mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 12:42:48 +03:00
Various fixes and improvements.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import GHC.Int
import Data.Bits
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Text.Printf
@ -61,6 +62,10 @@ instance IsAtom Natural where
toAtom = MkAtom
fromAtom (MkAtom a) = a
instance IsAtom Word where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Int where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
@ -125,3 +130,23 @@ bitIdx idx buf = testBit buf idx
bitConcat :: Atom -> Atom -> Atom
bitConcat x y = x .|. shiftL y (bitWidth x)
-- Bit Buffers -----------------------------------------------------------------
data Buf = Buf !Int !Atom
instance Show Buf where
show (Buf sz bits) = "0b"
<> replicate (sz - bitWidth bits) '0'
<> printf "%b (%d bits)" (toInteger bits) sz
instance Semigroup Buf where
Buf xSz xBuf <> Buf ySz yBuf = Buf (xSz+ySz) (xBuf .|. shiftL yBuf xSz)
instance Monoid Buf where
mempty = Buf 0 0
instance IsAtom Buf where
toAtom (Buf _ bits) = bits
fromAtom bits = Buf (bitWidth bits) bits
@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
-- Length-Encoded Atoms --------------------------------------------------------
mat :: Atom -> (Int, Atom)
mat 0 = (1, 1)
mat atm = (bufWid, buffer)
mat :: Atom -> Buf
mat 0 = Buf 1 1
mat atm = Buf bufWid buffer
atmWid = bitWidth atm
preWid = bitWidth (toAtom atmWid)
bufWid = preWid + preWid + atmWid
prefix = shiftL 1 preWid
extras = takeBits (preWid-1) $ toAtom atmWid
extras = takeBits (preWid-1) (toAtom atmWid)
suffix = xor extras (shiftL atm (preWid-1))
buffer = bitConcat prefix suffix
rub :: Cursor -> Maybe (Int, Atom)
rub :: Cursor -> Maybe Buf
rub slc@(Cursor idx buf) =
leadingZeros slc >>= \case
0 -> pure (1, 0)
prefix -> pure (sz, val)
0 -> pure (Buf 1 0)
prefix -> pure (Buf sz val)
widIdx = idx + 1 + prefix
width = fromSlice (Slice widIdx (prefix - 1) buf)
@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ rub slc@(Cursor idx buf) =
-- Noun Serialization ----------------------------------------------------------
jam :: Noun -> Atom
jam = view _2 . go 0 mempty
jam = toAtom . fst . go 0 mempty
insertNoun :: Noun -> Int -> Map Noun Int -> Map Noun Int
insertNoun n i tbl = lookup n tbl
& maybe tbl (const $ insertMap n i tbl)
go :: Int -> Map Noun Int -> Noun -> (Int, Atom, Map Noun Int)
go idx oldTbl noun =
let tbl = insertNoun noun idx oldTbl in
go :: Int -> Map Noun Int -> Noun -> (Buf, Map Noun Int)
go off oldTbl noun =
let tbl = insertNoun noun off oldTbl in
case (Nothing :: Maybe Int, noun) of
(Just ref, Atom atm) | bitWidth atm <= bitWidth (toAtom ref) ->
(1+sz, shiftL res 1, tbl)
where (sz, res) = mat atm
(Just ref, _) ->
(2+sz, xor 3 (shiftL res 2), tbl)
where (sz, res) = mat (toAtom ref)
(Nothing, Atom atm) ->
(1+sz, shiftL res 1, tbl)
where (sz, res) = mat atm
(Nothing, Cell lef rit) ->
(2+lSz+rSz, xor 1 (shiftL (bitConcat lRes rRes) 2), rTbl)
where (lSz, lRes, lTbl) = go (idx+2) tbl lef
(rSz, rRes, rTbl) = go (idx+lSz) lTbl rit
(Just ref, Atom atm) | bitWidth atm <= bitWidth (toAtom ref) ->
(Buf (1+sz) (shiftL res 1), tbl)
where Buf sz res = mat atm
(Just ref, _) ->
(Buf (2+sz) (xor 3 (shiftL res 2)), tbl)
where Buf sz res = mat (toAtom ref)
(Nothing, Atom atm) ->
(Buf (1+sz) (shiftL res 1), tbl)
where Buf sz res = mat atm
(Nothing, Cell lef rit) ->
(Buf (2+lSz+rSz) (xor 1 (shiftL (bitConcat lRes rRes) 2)), rTbl)
where (Buf lSz lRes, lTbl) = go (off+2) tbl lef
(Buf rSz rRes, rTbl) = go (off+lSz) lTbl rit
leadingZeros :: Cursor -> Maybe Int
@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ cue buf = view _2 <$> go mempty 0
go :: Map Int Noun -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Noun, Map Int Noun)
go tbl i =
case (bitIdx i buf, bitIdx (i+1) buf) of
(False, _ ) -> do (wid,at) <- rub (Cursor (i+1) buf)
(False, _ ) -> do Buf wid at <- rub (Cursor (i+1) buf)
let r = toNoun at
pure (wid+1, r, insertMap i r tbl)
(True, False ) -> do (lSz,lef,tbl) <- go tbl (i+2)
(rSz,rit,tbl) <- go tbl (i+2+fromIntegral lSz)
let r = Cell lef rit
pure (2+lSz+rSz, r, insertMap i r tbl)
(True, True ) -> do (wid,at) <- rub (Cursor (i+2) buf)
(True, True ) -> do Buf wid at <- rub (Cursor (i+2) buf)
r <- lookup (fromIntegral at) tbl
pure (2+wid, r, tbl)
@ -116,47 +116,8 @@ prop_jamCue n = Just n == cue (jam n)
prop_matRub :: Atom -> Bool
prop_matRub atm = matSz==rubSz && rubRes==atm
(matSz, matBuf) = mat atm
(rubSz, rubRes) = fromMaybe (0,0) (rub $ Cursor 0 matBuf)
Buf matSz matBuf = mat atm
Buf rubSz rubRes = fromMaybe mempty (rub $ Cursor 0 matBuf)
main :: IO ()
main = $(defaultMainGenerator)
-- ?: =(0 a)
-- [1 1]
-- =+ b=(met 0 a)
-- =+ c=(met 0 b)
-- :- (add (add c c) b)
-- (cat 0 (bex c) (mix (end 0 (dec c) b) (lsh 0 (dec c) a)))
-- |= a/@
-- ^- {p/@ q/@}
-- ?: =(0 a)
-- [1 1]
-- =+ b=(met 0 a)
-- =+ c=(met 0 b)
-- :- (add (add c c) b)
-- (cat 0 (bex c) )
-- ++ jam
-- |= a/*
-- ^- @
-- =+ b=0
-- =+ m=`(map * @)`~
-- =< q
-- |- ^- {p/@ q/@ r/(map * @)}
-- =+ c=(~(get by m) a)
-- ?~ c
-- => .(m (~(put by m) a b))
-- ?: ?=(@ a)
-- =+ d=(mat a)
-- [(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
-- => .(b (add 2 b))
-- =+ d=$(a -.a)
-- =+ e=$(a +.a, b (add b p.d), m r.d)
-- [(add 2 (add p.d p.e)) (mix 1 (lsh 0 2 (cat 0 q.d q.e))) r.e]
-- ?: ?&(?=(@ a) (lte (met 0 a) (met 0 u.c)))
-- =+ d=(mat a)
-- [(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
-- =+ d=(mat u.c)
-- [(add 2 p.d) (mix 3 (lsh 0 2 q.d)) m]
@ -4,27 +4,37 @@
module Data.Noun.Zip where
import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude hiding (zip, unzip)
import Control.Lens
import Text.Printf
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
import Data.Noun.Jam
import Data.Bits
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.List as L
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.TH
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck
-- External Types --------------------------------------------------------------
newtype Zip = Zip [ZipNode]
newtype Zip = Zip (Vector ZipNode)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -35,18 +45,37 @@ data ZipNode
| ZipCell !Word !Word
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type ZipM a = State ([ZipNode], Word, Map Noun Word) a
tag :: Bool -> Buf -> Buf
tag bit buf = (if bit then Buf 1 1 else Buf 1 0) <> buf
jamZipNode :: ZipNode -> Buf
jamZipNode (ZipAtom a) = tag False (mat a)
jamZipNode (ZipCell l r) = tag True (mat (toAtom l) <> mat (toAtom r))
jamZip :: Zip -> Buf
jamZip (Zip vec) = fold (length : nodes)
length = mat (toAtom (V.length vec))
nodes = jamZipNode <$> V.toList vec
cueZip :: Buf -> Maybe Zip
cueZip = undefined
-- Zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------
type ZipM a = State ([ZipNode], Word, Map Noun Word) a
zip :: Noun -> Zip
zip = \n -> evalState (go n >> end) ([], 0, mempty)
end :: ZipM Zip
end = do
(acc, _, _) <- get
pure (Zip $ reverse acc)
pure (Zip $ V.fromList $ reverse acc)
ins :: Noun -> ZipNode -> ZipM Word
ins noun node = do
@ -62,5 +91,46 @@ zip = \n -> evalState (go n >> end) ([], 0, mempty)
(Nothing, Atom atm) -> ins noun (ZipAtom atm)
(Nothing, Cell l r) -> (ZipCell <$> go l <*> go r) >>= ins noun
-- Unzip -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type UnZipM a = MaybeT (State (Word, Map Word Noun)) a
unzip :: Zip -> Maybe Noun
unzip = undefined
unzip (Zip vec) | V.length vec == 0 = Nothing
unzip (Zip vec) =
L.last <$> cvt (V.toList vec)
cvt :: [ZipNode] -> Maybe [Noun]
cvt nodes = evalState (runMaybeT $ go nodes) (0, mempty)
ins :: Noun -> UnZipM Noun
ins noun = do
modify $ \(nex, tbl) -> (nex+1, insertMap nex noun tbl)
pure noun
find :: Word -> UnZipM Noun
find idx = do
(nex, tbl) <- get
lookup idx tbl & \case
Nothing -> error "bad zip"
Just res -> pure res
go :: [ZipNode] -> UnZipM [Noun]
go = mapM $ \case ZipAtom a -> ins (Atom a)
ZipCell l r -> ins =<< Cell <$> find l <*> find r
-- Tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------
compareSize :: Noun -> (Int, Int)
compareSize n = (jamSz, zipSz)
Buf jamSz _ = fromAtom (jam n)
Buf zipSz _ = jamZip (zip n)
prop_zipUnzip :: Noun -> Bool
prop_zipUnzip n = Just n == unzip (zip n)
main :: IO ()
main = $(defaultMainGenerator)
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ dependencies:
- text
- these
- time
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- vector
Reference in New Issue
Block a user