slum in arvo scry

This commit is contained in:
Ted Blackman 2019-01-17 15:31:41 -08:00
parent 62f20d8139
commit 8df76d273e

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@ -191,10 +191,7 @@
(~(slym wa *worm) vase.vane *vane-sample)
:: cache the access of the %scry arm
=^ fun worm.vane (~(slap wa worm.vane) rig [%limb %scry])
:: cache the call to +mint that the +slym in +scry will do
+:(~(mint wa worm.vane) [%limb %$])
+:(~(slap wa worm.vane) rig [%limb %scry])
++ wink :: deploy
@ -356,11 +353,9 @@
^- (unit (unit (cask)))
=+ fun=-:(~(slap wa worm.vane) rig [%limb %scry])
=+ pro=-:(~(slym wa worm.vane) fun old)
?~ ~
?~ [~ ~]
=/ dat +>
[~ ~ (mark -.dat) +.dat]
%- (unit (unit (cask)))
(slum old)
++ soar :: scrub vane
|= sev/vase