This commit is contained in:
Galen Wolfe-Pauly 2016-02-03 16:12:46 -08:00
parent 7c9a506b84
commit bfd52f9e32
63 changed files with 5 additions and 4427 deletions

View File

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
/? 314
/- talk, bit-api
/+ talk, sole, http
:::: sivtyv-barnel
:: be sure to have oauth2-code markk
[talk bit-api .]
++ axle
$: cred=(unit ,[app-secret=@t client-id=@t])
oauth-code=(unit ,@t)
auth=(unit ,[access=@t refresh=@t])
contacts=(map ,@t ,@t)
outgoing=(map ship ,@t) incoming=(map ,@t ship)
++ move ,[bone note]
++ hapt ,[ship path]
++ note
$% [%send wire [ship term] %poke mesa]
[%them wire (unit hiss)]
[%hiss wire mark bit-any]
++ gift
$% [%nice ~]
[%mean ares]
++ sign
$% [%thou p=httr]
[%unto %coup p=(unit tang)]
++ mesa
$% [%bit-addr-request ~]
[%bit-addr-made @t]
[%talk-command command]
|_ [hid=bowl vat=axle]
:: ++ prep ~&(%bit-prep-wipe ,_`.)
++ return [*(list move) .]
++ redirect-uri [hostname `/~~/bit/fab ~]
++ hostname ^- hart
?+ (clan our.hid) !!
%czar [| ?+(our.hid `8.443 %~fyr `8.444) `/localhost]
%duke [| `8.444 `/org/urbit/(crip +:<our.hid>)]
++ auth-url
%+ weld ""
%- tail:earn :~
'client_id'^client-id:(need cred.vat)
'redirect_uri'^(crip (earn redirect-uri))
'scope'^'user balance buy sell send transactions addresses'
++ old-api
|= [pour-path=wire end-point=path req=$|(%get [%post p=json])]
^- move
%^ send:http ost.hid pour-path
[/com/coinbase/api v1/end-point req ~ ['access_token' access:(need auth.vat)]~]
++ api-call
|= [res=mark req=bit-api-call] ^+ return
~| %missing-access-token
[[ost.hid %hiss / res bit-api-call/[access:(need auth.vat) req]]~ +>.$]
++ print |=(msg=tape [[(publish [%lin & (crip msg)]~)]~ +>.$])
++ callback-uri [hostname [`%json /~/to/[dap.hid]/json] ~[anon/'' wire/'/']]
++ poke-auth
|= arg=[secr=cord id=cord]
=. cred.vat `arg
=+ prl=`purl`(need (epur (crip auth-url)))
:_ +>.$
:- %- publish
:~ [%lin & 'secret and client id saved successfully']
[%lin & 'please click on the url below to continue authentication']
[%url prl ~]
++ sigh-tang |=([* err=tang] (mean err))
++ send-friend :: inter-app interface
|= [way=wire his=ship mez=$%([%bit-addr-request ~] [%bit-addr-made @t])]
^- move
[ost.hid %send way [his dap.hid] %poke mez]
++ poke-bit-send |=(req=bit-send (api-call %bit-transaction send/req))
++ sigh-bit-transaction
|=([* trid=@t] (print "transaction success {(trip trid)}"))
++ poke-bit-ship-send :: send to ship
|= [to=ship amount=@t]
=. outgoing.vat (~(put by outgoing.vat) to amount)
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
(send-friend /sent to %bit-addr-request ~)
++ poke-bit-addr-request :: give your address to receive bit
|= ~ :: gen new address with callback
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%+ old-api /addr-request/(scot %p src.hid)
:+ /addresses %post
%+ joba %address
%- jobe :~
label/(jape "address for {<src.hid>}")
'callback_url'^(jape (earn callback-uri))
++ pour-addr-request :: send new address to sender
|= [pax=path rez=json]
=+ adr=(need ((ot address/so ~):jo rez))
=+ his=(slav %p +<.pax)
~! incoming.vat
=. incoming.vat
(~(put by incoming.vat) adr his)
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
(send-friend [%message ~] his %bit-addr-made adr)
++ poke-bit-addr-made :: receive address for sending
|= addr=@t
=+ amount=(~(got by outgoing.vat) src.hid) :: get amount to send
(api-call %bit-transaction txt-send/[addr amount])
++ poke-oauth2-code
|= code=cord
=. oauth-code.vat
[~ code]
?< ?=(~ cred.vat)
=+ req=[code [client-id app-secret]:u.cred.vat redirect-uri]
[[ost.hid %hiss / %oauth-tokens bit-get-token/req]~ +>.$]
++ sigh-oauth-tokens
|= [wire toke=[access=@t refresh=@t]]
=.(auth.vat `toke (print "authenticated."))
++ poke-buy
|=(arg=[amount=@t currency=@t] ?<(=(amount.arg ~) (api-call %json %buy arg)))
++ poke-sell
|=(arg=[amount=@t currency=@t] ?<(=(amount.arg ~) (api-call %json %sell arg)))
++ sigh-json |=([* a=json] ~&(a return))
++ poke-list |=(~ (api-call %bit-accounts %list ~))
++ sigh-bit-accounts |=([* acc=bit-accounts] ~&(accounts=acc return))
++ poke-send-raw
|= arg=[to=@t amone=(unit ,@t) cur=(unit ,@t) amtwo=(unit ,@t) nt=(unit ,@t)]
=+ adr=?~((~(get by contacts.vat) to.arg) to ~&('contact-exists' (~(get by contacts.vat) to.arg)))
=+ ^= info
?~ cur.arg
[to/s/to.arg amount/s/(need amone.arg) ~]
?~ nt.arg
[to/s/to.arg 'amount_currency_iso'^s/(need cur.arg) 'amount_string'^s/(need amtwo.arg) ~]
[to/s/to.arg amount/s/(need amtwo.arg) 'amount_string'^s/(need amtwo.arg) ~]
=+ ^= pst
(jobe transaction/(jobe info) ~)
[[(old-api /send /transactions/'send_money' %post pst) ~] +>.$]
++ poke-json
|= arg=json
~& arg
=+ [adr amo]=(need %.(arg (ot address/so amount/no ~):jo))
=+ frm=(~(get by incoming.vat) adr)
(print "just received {(trip amo)} BTC from {<frm>}")
::(old-api /get-id /transactions/[transaction-id] %get)
++ pour-get-id :: display transaction info
|= [pax=path rez=json]
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
++ thou
|= [way=wire res=httr]
?+ -.way !!
%message `+>.$
?(%addr-request %get-id)
~| 'must receive a 200'
~| res
?> =(200 p.res)
%- ?-(-.way %addr-request pour-addr-request, %get-id pour-get-id)
[way (rash q:(need r.res) apex:poja)]
++ publish
|= act=(list speech)
^- move
=+ ^= thotz
%+ turn act
|= sp=speech ^- thought
=+ ^= tail
:- ^- audience
:+ :- `partner`[%& our.hid ?+((clan our.hid) !! %czar %court, %duke %porch)]
^- (pair envelope delivery)
[`envelope`[& ~] %pending]
`statement`[now.hid ~ sp]
:- `@`(sham eny.hid tail)
[ost.hid %send /auth [our.hid %talk] %poke [%talk-command %publish thotz]]

View File

@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
:: digital ocean fleet management
/? 314
/- talk
:::: sivtyv-barnel
:: data structures ::
[talk .]
++ instance
$: plat=?(%do %gce) name=@t id=@t status=@t created=@da snapshot=name=@t ::disk=@u region=@t
::ip=(list ,@if)
++ image
$: plat=?(%do %gce) name=@t id=@t
++ create-req-do
name=@t ::region=@t
size=@t image=@t ssh=(list cord)
backups=(unit ,?) ipv6=(unit ,?)
private-networking=(unit ,?) user-data=(unit ,@t)
++ create-req-gce ,[project=@t zone=@t name=@t machine-type=@t]
++ axle
$: auth=[do=keys gce=keys] toke=[do=tokens gce=tokens]
insts=(map ,@t instance) images=(map [,[@t @t] image])
++ keys ,[authc=(unit ,@t) client-secret=(unit ,@t)]
++ tokens ,[access=@t refresh=@t]
++ move ,[bone card]
++ card
$% [%diff %json json]
[%wait wire @da]
[%send wire [ship term] %poke %talk-command command]
[%them wire (unit hiss)]
++ droplet-action
$% [%start ~]
[%stop ~]
[%reboot ~]
[%delete ~]
[%snapshot p=@t]
++ cloud-command
$% [%action id=@t name=@t act=droplet-action]
[%create-do p=json]
[%create-gce p=json]
:: miscellaneous functions ::
++ auth-queries
|= code=cord
:~ 'grant_type'^'authorization_code'
:- 'client_id'
++ parse-iso8601
=< (cook to-time (parsf ;"{parse-day}T{parse-seconds}{parse-zone}"))
++ to-time
|= [[y=@u m=@u d=@u] t=[h=@u m=@u s=@u ms=@u] [syn=? zh=@u zm=@u]]
^- @da
%- year
^- date
=: h.t ?:(syn (sub h.t zh) (add h.t zh))
m.t ?:(syn (sub m.t zm) (add m.t zm))
[[& y] m d h.t m.t s.t (div (mul ms.t 0x1.0000) 1.000) ~]
++ parse-day (parsf ;"{dem}\-{dem}\-{dem}")
++ parse-seconds (parsf ;"{dem}:{dem}:{dem}{(optional ;~(pfix dot dem))}")
++ optional |*(fel=_rule ;~(pose fel (easy 0)))
++ parse-zone
;~ pose
(cold [& 0 0] (jest 'Z'))
(parsf ;"{parse-zone-sign}{dem}:{dem}")
++ parse-zone-sign ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold & lus) (cold | hep)))
++ parse-cloud-command
=+ jo
%- of :~
[%create-gce some]
[%create-do some]
::[%create-gce some]
:- %action
(ot id/so name/so act/parse-droplet-action ~)
++ parse-droplet-action
=> jo
%- of :~
[%start ul]
[%stop ul]
[%reboot ul]
[%delete ul]
[%snapshot so]
++ key-do
(mo [%start 'power_on'] [%stop 'shutdown'] [%reboot 'power_cycle'] ~)
++ adapter-do
|= a=cord
(~(got by key-do) a)
++ parse-ip-do
=> jo
%- ot
:_ ~ v4/(ar (ot 'ip_address'^(su lip:ag) ~))
++ parse-ip-gce
=> jo
%+ cu |=(a=(list (list ,@if)) `(list ,@if)`(zing a))
(ar (ot 'accessConfigs'^(ar (ot 'natIP'^(su lip:ag) ~)) ~))
++ tail-url
|= a=cord
-:(flop q.q:(need (epur a)))
++ parse-region
=> jo
(ot name/so ~)
++ parse-id-text
|= jon=json
?.(?=([?(%n %s) *] jon) ~ (some p.jon))
++ create-do-body
|= $: name=@t ::region=@t
size=@t image=@t ssh-keys=(list cord)
backups=(unit ,?) ipv6=(unit ,?) private-networking=(unit ,?) user-data=(unit ,@t)
%- jobe
:~ name/s/name ::region/s/region
size/s/size image/s/image ::(jone image)
backups/?~(backups ~ b/u.backups) ipv6/?~(ipv6 ~ b/u.ipv6)
'user_data'^?~(user-data ~ s/u.user-data) 'private_networking'^?~(private-networking ~ b/u.private-networking)
++ convert-do
|= a=?(%start %stop %reboot %snapshot)
?- a
++ instance-to-json
|= a=(list instance)
^- json
%+ joba 'instances'
:- %a
%+ turn a
|= instance
^- json
%- jobe
:~ name/`json`s/name
created/s/(crip (dust (yore created)))
::disk/`json`(jone disk)
::ip/a/(turn ip |=(a=@if s/(rsh 3 1 (scot %if a))))
++ map-to-list
|= a=(map [,[@t @t] image])
^- liz=(list image)
%+ turn (~(tap by a) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] `image`+.a)
++ image-to-json
|= a=(list image)
%+ joba 'images'
:- %a
%+ turn a
|= image
^- json
%- jobe
:~ name/s/name id/s/id ==
:: main door ::
|_ [bowl vat=axle]
:: miscellaneous arms that have to be in main door for scope reasons ::
::++ prep ,_`.
++ thou
|= [pour-path=path resp=?(httr *)]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
~& unhandled-pour-path/resp
:_ +>.$ ~
++ httpreq
|= $: pour-path=wire :: must be in main door because of scope
domain=(list cord) end-point=path
req-type=$?(%get %delt [%post json]) headers=math
^- move
=+ ^- parsed-url=purl
:+ ^= host-port :: ++hart
:+ security=%.y
host=[%.y [path=[%com domain]]]
endpoint=[extensions=~ point=end-point] :: ++pork,
q-strings=queries :: ++quay
=+ ^- request=hiss :: cast to hiss
:- parsed-url
?@ req-type
[req-type headers ~]
[%post headers ~ (tact (pojo +.req-type))]
:^ ost %them pour-path
`(unit hiss)`[~ request]
:: manage supscriptions and publish to talk ::
++ peer
|= pax=path
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
:_ +>.$
=+ lis=(~(tap by insts.vat))
[ost %diff %json (instance-to-json (turn lis |=(a=[@t instance] +.a)))]~
++ spam
|= jon=json
%+ turn (~(tap by sup))
|= [sub=bone @ pax=path]
^- move
[sub %diff %json jon]
++ publish
|= [act=(list speech)]
^- move
=+ ^= spchz
%+ turn act
|= sp=speech
=+ ^= tail
:- ^- audience
:+ :- `partner`[%& our ?+((clan our) !! %czar %court, %duke %porch)]
^- (pair envelope delivery)
[`envelope`[& ~] %pending]
`statement`[now ~ sp]
^- thought
:- `@`(sham eny tail)
=+ mez=[%talk-command [%publish `(list thought)`spchz]]
[ost %send /pub [our %talk] %poke mez]
++ thou-pub |=(~ :_(+>.$ ~))
:: authentication ::
++ poke-cloud-auth
|= [cde=cord typ=cord]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
?: =(%do typ)
[~ cde]
:_ +>.$ ~
=. access.gce.toke.vat
:_ +>.$
:_ list-gce
(publish [%lin & 'successfully authenticated to gce']~)
++ poke-cloud-secret
|= [secret=cord typ=cord]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
?+ typ ~|(missing-platform=typ !!)
[~ secret]
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%+ httpreq /do/auth
:^ ~[%digitalocean %cloud] `path`/v1/oauth/token
[%post ~]
:- ~ `quay`['client_secret'^secret (auth-queries (need]
++ thou-do-auth
|= [~ resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
~| resp
=+ body=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
~| recieve-auth/resp(r body)
=+ [ac re]=(need ((ot 'access_token'^so 'refresh_token'^so ~):jo body))
=: ac re
:_ +>.$
:- (publish [%lin & 'successfully authenticated']~)
:: create digital ocean droplets ::
++ create-do
|= act=json
=+ ^- deets=create-req-do
%- need
%. act
=> jo
%- ot
:~ name/so size/so image/so :: id key:img object region/so
ssh/(ar so) backups/(mu bo)
'ipv6'^(mu bo) 'priv_networking'^(mu bo) 'user_data'^(mu so)
=+ ^- body=json
%- create-do-body :*
name.deets size.deets image.deets ssh.deets backups.deets ::region.deets
ipv6.deets private-networking.deets user-data.deets
%- httpreq :*
~[%digitalocean %api] /v2/droplets
[%post body]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~]
++ thou-create-do |=([path resp=httr] ~&(resp :_(+>.$ ~)))
:: create google instances ::
++ reserve-ip
|= name=json
=+ nam=(need ((ot name/so ~):jo name))
%- httpreq
:* /reserve-ip/[nam]
~['googleapis' 'www']
[%post (joba name/s/nam)]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
++ thou-reserve-ip
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& resp
~| r.resp
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
=+ ur=(need ((ot 'targetLink'^so ~):jo parsed))
~& initial-response/parsed
=+ name=-:(flop q.q:(need (epur ur)))
=+(buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now) :_(+>.$ [ost %wait `path`/check-ip-status/[name] buf]~))
++ wake-check-ip-status
|= [name=path ~]
~& this-is-the-name/name
=+ nam=?~(name !!
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%- httpreq
:* `path`/check-ip-status/[nam]
~['googleapis' 'www']
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
++ thou-check-ip-status
|= [name=path resp=httr]
~& api-resp/resp
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
::?. =('RESERVED' (need ((ot status/so ~):jo parsed)))
++ create-gce
|= jon=json
=+ ^- [name=@t image=@t number=@ud]
(need ((ot name/so 'instance_img'^so number/ni ~):jo jon))
|- ^- (list move)
?~ number ~
:_ $(number (dec number))
=+ nam=(cat 3 name (scot %ud number))
=+ ^- body=json
%- jobe
:~ name/s/nam 'machineType'^s/'zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-1'
:- %disks :- %a :_ ~
%- jobe
:+ 'initializeParams'^`json`(joba 'sourceImage'^s/image)
:- 'networkInterfaces' :- %a :_ ~
(joba 'network' `json`[%s 'global/networks/default'])
^- move
%- httpreq
:* `path`/create-gce
`(list cord)`~['googleapis' 'www'] `path`/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/'instances'
[%post `json`body]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
`quay`[%key access.gce.toke.vat]~
++ thou-create-gce |=([path resp=httr] ~&(resp :_(+>.$ ~)))
:: perform actions on instances (both kinds) ::
++ poke-json :: receive action from client
|= jon=json
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ action=`cloud-command`(need (parse-cloud-command jon))
:_ +>.$
?- -.action
%create-gce [(reserve-ip p.action)]~
%create-do [(create-do p.action)]~
::%create-gce [(create-gce p.action)]
%action [(instance-action [id name act]:action)]~
++ instance-action
|= [id=@t name=@t action=droplet-action]
=+ d=(~(got by insts.vat) id)
~| 'can\'t find id'
=+ typ=?~(d !! -.d)
?- typ
=+ ^= meth
?: ?=(%delete -.action)
[%post (jobe type/s/(convert-do -.action) ?.(?=(%snapshot -.action) ~ [name/s/p.action ~]))]
^- move
=+ ^= req
%- httpreq :*
~[%digitalocean %api]
?:(?=(%delt meth) /v2/droplets/[id] /v2/droplets/[id]/actions)
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~] ~
=+ ^= head-query
:- %^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~] ~
?- -.action
?(%start %stop %reboot %'snapshot')
=+ end=/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/instances/[name]
%- httpreq
:* /gce-act/[-.action] ~['googleapis' 'www']
(welp end [?:(?=(%reboot -.action) 'reset' -.action) ~])
[%post ~]
=+ end=/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/instances/[name]
%- httpreq
:* /gce-act/[-.action] ~['googleapis' 'www']
++ thou-do-act
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& [resp act/pax]
:_ +>.$ ~
++ thou-gce-act
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& [resp act/pax]
:_ +>.$ ~
:: retrieve google instances and images ::
++ list-gce
^- (list move)
:+ (list-something-gce /zones/['us-central1-a']/instances)
(list-something-gce /global/snapshots)
++ list-something-gce
|= endpoint=path
=+ ^= lis
~[%googleapis %www] (welp /compute/v1/projects/urbcloud endpoint)
%get ~
^- quay
[%'access_token' access.gce.toke.vat]~
~! lis
~! +<:httpreq
(httpreq lis)
++ thou-list-gce-zones :: instances
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja) :: body httr to json
~| 'no list received or bad json'
=+ items=(need ((ot items/(ar some) ~):jo parsed))
=+ ^- ins=(list ,[@t instance])
~| 'bad-json'^items
%+ turn items
|= in=json
=< [id .]
^- instance
:- %gce
%- need
%. in =+ jo
%- ot
:~ name/so id/so status/so 'creationTimestamp'^(su parse-iso8601) ::zone/so
'machineType'^(cu tail-url so)
:: 'networkInterfaces'^parse-ip-gce
=. insts.vat
%- mo
%+ weld ins
%+ skip (~(tap by insts.vat)) :: keep non-gce
|= a=[@t instance] ?=(%gce +<.a)
=+ buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now)
=+ liz=(~(tap by insts.vat))
=+ tail=(turn liz |=(a=[@t instance] +.a))
:_ +>.$ ::
:- [ost %wait /refresh-gce buf]
(spam (instance-to-json tail))
++ thou-list-gce-global :: imgs
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
=+ imgz=(need ((ot items/(ar some) ~):jo parsed))
=. images.vat
%- mo
%+ weld
%+ skip (~(tap by images.vat) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] ?=(%gce ->.a))
%+ turn imgz
|= a=json
=< [[name %gce] .]
^- image
:- %gce
%- need
%. a =+ jo
%- ot
[name/so id/so ~]
:_ +>.$ [(spam `json`(image-to-json `(list image)`(map-to-list images.vat)))]
++ wake-refresh-gce |=([path ~] [list-gce +>.$])
:: list digital ocean droplets and images ::
++ list-do
:+((list-something-do %droplets) (list-something-do %images) ~)
++ list-something-do
|= som=@tas
=+ ^= lis
:~ /list-do/[som]
~[%digitalocean %api] /v2/[som]
(mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~] ['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~] ~)
(httpreq lis)
++ thou-list-do-droplets
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja) :: parse httr to json
~| recieve-list/parsed
=+ dar=(need ((ot droplets/(ar some) ~):jo parsed)) :: reparse ar of insts
=+ ^- dropz=(list ,[@t instance])
~| bad-json/-.dar
%+ turn dar
|= drp=json ^- [@t instance]
=- ~! - -
=< [id .]
^- instance
:- %do
%- need
%. drp
=+ jo
%- ot
:~ name/so id/parse-id-text status/so 'created_at'^(su parse-iso8601) ::region/parse-region
image/(ot name/so ~) ::disk/ni networks/parse-ip-do
=. insts.vat
%- mo
%+ weld dropz
%+ skip (~(tap by insts.vat) *(list ,[@t instance]))
|=(a=[@t instance] ?=(%do +>.$))
=+ buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now)
:_ +>.$
:- [ost %wait /refresh-do buf]
%- spam
%- instance-to-json
%+ turn (~(tap by insts.vat) *(list ,[@t instance]))
|=(a=[@t instance] +.a)
++ thou-list-do-images
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
~| crashed-do-images/parsed
=+ imgz=(need ((ot images/(ar (ot [name/so distribution/so id/no ~])) ~):jo parsed))
=+ ^- images=(list ,[[@t @t] image])
%+ turn imgz
|= [name=@t dist=@t id=@t]
=+ nom=(cat 3 name dist)
[[%do nom] `image`[%do nom id]]
=. images.vat
%- mo
%+ weld images
%+ skip (~(tap by images.vat) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] ?=(%do ->.a))
:_ +>.$ ~[(spam `json`(image-to-json `(list image)`(map-to-list images.vat)))]
++ wake-refresh-do |=([path ~] [list-do +>.$])

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct1/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct1 :: structures
/+ sole, oct1 :: libraries
[. sole oct1] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon ,[%0 eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card ,[%diff %sole-effect sole-effect] :: update
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl :: system state
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
axon :: server state, v0
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- ::
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=. ost p.i.all ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ flap |=(con=bike (echo eels con)) :: update all clients
++ here ~(. go gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process logic
:: :: ::
++ fail (fect %bel ~) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct1 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn .(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen .(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ tame (flap |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |=(tape (flap |=(_+> (fect:+< txt/+>+<)))) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) come)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild(+<+ +<+)) ::
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct2/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct2 :: structures
/+ sole, oct2 :: libraries
[. sole oct2] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime ,[%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: rough upgrade
%0 [eye [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) come)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ flap |=(con=bike (echo (~(tap by sup)) con)) :: update all clients
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail (fect %bel ~) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn (~(tap by sup)) |=(sink q))) ::
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ hail |=(? tame(gam (hey:here +<))) :: toggle subscriber
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct2 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ tame (flap |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |=(tape (flap |=(_+> (fect:+< txt/+>+<)))) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild:(heal +<+>)) ::
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct3 :: structures
/+ sole, oct3 :: libraries
[. sole oct3] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime $% [%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
[%oct3-update play] :: :oct3 update
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: coarse upgrade
%0 [eye [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) come)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ elfs (prey /oct3 +<-) :: network clients
++ elks (prey /sole +<-) :: console clients
++ flap |= [net=bike con=bike] :: update all clients
(echo:(echo elks con) elfs net) ::
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail ?:(soul (fect %bel ~) ~|(%invalid-move !!)) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ fact |=(play (dish %diff %oct3-update +<)) :: update partner
++ hail |=(? tame(gam (hey:here +<))) :: toggle subscriber
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn eels |=(sink q))) ::
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct3 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ soul =+((~(get by sup) ost) ?=([~ * %sole *] -)) :: is console
++ tame (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |= txt=tape %+ flap :: game message
|=(_+> (fact:+< |/txt)) ::
|=(_+> (fect:+< txt/txt)) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-oct3 |=(* abet:tame:(hail &)) :: urbit subscribe
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ poke-oct3-move |=(point abet:wild:(kick +<)) :: urbit move
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild:(heal +<+>)) ::
++ pull-oct3 |=(* abet:(hail |)) :: urbit unsubscribe
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct4 :: structures
/+ sole, oct4 :: libraries
[. sole oct4] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face rem=(unit ship) gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
[%peer wire dock path] :: subscribe
[%poke wire dock pear] :: send move
[%pull wire dock ~] :: unsubscribe
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime $% [%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
[%oct4-update play] :: :oct4 update
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
++ pear ,[%oct4-move point] :: outgoing move
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ agon (unit ,[(list move) axon]) :: boot argument
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: coarse upgrade
%0 [eye ~ [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ comb (pick come ;~(pfix sig (punt fed:ag))) :: all command input
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) comb)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ done (echo eels |=(_. (dish:+< %quit ~))) :: cancel everyone
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ elfs (prey /oct4 +<-) :: network clients
++ elks (prey /sole +<-) :: console clients
++ emit |=(lime (dish %diff +<)) :: publish
++ flap |= [net=bike con=bike] :: update all clients
(echo:(echo elks con) elfs net) ::
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail ?:(soul (fect %bel ~) ~|(%invalid-move !!)) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (emit %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ fact |=(play (emit %oct4-update +<)) :: update partner
++ hail |=(? ?^(rem +> tame(gam (hey:here +<)))) :: toggle subscriber
++ harp |=(game ?:(=(gam +<) +> wild(gam +<))) :: update game
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn eels |=(sink q))) ::
++ hear |=(play ?-(+<- | (word +<+), & (harp +<+))) :: network update
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:?~(rem kind (send +>-))) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ plan |= (unit ship) ?~ +< stop(gam new:here) :: link/unlink
?^(rem fail link(rem +<)) ::
++ plot |= (each point (unit ship)) :: apply command
?-(+<- & (kick +<+), | (plan +<+)) ::
++ like |*(* [/oct4 [+.rem dap] +<]) :: friend message
++ link (dish peer/(like /oct4)) :: subscribe to friend
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct4 stat) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ send |=(point (dish poke/(like %oct4-move +<))) :: send move
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ soul =+((~(get by sup) ost) ?=([~ * %sole *] -)) :: is console
++ stat (weld ?~(rem ~ "@{(scow p/u.rem)}") voy:here) :: prompt line
++ stop ?~(rem done wild:(dish pull/(like ~))) :: unsubscribe
++ tame (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ with |=(? (word(rem ?:(+< rem ~)) "{<[+< src]>}")) ::
++ word |= txt=tape %+ flap :: game message
|=(_+> (fact:+< |/txt)) ::
|=(_+> (fect:+< txt/txt)) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt comb)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (plot:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ reap-oct4 |=([* (unit)] abet:(with =(~ +<+))) :: linked to friend
++ coup-oct4 |=([* (unit)] abet:?~(+<+ +> fail)) :: move acknowledge
++ diff-oct4-update |=([* play] abet:(hear +<+)) :: network update
++ peer-oct4 |=(* abet:tame:(hail &)) :: urbit subscribe
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ poke-oct4-move |=(point abet:wild:(kick +<)) :: urbit move
++ prep |=(agon abet:?~(+< +> (heal +<+>))) :: load state
++ pull-oct4 |=(* abet:(hail |)) :: urbit unsubscribe
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe
++ quit-oct4 |=(* abet:?~(rem +> wild(rem ~))) :: unlinked by friend

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/- twitter
[twitter .]
|_ [bowl ~]
++ poke-noun |=(span (onwards [%peer / [our %twit] /user/[+<]]))
++ onwards |*([mark *] [[ost +<]~ +>.$])
++ diff-twit-feed |=([* a=(list twit-stat)] ?~(a `+>.$ ~&(i.a $(a t.a))))

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
:: Twitter daemon
:::: /hook/core/twit/app
/- twitter
/+ twitter, talk
:::: ~fyr
[twitter .]
++ twit-path :: valid peer path
$% :: [%home ~] :: home timeline
[%user p=@t ~] :: user's tweets
[%post p=span:,@uv ~] :: status of status
++ axle :: app state
$: %0
kes=(map span keys:twit-do) :: auth
out=(map ,@uvI (each ,[span cord] stat)) :: sent tweets
ran=(map path ,[p=@ud q=@da]) :: polls active
fed=(jar path stat) :: feed cache
++ gift :: subscription action
$% [%quit ~] :: terminate
[%diff gilt] :: send data
++ gilt
$% [%twit-feed p=(list stat)] :: posts in feed
[%twit-stat p=stat] :: tweet accepted
[%ares term (list tank)]
++ move ,[bone card]
++ card :: arvo request
$? gift
$% [%them path ~ u=hiss] :: HTTP request
[%poke wire dock %talk-command command:talk] ::
[%wait path p=@da] :: timeout
== ==
++ sign :: arvo response
$% [%e %thou p=httr] :: HTTP result
[%t %wake ~] :: timeout ping
++ stat twit-stat :: recieved tweet
|_ [bowl axle]
++ any-auth ?~(kes (auth) (auth p.n.kes)) :: use any keys
++ auth :: build API door
|= a=span
~| [%no-auth a]
~(. twit (~(got by kes) a) now `@`eny)
++ cull :: remove seen tweets
|= [pax=path rep=(list stat)] ^+ rep
=+ pev=(sa (turn (~(get ja fed) pax) |=(stat id)))
(skip rep |=(stat (~(has in pev) id)))
++ done [*(list move) .]
++ dely :: next polling timeout
|= pax=path
^- [(unit time) _ran]
=+ cur=(~(get by ran) pax)
=+ tym=(add now (mul ~s8 (bex ?~(cur 0 p.u.cur))))
:: ~& dely/`@dr`(sub tym now)
?: &(?=(^ cur) (gte tym q.u.cur) (gth q.u.cur now))
[~ ran]
[`tym (~(put by ran) pax ?~(cur 0 (min 5 +(p.u.cur))) tym)]
++ wait :: ensure poll by path
|= [pax=path mof=(list move)]
=^ tym ran (dely pax)
:_ +>.$
?~ tym
:: ~& no-wait/ran
:: ~& will-wait/u.tym
:- [ost %wait pax u.tym]
++ poke-twit-do :: recieve request
|= act=twit-do
^+ [*(list move) +>]
?- -.q.act
:- [(print "authed @{(trip p.act)}")]~
+>.$(kes (~(put by kes) p.act p.q.act)) :: XX verify key
=: out (~(put by out) p.q.act %& p.act q.q.act)
ran (~(del by ran) /peer/home)
%+ wait /peer/home
=+ mez=(stat-upda:(auth p.act) [%status q.q.act]~ ~)
[ost %them /post/(scot %uv p.q.act) ~ mez]~
++ wake-peer
|= [pax=path ~] ^+ done
~& twit-wake/peer/pax
:_ +>.$
?. (~(has by ran) peer/pax) :: ignore if retracted
=+ => |=([a=bone @ b=path] [b a])
pus=(~(gas ju *(jug path bone)) (turn (~(tap by sup)) .))
?~ (~(get ju pus) pax)
~& peer-again/[pax ran]
(pear | our pax)
++ thou
|= [pax=path hit=httr] ^+ done
?+ p.hit ~|([%unknown-code p.hit] !!)
429 :: Rate-limit
=. ran (~(put by ran) pax 6 now)
=+ lim=%.(%x-rate-limit-reset ;~(biff ~(get by (mo q.hit)) poja ni:jo))
=+ tym=?~(lim (add ~m7.s30 now) (add ~1970.1.1 (mul ~s1 u.lim)))
~& retrying-in/`@dr`(sub tym now)
:_(+>.$ [ost %wait pax tym]~)
200 :: OK
=+ jon=(need (poja q:(need r.hit)))
:: ~& twit-resp/%.(jon ?+(-.jon !! %o stat:twir, %a (ar:jo stat:twir)))
?+ pax ~|([%http-missed pax] !!)
[%post @ ~] :: post acknowledged
=+ ^= rep
~| [%bad-post jon]
(need %.(jon stat:twir))
=. out (~(put by out) (slav %uv i.t.pax) %| rep)
:_ +>.$
=+ pax=/[who.rep]/status/(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui id.rep))
:- (print (earn [& ~ `/com/twitter] `pax ~))
(spam pax (tweet-good rep))
[%peer *] :: feed data
=+ ^= rep
~| [%bad-feed jon]
(need %.(jon (ar:jo stat:twir)))
:: ~& got-feed/[(scag 5 (turn rep |=(stat id))) fed]
=+ ren=(cull t.pax rep) :: new messages
?~ ren
(wait pax ~) :: pump polling
:: ~& spam-feed/ren
=: ran (~(del by ran) pax) :: clear poll delay
fed (~(put by fed) t.pax rep) :: saw last message
(wait pax (spam t.pax [%diff twit-feed/(flop ren)] ~))
?(400 401 403 404) :: Err
=+ ^- git=gift
=+ err=%.(q:(need r.hit) ;~(biff poja mean:twir))
:^ %diff %ares %bad-http
[leaf/"HTTP Code {<p.hit>}" (turn (need err) mean:twip)]
?+ pax [[ost git]~ +>.$]
[%post @ ~]
[(spam pax git ~) +>.$]
++ tweet-good |=(rep=stat `(list gift)`~[[%diff %twit-stat rep] [%quit ~]])
++ peer |=(pax=path :_(+> (pear & src pax))) :: accept subscription
++ pear :: poll, possibly returning current data
|= [ver=? @ pax=path]
^- (list move)
?. ?=(twit-path pax)
~|([%missed-path pax] !!)
=> .(pax `twit-path`pax)
?: ?=(%post -.pax)
?. ver ~
=+ sta=(~(get by out) (slav %uv p.pax))
?. ?=([~ %| ^] sta) :: post not received
~[[ost %diff %twit-stat p.u.sta] [ost %quit ~]]
=+ ole=(~(get ja fed) pax)
:_ ^- (list move)
?. ver ~
?~ ole ~
[ost %diff %twit-feed (flop ole)]~
=- `move`[ost %them peer/pax ~ `hiss`-]
=+ opt=?~(ole ~ ['since_id' (lutt:twit id.i.ole)]~)
=+ aut=any-auth
?- -.pax
%user (stat-user:aut [(to-sd p.pax)]~ opt)
:: %home (stat-home:auth ~ opt)
++ to-sd :: parse user name/numb
|= a=span ^- sd:twit
~| [%not-user a]
%+ rash a
;~(pose (stag %user-id dem) (stag %screen-name user:twir))
:: ++ pull :: release subscription
:: |= ost=bone
:: ?. (~(has by sup) ost) `+>.$ :: XX should not occur
:: =+ [his pax]=(~(got by sup) ost)
:: ?: (lth 1 ~(wyt in (~(get ju pus) pax)))
:: `+>.$
:: =: ran (~(del by ran) [%peer pax])
:: fed (~(del by fed) pax)
:: ==
:: `+>.$
++ spam :: send by path
|= [a=path b=(list gift)] ^- (list move)
%- zing ^- (list (list move))
%+ turn (~(tap by sup))
|= [ost=bone @ pax=path]
?. =(pax a) ~
(turn b |=(c=gift [ost c]))
++ print
|=(mes=tape [ost %poke / [our %talk] (said our %twit now eny leaf/mes ~)])

View File

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ arg=[address=@t contact=@t ~] ~]
:- %address-contact
[address.arg contact.arg]

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [arg1=cord arg2=cord ~] ~] ::[arg=[cord cord ~] ~]]
:- %auth
[arg1 arg2]

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [amount=@t currency=@t ~] ~]
:- %buy
[amount currency]

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ arg=[contact=@t address=@t ~] ~]
:- %bit-contact
[contact.arg address.arg]

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ ~ ~]
:- %list

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [amount=@t currency=@t ~] ~]
:- %sell
[amount currency]

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [to=@uc amo=@t ~] ~]
[%bit-send to amo]

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [arg=(list cord) ~]]
:- %keys

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/- twitter
[twitter .]
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI bec=beak]
[[who=span msg=cord ~] ~]
[%twit-do [who %post eny msg]]

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:: Input twitter keys
/- sole, twitter
[sole twitter .]
++ baz64 (cook crip (star alp))
:- %ask
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI bec=beak]
[~ ~]
^- (sole-result (cask twit-do))
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User: "] %+ sole-go urs:ab |= acc=span
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "App token: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= ctok=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "App secret: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= csec=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User token: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= atok=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User secret: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= asec=cord
(sole-so %twit-do [acc %auth [ctok csec] atok asec])

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
/+ sh-utils
|_ [hide ~]
++ peer ,_`.
++ poke--args
%+ add-subs [[our /twit] our /post/(scot %uv eny)]
%^ gate-mess .
|=([a=span b=cord ~] [/twit %twit-do !>([a %post eny b])])
++ posh-twit-stat
(args-into-gate . |=([@ @ a=@da @] tang/~[leaf/"Tweet recieved {<a>}"]))
++ pour |*([ost=@ * sih=[@ ^]] :_(+>.$ [ost %give +.sih]~))

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:: Display twitter feed
:::: /hook/core/twitter-feed/app
/+ sh-utils
:::: ~fyr
|_ [hide ~]
++ stat ,[id=@u who=@ta now=@da txt=@t]
++ rens
:- %say
|=(stat rose/[": " `~]^~[leaf/"{<now>} @{(trip who)}" leaf/(trip txt)])
++ peer ,_`.
++ poke--args
|= [ost=bone his=ship who=span ~]
%.(+< (add-subs [[our /twit] our /user/[who]] ,_`+>.$))
++ posh-twit-feed
(args-into-gate . |=(a=(list stat) tang/(turn a rens)))
:: ++ pour |*([ost=@ * sih=[@ ^]] :_(+>.$ [ost %give +.sih]~))

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct1/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct1 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[oct1 .]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ game ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g +>+< :: game
++ k !|(x o) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<)) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<)) :: play at x
-- ::
++ new +<(boo 0, box 0, who &) :: reset game
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<~[(icon who)]>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ voy ": {<~[(icon who)]>} (row/col): " :: print prompt

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct2/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct2 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[oct2 .]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct3 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[. ^oct3]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ jon a/(turn (gulf 0 9) |=(@ b/(bit +<))) :: to json
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4/lib :: :: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct4 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: semantics
!: :: ::
[. ^oct4]
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ jon a/(turn (gulf 0 9) |=(@ b/(bit +<))) :: to json
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
:: A Twitter API library.
:::: /hoon/twitter/lib
/? 314
/- twitter
=+ twit:twitter
:::: functions
++ fass :: rewrite path
|= a=path
%- trip
%^ gsub '-' '_'
%+ reel a
|= [p=@t q=@t]
(cat 3 '/' (cat 3 p q))
++ gsub :: replace chars
|= [a=@t b=@t t=@t]
^- @t
?~ t t
%+ add (lsh 3 1 $(t (rsh 3 1 t)))
=+ c=(mod t (bex 8))
?:(=(a c) b c)
++ oauth :: OAuth 1.0 header
|= $: med=meth
pas=(list tape)
^- @t
=+ non=(turn (rip 2 (shaw zet 128 ken)) |=(a=@ ~(x ne a)))
=+ tim=(slag 2 (scow %ui (unt zet)))
=+ sky=(crip :(weld (urle (trip sec.con.key)) "&" (urle (trip sec.acc.key))))
=+ ^= bas
^- tape
=+ ^= hds
%- reel :_ |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q))
%- sort :_ aor
%- weld :- pas
^- (list tape)
:~ :(weld "oauth_consumer_key=" (trip tok.con.key))
:(weld "oauth_nonce=" non)
:(weld "oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1")
:(weld "oauth_timestamp=" tim)
:(weld "oauth_token=" (trip tok.acc.key))
:(weld "oauth_version=1.0")
;: weld
(trip (cuss (trip `@t`med))) "&"
(urle url) "&"
(urle (scag (dec (lent hds)) `tape`hds))
=+ sig=`tape`(sifo (swap 3 (hmac (swap 3 sky) (crip bas))))
%- crip
;: weld "OAuth "
"oauth_consumer_key=" "\"" (trip tok.con.key) "\", "
"oauth_nonce=" "\"" non "\", "
"oauth_signature=" "\"" (urle sig) "\", "
"oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", "
"oauth_timestamp=" "\"" tim "\", "
"oauth_token=" "\"" (trip tok.acc.key) "\", "
++ valve :: produce request
|= $: med=meth
[rus=tape quy=quay]
^- hiss
=+ url="{rus}.json"
=+ req=|=(a=tape (scan a auri:epur))
=+ ^= help
|= quy=(list ,[tape tape])
^- (list tape)
%+ turn quy
|= a=[p=tape q=tape]
:(weld (urle p.a) "=" (urle q.a))
=+ tan=(turn quy |=([p=@t q=@t] [(trip p) (trip q)]))
=+ har=(help (turn tan |=(p=[p=tape q=tape] [p.p (urle q.p)])))
=+ hab=(help tan)
=+ lav=(reel har |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q)))
=+ voy=?:(=(0 (lent lav)) ~ (scag (dec (lent lav)) `tape`lav))
=+ vab=(reel hab |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q)))
=+ vur=(crip ?:(=(0 (lent vab)) ~ (scag (dec (lent vab)) `tape`vab)))
=+ ^= head
%- ~(gas by *math)
:~ ['authorization' [(oauth med url hab key est eny) ~]]
['content-type' ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ~]]
?: =(%get med)
?~ voy
[(req url) med head ~]
[(req :(weld url "?" voy)) med head ~]
[(req url) med head (some [(met 3 vur) vur])]
:::: library
++ twip :: response printers
++ mean
|= [msg=@t num=@ud] ^- tank
rose/[": " `~]^~[leaf/"Error {<num>}" leaf/(trip msg)]
++ twir :: response parsers
++ fasp |*([a=@tas b=*] [(gsub '-' '_' a) b])
++ user (cook crip (plus ;~(pose aln cab)))
++ mean (ot errors/(ar (ot message/so code/ni ~)) ~):jo
++ stat
=+ jo
^- $+(json (unit ,[id=@u who=@ta now=@da txt=@t]))
%- ot
:~ id/ni
user/(ot (fasp screen-name/(su user)) ~)
(fasp created-at/da)
++ usel
=+ jo
^- $+(json (unit (list ,who=@ta)))
=- (ot users/(ar -) ~)
(ot (fasp screen-name/(su user)) ~)
++ twit
=> |% :: request structures
++ dev ,@t :: device name
++ gat ,@t :: grant type
++ lat ,@t :: latitude
++ lid (list tid)
++ lon ,@t :: longitude
++ lsc (list scr)
++ lst (list ,@t)
++ nam ,@t :: location name
++ pla ,@t :: place-id
++ scr ,@t :: screen name
++ slu ,@t :: category name
++ tid ,@u
++ tok ,@t :: oauth token
++ url ,@t :: callback url
++ at ,[%access-token p=tok]
++ de ,[%device p=dev]
++ fo ,[%follow p=lid]
++ gr ,[%grant-type p=gat]
++ id ,[%id p=tid]
++ ii ,[%'!inline' p=@t]
++ is ,[%id p=lid]
++ la ,[%lat p=lat]
++ lo ,[%long p=lon]
++ na ,[%name p=lid]
++ oa ,[%oauth-callback p=url]
++ os ,[%source-screen-name p=scr]
++ pl ,[%place-id p=pla]
++ qq ,[%q p=@t]
++ sc ,[%screen-name p=scr]
++ sd ?(ui sc)
++ ss ,[%screen-name p=lsc]
++ sl ,[%slug p=slu]
++ si ,[%source-id p=tid]
++ st ,[%status p=@t]
++ te ,[%text p=@t]
++ ti ,[%target-id p=tid]
++ ts ,[%target-screen-name p=scr]
++ tr ,[%track p=lst]
++ ur ,[%url p=url]
++ ui ,[%user-id p=tid]
++ us ,[%user-id p=lid]
|_ [key=keys est=time eny=@uw]
++ lutt |=(@ `@t`(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui +<)))
++ llsc
|= (list scr)
(roll +< |=([p=scr q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') p)))
++ llst
|= (list ,@t)
(roll +< |=([p=@t q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') p)))
++ llid
|= (list tid)
(roll +< |=([p=tid q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') (lutt p))))
++ mold :: construct request
|* [med=meth pax=path a=$+(* *)]
|= [args=a quy=quay]
(valve med (cowl pax args quy) key est eny)
++ cowl :: handle parameters
|= $: pax=path
ban=(list ,[p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))])
^- [path quay]
?~ ban
[(fass pax) quy]
?: =('!inline' p.i.ban)
?@ q.i.ban
[(fass (welp pax /[`@t`q.i.ban])) quy]
:- (fass pax)
%+ welp quy
%+ turn `(list ,[p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))])`ban
|= [p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))]
^- [@t @t]
:- (gsub '-' '_' p)
?@ q
?- p
?(%id %source-id %target-id %user-id) (lutt q)
@ `@t`q
?- p
?(%follow %id %name %user-id) (llid q)
%track (llst q)
%screen-name (llsc q)
* !!
++ stat-ment
(mold %get /statuses/mentions-timeline ,~)
++ stat-user
(mold %get /statuses/user-timeline ,[sd ~])
++ stat-home
(mold %get /statuses/home-timeline ,~)
++ stat-retw
(mold %get /statuses/retweets-of-me ,~)
++ stat-rets-iddd
(mold %get /statuses/retweets ,[ii ~])
++ stat-show
(mold %get /statuses/show ,[id ~])
++ stat-dest-iddd
(mold %post /statuses/destroy ,[ii ~])
++ stat-upda
(mold %post /statuses/update ,[st ~])
++ stat-retw-iddd
(mold %post /statuses/retweet ,[ii ~])
++ stat-oemb-iddd
(mold %get /statuses/oembed ,[id ~])
++ stat-oemb-urll
(mold %get /statuses/oembed ,[ur ~])
++ stat-retw-idss
(mold %get /statuses/retweeters/ids ,[id ~])
++ sear-twee
(mold %get /search/tweets ,[qq ~])
++ stat-filt-foll
(mold %post /statuses/filter ,[?(fo tr) ~])
++ stat-samp
(mold %get /statuses/sample ,~)
++ stat-fire
(mold %get /statuses/firehose ,~)
++ user
(mold %get /user ,~)
++ site
(mold %get /site ,[fo ~])
++ dire
(mold %get /direct-messages ,~)
++ dire-sent
(mold %get /direct-messages/sent ,~)
++ dire-show
(mold %get /direct-messages/show ,[id ~])
++ dire-dest
(mold %post /direct-messages/destroy ,[id ~])
++ dire-neww
(mold %post /direct-messages/new ,[sd te ~])
++ frie-nore-idss
(mold %get /friendships/no-retweets/ids ,~)
++ frie-idss
(mold %get /friends/ids ,[sd ~])
++ foll-idss
(mold %get /followers/ids ,[sd ~])
++ frie-inco
(mold %get /friendships/incoming ,~)
++ frie-outg
(mold %get /friendships/outgoing ,~)
++ frie-crea
(mold %post /friendships/create ,[sd ~])
++ frie-dest
(mold %post /friendships/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ frie-upda
(mold %post /friendships/update ,[sd ~])
++ frie-show
(mold %get /friendships/show ,[?(si os) ?(ti ts) ~])
++ frie-list
(mold %get /friends/list ,[sd ~])
++ foll-list
(mold %get /followers/list ,[sd ~])
++ frie-look
(mold %get /friendships/lookup ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ acco-sett-gett
(mold %get /account/settings ,~)
++ acco-veri
(mold %get /account/verify-credentials ,~)
++ acco-sett-post
(mold %post /account/settings ,~)
++ acco-upda-deli
(mold %post /account/update-delivery-device ,[de ~])
++ acco-upda-prof
(mold %post /account/update-profile ,~)
++ acco-upda-prof-back
(mold %post /account/update-profile-background-image ,~)
++ acco-upda-prof-colo
(mold %post /account/update-profile-colors ,~)
++ bloc-list
(mold %get /blocks/list ,~)
++ bloc-idss
(mold %get /blocks/ids ,~)
++ bloc-crea
(mold %post /blocks/create ,[sd ~])
++ bloc-dest
(mold %post /blocks/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ user-look
(mold %get /users/lookup ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ user-show
(mold %get /users/show ,[sd ~])
++ user-sear
(mold %get /users/search ,[qq ~])
++ user-cont-tees
(mold %get /users/contributees ,[sd ~])
++ user-cont-tors
(mold %get /users/contributors ,[sd ~])
++ acco-remo
(mold %post /account/remove-profile-banner ,~)
++ user-prof
(mold %get /users/profile-banner ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-crea
(mold %post /mutes/users/create ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-dest
(mold %post /mutes/users/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-idss
(mold %get /mutes/users/ids ,~)
++ mute-user-list
(mold %get /mutes/users/list ,~)
++ user-sugg-slug
(mold %get /users/suggestions ,[sl ~])
++ user-sugg
(mold %get /users/suggestions ,~)
++ favo-list
(mold %get /favorites/list ,~)
++ favo-dest
(mold %post /favorites/destroy ,[id ~])
++ favo-crea
(mold %post /favorites/create ,[id ~])
++ list-list
(mold %get /lists/list ,~)
++ list-stat
(mold %get /lists/statuses ,~)
++ list-memb-dest
(mold %post /lists/members/destroy ,~)
++ list-memb-hips
(mold %get /lists/memberships ,[sd ~])
++ list-subs-bers
(mold %get /lists/subscribers ,~)
++ list-subs-crea
(mold %post /lists/subscribers/create ,~)
++ list-subs-show
(mold %get /lists/subscribers/show ,[sd ~])
++ list-subs-dest
(mold %post /lists/subscribers/destroy ,~)
++ list-memb-crea-alll
(mold %post /lists/members/create-all ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ list-memb-show
(mold %get /lists/members/show ,[sd ~])
++ list-memb-bers
(mold %get /lists/members ,~)
++ list-memb-crea
(mold %post /lists/members/create ,[sd ~])
++ list-dest
(mold %post /lists/destroy ,~)
++ list-upda
(mold %post /lists/update ,~)
++ list-crea
(mold %post /lists/create ,[na ~])
++ list-show
(mold %get /lists/show ,~)
++ list-subs-ions
(mold %get /lists/subscriptions ,[sd ~])
++ list-memb-dest-alll
(mold %post /lists/members/destroy-all ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ list-owne
(mold %get /lists/ownerships ,[sd ~])
++ save-list
(mold %get /saved-searches/list ,~)
++ save-show-iddd
(mold %get /saved-searches/show ,[ii ~])
++ save-crea
(mold %post /saved-searches/create ,[qq ~])
++ save-dest-iddd
(mold %post /saved-searches/destroy ,[ii ~])
++ geoo-iddd-plac
(mold %get /geo/id ,[ii ~])
++ geoo-reve
(mold %get /geo/reverse-geocode ,[la lo ~])
++ geoo-sear
(mold %get /geo/search ,~)
++ geoo-simi
(mold %get /geo/similar-places ,[la lo na ~])
++ tren-plac
(mold %get /trends/place ,[id ~])
++ tren-avai
(mold %get /trends/available ,~)
++ tren-clos
(mold %get /trends/closest ,[la lo ~])
++ user-repo
(mold %post /users/report-spam ,[sd ~])
++ oaut-auth-cate
(mold %get /oauth/authenticate ,~)
++ oaut-auth-rize
(mold %get /oauth/authorize ,~)
++ oaut-acce
(mold %post /oauth/access-token ,~)
++ oaut-requ
(mold %post /oauth/request-token ,[oa ~])
++ oaut-toke
(mold %post /oauth2/token ,[gr ~])
++ oaut-inva
(mold %post /oauth2/invalidate-token ,[at ~])
++ help-conf
(mold %get /help/configuration ,~)
++ help-lang
(mold %get /help/languages ,~)
++ help-priv
(mold %get /help/privacy ,~)
++ help-toss
(mold %get /help/tos ,~)
++ appl-rate
(mold %get /application/rate-limit-status ,~)
++ stat-look
(mold %get /statuses/lookup ,[us ~])

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/octo-game/mar
/? 310
|_ cod=[who=? box=@ boo=@] :: game state
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun ,[who=? box=@ boo=@] :: clam from %noun

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/oct3-move/mar
/? 314
=+ point=,[x=@ y=@]
|_ point
++ grab :: convert from
++ json (corl need (at ni ni ~):jo) :: reparse from %json
++ noun point :: clam from %noun

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3-update/mar :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo
/- oct3 :: structures
/+ oct3 :: libraries
[. oct3 ^oct3]
!: :: ::
:::: :: :: protocol
:: :: ::
|_ play :: game
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun play :: from %noun
++ grow :: convert to
++ json ^- ^json :: to %json
~! +>-<
?: ?=(| +>-<)
~! +>-<
~! p
s/(crip p)
=+ she=|=(ship s/(scot %p +<))
=+ hes=|=([ship *] (she +<-))
%- jobe
:~ who/s/?:(who.p %x %o)
plx/?~(p.sag.p ~ (she u.p.sag.p))
plo/?~(q.sag.p ~ (she u.q.sag.p))
aud/a/(turn (~(tap by aud.p)) hes)
box/~(jon bo box.p)
boo/~(jon bo boo.p)

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/oct4-move/mar
/? 314
=+ point=,[x=@ y=@]
|_ point
++ grab :: convert from
++ json (corl need (at ni ni ~):jo) :: reparse from %json
++ noun point :: clam from %noun

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4-update/mar :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo
/- oct4 :: structures
/+ oct4 :: libraries
!: :: ::
:::: :: :: protocol
:: :: ::
[oct4 ^oct4 .]
|_ play :: game
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun play :: from %noun
++ grow :: convert to
++ json ^- ^json :: to %json
~! +>-<
?: ?=(| +>-<)
~! +>-<
~! p
s/(crip p)
=+ she=|=(ship s/(scot %p +<))
=+ hes=|=([ship *] (she +<-))
%- jobe
:~ who/s/?:(who.p %x %o)
plx/?~(p.sag.p ~ (she u.p.sag.p))
plo/?~(q.sag.p ~ (she u.q.sag.p))
aud/a/(turn (~(tap by aud.p)) hes)
box/~(jon bo box.p)
boo/~(jon bo boo.p)

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/core/sched/mar
|_ dat=(map ,@da cord)
++ grow :: convert to
|% ++ mime [/text/x-sched (tact tape)]
++ tape
(zing `wall`(turn sorted-list |=([a=@da b=cord] "{<a>} {(trip b)}\0a")))
++ elem =< ;ul: *{(turn sorted-list .)}
|= [tym=@da ite=cord] ^- manx
;li: ;{b "{<tym>}"}: {(trip ite)}
++ sorted-list
(sort (~(tap by dat)) |=([[l=@ @] [r=@ @]] (lth l r)))
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime
|= [p=mite q=octs] ^+ dat
=< (mo (turn (lore q.q) .))
|= a=@t ^- [@da @t]
%+ rash a
;~ (glue ace)
(cook |=(a=coin ?>(?=([~ %da @] a) `@da`q.p.a)) nuck:so)
(cook crip (star prn))
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/command/work/mar
/- work
[work .]
|_ mad=command
++ grab
|% ++ noun command
++ json
=> [jo ..command]
=< (corl need (cu |=(a=command a) coma))
++ as
:: |*(a=fist (cu sa (ar a))) :: XX types
|* a=fist
%- cu :_ (ar a)
~(gas in *(set ,_(need *a)))
++ ot
|* a=(pole ,[@tas fist])
|= b=json
%. ((^ot a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
[%o *]
%+ murn `(list ,[@tas fist])`a
|= [c=term d=fist] ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - (some >[c (turn (~(tap by p.b)) head)]<)
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ of
|* a=(pole ,[@tas fist])
|= b=json
%. ((of:jo a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
[%o *]
%+ murn `(list ,[@tas fist])`a
|= [c=term d=fist] ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - ~
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ id (ci (slat %uv) so)
++ ship (su fed:ag)
++ coma
%- of :~
new/task old/(ot id/id dif/uppd ~)
sort/(ar id)
++ task
%- ot :~
id/id 'date_created'^di
version/ni 'date_modified'^di
creator/ship doer/(mu ship)
tags/(as so) 'date_due'^(mu di)
done/(mu di) title/so
description/so discussion/(ar (ot date/di ship/ship body/so ~))
++ audi (as stan)
++ stan (su ;~((glue fas) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) urs:ab))
++ uppd
%- of :~
doer/(of release/ul claim/ul ~)
add/(of comment/so ~)
:- %set
%- of :~
date-due/(mu di)
tags/(as so)
++ grow
++ elem ;pre: {(zing `wall`(turn (wash 0^120 >mad<) |=(a=tape ['\0a' a])))}
:: {new: {
:: id:'0vaof.6df9u.2agc3.d0dp1',
:: date-created:1440011611215,
:: version:1,
:: date-modified:1440011611215,
:: creator:'fyr',
:: tags:['tag'],
:: date-due:null,
:: done:false,
:: title:'Test task',
:: description:'The converter owrks right?',
:: discussion:[{date:1440011611215,ship:'sondel',body:'hi'}]
:: } }

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/report/work/mar
/- work
[work .]
|_ client
++ grow
|% ++ json
=+ jope=|=(a=ship [%s (rsh 3 1 (scot %p a))])
%- jobe :~
sort/[%a (turn sort |=(a=@uv [%s (scot %uv a)]))]
=< tasks/(jobe (turn (~(tap by tasks)) .))
|= [@ client-task]
=+ tax
:- (scot %uv id)
%- jobe :~ id/[%s (scot %uv id)]
tags/[%a (turn (^sort (~(tap in tags)) aor) |=(a=cord s/a))]
doer/?~(doer ~ (jope u.doer))
title/[%s title]
creator/(jope creator)
version/(jone version)
archived/[%b archived]
=< audience/[%a (turn (~(tap in audience)) .)]
|=(a=station:talk [%s (crip "{<p.a>}/{(trip q.a)}")])
'date_created'^(jode date-created)
'date_modified'^(jode date-modified)
description/[%s description]
=< discussion/[%a (turn discussion .)]
|=(comment (jobe date/(jode date) ship/(jope ship) body/[%s body] ~))
'date_due'^?~(date-due ~ (jode
done/?~(done ~ (jode u.done))
-- --
:: sort: ["0v111id" ...]
:: tasks: [ {
:: id:"0v111id"
:: tags:["str" ...]
:: doer:|("~ship" null)
:: title:"str"
:: creator:"~ship"
:: version:12345
:: archived:false
:: audience:["~ship/chan" ...]
:: date_created:1262304000000
:: date_modified:1262304000000
:: description:"str"
:: discussion:[{date:1262304000000 ship:"~ship" body:"str"} ...]
:: date_due:?(1262304000000 null)
:: done:?(1262304000000 null)
:: }
:: ...]

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/task/work/mar
/- work
[work .]
++ rend
|= a=(list $|(char dime)) ^- cord
%- crip
|- ^- tape
?~ a ~
?@ i.a [i.a $(a t.a)]
(weld (scow i.a) $(a t.a))
++ indent |=(a=wain (turn a |=(b=cord (cat 3 ' ' b))))
++ undent
|* [a=wain b=$+(wain *)] ^+ [*b a]
=^ c a
|- ^- [c=wain a=wain]
?~ a [~ a]
?. =(' ' (end 3 2 i.a))
[~ a]
[[- c] a]:[(rsh 3 2 i.a) $(a t.a)]
[(b `wain`c) a]
++ keen |*(_[a=,* b=rule] |=(c=nail `(like a)`(b c)))
++ parse
|* [hed=?(~ $|(@tas tape)) tal=(pole)]
?~ hed (..$ tal)
?^ hed ;~(pfix (just (crip hed)) (..$ tal))
=- ?~(tal had ;~(plug had (..$ tal)))
=< had=(sear . nuck:so)
|= a=coin ^- (unit (odo:raid hed))
?. &(?=([%$ @ @] a) =(hed p.p.a)) ~
(some q.p.a)
++ advance
|* [a=wain b=_rule] ^+ [(wonk *b) a]
?~(a !! ~|(i.a [(rash i.a b) t.a]))
|_ taz=task
++ grab
|% ++ txt
|= a=wain ^+ taz
=+ ~[id=%uv "_" date-created=%da " " version=%ud date-modified=%da]
=^ b a (advance a ;~(plug (parse -) (punt (parse " " %da ~))))
=+ [-.b `date-due=(unit ,@da)`+.b]
=^ tags a (undent a ~(gas in *(set cord)))
=^ title a ?~(a !! a)
=^ b a %+ advance a
;~(plug (parse %p ~) (punt (parse ">" %p ~)) (punt (parse "X" %da ~)))
=+ `[creator=@p doer=(unit ,@p) done=(unit ,@da)]`b
=^ description a (undent a role)
:* id date-created version date-modified creator
doer tags date-due done title description :: XX done
|- ^- (list comment)
?: =(~ a) ~
=^ b a (advance a (parse ship=%p " " date=%da ~))
=+ b
=^ body a (undent a role)
[[date ship body] $]
++ grow
++ elem ;pre: {(zing `wall`(turn (wash 0^120 >taz<) |=(a=tape ['\0a' a])))}
++ mime [/text/x-task (taco (role txt))]
++ txt
=+ taz
=+ due=?~(date-due ~ ~[' ' da/])
:- (rend uv/id '_' da/date-created ' ' ud/version da/date-modified due)
%+ welp (indent (sort (~(tap in tags)) aor))
:- title
=+ do=[=-(?~(doer - ['>' p/u.doer -]) ?~(done ~ ~['X' da/u.done]))]
:- (rend p/creator do)
%- zing ^- (list wain)
:- (indent (lore description))
%+ turn discussion
|= comment ^- wain
[(rend p/ship ' ' da/date ~) (indent (lore body))]
++ grad %txt
:: {id}_{date-created} {version}{date-modified}{|(" {date-due}" ~)}
:: {tag1}
:: {tag2}
:: ...
:: {title}
:: {creator}{|(">{doer}" ~)}{|("X{done}" ~)}
:: {description}
:: {more description}
:: {ship1} {date}
:: {comment}
:: {more comment}
:: {more comment}
:: {ship2} {date}
:: {comment}
:: {more comment}
:: {more comment}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
A noun is an atom or a cell.
An atom is a natural number.
A cell is an ordered pair of nouns.
nock(a) *a
[a b c] [a [b c]]
?[a b] 0
?a 1
+[a b] +[a b]
+a 1 + a
=[a a] 0
=[a b] 1
=a =a
/[1 a] a
/[2 a b] a
/[3 a b] b
/[(a + a) b] /[2 /[a b]]
/[(a + a + 1) b] /[3 /[a b]]
/a /a
*[a [b c] d] [*[a b c] *[a d]]
*[a 0 b] /[b a]
*[a 1 b] b
*[a 2 b c] *[*[a b] *[a c]]
*[a 3 b] ?*[a b]
*[a 4 b] +*[a b]
*[a 5 b] =*[a b]
*[a 6 b c d] *[a 2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]
*[a 7 b c] *[a 2 b 1 c]
*[a 8 b c] *[a 7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c]
*[a 9 b c] *[a 7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b]
*[a 10 [b c] d] *[a 8 c 7 [0 3] d]
*[a 10 b c] *[a c]
*a *a

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
++ bit-any
$% [%bit-get-token bit-get-token]
[%bit-api-call tok=@t bit-api-call]
++ bit-api-call
$% [%send bit-send]
[%txt-send to=@t btc=@t]
[%buy amount=@t currency=@t]
[%sell amount=@t currency=@t]
[%list ~]
++ bit-send ,[adr=@uc btc=@t]
++ bit-ship-send ,[who=@p btc=@t]
++ bit-get-token ,[oat=@t [cid=@t sec=@t] red=purl]
++ bit-accounts (list ,[id=@t name=@t balance=[num=@t cur=term]])

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct1/sur :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
:: :: ::
|% ::
++ board ,@ :: one-player bitfield
++ point ,[x=@ y=@] :: coordinate
++ game :: game state
$: who=? :: whose turn
box=board :: X board
boo=board :: O board
== ::

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct2/sur :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
:: :: ::
|% ::
++ board ,@ :: one-player bitfield
++ point ,[x=@ y=@] :: coordinate
++ stage (pair (unit ship) (unit ship)) :: players
++ game :: game state
$: who=? :: whose turn
sag=stage :: who's playing
aud=(map ship ,@ud) :: who's watching
box=board :: X board
boo=board :: O board
== ::

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3/sur :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
:: :: ::
|% ::
++ board ,@ :: one-player bitfield
++ point ,[x=@ y=@] :: coordinate
++ stage (pair (unit ship) (unit ship)) :: players
++ play (each game tape) :: update
++ game :: game state
$: who=? :: whose turn
sag=stage :: who's playing
aud=(map ship ,@ud) :: who's watching
box=board :: X board
boo=board :: O board
== ::

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4/sur :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
:: :: ::
|% ::
++ board ,@ :: one-player bitfield
++ point ,[x=@ y=@] :: coordinate
++ stage (pair (unit ship) (unit ship)) :: players
++ play (each game tape) :: update
++ game :: game state
$: who=? :: whose turn
sag=stage :: who's playing
aud=(map ship ,@ud) :: who's watching
box=board :: X board
boo=board :: O board
== ::

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
++ twit-do => twit ,[p=span q=command] :: user and action
++ twit-stat ,[id=@u who=@ta now=@da txt=@t] :: recieved tweet
++ twit
++ keys :: twitter-key type
$: con=[tok=@t sec=@t] :: user key pair
acc=[tok=@t sec=@t] :: app key pair
++ command :: poke action
$% [%auth p=keys] :: set API keys
[%post p=@uvI q=cord] :: post a tweet

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This is the try desk. Feel free to try out whatever you want here.

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
/? 314
/= gas /$ fuel
:::: ~sivtyv-barnel
^- manx
=+ authcode=(fall (~(get by qix.gas) %'code') '')
;title: Coinbase Auth
?~ authcode
:_ ~
;div: Something went wrong. Please try to auth again.
;script: authcode = {(pojo %s authcode)}
if (authcode)
appl: "bit",
data: authcode,
mark: "oauth2-code"
}, function(){
;div: 'Success. Your auth-token has been sent to your app. You can close this now.'

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
/? 310
/= gas /$ fuel
^- manx
=+ do=(~(get by qix.gas) %'code')
;script: urb.appl = 'cloud'
::;link/"cloud/main.css"(rel "stylesheet");
;title: DO & GCE Manager
var authcode = \{}'{?~(do ~ (trip}'

View File

View File

@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
recl = React.createClass
div = React.DOM.div
a = React.DOM.a
b = React.DOM.button
hr =
table = React.DOM.table
th =
tr =
td =
input = React.DOM.input
function HashToJSON() {
var pairs = window.location.hash.slice(1).split('&');
var result = {};
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
pair = pair.split('=');
result[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
DOControls = React.createClass({
createDroplet: function(){
urb.send({appl: "cloud",
mark: "json",
data: {'create-do':{
ssh:[], // $('#ssh').val()]
render: function(){
href = ""
return (
div({}, [
a({href:href},"get authcode"),
b({onClick:this.props.handleClick('do')}, "Send Authcode")
div({}, [
b({onClick:this.props.sendSecret('do','#appsecret')}, "Send Secret"))
div({}, [
b({onClick:this.createDroplet}, "Create Droplet"),
input({id:"name",placeholder:"Name of droplet"}),
input({id:"size",placeholder:"Size (str ending in mb"}),
input({id:"ssh",placeholder:"ssh keys (optional)"}),
input({id:"backups",placeholder:"backups (optional)"}),
input({id:"ipv6",placeholder:"ipv6 (boolean, optional)"}),
input({id:"user-data",placeholder:" user-data string (optional)"}),
input({id:"priv-networking",placeholder:"Private Networking (boolean, optional)"})
GCEControls = React.createClass({
createDroplet: function(){
appl: 'cloud',
mark: 'json',
data: {'create-gce':{
// project:$('#project').val(),
// zone:$('#zone').val(),
// name:$('#gname').val(),
// machine_type:$('#machine_type').val() /
createDisk: function(){
appl: 'cloud',
mark: 'json',
data: {'create-gce':{
render: function(){
ghref = ""
div({}, [
div({}, [
b({onClick:this.createDisk}, 'Create Disk From Image'),
input({id:'gcpName',placeholder:'Name for GCE Disk and Instance'}),
input({id:'number',placeholder:'Number of instances'}),
input({id:'instance_image',placeholder:'Instance Image'})
div({}, [
a({href:ghref},"Get Google Authcode"),
b({onClick:this.props.handleClick('gce')}, "Send Google Authcode")
div({}, [
b({onClick:this.props.sendSecret('gce','#gappsecret')}, "Send Google Secret"))
Droplet = React.createClass({
dropletAction: function(act){
return function(){
var action = {act:{},,}
case "snapshot":
action.act[act] = this.refs.snapname.getDOMNode().value
break; default:
action.act[act] = null
urb.send({appl: "cloud", data: {action:action}})}
render: function() {
var $this = this //local var, else it always points at second
var acts = ["start","stop","reboot","delete"] //,"snapshot"]
var buttons = [];
var buttons ={ return b({onClick:$this.dropletAction(act).bind($this)}, act)})
kay = Object.keys(this.props)
kay = kay.filter(function(b){return b!="children"}) // XX individually adress props
return div({},[
//input({ref:'snapname',placeholder:'Name of Snapshot'}),
tr({},{return th({},k)})),
tr({},{return td({},JSON.stringify($this.props[k]))}))),
Page = recl({
handleClick: function(platform){
return function(){
if(window.authcode.length !== ''){
appl: "cloud",
data: {authcode:authcode[platform],
mark: "cloud-auth"})
} else { console.log("nocode") }
sendSecret: function(platform,codeid){
return function(){
secret= $(codeid).val()
if(secret !== '') {
urb.send({appl: "cloud",
data: {secret:secret,
mark: "cloud-secret"})
getList: function(){
urb.send({appl: "cloud",
data: {action:"list"},
mark: "json"})
render: function(){
var drops = [], imgs = []
if(this.props.instances) drops =
if(this.props.images) imgs =
function(i){return div({},}
return (div({},
var hash = HashToJSON() //pull out hash of query string for gce authcode
authcode.gce = hash.access_token
mounted = React.render(Page({droplets:[]}), $("#container")[0])
urb.bind("/", function(err,d) {

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
/? 314
/= gas /$ fuel
:::: ~sivtyv-barnel
^- manx
=+ :- authcode=<(fall (~(get by qix.gas) %'code') '')>
auth-url="". :: "concat" . "enate"
;title: Coinbase Auth
;a/"{auth-url}": Authenticate
;script: authcode = {authcode}
if (authcode)
appl: "coin",
data: authcode,
mark: "oauth2-code"

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hook/hymn/fab/oct3/pub/ ::::::
:: :: ::
^- manx
;meta(charset "utf-8");
=type "text/javascript"
=src "//"
=type "text/javascript"
=src "/~~/~/at/lib/js/urb.js"
=type "text/css"
=rel "stylesheet"
=href "/lib/base.css"
=type "text/css"
=rel "stylesheet"
=href "oct3/main.css"
;title: :oct3
; ✕
;div#vs: vs
; ◯
;script(type "text/javascript", src "oct3/main.js");

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#what,#bord,#audi { width:600px; text-align:center; position:absolute;
left:50%; margin-left:-300px; }
#what { height:36px; top:18px; }
#bord { height:600px; position:absolute; top:111px; opacity:.3; }
#audi { top:760px; }
.turn #bord { opacity:1; }
#message { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:90px;
line-height:90px; background-color:#000; color:#fff;
text-align:center; }
#message .ship { display:inline; }
#what { font-family:"bau"; }
#what div { display:inline-block; }
.ship { padding:.3rem; font-weight:400; letter-spacing:1px;
text-transform:uppercase; line-height:2rem; }
.ship:before { content:"~"; font-weight:500; font-size:1rem; }
.waiting.ship:before { content:"Waiting"; color:#ccc; }
#what #x,#what #o { border:2px solid #fff; }
.x #what #x,.o #what #o { border:2px solid red; }
#what #ship,#what #user { padding:.6rem; }
#what .as { width:1.6rem; }
#audi h1,#vs { margin:0 1rem; padding:.3rem; color:#fff;
background-color:#000; }
#audi h1 { font-size:.9rem; text-transform:uppercase;
display:inline-block; background-color:#ccc; }
#audi h1:after { content:""; margin:0; }
#audi .ship { color:#ccc; }
.spac { font-size:100px; line-height:200px; }
.spac { width:198px; height:198px; border:1px solid #000;
text-align:center; float:left; cursor:pointer; }
{ border-left:0; }
{ border-top:0; }
{ border-bottom:0; }
{ border-right:0; }

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
$(function() {
$bord = $('#bord')
$audi = $('#audi')
$whom = $('#whom')
lett = ["x","o"]
symb = [" ","✕","◯"]
drab = function(state) {
space = function(_state,y,x) {
return "<div class='spac' data-index='"+y+"-"+x+
s = ""
x = 0
y = 0
for(i=0;i<9;i++) {
j = [0,3,6,1,4,7,2,5,8][i] // XX math
s += space(([j] ? 1 : 0)+([j] ? 2 : 0),y,x)
if((i+1)%3 == 0) {
audi = function(state) {
a = "<h1>audience</h1>"
for(i=0;i<state.aud.length;i++) {
a += "<div class='ship'>"+state.aud[i].slice(1)+"</div>"
who = null
turn = function(state) {
if(state.plx.slice(1) == window.urb.user)
who = "x"
if(state.plo.slice(1) == window.urb.user)
who = "o"
if(who == null && (state.plx == "" || state.plo == ""))
wurn = true
wurn = (state.who == who)
$('body').toggleClass('x',(state.who == 'x'))
$('body').toggleClass('o',(state.who == 'o'))
assign = function(state) {
state.plo = ""
state.plx = ""
$('#o .ship').toggleClass('anyone', (state.plo=="")).
$('#x .ship').toggleClass('anyone', (state.plx=="")).
message = function(mess) {
mess = mess.split('"')[1]
mess = mess.split("=")
mess = "<div class='ship'>"+mess[0].slice(1) +
"</div> ["+symb[lett.indexOf(mess[1].toLowerCase())+1]+"] WINS"
$('body').append('<div id="message">'+mess+'</div>')
setTimeout(function() { $('#message').fadeOut().remove(); }, 2000)
urb.appl = 'oct3'
urb.bind('/oct3', function(err,res) {
if(typeof( == 'string')
return message(
$bord.on('click', function(e) {
if(!$('body').hasClass('turn')) { return false }
$t = $('.spac')
data = $.map(
function(i) { return Number(i); })

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/= all /; flop /^ (list (pair time ,*)) /@ /mime/
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/lib/base.css");
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "paste/main.css");
document.title = 'pastebin - urbit'
urb.appl = 'hood'
urb.send.mark = 'write-paste'
submit = function(){
if($("select :selected").attr('value')===undefined) {
return false
$("textarea,button").attr('disabled', true)
typ:$("select :selected").val()
}, function(){
if(!resp) throw "No paste"
window.location = "paste/"+resp.u
;h1: New
;option(): Type
;option(value "md"): Markdown
;option(value "txt"): Text
;option(value "hoon"): Hoon
;button(onclick "submit()"):"Submit"
;h1: Recent
;* (turn all |=([a=time *] ;p:a/"paste/{<a>}":"{<a>}"))

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
body {
font-family: 'bau';
margin: 4rem;
width: 48rem;
hr {
width: 8rem;
height: .2rem;
background-color: #ccc;
margin: 3rem 0;
border: 0;
textarea {
outline: none;
button {
margin-left: 1rem;
textarea {
width: 100%;
min-height: 12rem;
border: 0;
background-color: #eaeaea;
select {
border: 3px solid transparent;
.err {
border: 3px solid red;
a {
font-family: 'scp';
color: inherit;

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
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font-family: "bau";
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font-family: "bau";
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font-style: normal;
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font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 500;
font-style: italic;
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: italic;
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: italic;
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font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 200;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 300;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
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font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
font-family: "bau";
font-size: 18px;
.mono {
#c {
width: 32rem;
margin-left: -16rem;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
h2 {
font-weight: 500;
h1 {
font-size: 1.6rem;
h1:after {
content: "\2014";
margin-left: 1rem;
h2 {
font-size: 1rem;
h2.advice {
margin-top: 2rem;
color: #555;
#c pre {
font-size: .6rem;
margin-top: 2rem;
#pass {
width: 32rem;
button {
border: .3rem solid #000;
background-color: #fff;
font-size: 1rem;
padding: .3rem;
font-weight: 500;
.sig {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 2rem;
display: inline;
vertical-align: middle;
span#ship {
font-family: 'bau';
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 1.2rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: .1rem;
display: inline-block;
min-width: 1rem;
input {
font-family: 'scp';
display: inline;
input {
border: none;
padding: .3rem;
outline: none;
border-bottom: 3px solid #555;
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 480px) {
#c {
width: 16rem;
margin-left: -8rem;
#pass {
width: 16rem;
input {
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;

View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
:: Subtree match finder
:::: /hook/hymn/match
/= gas /$ fuel :: get request info
/= src /: /%/ /hoon/ :: current source file
:::: ~sondel-forsut
++ conv $& [conv conv]
[%0 @ub]
++ expr $| @tas
(list expr)
=+ `nock`*conv :: extraneous typecheck
++ build-from
|= [hay=expr man=expr]
=| axe=(list ?(%0 %1)) :: axis acummulator
|- ^- (unit conv)
?: =(man hay)
[~ u=[%0 (join axe)]]
?@ hay ~ :: fail if hay is atom
=+ top=$(hay -.hay, axe [%0 axe])
?^ top
top :: cell is success
=+ bot=$(hay +.hay, axe [%1 axe])
?^ bot
?@ man :: descend unless atom
=+ car=$(man
?~ car
~ :: lost head is failure
=+ cdr=$(man
?~ cdr
[~ u=[ u.cdr]]
++ join
|= axe=(list ?(%0 %1))
^- axis
%+ reel axe |= [a=?(%0 %1) b=_1]
(add a (lsh 0 1 b))
++ fetch :: (unit expr) by term
;~ biff
~(get by qix.gas) :: get from query string
slay :: parse as coin
|= con=coin
^- (unit expr)
?- -.con
%$ :: single atom
?. ?=(%tas p.p.con) ~
[~ u=q.p.con] :: (some) if is term
%blob :: noun literal, ignore
%many :: list of coin
(zl:jo (turn p.con ..$)) :: when-for
++ print |=(a=expr ~(ram re (rend a)))
++ rend
|= a=expr
^- tank
?~ a [%leaf "()"]
?@ a [%leaf (trip a)]
[%rose [" " "(" ")"] (turn `(list expr)`a ..$)]
^- manx
=+ hay=(fall (fetch %hay) %bad-expr)
=+ man=(fall (fetch %man) %bad-expr)
=+ res=(build-from hay man)
;title: Match
;* =- (turn `wall`- |=(a=tape ;script(type "text/javascript", src a);))
:~ "//"
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "//".
.CodeMirror {
height: 100%
.cm-s-default .cm-atom {color: #70f}
.cm-s-default .cm-operator {color: #097}
#err {
background: #fdd;
display: none;
;h3: Tree transform generator
; Problem and solution found
;a/"": here
; .= ';{input#man(onchange "change()", value (print man))}
; .* ';{input#hay(onchange "change()", value (print hay))}
;- ?~ res "!! :: no route"
; Malformed expression: a-z and - in identifiers, whitespace, and
; matched () are allowed
;script(type "text/ls") ;- %- trip
encode = (exp)->
pars = (lev, str)->
| str is /^\s+/ => pars lev, str - /^\s+/
| str is /^[a-z-]+/
tail = pars lev, str - (term = /^[a-z-]+/)
if tail => {tail,, lev, atom: str.match term .0 }
| str is /^\(/
head = pars lev+1, str - /./
if head?rest?
tail = pars lev,
if tail => {head, tail,, lev}
| str is /^\)/ and lev > 0 => {lev, rest: str - /./}
| str is '' and lev is 0 => true
| _ => null
esc = (lev)->
unless lev > 1 => '_'
else '~' * (2 ^ (lev - 2)) + '-'
enc = (obj)->
cab = esc obj?lev
cabb = esc obj?lev + 1
| !obj => ''
| !obj.tail => cab
| obj.atom => obj.atom + cab + enc obj.tail
| obj.head => '.' + cabb + (enc obj.head) + cab + enc obj.tail
(enc pars 0 exp) - /__$/
@change = ->
hav = (encode hay.value); mav = (encode man.value)
if hav and mav
$ err .slideUp!
window.location =
(window.location + '') - /\?.*/ + "?hay=#hav&man=#mav"
else $ err .slideDown!
;script(src "//".
:: ;button(onclick "$(err).slideUp()");
;h3: Demo source
;textarea#src: {(trip src)}
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (React.DOM.div({}, "rendered."));

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
;module(nav_title "Talk", nav_no-dpad "", nav_no-sibs "", nav_subnav "talk-station")
;link/"/talk/main.css"(rel "stylesheet");

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
<div><module js="/talk/main.js" css="/talk/main.css" component="talk"></module></div>

View File

@ -1,50 +1,6 @@
:::: /hook/hymn/fab/talk/pub/
/+ talk
/= gas /$ fuel :: get request info
=+ aut=?=(~ but.gas)
=+ ^- man=span
~| bad-path/but.gas
%- need
?+ but.gas ~
[@ ~] ((sand %ta) i.but.gas)
~ (some (main:talk (slav %p -:%)))
++ cdnj
|= a=wall ^- marl
%+ turn a
|= lib=tape
;script(type "text/javascript", src "//{lib}");
^- manx
;meta(charset "utf-8");
;* %- cdnj :~
;script(type "text/javascript", src "{?:(aut "/~~" "")}/~/at/lib/js/urb.js");
;meta(name "viewport", content "width=device-width, height=device-height, ".
"initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0");
;link(type "text/css", rel "stylesheet", href "/talk/main.css");
;title: Talk
;div#scrolling: BOTTOM
;script: = {(pojo (joba 'mainStation' s/man))}
;script(type "text/javascript", src "/talk/main.js");
;module(nav_title "Talk", nav_no-dpad "", nav_no-sibs "", nav_subnav "talk-station")
;link/"/talk/main.css"(rel "stylesheet");

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
~1970.1.1 Hello world
~1970.1.2 Reordered for goo reason
~1970.2.1 Hallo world?

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
:: Twig reprinter
:::: /hook/hymn/unparse/pub
/= gas /$ fuel
/= src /: /%/mear /hoon/
/= src2 /: /%/ /hoon/
:::: ~sondel-forsut
// /%/mear
=+ inp=`@t`(fall %.(%src ;~(biff ~(get by qix.gas) (slat %t))) '%no-source')
^- manx
#inp {
height: 40%;
width: 100%;
font-family: Monospace;
;h3: Abstract
;p: Hoon linter, under construction.
;h3: Input
;textarea#inp(onchange "move()"):"{(trip inp)}"
;h3: Twig (subset)
;* %- turn :_ |=(a=tape :/((weld a "\0a")))
(wash 0^80 >(flag (ream inp))<)
;h3: Rectified output
;pre: {(trip (mear (ream inp)))}
function move(){
document.location = '?src=' + escp(inp.value)
function escp(s){
acc = '~~'
var cha = s[0];
s = s.slice(1)
case /[a-z-]/.test(cha):
acc += cha
case cha === ' ':
acc += '.'
case /[.-]/.test(cha):
acc += '~' + cha
acc += '~' + cha.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + '.'
} }
return acc
:: includes
;* =- (turn `wall`- |=(a=tape ;script(type "text/javascript", src a);))
:~ "//"
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "//".
.CodeMirror {height: 70%}
.cm-s-default .cm-atom {color: #70f}
.cm-s-default .cm-operator {color: #097}
:: sources
;h3: Demo source: algorithm
;textarea#src: {(trip src)}
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})
;h3: Demo source: page
;textarea#src2: {(trip src2)}
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src2, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})

View File

@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
!: =~
++ twyg $& [p=twyg q=twyg]
[%bccb p=tyle]
[%bccm p=tyle]
[%bctr p=tyle]
[%brls p=tyle q=twyg]
[%brtr p=tyle q=twyg]
[%brts p=tyle q=twyg]
[%brcn p=(map term ,[?(%ash %elm) twyg])]
[%cltr p=tufk]
[%clsg p=tufk]
[%clhp p=twyg q=twyg]
[%cncl p=twyg q=twyg]
[%cnhp p=twyg q=tufk]
[%cnzy p=term]
[%dtzy p=dime]
[%dtzz p=dime]
[%ktts p=term q=twyg]
[%smsm p=tyle q=twyg]
[%smdq p=(list $|(@ [~ twyg]))]
[%tsgr p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tsls p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tssg p=tufk]
[%wtcl p=twyg q=twyg r=twyg]
[%wtdt p=twyg q=twyg r=twyg]
[%clcb p=twyg q=twyg]
[%cndt p=twyg q=twyg]
[%dttr p=twyg q=twyg]
[%dtts p=twyg q=twyg]
[%ktdt p=twyg q=twyg]
[%ktls p=twyg q=twyg]
[%kthx p=twyg q=twyg]
[%sgbr p=twyg q=twyg]
[%sgcb p=twyg q=twyg]
[%sgts p=twyg q=twyg]
[%sgzp p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tscn p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tsfs p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tsgl p=twyg q=twyg]
[%tshp p=twyg q=twyg]
[%wtgl p=twyg q=twyg]
[%wtgr p=twyg q=twyg]
[%zpcm p=twyg q=twyg]
[%zpsm p=twyg q=twyg]
[%zpzp ~]
++ tyle $& [p=tyle q=tyle]
$% [%axil p=base]
[%bark p=term q=tyle]
[%fern p=(mist tyle)]
[%leaf p=dime]
++ tufk (list twyg)
++ tamk $% [%leaf p=tape]
[%lone n=rune p=tamk]
[%pair n=rune p=tamk q=tamk]
[%trel n=rune p=tamk q=tamk r=tamk]
[%quad n=rune p=tamk q=tamk r=tamk s=tamk]
[%many n=rune p=(list tamk)]
++ rune term
++ mist |*(a=_,* ,[i=a t=(list a)])
=+ ^= tex
=+ ^= a
%- ream
++ ace (just ' ') :: spACE
++ bar (just '|') :: vertical BAR
++ bas (just '\\') :: Back Slash (escaped)
++ buc (just '$') :: dollars BUCks
++ cab (just '_') :: CABoose
++ cen (just '%') :: perCENt
++ col (just ':') :: COLon
++ com (just ',') :: COMma
++ doq (just '"') :: Double Quote
++ dot (just '.') :: dot dot dot ...
++ fas (just '/') :: Forward Slash
++ gal (just '<') :: Greater Left
++ gar (just '>') :: Greater Right
++ hax (just '#') :: Hash
++ kel (just '{') :: Curly Left
++ ker (just '}') :: Curly Right
++ ket (just '^') :: CareT
++ lus (just '+') :: pLUS
++ hep (just '-') :: HyPhen
++ pel (just '(') :: Paren Left
++ pam (just '&') :: AMPersand pampersand
++ per (just ')') :: Paren Right
++ pat (just '@') :: AT pat
++ sel (just '[') :: Square Left
++ sem (just ';') :: SEMicolon
++ ser (just ']') :: Square Right
++ sig (just '~') :: SIGnature squiggle
++ soq (just '\'') :: Single Quote
++ tar (just '*') :: sTAR
++ tec (just '`') :: backTiCk
++ tis (just '=') :: 'tis tis, it is
++ wut (just '?') :: wut, what?
++ zap (just '!') :: zap! bang! crash!!
=+ b=(~(tap by ;;((map ,@tas ,[@ @t ^ [@ @ p=@t] ~]) +.a)))
%- ~(gas by *(map ,@tas ,@t))
(turn b |=(_i.-.b [(rap 3 (cut 3 [0 1] p) (cut 3 [2 1] p) ~) p.q]))
++ temt
|= a=@tasG
`tape`~[(~(got by tex) (cut 4 [0 1] a)) (~(got by tex) (cut 4 [1 1] a))]
++ mear
|= a=twig
^- @t
%- role
(turn `wall`~(rend ta (payg (flag a))) crip)
++ flat
|= a=tile
^- tyle
?- -.a
^ [$(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
?(%axil %leaf) a
%bark a(q $(a q.a))
?(%bush %reed) fern/~[$(a p.a) $(a q.a)] :: XX a
%fern a(p [$(a i.p.a) (turn t.p.a ..$)])
?(%herb %weed %kelp) (tyle a) :: XX
++ limb-to-cord
|= b=limb ^- cord
?@ b ?~(b '$' b)
?- -.b
%| (cat 3 (fil 3 p.b '^') q.b)
%& ?: =(1 (mod 2 (met 0 p.b)))
(rsh 3 1 $(p.b (lsh 0 1 p.b)))
=+ (slag 1 (rip 1 p.b))
?: =(~ -) '.'
(rap 3 (turn - ~(got by (mo 0^'-<' 1^'->' 2^'+<' 3^'+>' ~))))
++ flag
|= a=twig
^- twyg
?- -.a
[$(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
?: ?=(%null p.a) [%dtzz %n ~]
$(a ~(open ap a))
?(%bccb %bccm %bctr)
a(p (flat p.a))
?(%brls %brtr %brts %smsm)
a(p (flat p.a), q $(a q.a))
=< a(p (~(run by p.a) .))
|=(b=foot ?+(-.b !! ?(%ash %elm) b(p (flag p.b))))
?(%clsg %cltr %tssg)
a(p (turn p.a ..$))
?^ q.a cnzy/'-lost-cnts-mods'
?~ p.a !!
?^ t.p.a cnzy/(cat 3 '-lost-wing-many.' (crip <p.a>))
cnzy/(limb-to-cord i.p.a)
a(q (,@ q.a))
a(p (term p.a), q $(a q.a))
?(%tsls %tsgr %clhp %cncl)
a(p $(a p.a), q $(a q.a))
?(%clcb %cndt %dttr %dtts %ktdt %ktls %kthx %sgbr %sgcb %sgts)
a(p $(a p.a), q $(a q.a))
?(%sgzp %tscn %tsfs %tsgl %tshp %wtgl %wtgr %zpcm %zpsm)
a(p $(a p.a), q $(a q.a))
?(%wtcl %wtdt)
a(p $(a p.a), q $(a q.a), r $(a r.a))
a(p (turn p.a |=(b=beer ?@(b b [~ ^$(a p.b)]))))
=+ b=(twyg a)
?: =(a b) b
=+ c=~(open ap a)
::~& open/[a c]
?. =(a c) $(a c)
cnzy/(cat 3 '-lost-rune.' -.a)
++ payl
|= a=tyle
^- tamk
?- -.a
:+ %many %bccl
|- ^- (list tamk)
:- ^$(a p.a)
?^ -.q.a $(a q.a)
[^$(a q.a)]~
:- %leaf
?- p.a
[%atom @] ['@' (trip p.p.a)]
%noun "*"
%cell "^"
%bean "?"
%null "~"
%bark pair/[%bcts leaf/(trip p.a) $(a q.a)]
%leaf leaf/(scow p.a)
%fern many/[%bccl (turn `(list tyle)`p.a ..$)]
++ back |=(a=tank `tamk`leaf/~(ram re a)) :: from old tank
++ payg
|= a=twyg
^- tamk
?- -.a
?. ?=($|(%clhp ^) -.q.a)
pair/[%clhp $(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
?@ -.q.a $(q.a +.q.a)
?. ?=($|(%clhp ^) -.q.q.a)
trel/[%clls $(a p.a) $(a p.q.a) $(a q.q.a)]
?@ -.q.q.a $(q.q.a +.q.q.a)
quad/[%clkt $(a p.a) $(a p.q.a) $(a p.q.q.a) $(a q.q.q.a)]
?(%bccb %bccm %bctr)
lone/[-.a (payl p.a)]
?(%brls %brtr %brts %smsm)
pair/[-.a (payl p.a) $(a q.a)]
many/[-.a (turn (~(tap by p.a)) paym)]
?(%cltr %clsg %tssg)
many/[-.a (turn p.a ..$)]
=+ tal=?:(?=([^ ~] q.a) i.q.a cltr/q.a)
pair/[-.a $(a p.a) $(a tal)]
%cnzy leaf/(trip p.a)
%dtzy (back (sell [%atom p.p.a] q.p.a))
%dtzz (back (sell [%cube q.p.a [%atom p.p.a]] q.p.a))
%ktts pair/[-.a leaf/(trip p.a) $(a q.a)]
%clhp $(a +.a)
?(%tsls %tsgr %cncl)
pair/[-.a $(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
?(%clcb %cndt %dttr %dtts %ktdt %ktls %kthx %sgbr %sgcb %sgts)
pair/[-.a $(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
?(%sgzp %tscn %tsfs %tsgl %tshp %wtgl %wtgr %zpcm %zpsm)
pair/[-.a $(a p.a) $(a q.a)]
=< leaf/"\"{(zing (turn p.a .))}\""
|= b=$|(@ [~ p=twyg]) ^- tape
?@ b ~[b]
?: ?=([%cltr ^ ~] p.b)
$(p.b i.p.p.b)
=+ c=^$(a p.b)
?+ -.c "-rune-wide.{<`term`?^(-.p.b %cell -.p.b)>}"
%leaf "\{{p.c}}"
?(%wtcl %wtdt)
trel/[-.a $(a p.a) $(a q.a) $(a r.a)]
%zpzp leaf/(temt -.a)
++ paym
|= [a=term b=?(%ash %elm) c=twyg] ^- tamk
:+ %pair ?-(b %ash %lsls, %elm %lshp)
[leaf/(trip a) (payg c)]
++ ta
=| [tab=@ edg=_80]
|_ tam=tamk
++ tmix
|= [a=tape b=tape]
`tape`(weld a (slag (lent a) b))
++ spac
|=([a=@u b=tape] `tape`?~(a b [' ' $(a (dec a))]))
++ rend
=- [i=(spac tab i) t=(turn t (cury spac tab))]
^- (mist tape)
?- -.tam
=+ hed=$(tab 0, tam p.tam)
?~ t.hed [(tmix (temt n.tam) (spac 4 i.hed))]~
[(temt n.tam) hed]
=+ hed=$(tab 4, tam p.tam)
[(tmix (temt n.tam) i.hed) (weld t.hed $(tab 0, tam q.tam))]
=+ hed=$(tab 4, tam p.tam)
:- (tmix (temt n.tam) i.hed)
:(weld t.hed $(tab 2, tam q.tam) $(tab 0, tam r.tam))
=+ hed=$(tab 6, tam p.tam)
:- (tmix (temt n.tam) i.hed)
:(weld t.hed $(tab 4, tam q.tam) $(tab 2, tam r.tam) $(tab 0, tam s.tam))
=. tab 4
?~ p.tam [(temt n.tam)]~
=+ hed=$(tam i.p.tam)
=+ tas=t.p.tam
=+ tal=|-(`wall`?~(tas ["=="]~ (weld ^$(tam i.tas) $(tas t.tas))))
[(tmix (temt n.tam) i.hed) (weld t.hed tal)]