mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 03:52:13 +03:00
king haskell: automatically connect to terminal when running a ship
This commit is contained in:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ data Bug
data Cmd
= CmdNew New Opts
| CmdRun Run Opts
| CmdRun Run Opts Bool
| CmdBug Bug
| CmdCon FilePath
deriving (Show)
@ -267,7 +267,11 @@ runShip :: Parser Cmd
runShip = do
rPierPath <- pierPath
o <- opts
pure (CmdRun (Run{..}) o)
daemon <- switch $ short 'd'
<> long "daemon"
<> help "Daemon mode"
<> hidden
pure (CmdRun (Run{..}) o daemon)
valPill :: Parser Bug
valPill = do
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, runInBoundThread)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException(UserInterrupt))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Data.Default (def)
import King.App (runApp, runAppLogFile, runPierApp)
import King.App (runApp, runAppLogFile, runPierApp, runAppNoLog)
import King.App (HasConfigDir(..))
import RIO (logSticky, logStickyDone)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
@ -149,8 +149,9 @@ tryBootFromPill :: ( HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasPierConfig e
=> Bool -> Pill -> Bool -> Serf.Flags -> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RIO e ()
tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite flags ship boot =
runOrExitImmediately bootedPier oExit
tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite flags ship boot = do
mStart <- newEmptyMVar
runOrExitImmediately bootedPier oExit mStart
bootedPier = do
view pierPathL >>= lockFile
@ -164,8 +165,9 @@ runOrExitImmediately :: ( HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasPierConfig e
=> RAcquire e (Serf e, Log.EventLog, SerfState)
-> Bool
-> MVar ()
-> RIO e ()
runOrExitImmediately getPier oExit =
runOrExitImmediately getPier oExit mStart =
rwith getPier $ if oExit then shutdownImmediately else runPier
shutdownImmediately (serf, log, ss) = do
@ -177,15 +179,15 @@ runOrExitImmediately getPier oExit =
logTrace "Shutdown!"
runPier sls = do
runRAcquire $ Pier.pier sls
runRAcquire $ Pier.pier sls mStart
tryPlayShip :: ( HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasPierConfig e
, HasConfigDir e
=> Bool -> Bool -> Serf.Flags -> RIO e ()
tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay flags = do
=> Bool -> Bool -> Serf.Flags -> MVar ()-> RIO e ()
tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay flags mStart = do
when fullReplay wipeSnapshot
runOrExitImmediately resumeShip exitImmediately
runOrExitImmediately resumeShip exitImmediately mStart
wipeSnapshot = do
shipPath <- view pierPathL
@ -434,17 +436,30 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts
runTryBootFromPill pill name ship bootEvent = do
let pierConfig = toPierConfig (pierPath name) opts
let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
io $ runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig $
io $ runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig True $
tryBootFromPill True pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> IO ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts = do
let pierConfig = toPierConfig pierPath opts
let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig $
tryPlayShip (CLI.oExit opts) (CLI.oFullReplay opts) (toSerfFlags opts)
runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> IO ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon = do
tid <- myThreadId
let onTermExit = throwTo tid UserInterrupt
mStart <- newEmptyMVar
if daemon
then runPier mStart
else do
connectionThread <- async $ do
readMVar mStart
finally (runAppNoLog $ connTerm pierPath) onTermExit
finally (runPier mStart) (cancel connectionThread)
runPier mStart =
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig daemon $
tryPlayShip (CLI.oExit opts) (CLI.oFullReplay opts) (toSerfFlags opts) mStart
pierConfig = toPierConfig pierPath opts
networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
startBrowser :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
@ -510,7 +525,7 @@ main = do
CLI.parseArgs >>= \case
CLI.CmdRun r o -> runShip r o
CLI.CmdRun r o d -> runShip r o d
CLI.CmdNew n o -> runApp $ newShip n o
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.CollectAllFX pax) -> runApp $ collectAllFx pax
CLI.CmdBug (CLI.EventBrowser pax) -> runApp $ startBrowser pax
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module King.App
, runApp
, runAppLogFile
, runAppLogHandle
, runAppNoLog
, runPierApp
, HasConfigDir(..)
) where
@ -42,16 +43,20 @@ runApp = runAppLogHandle stdout
runAppLogFile :: RIO App a -> IO a
runAppLogFile inner = withLogFileHandle (\h -> runAppLogHandle h inner)
withLogFileHandle :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle act = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let logDir = home </> ".urbit"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
withFile (logDir </> "king.log") AppendMode $ \handle -> do
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
act handle
withLogFileHandle :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle act = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let logDir = home </> ".urbit"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
withFile (logDir </> "king.log") AppendMode $ \handle -> do
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
act handle
runAppNoLog :: RIO App a -> IO a
runAppNoLog act =
withFile "/dev/null" AppendMode $ \handle ->
runAppLogHandle handle act
@ -76,16 +81,20 @@ instance HasNetworkConfig PierApp where
instance HasConfigDir PierApp where
configDirL = pierAppPierConfig . pcPierPath
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> RIO PierApp a -> IO a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig inner = do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stdout True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _pierAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _pierAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _pierAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> Bool -> RIO PierApp a -> IO a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig daemon inner =
if daemon
then exec stderr
else withLogFileHandle exec
exec logHandle = do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle logHandle True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _pierAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _pierAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _pierAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
go app = runRIO app inner
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
module KingApp
( App
, runApp
, runPierApp
, HasAppName(..)
) where
import Config
import RIO.Directory
import UrbitPrelude
class HasAppName env where
appNameL :: Lens' env Utf8Builder
data App = App
{ _appLogFunc :: !LogFunc
, _appName :: !Utf8Builder
makeLenses ''App
instance HasLogFunc App where
logFuncL = appLogFunc
instance HasAppName App where
appNameL = appName
withLogFileHandle :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle act = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let logDir = home <> "/log"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
withTempFile logDir "king-" $ \_tmpFile handle -> do
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
act handle
runApp :: RIO App a -> IO a
runApp inner = do
withLogFileHandle $ \logFile -> do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ App { _appLogFunc = logFunc
, _appName = "Vere"
go app = runRIO app inner
-- A PierApp is like an App, except that it also provides a PierConfig
data PierApp = PierApp
{ _shipAppLogFunc :: !LogFunc
, _shipAppName :: !Utf8Builder
, _shipAppPierConfig :: !PierConfig
, _shipAppNetworkConfig :: !NetworkConfig
makeLenses ''PierApp
instance HasLogFunc PierApp where
logFuncL = shipAppLogFunc
instance HasAppName PierApp where
appNameL = shipAppName
instance HasPierConfig PierApp where
pierConfigL = shipAppPierConfig
instance HasNetworkConfig PierApp where
networkConfigL = shipAppNetworkConfig
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> RIO PierApp a -> IO a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig inner = do
withLogFileHandle $ \logFile -> do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _shipAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _shipAppName = "Vere"
, _shipAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _shipAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
go app = runRIO app inner
@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ acquireWorker act = mkRAcquire (async act) cancel
pier :: ∀e. (HasConfigDir e, HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasPierConfig e)
=> (Serf e, EventLog, SerfState)
-> MVar ()
-> RAcquire e ()
pier (serf, log, ss) = do
pier (serf, log, ss) mStart = do
computeQ <- newTQueueIO
persistQ <- newTQueueIO
executeQ <- newTQueueIO
@ -213,6 +214,8 @@ pier (serf, log, ss) = do
tSaveSignal <- saveSignalThread saveM
putMVar mStart ()
-- Wait for something to die.
let ded = asum [ death "effect thread" tExe
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ updateProgressBar count startMsg = \case
-- We only construct the progress bar on the first time that we
-- process an event so that we don't display an empty progress
-- bar when the snapshot is caught up to the log.
putStrLn startMsg
logTrace $ display startMsg
let style = defStyle { stylePostfix = exact }
pb <- newProgressBar style 10 (Progress 0 count ())
pure (Just pb)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user