mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 11:33:41 +03:00
CLI option for serf exe + serf exe/flags live in PierConfig.
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,20 @@ Polish:
is wrong, but what is right?
# Take Advantage of New IPC Features
- [ ] Hook up `scry` to drivers.
- Any immediate applications of this?
- [ ] Allow scrys to go into the %work batching flow for better latency.
- Handle event errors in other cases:
- [ ] Ames packet failures should print (but not too often).
- [ ] Incoming Http requests should produce 500 responses.
- [ ] Terminal event errors should be printed in connected terminals.
- [ ] Http client responses should be retried.
# Further IO Driver Startup Flow Betterment
Implement Pier-wide process start events
@ -79,6 +93,9 @@ Implement Pier-wide process start events
- [ ] Verbose flag: `-v` injects `[%verb ~]`
- [ ] CLI event injection: `-I file-path`. The `file-path` is a jammed
noun representing an event: `[wire card]`.
1. Just parse it as an `Ev` for now.
2. Make the serf IPC code not care about the shape of events and effects.
3. Support invalid events throughout the system (use `Lenient`?)
# Cleanup
@ -29,13 +29,11 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Posix.Internals (c_getpid)
import System.Posix.Types (CPid(..))
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Urbit.King.App.Class (HasStderrLogFunc(..))
-- KingEnv ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class HasStderrLogFunc a where
stderrLogFuncL :: Lens' a LogFunc
class HasKingId a where
kingIdL :: Lens' a Word16
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Code for setting up the RIO environment.
module Urbit.King.App.Class
( HasStderrLogFunc(..)
import Urbit.Prelude
-- KingEnv ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class HasStderrLogFunc a where
stderrLogFuncL :: Lens' a LogFunc
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ data Opts = Opts
, oHttpPort :: Maybe Word16
, oHttpsPort :: Maybe Word16
, oLoopbackPort :: Maybe Word16
, oSerfExe :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show)
@ -272,13 +273,18 @@ opts = do
<> help "Localhost-only HTTP port"
<> hidden
-- Always disable hashboard. Right now, urbit is almost unusable with this
-- flag enabled and it is disabled in vere.
let oHashless = True
-- oHashless <- switch $ short 'S'
-- <> long "hashless"
-- <> help "Disable battery hashing"
-- <> hidden
oSerfExe <-
$ option auto
$ metavar "PATH"
<> long "serf"
<> help "Path to Serf"
<> hidden
oHashless <- switch $ short 'S'
<> long "hashless"
<> help "Disable battery hashing (Ignored for now)"
<> hidden
oQuiet <- switch $ short 'q'
<> long "quiet"
@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ module Urbit.King.Config where
import Urbit.Prelude
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Serf as Serf
All the configuration data revolving around a ship and the current
execution options.
data PierConfig = PierConfig
{ _pcPierPath :: FilePath
, _pcDryRun :: Bool
{ _pcPierPath :: FilePath
, _pcDryRun :: Bool
, _pcSerfExe :: Text
, _pcSerfFlags :: [Serf.Flag]
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''PierConfig
@ -120,28 +120,32 @@ removeFileIfExists pax = do
removeFile pax
-- Compile CLI Flags to Pier Configuration -------------------------------------
TODO: This is not all of the flags.
Urbit is basically useless with hashboard, so we ignore that flag.
toSerfFlags :: CLI.Opts -> [Serf.Flag]
toSerfFlags CLI.Opts{..} = catMaybes m
-- TODO: This is not all the flags.
m = [ from oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, from oTrace Serf.Trace
, from oHashless Serf.Hashless
, from oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, from oVerbose Serf.Verbose
, from (oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom) Serf.DryRun
m = [ setFrom oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, setFrom oTrace Serf.Trace
, setFrom (oHashless || True) Serf.Hashless
, setFrom oQuiet Serf.Quiet
, setFrom oVerbose Serf.Verbose
, setFrom (oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom) Serf.DryRun
from True flag = Just flag
from False _ = Nothing
setFrom True flag = Just flag
setFrom False _ = Nothing
toPierConfig :: FilePath -> CLI.Opts -> PierConfig
toPierConfig pierPath CLI.Opts {..} = PierConfig { .. }
toPierConfig pierPath o@(CLI.Opts{..}) = PierConfig { .. }
_pcPierPath = pierPath
_pcDryRun = oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom
_pcPierPath = pierPath
_pcDryRun = oDryRun || isJust oDryFrom
_pcSerfExe = fromMaybe "urbit-worker" oSerfExe
_pcSerfFlags = toSerfFlags o
toNetworkConfig :: CLI.Opts -> NetworkConfig
toNetworkConfig CLI.Opts {..} = NetworkConfig { .. }
@ -178,12 +182,11 @@ tryBootFromPill
:: Bool
-> Pill
-> Bool
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> MultiEyreApi
-> RIO PierEnv ()
tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite flags ship boot multi = do
tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite ship boot multi = do
mStart <- newEmptyMVar
vSlog <- logSlogs
runOrExitImmediately vSlog (bootedPier vSlog) oExit mStart multi
@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ tryBootFromPill oExit pill lite flags ship boot multi = do
bootedPier vSlog = do
view pierPathL >>= lockFile
rio $ logTrace "Starting boot"
sls <- Pier.booted vSlog pill lite flags ship boot
sls <- Pier.booted vSlog pill lite ship boot
rio $ logTrace "Completed boot"
pure sls
@ -219,11 +222,10 @@ tryPlayShip
:: Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe Word64
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> MVar ()
-> MultiEyreApi
-> RIO PierEnv ()
tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom flags mStart multi = do
tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom mStart multi = do
when fullReplay wipeSnapshot
vSlog <- logSlogs
runOrExitImmediately vSlog (resumeShip vSlog) exitImmediately mStart multi
@ -243,7 +245,7 @@ tryPlayShip exitImmediately fullReplay playFrom flags mStart multi = do
resumeShip vSlog = do
view pierPathL >>= lockFile
rio $ logTrace "RESUMING SHIP"
sls <- Pier.resumed vSlog playFrom flags
sls <- Pier.resumed vSlog playFrom
rio $ logTrace "SHIP RESUMED"
pure sls
@ -251,6 +253,7 @@ runRAcquire :: (MonadUnliftIO (m e), MonadIO (m e), MonadReader e (m e))
=> RAcquire e a -> m e a
runRAcquire act = rwith act pure
checkEvs :: FilePath -> Word64 -> Word64 -> RIO KingEnv ()
@ -301,6 +304,10 @@ checkEvs pierPath first last = do
collectAllFx :: FilePath -> RIO KingEnv ()
collectAllFx = error "TODO"
This runs the serf at `$top/.tmpdir`, but we disable snapshots,
so this should never actually be created. We just do this to avoid
@ -325,6 +332,7 @@ collectAllFx top = do
serfFlags :: [Serf.Flag]
serfFlags = [Serf.Hashless, Serf.DryRun]
@ -530,8 +538,6 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
name <- nameFromShip ship
runTryBootFromPill multi pill name ship (Dawn dawn)
flags = toSerfFlags opts
-- Now that we have all the information for running an application with a
-- PierConfig, do so.
runTryBootFromPill multi pill name ship bootEvent = do
@ -539,7 +545,7 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
let pierConfig = toPierConfig (pierPath name) opts
let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
runPierEnv pierConfig networkConfig vKill $
tryBootFromPill True pill nLite flags ship bootEvent multi
tryBootFromPill True pill nLite ship bootEvent multi
------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
runShipEnv :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> TMVar () -> RIO PierEnv a -> RIO KingEnv a
@ -567,12 +573,12 @@ runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon multi = do
finally (runPier mStart) $ do
cancel connectionThread
runPier :: MVar () -> RIO PierEnv ()
runPier mStart = do
(CLI.oExit opts)
(CLI.oFullReplay opts)
(CLI.oDryFrom opts)
(toSerfFlags opts)
@ -616,6 +622,7 @@ checkComet = do
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- CLI.parseArgs
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
@ -117,20 +117,19 @@ printTank f _priority = f . unlines . fmap unTape . wash (WashCfg 0 80) . tankTr
tankTree (Tank t) = t
:: HasLogFunc e
:: HasPierEnv e
=> TVar (Text -> IO ())
-> FilePath
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> RAcquire e Serf
runSerf vSlog pax fax = do
runSerf vSlog pax = do
env <- ask
Serf.withSerf (config env)
slog txt = atomically (readTVar vSlog) >>= (\f -> f txt)
config env = Serf.Config
{ scSerf = "urbit-worker" -- TODO Find the executable in some proper way.
{ scSerf = env ^. pierConfigL . pcSerfExe . to unpack
, scPier = pax
, scFlag = fax
, scFlag = env ^. pierConfigL . pcSerfFlags
, scSlog = \(pri, tank) -> printTank slog pri tank
, scStdr = \txt -> slog (txt <> "\r\n")
, scDead = pure () -- TODO: What can be done?
@ -143,13 +142,12 @@ booted
:: TVar (Text -> IO ())
-> Pill
-> Bool
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, EventLog)
booted vSlog pill lite flags ship boot = do
rio $ bootNewShip pill lite flags ship boot
resumed vSlog Nothing flags
booted vSlog pill lite ship boot = do
rio $ bootNewShip pill lite ship boot
resumed vSlog Nothing
bootSeqJobs :: Time.Wen -> BootSeq -> [Job]
bootSeqJobs now (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = zipWith ($) bootSeqFns [1 ..]
@ -167,11 +165,10 @@ bootNewShip
:: HasPierEnv e
=> Pill
-> Bool
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RIO e ()
bootNewShip pill lite flags ship bootEv = do
bootNewShip pill lite ship bootEv = do
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- genBootSeq ship pill lite bootEv
logDebug "BootSeq Computed"
@ -195,9 +192,8 @@ bootNewShip pill lite flags ship bootEv = do
:: TVar (Text -> IO ())
-> Maybe Word64
-> [Serf.Flag]
-> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, EventLog)
resumed vSlog replayUntil flags = do
resumed vSlog replayUntil = do
rio $ logTrace "Resuming ship"
top <- view pierPathL
tap <- fmap (fromMaybe top) $ rio $ runMaybeT $ do
@ -209,7 +205,7 @@ resumed vSlog replayUntil flags = do
logTrace $ display @Text ("running serf in: " <> pack tap)
log <- Log.existing (top </> ".urb/log")
serf <- runSerf vSlog tap flags
serf <- runSerf vSlog tap
rio $ do
logDebug "Replaying events"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Urbit.Vere.Serf.IPC
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Urbit.Arvo (FX)
import Urbit.King.App (HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import Urbit.King.App.Class (HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB
Reference in New Issue
Block a user