mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 01:52:42 +03:00
Serf cleanup.
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,14 +57,11 @@ boot pillPath top ship = do
Log.writeIdent log ident
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
events <- Serf.bootFromSeq serf seq
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
(events, serfSt) <- Serf.bootFromSeq serf seq
-- traceM "Requesting snapshot"
-- Serf.sendOrder serf (OSave lastEv)
-- traceM "Requesting shutdown"
-- Serf.sendOrder serf (OExit 0)
Serf.requestSnapshot serf serfSt
Serf.shutdownAndKill serf 0
Persist.writeEvents log events
@ -73,9 +70,6 @@ boot pillPath top ship = do
pure (serf, log, eId, mug)
-- snapshot :: Serf -> IO ()
-- snapshot serf = Serf.sendOrder serf (OSave lastEv)
What we really want to do is write the log identity and then do
normal startup, but writeIdent requires a full log state
@ -94,38 +88,6 @@ resume top = do
-- Run Pier --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* _pier_work_save(): tell worker to save checkpoint.
static void
_pier_work_save(u3_pier* pir_u)
u3_controller* god_u = pir_u->god_u;
u3_disk* log_u = pir_u->log_u;
u3_save* sav_u = pir_u->sav_u;
c3_assert( god_u->dun_d == sav_u->req_d );
c3_assert( log_u->com_d >= god_u->dun_d );
u3_noun mat = u3ke_jam(u3nc(c3__save, u3i_chubs(1, &god_u->dun_d)));
u3_newt_write(&god_u->inn_u, mat, 0);
// XX wait on some report of success before updating?
sav_u->dun_d = sav_u->req_d;
// if we're gracefully shutting down, do so now
if ( u3_psat_done == pir_u->sat_e ) {
performCommonPierStartup :: Serf.Serf
-> TQueue Ovum
@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
- TODO: `Serf` type should have something like:
getInput :: STM (Writ ())
onComputed :: Writ [Effect] -> STM ()
onExit :: Serf -> IO ()
task :: Async ()
- TODO: `recvLen` is not big-endian safe.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Serf where
@ -10,6 +23,7 @@ import Noun
import System.Process
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.ByteString (hGet)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
@ -18,27 +32,99 @@ import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- getInput :: STM (Writ ())
- onComputed :: Writ [Effect] -> STM ()
- onExit :: Serf -> IO ()
- task :: Async ()
data Serf = Serf
{ sendHandle :: Handle
, recvHandle :: Handle
, process :: ProcessHandle
newtype Job = Job Void
deriving newtype (Eq, Show, ToNoun, FromNoun)
type EventId = Word64
data Order
= OBoot LogIdentity
| OExit Word8
| OSave EventId
| OWork EventId Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Play = Maybe (EventId, Mug, ShipId)
data Plea
= Play Play
| Work EventId Mug Job
| Done EventId Mug [(Path, Eff)]
| Stdr EventId Cord
| Slog EventId Word32 Tank
deriving (Eq, Show)
type GetEvents = EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom))
type CompletedEventId = Word64
type NextEventId = Word64
type SerfState = (EventId, Mug)
type ReplacementEv = (EventId, Mug, Job)
type WorkResult = (EventId, Mug, [(Path, Eff)])
type SerfResp = (Either ReplacementEv WorkResult)
data SerfExn
= BadComputeId EventId WorkResult
| BadReplacementId EventId ReplacementEv
| UnexpectedPlay EventId Play
| BadPleaAtom Atom
| BadPleaNoun Noun Text
| ReplacedEventDuringReplay EventId ReplacementEv
| ReplacedEventDuringBoot EventId ReplacementEv
| EffectsDuringBoot EventId [(Path, Eff)]
| SerfConnectionClosed
| UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip Plea
| InvalidInitialPlea Plea
deriving (Show)
-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Exception SerfExn
-- XX TODO Support prefixes in deriveNoun
instance ToNoun Order where
toNoun (OBoot id) = toNoun (Cord "boot", id)
toNoun (OExit cod) = toNoun (Cord "exit", cod)
toNoun (OSave id) = toNoun (Cord "save", id)
toNoun (OWork w a) = toNoun (Cord "work", w, a)
instance Show Order where
show = show . toNoun
deriveNoun ''Plea
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
printTank :: Word32 -> Tank -> IO ()
printTank pri t = print "[SERF] tank"
guardExn :: Exception e => Bool -> e -> IO ()
guardExn ok = unless ok . throwIO
fromJustExn :: Exception e => Maybe a -> e -> IO a
fromJustExn Nothing exn = throwIO exn
fromJustExn (Just x) exn = pure x
fromRightExn :: Exception e => Either a b -> (a -> e) -> IO b
fromRightExn (Left m) exn = throwIO (exn m)
fromRightExn (Right x) _ = pure x
-- Process Management ----------------------------------------------------------
TODO Think about how to handle process exit
@ -61,98 +147,114 @@ startSerfProcess pier =
kill :: Serf -> IO ExitCode
kill w = do
terminateProcess (process w)
waitForProcess (process w)
kill serf = do
terminateProcess (process serf)
waitForProcess (process serf)
work :: Word64 -> Jam -> Atom
work id (Jam a) = jam $ toNoun (Cord "work", id, a)
newtype Job = Job Void
deriving newtype (Eq, Show, ToNoun, FromNoun)
-- Basic Send and Receive Operations -------------------------------------------
withWord64AsByteString :: Word64 -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsByteString w k = do
alloca $ \wp -> do
poke wp w
bs <- BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr wp, 8)
k bs
sendLen :: Serf -> Int -> IO ()
sendLen s i = do
w <- evaluate (fromIntegral i :: Word64)
withWord64AsByteString (fromIntegral i) (hPut (sendHandle s))
sendOrder :: Serf -> Order -> IO ()
sendOrder w o = do
traceM ("[DEBUG] Serf.sendOrder: " <> show o)
sendAtom w $ jam $ toNoun o
sendAtom :: Serf -> Atom -> IO ()
sendAtom s a = do
let bs = unpackAtom a
sendLen s (length bs)
hPut (sendHandle s) bs
hFlush (sendHandle s)
unpackAtom :: Atom -> ByteString
unpackAtom = view atomBytes
recvLen :: Serf -> IO Word64
recvLen w = do
bs <- hGet (recvHandle w) 8
case length bs of
8 -> unsafeUseAsCString bs (peek . castPtr)
_ -> throwIO SerfConnectionClosed
recvBytes :: Serf -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
recvBytes w = do
hGet (recvHandle w) . fromIntegral
recvAtom :: Serf -> IO Atom
recvAtom w = do
len <- recvLen w
bs <- recvBytes w len
pure (packAtom bs)
packAtom :: ByteString -> Atom
packAtom = view (from atomBytes)
cordString :: Cord -> String
cordString (Cord bs) = unpack $ T.strip $ decodeUtf8 bs
type EventId = Word64
data Order
= OBoot LogIdentity
| OExit Word8
| OSave EventId
| OWork EventId Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
requestSnapshot :: Serf -> SerfState -> IO ()
requestSnapshot serf (lastEv, _) = sendOrder serf (OSave lastEv)
-- XX TODO Support prefixes in deriveNoun
instance ToNoun Order where
toNoun (OBoot id) = toNoun (Cord "boot", id)
toNoun (OExit cod) = toNoun (Cord "exit", cod)
toNoun (OSave id) = toNoun (Cord "save", id)
toNoun (OWork w a) = toNoun (Cord "work", w, a)
requestShutdown :: Serf -> Word8 -> IO ()
requestShutdown serf code = sendOrder serf (OExit code)
type Play = Maybe (EventId, Mug, ShipId)
shutdownAndKill :: Serf -> Word8 -> IO ExitCode
shutdownAndKill serf code = do
requestShutdown serf code
threadDelay 50000 -- TODO XX Hack ("how to tell when this is done?")
kill serf
data Plea
= Play Play
| Work EventId Mug Job
| Done EventId Mug [(Path, Eff)]
| Stdr EventId Cord
| Slog EventId Word32 Tank
deriving (Eq, Show)
TODO Find a cleaner way to handle `Stdr` Pleas.
recvPlea :: Serf -> IO Plea
recvPlea w = do
-- traceM ("[DEBUG] Serf.recvPlea: Waiting")
deriveNoun ''Plea
a <- recvAtom w
n <- fromRightExn (cue a) (const $ BadPleaAtom a)
p <- fromRightExn (fromNounErr n) (BadPleaNoun $ traceShowId n)
case p of Stdr e msg -> do traceM ("[SERF]\t" <> (cordString msg))
recvPlea w
_ -> do traceM ("[DEBUG] Serf.recvPlea: Got " <> show p)
pure p
type CompletedEventId = Word64
type NextEventId = Word64
type SerfState = (EventId, Mug)
type ReplacementEv = (EventId, Mug, Job)
type WorkResult = (EventId, Mug, [(Path, Eff)])
type SerfResp = (Either ReplacementEv WorkResult)
Waits for initial plea, and then sends boot IPC if necessary.
handshake :: Serf -> LogIdentity -> IO (EventId, Mug)
handshake serf ident = do
(eventId, mug) <- recvPlea serf >>= \case
Play Nothing -> pure (1, Mug 0)
Play (Just (e, m, _)) -> pure (e, m)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
-- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------
when (eventId == 1) $ do
sendOrder serf (OBoot ident)
data SerfExn
= BadComputeId EventId WorkResult
| BadReplacementId EventId ReplacementEv
| UnexpectedPlay EventId Play
| BadPleaAtom Atom
| BadPleaNoun Noun Text
| ReplacedEventDuringReplay EventId ReplacementEv
| ReplacedEventDuringBoot EventId ReplacementEv
| EffectsDuringBoot EventId [(Path, Eff)]
| SerfConnectionClosed
| UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip Plea
| InvalidInitialPlea Plea
deriving (Show)
instance Exception SerfExn
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
printTank :: Word32 -> Tank -> IO ()
printTank pri t = print "[SERF] tank"
guardExn :: Exception e => Bool -> e -> IO ()
guardExn ok = unless ok . throwIO
fromJustExn :: Exception e => Maybe a -> e -> IO a
fromJustExn Nothing exn = throwIO exn
fromJustExn (Just x) exn = pure x
fromRightExn :: Exception e => Either a b -> (a -> e) -> IO b
fromRightExn (Left m) exn = throwIO (exn m)
fromRightExn (Right x) _ = pure x
pure (eventId, mug)
sendAndRecv :: Serf -> EventId -> Order -> IO SerfResp
sendAndRecv w eventId order =
traceM ("sendAndRecv: " <> show eventId)
sendOrder w order
res <- loop
traceM ("sendAndRecv.done " <> show res)
pure res
produce :: WorkResult -> IO SerfResp
@ -170,10 +272,11 @@ sendAndRecv w eventId order =
Play p -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlay eventId p)
Done i m o -> produce (i, m, o)
Work i m j -> replace (i, m, j)
Stdr _ cord -> putStrLn (pack ("[SERF] " <> cordString cord)) >> loop
Stdr _ cord -> do traceM ("[SERF]\t" <> cordString cord)
Slog _ pri t -> printTank pri t >> loop
bootFromSeq :: Serf -> BootSeq -> IO [(EventId, Atom)]
bootFromSeq :: Serf -> BootSeq -> IO ([(EventId, Atom)], SerfState)
bootFromSeq serf (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = do
handshake serf ident >>= \case
(1, Mug 0) -> pure ()
@ -183,8 +286,8 @@ bootFromSeq serf (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = do
loop :: [(EventId, Atom)] -> EventId -> Mug -> [Mug -> Time.Wen -> Atom]
-> IO [(EventId, Atom)]
loop acc eId lastMug [] = pure $ reverse acc
-> IO ([(EventId, Atom)], SerfState)
loop acc eId lastMug [] = pure (reverse acc, (eId, lastMug))
loop acc eId lastMug (x:xs) = do
wen <- Time.now
let atom = x lastMug wen
@ -200,8 +303,12 @@ bootFromSeq serf (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = do
muckNock nok mug _ = jam $ toNoun (mug, nok)
muckOvum ov mug wen = jam $ toNoun (mug, wen, ov)
-- the ship is booted, but it is behind. shove events to the worker until it is
-- caught up.
The ship is booted, but it is behind. shove events to the worker
until it is caught up.
This will pull events from the event log in batches of 1000.
replayEvents :: Serf
-> SerfState
-> LogIdentity
@ -209,61 +316,31 @@ replayEvents :: Serf
-> (EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom)))
-> IO (EventId, Mug)
replayEvents w (wid, wmug) ident lastCommitedId getEvents = do
traceM ("replayEvents: " <> show wid <> " " <> show wmug)
vLast <- newIORef (wid, wmug)
loop vLast wid
res <- readIORef vLast
traceM ("replayEvents.return " <> show res)
pure res
vLast <- newIORef (wid, wmug)
loop vLast wid
readIORef vLast
-- Replay events in batches of 1000.
loop :: IORef SerfState -> EventId -> IO ()
loop vLast curEvent = do
traceM ("replayEvents.loop: " <> show curEvent)
let toRead = min 1000 (1 + lastCommitedId - curEvent)
when (toRead > 0) $ do
traceM ("replayEvents.loop.getEvents " <> show toRead)
events <- getEvents curEvent toRead
traceM ("got events " <> show (length events))
for_ events $ \(eventId, event) -> do
sendAndRecv w eventId (OWork eventId event) >>= \case
Left ev -> throwIO (ReplacedEventDuringReplay eventId ev)
Right (id, mug, _) -> writeIORef vLast (id, mug)
loop vLast (curEvent + toRead)
type GetEvents = EventId -> Word64 -> IO (Vector (EventId, Atom))
Waits for initial plea, and then sends boot IPC if necessary.
handshake :: Serf -> LogIdentity -> IO (EventId, Mug)
handshake serf ident = do
(eventId, mug) <- recvPlea serf >>= \case
Play Nothing -> pure (1, Mug 0)
Play (Just (e, m, _)) -> pure (e, m)
x -> throwIO (InvalidInitialPlea x)
traceM ("handshake: got plea! " <> show eventId <> " " <> show mug)
when (eventId == 1) $ do
sendOrder serf (OBoot ident)
traceM ("handshake: Sent %boot IPC")
pure (eventId, mug)
replay :: Serf -> LogIdentity -> EventId -> GetEvents -> IO (EventId, Mug)
replay serf ident lastEv getEvents = do
ws <- handshake serf ident
replayEvents serf ws ident lastEv getEvents
workerThread :: Serf -> STM Ovum -> (EventId, Mug) -> IO (Async ())
workerThread w getEvent (evendId, mug) = async $ forever $ do
-- Compute Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
startComputeThread :: Serf -> STM Ovum -> (EventId, Mug) -> IO (Async ())
startComputeThread w getEvent (evendId, mug) = async $ forever $ do
ovum <- atomically $ getEvent
currentDate <- Time.now
@ -271,110 +348,3 @@ workerThread w getEvent (evendId, mug) = async $ forever $ do
let _mat = jam (undefined (mug, currentDate, ovum))
-- Writ (eventId + 1) Nothing mat
-- -- assign a new event id.
-- -- assign a date
-- -- get current mug state
-- -- (jam [mug event])
-- sendAndRecv
requestSnapshot :: Serf -> IO ()
requestSnapshot w = undefined
-- The flow here is that we start the worker and then we receive a play event
-- with the current worker state:
-- <- [%play ...]
-- Base on this, the main flow is
-- [%work ] ->
-- <- [%slog]
-- <- [%slog]
-- <- [%slog]
-- <- [%work crash=tang]
-- [%work ] -> (replacement)
-- <- [%slog]
-- <- [%done]
-- [%work eventId mat]
-- response <- recvAtom w
-- Basic Send and Receive Operations -------------------------------------------
withWord64AsByteString :: Word64 -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsByteString w k = do
alloca $ \wp -> do
poke wp w
bs <- BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr wp, 8)
k bs
sendLen :: Serf -> Int -> IO ()
sendLen s i = do
traceM "sendLen.put"
w <- evaluate (fromIntegral i :: Word64)
withWord64AsByteString (fromIntegral i) (hPut (sendHandle s))
traceM "sendLen.done"
sendOrder :: Serf -> Order -> IO ()
sendOrder w o = sendAtom w $ jam $ toNoun o
sendAtom :: Serf -> Atom -> IO ()
sendAtom s a = do
traceM "sendAtom"
let bs = unpackAtom a
sendLen s (length bs)
hPut (sendHandle s) bs
hFlush (sendHandle s)
traceM "sendAtom.return ()"
packAtom :: ByteString -> Atom
packAtom = view (from atomBytes)
unpackAtom :: Atom -> ByteString
unpackAtom = view atomBytes
recvLen :: Serf -> IO Word64
recvLen w = do
traceM "recvLen.wait"
bs <- hGet (recvHandle w) 8
traceM "recvLen.got"
case length bs of
-- This is not big endian safe
8 -> unsafeUseAsCString bs (peek . castPtr)
_ -> throwIO SerfConnectionClosed
recvBytes :: Serf -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
recvBytes w = do
traceM "recvBytes"
hGet (recvHandle w) . fromIntegral
recvAtom :: Serf -> IO Atom
recvAtom w = do
traceM "recvAtom"
len <- recvLen w
bs <- recvBytes w len
pure (packAtom bs)
cordString :: Cord -> String
cordString (Cord bs) = unpack $ decodeUtf8 bs
recvPlea :: Serf -> IO Plea
recvPlea w = do
traceM "recvPlea"
a <- recvAtom w
traceM ("recvPlea.cue " <> show (length $ a ^. atomBytes))
n <- fromRightExn (cue a) (const $ BadPleaAtom a)
traceM "recvPlea.doneCue"
p <- fromRightExn (fromNounErr n) (BadPleaNoun $ traceShowId n)
traceM "recvPlea.done"
-- TODO Hack!
case p of
Stdr e msg -> traceM ("[SERF] " <> cordString msg) >> recvPlea w
_ -> pure p
@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- loadFile @Pill "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/bin/brass.pill" >>= \case
Left l -> error (show l)
Right p -> pure p
pPrint p
let pillPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/bin/brass.pill"
let pillPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/bin/ivory.pill"
shipPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/zod/"
ship = 0 -- zod
Reference in New Issue
Block a user