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synced 2024-12-15 10:02:47 +03:00
Merge pull request #2122 from urbit/kh/http-server-fix
HTTP Server Fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ runOrExitImmediately getPier oExit =
shutdownImmediately (serf, log, ss) = do
logTrace "Sending shutdown signal"
logTrace $ displayShow ss
io $ threadDelay 500000
io $ threadDelay 500000 -- Why is this here? Do I need to force a snapshot to happen?
ss <- shutdown serf 0
logTrace $ displayShow ss
logTrace "Shutdown!"
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ data HttpClientEv
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HttpServerEv
= HttpServerEvRequest (ServId, Atom, UD, ()) HttpServerReq
| HttpServerEvCancelRequest (ServId, Atom, UD, ()) ()
| HttpServerEvRequestLocal (ServId, Atom, UD, ()) HttpServerReq
= HttpServerEvRequest (ServId, UD, UD, ()) HttpServerReq
| HttpServerEvCancelRequest (ServId, UD, UD, ()) ()
| HttpServerEvRequestLocal (ServId, UD, UD, ()) HttpServerReq
| HttpServerEvLive (ServId, ()) Port (Maybe Port)
| HttpServerEvBorn (KingId, ()) ()
| HttpServerEvCrud Path Cord Tang
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
TODO What is this about?
@ -16,11 +18,6 @@
(status < 400) ? "moved" :
(status < 500) ? "missing" :
TODO This uses `W.openFreePort` to find a free port, but I actually
want to mimick the old kings behavior and try 8080, then 8081,
etc. I think I'll have to reimplement a varianet of
`openFreePort` myself, but this will work for now.
module Vere.Http.Server where
@ -40,6 +37,7 @@ import System.Random (randomIO)
import Vere.Http (convertHeaders, unconvertHeaders)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Socket as Net
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Conduit as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W
-- Internal Types --------------------------------------------------------------
type ReqId = Atom
type ReqId = UD
type SeqId = UD -- Unused, always 1
@ -282,7 +280,6 @@ reqEv sId reqId which addr req =
$ HttpServerReq (which == Secure) addr req
-- Http Server Flows -----------------------------------------------------------
data Req
@ -382,13 +379,45 @@ app env sId liv plan which req respond =
-- Top-Level Driver Interface --------------------------------------------------
TODO if a bunch of these fail, then I get errors. Something is wrong.
[warn] Network.Socket.socket: resource exhausted (Too many open files)
[warn] Failed to open port 48541
openPort :: HasLogFunc e => [W.Port] -> RIO e (W.Port, Net.Socket)
openPort = \case
[] -> io W.openFreePort
x:xs -> io (tryOpenPort x) >>= \case
Left err -> do
logWarn (display ("Failed to open port " <> tshow x))
logWarn (display (tshow err))
openPort xs
Right ps -> do
logTrace (display ("Opening port " <> tshow (fst ps)))
pure ps
-- TODO XX Don't catch SomeException. Catch specific excception. This
-- is actually a really foul hack. Change this now!
tryOpenPort ∷ W.Port → IO (Either SomeException (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpenPort por = try $ do
s <- Net.socket Net.AF_INET Net.Stream Net.defaultProtocol
localhost <- Net.inet_addr ""
Net.bind s (Net.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral por) localhost)
Net.listen s 1
port <- Net.socketPort s
return (fromIntegral port, s)
TODO Need to find an open port.
startServ :: (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e)
=> HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ())
=> Bool -> HttpServerConf -> (Ev -> STM ())
-> RIO e Serv
startServ conf plan = do
startServ isFake conf plan = do
logDebug "startServ"
let tls = hscSecure conf <&> \(PEM key, PEM cert) ->
@ -397,9 +426,12 @@ startServ conf plan = do
sId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
liv <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
(httpPortInt, httpSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 8080 -- 80 if real ship
(httpsPortInt, httpsSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 8443 -- 443 if real ship
(loopPortInt, loopSock) <- io $ W.openFreePort -- 12321 -- ??? if real ship
let insP = [8080..8085]
secP = [8443..8448]
(httpPortInt, httpSock) <- openPort (if isFake then insP else 80:insP)
(httpsPortInt, httpsSock) <- openPort (if isFake then secP else 443:secP)
(loopPortInt, loopSock) <- openPort [12321..12326]
let httpPort = Port (fromIntegral httpPortInt)
httpsPort = Port (fromIntegral httpsPortInt)
@ -462,9 +494,9 @@ respond (Drv v) reqId ev = do
atomically . respondToLiveReq (sLiveReqs sv) reqId
serv :: ∀e. (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e)
=> KingId -> QueueEv
=> KingId -> QueueEv -> Bool
-> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpServerEf))
serv king plan =
serv king plan isFake =
(initialEvents, runHttpServer)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
@ -476,7 +508,8 @@ serv king plan =
restart :: Drv -> HttpServerConf -> RIO e Serv
restart (Drv var) conf = do
logDebug "Restarting http server"
res <- fromEither =<< restartService var (startServ conf plan) killServ
res <- fromEither =<<
restartService var (startServ isFake conf plan) killServ
logDebug "Done restating http server"
pure res
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ drivers inst who isFake plan shutdownSTM termSys stderr =
(behnBorn, runBehn) = behn inst plan
(amesBorn, runAmes) = ames inst who isFake plan stderr
(httpBorn, runHttp) = serv inst plan
(httpBorn, runHttp) = serv inst plan isFake
(clayBorn, runClay) = clay inst plan
(irisBorn, runIris) = client inst plan
(termBorn, runTerm) = Term.term termSys shutdownSTM inst plan
Reference in New Issue
Block a user