build: adding support for hercules ci effects

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Hay 2020-11-05 12:07:24 +01:00 committed by Joe Bryan
parent d196a249cb
commit b1790b1b3a
5 changed files with 325 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -25,30 +25,24 @@ let
serviceAccountKey = builtins.readFile
# Push a split output derivation containing "out" and "hash" outputs.
pushObject =
{ name, extension, drv, contentType ? "application/octet-stream" }:
# Use the sha256 for the object key prefix.
sha256 = builtins.readFile (drv.hash + "/sha256");
# Use md5 as an idempotency check for gsutil.
contentMD5 = builtins.readFile (drv.hash + "/md5");
in localLib.pushStorageObject {
inherit serviceAccountKey name contentMD5 contentType;
# Push a derivation to a remote storage bucket as a post-build effect.
pushObject = { name, drv, contentType ? "application/octet-stream" }:
localLib.pushStorageObject {
inherit name contentType serviceAccountKey;
bucket = "";
object = "ci/${lib.removeSuffix extension name}${sha256}.${extension}";
object = "ci/${lib.removePrefix "/nix/store/" (toString drv)}";
file = drv.out;
# Build and push a split output pill derivation with the ".pill" file extension.
pushPill = name: pill:
pushObject {
inherit name;
# # Build and push a split output pill derivation with the ".pill" file extension.
# pushPill = name: pill:
# pushObject {
# inherit name;
drv =;
extension = "pill";
# drv =;
# extension = "pill";
# };
systems = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: builtins.elem v supportedSystems) {
linux = "x86_64-linux";
@ -99,11 +93,10 @@ in localLib.dimension "system" systems (systemName: system:
in pushObject {
name =;
drv = tarball;
extension = tarball.meta.extension;
contentType = "application/x-gtar";
# Filter derivations that have meta.platform missing the current system,
# such as testFakeShip on darwin.
platformFilter = localLib.platformFilterGeneric system;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ let
makeReleaseTarball = callPackage ./make-release-tarball.nix { };
pushStorageObject = callPackage ./push-storage-object.nix { };
pushStorageObject =
callPackage ./push-storage-object.nix { inherit makeEffect; };
makeEffect = callPackage ./effect { };
in fetchers // rec {

nix/lib/effect/default.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
{ cacert, curl, jq, lib, runCommandNoCC, stdenvNoCC }:
defaultInputs = [ effectSetupHook cacert curl jq ];
mkDrv = args:
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation (args // {
phases = args.phases or "initPhase unpackPhase patchPhase ${
args.preGetStatePhases or ""
} getStatePhase userSetupPhase ${
args.preEffectPhases or ""
} effectPhase putStatePhase ${args.postEffectPhases or ""}";
name = + "-effect";
# nativeBuildInputs normally corresponds to what the building machine can
# execute. Likewise, effects are executed on the machine type that would
# otherwise perform the build.
# To keep things simple and avoid "build" terminology, we alias this as "inputs".
nativeBuildInputs = (args.defaultInputs or defaultInputs)
++ (args.inputs or [ ]) ++ (args.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]);
isEffect = true;
# TODO: Use structured attrs instead
secretsMap = builtins.toJSON (args.secretsMap or { });
invokeOverride = f: defaults: (lib.makeOverridable f defaults).override;
effectSetupHook = runCommandNoCC "hercules-ci-effect-sh" { } ''
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
cp ${./} $out/nix-support/setup-hook
in invokeOverride mkDrv {
preGetStatePhases = "";
preEffectPhases = "priorCheckPhase";
# Extension point for reporting notifications etc that are less criticial and
# don't write state.
postEffectPhases = "effectCheckPhase";
initPhase = ''
# eof on stdin
exec </dev/null
runHook preInit
eval "$initScript"
runHook postInit
initScript = ''
export HOME=/build/home
mkdir -p $HOME
echo >/etc/passwd root:x:0:0:System administrator:/build/home:/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "BatchMode yes" >>~/.ssh/config
userSetupPhase = ''
runHook preUserSetup
eval "$userSetupScript"
runHook postUserSetup
userSetupScript = "";
# TODO Read a variable to optionally bail out if not already ok. That won't
# permit a commit to fix a problem, which is why that isn't the current
# behavior.
# This variable can also be set dynamically by priorCheckScript to signal
# that the problem is severe enough to abort the effect and thus require
# manual intervention.
priorCheckPhase = ''
runHook prePriorCheck
if [[ -n "$priorCheckScript" ]]; then
if eval "$priorCheckScript"; then
echo 1>&2 -e 'Prior check \e[32;1mOK\e[0m.'
echo 1>&2
echo 1>&2 -e 'WARNING: Prior check \e[31;1mFAILED\e[0m!'
echo 1>&2
echo 1>&2 Continuing execution to allow subsequent steps to hopefully fix the problem.
runHook postPriorCheck
priorCheckScript = "";
effectPhase = ''
runHook preEffect
eval "$effectScript"
runHook postEffect
effectScript = "";
effectCheckPhase = ''
runHook preEffectCheck
eval "$effectCheckScript"
runHook postEffectCheck
getStatePhase = ''
runHook preGetState
eval "$getStateScript"
runHook postGetState
putStatePhase = ''
if [[ -z ''${PUT_STATE_DONE:-} ]]; then
runHook prePutState
eval "$putStateScript"
runHook postPutState
echo 1>&2 "NOTE: State has already been uploaded and was not uploaded again."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prepare headers file for curl to talk to Hercules CI
initHerculesCIAPI() {
jq </secrets/secrets.json >$herculesCIHeaders -r '"Authorization: Bearer \(."hercules-ci".token)"'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# state crud
getStateFile() {
local stateName="$1"
local stateFileName="${2:-$1}"
echo 1>&2 "fetching state file $stateName"
while true; do
http_code=$(curl \
-H @$herculesCIHeaders \
--retry-max-time 86400 --retry-connrefused --max-time 1800 \
--silent --show-error \
--location \
"$HERCULES_CI_API_BASE_URL/api/v1/current-task/state/$stateName/data" \
-o "$stateFileName" \
-w '%{http_code}'
case $http_code in
break ;;
echo 1>&2 "http status $http_code. Retrying..."
sleep 60
continue ;;
echo 1>&2 "state file does not exist."
rm -f "$stateFileName"
break ;;
echo 1>&2 "request failed with fatal status $http_code"
exit 1 ;;
putStateFile() {
local stateName="$1"
local stateFileName="${2:-$1}"
echo "pushing state file $stateName..."
curl \
-H @$herculesCIHeaders \
--retry-max-time 86400 --retry-connrefused --max-time 1800 \
--silent --show-error \
--location --fail \
--upload-file "$stateFileName" \
"$HERCULES_CI_API_BASE_URL/api/v1/current-task/state/$stateName/data" \
echo "pushing state successful."
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# uploading state on error too
putStatePhaseOnFailure() {
if [[ -n $putStatePhase ]]; then
echo 'uploading state files after failure' 1>&2
eval "$putStatePhase"
registerPutStatePhaseOnFailure() {
failureHooks=("putStatePhaseOnFailure" "${failureHooks[@]}")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# unpack fix
simpleCopyUnpack() {
local fn="$1"
cp --no-preserve=ownership --recursive --reflink=auto \
-- $fn "$(stripHash "$fn")" \
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# warn if run in wrong environment
if [[ "true" != ${IN_HERCULES_CI_EFFECT:-} ]]; then
if [[ -n ${NIX_LOG_FD:-} ]]; then
cat 1>&2 <<EOF
WARNING: You are running a Hercules CI Effect in the Nix sandbox. This is very
unlikely to work. Effects are described in the derivation format and
have a lot in common, so you've probably tried to build it by accident.
cat 1>&2 <<EOF
WARNING: This effect is not running in the Hercules CI Effect sandbox.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# using secrets
readSecretString() {
local secretName="$1"
local dataPath="$2"
if ! jq -e -r </secrets/secrets.json '.[$secretName] | '"$dataPath" --arg secretName "$secretName"
then echo 1>&2 "Could not find path $dataPath in secret $secretName"
readSecretJSON() {
local secretName="$1"
local dataPath="$2"
jq -c </secrets/secrets.json '.[$secretName] | '"$dataPath" --arg secretName "$secretName"
writeAWSSecret() {
local secretName="${1:-aws}"
local profileName="${2:-default}"
mkdir -p ~/.aws
cat >>~/.aws/credentials <<EOF
aws_secret_access_key = $(readSecretString "$secretName" .aws_secret_access_key)
aws_access_key_id = $(readSecretString "$secretName" .aws_access_key_id)
writeSSHKey() {
local secretName="${1:-ssh}"
local privateName="${2:-$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa}"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$privateName")"
readSecretString "$secretName" .privateKey >"$privateName"
chmod 0400 "$privateName"
ssh-keygen -y -f "$privateName" >"$"
writeDockerKey() {
local secretName="${1:-docker}"
local directory="${2:-$HOME/.docker}"
mkdir -p $directory
readSecretString "$secretName" .clientKey >"$directory/key.pem"
readSecretString "$secretName" .clientCertificate >"$directory/cert.pem"
readSecretString "$secretName" .CACertificate >"$directory/ca.pem"
# Please permission checks if any
chmod 0400 "$directory"/{key,cert,ca}.pem
useDockerHost() {
local host="${1}"
local port="${2:-2376}"
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$host:$port

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
{ lib, stdenvNoCC, coreutils, google-cloud-sdk, xxd }:
{ lib, makeEffect, google-cloud-sdk }:
# Somewhat annoyingly due to needing to use Google Storage's Content-MD5
# to ensure a fixed output derivation - we need an md5sum of the file to
# upload. This is in additional to any sha256sum you might want to actually
# name the object key under.
{ bucket, object, name, file, contentMD5, contentType, serviceAccountKey
, preferLocalBuild ? true }:
{ bucket, object, name, file, contentType, serviceAccountKey }:
assert lib.asserts.assertMsg (builtins.isString serviceAccountKey)
"`serviceAccountKey` must contain the JSON contents of a service-account key";
@ -15,53 +9,33 @@ let
uri = "gs://${bucket}/${lib.removePrefix "/" object}";
in stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "push-${lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName name}";
in makeEffect {
inherit file uri contentType serviceAccountKey;
nativeBuildInputs = [ coreutils google-cloud-sdk xxd ];
name = "push-${name}";
phases = [ "installPhase" ];
inputs = [ google-cloud-sdk ];
installPhase = ''
set -euo pipefail
dontUnpack = true;
effectScript = ''
export HOME="."
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=- <<< '${serviceAccountKey}'
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=- <<< $serviceAccountKey
local_md5=$(echo -n '${contentMD5}' | xxd -r -p | base64)
stat_uri() {
header "retrieving md5 for ${uri}"
remote_md5=$(gsutil stat '${uri}' \
| sed -n -e '/Hash (md5):/{s/.*: *//p}' \
| base64 -d \
| xxd -p)
gsutil stat $uri
if ! stat_uri; then
header "copying ${file} to ${uri}"
header "copying $file to $uri"
gsutil -h "Content-MD5:$local_md5" \
-h "Content-Type:${contentType}" \
cp '${file}' '${uri}'
gsutil -h "Content-Type:$contentType" cp $file $uri
if ! stat_uri; then
echo "failed calculating remote uri md5" >&2
echo "failed pushing $file to $url" >&2
exit 1
# This is the same format as md5sum (double space separator) and
# needs to match the .outputHash to ensure a fixed output derivation.
echo -n "$remote_md5 ${uri}" > $out
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "flat";
outputHash = builtins.hashString "sha256" "${contentMD5} ${uri}";
inherit preferLocalBuild;