mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 10:05:09 +03:00
mall: age -> app
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
:: eth-watcher: ethereum event log collector
/- *eth-watcher, spider
/+ default-agent, verb
=, ethereum-types
=, able:jael
=> |%
++ refresh-rate ~m5 :: ~m5
=> |%
+$ card card:agent:mall
+$ app-state
$: %0
dogs=(map path watchdog)
+$ context [=path dog=watchdog]
+$ watchdog
$: config
running=(unit =tid:spider)
blocks=(list block)
:: history: newest block first, oldest event first
+$ history (list loglist)
:: Helpers
=> |%
++ wait
|= now=@da
^- card
[%pass /timer %arvo %b %wait (add now refresh-rate)]
++ wait-shortcut
|= now=@da
^- card
[%pass /shortcut %arvo %b %wait now]
++ poke-spider
|= [=path our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %poke cage]
++ watch-spider
|= [=path our=@p =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %watch sub-path]
++ leave-spider
|= [=path our=@p]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %leave ~]
:: Main
^- agent:mall
=| state=app-state
%+ verb &
|_ =bowl:mall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:: start update timer loop
[[(wait now.bowl) ~] this]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
=+ !<(old-state=app-state old)
`this(state old-state)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
?: ?=(%noun mark)
~& state
?. ?=(%eth-watcher-poke mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<(=poke vase)
?- -.poke
:: fully restart the watchdog if it doesn't exist yet,
:: or if the new config changes more than just the url.
=/ restart=?
?| !(~(has by dogs.state) path.poke)
?! .= ->:(~(got by dogs.state) path.poke)
~? &((~(has by dogs.state) path.poke) restart)
[dap.bowl 'overwriting existing watchdog on' path.poke]
=/ restart-cards
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path.poke)
?. ?& restart
?=(^ dog)
?=(^ running.u.dog)
=/ =cage [%spider-stop !>([u.running.u.dog &])]
[%pass [%starting path] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke cage]
=/ new-dog
=/ dog=watchdog
?: restart *watchdog
(~(got by dogs.state) path.poke)
%_ dog
- config.poke
number from.config.poke
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path.poke new-dog)
[[(wait-shortcut now.bowl) ~] this]
=. dogs.state (~(del by dogs.state) path.poke)
[~ this]
:: +on-watch: subscribe & get initial subscription data
:: /logs/some-path:
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?. ?=([%logs ^] path)
~| [%invalid-subscription-path path]
:_ this :_ ~
:* %give %fact ~ %eth-watcher-diff !>
:- %history
^- loglist
%- zing
%- flop
=< history
(~(gut by dogs.state) t.path *watchdog)
++ on-leave on-leave:def
:: +on-peek: get diagnostics data
:: /block/some-path: get next block number to check for /some-path
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=([%x %block ^] path) ~
?. (~(has by dogs.state) t.t.path) ~
:+ ~ ~
:- %atom
!>(number:(~(got by dogs.state) t.t.path))
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:mall]
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?. ?=([%running *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher couldn't start thread" u.p.sign)
:_ (clear-running t.wire) :_ ~
(leave-spider t.wire our.bowl)
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher couldn't start listen to thread" u.p.sign)
[~ (clear-running t.wire)]
%kick [~ (clear-running t.wire)]
=* path t.wire
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path)
?~ dog
[~ this]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher failed; will retry" leaf+<term> tang)
[~ this(dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~)))]
=+ !<([vows=disavows pup=watchpup] q.cage.sign)
=. u.dog
%_ u.dog
- -.pup
number number.pup
blocks blocks.pup
pending-logs pending-logs.pup
=^ cards-1 u.dog (disavow path u.dog vows)
=^ cards-2 u.dog (release-logs path u.dog)
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~))
[(weld cards-1 cards-2) this]
++ clear-running
|= =path
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path)
?~ dog
this(dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~)))
++ disavow
|= [=path dog=watchdog vows=disavows]
^- (quip card watchdog)
=/ history-ids=(list [id:block loglist])
%+ murn history.dog
|= logs=loglist
^- (unit [id:block loglist])
?~ logs
`[[block-hash block-number]:(need mined.i.logs) logs]
=/ actual-vows=disavows
%+ skim vows
|= =id:block
(lien history-ids |=([=history=id:block *] =(id history-id)))
=/ actual-history=history
%+ murn history-ids
|= [=id:block logs=loglist]
^- (unit loglist)
?: (lien actual-vows |=(=vow=id:block =(id vow-id)))
:_ dog(history actual-history)
%+ turn actual-vows
|= =id:block
[%give %fact `[%logs path] %eth-watcher-diff !>([%disavow id])]
++ release-logs
|= [=path dog=watchdog]
^- (quip card watchdog)
?: (lth number.dog 30)
=/ rel-number (sub number.dog 30)
=/ numbers=(list number:block) ~(tap in ~(key by pending-logs.dog))
=. numbers (sort numbers lth)
|- ^- (quip card watchdog)
?~ numbers
?: (gth i.numbers rel-number)
$(numbers t.numbers)
=^ cards-1 dog
=/ =loglist (~(get ja pending-logs.dog) i.numbers)
=. pending-logs.dog (~(del by pending-logs.dog) i.numbers)
?~ loglist
=. history.dog [loglist history.dog]
:_ dog
%+ turn loglist
|= =event-log:rpc:ethereum
^- card
[%give %fact `[%logs path] %eth-watcher-diff !>([%log event-log])]
=^ cards-2 dog $(numbers t.numbers)
[(weld cards-1 cards-2) dog]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?+ +<.sign-arvo ~|([%strange-sign-arvo -.sign-arvo] !!)
=; rest
?. =(/timer wire)
[[(wait now.bowl) -.rest] +.rest]
?^ error.sign-arvo
:: failed, try again. maybe should tell user if fails more than
:: 5 times.
[[(wait now.bowl) ~] this]
:: start all updates in parallel
=/ dogs=(list [=path dog=watchdog]) ~(tap by dogs.state)
=| cards=(list card)
=/ tid-gen ~(. og eny.bowl)
^- (quip card agent:mall)
=- [(flop -<) ->]
|- ^- (quip card agent:mall)
=* loop $
?~ dogs
[cards this]
=, i.dogs
?^ running.dog.i.dogs
:: if still running, kill it and restart
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher still running; will restart" ~)
=/ =cage [%spider-stop !>([u.running.dog |])]
=. cards
:* [%pass [%starting path] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke cage]
(leave-spider path our.bowl)
loop(i.dogs i.dogs(running.dog ~))
=^ rand tid-gen (raws:tid-gen 128)
=/ new-tid (cat 3 'eth-watcher--' (scot %uv rand))
=> .(running.dog.i.dogs `new-tid)
=/ args
:^ ~ `new-tid %eth-watcher
!>(`watchpup`[- number pending-logs blocks]:dog)
=. cards
:* (watch-spider path our.bowl /thread-result/[new-tid])
(poke-spider path our.bowl %spider-start !>(args))
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path dog)
loop(dogs t.dogs)
++ on-fail on-fail:def
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
/- lens, *sole
/+ base64, *server, default-agent
/= lens-mark /: /===/mar/lens/command
=, format
:: +lens-out: json or named octet-stream
+$ lens-out
$% [%json =json]
[%mime =mime]
+$ state
$% $: %0
job=(unit [eyre-id=@ta com=command:lens])
=| =state
|_ =bowl:mall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
`this(state !<(^state old))
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?. ?=(%handle-http-request mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase)
?> ?=(~ job.state)
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ site (flop site.request-line)
=/ jon=json
(need (de-json:html q:(need body.request.inbound-request)))
=/ com=command:lens
(json:grab:lens-mark jon)
?: ?=(%export -.source.com)
~& [%export app.source.com]
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /export %agent [our.bowl app.source.com] %watch /export]~
?: ?=(%import -.source.com)
?~ enc=(de:base64 base64-jam.source.com)
=/ c=* (cue q.u.enc)
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /import %agent [our.bowl app.source.com] %poke %import !>(c)]~
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /sole %agent [our.bowl %dojo] %watch /sole/[eyre-id]]~
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?: ?=([%http-response *] path)
(on-watch:def path)
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:mall]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?+ wire (on-agent:def wire sign)
[%import ~]
?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
[[200 ~] `(as-octt:mimes:html "\"Imported data\"")]
[%export ~]
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?~ p.sign
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
(give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state not-found:gen)
=^ cards this (take-export !<(* q.cage.sign))
:_ this :_ cards
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?> ?=(%export -.source.com.u.job.state)
[%pass /export %agent [our.bowl app.source.com.u.job.state] %leave ~]
[%sole ~]
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?^ p.sign
:_ this(job.state ~)
(give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state not-found:gen)
:_ this :_ ~
:* %pass /sole
%agent [our.bowl %dojo]
%poke %lens-command !>
[eyre-id.u.job.state com.u.job.state]
?> ?=(%sole-effect p.cage.sign)
=^ cards this (take-sole-effect !<(sole-effect q.cage.sign))
[[[%pass /sole %agent [our.bowl %dojo] %leave ~] cards] this]
++ take-export
|= data=*
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?> ?=(%export -.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ app-name=tape (trip app.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ output=@t (crip "/{app-name}/jam")
=/ jon=json
=/ =atom (jam data)
=/ =octs [(met 3 atom) atom]
=/ enc (en:base64 octs)
(pairs:enjs:format file+s+output data+s+enc ~)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
(json-response:gen (json-to-octs jon))
++ take-sole-effect
|= fec=sole-effect
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
=/ out
|- ^- (unit lens-out)
=* loop $
?+ -.fec
%- some
:- %json
%- wall:enjs:format
(turn (flop p.fec) |=(=tank ~(ram re tank)))
(some %json s+(crip p.fec))
%- some
[%mime p.fec (as-octs:mimes:html (jam q.fec))]
:: XX use +en:base64 or produce %mime a la %sag
%- some
:- %json
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ file+s+(crip <`path`p.fec>)
data+s+(crip (en-base64:mimes:html q.fec))
=/ all `(list lens-out)`(murn p.fec |=(a=sole-effect loop(fec a)))
?~ all ~
~| [%multiple-effects all]
?> ?=(~ t.all)
(some i.all)
?~ out
[~ this]
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
?- -.u.out
(json-response:gen (json-to-octs json.u.out))
=/ headers
:~ ['content-type' 'application/octet-stream']
?> ?=([@ @ ~] p.mime.u.out)
:- 'content-disposition'
^- @t
%^ cat 3
'attachment; filename='
(rap 3 '"' i.p.mime.u.out '.' i.t.p.mime.u.out '"' ~)
[[200 headers] (some q.mime.u.out)]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?. ?=(%bound +<.sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
[~ this]
++ on-fail on-fail:def
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
[%swap-files ~]
=. userspace-ova.pil
=/ slim-dirs=(list path)
~[/app /age /ted /gen /lib /mar /sur /hoon/sys /arvo/sys /zuse/sys]
~[/app /ted /gen /lib /mar /sur /hoon/sys /arvo/sys /zuse/sys]
:_ ~
%- unix-event
%- %*(. file-ovum:pill-lib directories slim-dirs)
@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
:: chat-hook:
:: mirror chat data from foreign to local based on read permissions
:: allow sending chat messages to foreign paths based on write perms
/- *permission-store, *chat-hook, *invite-store
/+ *chat-json
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff [%chat-update chat-update]]
[%quit ~]
[%poke wire dock poke]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%peer wire dock path]
+$ state-both
$% state-zero
+$ state-zero
$: %0
synced=(map path ship)
boned=(map wire (list bone))
+$ state-one
$: %1
synced=(map path ship)
boned=(map wire (list bone))
+$ poke
$% [%chat-action chat-action]
[%permission-action permission-action]
[%invite-action invite-action]
[%chat-view-action chat-view-action]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state-one]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state-both)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
:_ this(invite-created %.y)
:~ (invite-poke [%create /chat])
[ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %invite-store] /invitatory/chat]
[ost.bol %peer /permissions [our.bol %permission-store] /updates]
?- -.u.old
%1 [~ this(+<+ u.old)]
=/ sta *state-one
=: boned.sta boned.u.old
synced.sta synced.u.old
invite-created %.y
:_ this(+<+ sta)
:~ (invite-poke [%create /chat])
[ost.bol %peer /invites [our.bol %invite-store] /invitatory/chat]
++ poke-json
|= jon=json
^- (quip move _this)
(poke-chat-action (json-to-action jon))
++ poke-chat-action
|= act=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%message -.act)
:: local
:_ this
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?. (~(has by synced) path.act)
=/ ship (~(got by synced) path.act)
=/ appl ?:(=(ship our.bol) %chat-store %chat-hook)
[ost.bol %poke / [ship appl] [%chat-action act]]~
:: foreign
=/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ ship
?. =(u.ship our.bol)
:: scry permissions to check if write is permitted
?. (permitted-scry [(scot %p src.bol) %chat (weld path.act /write)])
=: author.envelope.act src.bol
when.envelope.act now.bol
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-store] [%chat-action act]]~
++ poke-chat-hook-action
|= act=chat-hook-action
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.act
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ chat-path [%mailbox path.act]
?: (~(has by synced) path.act)
[~ this]
=. synced (~(put by synced) path.act our.bol)
:_ (track-bone chat-path)
%+ weld
[ost.bol %peer chat-path [our.bol %chat-store] chat-path]~
(create-permission [%chat path.act] security.act)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ chat-path [%mailbox (scot %p ship.act) path.act]
?: (~(has by synced) [(scot %p ship.act) path.act])
[~ this]
=. synced (~(put by synced) [(scot %p ship.act) path.act] ship.act)
:_ (track-bone chat-path)
[ost.bol %peer chat-path [ship.act %chat-hook] chat-path]~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ ship
[~ this]
?: &(=(u.ship our.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: delete one of our.bol own paths
:_ %_ this
synced (~(del by synced) path.act)
boned (~(del by boned) [%mailbox path.act])
%- zing
:~ (pull-wire [%mailbox path.act])
(delete-permission [%chat path.act])
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%mailbox path.act] bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %quit ~]
?. |(=(u.ship src.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: if neither ship = source or source = us, do nothing
[~ this]
:: delete a foreign ship's path
:- (pull-wire [%mailbox path.act])
%_ this
synced (~(del by synced) path.act)
boned (~(del by boned) [%mailbox path.act])
++ peer-mailbox
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=([* ^] pax)
?> (~(has by synced) pax)
:: scry permissions to check if read is permitted
?> (permitted-scry [(scot %p src.bol) %chat (weld pax /read)])
=/ box (chat-scry pax)
?~ box !!
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %chat-update [%create (slav %p i.pax) pax]]~
++ diff-invite-update
|= [wir=wire diff=invite-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?+ -.diff
[~ this]
:_ this
[(chat-view-poke [%join ship.invite.diff path.invite.diff])]~
++ diff-permission-update
|= [wir=wire diff=permission-update]
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
?- -.diff
%create ~
%delete ~
%add (handle-permissions [%add path.diff who.diff])
%remove (handle-permissions [%remove path.diff who.diff])
++ handle-permissions
|= [kind=?(%add %remove) pax=path who=(set ship)]
^- (list move)
?> ?=([* *] pax)
?. =(%chat i.pax) ~
:: check path to see if this is a %read permission
?. =(%read (snag (dec (lent pax)) `(list @t)`pax))
=/ sup
%- ~(gas by *(map [ship path] bone))
%+ turn ~(tap by sup.bol)
|=([=bone anchor=[ship path]] [anchor bone])
%- zing
%+ turn ~(tap in who)
|= check-ship=ship
?: (permitted-scry [(scot %p check-ship) pax])
:: if ship is not permitted, quit their subscription
=/ mail-path
(oust [(dec (lent t.pax)) (lent t.pax)] `(list @t)`t.pax)
=/ bne (~(get by sup) [check-ship [%mailbox mail-path]])
?~(bne ~ [u.bne %quit ~]~)
++ diff-chat-update
|= [wir=wire diff=chat-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(handle-local diff)
(handle-foreign diff)
++ handle-local
|= diff=chat-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%keys [~ this]
%config [~ this]
%create [~ this]
%read [~ this]
?. (~(has by synced) path.diff)
[~ this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff))
[ost.bol %pull [%mailbox path.diff] [our.bol %chat-store] ~]~
:_ this
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%mailbox path.diff] bol)
|= [=bone *]
^- move
[bone %diff [%chat-update diff]]
++ handle-foreign
|= diff=chat-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%keys [~ this]
%config [~ this]
%read [~ this]
:_ this
?> ?=([* ^] path.diff)
=/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff)
?~ shp ~
?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~
[(chat-poke [%create ship.diff t.path.diff])]~
?> ?=([* ^] path.diff)
=/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff)
?~ shp
[~ this]
?. =(u.shp src.bol)
[~ this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff))
:- (chat-poke diff)
[ost.bol %pull [%mailbox path.diff] [src.bol %chat-hook] ~]~
:_ this
?> ?=([* ^] path.diff)
=/ shp (~(get by synced) path.diff)
?~ shp ~
?. =(src.bol u.shp) ~
[(chat-poke diff)]~
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
~& chat-hook-quit+wir
?: =(wir /permissions)
:_ this
[ost.bol %peer /permissions [our.bol %permission-store] /updates]~
?> ?=([* ^] wir)
?. (~(has by synced) t.wir)
:: no-op
[~ this]
~& %chat-hook-resubscribe
:_ (track-bone wir)
[ost.bol %peer wir [(slav %p i.t.wir) %chat-hook] wir]~
++ reap
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ saw
[~ this]
?> ?=(^ wir)
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) t.wir))
%. ~
%- slog
:* leaf+"chat-hook failed subscribe on {(spud t.wir)}"
leaf+"stack trace:"
++ chat-poke
|= act=chat-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-store] [%chat-action act]]
++ chat-view-poke
|= act=chat-view-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-view] [%chat-view-action act]]
++ permission-poke
|= act=permission-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %permission-store] [%permission-action act]]
++ invite-poke
|= act=invite-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %invite-store] [%invite-action act]]
++ create-permission
|= [pax=path sec=chat-security]
^- (list move)
=/ read-perm (weld pax /read)
=/ write-perm (weld pax /write)
?- sec
:~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %black))
(permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %black))
:~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %white))
(permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %white))
:~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %black))
(permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %white))
:~ (permission-poke (sec-to-perm read-perm %white))
(permission-poke (sec-to-perm write-perm %black))
++ delete-permission
|= pax=path
^- (list move)
=/ read-perm (weld pax /read)
=/ write-perm (weld pax /write)
:~ (permission-poke [%delete read-perm])
(permission-poke [%delete write-perm])
++ sec-to-perm
|= [pax=path =kind]
^- permission-action
[%create pax kind *(set ship)]
++ chat-scry
|= pax=path
^- (unit mailbox)
=. pax ;:(weld /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/mailbox pax /noun)
.^((unit mailbox) %gx pax)
++ invite-scry
|= uid=serial
^- (unit invite)
=/ pax /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)/invite/chat/(scot %uv uid)/noun
.^((unit invite) %gx pax)
++ permitted-scry
|= pax=path
^- ?
.^(? %gx ;:(weld /=permission-store/(scot %da now.bol)/permitted pax /noun))
++ track-bone
|= wir=wire
^+ this
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) wir)
?^ bnd
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir (snoc u.bnd ost.bol)))
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir [ost.bol]~))
++ pull-wire
|= pax=path
^- (list move)
?> ?=(^ pax)
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) pax)
?~ bnd ~
=/ shp (~(get by synced) t.pax)
?~ shp ~
%+ turn u.bnd
|= =bone
^- move
?: =(u.shp our.bol)
[bone %pull pax [our.bol %chat-store] ~]
[bone %pull pax [u.shp %chat-hook] ~]
@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
:: chat-view: sets up chat JS client, paginates data, and combines commands
:: into semantic actions for the UI
/- *permission-store,
/+ *server, *chat-json
/= index
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/chat/index
/| /html/
/~ ~
/= tile-js
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/chat/js/tile
/| /js/
/~ ~
/= script
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/chat/js/index
/| /js/
/~ ~
/= style
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/chat/css/index
/| /css/
/~ ~
/= chat-png
/^ (map knot @)
/: /===/app/chat/img /_ /png/
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%http-response =http-event:http]
[%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%poke wire dock poke]
[%diff %json json]
[%quit ~]
+$ poke
$% [%launch-action [@tas path @t]]
[%chat-action chat-action]
[%group-action group-action]
[%chat-hook-action chat-hook-action]
[%permission-hook-action permission-hook-action]
[%permission-group-hook-action permission-group-hook-action]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall ?]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit ?)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
:_ this
:~ [ost.bol %peer / [our.bol %chat-store] /updates]
[ost.bol %connect / [~ /'~chat'] %chat-view]
(launch-poke [/configs '/~chat/js/tile.js'])
[~ this(+<+ u.old)]
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bol move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
=+ url=(parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ name=@t
=+ back-path=(flop site.url)
?~ back-path
?: =(name 'tile')
[[ost.bol %http-response (js-response:app tile-js)]~ this]
?+ site.url
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response not-found:app]~
:: styling
[%'~chat' %css %index ~]
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (css-response:app style)]~
:: javascript
[%'~chat' %js %index ~]
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (js-response:app script)]~
:: images
[%'~chat' %img *]
=/ img (as-octs:mimes:html (~(got by chat-png) `@ta`name))
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (png-response:app img)]~
[%'~chat' %paginate @t @t *]
=/ start (need (rush i.t.t.site.url dem))
=/ end (need (rush i.t.t.t.site.url dem))
=/ pax t.t.t.t.site.url
=/ envelopes (envelope-scry [(scot %ud start) (scot %ud end) pax])
:_ this
:+ ost.bol
%- json-response:app
%- json-to-octs
%+ envelopes-update
[start end pax]
:: inbox page
[%'~chat' *]
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (html-response:app index)]~
++ poke-json
|= jon=json
^- (quip move _this)
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ this]
(poke-chat-view-action (json-to-view-action jon))
++ poke-chat-view-action
|= act=chat-view-action
^- (quip move _this)
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ this]
?- -.act
:: TODO: add invites
=/ pax [(scot %p our.bol) path.act]
=/ group-read=path [%chat (weld pax /read)]
=/ group-write=path [%chat (weld pax /write)]
:_ this
%- zing
:~ :~ (group-poke [%bundle group-read])
(group-poke [%bundle group-write])
(group-poke [%add read.act group-read])
(group-poke [%add write.act group-write])
(chat-poke [%create our.bol path.act])
(chat-hook-poke [%add-owned pax security.act])
(create-security [%chat pax] security.act)
:~ (permission-hook-poke [%add-owned group-read group-read])
(permission-hook-poke [%add-owned group-write group-read])
=/ group-read [%chat (weld path.act /read)]
=/ group-write [%chat (weld path.act /write)]
:_ this
:~ (chat-hook-poke [%remove path.act])
(permission-hook-poke [%remove group-read])
(permission-hook-poke [%remove group-write])
(group-poke [%unbundle group-read])
(group-poke [%unbundle group-write])
(chat-poke [%delete path.act])
=/ group-read [%chat (scot %p ship.act) (weld path.act /read)]
=/ group-write [%chat (scot %p ship.act) (weld path.act /write)]
:_ this
:~ (chat-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act path.act])
(permission-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act group-write])
(permission-hook-poke [%add-synced ship.act group-read])
++ peer-primary
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: create inbox with 100 messages max per mailbox and send that along
:: then quit the subscription
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %json (inbox-to-json (truncate-inbox all-scry))]~
++ peer-configs
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %json *json]~
++ diff-chat-update
|= [wir=wire upd=chat-update]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ updates-json (update-to-json upd)
=/ configs-json (configs-to-json configs-scry)
:_ this
%+ weld
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /primary bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %json updates-json]
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /configs bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %json configs-json]
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
[ost.bol %peer / [our.bol %chat-store] /updates]~
:: +utilities
++ launch-poke
|= [=path =cord]
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %launch] [%launch-action %chat-view path cord]]
++ chat-poke
|= act=chat-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-store] [%chat-action act]]
++ group-poke
|= act=group-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %group-store] [%group-action act]]
++ chat-hook-poke
|= act=chat-hook-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %chat-hook] [%chat-hook-action act]]
++ permission-hook-poke
|= act=permission-hook-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %permission-hook] [%permission-hook-action act]]
++ perm-group-hook-poke
|= act=permission-group-hook-action
^- move
=/ pok [%permission-group-hook-action act]
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %permission-group-hook] pok]
++ envelope-scry
|= pax=path
^- (list envelope)
=. pax ;:(weld /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/envelopes pax /noun)
.^((list envelope) %gx pax)
++ all-scry
^- inbox
.^(inbox %gx /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/all/noun)
++ configs-scry
^- chat-configs
.^(chat-configs %gx /=chat-store/(scot %da now.bol)/configs/noun)
++ create-security
|= [pax=path sec=chat-security]
^- (list move)
=/ read (weld pax /read)
=/ write (weld pax /write)
?- sec
:~ (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate read [[read %black] ~ ~]])
(perm-group-hook-poke [%associate write [[write %black] ~ ~]])
:~ (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate read [[read %white] ~ ~]])
(perm-group-hook-poke [%associate write [[write %white] ~ ~]])
:~ (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate read [[read %black] ~ ~]])
(perm-group-hook-poke [%associate write [[write %white] ~ ~]])
:~ (perm-group-hook-poke [%associate read [[read %white] ~ ~]])
(perm-group-hook-poke [%associate write [[write %black] ~ ~]])
++ envelopes-update
|= [envelopes=(list envelope) start=@ud end=@ud pax=path]
^- json
=, enjs:format
%+ frond %chat-update
%- pairs
:- %messages
%- pairs
:~ [%path (path pax)]
[%start (numb start)]
[%end (numb end)]
[%envelopes [%a (turn envelopes enve)]]
++ truncate-envelopes
|= envelopes=(list envelope)
^- (list envelope)
=/ length (lent envelopes)
?: (lth length 100)
(swag [(sub length 100) 100] envelopes)
++ truncate-inbox
|= box=inbox
^- inbox
%- ~(run by box)
|= mail=mailbox
^- mailbox
:- config.mail
(truncate-envelopes envelopes.mail)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%conf-mall wire dock dock]
[%deal-mall wire sock internal-task:mall]
|_ [=bowl:gall ~]
++ this .
++ poke-noun
|= arg=*
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this :_ ~
?+ arg ~|(%bad-arg !!)
%conf [ost.bowl %conf-mall / [our.bowl %hood] [our.bowl %home]]
%poke [ost.bowl %deal-mall / [our.bowl our.bowl] %hood %poke %atom !>(%hey)]
%hi [ost.bowl %deal-mall / [our.bowl our.bowl] %hood %poke %helm-send-hi !>([our.bowl `"heyza"])]
%start [ost.bowl %deal-mall / [our.bowl our.bowl] %hood %poke %drum-start !>([%home %dojo])]
%first [ost.bowl %deal-mall / [our.bowl our.bowl] %first %poke %atom !>(%hey)]
++ onto
|= [wire res=(each suss:mall tang)]
?: ?=(%& -.res)
~& %ontoad
%- (slog >'conf-failed'< p.res)
++ unto
|= [wire res=internal-gift:mall]
?- -.res
%diff !!
%quit !!
%reap !!
%http-response !!
?~ p.res
~& %mall-coup-good
%- (slog >'mall-coup-failed'< u.p.res)
@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
/- *dns-bind, dns, hall
/+ tapp, stdio
:: tapp types and boilerplate
=> |%
++ collector-app `dock`[~zod %dns-collector]
+$ app-state
$: %0
:: nem: authoritative state
nem=(unit nameserver)
+$ peek-data _!!
+$ in-poke-data
$% [%dns-authority =authority]
[%dns-bind =ship =target]
[%handle-http-request =inbound-request:eyre]
[%handle-http-cancel =inbound-request:eyre]
[%noun noun=*]
+$ out-poke-data
$% [%dns-bind =ship =target]
[%dns-complete =ship =binding:dns]
[%drum-unlink =dock]
+$ in-peer-data
$% [%dns-request =request:dns]
+$ out-peer-data ~
++ tapp
%: ^tapp
++ tapp-async tapp-async:tapp
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: oauth2 implementation
=> |%
:: +oauth2-config: as one would expect
+$ oauth2-config
$: auth-url=@t
scopes=(list @t)
:: +oauth2: library core
++ oauth2
|_ [our=@p now=@da config=oauth2-config code=@t =hart:eyre secrets=@t]
++ local-uri
|= [our=ship =path]
^- @t
:: XX can't scry in +mule
:: =/ =hart:eyre .^(hart:eyre %e /(scot %p our)/host/real)
(crip (en-purl:html [hart [~ path] ~]))
:: XX can't scry in +mule
:: ++ code
:: ^- @t
:: %- crip
:: +:(scow %p .^(@p %j /(scot %p our)/code/(scot %da now)/(scot %p our)))
:: to initialize these values: |init-oauth2 /com/googleapis
++ oauth2-secrets
^- [client-id=@t client-secret=@t]
=; =wain
?> ?=([@t @t ~] wain)
[i.wain i.t.wain]
%- to-wain:format
%- need
%+ de:crub:crypto code
%+ slav %uw
:: XX can't scry in +mule
:: .^(@ %cx :(weld /(scot %p our)/home/(scot %da now)/sec domain.config /atom))
++ initial-uri (local-uri our initial-path.config)
++ redirect-uri (local-uri our redirect-path.config)
++ redirect-to-provider
^- @t
=/ url (need (de-purl:html auth-url.config))
=. r.url
:* ['access_type' 'offline']
['response_type' 'code']
['prompt' 'consent']
['client_id' client-id:oauth2-secrets]
['redirect_uri' redirect-uri]
['scope' (rap 3 (join ' ' scopes.config))]
(crip (en-purl:html url))
++ retrieve-access-token
|= code=@t
^- request:http
=/ hed
:~ ['Accept' 'application/json']
['Content-Type' 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']
=/ bod
%- some %- as-octt:mimes:html
%- tail %- tail:en-purl:html
:~ ['client_id' client-id:oauth2-secrets]
:: note: required, unused parameter
['redirect_uri' redirect-uri]
['client_secret' client-secret:oauth2-secrets]
['grant_type' 'authorization_code']
['code' code]
[%'POST' exchange-url.config hed bod]
++ parse-token-response
|= =octs
^- (unit [access=@t expires=@u refresh=@t])
%. q.octs
;~ biff
=, dejs-soft:format
(ot 'access_token'^so 'expires_in'^ni 'refresh_token'^so ~)
:: XX implement
++ refresh-token !!
:: helpers
=> |%
:: +name: fully-qualified domain name for :ship
++ name
|= [=ship =turf]
(cat 3 (en-turf:html (weld turf /(crip +:(scow %p ship)))) '.')
:: +lame: domain name for :ship (without trailing '.')
++ lame
|= [=ship =turf]
(en-turf:html (weld turf /(crip +:(scow %p ship))))
:: +endpoint: append :path to :purl
++ endpoint
|= [=purl:eyre =path]
^+ purl
purl(q.q (weld q.q.purl path))
:: +params: append :params to :purl
++ params
|= [=purl:eyre =quay:eyre]
^+ purl
purl(r (weld r.purl quay))
:: +json-octs: deserialize json and apply reparser
++ json-octs
|* [bod=octs wit=fist:dejs:format]
=/ jon (de-json:html q.bod)
?~ jon ~
(wit u.jon)
:: +ship-turf: parse ship from first subdomain
++ ship-turf
|= [nam=@t aut-dom=turf]
^- (unit ship)
=/ dom=(unit host:eyre)
(rush nam ;~(sfix thos:de-purl:html dot))
?: ?| ?=(~ dom)
?=(%| -.u.dom)
?=(~ p.u.dom)
=/ who
(rush (head (flop p.u.dom)) fed:ag)
?~ who ~
?. =(aut-dom (flop (tail (flop p.u.dom))))
:: galaxies always excluded
?: ?=(%czar (clan:title u.who))
:: service providers
=> |%
:: +provider: initialize provider-specific core
++ provider
|= aut=authority
?- -.pro.aut
%fcloud ~(. fcloud aut)
%gcloud ~(. gcloud aut)
:: |fcloud: Cloudflare provider
++ fcloud
=> |%
++ parse-raw-record
|= aut-dom=turf
^- $- json
(unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
=, dejs:format
%+ cu
|= [id=@t typ=@t nam=@t dat=@t]
^- (unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
:: XX fix this
=/ him (ship-turf (cat 3 nam '.') aut-dom)
?: ?=(~ him)
?+ typ
=/ adr (rush dat lip:ag)
?~ adr ~
`[u.him `@ta`id %direct %if u.adr]
:: XX fix this
=/ for (ship-turf (cat 3 dat '.') aut-dom)
?~ for ~
`[u.him `@ta`id %indirect u.for]
:: XX parse dates, proxied, ttl?
%- ot :~
|_ aut=authority
:: +base: provider service endpoint
++ base
^- purl:eyre
(need (de-purl:html 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4'))
:: +headers: standard HTTP headers for all |fcloud requests
++ headers
|= aut=authority
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
%- ~(gas by *math:eyre)
:~ ['Content-Type' ['application/json' ~]]
['X-Auth-Email' [email.auth.pro.aut ~]]
['X-Auth-Key' [key.auth.pro.aut ~]]
:: +zone: provider-specific zone info request
++ zone
^- hiss:eyre
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
[(endpoint base /zones/[zone.pro.aut]) %get (headers aut) ~]
:: +record: JSON-formatted provider-specific dns record
++ record
|= [him=ship tar=target]
^- json
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
=/ type
?:(?=(%direct -.tar) 'A' 'CNAME')
=/ data
?: ?=(%direct -.tar)
(crip +:(scow %if p.tar))
(lame p.tar dom.aut)
:- %o
%- ~(gas by *(map @t json))
:~ ['name' %s (lame him dom.aut)]
['type' %s type]
['content' %s data]
:: XX make configureable?
['ttl' %n ~.1]
['proxied' %b %.n]
:: +create: provider-specific record-creation request
++ create
|= [him=ship tar=target pre=(unit [id=@ta tar=target])]
^- hiss:eyre
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
=/ bod=octs
%- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-json:html
(record him tar)
?~ pre
:- (endpoint base /zones/[zone.pro.aut]/['dns_records'])
[%post (headers aut) `bod]
:- (endpoint base /zones/[zone.pro.aut]/['dns_records']/[id.u.pre])
[%put (headers aut) `bod]
:: +existing: list existing records stored by provider
++ existing
|= page=(unit @t)
^- hiss:eyre
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
:: XX more url params:
:: ?type ?per-page ?order ?direction
:- %+ params
(endpoint base /zones/[zone.pro.aut]/['dns_records'])
?~(page ~ ['page' u.page]~)
[%get (headers aut) ~]
:: +parse-list: existing records stored by provider
++ parse-list
^- $- json
(pair (list [=ship id=@ta tar=target]) (unit @t))
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
=, dejs:format
%+ cu
|= $: success=?
response=(list (unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target]))
paginate=[page=@ud per-page=@ud count=@ud total-count=@ud]
^- (pair (list [=ship id=@ta tar=target]) (unit @t))
?. success [~ ~]
:- (murn response same)
:: XX calculate next page number if applicable
:: XX parse errors and messages?
%- ot :~
'result'^(ar (parse-raw-record dom.aut))
:- 'result_info'
%- ot :~
:: +parse-record: single record stored by provider
++ parse-record
^- $- json
(unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
?> ?=(%fcloud -.pro.aut)
=, dejs:format
%+ cu
|= [success=? response=(unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])]
^- (unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
?. success ~
:: XX parse errors and messages?
%- ot :~
'result'^(parse-raw-record dom.aut)
:: |gcloud: GCP provider
++ gcloud
|_ aut=authority
:: +base: provider service endpoint
++ base
^- purl:eyre
(need (de-purl:html 'https://www.googleapis.com/dns/v1/projects'))
:: +headers: standard HTTP headers for all |gcloud requests
++ headers
|= aut=authority
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
?. ?=(^ auth.pro.aut)
~| %gcloud-missing-auth !!
%- ~(gas by *math:eyre)
:~ ['Content-Type' ['application/json' ~]]
['Authorization' [`@t`(cat 3 'Bearer ' access.u.auth.pro.aut) ~]]
:: +zone: provider-specific zone info request
++ zone
^- hiss:eyre
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
:- (endpoint base /[project.pro.aut]/['managedZones']/[zone.pro.aut])
[%get (headers aut) ~]
:: +record: JSON-formatted provider-specific dns record
++ record
|= [him=ship tar=target]
^- json
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
=/ type
?:(?=(%direct -.tar) 'A' 'CNAME')
=/ data
?: ?=(%direct -.tar)
[%s (crip +:(scow %if p.tar))]
[%s (name p.tar dom.aut)]
:- %o
%- ~(gas by *(map @t json))
:~ ['name' %s (name him dom.aut)]
['type' %s type]
:: XX make configureable?
['ttl' %n ~.300]
['rrdatas' %a data ~]
:: +create: provider-specific record-creation request
++ create
=, eyre
|= [him=ship tar=target pre=(unit [id=@ta tar=target])]
^- hiss
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
=/ url=purl
%+ endpoint base
=/ bod=octs
%- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-json:html
:- %o
%- ~(gas by *(map @t json))
:- ['additions' %a (record him tar) ~]
?~ pre ~
[['deletions' %a (record him tar.u.pre) ~] ~]
[url %post (headers aut) `bod]
:: +existing: list existing records stored by provider
++ existing
=, eyre
|= page=(unit @t)
^- hiss
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
=/ url=purl
%+ endpoint base
=/ hed=math (headers aut)
=? hed ?=(^ page)
(~(put by hed) 'pageToken' [u.page]~)
[url %get hed ~]
:: +parse-list: existing records stored by provider
++ parse-list
^- $- json
(pair (list [=ship id=@ta tar=target]) (unit @t))
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
=, dejs:format
=> |%
++ page (uf ~ (mu so))
++ records
%+ uf ~
%+ cu
|*(a=(list (unit)) (murn a same))
(ar parse-record)
:: XX parse but don't produce
:: 'kind'^(su (jest "dns#resourceRecordSetsListResponse'))
(ou 'rrsets'^records 'nextPageToken'^page ~)
:: +parse-record: single record stored by provider
++ parse-record
^- $- json
(unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
=, dejs:format
%+ cu
|= [typ=@t nam=@t dat=(list @t)]
^- (unit [=ship id=@ta tar=target])
:: gcloud doesn't expose UUIDs for bindings
=/ id %$
=/ him (ship-turf nam dom.aut)
?: |(?=(~ him) ?=(~ dat) ?=(^ t.dat))
?+ typ
=/ adr (rush i.dat lip:ag)
?~ adr ~
`[u.him id %direct %if u.adr]
=/ for (ship-turf i.dat dom.aut)
?~ for ~
`[u.him id %indirect u.for]
%- ot :~
:: 'kind'^(su (jest "dns#resourceRecordSet'))
'rrdatas'^(ar so)
:: monadic helpers (XX move to stdio?)
=> |%
:: +backoff: exponential backoff timer
++ backoff
|= [try=@ud limit=@dr]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
;< eny=@uvJ bind:m get-entropy:stdio
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
%- wait:stdio
%+ add now
%+ min limit
?: =(0 try) ~s0
%+ add
(mul ~s1 (bex (dec try)))
(mul ~s0..0001 (~(rad og eny) 1.000))
++ request
|= =hiss:eyre
=/ m (async:stdio (unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-hiss:stdio hiss)
++ request-retry
|= [=hiss:eyre max=@ud limit=@dr]
=/ m (async:stdio (unit httr:eyre))
=/ try=@ud 0
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(try max)
(pure:m ~)
;< ~ bind:m (backoff try limit)
;< rep=(unit httr:eyre) bind:m (request hiss)
:: XX needs a better predicate. LTE will make this easier
?: &(?=(^ rep) =(200 p.u.rep))
(pure:m (some u.rep))
loop(try +(try))
:: application actions
=> |%
++ confirm-authority
|= =authority
=/ m (async:stdio ?)
^- form:m
;< rep=(unit httr:eyre) bind:m
(request-retry zone:(provider authority) 5 ~m10)
(pure:m &(?=(^ rep) =(200 p.u.rep)))
++ retrieve-existing
|= =authority
=/ m (async:stdio (map ship bound))
^- form:m
=| existing=(map ship bound)
=| next-page=(unit @t)
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
;< rep=(unit httr:eyre) bind:m
(request-retry (existing:(provider authority) next-page) 5 ~m10)
?: ?| ?=(~ rep)
?=(~ r.u.rep)
(pure:m existing)
=* octs u.r.u.rep
=+ ^- [dat=(list [=ship id=@ta =target]) page=(unit @t)]
:: XX gross
=- ?~(- [~ ~] -)
(json-octs octs parse-list:(provider authority))
=. existing
|- ^+ existing
?~ dat
=/ =bound [now id.i.dat target.i.dat ~]
$(dat t.dat, existing (~(put by existing) ship.i.dat bound))
?~ page
(pure:m existing)
loop(next-page page)
++ create-binding
|= [=authority =ship =target existing=(unit bound)]
=/ m (async:stdio (unit bound))
^- form:m
?: &(?=(^ existing) =(target cur.u.existing))
(pure:m existing)
=/ pre=(unit [@ta ^target])
?~(existing ~ (some [id cur]:u.existing))
;< rep=(unit httr:eyre) bind:m
(request (create:(provider authority) ship target pre))
:: XX retryable?
?. &(?=(^ rep) =(200 p.u.rep))
?: &(?=(^ rep) =(401 p.u.rep))
:: XX automate
~& %authentication-failure
~& (skim q.u.rep |=((pair @t @t) ?=(%www-authenticate p)))
(pure:m ~)
~& [%create-bind-failed rep]
(pure:m ~)
=* httr u.rep
=/ id=@ta
?. ?=(%fcloud -.pro.authority) ~.
?. ?=(^ r.httr)
~| [%authority-create-confirm-id rep] !!
=/ dat=(unit [^ship id=@ta ^target])
(json-octs u.r.httr parse-record:(provider authority))
?~(dat ~. id.u.dat)
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
=/ =bound
[now id target ?~(existing ~ [[wen cur] hit]:u.existing)]
(pure:m (some bound))
++ initialize-authority
|= [aut=authority state=app-state]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?> ?=(^ nem.state)
=* nam u.nem.state
;< good=? bind:m (confirm-authority aut)
?. good
~& %dns-authority-failed
(pure:m state(nem ~))
:: XX wait-effect
;< existing=(map ship bound) bind:m (retrieve-existing aut)
=. bon.nam (~(uni by bon.nam) existing)
=. nem.state (some nam)
:: XX wait-effect
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app:stdio collector-app /requests)
(pure:m state)
:: |oauth2-core: configured oauth functionality (for |gcloud only)
=> |%
++ oauth2-core
|= [=bowl:gall code=@t =hart:eyre secrets=@t]
=/ =oauth2-config
:* auth-url='https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth'
:~ 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite'
== ==
~(. oauth2 our.bowl now.bowl oauth2-config code hart secrets)
:: the app itself
=* default-tapp default-tapp:tapp
%- create-tapp-all:tapp
^- tapp-core-all:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ handle-peek handle-peek:default-tapp
++ handle-peer handle-peer:default-tapp
++ handle-init
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
;< success=? bind:m (bind-route:stdio [~ /dns/oauth] dap.bowl)
~| %dns-unable-to-bind-route
?> success
;< ~ bind:m (poke-app:stdio [[our %hood] [%drum-unlink our dap]]:bowl)
(pure:m state)
++ handle-poke
|= =in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. (team:title [our src]:bowl)
~| %bind-yoself !!
?- -.in-poke-data
?: ?=(%debug noun.in-poke-data)
~& bowl
:: XX redact secrets
~& state
(pure:m state)
:: XX heavy-handed, will duplicate subscriptions
:: should track bones
?: ?=(%resubscribe noun.in-poke-data)
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app:stdio collector-app /requests)
(pure:m state)
~& %poke-unknown
(pure:m state)
?. =(~ nem.state)
~| %authority-reset-wat-do !!
=* aut authority.in-poke-data
=/ nam=nameserver [aut ~ ~]
=. nem.state (some nam)
:: XX move this into the provider interface
?: ?& ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut)
?=(~ auth.pro.aut)
~& %do-the-oauth-thing
~& initial-uri:(oauth2-core bowl scry.pro.aut)
(pure:m state)
(initialize-authority aut state)
?~ nem.state
~| %bind-not-authority !!
=* nam u.nem.state
=* who ship.in-poke-data
=* tar target.in-poke-data
?: ?=(%indirect -.tar)
~| %indirect-unsupported !!
:: defer %indirect where target isn't yet bound
:: ?: ?& ?=(%indirect -.tar)
:: !(~(has by bon.nam) p.tar)
:: ==
:: =. dep.nam (~(put ju dep.nam) p.tar [who tar])
:: =. nem.state (some nam)
:: (pure:m state)
=/ existing (~(get by bon.nam) who)
;< new=(unit bound) bind:m (create-binding aut.nam who tar existing)
?~ new
~& [%bind-failed in-poke-data]
(pure:m state)
=/ =turf
(weld dom.aut.nam /(crip +:(scow %p who)))
;< ~ bind:m
(poke-app:stdio collector-app [%dns-complete who +.tar turf])
=. bon.nam (~(put by bon.nam) who u.new)
=. nem.state (some nam)
:: XX wait-effect
=/ dep=(list [=ship =target])
~(tap in (~(get ju dep.nam) who))
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ dep
=. dep.nam (~(del by dep.nam) who)
=. nem.state (some nam)
(pure:m state)
;< ~ bind:m (poke-app:stdio [our dap]:bowl [%dns-bind ship target]:i.dep)
loop(dep t.dep)
~& %tapp-http-cant-cancel
(pure:m state)
:: always stash request bone for giving response
=/ =bone ost.bowl
:: XX maybe always (set-raw-contract %request) so transaction failure is captured?
=* inbound-request inbound-request.in-poke-data
?~ nem.state
~& :* %not-an-authority
=> inbound-request
[authenticated secure address [method url]:request]
;< ~ bind:m
(send-effect-on-bone:stdio bone [%http-response %start [%403 ~] ~ %.y])
(pure:m state)
=* nam u.nem.state
?> ?=(%gcloud -.pro.aut.nam)
=/ parsed=(unit (pair pork:eyre quay:eyre))
%+ rush
;~(plug ;~(pose apat:de-purl:html (easy *pork:eyre)) yque:de-purl:html)
?. ?=(^ parsed)
~| [%invalid-url url.request.inbound-request] !!
=* url q.p.u.parsed
=* ext p.p.u.parsed
=* params q.u.parsed
?+ url
;< ~ bind:m
(send-effect-on-bone:stdio bone [%http-response %start [%404 ~] ~ %.y])
(pure:m state)
[%dns %oauth ~]
=/ link (trip redirect-to-provider:(oauth2-core bowl scry.pro.aut.nam))
=/ bod=(unit octs)
%- some
%- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-xml:html
;title: :dns oauth
;p make sure that the oauth credential is configured
with a redirect uri of {(trip redirect-uri:(oauth2-core bowl scry.pro.aut.nam))}
;a(href link): {link}
;< ~ bind:m
(send-effect-on-bone:stdio bone [%http-response %start [%200 ~] bod %.y])
(pure:m state)
[%dns %oauth %result ~]
=/ code (~(got by (my params)) %code)
:: XX make path configurable
=/ hed [['Location' '/dns/oauth/success'] ~]
;< ~ bind:m
(send-request:stdio (retrieve-access-token:(oauth2-core bowl scry.pro.aut.nam) code))
;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m
:: XX retry
?> ?& ?=(^ rep)
?=(%finished -.u.rep)
?=(^ full-file.u.rep)
=/ data (parse-token-response:oauth2 data.u.full-file.u.rep)
=. auth.pro.aut.nam (some [access refresh]:(need data))
=. nem.state (some nam)
:: XX use expiry to set refresh timer
:: XX may need to send this as a card so we don't wait
;< ~ bind:m
(send-effect-on-bone:stdio bone [%http-response %start [%301 hed] ~ %.y])
(initialize-authority aut.nam state)
[%dns %oauth %success ~]
=/ bod=(unit octs)
%- some
%- as-octt:mimes:html
%- en-xml:html
;title: :dns oauth
;p: you may close the browser window
;span: XX remove me
:: XX make path configurable
;a(href "/dns/oauth"): again
;< ~ bind:m (send-effect:stdio %http-response %start [%201 ~] bod %.y)
(pure:m state)
++ handle-diff
|= [=dock =path =in-peer-data]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. =(dock collector-app)
(pure:m state)
=* req request.in-peer-data
=/ =target [%direct address.req]
;< ~ bind:m (poke-app:stdio [our dap]:bowl [%dns-bind ship.req target])
(pure:m state)
++ handle-take
|= =sign:tapp
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. ?=(%quit -.sign)
:: XX handle stuff
(pure:m state)
?. ?& =(dock.sign collector-app)
=(path.sign /requests)
~& [%unexpected-quit-wat-do [dock path]:sign]
(pure:m state)
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app:stdio collector-app /requests)
(pure:m state)
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
:: eth-watcher: ethereum event log collector
/- *eth-watcher
/+ tapp, stdio, ethio
/- *eth-watcher, spider
/+ default-agent, verb
=, ethereum-types
=, able:jael
=> |%
++ refresh-rate ~m5
++ refresh-rate ~m5 :: ~m5
=> |%
+$ card card:agent:mall
+$ app-state
$: %0
dogs=(map path watchdog)
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
+$ context [=path dog=watchdog]
+$ watchdog
$: config
running=(unit =tid:spider)
@ -26,298 +28,298 @@
:: history: newest block first, oldest event first
+$ history (list loglist)
+$ pending-logs (map number:block loglist)
+$ peek-data
[%atom =next-block=number:block]
+$ in-poke-data
$: %eth-watcher-poke
+$ out-poke-data ~
+$ in-peer-data ~
+$ out-peer-data
$: %eth-watcher-diff
++ tapp
%: ^tapp
++ tapp-async tapp-async:tapp
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
++ ethio (^ethio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: Async helpers
:: Helpers
=> |%
++ send-logs
|= [=path =loglist]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ loglist
(pure:m ~)
;< ~ bind:m (send-update path %log i.loglist)
loop(loglist t.loglist)
++ wait
|= now=@da
^- card
[%pass /timer %arvo %b %wait (add now refresh-rate)]
++ send-update
|= [=path =diff]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
=. path [%logs path]
(give-result:stdio path %eth-watcher-diff diff)
:: Main loop
=> |%
++ wait-shortcut
|= now=@da
^- card
[%pass /shortcut %arvo %b %wait now]
:: Update watchdog configuration, then look for updates
++ poke-spider
|= [=path our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %poke cage]
++ configure
|= [context =config]
=/ m (async:stdio ,watchdog)
^- form:m
%+ get-updates path
%_ dog
- config
number from.config
++ watch-spider
|= [=path our=@p =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %watch sub-path]
:: Get updates since last checked
++ get-updates
|= context
=/ m (async:stdio ,watchdog)
^- form:m
;< =latest=block bind:m (get-latest-block:ethio url.dog)
;< dog=watchdog bind:m (zoom [path dog] number.id.latest-block)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: (gth number.dog number.id.latest-block)
(pure:m dog)
;< =block bind:m (get-block-by-number:ethio url.dog number.dog)
;< dog=watchdog bind:m
(take-block [path dog] block)
loop(dog dog)
:: Process a block, detecting and handling reorgs
++ take-block
|= [context =block]
=/ m (async:stdio ,watchdog)
^- form:m
:: if this next block isn't direct descendant of our logs, reorg happened
?: &(?=(^ blocks.dog) !=(parent-hash.block hash.id.i.blocks.dog))
(rewind [path dog] block)
;< [=new=pending-logs =released=loglist] bind:m
(release-old-events path pending-logs.dog number.id.block)
;< =new=loglist bind:m :: oldest first
(get-logs-by-hash:ethio url.dog hash.id.block contracts.dog topics.dog)
=. new-pending-logs
(~(put by new-pending-logs) number.id.block new-loglist)
%- pure:m
%_ dog
number +(number.id.block)
pending-logs new-pending-logs
history [released-loglist history.dog]
blocks [block blocks.dog]
:: Release events if they're more than 30 blocks ago
++ release-old-events
|= [=path =pending-logs =number:block]
=/ m (async:stdio ,[^pending-logs loglist])
^- form:m
?: (lth number 30) (pure:m pending-logs ~)
=/ rel-number (sub number 30)
=/ =loglist (~(get ja pending-logs) rel-number)
;< ~ bind:m (send-logs path loglist)
(pure:m (~(del by pending-logs) rel-number) loglist)
:: Reorg detected, so rewind until we're back in sync
++ rewind
:: block: wants to be head of blocks.dog, but might not match
|= [context =block]
=/ m (async:stdio ,watchdog)
=* blocks blocks.dog
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
:: if we have no further history to rewind, we're done
?~ blocks
(pure:m dog(blocks [block blocks]))
:: if target block is directly after "latest", we're done
?: =(parent-hash.block hash.id.i.blocks)
(pure:m dog(blocks [block blocks]))
:: next-block: the new target block
;< =next=^block bind:m
(get-block-by-number:ethio url.dog number.id.i.blocks)
:: remove from either pending-logs or history
?: =(~ pending-logs.dog)
:: if no more pending logs, start deleting from history instead
::NOTE this assumes there's one history entry per item in blocks.
:: while +zoom breaks that assumption by clearing blocks, we won't
:: run out of history before running out of blocks, allowing us to
:: skip the =(number.id.block number.id.i.i.history) check.
?~ history.dog
loop(block next-block, blocks t.blocks)
;< ~ bind:m
:: don't bother sending a disavow if there were no logs there
?~ i.history.dog (pure:(async:stdio ,~) ~)
(disavow path block)
loop(block next-block, blocks t.blocks, history.dog t.history.dog)
=. pending-logs.dog
(~(del by pending-logs.dog) number.id.block)
loop(block next-block, blocks t.blocks)
:: Tell subscribers there was a deep reorg
++ disavow
|= [=path =block]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
(send-update path %disavow id.block)
:: Zoom forward to near a given block number.
:: Zooming doesn't go forward one block at a time. As a
:: consequence, it cannot detect and handle reorgs. Only use it
:: at a safe distance -- 500 blocks ago is probably sufficient.
++ zoom
|= [context =latest=number:block]
=/ m (async:stdio ,watchdog)
^- form:m
=/ zoom-margin=number:block 100
?: (lth latest-number (add number.dog zoom-margin))
(pure:m dog)
=/ to-number=number:block (sub latest-number zoom-margin)
;< =loglist bind:m :: oldest first
%: get-logs-by-range:ethio
;< ~ bind:m (send-logs path loglist)
=. number.dog +(to-number)
=. blocks.dog ~
=. history.dog [loglist history.dog]
(pure:m dog)
++ leave-spider
|= [=path our=@p]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %leave ~]
:: Main
=* default-tapp default-tapp:tapp
%- create-tapp-all:tapp
^- tapp-core-all:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ handle-init
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
^- agent:mall
=| state=app-state
%+ verb &
|_ =bowl:mall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:: start update timer loop
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
;< ~ bind:m (wait-effect:stdio (add now refresh-rate))
(pure:m state)
[[(wait now.bowl) ~] this]
++ handle-diff handle-diff:default-tapp
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
=+ !<(old-state=app-state old)
`this(state old-state)
++ handle-poke
|= in=in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?- +<.in
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
?: ?=(%noun mark)
~& state
?. ?=(%eth-watcher-poke mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<(=poke vase)
?- -.poke
:: fully restart the watchdog if it doesn't exist yet,
:: or if the new config changes more than just the url.
=/ restart=?
?| !(~(has by dogs.state) path.in)
?! .= ->:(~(got by dogs.state) path.in)
?| !(~(has by dogs.state) path.poke)
?! .= ->:(~(got by dogs.state) path.poke)
~? &((~(has by dogs.state) path.in) restart)
[dap.bowl 'overwriting existing watchdog on' path.in]
;< dog=watchdog bind:m
~? &((~(has by dogs.state) path.poke) restart)
[dap.bowl 'overwriting existing watchdog on' path.poke]
=/ restart-cards
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path.poke)
?. ?& restart
?=(^ dog)
?=(^ running.u.dog)
=/ =cage [%spider-stop !>([u.running.u.dog &])]
[%pass [%starting path] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke cage]
=/ new-dog
=/ dog=watchdog
?: restart *watchdog
(~(got by dogs.state) path.in)
(configure [path.in dog] config.in)
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path.in dog)
(pure:m state)
(~(got by dogs.state) path.poke)
%_ dog
- config.poke
number from.config.poke
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path.poke new-dog)
[[(wait-shortcut now.bowl) ~] this]
=. dogs.state (~(del by dogs.state) path.in)
(pure:m state)
=. dogs.state (~(del by dogs.state) path.poke)
[~ this]
++ handle-take
|= =sign:tapp
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?+ -.sign ~|([%strange-sign -.sign] !!)
;< ~ bind:m
;< now=@da bind:(async:tapp ,~) get-time:stdio
=/ next=@da (add now refresh-rate)
::NOTE we use +send-raw-card here to ensure we always set a new timer,
:: regardless of what happens further on in the flow.
(send-raw-card:stdio %wait /effect/(scot %da next) next)
::TODO ideally we'd process these in parallel. this seems possible,
:: but requires non-trivial work, as it deviates from tapp's flow.
:: (when making that change, take note of rpc request id's.)
=/ dogs=(list [=path dog=watchdog]) ~(tap by dogs.state)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ dogs
(pure:m state)
=, i.dogs
;< dog=watchdog bind:m (get-updates path dog)
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path dog)
loop(dogs t.dogs)
:: +handle-peer: subscribe & get initial subscription data
:: +on-watch: subscribe & get initial subscription data
:: /logs/some-path:
++ handle-peer
++ on-watch
|= =path
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?. ?=([%logs ^] path)
~| [%invalid-subscription-path path]
;< ~ bind:m
%+ send-effect-on-bone:stdio ost.bowl
:+ %diff %eth-watcher-diff
:- %history
^- loglist
%- zing
%- flop
=< history
(~(gut by dogs.state) t.path *watchdog)
(pure:m state)
:_ this :_ ~
:* %give %fact ~ %eth-watcher-diff !>
:- %history
^- loglist
%- zing
%- flop
=< history
(~(gut by dogs.state) t.path *watchdog)
:: +handle-peek: get diagnostics data
++ on-leave on-leave:def
:: +on-peek: get diagnostics data
:: /block/some-path: get next block number to check for /some-path
++ handle-peek
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit peek-data))
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=([%x %block ^] path) ~
?. (~(has by dogs.state) t.t.path) ~
:+ ~ ~
:- %atom
number:(~(got by dogs.state) t.t.path)
!>(number:(~(got by dogs.state) t.t.path))
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:mall]
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?. ?=([%running *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher couldn't start thread" u.p.sign)
:_ (clear-running t.wire) :_ ~
(leave-spider t.wire our.bowl)
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher couldn't start listen to thread" u.p.sign)
[~ (clear-running t.wire)]
%kick [~ (clear-running t.wire)]
=* path t.wire
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path)
?~ dog
[~ this]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher failed; will retry" leaf+<term> tang)
[~ this(dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~)))]
=+ !<([vows=disavows pup=watchpup] q.cage.sign)
=. u.dog
%_ u.dog
- -.pup
number number.pup
blocks blocks.pup
pending-logs pending-logs.pup
=^ cards-1 u.dog (disavow path u.dog vows)
=^ cards-2 u.dog (release-logs path u.dog)
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~))
[(weld cards-1 cards-2) this]
++ clear-running
|= =path
=/ dog (~(get by dogs.state) path)
?~ dog
this(dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path u.dog(running ~)))
++ disavow
|= [=path dog=watchdog vows=disavows]
^- (quip card watchdog)
=/ history-ids=(list [id:block loglist])
%+ murn history.dog
|= logs=loglist
^- (unit [id:block loglist])
?~ logs
`[[block-hash block-number]:(need mined.i.logs) logs]
=/ actual-vows=disavows
%+ skim vows
|= =id:block
(lien history-ids |=([=history=id:block *] =(id history-id)))
=/ actual-history=history
%+ murn history-ids
|= [=id:block logs=loglist]
^- (unit loglist)
?: (lien actual-vows |=(=vow=id:block =(id vow-id)))
:_ dog(history actual-history)
%+ turn actual-vows
|= =id:block
[%give %fact `[%logs path] %eth-watcher-diff !>([%disavow id])]
++ release-logs
|= [=path dog=watchdog]
^- (quip card watchdog)
?: (lth number.dog 30)
=/ rel-number (sub number.dog 30)
=/ numbers=(list number:block) ~(tap in ~(key by pending-logs.dog))
=. numbers (sort numbers lth)
|- ^- (quip card watchdog)
?~ numbers
?: (gth i.numbers rel-number)
$(numbers t.numbers)
=^ cards-1 dog
=/ =loglist (~(get ja pending-logs.dog) i.numbers)
=. pending-logs.dog (~(del by pending-logs.dog) i.numbers)
?~ loglist
=. history.dog [loglist history.dog]
:_ dog
%+ turn loglist
|= =event-log:rpc:ethereum
^- card
[%give %fact `[%logs path] %eth-watcher-diff !>([%log event-log])]
=^ cards-2 dog $(numbers t.numbers)
[(weld cards-1 cards-2) dog]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card agent:mall)
?+ +<.sign-arvo ~|([%strange-sign-arvo -.sign-arvo] !!)
=; rest
?. =(/timer wire)
[[(wait now.bowl) -.rest] +.rest]
?^ error.sign-arvo
:: failed, try again. maybe should tell user if fails more than
:: 5 times.
[[(wait now.bowl) ~] this]
:: start all updates in parallel
=/ dogs=(list [=path dog=watchdog]) ~(tap by dogs.state)
=| cards=(list card)
=/ tid-gen ~(. og eny.bowl)
^- (quip card agent:mall)
=- [(flop -<) ->]
|- ^- (quip card agent:mall)
=* loop $
?~ dogs
[cards this]
=, i.dogs
?^ running.dog.i.dogs
:: if still running, kill it and restart
%- (slog leaf+"eth-watcher still running; will restart" ~)
=/ =cage [%spider-stop !>([u.running.dog |])]
=. cards
:* [%pass [%starting path] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke cage]
(leave-spider path our.bowl)
loop(i.dogs i.dogs(running.dog ~))
=^ rand tid-gen (raws:tid-gen 128)
=/ new-tid (cat 3 'eth-watcher--' (scot %uv rand))
=> .(running.dog.i.dogs `new-tid)
=/ args
:^ ~ `new-tid %eth-watcher
!>(`watchpup`[- number pending-logs blocks]:dog)
=. cards
:* (watch-spider path our.bowl /thread-result/[new-tid])
(poke-spider path our.bowl %spider-start !>(args))
=. dogs.state (~(put by dogs.state) path dog)
loop(dogs t.dogs)
++ on-fail on-fail:def
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
|_ [=bowl:gall ~]
++ poke-noun
|= a=*
:_ ..poke-noun
=/ force ?=(%force a)
[[ost.bowl %goad /goad force ~] ~]
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
:: group-hook: allow syncing group data from foreign paths to local paths
/- *group-store, *group-hook
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff [%group-update group-update]]
[%quit ~]
[%poke wire dock [%group-action group-action]]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%peer wire dock path]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ state-zero
$: synced=(map path ship)
boned=(map wire (list bone))
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
[~ this]
[~ this(+<+ u.old)]
++ poke-group-hook-action
|= act=group-hook-action
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.act
?. (team:title our.bol src.bol)
[~ this]
=/ group-path [%group path.act]
=/ group-wire [(scot %p ship.act) group-path]
?: (~(has by synced) path.act)
[~ this]
=. synced (~(put by synced) path.act ship.act)
:_ (track-bone group-wire)
?: =(ship.act our.bol)
[ost.bol %peer group-wire [ship.act %group-store] group-path]~
[ost.bol %peer group-wire [ship.act %group-hook] group-path]~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ ship
[~ this]
?: &(=(u.ship our.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: delete one of our own paths
=/ group-wire [(scot %p our.bol) %group path.act]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.act))
%+ weld
(pull-wire group-wire path.act)
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%group path.act] bol)
|= [=bone *]
^- move
[bone %quit ~]
?: |(=(u.ship src.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: delete a foreign ship's path
=/ group-wire [(scot %p u.ship) %group path.act]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.act))
(pull-wire group-wire path.act)
:: don't allow
[~ this]
++ peer-group
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?~ pax !!
?> (~(has by synced) pax)
=/ grp (group-scry pax)
?~ grp !!
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff [%group-update [%path u.grp pax]]]~
++ diff-group-update
|= [wir=wire diff=group-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(handle-local diff)
(handle-foreign diff)
++ handle-local
|= diff=group-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%keys [~ this]
%path [~ this]
%bundle [~ this]
%add [(update-subscribers [%group pax.diff] diff) this]
%remove [(update-subscribers [%group pax.diff] diff) this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) pax.diff))
%+ weld
(update-subscribers [%group pax.diff] diff)
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%group pax.diff] bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %quit ~]
++ handle-foreign
|= diff=group-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%keys [~ this]
%bundle [~ this]
:_ this
?~ pax.diff ~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) pax.diff)
?~ ship ~
?. =(src.bol u.ship) ~
:~ (group-poke pax.diff [%unbundle pax.diff])
(group-poke pax.diff [%bundle pax.diff])
(group-poke pax.diff [%add members.diff pax.diff])
:_ this
?~ pax.diff ~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) pax.diff)
?~ ship ~
?. =(src.bol u.ship) ~
[(group-poke pax.diff diff)]~
:_ this
?~ pax.diff ~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) pax.diff)
?~ ship ~
?. =(src.bol u.ship) ~
[(group-poke pax.diff diff)]~
?~ pax.diff
[~ this]
=/ ship (~(get by synced) pax.diff)
?~ ship
[~ this]
?. =(src.bol u.ship)
[~ this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) pax.diff))
[(group-poke pax.diff diff)]~
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
=^ =ship wir
?> ?=([* ^] wir)
[(slav %p i.wir) t.t.wir]
?. (~(has by synced) wir)
[~ this]
=/ group-path [%group wir]
=/ group-wire [(scot %p ship) group-path]
:_ (track-bone group-wire)
[ost.bol %peer group-wire [ship %group-hook] group-path]~
++ reap
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ saw
[~ this]
=^ =ship wir
?> ?=([* ^] wir)
[(slav %p i.wir) t.t.wir]
~& %insufficient-permissions-for-group
[((slog u.saw) ~) this(synced (~(del by synced) wir))]
++ group-poke
|= [pax=path action=group-action]
^- move
[ost.bol %poke pax [our.bol %group-store] [%group-action action]]
++ group-scry
|= pax=path
^- (unit group)
.^((unit group) %gx ;:(weld /=group-store/(scot %da now.bol) pax /noun))
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path diff=group-update]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
^- move
[bone %diff [%group-update diff]]
++ track-bone
|= wir=wire
^+ this
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) wir)
?^ bnd
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir (snoc u.bnd ost.bol)))
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir [ost.bol]~))
++ pull-wire
|= [wir=wire pax=path]
^- (list move)
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) wir)
?~ bnd
=/ shp (~(get by synced) pax)
?~ shp
%+ turn u.bnd
|= ost=bone
^- move
?: =(u.shp our.bol)
[ost %pull wir [our.bol %group-store] ~]
[ost %pull wir [u.shp %group-hook] ~]
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
:: group-store: data store for groups of ships
/- *group-store
+$ move [bone [%diff diff]]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ state-zero
$: =groups
+$ diff
$% [%group-update group-update]
[%group-initial groups]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
[~ ?~(old this this(+<+ u.old))]
++ peek-x
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (unit group)]))
?~ pax
[~ ~ %noun ~]
=/ grp=(unit group) (~(get by groups) pax)
[~ ~ %noun grp]
++ peer-all
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we now proxy all events to this path
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %group-initial groups]~
++ peer-keys
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we send the list of keys then send events when they change
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %group-update [%keys ~(key by groups)]]~
++ peer-group
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ grp (~(got by groups) pax)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %group-update [%path grp pax]]~
++ poke-group-action
|= action=group-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.action
%add (handle-add action)
%remove (handle-remove action)
%bundle (handle-bundle action)
%unbundle (handle-unbundle action)
++ handle-add
|= act=group-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%add -.act)
?~ pax.act
[~ this]
?. (~(has by groups) pax.act)
[~ this]
=/ members (~(got by groups) pax.act)
=. members (~(uni in members) members.act)
?: =(members (~(got by groups) pax.act))
[~ this]
:- (send-diff pax.act act)
this(groups (~(put by groups) pax.act members))
++ handle-remove
|= act=group-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%remove -.act)
?~ pax.act
[~ this]
?. (~(has by groups) pax.act)
[~ this]
=/ members (~(got by groups) pax.act)
=. members (~(dif in members) members.act)
?: =(members (~(got by groups) pax.act))
[~ this]
:- (send-diff pax.act act)
this(groups (~(put by groups) pax.act members))
++ handle-bundle
|= act=group-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%bundle -.act)
?~ pax.act
[~ this]
?: (~(has by groups) pax.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff pax.act act)
this(groups (~(put by groups) pax.act *group))
++ handle-unbundle
|= act=group-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%unbundle -.act)
?~ pax.act
[~ this]
?. (~(has by groups) pax.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff pax.act act)
this(groups (~(del by groups) pax.act))
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path act=group-action]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %group-update act]
++ send-diff
|= [pax=path act=group-action]
^- (list move)
%- zing
:~ (update-subscribers /all act)
(update-subscribers [%group pax] act)
?. |(=(%bundle -.act) =(%unbundle -.act))
(update-subscribers /keys act)
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
:: invite-hook: receive invites from any source
/+ *invite-json
+$ move [bone [%poke wire dock [%invite-action invite-action]]]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall ~]
++ this .
++ poke-json
|= =json
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ act (json-to-action json)
?> ?=(%invite -.act)
:_ this
[(invite-hook-poke recipient.invite.act act)]~
++ poke-invite-action
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
?+ -.act
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?> !(team:title our.bol ship.invite.act)
[(invite-hook-poke recipient.invite.act act)]~
?> ?=(^ (invitatory-scry path.act))
?> ?=(~ (invite-scry path.act uid.act))
[(invite-poke path.act act)]~
++ invite-hook-poke
|= [=ship action=invite-action]
^- move
[ost.bol %poke /invite-hook [ship %invite-hook] [%invite-action action]]
++ invite-poke
|= [pax=path action=invite-action]
^- move
[ost.bol %poke pax [our.bol %invite-store] [%invite-action action]]
++ invitatory-scry
|= pax=path
^- (unit invitatory)
=. pax
;:(weld /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)/invitatory pax /noun)
.^((unit invitatory) %gx pax)
++ invite-scry
|= [pax=path uid=serial]
^- (unit invite)
=. pax
;:(weld /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)/invite pax /(scot %uv uid)/noun)
.^((unit invite) %gx pax)
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
/+ *invite-json
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff invite-diff]
[%quit ~]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ state-zero
$: =invites
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
[~ this]
[~ this(+<+ u.old)]
++ peek-x-all
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (map path invitatory)]))
[~ ~ %noun invites]
++ peek-x-invitatory
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (unit invitatory)]))
?~ pax
=/ invitatory=(unit invitatory) (~(get by invites) pax)
[~ ~ %noun invitatory]
++ peek-x-invite
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (unit invite)]))
:: /:path/:uid
=/ pas (flop pax)
?~ pas
=/ uid=serial (slav %uv i.pas)
=. pax (scag (dec (lent pax)) `(list @ta)`pax)
=/ invitatory=(unit invitatory) (~(get by invites) pax)
?~ invitatory
=/ invite=(unit invite) (~(get by u.invitatory) uid)
[~ ~ %noun invite]
++ peer-all
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: send all updates from now on
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %invite-initial invites]~
++ peer-updates
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: send all updates from now on
[~ this]
++ peer-invitatory
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ inv=(unit invitatory) (~(get by invites) pax)
?~ inv !!
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %invite-update [%invitatory u.inv]]~
++ poke-json
|= =json
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(poke-invite-action (json-to-action json))
++ poke-invite-action
|= action=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.action
%create (handle-create action)
%delete (handle-delete action)
%invite (handle-invite action)
%accept (handle-accept action)
%decline (handle-decline action)
++ handle-create
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%create -.act)
?: (~(has by invites) path.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(invites (~(put by invites) path.act *invitatory))
++ handle-delete
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%delete -.act)
?. (~(has by invites) path.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(invites (~(del by invites) path.act))
++ handle-invite
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%invite -.act)
?. (~(has by invites) path.act)
[~ this]
=/ container (~(got by invites) path.act)
=. uid.act (sham eny.bol)
=. container (~(put by container) uid.act invite.act)
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(invites (~(put by invites) path.act container))
++ handle-accept
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%accept -.act)
?. (~(has by invites) path.act)
[~ this]
=/ container (~(got by invites) path.act)
=/ invite (~(get by container) uid.act)
?~ invite
[~ this]
=. container (~(del by container) uid.act)
:- (send-diff path.act [%accepted path.act uid.act u.invite])
this(invites (~(put by invites) path.act container))
++ handle-decline
|= act=invite-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%decline -.act)
?. (~(has by invites) path.act)
[~ this]
=/ container (~(got by invites) path.act)
=/ invite (~(get by container) uid.act)
?~ invite
[~ this]
=. container (~(del by container) uid.act)
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(invites (~(put by invites) path.act container))
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path upd=invite-update]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %invite-update upd]
++ send-diff
|= [pax=path upd=invite-update]
^- (list move)
%- zing
:~ (update-subscribers /all upd)
(update-subscribers /updates upd)
(update-subscribers [%invitatory pax] upd)
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
:: invite-view: provide a json interface to invite-store
/+ *invite-json
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%peer wire dock path]
[%diff %json json]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall ~]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=*
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
[ost.bol %peer / [our.bol %invite-store] /updates]~
++ peer-primary
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %json (invites-to-json invites-scry)]~
++ diff-invite-update
|= [wir=wire upd=invite-update]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ updates-json (update-to-json upd)
:_ this
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /primary bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %json updates-json]
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
[ost.bol %peer / [our.bol %invite-store] /updates]~
++ invites-scry
^- invites
.^(invites %gx /=invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)/all/noun)
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
/- launch
/+ *server
/= index
/^ $-(marl manx)
/: /===/app/launch/index /!noun/
/= script
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/launch/js/index
/| /js/
/~ ~
/= style
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/launch/css/index
/| /css/
/~ ~
/= launch-png
/^ (map knot @)
/: /===/app/launch/img /_ /png/
=, launch
+$ state
$% [%0 tiles=(set tile) data=tile-data path-to-tile=(map path @tas)]
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%http-response =http-event:http]
[%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%diff %json json]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall sta=state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
:_ this
[ost.bol %connect / [~ /] %launch]~
[~ this(sta u.old)]
++ poke-launch-action
|= act=action
^- (quip move _this)
=/ beforedata (~(get by data.sta) name.act)
=/ newdata
?~ beforedata
(~(put by data.sta) name.act [*json url.act])
(~(put by data.sta) name.act [jon.u.beforedata url.act])
:- [ost.bol %peer subscribe.act [our.bol name.act] subscribe.act]~
%= this
tiles.sta (~(put in tiles.sta) [name.act subscribe.act])
data.sta newdata
path-to-tile.sta (~(put by path-to-tile.sta) subscribe.act name.act)
++ peer-main
|= [pax=path]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ data/json
%- pairs:enjs:format
%+ turn ~(tap by data.sta)
|= [key=@tas [jon=json url=@t]]
[key jon]
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %json data]~
++ diff-json
|= [pax=path jon=json]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ name/@tas (~(got by path-to-tile.sta) pax)
=/ data/(unit [json url=@t]) (~(get by data.sta) name)
?~ data
[~ this]
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /main bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %json (frond:enjs:format name jon)]
%= this
data.sta (~(put by data.sta) name [jon url.u.data])
++ generate-script-marl
|= data=tile-data
^- marl
%+ turn ~(tap by data)
|= [key=@tas [jon=json url=@t]]
^- manx
;script@"{(trip url)}";
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bol move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ name=@t
=/ back-path (flop site.request-line)
?~ back-path
=/ site (flop site.request-line)
?~ site
=/ hym=manx (index (generate-script-marl data.sta))
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (manx-response:app hym)]~
?+ site.request-line
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response not-found:app]~
:: styling
[%'~launch' %css %index ~]
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (css-response:app style)]~
:: javascript
[%'~launch' %js %index ~]
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (js-response:app script)]~
:: images
[%'~launch' %img *]
=/ img (as-octs:mimes:html (~(got by launch-png) `@ta`name))
:_ this
[ost.bol %http-response (png-response:app img)]~
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/- lens, *sole
/+ base64, *server
/- lens, *sole
/+ base64, *server, default-agent
/= lens-mark /: /===/mar/lens/command
=, format
@ -10,57 +10,32 @@
$% [%json =json]
[%mime =mime]
:: +move: output effect
+$ move [bone card]
:: +card: output effect payload
+$ card
$% [%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%http-response =http-event:http]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%poke wire dock poke]
[%pull wire dock ~]
+$ poke
$% [%lens-command command:lens]
[%import *]
+$ state
$% $: %0
job=(unit [=bone com=command:lens])
job=(unit [eyre-id=@ta com=command:lens])
|_ [bow=bowl:gall state=state]
=| =state
|_ =bowl:mall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ this .
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
`this(state !<(^state old))
++ prep
|= old=(unit *)
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
:: alerts us that we were bound. we need this because the vane calls back.
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bow move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
?^ job.state
:_ this
[ost.bow %http-response %start [%500 ~] ~ %.y]~
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?. ?=(%handle-http-request mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase)
?> ?=(~ job.state)
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ site (flop site.request-line)
@ -72,77 +47,151 @@
?: ?=(%export -.source.com)
~& [%export app.source.com]
:_ this(job.state (some [ost.bow com]))
[ost.bow %peer /export [our.bow app.source.com] /export]~
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /export %agent [our.bowl app.source.com] %watch /export]~
?: ?=(%import -.source.com)
?~ enc=(de:base64 base64-jam.source.com)
:_ this
[ost.bow %http-response %start [%500 ~] ~ %.y]~
=/ c=* (cue q.u.enc)
:_ this(job.state (some [ost.bow com]))
[ost.bow %poke /import [our.bow app.source.com] %import c]~
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /import %agent [our.bowl app.source.com] %poke %import !>(c)]~
:_ this(job.state (some [ost.bow com]))
[ost.bow %peer /sole [our.bow %dojo] /sole]~
:_ this(job.state (some [eyre-id com]))
[%pass /sole %agent [our.bowl %dojo] %watch /sole/[eyre-id]]~
++ diff-sole-effect
|= [=wire fec=sole-effect]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ out
|- ^- (unit lens-out)
=* loop $
?+ -.fec
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?: ?=([%http-response *] path)
(on-watch:def path)
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:mall]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?+ wire (on-agent:def wire sign)
[%import ~]
?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
[[200 ~] `(as-octt:mimes:html "\"Imported data\"")]
[%export ~]
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?~ p.sign
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
(give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state not-found:gen)
%- some
:- %json
%- wall:enjs:format
(turn (flop p.fec) |=(=tank ~(ram re tank)))
(some %json s+(crip p.fec))
%- some
[%mime p.fec (as-octs:mimes:html (jam q.fec))]
:: XX use +en:base64 or produce %mime a la %sag
%- some
:- %json
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ file+s+(crip <`path`p.fec>)
data+s+(crip (en-base64:mimes:html q.fec))
=/ all `(list lens-out)`(murn p.fec |=(a=sole-effect loop(fec a)))
?~ all ~
~| [%multiple-effects all]
?> ?=(~ t.all)
(some i.all)
=^ cards this (take-export !<(* q.cage.sign))
:_ this :_ cards
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?> ?=(%export -.source.com.u.job.state)
[%pass /export %agent [our.bowl app.source.com.u.job.state] %leave ~]
?~ out
[~ this]
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
:_ ~
:+ bone.u.job.state
?- -.u.out
(json-response:app (json-to-octs json.u.out))
[%sole ~]
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?^ p.sign
:_ this(job.state ~)
(give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state not-found:gen)
:_ this :_ ~
:* %pass /sole
%agent [our.bowl %dojo]
%poke %lens-command !>
[eyre-id.u.job.state com.u.job.state]
?> ?=(%sole-effect p.cage.sign)
=^ cards this (take-sole-effect !<(sole-effect q.cage.sign))
[[[%pass /sole %agent [our.bowl %dojo] %leave ~] cards] this]
:* %start
:~ 200
['content-type' 'application/octet-stream']
++ take-export
|= data=*
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
?> ?=(%export -.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ app-name=tape (trip app.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ output=@t (crip "/{app-name}/jam")
=/ jon=json
=/ =atom (jam data)
=/ =octs [(met 3 atom) atom]
=/ enc (en:base64 octs)
(pairs:enjs:format file+s+output data+s+enc ~)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
(json-response:gen (json-to-octs jon))
++ take-sole-effect
|= fec=sole-effect
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
=/ out
|- ^- (unit lens-out)
=* loop $
?+ -.fec
%- some
:- %json
%- wall:enjs:format
(turn (flop p.fec) |=(=tank ~(ram re tank)))
(some %json s+(crip p.fec))
%- some
[%mime p.fec (as-octs:mimes:html (jam q.fec))]
:: XX use +en:base64 or produce %mime a la %sag
%- some
:- %json
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ file+s+(crip <`path`p.fec>)
data+s+(crip (en-base64:mimes:html q.fec))
=/ all `(list lens-out)`(murn p.fec |=(a=sole-effect loop(fec a)))
?~ all ~
~| [%multiple-effects all]
?> ?=(~ t.all)
(some i.all)
?~ out
[~ this]
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id.u.job.state
?- -.u.out
(json-response:gen (json-to-octs json.u.out))
=/ headers
:~ ['content-type' 'application/octet-stream']
?> ?=([@ @ ~] p.mime.u.out)
:- 'content-disposition'
^- @t
@ -150,90 +199,16 @@
'attachment; filename='
(rap 3 '"' i.p.mime.u.out '.' i.t.p.mime.u.out '"' ~)
(some q.mime.u.out)
[[200 headers] (some q.mime.u.out)]
++ diff-export
|= [=wire data=*]
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:: herb will do whatever we tell it to, so by convention have it write to an
:: app name based on the file name.
?> ?=(%export -.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ app-name=tape (trip app.source.com.u.job.state)
=/ output=@t (crip "/{app-name}/jam")
=/ jon=json
=/ =atom (jam data)
=/ =octs [(met 3 atom) atom]
=/ enc (en:base64 octs)
(pairs:enjs:format file+s+output data+s+enc ~)
:_ this(job.state ~)
:~ [bone.u.job.state %http-response (json-response:app (json-to-octs jon))]
[ost.bow %pull /export [our.bow app.source.com.u.job.state] ~]
++ quit
|= =wire
^- (quip move _this)
~& [%quit wire]
[~ this]
++ reap
|= [=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?: =([%export ~] wire)
[~ this]
?^ saw
[((slog u.saw) ~) this]
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this
:~ [ost.bow %poke /sole [our.bow %dojo] %lens-command com.u.job.state]
:: XX move to +diff-sole-effect?
[ost.bow %pull /sole [our.bow %dojo] ~]
++ coup
|= [=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?: =([%import ~] wire)
?> ?=(^ job.state)
:_ this(job.state ~)
:_ ~
:* bone.u.job.state
[%200 ~]
[~ (as-octt:mimes:html "\"Imported data\"")]
?^ saw
[((slog u.saw) ~) this]
[~ this]
:: +poke-handle-http-cancel: received when a connection was killed
++ poke-handle-http-cancel
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
:: the only long lived connections we keep state about are the stream ones.
[~ this]
++ poke-noun
|= a=*
^- (quip move _this)
~& poke+a
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:mall _this)
?. ?=(%bound +<.sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
[~ this]
++ on-fail on-fail:def
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
/+ *server
:: +move: output effect
+$ move [bone card]
:: +card: output effect payload
+$ card
$% [%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%disconnect wire binding:eyre]
[%http-response =http-event:http]
|_ [bow=bowl:gall ~]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit *)
^- (quip move _this)
?~ old
:_ this
[ost.bow %connect / [~ /'~modulo'] %modulo]~
[~ this]
:: alerts us that we were bound. we need this because the vane calls back.
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
++ session-js
^- octs
%- as-octt:mimes:html
;: weld
"window.ship = '{+:(scow %p our.bow)}';"
"window.urb = new Channel();"
:: +poke-handle-http-request: received on a new connection established
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bow move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
[[ost.bow %http-response (js-response:app session-js)]~ this]
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
:: permission-group-hook:
:: mirror the ships in some group to some set of permission paths
/- *group-store, *permission-group-hook
/+ *permission-json
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff [%group-update group-update]]
[%poke wire dock poke]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%peer wire dock path]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ group-path path
+$ permission-path path
+$ state-zero
$: relation=(map group-path (set permission-path))
+$ poke
$% [%permission-action permission-action]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
[~ ?~(old this this(+<+ u.old))]
++ poke-json
|= =json
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(poke-permission-group-hook-action (json-to-perm-group-hook-action json))
++ poke-permission-group-hook-action
|= act=permission-group-hook-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.act
%associate (handle-associate group.act permissions.act)
%dissociate (handle-dissociate group.act permissions.act)
++ handle-associate
|= [group=path permission-paths=(set [path kind])]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ perms (~(get by relation) group)
:: if relation does not exist, create it and subscribe.
=/ permissions=(set path)
%- ~(run in permission-paths)
|=([=path =kind] path)
?~ perms
=/ group-path [%group group]
:_ this(relation (~(put by relation) group permissions))
[ost.bol %peer group-path [our.bol %group-store] group-path]~
=. u.perms (~(uni in u.perms) permissions)
:_ this(relation (~(put by relation) group u.perms))
%+ weld
%+ turn ~(tap in permissions)
|=(=path (permission-poke path [%delete path]))
%+ turn ~(tap in permission-paths)
|= [=path =kind]
=/ pem *permission
=. kind.pem kind
(permission-poke path [%create path pem])
++ handle-dissociate
|= [group=path permissions=(set path)]
^- (quip move _this)
=/ perms (~(get by relation) group)
?~ perms
[~ this]
=. permissions (~(del in u.perms) permissions)
?~ permissions
:_ this(relation (~(del by relation) group))
[(group-pull [%group group])]~
[~ this(relation (~(put by relation) group permissions))]
++ diff-group-update
|= [wir=wire diff=group-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
[~ this]
[~ this]
:: set all permissions paths
=/ perms (~(get by relation) pax.diff)
?~ perms
[~ this]
:_ this
%+ turn ~(tap in u.perms)
|= =path
(permission-poke path [%add path members.diff])
:: set all permissions paths
=/ perms (~(get by relation) pax.diff)
?~ perms
[~ this]
:_ this
%+ turn ~(tap in u.perms)
|= =path
(permission-poke path [%add path members.diff])
:: set all permissions paths
=/ perms (~(get by relation) pax.diff)
?~ perms
[~ this]
:_ this
%+ turn ~(tap in u.perms)
|= =path
(permission-poke path [%remove path members.diff])
:: pull subscriptions
=/ perms (~(get by relation) pax.diff)
?~ perms
:_ this(relation (~(del by relation) pax.diff))
[(group-pull [%group pax.diff])]~
:_ this(relation (~(del by relation) pax.diff))
:- (group-pull [%group pax.diff])
%+ turn ~(tap in u.perms)
|= =path
(permission-poke path [%delete path])
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
:: no-op
[~ this]
++ reap
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ saw
[~ this]
=. wir ?^(wir t.wir ~)
~& %reap-permission-group-hook
[((slog u.saw) ~) this(relation (~(del by relation) wir))]
++ permission-poke
|= [pax=path action=permission-action]
^- move
[ost.bol %poke pax [our.bol %permission-store] [%permission-action action]]
++ group-pull
|= =path
^- move
[ost.bol %pull [%group path] [our.bol %group-store] ~]
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
:: permission-hook: allows mirroring permissions between local and foreign
:: ships. access control to an owned permission path is specified by the
:: access-control path.
/- *permission-hook
/+ *permission-json
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff [%permission-update permission-update]]
[%quit ~]
[%poke wire dock [%permission-action permission-action]]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%peer wire dock path]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ owner-access [ship=ship access-control=path]
+$ state-zero
$: synced=(map path owner-access)
access-control=(map path (set path))
boned=(map wire (list bone))
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
[~ ?~(old this this(+<+ u.old))]
++ poke-permission-hook-action
|= act=permission-hook-action
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.act
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?: (~(has by synced) owned.act)
[~ this]
=. synced (~(put by synced) owned.act [our.bol access.act])
=/ access-paths
?. (~(has by access-control) access.act)
[owned.act ~ ~]
(~(put in (~(got by access-control) access.act)) owned.act)
=. access-control
(~(put by access-control) access.act access-paths)
=/ perm-path [%permission owned.act]
:_ (track-bone perm-path)
[ost.bol %peer perm-path [our.bol %permission-store] perm-path]~
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?: (~(has by synced) path.act)
[~ this]
=. synced (~(put by synced) path.act [ship.act ~])
=/ perm-path [%permission path.act]
:_ (track-bone perm-path)
[ost.bol %peer perm-path [ship.act %permission-hook] perm-path]~
=/ owner-access=(unit owner-access) (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ owner-access
[~ this]
?: &(=(ship.u.owner-access our.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: delete one of our.bol own paths
:_ %_ this
synced (~(del by synced) path.act)
boned (~(del by boned) [%permission path.act])
(~(del by access-control) access-control.u.owner-access)
%- zing
:~ (pull-wire [%permission path.act])
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib [%permission path.act] bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %quit ~]
?. |(=(ship.u.owner-access src.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: if neither ship = source or source = us, do nothing
[~ this]
:: delete a foreign ship's path
:_ %_ this
synced (~(del by synced) path.act)
boned (~(del by boned) [%permission path.act])
(pull-wire [%permission path.act])
++ peer-permission
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=([* ^] pax)
=/ =owner-access (~(got by synced) pax)
?> =(our.bol ship.owner-access)
:: scry permissions to check if subscriber is allowed
?> (permitted-scry (scot %p src.bol) access-control.owner-access)
=/ pem (permission-scry pax)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %permission-update [%create pax pem]]~
++ diff-permission-update
|= [wir=wire diff=permission-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(handle-local diff)
(handle-foreign diff)
++ handle-local
|= diff=permission-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%create [~ this]
%add (change-local-permission [%add path.diff who.diff])
%remove (change-local-permission [%remove path.diff who.diff])
?. (~(has by synced) path.diff)
[~ this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff))
[ost.bol %pull [%permission path.diff] [our.bol %permission-store] ~]~
++ change-local-permission
|= [kind=?(%add %remove) pax=path who=(set ship)]
^- (quip move _this)
:_ this
%+ weld
?- kind
%add (update-subscribers [%permission pax] [%add pax who])
%remove (update-subscribers [%permission pax] [%remove pax who])
=/ access-paths=(unit (set path)) (~(get by access-control) pax)
:: check if this path changes the access permissions for other paths
?~ access-paths
(quit-subscriptions kind pax who u.access-paths)
++ handle-foreign
|= diff=permission-update
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.diff
%create (change-foreign-permission path.diff diff)
%add (change-foreign-permission path.diff diff)
%remove (change-foreign-permission path.diff diff)
?> ?=([* ^] path.diff)
=/ owner-access=(unit owner-access) (~(get by synced) path.diff)
?~ owner-access
[~ this]
?. =(ship.u.owner-access src.bol)
[~ this]
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) path.diff))
:~ (permission-poke diff)
[ost.bol %pull [%permission path.diff] [src.bol %permission-hook] ~]
++ change-foreign-permission
|= [pax=path diff=permission-update]
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=([* ^] pax)
=/ owner-access=(unit owner-access) (~(get by synced) pax)
:_ this
?~ owner-access ~
?. =(src.bol ship.u.owner-access) ~
[(permission-poke diff)]~
++ quit-subscriptions
|= [kind=?(%add %remove) pax=path who=(set ship) access-paths=(set path)]
^- (list move)
=/ perm (permission-scry pax)
?. ?|
?&(=(kind.perm %black) =(kind %add))
?&(=(kind.perm %white) =(kind %remove))
:: if allow, do nothing
=/ sup
%- ~(gas by *(map [ship path] bone))
%+ turn ~(tap by sup.bol)
|=([=bone anchor=[ship path]] [anchor bone])
:: if ban, iterate through
:: all ships that have been banned
:: and all affected paths that have had their permissions changed
:: then quit their subscriptions
%- zing
%+ turn ~(tap in who)
|= check-ship=ship
^- (list move)
%+ murn ~(tap in access-paths)
|= access-path=path
^- (unit move)
=/ bne (~(get by sup) [check-ship [%permission access-path]])
?~(bne ~ `[u.bne %quit ~])
++ quit
|= wir=wire
^- (quip move _this)
~& permission-hook-quit+wir
?> ?=([* ^] wir)
?. (~(has by synced) t.wir)
:: no-op
[~ this]
=/ =owner-access (~(got by synced) t.wir)
~& %permission-hook-resubscribe
:_ (track-bone wir)
[ost.bol %peer wir [ship.owner-access %permission-hook] wir]~
++ reap
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ saw
[~ this]
?> ?=(^ wir)
:_ this(synced (~(del by synced) t.wir))
%. ~
%- slog
:* leaf+"permission-hook failed subscribe on {(spud t.wir)}"
leaf+"stack trace:"
++ permission-scry
|= pax=path
^- permission
=. pax ;:(weld /=permission-store/(scot %da now.bol)/permission pax /noun)
(need .^((unit permission) %gx pax))
++ permitted-scry
|= pax=path
^- ?
.^(? %gx ;:(weld /=permission-store/(scot %da now.bol)/permitted pax /noun))
++ permission-poke
|= act=permission-action
^- move
[ost.bol %poke / [our.bol %permission-store] [%permission-action act]]
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path upd=permission-update]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %permission-update upd]
++ track-bone
|= wir=wire
^+ this
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) wir)
?^ bnd
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir (snoc u.bnd ost.bol)))
this(boned (~(put by boned) wir [ost.bol]~))
++ pull-wire
|= pax=path
^- (list move)
?> ?=([* ^] pax)
=/ bnd (~(get by boned) pax)
?~ bnd ~
=/ owner-access=(unit owner-access) (~(get by synced) t.pax)
?~ owner-access ~
%+ turn u.bnd
|= =bone
?: =(ship.u.owner-access our.bol)
[bone %pull pax [our.bol %permission-store] ~]
[bone %pull pax [ship.u.owner-access %permission-hook] ~]
@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
:: permission-store: data store for keeping track of permissions
:: permissions are white lists or black lists of ships
/- *permission-store
+$ move [bone [%diff diff]]
+$ diff
$% [%permission-initial =permission-map]
[%permission-update =permission-update]
+$ state
$: permissions=permission-map
|_ [bol=bowl:gall %v0 state]
++ this .
:: gall interface
++ peer-all
|= =path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we now proxy all events to this path
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %permission-initial permissions]~
++ peer-updates
|= =path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we now proxy all events to this path
[~ this]
++ peer-permission
|= =path
^- (quip move _this)
?~ path !!
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?> (~(has by permissions) path)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %permission-update [%create path (~(got by permissions) path)]]~
++ peek-x-keys
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (set path)]))
[~ ~ %noun ~(key by permissions)]
++ peek-x-permission
|= =path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (unit permission)]))
?~ path
[~ ~ %noun (~(get by permissions) path)]
++ peek-x-permitted
|= =path
^- (unit (unit [%noun ?]))
?~ path
=/ pem (~(get by permissions) t.path)
?~ pem
=/ who (slav %p i.path)
=/ has (~(has in who.u.pem) who)
:^ ~ ~ %noun
?-(kind.u.pem %black !has, %white has)
++ poke-permission-action
|= action=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.action
%add (handle-add action)
%remove (handle-remove action)
%create (handle-create action)
%delete (handle-delete action)
%allow (handle-allow action)
%deny (handle-deny action)
++ handle-add
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%add -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
:: TODO: calculate diff
:: =+ new=(~(dif in who.what.action) who.u.pem)
:: ?~(new ~ `what.action(who new))
?. (~(has by permissions) path.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff path.act act)
=/ perm (~(got by permissions) path.act)
=. who.perm (~(uni in who.perm) who.act)
this(permissions (~(put by permissions) path.act perm))
++ handle-remove
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%remove -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
?. (~(has by permissions) path.act)
[~ this]
=/ perm (~(got by permissions) path.act)
=. who.perm (~(dif in who.perm) who.act)
:: TODO: calculate diff
:: =+ new=(~(int in who.what.action) who.u.pem)
:: ?~(new ~ `what.action(who new))
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(permissions (~(put by permissions) path.act perm))
++ handle-create
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%create -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
?: (~(has by permissions) path.act)
[~ this]
:: TODO: calculate diff
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(permissions (~(put by permissions) path.act permission.act))
++ handle-delete
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%delete -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
?. (~(has by permissions) path.act)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(permissions (~(del by permissions) path.act))
++ handle-allow
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%allow -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
=/ perm (~(get by permissions) path.act)
?~ perm
[~ this]
?: =(kind.u.perm %white)
(handle-add [%add +.act])
(handle-remove [%remove +.act])
++ handle-deny
|= act=permission-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%deny -.act)
?~ path.act
[~ this]
=/ perm (~(get by permissions) path.act)
?~ perm
[~ this]
?: =(kind.u.perm %black)
(handle-add [%add +.act])
(handle-remove [%remove +.act])
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path upd=permission-update]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %permission-update upd]
++ send-diff
|= [pax=path upd=permission-update]
^- (list move)
%- zing
:~ (update-subscribers /all upd)
(update-subscribers /updates upd)
(update-subscribers [%permission pax] upd)
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
:: pool-group-hook: maintain groups based on invite pool
/- group-store
/+ tapp, stdio, ethio
=, ethereum-types
=, able:jael
=> |%
++ group-path /invite-peers
++ refresh-rate ~m15
=> |%
+$ app-state
$: %0
invited=(set ship)
+$ peek-data ~
+$ in-poke-data ~
+$ out-poke-data
[%group-action group-action:group-store]
+$ in-peer-data ~
+$ out-peer-data ~
++ tapp
%: ^tapp
++ tapp-async tapp-async:tapp
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
++ ethio (^ethio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: Async helpers
=> |%
++ get-invited-by
|= [url=@t who=ship]
=/ m (async:stdio ,ship)
^- form:m
;< res=@t bind:m
%+ read-contract:ethio url
:+ `'invitedBy'
:- 'invitedBy(uint32)'
:~ [%uint `@`who]
%- pure:m
^- ship ^- @
%+ decode-results:abi:ethereum res
++ get-invited
|= [url=@ta who=ship]
=/ m (async:stdio ,(list ship))
^- form:m
;< res=@t bind:m
%+ read-contract:ethio url
:+ `'getInvited'
:- 'getInvited(uint32)'
:~ [%uint `@`who]
%- pure:m
;; (list ship)
%+ decode-results:abi:ethereum res
[%array %uint]~
++ send-poke
|= [our=ship =group-action:group-store]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
%+ poke-app:stdio
[our %group-store]
[%group-action group-action]
:: Main loop
=> |%
++ start
|= [state=app-state our=ship]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
;< inviter=ship bind:m (get-invited-by url.state our)
?: =(0 inviter)
:: we're done here, don't do anything ever again
(pure:m state)
=. inviter.state inviter
:: create the group
;< ~ bind:m (send-poke our %bundle group-path)
:: start update timer loop
;< ~ bind:m set-timer
:: go ahead and update for the first time
(update state our)
:: Get updates since last checked
++ update
|= [state=app-state our=ship]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
;< invited=(list ship) bind:m (get-invited [url inviter]:state)
=/ new=(list ship)
%+ skip invited
~(has in invited.state)
;< ~ bind:m
?: =(~ new) (pure:(async:stdio ,~) ~)
(send-poke our %add (sy new) group-path)
%- pure:m
state(invited (~(gas in invited.state) new))
:: Set update timer
++ set-timer
=/ m (async:tapp ,~)
^- form:m
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
=/ next=@da (add now refresh-rate)
::NOTE we use +send-raw-card here to ensure we always set a new timer,
:: regardless of what happens further on in the flow.
(send-raw-card:stdio %wait /effect/(scot %da next) next)
:: Main
=* default-tapp default-tapp:tapp
%- create-tapp-all:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ handle-init
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
(start state our.bowl)
++ handle-take
|= =sign:tapp
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?+ -.sign ~|([%strange-sign -.sign] !!)
?~ error.sign (pure:m state)
%- (slog [leaf+"pool-group-hook effect failed" u.error.sign])
(pure:m state)
;< ~ bind:m
(update state our.bowl)
++ handle-poke handle-poke:default-tapp
++ handle-diff handle-diff:default-tapp
++ handle-peer handle-peer:default-tapp
++ handle-peek handle-peek:default-tapp
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
:: there's a small state machine here that goes like this (happy path):
:: =/ wen ~
:: apex
:: -> [if =(~ wen)]
:: -> apex
:: [else]
:: -> wen=`(add now ~s10)
:: -> send-next-batch
:: [n times]
:: -> eth-send-raw-transaction
:: -> sigh-send
:: -> wait 30s in behn
:: -> wake-see
:: [n times]
:: -> wen=~
:: -> eth-get-transaction-receipt
:: -> sigh-see
:: -> apex
++ state
$: txs=(list @ux)
see=(set @ux)
wen=(unit @da)
++ move (pair bone card)
++ card
$% [%hiss wire ~ mark %hiss hiss:eyre]
[%info wire ship desk nori:clay]
[%rest wire @da]
[%wait wire @da]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ pretty-see (turn (sort (turn ~(tap in see) mug) lth) @p)
++ prep
|= old=(unit *)
?: ?=([~ * * ~ @da] old)
~& [%cancelling +>+>.old]
[[ost.bol %rest /see +>+>.old]~ ..prep]
[~ ..prep]
:: usage:
:: generate txs starting from nonce 0 on fake chain at 11 gwei
:: from address; store at path
:: :send-txs [%gen %/txs/eth-txs %fake 0 11 '0x0000000']
:: sign txs for gasses of 2 and 11 gwei; (~ for default gwei set)
:: store at path
:: :send-txs [%sign %/txs %/txs/eth-txs %/pk/txt ~[2 0]]
:: read nonce range from signed transactions at path
:: :send-txs [%read %txs/txt]
:: send all but first 50 txs from path
:: :send-txs [%send %/txs/txt 50]
++ poke-noun
|= $% [%sign bout=path in=path key=path gasses=(list @ud)]
[%read pax=path]
$: %send
how=?(%nonce %number) :: tx nonce / index in file
range=(unit $@(@ud (pair @ud @ud))) :: inclusive. end optional
^- [(list move) _this]
?- +<-
:_ this
%+ turn
?. =(~ gasses) gasses
:: default gwei set
~[3 4 6 9 11 21 31]
|= gas=@ud
%+ write-file-wain
:: add gas amount to path
=+ end=(dec (lent bout))
=- (weld (scag end bout) -)
?: =(0 gas) [(snag end bout) /txt]
:_ /txt
(cat 3 (snag end bout) (crip '-' ((d-co:co 1) gas)))
%- sign
:+ in key
:: modify tx gas if non-zero gwei specified
?: =(0 gas) ~
`(mul gas
=+ tox=.^((list cord) %cx pax)
=+ [first last]=(read-nonces tox)
~& %+ weld
"Found nonces {(scow %ud first)} through {(scow %ud last)}"
" in {(scow %ud (lent tox))} transactions."
[~ this]
~& 'loading txs...'
=. see ~
=/ tox=(list cord) .^((list cord) %cx pax)
=. tox
?~ range tox
=* r u.range
?: ?=(%number how)
?@ r
(slag r tox)
%+ slag p.r
(scag q.r tox)
=+ [first last]=(read-nonces tox)
?: !=((lent tox) +((sub last first)))
~| 'woah, probably non-contiguous set of transactions'
?@ r
(slag (sub r first) tox)
(slag (sub p.r first) (scag (sub +(q.r) first) tox))
=. txs
%+ turn tox
(cork trip tape-to-ux)
~& [(lent txs) 'loaded txs']
~& [%clearing-see ~(wyt in see)]
=. see ~
=. outstanding-send |
++ get-file
|= pax=path
~| pax
.^ (list cord) %cx
(weld /(scot %p our.bol)/home/(scot %da now.bol) pax)
:: sign pre-generated transactions
++ sign
=, rpc:ethereum
|= [in=path key=path gas=(unit @ud)]
^- (list cord)
?> ?=([@ @ @ *] key)
=/ pkf (get-file t.t.t.key)
?> ?=(^ pkf)
=/ pk (rash i.pkf ;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex))
=/ txs .^((list transaction) %cx in)
=/ enumerated
=/ n 1
|- ^- (list [@ud transaction])
?~ txs
[[n i.txs] $(n +(n), txs t.txs)]
%+ turn enumerated
|= [n=@ud tx=transaction]
~? =(0 (mod n 100)) [%signing n]
=? gas-price.tx ?=(^ gas) u.gas
(crip '0' 'x' ((x-co:co 0) (sign-transaction:key:ethereum tx pk)))
++ read-nonces
|= tox=(list cord)
^- [@ud @ud]
?: =(~ tox) :: not ?~ because fucking tmi
[0 0]
:- (read-nonce (snag 0 tox))
(read-nonce (snag (dec (lent tox)) tox))
++ read-nonce
|= tex=cord
^- @ud
::NOTE this is profoundly stupid but should work well enough
=+ (find "82" (trip tex))
?> ?=(^ -)
(rash (rsh 3 (add u 2) (end 3 (add u 6) tex)) hex)
++ write-file-wain
|= [pax=path tox=(list cord)]
^- move
?> ?=([@ desk @ *] pax)
:* ost.bol
(weld /write pax)
=- &+[t.t.t.pax -]~
=/ y .^(arch %cy pax)
?~ fil.y
++ write-file-transactions
|= [pax=path tox=(list transaction:rpc:ethereum)]
^- move
?> ?=([@ desk @ *] pax)
:* ost.bol
(weld /write pax)
=- &+[t.t.t.pax -]~
=/ y .^(arch %cy pax)
?~ fil.y
++ fan-requests
|= [wir=wire nodes=(list [tag=@tas url=purl:eyre]) jon=json]
:: =- ~& [batch=((list ,[bone * wire]) (turn - |=(* [- +< +>-]:+<))) jon=jon] -
^- (list move)
%+ turn nodes
|= [tag=@tas url=purl:eyre]
^- move
:- ost.bol
:^ %hiss (weld wir ~[tag]) ~
:+ %json-rpc-response %hiss
(json-request:rpc:ethereum url jon)
++ batch-requests
|= [wir=wire req=(list [(unit @t) request:rpc:ethereum])]
^- (list move)
%^ fan-requests
:~ => (need (de-purl:html ''))
geth+.(p.p |)
=> (need (de-purl:html ''))
parity+.(p.p |)
a+(turn req request-to-json:rpc:ethereum)
++ send-next-batch
^- [(list move) _this]
?: outstanding-send
~& 'waiting for previous send to complete'
?: =(0 (lent txs))
~& 'all sent!'
[~ this(txs ~, see ~, wen ~, outstanding-send |)]
:: ~& send-next-batch=pretty-see
=/ new-count (sub 500 ~(wyt in see))
?: =(0 new-count)
~& %no-new-txs-yet
:_ this(txs (slag new-count txs), outstanding-send &)
~& ['remaining txs: ' (lent txs)]
~& ['sending txs...' new-count]
%+ batch-requests /send
%+ turn (scag new-count txs)
|= tx=@ux
:- `(crip 'id-' (scot %ux (end 3 10 tx)) ~)
[%eth-send-raw-transaction tx]
++ sigh-json-rpc-response-send
|= [wir=wire res=response:rpc:jstd]
^- [(list move) _this]
?: ?=(%fail -.res)
~& %send-failed
?> ?=(%batch -.res)
:: ~& sigh-send-a=pretty-see
=. see
%- ~(uni in see)
%- silt
^- (list @ux)
%+ murn bas.res
|= r=response:rpc:jstd
^- (unit @ux)
?: ?=(%error -.r)
?: ?| =('known transaction' (end 3 17 message.r))
=('Known transaction' (end 3 17 message.r))
=('Transaction with the same ' (end 3 26 message.r))
~& [%sent-a-known-transaction--skipping wir]
?: =('Nonce too low' message.r)
~& %nonce-too-low--skipping
~| :- 'transaction send failed, game over'
[code.r message.r]
?> ?=(%result -.r)
:- ~
%- tape-to-ux
(sa:dejs:format res.r)
=. outstanding-send |
:: ~& sigh-send-b=pretty-see
++ apex
^- [(list move) _this]
~& :_ ~(wyt in see)
'waiting for transaction confirms... '
?. =(~ wen) [~ this]
=. wen `(add now.bol ~s30)
:: ~& apex=[wen pretty-see]
=^ moves this send-next-batch
:: timer got un-set, meaning we're done here
?~ wen [moves this]
[[[ost.bol %wait /see (need wen)] moves] this]
++ wake-see
|= [wir=wire ~]
^- [(list move) _this]
=. wen ~
:: ~& wake-see=[wen pretty-see]
?: =(~ see)
:_ this
%+ batch-requests /see
%+ turn ~(tap in see)
|= txh=@ux
:- `(crip 'see-0x' ((x-co:co 64) txh))
[%eth-get-transaction-receipt txh]
++ sigh-json-rpc-response-see
|= [wir=wire res=response:rpc:jstd]
^- [(list move) _this]
?: ?| ?=(%error -.res)
?=(%fail -.res)
~& [%bad-rpc-response--kicking res]
:: `this
?> ?=(%batch -.res)
?: =(~ see)
?: =(0 (lent bas.res))
::TODO node lost our txs?
~& [%txs-lost-tmp wir '!!']
:: ~& sigh-see-a=pretty-see
=. see
%- ~(dif in see)
%- silt
^- (list @ux)
%+ murn bas.res
|= r=response:rpc:jstd
^- (unit @ux)
?< ?=(%batch -.r)
?< ?=(%fail -.r)
~| [id.r res]
=+ txh=(tape-to-ux (trip (rsh 3 4 id.r)))
:: ~& see-tx=[(@p (mug txh)) `@ux`txh]
=* done `txh
=* wait ~
?: ?=(%error -.r)
~& :- 'receipt fetch error'
[code.r message.r]
?~ res.r wait
?> ?=(%o -.res.r)
=/ status
%- tape-to-ux
%- sa:dejs:format
(~(got by p.res.r) 'status')
?: =(1 status)
~& [%see-bad-status status]
:: ~& sigh-see-b=pretty-see
++ sigh-tang
|= [wir=wire err=tang]
~& [%sigh-tang wir]
~& (slog err)
?: =(~ wen) [~ this]
=. wen `(add now.bol ~s30)
[[ost.bol %wait /see (need wen)]~ this]
++ tape-to-ux
|= t=tape
(scan t zero-ux)
++ zero-ux
;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
%marks ~|(%stub !!) ::TODO restore historical handler
%renders ~&(%all-renderers-are-disabled ~)
=/ spurs [- +]:(list-hoons p.a skip=(sy /sys /ren /tests /app ~))
=/ spurs [- +]:(list-hoons p.a skip=(sy /sys /ren /tests ~))
[(build-core [p q]:byk.bowl spurs) ~]
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/time/app
/? 310
++ card {$wait wire @da}
|_ {bowl:gall ~}
++ poke-noun
|= *
:_ +>.$ :_ ~
[ost %wait /(scot %da now) +(now)]
++ wake
|= {wir/wire error=(unit tang)}
?> ?=({@ ~} wir)
?^ error
%- (slog u.error)
~& %time-behn-failed
[~ +>.$]
~& [%took `@dr`(sub now (slav %da i.wir))]
[~ +>.$]
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
/+ *server
/= tile-js
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/weather/js/tile
/| /js/
/~ ~
/= weather-png
/^ (map knot @)
/: /===/app/weather/img /_ /png/
=, format
:: +move: output effect
+$ move [bone card]
:: +card: output effect payload
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock poke]
[%http-response =http-event:http]
[%diff %json json]
[%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%request wire request:http outbound-config:iris]
[%wait wire @da]
+$ poke
$% [%launch-action [@tas path @t]]
+$ state
$% [%0 data=json time=@da location=@t timer=(unit @da)]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
=/ launcha
[%launch-action [%weather /weathertile '/~weather/js/tile.js']]
[ost.bol %connect / [~ /'~weather'] %weather]
[ost.bol %poke /weather [our.bol %launch] launcha]
?~ old
%= this
data data.u.old
time time.u.old
++ peer-weathertile
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
[[ost.bol %diff %json data]~ this]
++ poke-json
|= jon=json
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=(%s -.jon)
[~ this]
=/ str/@t +.jon
=/ req/request:http (request-darksky str)
=/ out *outbound-config:iris
=/ lismov [ost.bol %request /[(scot %da now.bol)] req out]~
?~ timer
:- [[ost.bol %wait /timer (add now.bol ~h3)] lismov]
%= this
location str
timer `(add now.bol ~h3)
:- lismov
%= this
location str
++ request-darksky
|= location=@t
^- request:http
=/ base
=/ url/@t %- crip
:(weld base (trip location) "?units=auto")
=/ hed [['Accept' 'application/json']]~
[%'GET' url hed *(unit octs)]
++ send-tile-diff
|= jon=json
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /weathertile bol)
|= [=bone ^]
[bone %diff %json jon]
++ http-response
|= [=wire response=client-response:iris]
^- (quip move _this)
:: ignore all but %finished
?. ?=(%finished -.response)
[~ this]
=/ data/(unit mime-data:iris) full-file.response
?~ data
:: data is null
[~ this]
=/ ujon/(unit json) (de-json:html q.data.u.data)
?~ ujon
[~ this]
?> ?=(%o -.u.ujon)
?: (gth 200 status-code.response-header.response)
~& weather+u.ujon
~& weather+location
[~ this]
=/ jon/json %- pairs:enjs:format :~
currently+(~(got by p.u.ujon) 'currently')
daily+(~(got by p.u.ujon) 'daily')
:- (send-tile-diff jon)
%= this
data jon
time now.bol
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bol move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ back-path (flop site.request-line)
=/ name=@t
=/ back-path (flop site.request-line)
?~ back-path
?~ back-path
:_ this ~
?: =(name 'tile')
[[ost.bol %http-response (js-response:app tile-js)]~ this]
?: (lte (lent back-path) 1)
[[ost.bol %http-response not-found:app]~ this]
?: =(&2:site.request-line 'img')
=/ img (as-octs:mimes:html (~(got by weather-png) `@ta`name))
[[ost.bol %http-response (png-response:app img)]~ this]
[~ this]
++ wake
|= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ err
=/ req/request:http (request-darksky location)
=/ out *outbound-config:iris
:_ this(timer `(add now.bol ~h3))
[ost.bol %request /[(scot %da now.bol)] req out]
[ost.bol %wait /timer (add now.bol ~h3)]
~& err
[~ this]
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
++ file-ovum
=/ directories
`(list path)`~[/app /age /ted /gen /lib /mar /ren /sec /sur /sys /tests /web]
`(list path)`~[/app /ted /gen /lib /mar /ren /sec /sur /sys /tests /web]
|= bas=path
^- unix-event
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =schematic:ford [%core [ship desk] /hoon/[term]/age]
=/ =schematic:ford [%core [ship desk] /hoon/[term]/app]
[%f %build live=%.y schematic]
=/ pass [path note-arvo]
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
=/ =move:gall-gate
=/ =path /sys/core/[term]/(scot %p ship)/[term]/(scot %da time)
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =schematic:ford [%core [ship term] /hoon/[term]/age]
=/ =schematic:ford [%core [ship term] /hoon/[term]/app]
=/ =task:able:ford [%build %.y schematic]
[%f task]
[duct %pass path note-arvo]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user