mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 18:12:47 +03:00
Implement -N, dry-run mode.
When -N is enabled, no sockets are bound and no events get persisted to the datastore. We also pass the dry run flag to the serf, who should not snapshot. (For redundancy, we should probably also make king not send the save snapshot commands, but I tested locally that the worker process doesn't save.)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
# Booting a Ship
- TODO Don't just boot, also run the ship (unless `-x` is set).
# Event Pruning
- `king discard-events NUM_EVENTS`: Delete the last `n` events from
@ -12,10 +8,6 @@
the event log, from last to first, pretty-print each event, and
ask if it should be pruned.
# `-N` -- Dry Run
Disable all persistence and use no-op networking.
# Implement subcommands to test event and effect parsing.
- `king * --collect-fx`: All effects that come from the serf get
@ -134,7 +126,9 @@ toSerfFlags CLI.Opts{..} = catMaybes m
toPierConfig :: FilePath -> CLI.Opts -> PierConfig
toPierConfig pierPath CLI.Opts{..} = PierConfig
{ pcPierPath = pierPath
, pcNetworking = if oLocalhost then NetworkLocalhost
, pcDryRun = oDryRun
, pcNetworking = if oDryRun then NetworkNone
else if oLocalhost then NetworkLocalhost
else NetworkNormal
, pcAmesPort = oAmesPort
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ module PierConfig where
import UrbitPrelude
data NetworkingType = NetworkNormal | NetworkLocalhost
data NetworkingType = NetworkNone | NetworkNormal | NetworkLocalhost
-- All the configuration data revolving around a ship and the current execution
-- options.
data PierConfig = PierConfig
{ pcPierPath :: FilePath
, pcDryRun :: Bool
-- Configurable networking options
, pcNetworking :: NetworkingType
, pcAmesPort :: Maybe Word16
@ -21,6 +22,11 @@ getPierPath = do
PierConfig{..} <- view pierConfigL
pure pcPierPath
getIsDryRun :: (MonadReader env m, HasPierConfig env) => m Bool
getIsDryRun = do
PierConfig{..} <- view pierConfigL
pure pcDryRun
getNetworkingType :: (MonadReader env m, HasPierConfig env) => m NetworkingType
getNetworkingType = do
PierConfig{..} <- view pierConfigL
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Vere.Ames (ames) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo hiding (Fake)
import Control.Monad.Extra hiding (mapM_)
import Network.Socket hiding (recvFrom, sendTo)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import PierConfig
@ -18,14 +19,14 @@ import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
data AmesDrv = AmesDrv
{ aTurfs :: TVar (Maybe [Turf])
, aGalaxies :: IORef (M.Map Galaxy (Async (), TQueue ByteString))
, aSocket :: Socket
, aSocket :: Maybe Socket
, aWakeTimer :: Async ()
, aListener :: Async ()
, aSendingQueue :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString)
, aSendingThread :: Async ()
data NetworkMode = Fake | Localhost | Real
data NetworkMode = Fake | Localhost | Real | NoNetwork
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ galaxyPort :: NetworkMode -> Galaxy -> PortNumber
galaxyPort Fake (Galaxy g) = fromIntegral g + 31337
galaxyPort Localhost (Galaxy g) = fromIntegral g + 13337
galaxyPort Real (Galaxy g) = fromIntegral g + 13337
galaxyPort NoNetwork _ = fromIntegral 0
listenPort :: NetworkMode -> Ship -> PortNumber
listenPort m s | s < 256 = galaxyPort m (fromIntegral s)
@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ ames inst who isFake enqueueEv stderr =
else getNetworkingType >>= \case
NetworkNormal -> pure Real
NetworkLocalhost -> pure Localhost
NetworkNone -> pure NoNetwork
stop :: AmesDrv -> RIO e ()
stop AmesDrv{..} = do
@ -131,23 +134,26 @@ ames inst who isFake enqueueEv stderr =
cancel aSendingThread
cancel aWakeTimer
cancel aListener
io $ close' aSocket
io $ maybeM (pure ()) (close') (pure aSocket)
-- io $ close' aSocket
runTimer :: RIO e ()
runTimer = forever $ do
threadDelay (300 * 1000000) -- 300 seconds
atomically (enqueueEv wakeEv)
bindSock :: RIO e Socket
bindSock :: RIO e (Maybe Socket)
bindSock = getBindAddr >>= doBindSocket
getBindAddr = netMode >>= \case
Fake -> pure localhost
Localhost -> pure localhost
Real -> pure inaddrAny
Fake -> pure $ Just localhost
Localhost -> pure $ Just localhost
Real -> pure $ Just inaddrAny
NoNetwork -> pure Nothing
doBindSocket :: HostAddress -> RIO e Socket
doBindSocket bindAddr = do
doBindSocket :: Maybe HostAddress -> RIO e (Maybe Socket)
doBindSocket Nothing = pure Nothing
doBindSocket (Just bindAddr) = do
mode <- netMode
mPort <- getAmesPort
let ourPort = maybe (listenPort mode who) fromIntegral mPort
@ -157,10 +163,11 @@ ames inst who isFake enqueueEv stderr =
let addr = SockAddrInet ourPort bindAddr
() <- io $ bind s addr
pure s
pure $ Just s
waitPacket :: Socket -> RIO e ()
waitPacket s = forever $ do
waitPacket :: Maybe Socket -> RIO e ()
waitPacket Nothing = pure ()
waitPacket (Just s) = forever $ do
(bs, addr) <- io $ recvFrom s 4096
logTrace $ displayShow ("(ames) Received packet from ", addr)
wen <- io $ Time.now
@ -182,6 +189,8 @@ ames inst who isFake enqueueEv stderr =
sendPacket :: AmesDrv -> NetworkMode -> AmesDest -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} NoNetwork dest bs = pure ()
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Fake dest bs = do
when (okayFakeAddr dest) $ atomically $
writeTQueue aSendingQueue ((localhostSockAddr Fake dest), bs)
@ -209,8 +218,9 @@ ames inst who isFake enqueueEv stderr =
-- An outbound queue of messages. We can only write to a socket from one
-- thread, so coalesce those writes here.
sendingThread :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString) -> Socket -> RIO e ()
sendingThread queue socket = forever $
sendingThread :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString) -> Maybe Socket -> RIO e ()
sendingThread queue Nothing = pure ()
sendingThread queue (Just socket) = forever $
(dest, bs) <- atomically $ readTQueue queue
logTrace $ displayShow ("(ames) Sending packet to ", socket, dest)
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ instance Exception PersistExn where
, "\tExpected " <> show expected <> " but got " <> show got
runPersist :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e
runPersist :: ∀e. (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e)
=> EventLog
-> TQueue (Job, FX)
-> (FX -> STM ())
@ -393,11 +393,14 @@ runPersist log inpQ out =
mkRAcquire runThread cancel
runThread :: RIO e (Async ())
runThread = asyncBound $ forever $ do
writs <- atomically getBatchFromQueue
events <- validateJobsAndGetBytes (toNullable writs)
Log.appendEvents log events
atomically $ for_ writs $ \(_,fx) -> out fx
runThread = asyncBound $ do
dryRun <- getIsDryRun
forever $ do
writs <- atomically getBatchFromQueue
unless dryRun $ do
events <- validateJobsAndGetBytes (toNullable writs)
Log.appendEvents log events
atomically $ for_ writs $ \(_,fx) -> out fx
validateJobsAndGetBytes :: [(Job, FX)] -> RIO e (Vector ByteString)
validateJobsAndGetBytes writs = do
Reference in New Issue
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