mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 01:52:42 +03:00
Nock code generation for Attila.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ module Language.Attila.IR where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (either, fail, try)
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Lens
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!), (!?))
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.ChunkedZip (Zip)
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
@ -61,9 +62,18 @@ data Exp
| Inc Exp
| Eke Exp Exp
| Tup (Vec Exp)
| Get Exp Nat
| Get Nat Exp
| Cho (Vec Ty) Nat Exp
| Eat Exp (Vec Exp)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
zipWithM :: (Monad m, Traversable seq, Zip seq)
=> (a -> b -> m c) -> seq a -> seq b -> m (seq c)
zipWithM f xs ys = sequence (zipWith f xs ys)
newtype Infer a = Infer { runInfer :: Either Text a }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Applicative, Monad)
@ -75,6 +85,14 @@ infGuard :: String -> Bool -> Infer ()
infGuard _ True = pure ()
infGuard msg False = fail msg
unify :: Vec Ty -> Infer Ty
unify = toList >>> \case [] -> pure voidTy
x:xs -> do let err = "bad-unify " <> show (x:xs)
infGuard err (all (== x) xs)
pure x
infer :: Ty -> Exp -> Infer Ty
infer sub Sub = pure sub
infer sub (Lam lub b) = Nok lub <$> infer lub b
@ -84,14 +102,12 @@ infer sub (Fir new bod) = do newSub <- infer sub new
infer newSub bod
infer _ (Lit _) = pure Nat
infer sub (Inc exp) = do eTy <- infer sub exp
infGuard "bad-inc" (eTy == Nat)
pure Nat
unify [eTy, Nat]
infer sub (Eke ex1 ex2) = do ty1 <- infer sub ex1
ty2 <- infer sub ex2
infGuard "bad-eq" (ty1 == Nat && ty2 == Nat)
pure Nat
unify [Nat, ty1, ty2]
infer sub (Tup exps) = Mul <$> traverse (infer sub) exps
infer sub (Get tup n) = infer sub tup >>= inferGet n
infer sub (Get n tup) = infer sub tup >>= inferGet n
infer sub (Cho tys n exp) = infer sub exp >>= inferCho tys n
infer sub (Eat exp bods) = inferEat sub exp bods
@ -107,18 +123,9 @@ inferCho :: Vec Ty -> Nat -> Ty -> Infer Ty
inferCho tys n ty = do
(tys !? fromIntegral n) & \case
Nothing -> fail "cho-bad-index"
Just tu -> do infGuard "cho-bad-match" (tu == ty)
Just tu -> do unify [tu, ty]
pure (Sum tys)
unify :: Vec Ty -> Infer Ty
unify = toList >>> \case [] -> pure voidTy
x:xs -> do infGuard "bad-unify" (all (== x) xs)
pure x
zipWithM :: (Monad m, Traversable seq, Zip seq)
=> (a -> b -> m c) -> seq a -> seq b -> m (seq c)
zipWithM f xs ys = sequence (zipWith f xs ys)
inferEat :: Ty -> Exp -> Vec Exp -> Infer Ty
inferEat sub exp bods =
infer sub exp >>= \case Sum tys -> checkSum tys
@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ inferEat sub exp bods =
unify =<< zipWithM checkBranch tys bods
checkBranch :: Ty -> Exp -> Infer Ty
checkBranch brTy exp = infer (pair brTy sub) exp
checkBranch brTy exp = infer (pair (pair Nat brTy) sub) exp
@ -160,39 +167,156 @@ tOpt = All $ either unit (Ref 0)
tEith :: Ty
tEith = All $ All $ either (Ref 1) (Ref 0)
tBool :: Ty
tBool = either unit unit
data Exp
= Sub
| Lam Ty Exp
| Wit Exp Exp
| Fir Exp Exp
| Lit Nat
| Inc Exp
| Eke Exp Exp
| Tup (Vec Exp)
| Get Exp Nat
| Cho (Vec Ty) Nat Exp
| Eat Exp (Vec Exp)
tOrd :: Ty
tOrd = Sum [unit, unit, unit]
-- Expression Examples ---------------------------------------------------------
tup2 :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
tup2 x y = Tup [x, y]
choEx :: Exp
choEx = Cho [Nat, Nat] 0 (Lit 0)
tupEx :: Exp
tupEx = Get 0 $ Get 1 $ tup2 (Lit 3) $ tup2 (Lit 4) (Lit 5)
widEx :: Exp
widEx = Wit (Lit 3) Sub
eatEx :: Exp
eatEx = Eat choEx [Get 1 (Get 0 Sub), Inc (Lit 0)]
try :: Exp -> Either Text Ty
try = runInfer . infer voidTy
build :: Exp -> Either Text (Ty, Nock)
build = compile voidTy
tryTup :: Either Text Ty
tryTup = try $ Get (Get (Tup [Lit 3, Tup [Lit 4, Lit 5]]) 1) 0
tryTup = try tupEx
tryWid :: Either Text Ty
tryWid = try $ Wit (Lit 3) Sub
cho :: Exp
cho = Cho [Nat, Nat] 0 (Lit 0)
tryWid = try widEx
tryCho :: Either Text Ty
tryCho = try cho
tryCho = try choEx
tryEat :: Either Text Ty
tryEat = try $ Eat cho [Get Sub 0, Inc (Lit 0)]
tryEat = try eatEx
buildTup :: Either Text (Ty, Nock)
buildTup = build tupEx
buildWid :: Either Text (Ty, Nock)
buildWid = build widEx
buildCho :: Either Text (Ty, Nock)
buildCho = build choEx
buildEat :: Either Text (Ty, Nock)
buildEat = build eatEx
-- TODO Record layout.
compile :: Ty -> Exp -> Either Text (Ty, Nock)
compile sut = \case
Sub ->
pure (sut, NZeroAxis 1)
Lit n ->
pure (Nat, NOneConst (Atom $ fromIntegral n))
Inc x -> do
(_, nock) <- compile sut x
pure (Nat, NFourSucc nock)
Cho tys n exp -> do
(_, nock) <- compile sut exp
let tag = NOneConst (Atom (fromIntegral n))
pure (Sum tys, NCons tag nock)
Get n exp -> do
(vecTy, vecNock) <- compile sut exp
tys <- case vecTy of
Mul tys -> pure tys
ty -> Left ("get-not-mul: " <> tshow ty)
let axis = getAxis n (fromIntegral $ length tys)
let resTy = tys ! fromIntegral n
pure (resTy, NSevenThen vecNock (NZeroAxis $ fromIntegral axis))
Tup xs -> do
ty <- runInfer (infer sut (Tup xs))
nock <- genCons sut (toList xs)
pure (ty, nock)
Eat exp brs -> do
(headTy, nock) <- compile sut exp
newSubjTys <- headTy & \case
Sum tys -> pure $ fmap (\x -> pair (pair Nat x) sut) tys
_ -> Left "you are dumb"
nocks <- fmap snd <$> zipWithM compile newSubjTys brs
resTy <- runInfer (infer sut (Eat exp brs))
pure (resTy, NEightPush nock (cases (toList nocks)))
Eke x y -> do
(_, nock1) <- compile sut x
(_, nock2) <- compile sut y
pure (tBool, NFiveEq nock1 nock2)
Wit ex1 ex2 -> do
(sut', nock1) <- compile sut ex1
(resTy, nock2) <- compile sut' ex2
pure (resTy, NSevenThen nock1 nock2)
Lam ty exp -> do
resTy <- runInfer (infer ty exp)
nock <- (NOneConst . nockToNoun . snd) <$> compile ty exp
pure (Nok sut resTy, nock)
Fir sub for -> do
(subTy, subNock) <- compile sut sub
(forTy, forNock) <- compile sut for
resTy <- case forTy of
Nok _ resTy -> pure resTy
_ -> Left "bad-fir-e"
pure (resTy, NTwoCompose subNock forNock)
-- TODO Nock nine
zapZap :: Nock
zapZap = NZeroAxis 0
genCons :: Ty -> [Exp] -> Either Text Nock
genCons sut [] = snd <$> compile sut (Lit 0)
genCons sut [x] = snd <$> compile sut x
genCons sut (x:xs) = do
(_, n) <- compile sut x
(_, ns) <- compile sut (Tup (fromList xs))
pure (NCons n ns)
cases :: [Nock] -> Nock
cases = go 0
go tag [] = zapZap
go tag (nock:nocks) = NSixIf (NFiveEq (NOneConst (Atom (fromIntegral tag)))
(NZeroAxis 4))
(go (tag+1) nocks)
getAxis :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
getAxis 0 1 = 1
getAxis 0 len = 2
getAxis i len | i+1 == len = 1 + getAxis (i-1) len
getAxis i len = 2 * (1 + getAxis (i-1) len)
-- Credits: Morgan, Ted, Benjamin
Reference in New Issue
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