mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 19:55:53 +03:00
mall: rm old apps for easier merging
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
:: This needs a better SDN solution. Every ship should have an IP
:: address, and we should eventually test changing those IP
:: addresses.
:: For now, we broadcast every packet to every ship and rely on them
:: to drop them.
/- aquarium
=, aquarium
=> |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock %aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
+$ state
$: %0
=, gall
=| moves=(list move)
=| aqua-event-list=(list aqua-event)
=| ships=(list ship)
|_ $: bowl
++ this .
++ apex %_(this moves ~, aqua-event-list ~, ships ~)
++ abet
=? this !=(~ aqua-event-list)
%- emit-moves
[ost %poke /aqua-events [our %aqua] %aqua-events aqua-event-list]~
:: ~? !?=(~ moves) [%aqua-ames-moves (lent moves)]
[moves this]
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
%_(this moves (weld moves ms))
++ emit-aqua-events
|= aes=(list aqua-event)
%_(this aqua-event-list (weld aqua-event-list aes))
++ poke-aqua-vane-control
|= command=?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)
:_ this(subscribed =(command %subscribe))
(aqua-vane-control-handler our ost subscribed command)
:: Handle effects from ships. We only react to %send effects.
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
|- ^+ this
?~ ufs.afs
=. this
?+ -.q.i.ufs.afs this
%restore (handle-restore who.afs)
%send (handle-send i.ufs.afs)
$(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
++ handle-restore
|= who=@p
%- emit-aqua-events
[%event who [//newt/0v1n.2m9vh %barn ~]]~
++ handle-send
|= [way=wire %send lan=lane:ames pac=@]
^+ this
=/ hear [//newt/0v1n.2m9vh %hear lan pac]
=? ships =(~ ships)
.^((list ship) %gx /(scot %p our)/aqua/(scot %da now)/ships/noun)
%- emit-aqua-events
%+ turn ships
|= who=ship
[%event who hear]
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
/- aquarium
=, aquarium
=> |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock %aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%wait wire p=@da]
[%rest wire p=@da]
+$ state
$: %0
piers=(map ship pier)
+$ pier next-timer=(unit @da)
=, gall
=| moves=(list move)
|_ $: bowl
++ this .
++ apex %_(this moves ~)
++ abet [(flop moves) this]
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
%_(this moves (weld ms moves))
++ emit-aqua-events
|= aes=(list aqua-event)
%- emit-moves
[ost %poke /aqua-events [our %aqua] %aqua-events aes]~
++ poke-aqua-vane-control
|= command=?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)
:_ this(subscribed =(command %subscribe))
(aqua-vane-control-handler our ost subscribed command)
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
|- ^+ this
?~ ufs.afs
=. this
?+ -.q.i.ufs.afs this
%sleep abet-pe:handle-sleep:(pe who.afs)
%restore abet-pe:handle-restore:(pe who.afs)
%doze abet-pe:(handle-doze:(pe who.afs) i.ufs.afs)
$(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
:: Received timer wake
++ wake
|= [way=wire error=(unit tang)]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
?> ?=([@ *] way)
=/ who (,@p (slav %p i.way))
abet-pe:(take-wake:(pe who) t.way error)
++ pe
|= who=ship
=+ (~(gut by piers) who *pier)
=* pier-data -
++ abet-pe
^+ this
=. piers (~(put by piers) who pier-data)
++ handle-sleep
^+ ..abet-pe
=< ..abet-pe(pier-data *pier)
?~ next-timer
++ handle-restore
^+ ..abet-pe
=. this
%- emit-aqua-events
[%event who [//behn/0v1n.2m9vh %born ~]]~
++ handle-doze
|= [way=wire %doze tim=(unit @da)]
^+ ..abet-pe
?~ tim
?~ next-timer
?~ next-timer
(set-timer u.tim)
(set-timer:cancel-timer u.tim)
++ set-timer
|= tim=@da
~? debug=| [who=who %setting-timer tim]
=. next-timer `tim
=. this (emit-moves [ost %wait /(scot %p who) tim]~)
++ cancel-timer
~? debug=| [who=who %cancell-timer (need next-timer)]
=. this (emit-moves [ost %rest /(scot %p who) (need next-timer)]~)
=. next-timer ~
++ take-wake
|= [way=wire error=(unit tang)]
~? debug=| [who=who %aqua-behn-wake now error=error]
=. next-timer ~
=. this
%- emit-aqua-events
:_ ~
^- aqua-event
:+ %event who
:- //behn/0v1n.2m9vh
?~ error
[%wake ~]
[%crud %fail u.error]
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
:: Would love to see a proper stateful terminal handler. Ideally,
:: you'd be able to ^X into the virtual ship, like the old ^W.
:: However, that's probably not the primary way of interacting with
:: it. In practice, most of the time you'll be running from a file
:: (eg for automated testing) or fanning the same command to multiple
:: ships or otherwise making use of the fact that we can
:: programmatically send events.
/- aquarium
=, aquarium
=> |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock %aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
+$ state
$: %0
=, gall
=| moves=(list move)
|_ $: bowl
++ this .
++ apex %_(this moves ~)
++ abet [(flop moves) this]
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
%_(this moves (weld ms moves))
++ emit-aqua-events
|= aes=(list aqua-event)
%- emit-moves
[ost %poke /aqua-events [our %aqua] %aqua-events aes]~
++ poke-aqua-vane-control
|= command=?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)
:_ this(subscribed =(command %subscribe))
(aqua-vane-control-handler our ost subscribed command)
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
|- ^+ this
?~ ufs.afs
=. this
?+ -.q.i.ufs.afs this
%blit (handle-blit who.afs i.ufs.afs)
$(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
++ handle-blit
|= [who=@p way=wire %blit blits=(list blit:dill)]
^+ this
=/ last-line
%+ roll blits
|= [b=blit:dill line=tape]
?- -.b
%lin (tape p.b)
%mor ~& "{<who>}: {line}" ""
%hop line
%bel line
%clr ""
%sag ~& [%save-jamfile-to p.b] line
%sav ~& [%save-file-to p.b] line
%url ~& [%activate-url p.b] line
~? !=(~ last-line) last-line
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
:: Pass-through Eyre driver
/- aquarium
=, aquarium
=> |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock %aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%hiss wire p=(unit user:eyre) q=mark r=(cask hiss:eyre)]
+$ state
$: %0
piers=(map ship pier)
+$ pier http-requests=(set @ud)
=, gall
=| moves=(list move)
|_ $: bowl
++ this .
++ apex %_(this moves ~)
++ abet [(flop moves) this]
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
%_(this moves (weld ms moves))
++ emit-aqua-events
|= aes=(list aqua-event)
%- emit-moves
[ost %poke /aqua-events [our %aqua] %aqua-events aes]~
++ poke-aqua-vane-control
|= command=?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)
:_ this(subscribed =(command %subscribe))
(aqua-vane-control-handler our ost subscribed command)
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
|- ^+ this
?~ ufs.afs
=. this
?+ -.q.i.ufs.afs this
%sleep abet-pe:handle-sleep:(pe who.afs)
%restore abet-pe:handle-restore:(pe who.afs)
%thus abet-pe:(handle-thus:(pe who.afs) i.ufs.afs)
$(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
:: Received inbound HTTP response
++ sigh-httr
|= [way=wire res=httr:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
?> ?=([@ *] way)
=/ who (,@p (slav %p i.way))
~& [%received-httr who]
abet-pe:(take-sigh-httr:(pe who) t.way res)
:: Received inbound HTTP response error
++ sigh-tang
|= [way=wire tan=tang]
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex =< abet
?> ?=([@ *] way)
=/ who (,@p (slav %p i.way))
~& [%received-httr who]
abet-pe:(take-sigh-tang:(pe who) t.way tan)
++ pe
|= who=ship
=+ (~(gut by piers) who *pier)
=* pier-data -
++ abet-pe
^+ this
=. piers (~(put by piers) who pier-data)
++ handle-sleep
^+ ..abet-pe
..abet-pe(pier-data *pier)
++ handle-restore
^+ ..abet-pe
=. this
%- emit-aqua-events
[%event who [//http/0v1n.2m9vh %born ~]]~
++ handle-thus
|= [way=wire %thus num=@ud req=(unit hiss:eyre)]
^+ ..abet-pe
?~ req
?. (~(has in http-requests) num)
:: Eyre doesn't support cancelling HTTP requests from userspace,
:: so we remove it from our state so we won't pass along the
:: response.
~& [who=who %aqua-eyre-cant-cancel-thus num=num]
=. http-requests (~(del in http-requests) num)
~& [who=who %aqua-eyre-requesting u.req]
=. http-requests (~(put in http-requests) num)
=. this
%- emit-moves :_ ~
:* ost
/(scot %p who)/(scot %ud num)
[%hiss u.req]
:: Pass HTTP response back to virtual ship
++ take-sigh-httr
|= [way=wire res=httr:eyre]
^+ ..abet-pe
?> ?=([@ ~] way)
=/ num (slav %ud i.way)
?. (~(has in http-requests) num)
~& [who=who %ignoring-httr num=num]
=. http-requests (~(del in http-requests) num)
=. this
(emit-aqua-events [%event who [//http/0v1n.2m9vh %receive num [%start [p.res q.res] r.res &]]]~)
:: Got error in HTTP response
++ take-sigh-tang
|= [way=wire tan=tang]
^+ ..abet-pe
?> ?=([@ ~] way)
=/ num (slav %ud i.way)
?. (~(has in http-requests) num)
~& [who=who %ignoring-httr num=num]
=. http-requests (~(del in http-requests) num)
%- (slog tan)
@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
:: An aquarium of virtual ships. Put in some fish and watch them!
:: usage:
:: |start %aqua
:: /- aquarium
:: :aqua &pill .^(pill:aquarium %cx %/urbit/pill)
:: OR
:: :aqua &pill +solid
:: Then try stuff:
:: :aqua [%init ~[~bud ~dev]]
:: :aqua [%dojo ~[~bud ~dev] "[our eny (add 3 5)]"]
:: :aqua [%dojo ~[~bud] "|hi ~dev"]
:: :aqua [%wish ~[~bud ~dev] '(add 2 3)']
:: :aqua [%peek ~[~bud] /cx/~bud/home/(scot %da now)/app/curl/hoon]
:: :aqua [%dojo ~[~bud ~dev] '|mount %']
:: :aqua [%file ~[~bud ~dev] %/sys/vane]
:: :aqua [%pause-events ~[~bud ~dev]]
:: We get ++unix-event and ++pill from /-aquarium
/- aquarium
/+ pill
=, pill-lib=pill
=, aquarium
=> $~ |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%diff diff-type]
:: Outgoing subscription updates
+$ diff-type
$% [%aqua-effects aqua-effects]
[%aqua-events aqua-events]
[%aqua-boths aqua-boths]
+$ state
$: %0
fleet-snaps=(map term (map ship pier))
piers=(map ship pier)
+$ pier
$: snap=*
event-log=(list unix-timed-event)
next-events=(qeu unix-event)
=, gall
:: unix-{effects,events,boths}: collect jar of effects and events to
:: brodcast all at once to avoid gall backpressure
:: moves: Hoist moves into state for cleaner state management
=| unix-effects=(jar ship unix-effect)
=| unix-events=(jar ship unix-timed-event)
=| unix-boths=(jar ship unix-both)
=| moves=(list move)
|_ $: hid=bowl
:: Represents a single ship's state.
++ pe
|= who=ship
=+ (~(gut by piers) who *pier)
=* pier-data -
:: Done; install data
++ abet-pe
^+ this
=. piers (~(put by piers) who pier-data)
:: Initialize new ship
++ apex
=. pier-data *pier
=. snap assembled
~& pill-size=(met 3 (jam snap))
:: Enqueue events to child arvo
++ push-events
|= ues=(list unix-event)
^+ ..abet-pe
=. next-events (~(gas to next-events) ues)
:: Send moves to host arvo
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
=. this (^emit-moves ms)
:: Process the events in our queue.
++ plow
|- ^+ ..abet-pe
?: =(~ next-events)
?. processing-events
=^ ue next-events ~(get to next-events)
=/ poke-arm (mox +47.snap)
?> ?=(%0 -.poke-arm)
=/ poke p.poke-arm
=. tym (max +(tym) now.hid)
=/ poke-result (mule |.((slum poke tym ue)))
?: ?=(%| -.poke-result)
%- (slog >%aqua-crash< >guest=who< p.poke-result)
=. snap +.p.poke-result
=. ..abet-pe (publish-event tym ue)
=. ..abet-pe (handle-effects ((list ovum) -.p.poke-result))
:: Peek
++ peek
|= p=*
=/ res (mox +46.snap)
?> ?=(%0 -.res)
=/ peek p.res
=/ pax (path p)
?> ?=([@ @ @ @ *] pax)
=. i.t.t.t.pax (scot %da tym)
=/ pek (slum peek [tym pax])
:: Wish
++ wish
|= txt=@t
=/ res (mox +22.snap)
?> ?=(%0 -.res)
=/ wish p.res
~& [who=who %wished (slum wish txt)]
++ mox |=(* (mock [snap +<] scry))
:: Start/stop processing events. When stopped, events are added to
:: our queue but not processed.
++ start-processing-events .(processing-events &)
++ stop-processing-events .(processing-events |)
:: Handle all the effects produced by a single event.
++ handle-effects
|= effects=(list ovum)
^+ ..abet-pe
?~ effects
=. ..abet-pe
=/ sof ((soft unix-effect) i.effects)
?~ sof
~? aqua-debug=& [who=who %unknown-effect i.effects]
(publish-effect u.sof)
$(effects t.effects)
:: Give effect to our subscribers
++ publish-effect
|= uf=unix-effect
^+ ..abet-pe
=. unix-effects (~(add ja unix-effects) who uf)
=. unix-boths (~(add ja unix-boths) who [%effect uf])
:: Give event to our subscribers
++ publish-event
|= ute=unix-timed-event
^+ ..abet-pe
=. event-log [ute event-log]
=. unix-events (~(add ja unix-events) who ute)
=. unix-boths (~(add ja unix-boths) who [%event ute])
++ this .
:: ++apex-aqua and ++abet-aqua must bookend calls from gall
++ apex-aqua
^+ this
=: moves ~
unix-effects ~
unix-events ~
unix-boths ~
++ abet-aqua
^- (quip move _this)
=. this
%- emit-moves
%- zing ^- (list (list move))
%+ turn ~(tap by sup.hid)
|= [b=bone her=ship pax=path]
^- (list move)
?+ pax ~
[%effects @ ~]
=/ who (slav %p i.t.pax)
=/ ufs (~(get ja unix-effects) who)
?~ ufs
[b %diff %aqua-effects who (flop ufs)]~
[%effects ~]
%+ turn
~(tap by unix-effects)
|= [who=ship ufs=(list unix-effect)]
[b %diff %aqua-effects who (flop ufs)]
[%events @ ~]
=/ who (slav %p i.t.pax)
=/ ve (~(get ja unix-events) who)
?~ ve
[b %diff %aqua-events who (flop ve)]~
[%boths @ ~]
=/ who (slav %p i.t.pax)
=/ bo (~(get ja unix-boths) who)
?~ bo
[b %diff %aqua-boths who (flop bo)]~
[(flop moves) this]
++ emit-moves
|= ms=(list move)
=. moves (weld ms moves)
:: Run all events on all ships until all queues are empty
++ plow-all
|- ^+ this
=/ who
=/ pers ~(tap by piers)
|- ^- (unit ship)
?~ pers
?: &(?=(^ next-events.q.i.pers) processing-events.q.i.pers)
$(pers t.pers)
~? aqua-debug=| plowing=who
?~ who
=. this abet-pe:plow:(pe u.who)
:: Subscribe to effects from a ship
++ peer-effects
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=([@ *] pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-effects pax]
?~ (slaw %p i.pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-effects-ship pax]
:: Subscribe to events to a ship
++ peer-events
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=([@ ~] pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-events pax]
?~ (slaw %p i.pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-events-ship pax]
:: Subscribe to both events and effects of a ship
++ peer-boths
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=([@ ~] pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-boths pax]
?~ (slaw %p i.pax)
~& [%aqua-bad-peer-boths-ship pax]
:: Load a pill and assemble arvo. Doesn't send any of the initial
:: events.
++ poke-pill
|= p=pill
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex-aqua =< abet-aqua
=. pil p
~& lent=(met 3 (jam boot-ova.pil))
=/ res=toon :: (each * (list tank))
(mock [boot-ova.pil [2 [0 3] [0 2]]] scry)
=. fleet-snaps ~
?- -.res
~& %suc
=. assembled +7.p.res
~& [%vere-blocked p.res]
~& %vere-fail
%- (slog p.res)
:: Handle commands from CLI
:: Should put some thought into arg structure, maybe make a mark.
:: Should convert some of these to just rewrite into ++poke-events.
++ poke-noun
|= val=*
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex-aqua =< abet-aqua
^+ this
:: Could potentially factor out the three lines of turn-ships
:: boilerplate
?+ val ~|(%bad-noun-arg !!)
[%swap-vanes vs=*]
?> ?=([[%7 * %1 installed=*] ~] boot-ova.pil)
=. installed.boot-ova.pil
%+ roll (,(list term) vs.val)
|= [v=term _installed.boot-ova.pil]
%^ slum installed.boot-ova.pil now.hid
=/ vane
?+ v ~|([%unknown-vane v] !!)
%a %ames
%b %behn
%c %clay
%d %dill
%e %eyre
%f %ford
%g %gall
%j %jael
%m %mall
=/ pax
/(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid)/sys/vane/[vane]
=/ txt .^(@ %cx (weld pax /hoon))
[/vane/[vane] [%veer v pax txt]]
=> .(this ^+(this this))
=^ ms this (poke-pill pil)
(emit-moves ms)
[%swap-files ~]
=. userspace-ova.pil
=/ slim-dirs=(list path)
~[/app /gen /lib /mar /sur /hoon/sys /arvo/sys /zuse/sys /age]
:_ ~
%- unix-event
%- %*(. file-ovum:pill-lib directories slim-dirs)
/(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid)
=^ ms this (poke-pill pil)
(emit-moves ms)
[%wish hers=* p=@t]
%+ turn-ships ((list ship) hers.val)
|= [who=ship thus=_this]
=. this thus
(wish:(pe who) p.val)
[%unpause-events hers=*]
%+ turn-ships ((list ship) hers.val)
|= [who=ship thus=_this]
=. this thus
start-processing-events:(pe who)
[%pause-events hers=*]
%+ turn-ships ((list ship) hers.val)
|= [who=ship thus=_this]
=. this thus
stop-processing-events:(pe who)
[%clear-snap lab=@tas]
=. fleet-snaps ~ :: (~(del by fleet-snaps) lab.val)
:: Apply a list of events tagged by ship
++ poke-aqua-events
|= events=(list aqua-event)
^- (quip move _this)
=. this apex-aqua =< abet-aqua
%+ turn-events events
|= [ae=aqua-event thus=_this]
=. this thus
?- -.ae
=. this abet-pe:(publish-effect:(pe who.ae) [/ %sleep ~])
=/ initted
=< plow
%- push-events:apex:(pe who.ae)
^- (list unix-event)
:~ [/ %wack 0] :: eny
[/ %whom who.ae] :: eny
[//newt/0v1n.2m9vh %barn ~]
[//behn/0v1n.2m9vh %born ~]
:^ //term/1 %boot &
?~ keys.ae
[%fake who.ae]
[%dawn u.keys.ae]
[//http-client/0v1n.2m9vh %born ~]
[//http-server/0v1n.2m9vh %born ~]
[//http-server/0v1n.2m9vh %live 8.080 `8.445]
=. this abet-pe:initted
(pe who.ae)
stop-processing-events:(pe who.ae)
=. fleet-snaps
%+ ~(put by fleet-snaps) lab.ae
%- malt
%+ murn hers.ae
|= her=ship
^- (unit (pair ship pier))
=+ per=(~(get by piers) her)
?~ per
`[her u.per]
(pe -.hers.ae)
=. this
%+ turn-ships (turn ~(tap by piers) head)
|= [who=ship thus=_this]
=. this thus
(publish-effect:(pe who) [/ %sleep ~])
=. piers (~(uni by piers) (~(got by fleet-snaps) lab.ae))
=. this
%+ turn-ships (turn ~(tap by piers) head)
|= [who=ship thus=_this]
=. this thus
(publish-effect:(pe who) [/ %restore ~])
(pe ~bud) :: XX why ~bud? need an example
~? &(aqua-debug=| !?=(?(%belt %hear) -.q.ue.ae))
raw-event=[who.ae -.q.ue.ae]
~? &(debug=| ?=(%receive -.q.ue.ae))
raw-event=[who.ae ue.ae]
(push-events:(pe who.ae) [ue.ae]~)
:: Run a callback function against a list of ships, aggregating state
:: and plowing all ships at the end.
:: I think we should use patterns like this more often. Because we
:: don't, here's some points to be aware.
:: `fun` must take `this` as a parameter, since it needs to be
:: downstream of previous state changes. You could use `state` as
:: the state variable, but it muddles the code and it's not clear
:: whether it's better. You could use the `_(pe)` core if you're
:: sure you'll never need to refer to anything outside of your pier,
:: but I don't think we can guarantee that.
:: The callback function must start with `=. this thus`, or else
:: you don't get the new state. Would be great if you could hot-swap
:: that context in here, but we don't know where to put it unless we
:: restrict the callbacks to always have `this` at a particular axis,
:: and that doesn't feel right
++ turn-plow
|* arg=mold
|= [hers=(list arg) fun=$-([arg _this] _(pe))]
|- ^+ this
?~ hers
=. this
abet-pe:plow:(fun i.hers this)
$(hers t.hers, this this)
++ turn-ships (turn-plow ship)
++ turn-events (turn-plow aqua-event)
:: Check whether we have a snapshot
++ peek-x-fleet-snap
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun noun]))
?. ?=([@ ~] pax)
:^ ~ ~ %noun
(~(has by fleet-snaps) i.pax)
:: Pass scry into child ship
++ peek-x-i
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun noun]))
?. ?=([@ @ @ @ @ *] pax)
=/ who (slav %p i.pax)
=/ pier (~(get by piers) who)
?~ pier
:^ ~ ~ %noun
(peek:(pe who) t.pax)
:: Get all created ships
++ peek-x-ships
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (list ship)]))
?. ?=(~ pax)
:^ ~ ~ %noun
`(list ship)`(turn ~(tap by piers) head)
++ peek-x-pill
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%pill pill]))
=/ pill-size (met 3 (jam pil))
?: (lth pill-size 100)
~& [%no-pill size=pill-size]
[~ ~]
:: Trivial scry for mock
++ scry |=([* *] ~)
:: Throw away old state if it doesn't soft to new state.
++ prep
|= old/(unit noun)
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
~& prep=%aqua
?~ old
=+ new=((soft state) u.old)
?~ new
`+>.$(+<+ u.new)
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
/- eth-watcher
/+ tapp, stdio
=, able:jael
=> |%
+$ app-state
$: %3
whos=(set ship)
+$ peek-data ~
+$ in-poke-data
$: %azimuth-tracker-poke
$% :: %listen
[%listen whos=(list ship) =source:jael]
:: %watch: configure node url
[%watch url=@ta]
+$ out-poke-data
$: %eth-watcher-poke
+$ in-peer-data
$: %eth-watcher-diff
+$ out-peer-data
[%azimuth-udiff =ship =udiff:point]
++ tapp
%: ^tapp
++ tapp-async tapp-async:tapp
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: Async helpers
=> |%
++ topics
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (list ?(@ux (list @ux)))
:: The first topic should be one of these event types
:- => azimuth-events:azimuth
:~ broke-continuity
:: If we're looking for a specific set of ships, specify them as
:: the second topic. Otherwise don't specify the second topic so
:: we will match all ships.
?: =(~ ships)
[(turn ~(tap in ships) ,@) ~]
++ event-logs-to-udiffs
|= event-logs=(list =event-log:rpc:ethereum)
^- =udiffs:point
%+ murn event-logs
|= =event-log:rpc:ethereum
^- (unit [=ship =udiff:point])
?~ mined.event-log
?: removed.u.mined.event-log
~& [%removed-log event-log]
=/ =id:block [block-hash block-number]:u.mined.event-log
=, azimuth-events:azimuth
=, abi:ethereum
?: =(broke-continuity i.topics.event-log)
=/ who=@ (decode-topics t.topics.event-log ~[%uint])
=/ num=@ (decode-results data.event-log ~[%uint])
`[who id %rift num]
?: =(changed-keys i.topics.event-log)
=/ who=@ (decode-topics t.topics.event-log ~[%uint])
=+ ^- [enc=octs aut=octs sut=@ud rev=@ud]
%+ decode-results data.event-log
~[[%bytes-n 32] [%bytes-n 32] %uint %uint]
`[who id %keys rev sut (pass-from-eth:azimuth enc aut sut)]
?: =(lost-sponsor i.topics.event-log)
=+ ^- [who=@ pos=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.event-log ~[%uint %uint])
`[who id %spon ~]
?: =(escape-accepted i.topics.event-log)
=+ ^- [who=@ wer=@]
(decode-topics t.topics.event-log ~[%uint %uint])
`[who id %spon `wer]
~& [%bad-topic event-log]
++ jael-update
|= =udiffs:point
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ udiffs
(pure:m ~)
=/ =path /(scot %p ship.i.udiffs)
;< ~ bind:m (give-result:stdio / %azimuth-udiff i.udiffs)
;< ~ bind:m (give-result:stdio path %azimuth-udiff i.udiffs)
loop(udiffs t.udiffs)
:: Main loop
=> |%
:: Send %listen to jael
++ listen
|= [state=app-state whos=(list ship) =source:jael]
=/ m (async:stdio ,app-state)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-effect:stdio %listen /lo (silt whos) source)
(pure:m state)
:: Start watching a node
++ start
|= [state=app-state our=ship dap=term]
=/ m (async:stdio ,app-state)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m
%+ poke-app:stdio
[our %eth-watcher]
:+ %eth-watcher-poke %watch
:- /[dap]
:* url.state
(topics whos.state)
(pure:m state)
:: +history: Tell subscribers about many changes
++ history
|= =loglist:eth-watcher
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
|- ^- form:m
%- jael-update
(event-logs-to-udiffs loglist)
:: +log: Tell subscribers about a new change
++ log
|= =event-log:rpc:ethereum
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
(history [event-log ~])
:: +disavow: Tell subscribers there was a deep reorg
++ disavow
|= =id:block
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
(jael-update [*ship id %disavow ~]~)
:: Main
=* default-tapp default-tapp:tapp
%- create-tapp-all:tapp
^- tapp-core-all:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ handle-init
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
:: set up subscription once, listen forever
;< ~ bind:m
%+ peer-app:stdio
[our.bowl %eth-watcher]
(pure:m state)
++ handle-peek handle-peek:default-tapp
++ handle-take handle-take:default-tapp
++ handle-poke
|= in=in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?- +<.in
%listen (listen state +>.in)
%watch (start state(url url.in) [our dap]:bowl)
++ handle-diff
|= [=dock =path in=in-peer-data]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m
?- +<.in
%history (history +>.in)
%log (log +>.in)
%disavow (disavow +>.in)
(pure:m state)
:: +handle-peer: handle incoming subscriptions (generally from jael)
:: /~some-ship: listen to events for this ship
:: /: listen to events for all ships azimuth-tracker is observing
:: note that incoming subscriptions affect application state.
++ handle-peer
|= =path
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. ?=(?(~ [@ ~]) path) !!
=/ who=(unit ship)
?~ path ~
`(slav %p i.path)
=. whos.state
?~ who
(~(put in whos.state) u.who)
(start state [our dap]:bowl)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
:: chat-store: data store that holds linear sequences of chat messages
/+ *chat-json, *chat-eval
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card
$% [%diff diff]
[%quit ~]
+$ state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ state-zero
$: =inbox
+$ diff
$% [%chat-initial inbox]
[%chat-configs chat-configs]
[%chat-update chat-update]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall state]
++ this .
++ prep
|= old=(unit state)
^- (quip move _this)
[~ ?~(old this this(+<+ u.old))]
++ peek-x-all
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (map path mailbox)]))
[~ ~ %noun inbox]
++ peek-x-configs
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun chat-configs]))
:^ ~ ~ %noun
(inbox-to-configs inbox)
++ peek-x-keys
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (set path)]))
[~ ~ %noun ~(key by inbox)]
++ peek-x-mailbox
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (unit mailbox)]))
?~ pax ~
=/ mailbox=(unit mailbox) (~(get by inbox) pax)
[~ ~ %noun mailbox]
++ peek-x-config
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun config]))
?~ pax ~
=/ mailbox (~(get by inbox) pax)
?~ mailbox ~
:^ ~ ~ %noun
++ peek-x-envelopes
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit [%noun (list envelope)]))
?+ pax ~
[@ @ *]
=/ mail-path t.t.pax
=/ mailbox (~(get by inbox) mail-path)
?~ mailbox
[~ ~ %noun ~]
=* envelopes envelopes.u.mailbox
=/ sign-test=[?(%neg %pos) @]
%- need
%+ rush i.pax
;~ pose
%+ cook
|= n=@
[%neg n]
;~(pfix hep dem:ag)
%+ cook
|= n=@
[%pos n]
=* length length.config.u.mailbox
=* start +.sign-test
?: =(-.sign-test %neg)
?: (gth start length)
[~ ~ %noun envelopes]
[~ ~ %noun (swag [(sub length start) start] envelopes)]
=/ end (slav %ud i.t.pax)
?. (lte start end)
=. end ?:((lth end length) end length)
[~ ~ %noun (swag [start (sub end start)] envelopes)]
++ peer-keys
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we send the list of keys then send events when they change
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %chat-update [%keys ~(key by inbox)]]~
++ peer-all
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %chat-initial inbox]~
++ peer-configs
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %chat-configs (inbox-to-configs inbox)]~
++ peer-updates
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
:: we now proxy all events to this path
[~ this]
++ peer-mailbox
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?> (~(has by inbox) pax)
=^ =ship pax
?> ?=([* ^] pax)
[(slav %p i.pax) t.pax]
:_ this
[ost.bol %diff %chat-update [%create ship pax]]~
++ poke-json
|= jon=json
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(poke-chat-action (json-to-action jon))
++ poke-chat-action
|= action=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.action
%create (handle-create action)
%delete (handle-delete action)
%message (handle-message action)
%read (handle-read action)
++ handle-create
|= act=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%create -.act)
=/ pax [(scot %p ship.act) path.act]
?: (~(has by inbox) pax)
[~ this]
:- (send-diff pax act)
this(inbox (~(put by inbox) pax *mailbox))
++ handle-delete
|= act=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%delete -.act)
=/ mailbox=(unit mailbox) (~(get by inbox) path.act)
?~ mailbox
[~ this]
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(inbox (~(del by inbox) path.act))
++ handle-message
|= act=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%message -.act)
=/ mailbox=(unit mailbox) (~(get by inbox) path.act)
?~ mailbox
[~ this]
=* letter letter.envelope.act
=? letter &(?=(%code -.letter) ?=(~ output.letter))
=/ =hoon (ream expression.letter)
letter(output (eval bol hoon))
=: length.config.u.mailbox +(length.config.u.mailbox)
number.envelope.act +(length.config.u.mailbox)
envelopes.u.mailbox (snoc envelopes.u.mailbox envelope.act)
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(inbox (~(put by inbox) path.act u.mailbox))
++ handle-read
|= act=chat-action
^- (quip move _this)
?> ?=(%read -.act)
=/ mailbox=(unit mailbox) (~(get by inbox) path.act)
?~ mailbox
[~ this]
=. read.config.u.mailbox length.config.u.mailbox
:- (send-diff path.act act)
this(inbox (~(put by inbox) path.act u.mailbox))
++ update-subscribers
|= [pax=path act=chat-action]
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib pax bol)
|= [=bone *]
[bone %diff %chat-update act]
++ send-diff
|= [pax=path act=chat-action]
^- (list move)
%- zing
:~ (update-subscribers /all act)
(update-subscribers /updates act)
(update-subscribers [%mailbox pax] act)
?. |(=(%read -.act) =(%message -.act))
(update-subscribers /configs act)
?. |(=(%create -.act) =(%delete -.act))
(update-subscribers /keys act)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
/+ *server
/= tile-js
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/: /===/app/clock/js/tile
/| /js/
/~ ~
=, format
:: +move: output effect
+$ move [bone card]
:: +card: output effect payload
+$ poke
$% [%launch-action [@tas path @t]]
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock poke]
[%http-response =http-event:http]
[%connect wire binding:eyre term]
[%diff %json json]
|_ [bol=bowl:gall ~]
++ this .
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip move _this)
[~ this]
++ prep
|= old=(unit ~)
^- (quip move _this)
=/ launcha
[%launch-action [%clock /tile '/~clock/js/tile.js']]
:_ this
[ost.bol %connect / [~ /'~clock'] %clock]
[ost.bol %poke /clock [our.bol %launch] launcha]
++ peer-tile
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
[[ost.bol %diff %json *json]~ this]
++ send-tile-diff
|= jon=json
^- (list move)
%+ turn (prey:pubsub:userlib /tile bol)
|= [=bone ^]
[bone %diff %json jon]
++ poke-handle-http-request
%- (require-authorization:app ost.bol move this)
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- (quip move _this)
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
=/ back-path (flop site.request-line)
=/ name=@t
=/ back-path (flop site.request-line)
?~ back-path
?~ back-path
[[ost.bol %http-response not-found:app]~ this]
?: =(name 'tile')
[[ost.bol %http-response (js-response:app tile-js)]~ this]
[[ost.bol %http-response not-found:app]~ this]
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
/- dns
:: app types and boilerplate
=> |%
+$ app-state
$: %0
requested=(map ship address:dns)
completed=(map ship binding:dns)
+$ peek-data
$% [%requested (list (pair ship address:dns))]
[%completed (list (pair ship binding:dns))]
+$ in-poke-data
$% [%dns-address =address:dns]
[%dns-complete =ship =binding:dns]
[%noun noun=*]
+$ out-poke-data
$% [%drum-unlink =dock]
+$ out-peer-data
$% [%dns-binding =binding:dns]
[%dns-request =request:dns]
+$ card
$% [%diff out-peer-data]
[%poke wire =dock out-poke-data]
+$ move [bone card]
=| moves=(list move)
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ this .
++ abet
^- (quip move _this)
[(flop moves) this(moves ~)]
++ emit
|= mov=move
^+ this
this(moves [mov moves])
++ emil
|= moz=(list move)
|- ^+ this
?~ moz
$(moz t.moz, ..this (emit i.moz))
++ poke-app
|= [=wire =dock =out-poke-data]
^+ this
(emit [ost.bowl %poke wire dock out-poke-data])
++ give-result
|= [=the=path =out-peer-data]
^+ this
%- emil
%+ turn
^- (list bone)
%+ murn ~(tap by sup.bowl)
|= [ost=bone =ship =sub=path]
`(unit bone)`?.(=(the-path sub-path) ~ (some ost))
|= =bone
[bone %diff out-peer-data]
++ prep
|= old=(unit app-state)
^- (quip move _this)
=< abet
?~ old
(poke-app /unlink [[our %hood] [%drum-unlink our dap]]:bowl)
this(state u.old)
++ poke
|= =in-poke-data
^- (quip move _this)
=< abet
?- -.in-poke-data
?: ?=(%debug noun.in-poke-data)
~& bowl
~& state
~& %poke-unknown
=* who src.bowl
=* adr address.in-poke-data
=/ rac (clan:title who)
?. ?=(?(%king %duke) rac)
~| [%dns-collector-bind-invalid who] !!
?: (reserved:eyre if.adr)
~| [%dns-collector-reserved-address who if.adr] !!
=/ req=(unit address:dns) (~(get by requested.state) who)
=/ dun=(unit binding:dns) (~(get by completed.state) who)
?: &(?=(^ dun) =(adr address.u.dun))
=. requested.state (~(del by requested.state) who)
(give-result /(scot %p who) %dns-binding u.dun)
?: &(?=(^ req) =(adr u.req))
:: XX check address?
=/ =request:dns [who adr]
=. requested.state (~(put by requested.state) request)
(give-result /requests %dns-request request)
:: XX or confirm valid binding?
?. (team:title [our src]:bowl)
~| %complete-yoself !!
=* who ship.in-poke-data
=* adr address.binding.in-poke-data
=* tuf turf.binding.in-poke-data
=/ req=(unit address:dns) (~(get by requested.state) who)
:: ignore established bindings that don't match requested
?: ?| ?=(~ req)
!=(adr u.req)
~& %unknown-complete
=: requested.state (~(del by requested.state) who)
completed.state (~(put by completed.state) who [adr tuf])
(give-result /(scot %p who) %dns-binding adr tuf)
++ peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit peek-data))
?+ path [~ ~]
[%x %requested ~]
[~ ~ %requested ~(tap by requested.state)]
[%x %completed ~]
[~ ~ %completed ~(tap by completed.state)]
++ peer
|= =path
^- (quip move _this)
=< abet
:: will be immediately unlinked, see +prep
?: ?=([%sole *] path)
?. ?=([@ ~] path)
~| %invalid-path !!
?: ?=(%requests i.path)
=/ requests ~(tap by requested.state)
|- ^+ this
=* loop $
?~ requests
=. ..this (give-result path %dns-request i.requests)
loop(requests t.requests)
=/ who=(unit @p) (slaw %p i.path)
?~ who
~| %invalid-path !!
?~ dun=(~(get by completed.state) u.who)
(give-result path %dns-binding u.dun)
@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
/- dns, hall
/+ tapp, stdio
:: tapp types and boilerplate
=> |%
++ collector-app `dock`[~zod %dns-collector]
+$ app-state
$: %0
requested=(unit address:dns)
completed=(unit binding:dns)
+$ peek-data _!!
+$ in-poke-data
$% :: XX ames-domains unused, remove
[%dns-auto ames-domains=(list turf)]
[%dns-address =address:dns]
+$ out-poke-data
$% [%dns-address =address:dns]
[%hall-action %phrase audience:hall (list speech:hall)]
+$ in-peer-data
$% [%dns-binding =binding:dns]
+$ out-peer-data ~
++ tapp
%: ^tapp
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: monadic helpers (XX move to stdio?)
=> |%
:: +backoff: exponential backoff timer
++ backoff
|= [try=@ud limit=@dr]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
;< eny=@uvJ bind:m get-entropy:stdio
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
%- wait:stdio
%+ add now
%+ min limit
?: =(0 try) ~s0
%+ add
(mul ~s1 (bex (dec try)))
(mul ~s0..0001 (~(rad og eny) 1.000))
++ request
|= =hiss:eyre
=/ m (async:stdio (unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-hiss:stdio hiss)
:: +self-check-http: confirm our availability at .host on port 80
:: XX needs better success/failure predicates
:: XX bind route to self and handle request inside tx?
++ self-check-http
|= [=host:eyre max=@ud]
=/ m (async:stdio ?)
^- form:m
:: XX also scry into eyre
:: q:.^(hart:eyre %e /(scot %p our)/host/real)
=/ =hiss:eyre
=/ url=purl:eyre
[[sec=| por=~ host] [ext=`~.udon path=/static] query=~]
[url %get ~ ~]
=/ try=@ud 0
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(try max)
(pure:m |)
;< ~ bind:m (backoff try ~h1)
;< rep=(unit httr:eyre) bind:m (request hiss)
?: ?& ?=(^ rep)
|(=(200 p.u.rep) =(307 p.u.rep))
(pure:m &)
?. ?| ?=(~ rep)
=(504 p.u.rep)
(pure:m |)
loop(try +(try))
++ app-message
|= [app=term =cord =tang]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
=/ msg=tape :(weld (trip app) ": " (trip cord))
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text:stdio msg)
(flog-tang:stdio tang)
:: XX disabled due to :hall's status
++ hall-app-message-disabled
|= [app=term =cord =tang]
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
=/ msg=speech:hall
:+ %app app
=/ line [%lin & cord]
?~(tang line [%fat [%tank tang] line])
;< our=@p bind:m get-identity:stdio
=/ act
[%phrase (sy [our %inbox] ~) [msg ~]]
(poke-app:stdio [our %hall] %hall-action act)
:: application actions
=> |%
:: +turf-confirm-install: self check and install domain
++ turf-confirm-install
|= =turf
=/ m (async:stdio ?)
^- form:m
;< good=? bind:m (self-check-http &+turf 5)
?. good
(pure:m |)
;< ~ bind:m (install-domain:stdio turf)
(pure:m &)
:: +galaxy-domains
++ galaxy-domains
=/ m (async:stdio ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-identity:stdio
;< now=@da bind:m get-time:stdio
=/ ames-domains=(list turf)
.^((list turf) %j /(scot %p our)/turf/(scot %da now))
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ ames-domains
(pure:m ~)
=/ =turf
(weld i.ames-domains /(crip +:(scow %p our)))
;< good=? bind:m (turf-confirm-install turf)
=/ msg=(pair cord tang)
?: good
[(cat 3 'confirmed access via ' (en-turf:html turf)) ~]
:- (cat 3 'unable to access via ' (en-turf:html turf))
:~ leaf+"XX check via nslookup"
leaf+"XX confirm port 80"
;< ~ bind:m (app-message %dns msg)
loop(ames-domains t.ames-domains)
:: +request-by-ip
++ request-by-ip
|= if=@if
=/ m (async:stdio ?)
^- form:m
;< good=? bind:m (self-check-http |+if 5)
?. good
:: XX details
~& %bail-early
(pure:m |)
;< ~ bind:m (poke-app:stdio collector-app [%dns-address %if if])
;< our=@p bind:m get-identity:stdio
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app:stdio collector-app /(scot %p our))
(pure:m &)
=* tapp-async tapp-async:tapp
=* default-tapp default-tapp:tapp
%- create-tapp-all:tapp
^- tapp-core-all:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state=app-state]
++ handle-init handle-init:default-tapp
++ handle-peek handle-peek:default-tapp
++ handle-peer handle-peer:default-tapp
++ handle-poke
|= =in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. (team:title [our src]:bowl)
~| %configure-yoself !!
?- -.in-poke-data
:: "automatic" dns binding -- currently only for galaxies
:: XX could be in +handle-init
:: XX use ip reflection for other classes
?. ?=(%czar (clan:title our.bowl))
:: XX details
~& %galaxy-only
(pure:m state)
;< ~ bind:m galaxy-domains
(pure:m state)
:: manual dns binding -- by explicit ipv4
=* adr address.in-poke-data
=/ rac (clan:title our.bowl)
?. ?=(?(%king %duke) rac)
~| [%dns-collector-bind-invalid rac] !!
?: (reserved:eyre if.adr)
~| [%dns-collector-reserved-address if.adr] !!
;< requested=? bind:m (request-by-ip if.adr)
:: XX save failure?
~? =(requested.state (some address.in-poke-data))
=? requested.state requested
(some address.in-poke-data)
(pure:m state)
++ handle-diff
|= [=dock =path =in-peer-data]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?. =(dock collector-app)
~| [%unexpected-diff-dock-wat-do dock] !!
?. =(path /(scot %p our.bowl))
~| [%unexpected-diff-path-wat-do path] !!
?- -.in-peer-data
=* binding binding.in-peer-data
?~ requested.state
~| %unexpected-binding-wat-do !!
?. =(u.requested.state address.binding)
~| %mismatch-binding-wat-do !!
;< good=? bind:m (turf-confirm-install turf.binding)
=/ msg=(pair cord tang)
?: good
[(cat 3 'confirmed access via ' (en-turf:html turf.binding)) ~]
:- (cat 3 'unable to access via ' (en-turf:html turf.binding))
:~ leaf+"XX check via nslookup"
leaf+"XX confirm port 80"
;< ~ bind:m (app-message %dns msg)
=? completed.state good (some binding)
:: XX save failure?s
:: XX unsubscribe?
(pure:m state)
++ handle-take
|= =sign:tapp
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?+ -.sign
~| [%unexpected-sign sign] !!
:: print %poke nacks
?. =(collector-app dock.sign)
(pure:m state)
?~ error.sign
=/ msg=cord
(cat 3 'request for DNS sent to ' (scot %p p:collector-app))
;< ~ bind:m (app-message %dns msg ~)
(pure:m state)
:: XX details
~& %dns-ip-request-failed
%- (slog u.error.sign)
(pure:m state(requested ~))
:: re-subscribe if (involuntarily) unsubscribed
?. =(path.sign /(scot %p our.bowl))
~| [%unexpected-quit-path-wat-do path.sign] !!
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app:stdio collector-app /(scot %p our.bowl))
(pure:m state)
:: print %peer nacks
?. =(path.sign /(scot %p our.bowl))
~| [%unexpected-reap-path-wat-do path.sign] !!
?~ error.sign
=/ msg=cord
(cat 3 'awaiting response from ' (scot %p p:collector-app))
;< ~ bind:m (app-message %dns msg ~)
(pure:m state)
:: XX details
~& %dns-domain-subscription-failed
%- (slog u.error.sign)
(pure:m state)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
:: Little app to demonstrate the structure of programs written with the
:: transaction monad.
:: Fetches the top comment of each of the top 10 stories from Hacker News
/+ tapp, stdio
:: Preamble
+$ state
$: top-comments=(list tape)
+$ peek-data _!!
+$ in-poke-data [%noun =cord]
+$ out-poke-data ~
+$ in-peer-data ~
+$ out-peer-data
$% [%comments (list tape)]
++ tapp (^tapp state peek-data in-poke-data out-poke-data in-peer-data out-peer-data)
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
:: Helper function to print a comment
++ comment-to-tang
|= =tape
^- tang
%+ welp
%+ turn (rip 10 (crip tape))
|= line=cord
leaf+(trip line)
:: All the URLs we fetch from
++ urls
=/ base "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/"
:* top-stories=(weld base "topstories.json")
item=|=(item=@ud `tape`:(welp base "item/" +>:(scow %ui item) ".json"))
=, async=async:tapp
=, tapp-async=tapp-async:tapp
=, stdio
:: The app
%- create-tapp-poke-peer-take:tapp
^- tapp-core-poke-peer-take:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state]
:: Main function
++ handle-poke
|= =in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
:: If requested to print, just print what we have in our state
?: =(cord.in-poke-data 'print')
~& 'drumroll please...'
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
;< ~ bind:m (wait (add now ~s3))
~& 'Top comments:'
%- (slog (zing (turn top-comments comment-to-tang)))
(pure:m top-comments)
?: =(cord.in-poke-data 'poll')
;< ~ bind:m (wait-effect (add now.bowl ~s15))
(pure:m top-comments)
:: Otherwise, fetch the top HN stories
=. top-comments ~
:: If this whole thing takes more than 15 seconds, cancel it
%+ (set-timeout _top-comments) (add now.bowl ~s15)
;< =top-stories=json bind:m (fetch-json top-stories:urls)
=/ top-stories=(list @ud)
((ar ni):dejs:format top-stories-json)
:: Loop through the first 5 stories
=. top-stories (scag 5 top-stories)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
:: If done, tell subscribers and print the results
?~ top-stories
;< ~ bind:m (give-result /comments %comments top-comments)
(handle-poke %noun 'print')
:: Else, fetch the story info
~& "fetching item #{+>:(scow %ui i.top-stories)}"
;< =story-info=json bind:m (fetch-json (item:urls i.top-stories))
=/ story-comments=(unit (list @ud))
((ot kids+(ar ni) ~):dejs-soft:format story-info-json)
:: If no comments, say so
?: |(?=(~ story-comments) ?=(~ u.story-comments))
=. top-comments ["<no top comment>" top-comments]
loop(top-stories t.top-stories)
:: Else, fetch comment info
;< =comment-info=json bind:m (fetch-json (item:urls i.u.story-comments))
=/ comment-text=(unit tape)
((ot text+sa ~):dejs-soft:format comment-info-json)
:: If no text (eg comment deleted), record that
?~ comment-text
=. top-comments ["<top comment has no text>" top-comments]
loop(top-stories t.top-stories)
:: Else, add text to state
=. top-comments [u.comment-text top-comments]
loop(top-stories t.top-stories)
++ handle-peer
|= =path
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
~& [%tapp-fetch-take-peer path]
(pure:m top-comments)
++ handle-take
|= =sign:tapp
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
:: ignore %poke/peer acknowledgements
?. ?=(%wake -.sign)
(pure:m top-comments)
;< =state bind:m (handle-poke %noun 'fetch')
=. top-comments state
(pure:m top-comments)
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
/+ tapp, stdio
+$ subscription-state
$: target=[her=ship app=term]
+$ state
$: subscription=(unit subscription-state)
+$ peek-data _!!
+$ in-poke-data [%noun =cord]
+$ out-poke-data [%noun =cord]
+$ out-peer-data ~
+$ in-peer-data
$% [%comments comments=(list tape)]
++ tapp (^tapp state peek-data in-poke-data out-poke-data in-peer-data out-peer-data)
++ stdio (^stdio out-poke-data out-peer-data)
=, async=async:tapp
=, tapp-async=tapp-async:tapp
=, stdio
%- create-tapp-poke-diff:tapp
^- tapp-core-poke-diff:tapp
|_ [=bowl:gall state]
++ handle-poke
|= =in-poke-data
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?: =(cord.in-poke-data 'pull')
?~ subscription
(async-fail %no-subscription ~)
;< ~ bind:m (pull-app [target path]:u.subscription)
(pure:m ~)
=/ target [our.bowl %example-tapp-fetch]
;< ~ bind:m (poke-app target %noun 'print')
;< ~ bind:m (peer-app target /comments)
=. subscription `[target /comments]
;< ~ bind:m (wait (add now.bowl ~s3))
(pure:m subscription)
++ handle-diff
|= [[her=ship app=term] =path data=in-peer-data]
=/ m tapp-async
^- form:m
?> ?=(%comments -.data)
~& subscriber-got-data=(lent comments.data)
(pure:m subscription)
@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/hood/app :: ::
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: zuse version
/+ sole, :: libraries
:: XX these should really be separate apps, as
:: none of them interact with each other in
:: any fashion; however, to reduce boot-time
:: complexity and work around the current
:: non-functionality of end-to-end acknowledgments,
:: they have been bundled into :hood
:: |command handlers
hood-helm, hood-kiln, hood-drum, hood-write
:: :: ::
:::: :: ::
:: :: ::
++ hood-module
:: each hood module follows this general shape
=> |%
+$ part [%module %0 pith]
+$ pith ~
+$ move [bone card]
+$ card $% [%fake ~]
|= [bowl:gall own=part]
|_ moz=(list move)
++ abet [(flop moz) own]
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: state handling
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ hood-old :: unified old-state
{?($0 $1) lac/(map @tas hood-part-old)} ::
++ hood-1 :: unified state
{$1 lac/(map @tas hood-part)} ::
++ hood-good :: extract specific
=+ hed=$:hood-head
|@ ++ $
|: paw=$:hood-part
?- hed
$drum ?>(?=($drum -.paw) `part:hood-drum`paw)
$helm ?>(?=($helm -.paw) `part:hood-helm`paw)
$kiln ?>(?=($kiln -.paw) `part:hood-kiln`paw)
$write ?>(?=($write -.paw) `part:hood-write`paw)
++ hood-head _-:$:hood-part :: initialize state
++ hood-make ::
=+ $:{our/@p hed/hood-head} ::
|@ ++ $
?- hed
$drum (make:hood-drum our)
$helm *part:hood-helm
$kiln *part:hood-kiln
$write *part:hood-write
++ hood-part-old hood-part :: old state for ++prep
++ hood-port :: state transition
|: paw=$:hood-part-old ^- hood-part ::
paw ::
:: ::
++ hood-part :: current module state
$% {$drum $2 pith-2:hood-drum} ::
{$helm $0 pith:hood-helm} ::
{$kiln $0 pith:hood-kiln} ::
{$write $0 pith:hood-write} ::
== ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: app proper
:: :: ::
=, gall
|_ $: hid/bowl :: gall environment
hood-1 :: module states
== ::
++ able :: find+make part
=+ hed=$:hood-head
|@ ++ $
=+ rep=(~(get by lac) hed)
=+ par=?^(rep u.rep `hood-part`(hood-make our.hid hed))
((hood-good hed) par)
++ ably :: save part
=+ $:{(list) hood-part}
|@ ++ $
[(flop +<-) %_(+> lac (~(put by lac) +<+< +<+))]
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: generic handling
:: :: ::
++ prep
|= old/(unit hood-old) ^- (quip _!! _+>)
:- ~
?~ old +>
+>(lac (~(run by lac.u.old) hood-port))
++ poke-hood-load :: recover lost brain
|= dat/hood-part
?> =(our.hid src.hid)
~& loaded+-.dat
[~ %_(+> lac (~(put by lac) -.dat dat))]
++ from-module :: create wrapper
|* _[identity=%module start=..$ finish=_abet]:(hood-module)
=- [wrap=- *start] :: usage (wrap handle-arm):from-foo
|* handle/_finish
|= a=_+<.handle
=. +>.handle (start hid (able identity))
(ably (handle a))
:: per-module interface wrappers
++ from-drum (from-module %drum [..$ _se-abet]:(hood-drum))
++ from-helm (from-module %helm [..$ _abet]:(hood-helm))
++ from-kiln (from-module %kiln [..$ _abet]:(hood-kiln))
++ from-write (from-module %write [..$ _abet]:(hood-write))
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: switchboard
:: :: ::
++ coup-drum-phat (wrap take-coup-phat):from-drum
++ coup-helm-hi (wrap coup-hi):from-helm
++ coup-kiln-fancy (wrap take-coup-fancy):from-kiln
++ coup-kiln-reload (wrap take-coup-reload):from-kiln
++ coup-kiln-spam (wrap take-coup-spam):from-kiln
++ diff-sole-effect-drum-phat (wrap diff-sole-effect-phat):from-drum
++ init-helm |=({way/wire *} [~ +>])
++ mack-kiln (wrap mack):from-kiln
++ made-write (wrap made):from-write
++ made-kiln (wrap take-made):from-kiln
++ mere-kiln (wrap take-mere):from-kiln
++ mere-kiln-sync (wrap take-mere-sync):from-kiln
++ wake-kiln-autocommit (wrap take-wake-autocommit):from-kiln
++ wake-kiln-overload (wrap take-wake-overload):from-kiln
++ wake-helm-automass (wrap take-wake-automass):from-helm
++ onto-drum (wrap take-onto):from-drum
++ peer-drum (wrap peer):from-drum
++ poke-atom (wrap poke-atom):from-helm
++ poke-dill-belt (wrap poke-dill-belt):from-drum
++ poke-dill-blit (wrap poke-dill-blit):from-drum
++ poke-drum-put (wrap poke-put):from-drum
++ poke-drum-link (wrap poke-link):from-drum
++ poke-drum-unlink (wrap poke-unlink):from-drum
++ poke-drum-exit (wrap poke-exit):from-drum
++ poke-drum-start (wrap poke-start):from-drum
++ poke-drum-set-boot-apps (wrap poke-set-boot-apps):from-drum
++ poke-helm-hi (wrap poke-hi):from-helm
++ poke-helm-knob (wrap poke-knob):from-helm
++ poke-helm-mass (wrap poke-mass):from-helm
++ poke-helm-reload (wrap poke-reload):from-helm
++ poke-helm-reload-desk (wrap poke-reload-desk):from-helm
++ poke-helm-reset (wrap poke-reset):from-helm
++ poke-helm-serve (wrap poke-serve):from-helm
++ poke-helm-send-hi (wrap poke-send-hi):from-helm
++ poke-helm-verb (wrap poke-verb):from-helm
++ poke-helm-rekey (wrap poke-rekey):from-helm
++ poke-helm-moon (wrap poke-moon):from-helm
++ poke-helm-nuke (wrap poke-nuke):from-helm
++ poke-helm-automass (wrap poke-automass):from-helm
++ poke-helm-cancel-automass (wrap poke-cancel-automass):from-helm
++ poke-helm-bonk (wrap poke-bonk):from-helm
++ poke-hood-sync (wrap poke-sync):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-commit (wrap poke-commit):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-info (wrap poke-info):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-label (wrap poke-label):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-merge (wrap poke-merge):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-cancel (wrap poke-cancel):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-cancel-autocommit (wrap poke-cancel-autocommit):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-mount (wrap poke-mount):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-rm (wrap poke-rm):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-schedule (wrap poke-schedule):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-track (wrap poke-track):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-sync (wrap poke-sync):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-syncs (wrap poke-syncs):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-start-autoload (wrap poke-start-autoload):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-wipe-ford (wrap poke-wipe-ford):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-keep-ford (wrap poke-keep-ford):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-autoload (wrap poke-autoload):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-overload (wrap poke-overload):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-goad-gall (wrap poke-goad-gall):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-wash-gall (wrap poke-wash-gall):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-unmount (wrap poke-unmount):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-unsync (wrap poke-unsync):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-permission (wrap poke-permission):from-kiln
++ poke-write-sec-atom (wrap poke-sec-atom):from-write
++ poke-write-paste (wrap poke-paste):from-write
++ poke-write-tree (wrap poke-tree):from-write
++ poke-write-wipe (wrap poke-wipe):from-write
++ quit-drum-phat (wrap quit-phat):from-drum
++ reap-drum-phat (wrap reap-phat):from-drum
++ woot-helm (wrap take-woot):from-helm
++ writ-kiln-autoload (wrap take-writ-autoload):from-kiln
++ writ-kiln-find-ship (wrap take-writ-find-ship):from-kiln
++ writ-kiln-sync (wrap take-writ-sync):from-kiln
++ bound (wrap take-bound):from-helm
@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
:: Test the pH of your aquarium. See if it's safe to put in real fish.
:: usage:
:: :aqua [%run-test %test-add]
/- aquarium, ph
/+ ph, ph-tests, ph-azimuth, ph-philter
=, ph-sur=^ph
=, aquarium
=, ph
=, ph-philter
=> $~ |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock poke-type]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%diff diff-type]
+$ poke-type
$% [%aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%drum-start term term]
[%aqua-vane-control ?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)]
+$ diff-type
$% [%aqua-effects aqua-effects]
+$ state
$: %0
test-core=(unit test-core-state)
tests=(map term [(list ship) _*form:(ph ,~)])
+$ test-core-state
$: lab=term
hers=(list ship)
test=_*form:(ph ,~)
+$ other-state
$: test-qeu=(qeu term)
results=(list (pair term ?))
effect-log=(list [who=ship uf=unix-effect])
=, gall
=/ vane-apps=(list term)
~[%aqua-ames %aqua-behn %aqua-dill %aqua-eyre]
|_ $: hid=bowl
++ this .
++ manual-tests
^- (list (pair term [(list ship) _*form:(ph ,~)]))
=+ (ph-tests our.hid)
=+ ph-azimuth=(ph-azimuth our.hid)
=/ eth-node (spawn:ph-azimuth ~bud)
=/ m (ph ,~)
:~ :+ %boot-bud
(raw-ship ~bud ~)
:+ %add
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship ~bud ~)
|= pin=ph-input
?: =(%init -.q.uf.pin)
[& (dojo ~bud "[%test-result (add 2 3)]") %wait ~]
?: (is-dojo-output ~bud who.pin uf.pin "[%test-result 5]")
[& ~ %done ~]
[& ~ %wait ~]
:+ %hi
~[~bud ~dev]
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship ~bud ~)
~& > "BUD DONE"
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship ~dev ~)
~& > "DEV DONE"
(send-hi ~bud ~dev)
:+ %boot-planet
~[~bud ~marbud ~linnup-torsyx]
(planet ~linnup-torsyx)
:+ %second-cousin-hi
~[~bud ~marbud ~linnup-torsyx ~dev ~mardev ~mitnep-todsut]
;< ~ bind:m (planet ~linnup-torsyx)
;< ~ bind:m (planet ~mitnep-todsut)
(send-hi ~linnup-torsyx ~mitnep-todsut)
:+ %change-file
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship ~bud ~)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %home)
(check-file-touched ~bud %home file)
:+ %child-sync
~[~bud ~marbud]
;< ~ bind:m (star ~marbud)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
:+ %boot-az
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
(raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
(pure:m ~)
:+ %hi-az
~[~bud ~dev]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~dev)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
~& > %dev-done
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > %bud-done
(send-hi ~bud ~dev)
(pure:m ~)
:+ %moon-az
~[~bud ~marbud ~linnup-torsyx ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx ~dev]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~marbud)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~linnup-torsyx)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~dev)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~linnup-torsyx)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx)
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi ~bud ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx)
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx ~marbud)
~& > 'HI UP DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
~& > 'DEV DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx ~dev)
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi ~dev ~linnup-torsyx-linnup-torsyx)
(pure:m ~)
(pure:m ~)
:+ %breach-hi
~[~bud ~dev]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~dev)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
~& > 'DEV DONE'
(send-hi ~bud ~dev)
~& > 'HI DONE'
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~dev ~bud)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi-not-responding ~bud ~dev)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
(wait-for-dojo ~bud "hi ~dev successful")
~& > 'DONE'
(pure:m ~)
:+ %breach-hi-cousin
~[~bud ~dev ~marbud ~mardev]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~dev)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~marbud)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~mardev)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~mardev)
(send-hi ~marbud ~mardev)
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~mardev ~marbud)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (send-hi-not-responding ~marbud ~mardev)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~mardev)
(wait-for-dojo ~marbud "hi ~mardev successful")
(pure:m ~)
:+ %breach-sync
~[~bud ~marbud]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~marbud)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~fipfes)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~bud ~marbud)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD RE DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud "|merge %base ~marbud %kids, =gem %this"))
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-1 DONE'
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-2 DONE'
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
~& > 'DONE DONE'
(pure:m ~)
:+ %breach-multiple
~[~bud ~marbud]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~marbud)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~fipfes)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~bud ~marbud)
~& > 'BREACH-1 DONE'
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
(raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD RE DONE'
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~marbud ~bud)
~& > 'BREACH-2 DONE'
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-1 DONE'
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-2 DONE'
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
~& > 'DONE DONE'
(pure:m ~)
:+ %breach-sudden
~[~bud ~marbud]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~marbud)
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~fipfes)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~marbud)
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
=. eth-node (breach:eth-node ~bud)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD RE DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud "|merge %base ~marbud %kids, =gem %this"))
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-1 DONE'
;< file=@t bind:m (touch-file ~bud %base)
~& > 'TOUCH-2 DONE'
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home file)
~& > 'DONE DONE'
(pure:m ~)
:: Doesn't succeed because success is hard to define, just make
:: sure it doesn't crash in Gall
:+ %breach-gall
~[~bud ~dev]
=. eth-node (spawn:eth-node ~dev)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~bud)
~& > 'BUD DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
~& > 'DEV DONE'
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud "|start %hall"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud "|start %talk"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~dev "|start %hall"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~dev "|start %talk"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud ";create channel %hi 'desc'"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~dev ";join ~bud/hi"))
;< ~ bind:m (just-events (dojo ~bud "heyya"))
(wait-for-dojo ~dev "heyya")
;< eth-node=_eth-node bind:m
(breach-and-hear:eth-node our.hid ~dev ~bud)
;< [eth-node=_eth-node ~] bind:m
%+ (wrap-philter ,_eth-node ,~)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-real-ship:eth-node ~dev)
(send-hi ~bud ~dev)
~& > 'DONE'
++ install-tests
^+ this
=. tests (malt manual-tests)
++ prep
|= old=(unit [@ tests=* rest=*])
^- (quip move _this)
~& prep=%ph
=. this install-tests
:: ?~ old
:: `this
:: =/ new ((soft other-state) rest.u.old)
:: ?~ new
:: `this
:: `this(+<+>+> u.new)
++ publish-aqua-effects
|= afs=aqua-effects
^- (list move)
%+ murn ~(tap by sup.hid)
|= [b=bone her=ship pax=path]
^- (unit move)
?. ?=([%effects ~] pax)
`[b %diff %aqua-effects afs]
++ run-events
|= [lab=term what=(list ph-event)]
^- (quip move _this)
?: =(~ what)
=/ res
|- ^- (each (list aqua-event) ?)
?~ what
[%& ~]
?: ?=(%test-done -.i.what)
[%| p.i.what]
=/ nex $(what t.what)
?: ?=(%| -.nex)
[%& `aqua-event`i.what p.nex]
?: ?=(%| -.res)
=^ moves-1 this (finish-test lab p.res)
=^ moves-2 this run-test
[(weld moves-1 moves-2) this]
[[ost.hid %poke /running [our.hid %aqua] %aqua-events p.res]~ this]
:: Cancel subscriptions to ships
++ finish-test
|= [lab=term success=?]
^- (quip move _this)
?~ test-core
~& ?: success
"TEST {(trip lab)} SUCCESSFUL"
"TEST {(trip lab)} FAILED"
:_ this(test-core ~, results [[lab success] results])
%- zing
%+ turn hers.u.test-core
|= her=ship
^- (list move)
:~ [ost.hid %pull /[lab]/(scot %p her) [our.hid %aqua] ~]
:* ost.hid
[our.hid %aqua]
[%pause-events her]~
:: Start another test if one is in the queue
++ run-test
^- (quip move _this)
?^ test-core
?: =(~ test-qeu)
?~ results
=/ throw-away print-results
`this(results ~)
=^ lab test-qeu ~(get to test-qeu)
~& [running-test=lab test-qeu]
=. effect-log ~
=+ ^- [ships=(list ship) test=_*form:(ph ,~)]
(~(got by tests) lab)
=> .(test-core `(unit test-core-state)`test-core)
=. test-core `[lab ships test]
=^ moves-1 this (subscribe-to-effects lab ships)
=^ moves-2 this
(diff-aqua-effects /[lab]/(scot %p -.ships) -.ships [/ %init ~]~)
[:(weld init-vanes pause-fleet subscribe-vanes moves-1 moves-2) this]
:: Print results with ~&
++ print-results
=/ throw-away
%+ turn
|= [lab=term success=?]
~& "{?:(success "SUCCESS" "FAILURE")}: {(trip lab)}"
~& ?: (levy results |=([term s=?] s))
:: Should check whether we're already subscribed
++ subscribe-to-effects
|= [lab=@tas hers=(list ship)]
:_ this
%+ turn hers
|= her=ship
^- move
:* ost.hid
/[lab]/(scot %p her)
[our.hid %aqua]
/effects/(scot %p her)
:: Start the vane drivers
++ init-vanes
^- (list move)
%+ murn
`(list term)`[%aqua vane-apps]
|= vane-app=term
^- (unit move)
=/ app-started
.^(? %gu /(scot %p our.hid)/[vane-app]/(scot %da now.hid))
?: app-started
`[ost.hid %poke /start [our.hid %hood] %drum-start %home vane-app]
:: Restart the vane drivers' subscriptions
++ subscribe-vanes
^- (list move)
%+ turn
|= vane-app=term
[ost.hid %poke /init [our.hid vane-app] %aqua-vane-control %subscribe]
:: Pause all existing ships
++ pause-fleet
^- (list move)
:_ ~
:* ost.hid %poke /pause-fleet [our.hid %aqua] %aqua-events
%+ turn
.^((list ship) %gx /(scot %p our.hid)/aqua/(scot %da now.hid)/ships/noun)
|= who=ship
[%pause-events who]
:: User interface
++ poke-ph-command
|= com=cli:ph-sur
^- (quip move _this)
?- -.com
%init [init-vanes this]
?. (~(has by tests) lab.com)
~& [%no-test lab.com]
=. test-qeu (~(put to test-qeu) lab.com)
=^ moves-1 this (finish-test %last |)
=. test-qeu ~
=^ moves-2 this run-test
[:(weld moves-1 moves-2) this]
=. test-qeu
%- ~(gas to test-qeu)
(turn manual-tests head)
~& lent=(lent effect-log)
~& %+ roll effect-log
|= [[who=ship uf=unix-effect] ~]
?: ?=(?(%blit %doze) -.q.uf)
?: ?=(%ergo -.q.uf)
~& [who [- +<]:uf %omitted-by-ph]
~& [who uf]
:: Receive effects back from aqua
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
:: ~& [%diff-aqua-effect way who.afs]
?> ?=([@tas @ ~] way)
=/ lab i.way
?~ test-core
~& [%ph-dropping-done lab]
[[ost.hid %pull way [our.hid %aqua] ~]~ this]
?. =(lab lab.u.test-core)
~& [%ph-dropping-strange lab]
[[ost.hid %pull way [our.hid %aqua] ~]~ this]
=+ |- ^- $: thru-effects=(list unix-effect)
events=(list ph-event)
done=(unit ?)
?~ ufs.afs
[~ ~ ~ ~ test.u.test-core]
=/ m-res=_*output:(ph ,~)
(test.u.test-core now.hid who.afs i.ufs.afs)
=? ufs.afs =(%cont -.next.m-res)
[i.ufs.afs [/ %init ~] t.ufs.afs]
=^ done=(unit ?) test.u.test-core
?- -.next.m-res
%wait [~ test.u.test-core]
%cont [~ self.next.m-res]
%fail [`| test.u.test-core]
%done [`& test.u.test-core]
=+ ^- _$
?~ done
$(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
[~ ~ ~ done test.u.test-core]
:^ ?: thru.m-res
[i.ufs.afs thru-effects]
(weld events.m-res events)
[[who i.ufs]:afs log]
[done test]
=. test.u.test-core test
=. effect-log (weld log effect-log)
=> .(test-core `(unit test-core-state)`test-core)
?^ done
=^ moves-1 this (finish-test lab u.done)
=^ moves-2 this run-test
[(weld moves-1 moves-2) this]
=/ moves-1 (publish-aqua-effects who.afs thru-effects)
=^ moves-2 this (run-events lab events)
[(weld moves-1 moves-2) this]
:: Subscribe to effects
++ peer-effects
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=(~ pax)
~& [%ph-bad-peer-effects pax]
:: Subscription cancelled
++ pull
|= pax=path
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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