t.subs)
:: Try to fill a subscription
++ try-fill-sub
|= [far=(unit [=ship ver=@ud]) rov=rove]
^- [[new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)] ford-cache]
^- [[(unit rove) (list card)] ford-cache]
=/ for=(unit ship) ?~(far ~ `ship.u.far)
?- -.rov
@ -3430,11 +3350,8 @@
?^ cache-value
:: if we have a result in our cache, produce it
:_ fod.dom
:- ~
?~ u.cache-value
[%blub ~]~
[%blab mood.rov u.u.cache-value]~
:_ fod.dom :- ~ :_ ~
(writ ?~(u.cache-value ~ `[mood.rov u.u.cache-value]))
:: else, check to see if rove is for an aeon we know
=/ aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon case.mood.rov)
@ -3445,17 +3362,20 @@
=^ value=(unit (unit cage)) fod.dom
(read-at-aeon:ze for u.aeon mood.rov)
?~ value
:: We don't have the data directly, which is potentially
:: problematical. How can we fetch the data?
:: we don't have the data directly. how can we fetch it?
?: =(0 u.aeon)
~& [%clay-sing-indirect-data-0 `path`[syd '0' path.mood.rov]]
[[~ ~] fod.dom]
~& [%clay-sing-indirect-data desk=syd mood=mood.rov aeon=u.aeon]
[[`rov ~] fod.dom]
:: we have the data, so we produce the results
:: we have the data, so produce the results
[[~ [%balk u.value mood.rov]~] fod.dom]
:_ fod.dom :- ~ :_ ~
%- writ
?~ u.value
`[mood.rov u.u.value]
:: %next is just %mult with one path, so we pretend %next = %mult here.
@ -3477,23 +3397,16 @@
?> ?=(%mult -.rov)
:: we will either respond or store the maybe updated request.
=; [res=(each (map mood (unit cage)) rove) fod=ford-cache]
:_ fod
?: ?=(%& -.res)
(respond p.res)
(store p.res)
:: recurse here on next aeon if possible/needed.
|- ^- [(each (map mood (unit cage)) rove) ford-cache]
:: if we don't have an aeon yet, see if we have one now.
?~ aeon.rov
=/ aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon case.mool.rov)
:: if we still don't, wait.
?~ aeon [|+rov fod.dom]
?~ aeon [(store rov) fod.dom]
:: if we do, update the request and retry.
$(aeon.rov `+(u.aeon), old-cach.rov ~, new-cach.rov ~)
@ -3507,7 +3420,7 @@
:: if the next aeon we want to compare is in the future, wait again.
=/ next-aeon=(unit aeon) (case-to-aeon [%ud u.aeon.rov])
?~ next-aeon [|+rov fod.dom]
?~ next-aeon [(store rov) fod.dom]
:: if new isn't complete, try filling in the gaps.
=^ n fod.dom
@ -3515,10 +3428,15 @@
[new-cach.rov fod.dom]
(read-unknown mool.rov(case [%ud u.aeon.rov]) new-cach.rov)
=. new-cach.rov n
?: ?& !(complete old-cach.rov)
(complete new-cach.rov)
:_ fod.dom :- %&
:: if new still isn't complete, wait again.
?. (complete new-cach.rov)
[(store rov) fod.dom]
:: if old not complete, give a result (possible false positive).
?: !(complete old-cach.rov)
:_ fod.dom
%- respond
%- malt
%+ murn ~(tap in paths.mool.rov)
|= [=care =path]
@ -3528,12 +3446,6 @@
%- (slog 'clay: strange new-cache' >[care path cached]< ~)
`u=[[care [%ud let.dom] path] u.u.cached]
:: if they're still not both complete, wait again.
?. ?& (complete old-cach.rov)
(complete new-cach.rov)
[|+rov fod.dom]
:: both complete, so check if anything has changed
=/ changes=(map mood (unit cage))
@ -3568,14 +3480,14 @@
:: if there are any changes, send response. if none, move on to
:: next aeon.
?^ changes [&+changes fod.dom]
?^ changes [(respond changes) fod.dom]
$(u.aeon.rov +(u.aeon.rov), new-cach.rov ~)
:: check again later
++ store
|= rov=rove
^- [new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)]
^- [(unit rove) (list card)]
=/ new-rove=rove
?> ?=(%mult -.rov)
?: ?=(%mult -.vor) rov
@ -3588,14 +3500,26 @@
++ respond
|= res=(map mood (unit cage))
^- [new-sub=(unit rove) (list sub-result)]
^- [(unit rove) (list card)]
:- ~
?: ?=(%mult -.vor)
[%blas ~(key by res)]~
:_ ~
=/ moods ~(key by res)
=/ cas
?> ?=(^ moods)
[%da (case-to-date case.n.moods)]
=/ res
(~(run in moods) |=(m=mood [care.m path.m]))
=/ gift [%wris cas res]
?: ?=(^ ref)
[%slip %b %drip !>(gift)]
[%give gift]
?> ?=([* ~ ~] res)
:_ ~
%- writ
?~ q.n.res
[%blub ~]~
[%blab [p u.q]:n.res]~
`[p u.q]:n.res
:: no unknowns
@ -3643,41 +3567,31 @@
[`rov ~]
=/ to-aeon (case-to-aeon to.moat.rov)
=/ up-to ?~(to-aeon let.dom u.to-aeon)
=/ ver ?~(far %1 ver.u.far)
?~ to-aeon
:: we're in the middle of the range, so produce what we can,
:: but don't end the subscription
:: update "from" case to the aeon after now
=. from.moat.rov
[%ud +(let.dom)]
:- `rov
=/ new-lobes=(map path lobe)
(lobes-at-path:ze for let.dom path.moat.rov)
=/ new-lobes=(map path lobe)
(lobes-at-path:ze for up-to path.moat.rov)
=. from.moat.rov [%ud +(let.dom)]
=/ cards=(list card)
?: =(lobes.rov new-lobes)
:: if no changes, don't produce results
:: else changes, so produce them
[%bleb ver let.dom ?:(track.rov ~ `[u.from-aeon let.dom])]~
=/ =cage
?: track.rov
[%null [%atom %n ~] ~]
[%nako !>((make-nako:ze ver u.from-aeon up-to))]
[(writ ~ [%w ud+let.dom /] cage) ~]
?~ to-aeon
:: we're in the middle of the range, so produce what we can,
:: but don't end the subscription
[`rov cards]
:: we're past the end of the range, so end subscription
:- ~
=/ new-lobes=(map path lobe)
(lobes-at-path:ze for u.to-aeon path.moat.rov)
:: if changed, give subscription result
=/ bleb=(list sub-result)
?: =(lobes.rov new-lobes)
[%bleb ver +(u.from-aeon) ?:(track.rov ~ `[u.from-aeon u.to-aeon])]~
:: end subscription
=/ blub=(list sub-result)
[%blub ~]~
(weld bleb blub)
[~ (snoc cards (writ ~))]
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