king: Better handling of edge-cases around IPC failure.

This commit is contained in:
~siprel 2020-05-28 00:08:53 +00:00
parent 8e78266d74
commit ca13d3f79b
2 changed files with 58 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Stubbed out:
- [x] Handle replacement events (stubbed out now b/c interface can't
handle unparsed nouns)
- [ ] Handle IPC errors by killing serf process.
- [x] Handle IPC errors by killing serf process.
- [ ] PlayBail should be an exception.
- [ ] Write haddock docs for `Urbit.Vere.Serf.IPC`.
- [ ] Unstub slog/stder/dead callbacks on serf config.
- [ ] GoodParse hack in newRunCompute.

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@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ data Serf = Serf
, serfRecv :: Handle
, serfProc :: ProcessHandle
, serfSlog :: Slog -> IO ()
, serfLock :: MVar SerfState
, serfLock :: MVar (Either SomeException SerfState)
data Flag
@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ data SerfExn
-- Access Current Serf State ---------------------------------------------------
serfLastEventBlocking :: Serf -> IO EventId
serfLastEventBlocking Serf{serfLock} = ssLast <$> readMVar serfLock
serfLastEventBlocking Serf{serfLock} = readMVar serfLock >>= \case
Left err -> throwIO err
Right ss -> pure (ssLast ss)
-- Low Level IPC Functions -----------------------------------------------------
@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ start (Config exePax pierPath flags onSlog onStdr onDead) = do
vLock <- newEmptyMVar
let serf = Serf i o p onSlog vLock
info <- recvRipe serf
putMVar vLock (siStat info)
putMVar vLock (Right $ siStat info)
pure (serf, info)
diskKey = ""
@ -358,13 +360,33 @@ start (Config exePax pierPath flags onSlog onStdr onDead) = do
, std_err = CreatePipe
:: MonadIO m
=> (m (SerfState, a) -> m (Either SomeException (SerfState, a)))
-> Serf
-> (SerfState -> m (SerfState, a))
-> m a
withSerfLock tryGen s f = do
ss <- takeLock
tryGen (f ss) >>= \case
Left e -> do
io (forceKillSerf s)
putMVar (serfLock s) (Left e)
throwIO e
Right (ss', x) -> do
putMVar (serfLock s) (Right ss')
pure x
takeLock = do
takeMVar (serfLock s) >>= \case
Left exn -> putMVar (serfLock s) (Left exn) >> throwIO exn
Right ss -> pure ss
snapshot :: HasLogFunc e => Serf -> RIO e ()
snapshot serf = do
logTrace "execSnapshot: taking lock"
serfState <- takeMVar (serfLock serf)
io (sendSnapshotRequest serf (ssLast serfState))
logTrace "execSnapshot: releasing lock"
putMVar (serfLock serf) serfState
snapshot serf =
withSerfLock try serf \ss -> do
io (sendSnapshotRequest serf (ssLast ss))
pure (ss, ())
shutdown :: HasLogFunc e => Serf -> RIO e ()
shutdown serf = do
@ -380,39 +402,37 @@ shutdown serf = do
wait2sec = threadDelay 2_000_000
forceKill = do
logTrace "Serf taking too long to go down, kill with fire (SIGTERM)."
io (getPid $ serfProc serf) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
logTrace "Serf process already dead."
Just pid -> do
io $ signalProcess sigKILL pid
io $ waitForProcess (serfProc serf)
logTrace "Finished killing serf process with fire."
io (forceKillSerf serf)
logTrace "Serf process killed with SIGTERM."
forceKillSerf :: Serf -> IO ()
forceKillSerf serf = do
getPid (serfProc serf) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just pid -> do
io $ signalProcess sigKILL pid
io $ void $ waitForProcess (serfProc serf)
bootSeq :: Serf -> [Noun] -> IO (Maybe PlayBail) -- TODO should this be an exception?
bootSeq serf@Serf{..} seq = do
oldInfo <- takeMVar serfLock
sendWrit serf (WPlay 1 seq)
(res, newInfo) <- recvPlay serf >>= \case
PBail bail -> pure (Just bail, oldInfo)
PDone newMug -> pure (Nothing, SerfState (fromIntegral $ length seq) newMug)
putMVar serfLock newInfo
pure res
withSerfLock try serf \ss -> do
recvPlay serf >>= \case
PBail bail -> pure (ss, Just bail)
PDone newMug -> pure (SerfState (fromIntegral $ length seq) newMug, Nothing)
If this throws an exception, the serf will be in an unusable state. Kill
the process.
TODO *we* should probably kill the serf on exception?
TODO Take advantage of IPC support for batching.
TODO Maybe take snapshots
replay :: forall m . MonadIO m => Serf -> ConduitT Noun Void m (Maybe PlayBail)
:: forall m
. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadIO m)
=> Serf
-> ConduitT Noun Void m (Maybe PlayBail)
replay serf = do
initState <- takeMVar (serfLock serf)
(mErr, newState) <- loop initState
putMVar (serfLock serf) newState
pure mErr
withSerfLock tryC serf \ss -> do
(r, ss') <- loop ss
pure (ss', r)
loop :: SerfState -> ConduitT Noun Void m (Maybe PlayBail, SerfState)
loop (SerfState lastEve lastMug) = await >>= \case
@ -425,24 +445,20 @@ replay serf = do
PDone newMug -> loop (SerfState newEve newMug)
If this throws an exception, the serf will be in an unusable state. Kill
the process.
TODO *we* should probably kill the serf on exception?
TODO callbacks on snapshot and compaction?
TODO Take advantage of async IPC to fill pipe with more than one thing.
:: forall m
. MonadIO m
. (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Serf
-> (Maybe RunInput -> IO ())
-> ConduitT RunInput RunOutput m ()
running serf notice = do
SerfState {..} <- takeMVar (serfLock serf)
newState <- loop ssHash ssLast
putMVar (serfLock serf) newState
pure ()
withSerfLock tryC serf $ \SerfState{..} -> do
newState <- loop ssHash ssLast
pure (newState, ())
loop :: Mug -> EventId -> ConduitT RunInput RunOutput m SerfState
loop mug eve = do