mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 04:40:50 +03:00
kh: update Term for new dill interface
Support new Belts/Blits and updated semantics.
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,15 +119,22 @@ deriveNoun ''BehnEf
data Blit
= Bel ()
| Clr ()
| Hop Word64
| Hop HopTarget
| Klr Stub
| Lin [Char]
| Mor ()
| Put [Char]
| Nel ()
| Sag Path Noun
| Sav Path Atom
| Url Cord
| Wyp ()
deriving (Eq, Ord)
--NOTE bottom-left-0-based coordinates
data HopTarget
= Col Word64
| Roc Word64 Word64 -- row, col
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Deco
= DecoBl
| DecoBr
@ -205,18 +212,30 @@ instance FromNoun Tint where
"w" -> pure TintW
t -> fail ("invalid: " <> unpack t)
instance FromNoun HopTarget where
parseNoun = \case
A c -> pure $ Col (fromIntegral c)
C (A r) (A c) -> pure $ Roc (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral c)
n -> fail ("invalid hop target: " <> show n)
instance ToNoun HopTarget where
toNoun = \case
Col c -> A (fromIntegral c)
Roc r c -> C (A (fromIntegral r)) (A (fromIntegral c))
-- Manual instance to not save the noun/atom in Sag/Sav, because these can be
-- megabytes and makes king hang.
instance Show Blit where
show (Bel ()) = "Bel ()"
show (Clr ()) = "Clr ()"
show (Hop x) = "Hop " ++ (show x)
show (Hop t) = "Hop " ++ (show t)
show (Klr s) = "Klr " ++ (show s)
show (Lin c) = "Lin " ++ (show c)
show (Mor ()) = "Mor ()"
show (Put c) = "Put " ++ (show c)
show (Nel ()) = "Nel ()"
show (Sag path _) = "Sag " ++ (show path)
show (Sav path _) = "Sav " ++ (show path)
show (Url c) = "Url " ++ (show c)
show (Wyp ()) = "Wyp ()"
%blip -- TODO
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Urbit.Arvo.Common (ReOrg(..), reorgThroughNoun)
import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as H
@ -277,19 +278,56 @@ data LegacyBootEvent
| Dawn Dawn
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ArrowKey = D | L | R | U
data Bolt
= Key Char
| Aro ArrowKey
| Bac ()
| Del ()
| Hit Word64 Word64
| Ret ()
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Belt
= Aro ArrowKey
| Bac ()
| Ctl Cord
| Del ()
| Met Cord
| Ret ()
= Bol Bolt
| Mod Modifier Bolt
| Txt Tour
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ArrowKey = D | L | R | U
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Modifier = Ctl | Met | Hyp
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--NOTE required to get the above declarations into reify's type environment
-- see also ghc/ghc#9813
$(pure [])
instance FromNoun Bolt where
parseNoun = \case
A c -> pure $ Key $ C.chr $ fromIntegral c
n -> $(deriveFromNounFunc ''Bolt) n
instance FromNoun Belt where
parseNoun = \case
A c -> pure $ Bol $ Key $ C.chr $ fromIntegral c
n -> runParser ($(deriveFromNounFunc ''Bolt) n) [] belt bolt
belt p m = $(deriveFromNounFunc ''Belt) n
bolt !b = pure $ Bol b
instance ToNoun Bolt where
toNoun = \case
Key c -> A $ fromIntegral $ C.ord c
n -> $(deriveToNounFunc ''Bolt) n
instance ToNoun Belt where
toNoun = \case
Bol b -> case b of
Key c -> A $ fromIntegral $ C.ord c
b -> $(deriveToNounFunc ''Bolt) b
n -> $(deriveToNounFunc ''Belt) n
data TermEv
= TermEvBelt (UD, ()) Belt
| TermEvBlew (UD, ()) Word Word
@ -300,7 +338,7 @@ data TermEv
deriveNoun ''LegacyBootEvent
deriveNoun ''ArrowKey
deriveNoun ''Belt
deriveNoun ''Modifier
deriveNoun ''TermEv
@ -353,6 +391,7 @@ instance FromNoun Ev where
terminal event, but we don't display any name because the cause is
really the user.
--REVIEW doesn't that hold for _any_ terminal event?
getSpinnerNameForEvent :: Ev -> Maybe Text
getSpinnerNameForEvent = \case
EvBlip b -> case b of
@ -367,8 +406,8 @@ getSpinnerNameForEvent = \case
BlipEvTerm t | isRet t -> Nothing
BlipEvTerm t -> Just "term"
isRet (TermEvBelt _ (Ret ())) = True
isRet _ = False
isRet (TermEvBelt _ (Bol (Ret ()))) = True
isRet _ = False
summarizeEvent :: Ev -> Text
summarizeEvent ev =
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.Render as T
-- | All stateful data in the printing to stdOutput.
data LineState = LineState
{ lsLine :: Text
, lsCurPos :: Int
, lsCurPos :: CurPos
, lsSpinTimer :: Maybe (Async ())
, lsSpinCause :: Maybe Text
, lsSpinFirstRender :: Bool
@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ data LineState = LineState
, lsPrevEndTime :: Wen
data CurPos = CurPos
{ row :: Int
, col :: Int
-- | A record used in reading data from stdInput.
data ReadData = ReadData
{ rdBuf :: Ptr Word8
@ -269,7 +274,7 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
writeTerminal :: TQueue [Term.Ev] -> TMVar () -> TVar TermSize -> RIO e ()
writeTerminal q spinner termSizeVar = do
currentTime <- io $ now
loop (LineState "" 0 Nothing Nothing True 0 currentTime)
loop (LineState "" (CurPos 0 0) Nothing Nothing True 0 currentTime)
writeBlank :: LineState -> RIO e LineState
writeBlank ls = putStr "\r\n" $> ls
@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
execEv :: LineState -> Term.Ev -> RIO e LineState
execEv ls = \case
Term.Blits bs -> foldM writeBlit ls bs
Term.Blits bs -> foldM (writeBlit termSizeVar) ls bs
Term.Trace p -> writeTrace ls (unCord p)
Term.Slog s -> writeSlog ls s
Term.Blank -> writeBlank ls
@ -370,20 +375,22 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
-- Writes an individual blit to the screen
writeBlit :: LineState -> Blit -> RIO e LineState
writeBlit ls = \case
writeBlit :: TVar TermSize -> LineState -> Blit -> RIO e LineState
writeBlit ts ls = \case
Bel () -> T.soundBell $> ls
Clr () -> do T.clearScreen
termRefreshLine ls
Hop w -> termShowCursor ls (fromIntegral w)
Klr s -> do ls2 <- termShowClear ls
termShowStub ls2 s
Lin c -> do ls2 <- termShowClear ls
termShowLine ls2 (pack c)
Mor () -> termShowMore ls
pure ls
Hop t -> case t of
Col c -> termShowCursor ls ts 0 (fromIntegral c)
Roc r c -> termShowCursor ls ts (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral c)
Klr s -> termShowStub ls s
Put c -> termShowLine ls (pack c)
Nel () -> termShowNewline ls
Sag path noun -> pure ls
Sav path atom -> pure ls
Url url -> pure ls
Wyp () -> termShowClear ls
termRenderDeco :: Deco -> Char
termRenderDeco = \case
@ -428,48 +435,56 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
styled = mconcat [escape, styles, "m", tape, escape, "0m"]
-- Displays and sets styled text as the current line
-- Displays styled text at the cursor
termShowStub :: LineState -> Stub -> RIO e LineState
termShowStub ls (Stub s) = do
let visualLength = sum $ fmap (length . snd) s
termShowStub ls@LineState{lsCurPos} (Stub s) = do
let outText = pack $ mconcat $ fmap (uncurry termRenderStubSegment) s
putStr outText
pure ls { lsLine = outText, lsCurPos = visualLength }
case row lsCurPos of
0 -> --TODO offset by col
pure ls { lsLine = outText }
_ -> pure ls
-- Moves the cursor to the requested position
termShowCursor :: LineState -> Int -> RIO e LineState
termShowCursor ls@LineState{..} {-line pos)-} newPos = do
if newPos < lsCurPos then do
T.cursorLeft (lsCurPos - newPos)
pure ls { lsCurPos = newPos }
else if newPos > lsCurPos then do
T.cursorRight (newPos - lsCurPos)
pure ls { lsCurPos = newPos }
pure ls
termShowCursor :: LineState -> TVar TermSize -> Int -> Int -> RIO e LineState
termShowCursor ls ts row col = do
TermSize _ h <- readTVarIO ts
T.cursorMove (max 0 (fromIntegral h - row - 1)) col
pure ls { lsCurPos = CurPos row col }
-- Moves the cursor left without any mutation of the LineState. Used only
-- in cursor spinning.
_termSpinnerMoveLeft :: Int -> RIO e ()
_termSpinnerMoveLeft = T.cursorLeft
_termSpinnerMoveLeft = liftIO . ANSI.cursorBackward
-- Displays and sets the current line
termShowLine :: LineState -> Text -> RIO e LineState
termShowLine ls newStr = do
termShowLine ls@LineState{lsCurPos} newStr = do
putStr newStr
pure ls { lsLine = newStr, lsCurPos = (length newStr) }
case row lsCurPos of
0 -> --TODO offset by col
pure ls { lsLine = newStr }
_ -> pure ls
termShowClear :: LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowClear ls = do
termShowClear ls@LineState{lsCurPos} = do
putStr "\r"
pure ls { lsLine = "", lsCurPos = 0 }
case row lsCurPos of
0 -> pure ls { lsLine = "" }
_ -> pure ls
-- New Current Line
termShowMore :: LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowMore ls = do
termShowNewline :: LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowNewline ls@LineState{lsCurPos} = do
putStr "\r\n"
pure ls { lsLine = "", lsCurPos = 0 }
case row lsCurPos of
0 -> pure ls { lsLine = "", lsCurPos = lsCurPos { col = 0 } }
r -> pure ls { lsCurPos = CurPos (r-1) 0 }
-- Redraw the current LineState, maintaining the current curpos
termRefreshLine :: LineState -> RIO e LineState
@ -513,20 +528,17 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
if rdEscape then
if rdBracket then do
case c of
'A' -> sendBelt $ Aro U
'B' -> sendBelt $ Aro D
'C' -> sendBelt $ Aro R
'D' -> sendBelt $ Aro L
'A' -> sendBelt $ Bol $ Aro U
'B' -> sendBelt $ Bol $ Aro D
'C' -> sendBelt $ Bol $ Aro R
'D' -> sendBelt $ Bol $ Aro L
_ -> bell
loop rd { rdEscape = False, rdBracket = False}
else if isAsciiLower c then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord $ pack [c]
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if c == '.' then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "dot"
sendBelt $ Mod Met $ Key c
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "bac"
sendBelt $ Mod Met $ Bac ()
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if c == '[' || c == '0' then do
loop rd { rdBracket = True }
@ -543,31 +555,31 @@ localClient doneSignal = fst <$> mkRAcquire start stop
error "empty utf8 accumulation buffer"
Just (c, bytes) | bytes /= rdUTF8width ->
error "utf8 character size mismatch?!"
Just (c, bytes) -> sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
Just (c, bytes) -> sendBelt $ Bol $ Key c
loop rd { rdUTF8 = mempty, rdUTF8width = 0 }
else if w >= 32 && w < 127 then do
sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
sendBelt $ Bol $ Key c
loop rd
else if w == 0 then do
loop rd
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Bac ()
sendBelt $ Bol $ Bac ()
loop rd
else if w == 13 then do
sendBelt $ Ret ()
sendBelt $ Bol $ Ret ()
loop rd
else if w == 3 then do
-- ETX (^C)
logInfo $ "Ctrl-c interrupt"
atomically $ do
writeTQueue wq [Term.Trace "interrupt\r\n"]
writeTQueue rq $ Ctl $ Cord "c"
writeTQueue rq $ Mod Ctl $ Key 'c'
loop rd
else if w <= 26 then do
case pack [BS.w2c (w + 97 - 1)] of
"d" -> atomically doneSignal
c -> do sendBelt $ Ctl $ Cord c
case BS.w2c (w + 97 - 1) of
'd' -> atomically doneSignal
c -> do sendBelt $ Mod Ctl $ Key c
loop rd
else if w == 27 then do
loop rd { rdEscape = True }
@ -644,7 +656,7 @@ term env (tsize, Client{..}) plan stat serfSIGINT = runTerm
atomically take >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (ClientTakeBelt b) -> do
when (b == Ctl (Cord "c")) $ do
when (b == Mod Ctl (Key 'c')) $ do
io serfSIGINT
let beltEv = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBelt (UD 1, ()) $ b
let beltFailed _ = pure ()
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ data Ev
= EvLine Text
| EvSlog (Atom, Tank)
| EvSpin SpinnerState
| EvMove Word
| EvMove (Word, Word)
| EvBell
| EvDraw
| EvEdit Text
| EvMore
| EvNewl
deriving (Show)
data Ef
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ data History
data St = St
{ sHistory :: !(Seq History)
, sLine :: !Text
, sCurPos :: !Word
, sCurPos :: !(Word, Word)
, sSpinner :: !SpinnerState
deriving (Show)
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ data St = St
init :: St
init = St mempty "" 0 Nothing
init = St mempty "" (0, 0) Nothing
When we process `EvMore`, we need to append a newline to the end of
When we process `EvNewl`, we need to append a newline to the end of
the current line. During normal play, the ENTER key inserts the
newline for us, so we need to recreate that newline when we rebuild
the state for a new terminal connection.
@ -83,15 +83,17 @@ step st@St{..} = \case
EvLine t -> st & recordText t
EvSlog s -> st & recordSlog s
EvSpin s -> st { sSpinner = s }
EvMove w -> st { sCurPos = min w (word $ length sLine) }
EvEdit t -> st { sLine = t, sCurPos = word (length t) }
EvMore -> st { sLine = "", sCurPos = 0 } & recordText (sLine <> "\n")
EvMove p -> st { sCurPos = p }
EvEdit t -> if fst sCurPos == 0 then st { sLine = t }
else st
EvNewl -> if fst sCurPos == 0 then
st { sLine = "", sCurPos = (0, 0) }
& recordText (sLine <> "\n")
st { sCurPos = (((fst sCurPos) - 1), 0) }
EvBell -> st
EvDraw -> st
word :: Integral i => i -> Word
word = fromIntegral
recordText :: Text -> St -> St
recordText !t st@St{..} = st {
sHistory = trim (sHistory |> (HistoryText t))
@ -111,8 +113,8 @@ drawState :: St -> [Ev]
drawState St{..} = hist <> out <> cur <> spin
hist = drawHistory <$> toList sHistory
out = if null sLine then [] else [EvEdit sLine]
cur = if 0 == sCurPos then [] else [EvMove $ fromIntegral $ sCurPos]
out = if null sLine then [] else [EvEdit sLine]
cur = if 0 == fst sCurPos then [] else [EvMove sCurPos]
spin = maybe [] (singleton . EvSpin . Just) sSpinner
drawHistory (HistoryText t) = EvLine t
@ -123,12 +125,13 @@ drawState St{..} = hist <> out <> cur <> spin
fromBlit :: Arvo.Blit -> Maybe Ev
fromBlit = \case
Arvo.Hop w -> Just $ EvMove $ fromIntegral w
Arvo.Bel () -> Just EvBell
Arvo.Clr () -> Just EvDraw
Arvo.Lin s -> Just $ EvEdit (pack s)
Arvo.Mor () -> Just EvMore
_ -> Nothing
Arvo.Hop (Arvo.Col c) -> Just $ EvMove (0, fromIntegral c)
Arvo.Hop (Arvo.Roc r c) -> Just $ EvMove (fromIntegral r, fromIntegral c)
Arvo.Bel () -> Just EvBell
Arvo.Clr () -> Just EvDraw
Arvo.Put s -> Just $ EvEdit (pack s)
Arvo.Nel () -> Just EvNewl
_ -> Nothing
toCause :: Maybe Cord -> SpinnerCause
toCause Nothing = User
@ -148,12 +151,12 @@ fromTermEv = \case
toTermEv :: Ev -> Term.Ev
toTermEv = \case
EvLine "" -> Term.Blank
EvLine t -> Term.Trace (Cord t)
EvSlog s -> Term.Slog s
EvSpin s -> Term.Spinr (fromCause <$> s)
EvMove w -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Hop $ fromIntegral w]
EvBell -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Bel ()]
EvDraw -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Clr ()]
EvEdit t -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Lin $ unpack t]
EvMore -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Mor ()]
EvLine "" -> Term.Blank
EvLine t -> Term.Trace (Cord t)
EvSlog s -> Term.Slog s
EvSpin s -> Term.Spinr (fromCause <$> s)
EvMove (r, c) -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Hop $ Arvo.Roc (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral c)]
EvBell -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Bel ()]
EvDraw -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Clr ()]
EvEdit t -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Put $ unpack t]
EvNewl -> Term.Blits [Arvo.Nel ()]
@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
module Urbit.Vere.Term.Render
( clearScreen
, clearLine
, cursorRight
, cursorLeft
, soundBell
, cursorMove
, cursorSave
, cursorRestore
, putCSI
, hijack
, lojack
) where
import ClassyPrelude
@ -25,8 +29,31 @@ clearLine = liftIO $ ANSI.clearLine
soundBell :: MonadIO m => m ()
soundBell = liftIO $ putStr "\a"
cursorLeft :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ()
cursorLeft = liftIO . ANSI.cursorBackward
--NOTE top-left-0-based coordinates
cursorMove :: MonadIO m => Int -> Int -> m ()
cursorMove r c = liftIO $ ANSI.setCursorPosition r c
cursorRight :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ()
cursorRight = liftIO . ANSI.cursorForward
cursorSave :: MonadIO m => m ()
cursorSave = liftIO $ ANSI.saveCursor
cursorRestore :: MonadIO m => m ()
cursorRestore = liftIO $ ANSI.restoreCursor
putCSI :: MonadIO m => Char -> [Int] -> m ()
putCSI c a = liftIO do
putStr "\x1b["
putStr $ pack $ mconcat $ intersperse ";" (fmap show a)
putStr $ pack [c]
hijack :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ()
hijack h = liftIO do
putCSI 'r' [1, h-1] -- set scroll region to exclude bottom line
putCSI 'S' [1] -- scroll up one line
cursorMove (h-2) 0 -- move cursor to empty space --TODO off-by-one?
lojack :: MonadIO m => m ()
lojack = liftIO do
putCSI 'r' [] -- reset scroll region
cursorRestore -- restory cursor position
--TODO consider ANSI.setSGR
Reference in New Issue
Block a user