Merge remote-tracking branch 'galenwp/factor'


Merged Galen and Anton's web refactoring work
This commit is contained in:
Raymond Pasco 2016-02-08 10:45:19 -05:00 committed by Anton Dyudin
commit d5e097e82a
529 changed files with 36745 additions and 94325 deletions

View File

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
/? 314
/- talk, bit-api
/+ talk, sole, http
:::: sivtyv-barnel
:: be sure to have oauth2-code markk
[talk bit-api .]
++ axle
$: cred=(unit ,[app-secret=@t client-id=@t])
oauth-code=(unit ,@t)
auth=(unit ,[access=@t refresh=@t])
contacts=(map ,@t ,@t)
outgoing=(map ship ,@t) incoming=(map ,@t ship)
++ move ,[bone note]
++ hapt ,[ship path]
++ note
$% [%send wire [ship term] %poke mesa]
[%them wire (unit hiss)]
[%hiss wire mark bit-any]
++ gift
$% [%nice ~]
[%mean ares]
++ sign
$% [%thou p=httr]
[%unto %coup p=(unit tang)]
++ mesa
$% [%bit-addr-request ~]
[%bit-addr-made @t]
[%talk-command command]
|_ [hid=bowl vat=axle]
:: ++ prep ~&(%bit-prep-wipe ,_`.)
++ return [*(list move) .]
++ redirect-uri [hostname `/~~/home/pub/bit/fab ~]
++ hostname ^- hart
?+ (clan our.hid) !!
%czar [| ?+(our.hid `8.443 %~fyr `8.444) `/localhost]
%duke [| `8.443 `/org/urbit/(crip +:<our.hid>)]
++ auth-url
%+ weld ""
%- tail:earn :~
'client_id'^client-id:(need cred.vat)
'redirect_uri'^(crip (earn redirect-uri))
'scope'^'user balance buy sell send transactions addresses'
++ old-api
|= [pour-path=wire end-point=path req=$|(%get [%post p=json])]
^- move
%^ send:http ost.hid pour-path
[/com/coinbase/api v1/end-point req ~ ['access_token' access:(need auth.vat)]~]
++ api-call
|= [res=mark req=bit-api-call] ^+ return
~| %missing-access-token
[[ost.hid %hiss / res bit-api-call/[access:(need auth.vat) req]]~ +>.$]
++ print |=(msg=tape [[(publish [%lin & (crip msg)]~)]~ +>.$])
++ callback-uri [hostname [`%json /~/to/[dap.hid]/json] ~[anon/'' wire/'/']]
++ poke-auth
|= arg=[secr=cord id=cord]
=. cred.vat `arg
=+ prl=`purl`(need (epur (crip auth-url)))
:_ +>.$
:- %- publish
:~ [%lin & 'secret and client id saved successfully']
[%lin & 'please click on the url below to continue authentication']
[%url prl ~]
++ sigh-tang |=([* err=tang] (mean err))
++ send-friend :: inter-app interface
|= [way=wire his=ship mez=$%([%bit-addr-request ~] [%bit-addr-made @t])]
^- move
[ost.hid %send way [his dap.hid] %poke mez]
++ poke-bit-send |=(req=bit-send (api-call %bit-transaction send/req))
++ sigh-bit-transaction
|=([* trid=@t] (print "transaction success {(trip trid)}"))
++ poke-bit-ship-send :: send to ship
|= [to=ship amount=@t]
=. outgoing.vat (~(put by outgoing.vat) to amount)
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
(send-friend /sent to %bit-addr-request ~)
++ poke-bit-addr-request :: give your address to receive bit
|= ~ :: gen new address with callback
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%+ old-api /addr-request/(scot %p src.hid)
:+ /addresses %post
%+ joba %address
%- jobe :~
label/(jape "address for {<src.hid>}")
'callback_url'^(jape (earn callback-uri))
++ pour-addr-request :: send new address to sender
|= [pax=path rez=json]
=+ adr=(need ((ot address/so ~):jo rez))
=+ his=(slav %p +<.pax)
~! incoming.vat
=. incoming.vat
(~(put by incoming.vat) adr his)
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
(send-friend [%message ~] his %bit-addr-made adr)
++ poke-bit-addr-made :: receive address for sending
|= addr=@t
=+ amount=(~(got by outgoing.vat) src.hid) :: get amount to send
(api-call %bit-transaction txt-send/[addr amount])
++ poke-oauth2-code
|= code=cord
=. oauth-code.vat
[~ code]
?< ?=(~ cred.vat)
=+ req=[code [client-id app-secret]:u.cred.vat redirect-uri]
[[ost.hid %hiss / %oauth-tokens bit-get-token/req]~ +>.$]
++ sigh-oauth-tokens
|= [wire toke=[access=@t refresh=@t]]
=.(auth.vat `toke (print "authenticated."))
++ poke-buy
|=(arg=[amount=@t currency=@t] ?<(=(amount.arg ~) (api-call %json %buy arg)))
++ poke-sell
|=(arg=[amount=@t currency=@t] ?<(=(amount.arg ~) (api-call %json %sell arg)))
++ sigh-json |=([* a=json] ~&(a return))
++ poke-list |=(~ (api-call %bit-accounts %list ~))
++ sigh-bit-accounts |=([* acc=bit-accounts] ~&(accounts=acc return))
++ poke-send-raw
|= arg=[to=@t amone=(unit ,@t) cur=(unit ,@t) amtwo=(unit ,@t) nt=(unit ,@t)]
=+ adr=?~((~(get by contacts.vat) to.arg) to ~&('contact-exists' (~(get by contacts.vat) to.arg)))
=+ ^= info
?~ cur.arg
[to/s/to.arg amount/s/(need amone.arg) ~]
?~ nt.arg
[to/s/to.arg 'amount_currency_iso'^s/(need cur.arg) 'amount_string'^s/(need amtwo.arg) ~]
[to/s/to.arg amount/s/(need amtwo.arg) 'amount_string'^s/(need amtwo.arg) ~]
=+ ^= pst
(jobe transaction/(jobe info) ~)
[[(old-api /send /transactions/'send_money' %post pst) ~] +>.$]
++ poke-json
|= arg=json
~& arg
=+ [adr amo]=(need %.(arg (ot address/so amount/no ~):jo))
=+ frm=(~(get by incoming.vat) adr)
(print "just received {(trip amo)} BTC from {<frm>}")
::(old-api /get-id /transactions/[transaction-id] %get)
++ pour-get-id :: display transaction info
|= [pax=path rez=json]
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
++ thou
|= [way=wire res=httr]
?+ -.way !!
%message `+>.$
?(%addr-request %get-id)
~| 'must receive a 200'
~| res
?> =(200 p.res)
%- ?-(-.way %addr-request pour-addr-request, %get-id pour-get-id)
[way (rash q:(need r.res) apex:poja)]
++ publish
|= act=(list speech)
^- move
=+ ^= thotz
%+ turn act
|= sp=speech ^- thought
=+ ^= tail
:- ^- audience
:+ :- `partner`[%& our.hid ?+((clan our.hid) !! %czar %court, %duke %porch)]
^- (pair envelope delivery)
[`envelope`[& ~] %pending]
`statement`[now.hid ~ sp]
:- `@`(sham eny.hid tail)
[ost.hid %send /auth [our.hid %talk] %poke [%talk-command %publish thotz]]

View File

@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
:: digital ocean fleet management
/? 314
/- talk
:::: sivtyv-barnel
:: data structures ::
[talk .]
++ instance
$: plat=?(%do %gce) name=@t id=@t status=@t created=@da snapshot=name=@t ::disk=@u region=@t
::ip=(list ,@if)
++ image
$: plat=?(%do %gce) name=@t id=@t
++ create-req-do
name=@t ::region=@t
size=@t image=@t ssh=(list cord)
backups=(unit ,?) ipv6=(unit ,?)
private-networking=(unit ,?) user-data=(unit ,@t)
++ create-req-gce ,[project=@t zone=@t name=@t machine-type=@t]
++ axle
$: auth=[do=keys gce=keys] toke=[do=tokens gce=tokens]
insts=(map ,@t instance) images=(map [,[@t @t] image])
++ keys ,[authc=(unit ,@t) client-secret=(unit ,@t)]
++ tokens ,[access=@t refresh=@t]
++ move ,[bone card]
++ card
$% [%diff %json json]
[%wait wire @da]
[%send wire [ship term] %poke %talk-command command]
[%them wire (unit hiss)]
++ droplet-action
$% [%start ~]
[%stop ~]
[%reboot ~]
[%delete ~]
[%snapshot p=@t]
++ cloud-command
$% [%action id=@t name=@t act=droplet-action]
[%create-do p=json]
[%create-gce p=json]
:: miscellaneous functions ::
++ auth-queries
|= code=cord
:~ 'grant_type'^'authorization_code'
:- 'client_id'
++ parse-iso8601
=< (cook to-time (parsf ;"{parse-day}T{parse-seconds}{parse-zone}"))
++ to-time
|= [[y=@u m=@u d=@u] t=[h=@u m=@u s=@u ms=@u] [syn=? zh=@u zm=@u]]
^- @da
%- year
^- date
=: h.t ?:(syn (sub h.t zh) (add h.t zh))
m.t ?:(syn (sub m.t zm) (add m.t zm))
[[& y] m d h.t m.t s.t (div (mul ms.t 0x1.0000) 1.000) ~]
++ parse-day (parsf ;"{dem}\-{dem}\-{dem}")
++ parse-seconds (parsf ;"{dem}:{dem}:{dem}{(optional ;~(pfix dot dem))}")
++ optional |*(fel=_rule ;~(pose fel (easy 0)))
++ parse-zone
;~ pose
(cold [& 0 0] (jest 'Z'))
(parsf ;"{parse-zone-sign}{dem}:{dem}")
++ parse-zone-sign ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold & lus) (cold | hep)))
++ parse-cloud-command
=+ jo
%- of :~
[%create-gce some]
[%create-do some]
::[%create-gce some]
:- %action
(ot id/so name/so act/parse-droplet-action ~)
++ parse-droplet-action
=> jo
%- of :~
[%start ul]
[%stop ul]
[%reboot ul]
[%delete ul]
[%snapshot so]
++ key-do
(mo [%start 'power_on'] [%stop 'shutdown'] [%reboot 'power_cycle'] ~)
++ adapter-do
|= a=cord
(~(got by key-do) a)
++ parse-ip-do
=> jo
%- ot
:_ ~ v4/(ar (ot 'ip_address'^(su lip:ag) ~))
++ parse-ip-gce
=> jo
%+ cu |=(a=(list (list ,@if)) `(list ,@if)`(zing a))
(ar (ot 'accessConfigs'^(ar (ot 'natIP'^(su lip:ag) ~)) ~))
++ tail-url
|= a=cord
-:(flop q.q:(need (epur a)))
++ parse-region
=> jo
(ot name/so ~)
++ parse-id-text
|= jon=json
?.(?=([?(%n %s) *] jon) ~ (some p.jon))
++ create-do-body
|= $: name=@t ::region=@t
size=@t image=@t ssh-keys=(list cord)
backups=(unit ,?) ipv6=(unit ,?) private-networking=(unit ,?) user-data=(unit ,@t)
%- jobe
:~ name/s/name ::region/s/region
size/s/size image/s/image ::(jone image)
backups/?~(backups ~ b/u.backups) ipv6/?~(ipv6 ~ b/u.ipv6)
'user_data'^?~(user-data ~ s/u.user-data) 'private_networking'^?~(private-networking ~ b/u.private-networking)
++ convert-do
|= a=?(%start %stop %reboot %snapshot)
?- a
++ instance-to-json
|= a=(list instance)
^- json
%+ joba 'instances'
:- %a
%+ turn a
|= instance
^- json
%- jobe
:~ name/`json`s/name
created/s/(crip (dust (yore created)))
::disk/`json`(jone disk)
::ip/a/(turn ip |=(a=@if s/(rsh 3 1 (scot %if a))))
++ map-to-list
|= a=(map [,[@t @t] image])
^- liz=(list image)
%+ turn (~(tap by a) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] `image`+.a)
++ image-to-json
|= a=(list image)
%+ joba 'images'
:- %a
%+ turn a
|= image
^- json
%- jobe
:~ name/s/name id/s/id ==
:: main door ::
|_ [bowl vat=axle]
:: miscellaneous arms that have to be in main door for scope reasons ::
::++ prep ,_`.
++ thou
|= [pour-path=path resp=?(httr *)]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
~& unhandled-pour-path/resp
:_ +>.$ ~
++ httpreq
|= $: pour-path=wire :: must be in main door because of scope
domain=(list cord) end-point=path
req-type=$?(%get %delt [%post json]) headers=math
^- move
=+ ^- parsed-url=purl
:+ ^= host-port :: ++hart
:+ security=%.y
host=[%.y [path=[%com domain]]]
endpoint=[extensions=~ point=end-point] :: ++pork,
q-strings=queries :: ++quay
=+ ^- request=hiss :: cast to hiss
:- parsed-url
?@ req-type
[req-type headers ~]
[%post headers ~ (tact (pojo +.req-type))]
:^ ost %them pour-path
`(unit hiss)`[~ request]
:: manage supscriptions and publish to talk ::
++ peer
|= pax=path
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
:_ +>.$
=+ lis=(~(tap by insts.vat))
[ost %diff %json (instance-to-json (turn lis |=(a=[@t instance] +.a)))]~
++ spam
|= jon=json
%+ turn (~(tap by sup))
|= [sub=bone @ pax=path]
^- move
[sub %diff %json jon]
++ publish
|= [act=(list speech)]
^- move
=+ ^= spchz
%+ turn act
|= sp=speech
=+ ^= tail
:- ^- audience
:+ :- `partner`[%& our ?+((clan our) !! %czar %court, %duke %porch)]
^- (pair envelope delivery)
[`envelope`[& ~] %pending]
`statement`[now ~ sp]
^- thought
:- `@`(sham eny tail)
=+ mez=[%talk-command [%publish `(list thought)`spchz]]
[ost %send /pub [our %talk] %poke mez]
++ thou-pub |=(~ :_(+>.$ ~))
:: authentication ::
++ poke-cloud-auth
|= [cde=cord typ=cord]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
?: =(%do typ)
[~ cde]
:_ +>.$ ~
=. access.gce.toke.vat
:_ +>.$
:_ list-gce
(publish [%lin & 'successfully authenticated to gce']~)
++ poke-cloud-secret
|= [secret=cord typ=cord]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
?+ typ ~|(missing-platform=typ !!)
[~ secret]
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%+ httpreq /do/auth
:^ ~[%digitalocean %cloud] `path`/v1/oauth/token
[%post ~]
:- ~ `quay`['client_secret'^secret (auth-queries (need]
++ thou-do-auth
|= [~ resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
~| resp
=+ body=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
~| recieve-auth/resp(r body)
=+ [ac re]=(need ((ot 'access_token'^so 'refresh_token'^so ~):jo body))
=: ac re
:_ +>.$
:- (publish [%lin & 'successfully authenticated']~)
:: create digital ocean droplets ::
++ create-do
|= act=json
=+ ^- deets=create-req-do
%- need
%. act
=> jo
%- ot
:~ name/so size/so image/so :: id key:img object region/so
ssh/(ar so) backups/(mu bo)
'ipv6'^(mu bo) 'priv_networking'^(mu bo) 'user_data'^(mu so)
=+ ^- body=json
%- create-do-body :*
name.deets size.deets image.deets ssh.deets backups.deets ::region.deets
ipv6.deets private-networking.deets user-data.deets
%- httpreq :*
~[%digitalocean %api] /v2/droplets
[%post body]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~]
++ thou-create-do |=([path resp=httr] ~&(resp :_(+>.$ ~)))
:: create google instances ::
++ reserve-ip
|= name=json
=+ nam=(need ((ot name/so ~):jo name))
%- httpreq
:* /reserve-ip/[nam]
~['googleapis' 'www']
[%post (joba name/s/nam)]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
++ thou-reserve-ip
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& resp
~| r.resp
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
=+ ur=(need ((ot 'targetLink'^so ~):jo parsed))
~& initial-response/parsed
=+ name=-:(flop q.q:(need (epur ur)))
=+(buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now) :_(+>.$ [ost %wait `path`/check-ip-status/[name] buf]~))
++ wake-check-ip-status
|= [name=path ~]
~& this-is-the-name/name
=+ nam=?~(name !!
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
%- httpreq
:* `path`/check-ip-status/[nam]
~['googleapis' 'www']
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
++ thou-check-ip-status
|= [name=path resp=httr]
~& api-resp/resp
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
::?. =('RESERVED' (need ((ot status/so ~):jo parsed)))
++ create-gce
|= jon=json
=+ ^- [name=@t image=@t number=@ud]
(need ((ot name/so 'instance_img'^so number/ni ~):jo jon))
|- ^- (list move)
?~ number ~
:_ $(number (dec number))
=+ nam=(cat 3 name (scot %ud number))
=+ ^- body=json
%- jobe
:~ name/s/nam 'machineType'^s/'zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-1'
:- %disks :- %a :_ ~
%- jobe
:+ 'initializeParams'^`json`(joba 'sourceImage'^s/image)
:- 'networkInterfaces' :- %a :_ ~
(joba 'network' `json`[%s 'global/networks/default'])
^- move
%- httpreq
:* `path`/create-gce
`(list cord)`~['googleapis' 'www'] `path`/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/'instances'
[%post `json`body]
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~]
`quay`[%key access.gce.toke.vat]~
++ thou-create-gce |=([path resp=httr] ~&(resp :_(+>.$ ~)))
:: perform actions on instances (both kinds) ::
++ poke-json :: receive action from client
|= jon=json
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ action=`cloud-command`(need (parse-cloud-command jon))
:_ +>.$
?- -.action
%create-gce [(reserve-ip p.action)]~
%create-do [(create-do p.action)]~
::%create-gce [(create-gce p.action)]
%action [(instance-action [id name act]:action)]~
++ instance-action
|= [id=@t name=@t action=droplet-action]
=+ d=(~(got by insts.vat) id)
~| 'can\'t find id'
=+ typ=?~(d !! -.d)
?- typ
=+ ^= meth
?: ?=(%delete -.action)
[%post (jobe type/s/(convert-do -.action) ?.(?=(%snapshot -.action) ~ [name/s/p.action ~]))]
^- move
=+ ^= req
%- httpreq :*
~[%digitalocean %api]
?:(?=(%delt meth) /v2/droplets/[id] /v2/droplets/[id]/actions)
%^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~] ~
=+ ^= head-query
:- %^ mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~]
['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' access.gce.toke.vat) ~] ~
?- -.action
?(%start %stop %reboot %'snapshot')
=+ end=/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/instances/[name]
%- httpreq
:* /gce-act/[-.action] ~['googleapis' 'www']
(welp end [?:(?=(%reboot -.action) 'reset' -.action) ~])
[%post ~]
=+ end=/compute/v1/projects/urbcloud/zones/us-central1-a/instances/[name]
%- httpreq
:* /gce-act/[-.action] ~['googleapis' 'www']
++ thou-do-act
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& [resp act/pax]
:_ +>.$ ~
++ thou-gce-act
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
~& [resp act/pax]
:_ +>.$ ~
:: retrieve google instances and images ::
++ list-gce
^- (list move)
:+ (list-something-gce /zones/['us-central1-a']/instances)
(list-something-gce /global/snapshots)
++ list-something-gce
|= endpoint=path
=+ ^= lis
~[%googleapis %www] (welp /compute/v1/projects/urbcloud endpoint)
%get ~
^- quay
[%'access_token' access.gce.toke.vat]~
~! lis
~! +<:httpreq
(httpreq lis)
++ thou-list-gce-zones :: instances
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja) :: body httr to json
~| 'no list received or bad json'
=+ items=(need ((ot items/(ar some) ~):jo parsed))
=+ ^- ins=(list ,[@t instance])
~| 'bad-json'^items
%+ turn items
|= in=json
=< [id .]
^- instance
:- %gce
%- need
%. in =+ jo
%- ot
:~ name/so id/so status/so 'creationTimestamp'^(su parse-iso8601) ::zone/so
'machineType'^(cu tail-url so)
:: 'networkInterfaces'^parse-ip-gce
=. insts.vat
%- mo
%+ weld ins
%+ skip (~(tap by insts.vat)) :: keep non-gce
|= a=[@t instance] ?=(%gce +<.a)
=+ buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now)
=+ liz=(~(tap by insts.vat))
=+ tail=(turn liz |=(a=[@t instance] +.a))
:_ +>.$ ::
:- [ost %wait /refresh-gce buf]
(spam (instance-to-json tail))
++ thou-list-gce-global :: imgs
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
=+ imgz=(need ((ot items/(ar some) ~):jo parsed))
=. images.vat
%- mo
%+ weld
%+ skip (~(tap by images.vat) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] ?=(%gce ->.a))
%+ turn imgz
|= a=json
=< [[name %gce] .]
^- image
:- %gce
%- need
%. a =+ jo
%- ot
[name/so id/so ~]
:_ +>.$ [(spam `json`(image-to-json `(list image)`(map-to-list images.vat)))]
++ wake-refresh-gce |=([path ~] [list-gce +>.$])
:: list digital ocean droplets and images ::
++ list-do
:+((list-something-do %droplets) (list-something-do %images) ~)
++ list-something-do
|= som=@tas
=+ ^= lis
:~ /list-do/[som]
~[%digitalocean %api] /v2/[som]
(mo ['Content-Type' 'application/json' ~] ['Authorization' (cat 3 'Bearer ' ~] ~)
(httpreq lis)
++ thou-list-do-droplets
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
^- [(list move) _+>.$]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja) :: parse httr to json
~| recieve-list/parsed
=+ dar=(need ((ot droplets/(ar some) ~):jo parsed)) :: reparse ar of insts
=+ ^- dropz=(list ,[@t instance])
~| bad-json/-.dar
%+ turn dar
|= drp=json ^- [@t instance]
=- ~! - -
=< [id .]
^- instance
:- %do
%- need
%. drp
=+ jo
%- ot
:~ name/so id/parse-id-text status/so 'created_at'^(su parse-iso8601) ::region/parse-region
image/(ot name/so ~) ::disk/ni networks/parse-ip-do
=. insts.vat
%- mo
%+ weld dropz
%+ skip (~(tap by insts.vat) *(list ,[@t instance]))
|=(a=[@t instance] ?=(%do +>.$))
=+ buf=`@da`(add ~s10 now)
:_ +>.$
:- [ost %wait /refresh-do buf]
%- spam
%- instance-to-json
%+ turn (~(tap by insts.vat) *(list ,[@t instance]))
|=(a=[@t instance] +.a)
++ thou-list-do-images
|= [pax=path resp=httr]
=+ parsed=(rash q:(need r.resp) apex:poja)
~| crashed-do-images/parsed
=+ imgz=(need ((ot images/(ar (ot [name/so distribution/so id/no ~])) ~):jo parsed))
=+ ^- images=(list ,[[@t @t] image])
%+ turn imgz
|= [name=@t dist=@t id=@t]
=+ nom=(cat 3 name dist)
[[%do nom] `image`[%do nom id]]
=. images.vat
%- mo
%+ weld images
%+ skip (~(tap by images.vat) *(list ,[[@t @t] image]))
|=(a=[[@t @t] image] ?=(%do ->.a))
:_ +>.$ ~[(spam `json`(image-to-json `(list image)`(map-to-list images.vat)))]
++ wake-refresh-do |=([path ~] [list-do +>.$])

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct1/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct1 :: structures
/+ sole, oct1 :: libraries
[. sole oct1] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon ,[%0 eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card ,[%diff %sole-effect sole-effect] :: update
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl :: system state
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
axon :: server state, v0
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- ::
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=. ost p.i.all ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ flap |=(con=bike (echo eels con)) :: update all clients
++ here ~(. go gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process logic
:: :: ::
++ fail (fect %bel ~) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct1 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn .(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen .(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ tame (flap |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |=(tape (flap |=(_+> (fect:+< txt/+>+<)))) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) come)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild(+<+ +<+)) ::
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct2/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct2 :: structures
/+ sole, oct2 :: libraries
[. sole oct2] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime ,[%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: rough upgrade
%0 [eye [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) come)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ flap |=(con=bike (echo (~(tap by sup)) con)) :: update all clients
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail (fect %bel ~) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn (~(tap by sup)) |=(sink q))) ::
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ hail |=(? tame(gam (hey:here +<))) :: toggle subscriber
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct2 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ tame (flap |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |=(tape (flap |=(_+> (fect:+< txt/+>+<)))) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild:(heal +<+>)) ::
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct3 :: structures
/+ sole, oct3 :: libraries
[. sole oct3] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime $% [%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
[%oct3-update play] :: :oct3 update
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: coarse upgrade
%0 [eye [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) come)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ elfs (prey /oct3 +<-) :: network clients
++ elks (prey /sole +<-) :: console clients
++ flap |= [net=bike con=bike] :: update all clients
(echo:(echo elks con) elfs net) ::
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail ?:(soul (fect %bel ~) ~|(%invalid-move !!)) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (dish %diff %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ fact |=(play (dish %diff %oct3-update +<)) :: update partner
++ hail |=(? tame(gam (hey:here +<))) :: toggle subscriber
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn eels |=(sink q))) ::
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:kind) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct3 voy:here) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ soul =+((~(get by sup) ost) ?=([~ * %sole *] -)) :: is console
++ tame (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ word |= txt=tape %+ flap :: game message
|=(_+> (fact:+< |/txt)) ::
|=(_+> (fect:+< txt/txt)) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt come)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (kick:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ peer-oct3 |=(* abet:tame:(hail &)) :: urbit subscribe
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ poke-oct3-move |=(point abet:wild:(kick +<)) :: urbit move
++ prep |= (unit (pair (list move) axon)) :: update self
abet:?~(+< +> wild:(heal +<+>)) ::
++ pull-oct3 |=(* abet:(hail |)) :: urbit unsubscribe
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4/ape :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- sole, oct4 :: structures
/+ sole, oct4 :: libraries
[. sole oct4] :: ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: interfaces
!: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ axle ,[eye=face rem=(unit ship) gam=game] :: agent state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
[%peer wire dock path] :: subscribe
[%poke wire dock pear] :: send move
[%pull wire dock ~] :: unsubscribe
== ::
++ face (map bone sole-share) :: console state
++ lime $% [%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
[%oct4-update play] :: :oct4 update
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
++ pear ,[%oct4-move point] :: outgoing move
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: past state
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ agon (unit ,[(list move) axon]) :: boot argument
++ axon $%([%1 axle] [%0 axle-0]) :: all states
++ axle-0 ,[eye=face gam=game-0] :: old axle
++ game-0 ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: old game
++ wake |= axon :- %1 ?- +<- %1 +<+ :: coarse upgrade
%0 [eye ~ [who ~^~ ~ box boo]:gam]:+<+ ::
== -- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: parsers
:: :: ::
=> |% ::
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ comb (pick come ;~(pfix sig (punt fed:ag))) :: all command input
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) comb)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process core
:: :: ::
|_ $: bowl ::
moz=(list move) :: pending actions
[%1 axle] :: process state, v1
== ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: process tools
:: :: ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve
++ bike $+(_. _+>) :: self-transformer
++ dish |=(cad=card %_(+> moz [[ost cad] moz])) :: request
++ done (echo eels |=(_. (dish:+< %quit ~))) :: cancel everyone
++ echo |= [all=(list sink) fun=bike] =+ old=+>+<- :: publish to all
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ all +>.^$(+<- old) ::
=> .(ost p.i.all, src q.i.all) ::
$(all t.all, +>.^$ (fun +>.^$)) ::
++ eels (~(tap by sup)) :: all clients
++ elfs (prey /oct4 +<-) :: network clients
++ elks (prey /sole +<-) :: console clients
++ emit |=(lime (dish %diff +<)) :: publish
++ flap |= [net=bike con=bike] :: update all clients
(echo:(echo elks con) elfs net) ::
++ here ~(. go src gam) :: game core
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: server logic
:: :: ::
++ fail ?:(soul (fect %bel ~) ~|(%invalid-move !!)) :: user error
++ fect |=(sole-effect (emit %sole-effect +<)) :: update console
++ fact |=(play (emit %oct4-update +<)) :: update partner
++ hail |=(? ?^(rem +> tame(gam (hey:here +<)))) :: toggle subscriber
++ harp |=(game ?:(=(gam +<) +> wild(gam +<))) :: update game
++ heal |= old=axon =. +>+<+> (wake old) :: complete update
=- +>.$(gam -) ?. !=(1 +<-) gam ::
(muy:here (turn eels |=(sink q))) ::
++ hear |=(play ?-(+<- | (word +<+), & (harp +<+))) :: network update
++ kick |= point =^ dud gam ~(m at:here +<) ::
?.(dud fail wild:?~(rem kind (send +>-))) ::
++ kind =+(res:here ?~(- + (word(gam new:here) ->))) :: move result
++ plan |= (unit ship) ?~ +< stop(gam new:here) :: link/unlink
?^(rem fail link(rem +<)) ::
++ plot |= (each point (unit ship)) :: apply command
?-(+<- & (kick +<+), | (plan +<+)) ::
++ like |*(* [/oct4 [+.rem dap] +<]) :: friend message
++ link (dish peer/(like /oct4)) :: subscribe to friend
++ prom (fect %pro %& %oct4 stat) :: update prompt
++ rend (turn `wall`tab:here |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ sawn (hail(eye (~(del by eye) ost)) |) :: console unsubscribe
++ seen (hail(eye (~(put by eye) ost *sole-share)) &) :: console subscribe
++ send |=(point (dish poke/(like %oct4-move +<))) :: send move
++ show prom:(fect %mor rend) :: update console
++ soul =+((~(get by sup) ost) ?=([~ * %sole *] -)) :: is console
++ stat (weld ?~(rem ~ "@{(scow p/u.rem)}") voy:here) :: prompt line
++ stop ?~(rem done wild:(dish pull/(like ~))) :: unsubscribe
++ tame (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. prom:+<)) :: light update
++ wild (flap |=(_. (fact:+< &/gam)) |=(_. show:+<)) :: full update
++ with |=(? (word(rem ?:(+< rem ~)) "{<[+< src]>}")) ::
++ word |= txt=tape %+ flap :: game message
|=(_+> (fact:+< |/txt)) ::
|=(_+> (fect:+< txt/txt)) ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: console UI
:: :: ::
++ work :: console action
|= act=sole-action ::
=+ say=(~(got by eye) ost) ::
|^ ?+(-.act abet %det (delt +.act), %ret dive) ::
++ abet (~(put by eye) ost say)) :: resolve
++ cusp (cope !ept:here) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: edit command line
=^ cul say (~(remit sole say) cal good) ::
?~(cul abet fail:(fect:abet det/u.cul)) ::
++ dive =+ (rust (tufa buf.say) (punt comb)) :: apply command line
?~(- fail ?~(-> show (plot:wipe ->+))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: validate input
++ wipe =^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) set/~) :: clear line
(fect:abet %det cal) ::
-- ::
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: arvo handlers
:: :: ::
++ reap-oct4 |=([* (unit)] abet:(with =(~ +<+))) :: linked to friend
++ coup-oct4 |=([* (unit)] abet:?~(+<+ +> fail)) :: move acknowledge
++ diff-oct4-update |=([* play] abet:(hear +<+)) :: network update
++ peer-oct4 |=(* abet:tame:(hail &)) :: urbit subscribe
++ peer-sole |=(* abet:show:seen) :: console subscribe
++ poke-sole-action |=(sole-action abet:(work +<)) :: console input
++ poke-oct4-move |=(point abet:wild:(kick +<)) :: urbit move
++ prep |=(agon abet:?~(+< +> (heal +<+>))) :: load state
++ pull-oct4 |=(* abet:(hail |)) :: urbit unsubscribe
++ pull-sole |=(* abet:sawn) :: console unsubscribe
++ quit-oct4 |=(* abet:?~(rem +> wild(rem ~))) :: unlinked by friend

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/- twitter
[twitter .]
|_ [bowl ~]
++ poke-noun |=(span (onwards [%peer / [our %twit] /user/[+<]]))
++ onwards |*([mark *] [[ost +<]~ +>.$])
++ diff-twit-feed |=([* a=(list twit-stat)] ?~(a `+>.$ ~&(i.a $(a t.a))))

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
:: Twitter daemon
:::: /hook/core/twit/app
/- twitter
/+ twitter, talk
:::: ~fyr
[twitter .]
++ twit-path :: valid peer path
$% :: [%home ~] :: home timeline
[%user p=@t ~] :: user's tweets
[%post p=span:,@uv ~] :: status of status
++ axle :: app state
$: %0
kes=(map span keys:twit-do) :: auth
out=(map ,@uvI (each ,[span cord] stat)) :: sent tweets
ran=(map path ,[p=@ud q=@da]) :: polls active
fed=(jar path stat) :: feed cache
++ gift :: subscription action
$% [%quit ~] :: terminate
[%diff gilt] :: send data
++ gilt
$% [%twit-feed p=(list stat)] :: posts in feed
[%twit-stat p=stat] :: tweet accepted
[%ares term (list tank)]
++ move ,[bone card]
++ card :: arvo request
$? gift
$% [%them path ~ u=hiss] :: HTTP request
[%poke wire dock %talk-command command:talk] ::
[%wait path p=@da] :: timeout
== ==
++ sign :: arvo response
$% [%e %thou p=httr] :: HTTP result
[%t %wake ~] :: timeout ping
++ stat twit-stat :: recieved tweet
|_ [bowl axle]
++ any-auth ?~(kes (auth) (auth p.n.kes)) :: use any keys
++ auth :: build API door
|= a=span
~| [%no-auth a]
~(. twit (~(got by kes) a) now `@`eny)
++ cull :: remove seen tweets
|= [pax=path rep=(list stat)] ^+ rep
=+ pev=(sa (turn (~(get ja fed) pax) |=(stat id)))
(skip rep |=(stat (~(has in pev) id)))
++ done [*(list move) .]
++ dely :: next polling timeout
|= pax=path
^- [(unit time) _ran]
=+ cur=(~(get by ran) pax)
=+ tym=(add now (mul ~s8 (bex ?~(cur 0 p.u.cur))))
:: ~& dely/`@dr`(sub tym now)
?: &(?=(^ cur) (gte tym q.u.cur) (gth q.u.cur now))
[~ ran]
[`tym (~(put by ran) pax ?~(cur 0 (min 5 +(p.u.cur))) tym)]
++ wait :: ensure poll by path
|= [pax=path mof=(list move)]
=^ tym ran (dely pax)
:_ +>.$
?~ tym
:: ~& no-wait/ran
:: ~& will-wait/u.tym
:- [ost %wait pax u.tym]
++ poke-twit-do :: recieve request
|= act=twit-do
^+ [*(list move) +>]
?- -.q.act
:- [(print "authed @{(trip p.act)}")]~
+>.$(kes (~(put by kes) p.act p.q.act)) :: XX verify key
=: out (~(put by out) p.q.act %& p.act q.q.act)
ran (~(del by ran) /peer/home)
%+ wait /peer/home
=+ mez=(stat-upda:(auth p.act) [%status q.q.act]~ ~)
[ost %them /post/(scot %uv p.q.act) ~ mez]~
++ wake-peer
|= [pax=path ~] ^+ done
~& twit-wake/peer/pax
:_ +>.$
?. (~(has by ran) peer/pax) :: ignore if retracted
=+ => |=([a=bone @ b=path] [b a])
pus=(~(gas ju *(jug path bone)) (turn (~(tap by sup)) .))
?~ (~(get ju pus) pax)
~& peer-again/[pax ran]
(pear | our pax)
++ thou
|= [pax=path hit=httr] ^+ done
?+ p.hit ~|([%unknown-code p.hit] !!)
429 :: Rate-limit
=. ran (~(put by ran) pax 6 now)
=+ lim=%.(%x-rate-limit-reset ;~(biff ~(get by (mo q.hit)) poja ni:jo))
=+ tym=?~(lim (add ~m7.s30 now) (add ~1970.1.1 (mul ~s1 u.lim)))
~& retrying-in/`@dr`(sub tym now)
:_(+>.$ [ost %wait pax tym]~)
200 :: OK
=+ jon=(need (poja q:(need r.hit)))
:: ~& twit-resp/%.(jon ?+(-.jon !! %o stat:twir, %a (ar:jo stat:twir)))
?+ pax ~|([%http-missed pax] !!)
[%post @ ~] :: post acknowledged
=+ ^= rep
~| [%bad-post jon]
(need %.(jon stat:twir))
=. out (~(put by out) (slav %uv i.t.pax) %| rep)
:_ +>.$
=+ pax=/[who.rep]/status/(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui id.rep))
:- (print (earn [& ~ `/com/twitter] `pax ~))
(spam pax (tweet-good rep))
[%peer *] :: feed data
=+ ^= rep
~| [%bad-feed jon]
(need %.(jon (ar:jo stat:twir)))
:: ~& got-feed/[(scag 5 (turn rep |=(stat id))) fed]
=+ ren=(cull t.pax rep) :: new messages
?~ ren
(wait pax ~) :: pump polling
:: ~& spam-feed/ren
=: ran (~(del by ran) pax) :: clear poll delay
fed (~(put by fed) t.pax rep) :: saw last message
(wait pax (spam t.pax [%diff twit-feed/(flop ren)] ~))
?(400 401 403 404) :: Err
=+ ^- git=gift
=+ err=%.(q:(need r.hit) ;~(biff poja mean:twir))
:^ %diff %ares %bad-http
[leaf/"HTTP Code {<p.hit>}" (turn (need err) mean:twip)]
?+ pax [[ost git]~ +>.$]
[%post @ ~]
[(spam pax git ~) +>.$]
++ tweet-good |=(rep=stat `(list gift)`~[[%diff %twit-stat rep] [%quit ~]])
++ peer |=(pax=path :_(+> (pear & src pax))) :: accept subscription
++ pear :: poll, possibly returning current data
|= [ver=? @ pax=path]
^- (list move)
?. ?=(twit-path pax)
~|([%missed-path pax] !!)
=> .(pax `twit-path`pax)
?: ?=(%post -.pax)
?. ver ~
=+ sta=(~(get by out) (slav %uv p.pax))
?. ?=([~ %| ^] sta) :: post not received
~[[ost %diff %twit-stat p.u.sta] [ost %quit ~]]
=+ ole=(~(get ja fed) pax)
:_ ^- (list move)
?. ver ~
?~ ole ~
[ost %diff %twit-feed (flop ole)]~
=- `move`[ost %them peer/pax ~ `hiss`-]
=+ opt=?~(ole ~ ['since_id' (lutt:twit id.i.ole)]~)
=+ aut=any-auth
?- -.pax
%user (stat-user:aut [(to-sd p.pax)]~ opt)
:: %home (stat-home:auth ~ opt)
++ to-sd :: parse user name/numb
|= a=span ^- sd:twit
~| [%not-user a]
%+ rash a
;~(pose (stag %user-id dem) (stag %screen-name user:twir))
:: ++ pull :: release subscription
:: |= ost=bone
:: ?. (~(has by sup) ost) `+>.$ :: XX should not occur
:: =+ [his pax]=(~(got by sup) ost)
:: ?: (lth 1 ~(wyt in (~(get ju pus) pax)))
:: `+>.$
:: =: ran (~(del by ran) [%peer pax])
:: fed (~(del by fed) pax)
:: ==
:: `+>.$
++ spam :: send by path
|= [a=path b=(list gift)] ^- (list move)
%- zing ^- (list (list move))
%+ turn (~(tap by sup))
|= [ost=bone @ pax=path]
?. =(pax a) ~
(turn b |=(c=gift [ost c]))
++ print
|=(mes=tape [ost %poke / [our %talk] (said our %twit now eny leaf/mes ~)])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: There is no love that is not an echo
:::: /hoon/echo/ape
:::: /hoon/ask/app
/? 314
/+ sole

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/curl/app
|_ [[^ ^ ost=@ ^] ~]
++ poke |*(a=[mark *] :_(+> [ost %hiss / %wain a]~))

View File

@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
=- ?~(too - [%cast u.too -])
:+ %ride gen
:- [%$ dy-twig-head]
[%plan he-beam / zuse arc lib ~ ~]
[%plan he-beam blob/** zuse arc lib ~ ~]
++ dy-step :: advance project
|= nex=@ud

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/hood/ape :: ::
:::: /hoon/hood/app :: ::
:: :: ::
/? 314 :: zuse version
/+ sole, talk, helm, kiln, drum, write :: libraries
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
++ poke-helm-reload (wrap poke-reload):from-helm
++ poke-helm-reload-desk (wrap poke-reload-desk):from-helm
++ poke-helm-reset (wrap poke-reset):from-helm
++ poke-helm-serve (wrap poke-serve):from-helm
++ poke-helm-send-hi (wrap poke-send-hi):from-helm
++ poke-helm-send-ask (wrap poke-send-ask):from-helm
++ poke-helm-verb (wrap poke-verb):from-helm
@ -127,7 +128,10 @@
++ poke-kiln-overload (wrap poke-overload):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-unmount (wrap poke-unmount):from-kiln
++ poke-kiln-unsync (wrap poke-unsync):from-kiln
++ poke-write-comment (wrap poke-comment):from-write
++ poke-write-paste (wrap poke-paste):from-write
++ poke-write-tree (wrap poke-tree):from-write
++ poke-write-wipe (wrap poke-wipe):from-write
++ poke-will (wrap poke-will):from-helm
++ quit-drum-phat (wrap quit-phat):from-drum
++ reap-drum-phat (wrap reap-phat):from-drum

View File

@ -2151,14 +2151,14 @@
=+ grams:(~(got by stories) man)
[ost.hid %info /jamfile our.hid (foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])]
++ poke-save
++ poke-talk-save
|= man=span
^- (quip move +>)
=+ paf=/(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid)/talk/[man]/talk-telegrams
=+ grams:(~(got by stories) man)
[[ost.hid %info /jamfile our.hid (foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])]~ +>.$]
++ poke-load
++ poke-talk-load
|= man=span
=+ ^= grams
%- (hard (list telegram))
@ -2168,15 +2168,14 @@
=+ toy=(~(got by stories) man)
[~ +>.$(stories (~(put by stories) man toy(grams grams, count (lent grams))))]
++ poke-log
++ poke-talk-log
|= man=span
~& %poke-log
^- (quip move +>)
:- [(log-to-file man) ~]
+>.$(log (~(put by log) man count:(~(got by stories) man)))
++ poke-unlog
++ poke-talk-unlog
|= man=span
^- (quip move +>)
:- ~

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/work/app
/? 314
/- work

View File

@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
%+ skid `(list (pair path miso))`ins
|= [pax=path mis=miso]
?> ?=(%ins -.mis)
?& ?=([?(%hoon %hook) *] (flop pax))
?& ?=([%hoon *] (flop pax))
?=(%mime p.p.mis)
=. +>.$
@ -1367,8 +1367,6 @@
?: (~(has by hat) pax) !! ::
%+ ~(put by bar) pax
%- make-direct
?: &(?=(%mime -.p.mys) =([%hook ~] (slag (dec (lent pax)) pax)))
`page`[%hook +.+.q.q.p.mys]
?: &(?=(%mime -.p.mys) =([%hoon ~] (slag (dec (lent pax)) pax)))
`page`[%hoon +.+.q.q.p.mys]
[p q.q]:p.mys
@ -1616,7 +1614,7 @@
?~ lob
[~ ~]
=+ mar=(lobe-to-mark u.lob)
?. ?=(?(%hoon %hook) mar)
?. ?=(%hoon mar)
[~ ~ %| u.lob]
:^ ~ ~ %&
:+ mar [%atom %t]
@ -2637,10 +2635,8 @@
|= [a=path b=miso]
?& ?=(%ins -.b)
?=(%mime p.p.b)
=+ (slag (dec (lent a)) a)
?| =([%hook ~] -)
=([%hoon ~] -)
== ==
?=([%hoon ~] (slag (dec (lent a)) a))
:~ [hen %pass /one %c %info p.bem q.bem %& one]
[hen %pass /two %c %info p.bem q.bem %& two]

View File

@ -66,9 +66,10 @@
-- ::
|% :: models
++ bolo :: eyre state
$: %3 :: version
$: %4 :: version
gub=@t :: random identity
hov=(unit ship) :: master for remote
top=beam :: ford serve prefix
ged=duct :: client interface
ded=(set duct) :: killed requests
lyv=(map duct live) :: living requests
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
$| ~
$% [%$ p=httr] :: direct response
[%red ~] :: parent redirect
[%boil p=whir q=term r=beam payload=quay] :: ford request
[%bake p=whir q=mark r=coin s=beam] :: ford request
[%js p=@t] :: script
[%json p=json] :: data
@ -159,13 +160,11 @@
++ fcgi :: credential caboose
|= [quy=quay ced=cred] ^- coin
:* %many
[%$ %ta ~]
[%blob ced]
|- ^- (list coin)
?~ quy ~
[[%$ %t p.i.quy] [%$ %t q.i.quy] $(quy t.quy)]
:+ %many
[%blob ced]
|- ^- (list coin)
?~ quy [%$ %n ~]~
[[%$ %t p.i.quy] [%$ %t q.i.quy] $(quy t.quy)]
++ gsig |=([a=dock b=path] [(scot %p p.a) q.a b])
++ session-from-cookies
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@
|= tan=tang
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/home/lib/base.css"); :: XX desk
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/lib/base.css");
;title: server error
;body:div#c.err:pre:code:"{(wush 80 tan)}"
@ -421,51 +420,69 @@
urb.submit = function(){
if(urb.ship !== $ship.text().toLowerCase())
return urb.redir($ship.text().toLowerCase()) // XX redundant?
urb.is_me = function(ship) {
return (urb.ship === ship)
urb.submit = function(ship,pass){
return urb.redir(ship)
{ship:$ship.text().toLowerCase(), code:pass.value},
{ship:ship, code:pass},
if(urb.foreign) urb.redir()
else document.location.reload()
urb.away = function(){req("/~/auth.json?DELETE", {},
function(){document.getElementById("c").innerHTML = "<p>Goodbye.</p>" }
function(){document.getElementById("c").innerHTML = "" }
++ etag
if(!window.urb) window.urb = {}
urb.waspFrom = function(sel,attr){,
if(!ele[attr] || (new URL(ele[attr])).host !=
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"HEAD", ele[attr])
xhr.onload = function(){
var dep = this.getResponseHeader("etag")
if(dep) urb.wasp(JSON.parse(dep.substr(2)))
if(urb.wasp){urb.waspFrom('script','src'); urb.waspFrom('link','href')}
urb.waspAll = function(sel){, urb.waspElem)
urb.waspElem = function(ele){
url = ele.src || ele.href
if(!url || (new URL(url)).host !=
urb.waspUrl = function(url){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"HEAD", url)
xhr.onload = urb.waspLoadedXHR
urb.waspLoadedXHR = function(){
var dep = this.getResponseHeader("etag")
if(dep) urb.wasp(JSON.parse(dep.substr(2)))
if(urb.wasp){urb.waspAll('script'); urb.waspAll('link')}
++ xml
++ login-page
%+ titl 'Log in :urbit'
;= ;h1: Please log in
;div.sig: ~
;span#ship(contenteditable "");
%+ titl 'Sign in - Urbit'
;= ;div.container
;h1.sign: Sign in
;label.sig: ~
;input#ship.mono(contenteditable "", placeholder "planet");
;input#pass.mono(type "password", placeholder "passcode");
;h2.advice: Your passcode code has been printed to your console.
;input#pass(type "password");
;h2.advice: (Your login code has been printed to your console.)
$(function() {
@ -473,8 +490,8 @@
$pass = $('#pass')
$ship.on('keydown', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 9) {
if(urb.ship !== $ship.text().toLowerCase())
@ -485,11 +502,11 @@
$pass.on('keydown', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode === 13) {
if(window.ship) {
} else {
@ -500,11 +517,23 @@
++ logout-page
%+ titl 'Log out'
;= ;h1: Goodbye ~;{span#ship}.
;button#act(onclick "urb.away()"): Log out
;= ;div.container
;h1.sign: Bye!
;label.sig: ~
;button#act(onclick "urb.away()"): Go
++ poke-test
%+ titl 'Poke'
@ -530,7 +559,8 @@
;title:"{(trip a)}"
;script(type "text/javascript", src "//".
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/home/lib/base.css");
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/lib/css/fonts.css");
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "/lib/css/bootstrap.css");
@ -561,13 +591,19 @@
|= kyz=kiss
^+ +>
=. our ?~(hov our u.hov) :: XX
=. our :: XX necessary?
?- -.kyz
%born +>.$(ged hen) :: register external
=< ~&([%serving (tope top)] .)
?^(p.kyz +>.$(top p.kyz) +>.$( p.kyz))
+>.$(mow [[hen %slip %d %flog kyz] mow])
%init :: register ownership
+>.$(hov ?~(hov [~ p.kyz] [~ (min u.hov p.kyz)]))
=. our ?~(hov p.kyz (min u.hov p.kyz))
+>.$(hov [~ our], top [[our %home ud/0] /web])
%this :: inbound request
%- emule |. ^+ ..apex
@ -757,12 +793,14 @@
$|(~ [?(%on %ay %ow) *]) ~|(e/ford/lost/tee !!)
[%of @ ~] ~|(e/ford/lost/tee !!)
[%si ~] (give-sigh q.sih)
[%hi ^]
?: ?=(%| -.q.sih)
(give-sigh q.sih) :: XX crash?
=* cay p.q.sih
?> ?=(%hiss p.cay)
(pass-note tee [%e %meta :(slop !>(%them) !>(~) q.cay)])
[%he *] :: XX hack
=. ..axon $(tee p.tee)
%_ ..axon
@ -796,6 +834,9 @@
?. ?=(%& -.q.sih)
(fail 404 p.sih p.q.sih)
=* cay p.q.sih
?: ?=(%red-quri p.cay)
=+ url=((hard quri) q.q.cay)
(give-thou 307 [location/(crip (apex:earn url))]~ ~)
?. ?=(%mime p.cay)
=+ bek=-:(need (tome p.tee))
=+ bik=?+(r.bek bek [%ud %0] bek(r da/now))
@ -816,7 +857,6 @@
++ root-beak `beak`[our %home da/now] :: XX
++ emule
|= a=_|?(..emule) ^+ ..emule
=+ mul=(mule a)
@ -842,7 +882,7 @@
++ back :: %ford bounce
|= [tea=whir mar=mark cay=cage]
(pass-note tea (ford-req root-beak [%cast mar `cay]))
(pass-note tea (ford-req [%cast mar `cay]))
++ del-deps
|= [a=@uvH b=(each duct ixor)] ^+ +>.$
@ -940,14 +980,10 @@
++ nice-json (teba ^nice-json)
++ pass-note (teba ^pass-note)
++ ford-boil
|= [wir=whir ext=term bem=beam quy=quay]
=+ yac=for-client
=. him.yac ?.(aut anon him.yac)
=: r.bem ?+(r.bem r.bem [%ud %0] da/now)
s.bem [%web ~(rent co (fcgi quy fcgi-cred.yac)) s.bem]
(execute wir -.bem [%boil ext bem ~])
++ fcgi-cred
^- cred
?: aut fcgi-cred:for-client
%*(fcgi-cred for-client him anon)
++ apex
@ -968,8 +1004,11 @@
%json (give-json 200 cug p.pez)
%html (give-html 200 cug p.pez)
%htme (give-html 401 cug p.pez)
(ford-boil [p.pez q.pez r.pez payload.pez])
=+ req=[%bake mar=q.pez [r s]:pez]
=+ red=req(mar %red-quri)
(execute p.pez -.s.pez `silk`[%alts ~[red req]])
=+ url=(earn hat pok(p [~ %html]) quy)
?+ p.pok ~|(bad-redirect/[p.pok url] !!)
@ -1008,6 +1047,8 @@
^- (each perk httr)
|^ =+ hit=as-magic-filename
?^ hit [%| u.hit]
?: is-spur
[%& %spur (flop q.pok)]
=+ bem=as-beam
?^ bem [%& %beam u.bem]
?. check-oryx
@ -1033,14 +1074,16 @@
++ as-beam
++ is-spur |(?~(q.pok & ((sane %tas) i.q.pok)))
++ as-beam
^- (unit beam)
?~ q.pok
$(q.pok /index)
?. ((sane %tas) i.q.pok)
(tome q.pok)
`[[our i.q.pok ud/0] (flop t.q.pok)]
?~ q.pok ~
=+ ^- (unit ,[@ dez=desk rel=?]) :: /=desk/, /=desk=/
(rush i.q.pok ;~(plug tis sym ;~(pose (cold | tis) (easy &))))
?~ - (tome q.pok) :: /~ship/desk/case/...
:+ ~ [our dez.u]
?. rel.u (flop t.q.pok)
(weld (flop t.q.pok) :: /=desk/... as hoon /=desk%/...
++ as-aux-request :: /~/... req parser
^- (unit perk)
@ -1145,8 +1188,9 @@
:: request. In the future it's possible the payload could be
:: a specific mark instead.
++ process-payload
?+ mef quy
%post `quay`(weld quy `quay`(rash q:(need bod) yquy:urlp))
^- [quay meth]
?+ mef [quy mef]
%post [`quay`(weld quy `quay`(rash q:(need bod) yquy:urlp)) %get]
++ process
^- (each pest ,_done)
@ -1161,17 +1205,17 @@
%auth (process-auth p.hem)
%away [%& %html logout-page:xml]
?(%beam %spur)
=+ nquy=process-payload
=^ payload mef process-payload
=+ ext=(fall p.pok %urb)
=+ bem=?-(-.hem %beam p.hem, %spur [root-beak p.hem])
=+ wir=`whir`[%ha (tope -.bem ~)]
=. wir ?+(mef !! %post wir, %get wir, %head [%he wir])
=+ bem=?-(-.hem %beam p.hem, %spur [ (weld p.hem])
~| bad-beam/q.bem
?< =([~ 0] (sky %cw (tope bem(+ ~, r [%da now]))))
?. aut
[%& %boil [wir ext bem nquy]]
[%| (ford-boil [wir ext bem nquy])] :: XX properly
=+ wir=`whir`[%ha (tope -.bem ~)]
=. wir ?+(mef !! %get wir, %head [%he wir])
=. r.bem ?+(r.bem r.bem [%ud %0] da/now)
=+ arg=(fcgi payload fcgi-cred)
=+ [%& %bake wir ext arg bem]
?.(aut - [%| (resolve -)]) :: XX properly
?- p.hem
@ -1196,7 +1240,7 @@
?: ?=([~ %js] p.pok) :: XX treat non-json cases?
=+ polling-url=['/' (apex:earn %| pok(u.p %json) quy)]
=+ polling-url=(apex:earn %| pok(u.p %json) quy)
[%& %js (add-json (joba %wurl (jape polling-url)) poll:js)]
=. lyv (~(put by lyv) hen %wasp p.hem)
@ -1231,7 +1275,7 @@
?~ p.pez pez
?+ -.p.pez ~&(bad-inject/p.pez !!)
%red pez
=. ya abet.yac
[%| (resolve ~ p.pez(p [%at ses.yac p.p.pez]))]
@ -1607,19 +1651,21 @@
++ load :: take previous state
=+ bolo-3=,_[%3 +(|2 |3.+)]:*bolo :: no top
=+ even-2=?(even [%mean p=[dock path] *]) :: old %quit
=+ ^= stem-2 :: no die, sus
,_=+(*stem -(|3 |5.-, q.eve *(map ,@u even-2)))
=+ bolo-2=,_[%2 %*(+ *bolo wix *(map ixor stem-2))]
=+ bolo-2=,_[%2 %*(+ *bolo-3 wix *(map ixor stem-2))]
=+ bolo-1=,_[%1 +(|4 |5.+)]:*bolo-2 :: no lyv
|= old=?(bolo bolo-1 bolo-2)
|= old=?(bolo bolo-1 bolo-2 bolo-3)
^+ ..^$
?- -.old
%3 ..^$(+>- old)
%4 ..^$(+>- old)
%3 $(-.old %4, |2.+.old [[[(need hov.old) %home ud/0] /web] |2.+.old])
%2 =+ evn=|=(a=even-2 ?+(-.a a %mean [%quit p.a]))
=+ stm=|=(a=stem-2 a(|3 [now ~ |3.a(q.eve (~(run by q.eve.a) evn))]))
$(old [%3 +.old(wix (~(run by wix.old) stm))])
%1 $(old [%2 +(|4 [~ |4.+])]:old)
$(-.old %3, wix.old (~(run by wix.old) stm))
%1 $(-.old %2, |4.+.old [~ |4.+.old])
++ scry
@ -1646,3 +1692,4 @@
[mos ..^$]

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-- ::
|% :: structures
++ axle :: all %ford state
$: %1 :: version for update
$: %2 :: version for update
pol=(map ship baby) ::
== ::
++ baby :: state by ship
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@
== ::
++ calx :: concrete cache line
$% [%hood p=calm q=(pair beam cage) r=hood] :: compile
[%bake p=calm q=(trel mark beam heel) r=(unit vase)]:: load
[%lilt p=calm q=beak r=(jug mark mark)] :: translation graph
[%bake p=calm q=(trel mark coin beam) r=(unit vase)] :: load
[%slit p=calm q=[p=type q=type] r=type] :: slam type
[%slim p=calm q=[p=type q=twig] r=(pair type nock)]:: mint
[%slap p=calm q=[p=vase q=twig] r=vase] :: compute
@ -83,7 +82,6 @@
?+ sem !!
%hood ?>(?=(%hood -.cax) r.cax)
%bake ?>(?=(%bake -.cax) r.cax)
%lilt ?>(?=(%lilt -.cax) r.cax)
%slap ?>(?=(%slap -.cax) r.cax)
%slam ?>(?=(%slam -.cax) r.cax)
%slim ?>(?=(%slim -.cax) r.cax)
@ -106,7 +104,7 @@
++ chub :: cache merge
|= [a=cafe b=cafe] ::
^- cafe ::
[(grom p.a p.b) (grum q.a q.b)] ::
[(~(uni in p.a) p.b) (~(uni by q.a) q.b)] ::
:: ::
++ faun (flux |=(a=vase [%& %noun a])) :: vase to gage
++ feel (flux |=(a=cage q.a)) :: cage to vase
@ -136,15 +134,6 @@
++ flue |=(a=cafe (fine a ~)) :: cafe to empty
++ flux |* a=_,* :: bolt lift (fmap)
|*([b=cafe c=_+<.a] (fine b (a c))) ::
++ grom :: merge sets
|* [one=(set) two=(set)]
^+ one
(~(gas in one) (~(tap in two) ~)) :: XX ugh
++ grum :: merge maps
|* [one=(map) two=(map)]
^+ one
(~(gas by one) (~(tap by two) ~)) :: XX ugh
++ lark :: filter arch names
|= [wox=$+(span (unit ,@)) arc=arch]
@ -288,21 +277,7 @@
== ==
++ zo
~% %ford-z
%fade fade
%fair fair
%fang fang
%lime lime
%lima lima
%link link
%lion lion
%lily lily
%lope lope
%make make
%meow meow
~% %ford-z ~
|_ [num=@ud task]
++ abet %_(..zo q.tad.bay (~(put by q.tad.bay) num +<+))
++ amok
@ -373,7 +348,7 @@
:- p=p.nuf
^= q
?- -.q.nuf
%0 [%0 p=(grom p.q.hoc p.q.nuf) q=[q.q.hoc q.q.nuf]]
%0 [%0 p=(~(uni in p.q.hoc) p.q.nuf) q=[q.q.hoc q.q.nuf]]
%1 q.nuf
%2 q.nuf
@ -382,7 +357,7 @@
^= q
?- -.q.nuf
%0 q.hoc
%1 [%1 p=(grom p.q.nuf p.q.hoc)]
%1 [%1 p=(~(uni in p.q.nuf) p.q.hoc)]
%2 q.nuf
%2 hoc
@ -403,23 +378,23 @@
^= q
?- -.q.nuf
%1 q.nuf
%2 [%2 p=(grom `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
%0 [%0 p=(grom `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
%2 [%2 p=(~(uni in `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc) p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
%0 [%0 p=(~(uni in `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc) p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
== ==
++ coop :: bolt alter
|* [hoc=(bolt) fun=(burg)]
|* [hoc=(bolt) fun=$+(cafe (bolt))]
?- -.q.hoc
%1 hoc
%0 hoc
%2 =+ nuf=(fun(+<- p.hoc))
%2 =+ nuf=(fun p.hoc)
:- p=p.nuf
^= q
?- -.q.nuf
%1 q.nuf
%0 [%0 p=(grom `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
%0 [%0 p=(~(uni in `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc) p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
%2 =. q.q.nuf (welp q.q.nuf q.q.hoc)
[%2 p=(grom `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
[%2 p=(~(uni in `_p.q.nuf`p.q.hoc) p.q.nuf) q=q.q.nuf]
== ==
++ coup :: toon to bolt
@ -510,19 +485,6 @@
++ dash :: process cache
|= cof=cafe
^+ +>
~? |
:+ %dash (lent (skim (~(tap in p.cof)) |=(a=calx ?=(%bake -.a))))
=. q.cof (~(dif by q.cof) jav.bay)
=+ num=10
%. |= a=(list calx)
=+ len=(lent a)
=- [len (scag num (turn a f)) ?:((gth len num) %etc ~)]
=+ dewe=|=(beam +<(s ?+(s s [@ %web *] t.t.s)))
f=|=(b=calx [-.b ?+(-.b ~ %bake [p.q.b (tope (dewe q.q.b))])])
%~ run by
=< `(jar term calx)`(~(rep by q.cof) .)
|= [[* a=calx] b=(jar term calx)]
(~(add ja b) -.a a)
%_(+> jav.bay q.cof)
++ diff :: diff
@ -609,7 +571,7 @@
|= [cof=cafe for=mark bem=beam]
^- (bolt hood)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: fade {<[(tope bem)]>}")
%+ cope (cope (make cof [%bake for bem ~]) furl)
%+ cope (liar cof %*(. bem s [for s.bem]))
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage]
%+ (clef %hood) (fine cof bem(r [%ud 0]) cay)
^- (burg (pair beam cage) hood)
@ -633,7 +595,7 @@
?~ opt (flue cof)
|- ^- (bolt (unit beam))
=. i.s.bem (tack opt)
%+ cope (lima cof %hoon bem ~)
%+ cope (lima cof %hoon many/~ bem)
|= [cof=cafe vax=(unit vase)] ^- (bolt (unit beam))
?^ vax (fine cof `bem)
?~ t.opt (flue cof)
@ -708,21 +670,21 @@
%+ knee *^horn |. ~+
;~ pfix fas
;~ pose
(stag %toy ;~(sfix sym fas))
(stag %ape ;~(pfix sig ape:read))
(stag %arg ;~(pfix buc ape:read))
(stag %day ;~(pfix bar day:read))
(stag %alt ;~(pfix bar alt:read))
(stag %dub ;~(pfix tis dub:read))
(stag %fan ;~(pfix dot fan:read))
(stag %for ;~(pfix com for:read))
(stag %hel ;~(pfix cen hel:read))
(stag %hub ;~(pfix pat day:read))
(stag %hel ;~(pfix cen day:read))
(stag %lin ;~(pfix pam lin:read))
(stag %man ;~(pfix tar man:read))
(stag %nap ;~(pfix cab day:read))
(stag %now ;~(pfix pam day:read))
(stag %now ;~(pfix pat day:read))
(stag %saw ;~(pfix sem saw:read))
(stag %see ;~(pfix col see:read))
(stag %sic ;~(pfix ket sic:read))
(stag %toy ;~(sfix toy:read fas))
@ -736,6 +698,10 @@
%+ rail
(ifix [sel ser] (stag %cltr (most ace wide:vez)))
;~(pfix gap tall:vez)
++ alt
%+ rail (ifix [pel per] (most ace day))
;~(sfix (star day) gap duz)
++ day
%+ rail
@ -744,48 +710,47 @@
++ dub
%+ rail
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix tis apex(tol |)))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix gap apex)))
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix tis day))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug sym day))
++ fan
%+ rail fail
;~(sfix (star ;~(pfix gap apex)) ;~(plug gap duz))
;~(sfix (star day) gap duz)
++ for
%+ rail
;~(plug (ifix [sel ser] hath) apex(tol |))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug hath ;~(pfix gap apex)))
%+ rail fail
=- ;~(sfix (star -) gap duz)
;~(pfix gap fas ;~(plug hath day))
++ hel
++ lin
%+ rail
;~(plug ;~(pose ;~(sfix dem:ag cen) (easy 0)) apex(tol |))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug ;~(pose ;~(sfix dem:ag gap) (easy 0)) apex))
;~(plug (plus ;~(sfix sym pam)) day)
=+ (cook |=(a=term [a ~]) sym)
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug - day))
++ man
%+ rail fail
%- sear
:_ ;~(sfix (star ;~(pfix gap apex)) ;~(plug gap duz))
|= fan=(list ^horn)
=| naf=(list (pair term ^horn))
|- ^- (unit (map term ^horn))
?~ fan (some (~(gas by *(map term ^horn)) naf))
?. ?=(%dub ~
$(fan, naf [[] naf])
%+ cook ~(gas by *(map term ^horn))
=< ;~(sfix (star (sear . day)) gap duz)
|= a=^horn ^- (unit ,[term ^horn])
?+(-.a ~ %dub `[p.a q.a])
++ saw
%+ rail
;~(plug ;~(sfix wide:vez sem) apex(tol |))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug tall:vez ;~(pfix gap apex)))
;~(plug ;~(sfix wide:vez sem) day)
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug tall:vez day))
++ see
%+ rail
;~(plug ;~(sfix have col) apex(tol |))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug have ;~(pfix gap apex)))
;~(plug ;~(sfix have col) day)
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug have day))
++ sic
%+ rail
;~(plug ;~(sfix toil:vez ket) apex(tol |))
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug howl:vez ;~(pfix gap apex)))
;~(plug ;~(sfix toil:vez ket) day)
;~(pfix gap ;~(plug howl:vez day))
++ toy ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold | zap) (easy &)) sym)
@ -917,103 +882,44 @@
$(yom t.yom, axe (peg axe 3))
++ lads :: possible children
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam arg=heel]
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam]
^- (bolt (map span ,~))
=| [res=(map span ,~) new=(qeu beam)]
=+ all=`(set beam)`[bem `~]
|^ %+ with (cope ?^(arg (flue cof) kids) return)
|=(_. (with (cope marks look) next))
++ done .
++ with
|* [a=(bolt ,_done) b=$+(_done (bolt))] ^+ *b
(cope a |=([cof=cafe c=_done] (b c(cof cof))))
++ return
%- flux
|=(a=(map span ,~) done(res (~(uni by res) a)))
++ next
|= _. => +<
^- (bolt (map span ,~))
?^ s.bem
$(s.bem t.s.bem, arg [i.s.bem arg])
?: =(~ new) (fine cof res)
=^ bem new ~(get to new)
~| next-beam/(tope bem)
?< (gth (lent +.bem) 10)
$(bem bem, arg ~)
++ kids
%^ lash cof bem
|= [cof=cafe dir=span]
%+ cope (lend cof bem(s [dir s.bem]))
(flux |=(a=arch ?~(dir.a ~ (some ~))))
++ marks
=< (cope (laze cof bem) (flux .))
|= a=(map mark ,?) ^- (list mark)
(turn :_(head (skip :_(tail (~(tap by a)))))) :: | = %hook
++ look
|= [cof=cafe hok=(list mark)] ^- (bolt ,_done)
?~ hok (fine cof done)
%+ with $(hok t.hok)
|= _done ^- (bolt ,_done)
=+ bim=bem(s [i.hok s.bem])
=+ hid=(fade cof %hook bim)
?: ?=(%2 -.q.hid)
(fine cof done)
=< (cope hid (flux .))
|= hyd=hood
=^ neu all
(chop:(meow bim (flop arg)) all %fan fan.hyd)
done(new (~(gas to new) (~(tap in `(set beam)`neu))))
%^ lash cof bem
|= [cof=cafe dir=span]
%+ cope (lend cof bem(s [dir s.bem]))
(flux |=(a=arch ?~(dir.a ~ (some ~))))
++ laze :: find real or virtual
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam]
%^ lash cof bem
|= [cof=cafe for=mark]
^- (bolt (unit ,?))
^- (bolt (unit ,~))
?. ((sane %tas) for) (flue cof)
=. s.bem [for s.bem]
%+ cope (lend cof bem)
|= [cof=cafe arc=arch]
?^ fil.arc (fine cof (some &))
?. (~(has by dir.arc) %hook)
(flue cof)
%+ cope (lend cof bem(s [%hook s.bem]))
|= [cof=cafe arc=arch]
?~ fil.arc
(flue cof)
(fine cof (some |))
(fine cof (bind fil.arc ,~))
++ lace :: load real or virtual
|= [cof=cafe for=mark bem=beam arg=heel lit=?]
|= [cof=cafe for=mark arg=coin bem=beam]
^- (bolt vase)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: load {<for>} {<(tope bem)>}")
=. s.bem [for s.bem]
?: lit
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: load {<for>} {<(tope bem)>}")
%+ cope (liar cof bem)
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage]
?. =(for p.cay)
(flaw cof leaf/"unexpected mark {<p.cay>}" ~)
((lake for) cof q.cay)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: hook {<for>} {<(tope bem)>}")
%+ cope (fade cof %hook bem)
|= [cof=cafe hyd=hood]
(cope (abut:(meow bem arg) cof hyd) (lake for))
%+ cope (liar cof bem)
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage]
?. =(for p.cay)
(flaw cof leaf/"unexpected mark {<p.cay>}" ~)
((lake for) cof q.cay)
++ lake :: check/coerce
|= for=mark
|= [cof=cafe sam=vase]
^- (bolt vase)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: check {<[for bek `@p`(mug q.sam)]>}")
?: ?=(?(%hoon %hook) for)
?: ?=(%hoon for)
=+ mas=((soft ,@t) q.sam)
?~ mas
(flaw cof [leaf/"ford: bad hoon or hook: {<[for bek]>}"]~)
(flaw cof [leaf/"ford: bad hoon: {<[for bek]>}"]~)
(fine cof [%atom %t] u.mas)
%+ cope (fang cof for)
|= [cof=cafe tux=vase]
@ -1065,7 +971,7 @@
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam] ^- (bolt vase)
%+ cope (fame cof bem)
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam]
(cope (fade cof %hoon bem) abut:(meow bem ~))
(cope (fade cof %hoon bem) abut:(meow bem many/~))
++ lend :: load arch
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam]
@ -1088,107 +994,53 @@
(flaw cof leaf/"file not found" (smyt (tope bem)) ~)
(fine cof u.u.von)
++ lily :: translation targets
++ lily
|= [cof=cafe for=mark] ^- (bolt (set ,@tas))
%+ cope (lilt cof)
|= [cof=cafe lil=(jug mark mark)]
(fine cof (~(get ju lil) for))
++ lilt
|= cof=cafe ^- (bolt (jug mark mark))
%+ (clef %lilt) (fine cof bek)
^- (burg beak (jug mark mark))
|= [cof=cafe bek=beak]
%+ cope (lyle(bek bek) cof)
%+ cope (coop (fang cof for) |=(cof=cafe (fine cof %void ~)))
%- flux
|= mav=(map mark vase)
=+ all=(~(tap by mav))
|- ^- (jug mark mark)
?~ all ~
%- ~(gas ju $(all t.all))
=+ `[for=mark vax=vase]`i.all
~| weg=(jam 3 p.vax)
%+ weld
^- (list ,[mark mark])
?. (slob %grab p.vax) ~
=+ gab=(slap vax [%cnzy %grab])
:: =+ opt=(skip (sloe |=(fro=mark =(fro %noun)))
(turn (sloe p.gab) |=(fro=mark [fro for]))
?. (slob %grow p.vax) ~
=+ gow=(slap vax [%cnzy %grow])
(turn (sloe p.gow) |=(too=mark [for too]))
++ lyle :: all mark doors
|= cof=cafe ^- (bolt (map mark vase))
=| [sup=path res=(map mark vase)]
|^ `(bolt (map mark vase))`wide
++ here [bek (welp sup /mar)]
++ wide
%+ cope (lend cof here)
|= [cof=cafe arc=arch]
=+ all=(skim (turn (~(tap by dir.arc)) head) (sane %tas))
=. all (sort all gth) :: short-deepest
|- ^- (bolt (map mark vase))
?~ all (fine cof res)
%+ cope $(all t.all)
|= [cof=cafe res=(map mark vase)]
=. ^res res
=- (cope - (tall i.all))
?. (~(has by dir.arc) %hoon) (flue cof)
node(cof cof)
++ tall
|= for=term
|= [cof=cafe new=(unit ,[mark vase])]
wide(cof cof, sup [for sup], res (~(gas by res) (drop new)))
++ node
^- (bolt (unit ,[mark vase]))
=+ pax=(flop sup)
?~ pax (flue cof)
=+ for=(tack pax)
?: (~(has by res) for) (flue cof)
=+ raf=(lear cof here)
?. ?=(%2 -.q.raf)
(cope raf (flux |=(vax=vase (some [for vax]))))
=- ((slog (flop `tang`-)) (flue cof))
=+ (lent t.pax)
?: ?~ - | :: error if level above built
(~(has by res) (tack i.pax (scag (dec -) t.pax)))
:_(q.q.raf leaf/"! {<`mark`for>} build failed, ignoring.")
|= vax=vase ^- (set mark)
%- =- ~(gas in `(set mark)`-)
?. (slob %grow p.vax) ~
(sa (sloe p:(slap vax [%cnzy %grow])))
?. (slob %garb p.vax) ~
=+ (slap vax [%cnzy %garb])
(fall ((soft (list mark)) q) ~)
++ lima :: load at depth
|= [cof=cafe for=mark bem=beam arg=heel]
%+ (clef %bake) [p=cof q=[%0 p=[bem `~] q=[for bem arg]]]
|= [cof=cafe for=mark bem=beam arg=heel]
|= [cof=cafe for=mark arg=coin bem=beam]
%+ (clef %bake) [p=cof q=[%0 p=[bem `~] q=[for arg bem]]]
|= [cof=cafe for=mark arg=coin bem=beam]
^- (bolt (unit vase))
%+ cope (laze cof bem)
|= [cof=cafe mal=(map mark ,?)]
=+ lit=(~(get by mal) for)
?^ lit
(cope (lace cof for bem arg u.lit) (flux some))
|= [cof=cafe mal=(map mark ,~)]
?: (~(has by mal) for)
(cope (lace cof for arg bem) (flux some))
=+ opt=(sa (turn (~(tap by mal)) head)) :: XX asymptotics
%+ cope (lion cof for opt)
|= [cof=cafe wuy=(list ,@tas)]
?~ wuy (flue cof)
%+ cope
(lace cof i.wuy bem arg (~(got by mal) i.wuy))
(lace cof i.wuy arg bem)
|= [cof=cafe hoc=vase]
(cope (lope cof i.wuy t.wuy hoc) (flux some))
++ lime :: load beam
|= [cof=cafe for=mark bem=beam arg=heel]
=+ [mob=bem mer=(flop arg)]
|- ^- (bolt vase)
%+ cope (lima cof for mob (flop mer))
|= [cof=cafe for=mark arg=coin bem=beam]
^- (bolt vase)
%+ cope (lima cof for arg bem)
|= [cof=cafe vux=(unit vase)]
?^ vux (fine cof u.vux)
?~ s.mob
%+ flaw cof
~[leaf/"build {<for>}" leaf/"no usable ancestors" (smyt (tope bem))]
^$(s.mob t.s.mob, mer [i.s.mob mer])
(limp cof for arg bem)
++ limp :: render
|= [cof=cafe for=mark arg=coin bem=beam]
%+ cope (fame cof -.bem /[for]/ren)
|= [cof=cafe bom=beam]
(cope (fade cof %hoon bom) abut:(meow bem arg))
:: |= [cof=cafe vax=vase]
:: %+ flaw cof
:: ~[leaf/"build {<for>}" leaf/"no usable ancestors" (smyt (tope bem))]
++ link :: translate
|= [cof=cafe too=mark for=mark vax=vase]
@ -1219,12 +1071,22 @@
|= [cof=cafe too=mark fro=(set mark)]
:: ~& lion/[too=too fro=(sa fro)]
^- (bolt (list mark))
=- %+ coop (gro cof too `~) :: XX better grab layer
|= cof=cafe
%+ cope (fang cof too)
|= [cof=cafe vax=vase] ^- (bolt (list mark))
?. (slob %grab p.vax) (flue cof)
%+ cope
(gro cof (sa (sloe p:(slap vax [%cnzy %grab]))))
(flux |=(a=path (welp a /[too])))
^= gro
|= [cof=cafe tag=(set mark)]
=| $: war=(map mark (list mark))
pax=(list mark) won=[p=mark q=(qeu mark)]
%. [cof fro]
|= [cof=cafe fro=(set mark)] ^- (bolt (list mark))
?: =(too p.won)
?: (~(has in tag) p.won)
(fine cof (flop pax))
=+ for=(skip (~(tap by fro)) ~(has by war))
=. for (sort for aor) :: XX useful?
@ -1269,7 +1131,7 @@
:: =+ ^= pre
:: ?+ -.kas -.kas
:: ^ %cell
:: %boil [-.kas p.kas (tope q.kas)]
:: :: %boil [-.kas p.kas (tope q.kas)]
:: %bake [-.kas p.kas (tope q.kas)]
:: %core [-.kas (tope p.kas)]
:: ==
@ -1291,27 +1153,33 @@
%$ (fine cof %& p.kas)
:: ~& > [p.kas (tope q.kas)]
:: %+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: bake {<p.kas>} {<(tope q.kas)>}")
%+ cope (lima cof p.kas q.kas r.kas)
|= [cof=cafe vux=(unit vase)]
?~ vux
(flaw cof leaf/"file not found" (smyt (tope q.kas)) ~)
(fine cof [%& p.kas u.vux])
:: %bake
:: :: ~& > [p.kas (tope q.kas)]
:: :: %+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: bake {<p.kas>} {<(tope q.kas)>}")
:: %+ cope (lima cof p.kas q.kas r.kas s.kas)
:: |= [cof=cafe vux=(unit vase)]
:: ?~ vux
:: (flaw cof leaf/"file not found" (smyt (tope r.kas)) ~)
:: (fine cof [%& p.kas u.vux])
:: ::
%. cof
|= cof=cafe ^- (bolt gage)
?~ p.kas (flaw cof leaf/"ford: out of options" ~)
(coop ^$(cof cof, kas i.p.kas) ..$(p.kas t.p.kas))
^- (bolt gage)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: boil {<p.kas>} {<(tope q.kas)>} {<r.kas>}")
%+ cope (lamp cof q.kas)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: bake {<p.kas>} {<(tope r.kas)>} {~(rend co q.kas)}")
%+ cope (lamp cof r.kas)
|= [cof=cafe bem=beam]
%+ cope (lime cof p.kas bem r.kas)
%+ cope (lime cof p.kas q.kas bem)
|= [cof=cafe vax=vase]
(fine cof `gage`[%& p.kas vax])
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: bunt {<p.kas>}")
?: ?=(?(%hoon %hook) p.kas)
?: ?=(%hoon p.kas)
(fine cof %& p.kas [%atom %t] '')
%+ cope (fang cof p.kas)
|= [cof=cafe tux=vase]
@ -1458,25 +1326,13 @@
|=(val=* `vase`[typ val])
++ meow :: assemble
|= [how=beam arg=heel]
|= [how=beam arg=coin]
=| $: rop=(map term (pair hoof twig)) :: structures
bil=(map term (pair hoof twig)) :: libraries
boy=(list twig) :: body stack
lit=? :: drop arguments
~% %meow ..meow
%able able
%abut abut
%apex apex
%body body
%chad chad
%chai chai
%chap chap
%head head
%hone hone
%neck neck
%wilt wilt
~% %meow ..meow ~
++ able :: assemble preamble
^- twig
@ -1493,7 +1349,7 @@
%+ cope (maim cof pit able)
|= [cof=cafe bax=vase]
%+ cope (chap cof bax [%fan fan.hyd])
|= [cof=cafe gox=vase]
|= [cof=cafe mar=mark gox=vase]
%+ cope (maim cof (slop gox bax) [%tssg (flop boy)])
|= [cof=cafe fin=vase]
(fine cof fin)
@ -1534,7 +1390,7 @@
%+ cope $(poy t.poy)
|= [cof=cafe nex=(list (pair ,@ vase))]
%+ cope (chap( [p.i.poy]) cof bax hon)
(flux |=(elt=vase [[q.i.poy elt] nex]))
(flux |=([mar=mark elt=vase] [[q.i.poy elt] nex]))
%- flux
|= yal=(list (pair ,@ vase)) ^- vase
?~ yal [[%cube 0 [%atom %n]] 0]
@ -1544,7 +1400,7 @@
|= [cof=cafe bax=vase hon=horn]
^- (bolt vase)
%+ cope
%+ cope (lads cof how ~)
%+ cope (lads cof how)
%- some-in-map
|= [cof=cafe dir=span]
=+ nod=(chap( [dir]) cof bax hon)
@ -1552,33 +1408,42 @@
(flue cof)
(cope nod (flux some))
%- flux
|= doy=(map ,@ vase) ^- vase
|= doy=(map ,@ cage) ^- vase
?~ doy [[%cube 0 [%atom %n]] 0]
%+ slop
(slop [[%atom %ta] p.n.doy] q.n.doy)
(slop [[%atom %ta] p.n.doy] q.q.n.doy)
(slop $(doy l.doy) $(doy r.doy))
++ chap :: produce resources
|= [cof=cafe bax=vase hon=horn]
^- (bolt vase)
^- (bolt cage)
?- -.hon
%ape (maim cof bax p.hon)
%ape (cope (maim cof bax p.hon) (flux |=(a=vase [%noun a])))
%+ cope (maim cof bax p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe gat=vase]
(maul cof gat !>([how arg]))
%+ cope (maim cof !>(~) ((jock |) arg))
|= [cof=cafe val=vase]
%+ cope (maul cof gat (slop !>(how) val))
(flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
%. cof
|= cof=cafe ^- (bolt cage)
?~ p.hon (flaw cof leaf/"ford: out of options" ~)
(coop ^$(cof cof, hon i.p.hon) ..$(p.hon t.p.hon))
%day (chad cof bax %dr p.hon)
%+ cope $(hon q.hon)
(flux |=(vax=vase [[%face p.hon p.vax] q.vax]))
(flux |=([mar=mark vax=vase] [mar [%face p.hon p.vax] q.vax]))
%- cope :_ (flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
%+ cope
|- ^- (bolt (list vase))
?~ p.hon (flue cof)
%+ cope ^$(cof cof, hon i.p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe vax=vase]
|= [cof=cafe mar=mark vax=vase]
%+ cope ^$(cof cof, p.hon t.p.hon)
(flux |=(tev=(list vase) [vax tev]))
|= [cof=cafe tev=(list vase)]
@ -1587,15 +1452,25 @@
?~ tev [[%cube 0 [%atom %n]] 0]
(slop i.tev $(tev t.tev))
%for $(hon q.hon, (weld (flop p.hon)
%= $
hon q.hon
arg (scag p.hon arg) (weld (slag p.hon arg)
%hub (chad cof bax %ud p.hon)
=+ opt=|.(>(turn p.hon |=([a=path ^] a))<)
|- ^- (bolt cage)
?~ p.hon (flaw cof leaf/"ford: no match" >(tope how)< *opt ~)
?: =(p.i.p.hon (scag (lent p.i.p.hon) (flop
^$(hon q.i.p.hon)
$(p.hon t.p.hon)
%hel $(hon p.hon, lit |)
%+ cope $(hon q.hon)
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage] ^- (bolt cage)
?~ p.hon (fine cof cay)
%+ cope $(p.hon t.p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage]
(cope (make cof %cast i.p.hon `cay) furl)
%- cope :_ (flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
|- ^- (bolt vase)
?~ p.hon (fine cof [[%cube 0 [%atom %n]] 0])
%+ cope $(p.hon l.p.hon)
@ -1603,65 +1478,50 @@
%+ cope ^$(cof cof, p.hon r.p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe rig=vase]
%+ cope ^^^$(cof cof, hon q.n.p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe vax=vase]
|= [cof=cafe mar=mark vax=vase]
%+ fine cof
%+ slop
(slop [[%atom %tas] p.n.p.hon] vax)
(slop lef rig)
%now (chad cof bax %da p.hon)
%nap (chai cof bax p.hon)
%+ cope (chad cof bax %da p.hon)
(flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
%+ cope (chai cof bax p.hon)
(flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
%+ cope $(hon q.hon)
|= [cof=cafe mar=mark sam=vase]
%+ cope (maim cof bax p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe gat=vase]
%+ cope (maul cof gat sam)
(flux |=(a=vase noun/a))
=. r.p.hon ?:(?=([%ud 0] r.p.hon) r.p.hon)
$(hon q.hon, how p.hon)
%+ cope $(hon q.hon)
|= [cof=cafe sam=vase]
%+ cope (maim cof bax p.hon)
|= [cof=cafe gat=vase]
(maul cof gat sam)
%+ cope $(hon q.hon)
|= [cof=cafe vax=vase]
|= [cof=cafe mar=mark vax=vase]
%+ cope (maim cof bax [%bctr p.hon])
|= [cof=cafe tug=vase]
?. (~(nest ut p.tug) | p.vax)
(flaw cof [%leaf "type error: {<p.hon>} {<q.hon>}"]~)
(fine cof [p.tug q.vax])
(fine cof [mar p.tug q.vax])
%toy (cope (cope (make cof %boil p.hon how ~) furl) feel)
++ chop :: possible subpaths
|= [old=(set beam) hon=horn]
=+ acc=[new=*(set beam) old=old]
|- ^+ acc
?- -.hon
?(%ape %arg %toy) acc
?(%dub %sic %saw) $(hon q.hon)
?(%day %hub %nap %now) acc :: drop to avoid cycles
%for $(hon q.hon, (weld (flop p.hon)
=. r.p.hon ?:(?=([%ud 0] r.p.hon) r.p.hon)
$(hon q.hon, how p.hon)
=. (weld (slag p.hon arg)
?: (~(has in old.acc) how) acc
[(~(put in new.acc) how) (~(put in old.acc) how)]
|- ^+ acc
?~ p.hon acc
^$(hon i.p.hon, acc $(p.hon t.p.hon))
|- ^+ acc
?~ p.hon acc
=. acc $(p.hon l.p.hon, acc $(p.hon r.p.hon))
^$(hon q.n.p.hon)
?: p.hon
=. arg ?.(lit arg many/~)
(cope (make cof %bake q.hon arg how) furl)
%+ cool |.(leaf/"ford: hook {<q.hon>} {<(tope how)>}")
%+ cope (fade cof %hoon how)
|= [cof=cafe hyd=hood]
%+ cope (abut:(meow how arg) cof hyd)
;~(cope (lake q.hon) (flux |=(a=vase [q.hon a])))
++ head :: consume structures
@ -1768,7 +1628,7 @@
|=([cof=cafe p=silk q=silk] (cope (make cof q) furl))
|= [cof=cafe cay=cage coy=cage] ^- (bolt gage)
?: ?=(?(%hoon %hook) p.cay)
?: ?=(%hoon p.cay)
?. ?=(%txt-diff p.coy)
(flaw cof leaf/"{<p.cay>} mark with bad diff type: {<p.coy>}" ~)
=+ txt=((soft ,@t) q.q.cay)
@ -1860,7 +1720,7 @@
[%| $(a (turn (turn a2 head) |=(b=mass ?~(-.q.b !! p.q.b))))]
%+ turn (~(tap by pol))
|= [@ baby]
:~ =< cache/[%| (turn `(list term)`/hood/bake/lilt/slit/slim/slap/slam .)]
:~ =< cache/[%| (turn `(list term)`/hood/bake/slit/slim/slap/slam .)]
=- |=(a=term [a `(~(get ja dep) a)])
=< `dep=(jar term ,*)`(~(rep by jav) .)
|=([[* a=[term *]] b=(jar term ,*)] (~(add ja b) a))
@ -1894,8 +1754,7 @@
++ load :: highly forgiving
|= old=axle
..^$(+>- old)
|=(old=axle ..^$(+>- old))
::=. old
:: ?. ?=([%0 *] old) old :: remove at 1
:: :- %1

View File

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
:: ~& [%mo-boot dap how byk]
%+ mo-pass [%sys how dap (scot %p p.byk) q.byk (scot r.byk) ~]
^- note-arvo
[%f %exec our `[byk %core [byk [dap %ape ~]]]]
[%f %exec our `[byk %core [byk [dap %app ~]]]]
++ mo-away :: foreign request
|= [him=ship caz=cush] ::
@ -1166,6 +1166,7 @@
%merg `%c
%mont `%c
%ogre `%c
%serv `%e
%them `%e
%wait `%b
%want `%a

View File

@ -4631,7 +4631,7 @@
^- toon
?. ?=([2 *] ton) ton
:- %2
=. p.ton (moop p.ton)
:: =. p.ton (moop p.ton)
=+ yel=(lent p.ton)
=. p.ton
?. (gth yel 256) p.ton
@ -8808,7 +8808,8 @@
$(mew t.mew, rag q:(tock p.i.mew ^$(gen q.i.mew) rag))
[%dtkt *] %noun
[%dtls *] [%atom %$]
[%dtzy *] ?:(=(%f p.gen) ?>((lte q.gen 1) bool) [%atom p.gen])
[%dtzy *] ?: =(%n p.gen) ?>(=(0 q.gen) [%cube 0 [%atom %n]])
?:(=(%f p.gen) ?>((lte q.gen 1) bool) [%atom p.gen])
[%dtzz *] [%cube q.gen ?:(.?(q.gen) %noun [%atom p.gen])]
[%dttr *] %noun
[%dtts *] bool

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: %jael, secret storage
:::: /hoon/jael
:::: /hoon/jael/arvo
!? 164

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: %kahn, social state
:::: /hoon/kahn
:::: /hoon/kahn/arvo
!? 164

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: %lunt, fleet job control
:::: /hoon/lunt
:::: /hoon/lunt/arvo
!? 164

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: %musk, realm management
:::: /hoon/musk
:::: /hoon/musk/arvo
!? 164

View File

@ -1158,32 +1158,11 @@
?:(=(~ fyl) ~ [(crip (flop fyl)) ~])
++ fuel :: parse fcgi
|= [bem=beam but=path]
=+ packed-quay=|-($|(~ [p=@t q=@t t=$]))
|= [bem=beam ced=noun:cred quy=packed-quay]
^- epic
?> ?=([%web @ *] but)
=+ dyb=(slay i.t.but)
?> ?& ?=([~ %many *] dyb)
?=([* * *] p.u.dyb)
?=([%$ %ta *] i.p.u.dyb)
?=([%blob *] i.t.p.u.dyb)
=+ ced=((hard cred) p.i.t.p.u.dyb)
:: =+ nep=q.p.i.p.u.dyb
=+ ^= gut ^- (list ,@t)
%+ turn t.t.p.u.dyb
|= a=coin ^- @t
?> ?=([%$ %t @] a)
?>(((sane %t) q.p.a) q.p.a)
=+ ^= quy
|- ^- (list ,[p=@t q=@t])
?~ gut ~
?> ?=(^ t.gut)
[[i.gut i.t.gut] $(gut t.t.gut)]
:* (~(gas by *(map cord cord)) quy)
=+ qix=|-(`quay`?~(quy quy [[p q]:quy $(quy t.quy)]))
[(mo qix) ((hard cred) ced) bem /]
++ sifo :: 64-bit encode
|= tig=@
@ -1296,10 +1275,10 @@
=< |=(pul=purl `tape`(apex ~ pul))
++ apex
|= qur=quri
|= qur=quri ^- tape
?- -.qur
%& (weld (head p.p.qur) `tape`['/' $(qur [%| +.p.qur])])
%| (weld (body p.qur) (tail q.qur))
%& (weld (head p.p.qur) $(qur [%| +.p.qur]))
%| ['/' (weld (body p.qur) (tail q.qur))]
++ body
@ -1324,7 +1303,7 @@
?~(rit ~ (weld (trip i.rit) ?~(t.rit "" `tape`['.' $(rit t.rit)])))
?~(q.har ~ `tape`[':' (trip (rsh 3 2 (scot %ui u.q.har)))])
?~(q.har ~ `tape`[':' ((d-co:co 1) u.q.har)])
++ tail
@ -2519,6 +2498,7 @@
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: XX rethink
[%hiss p=mark q=cage] :: outbound user req
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%serv p=$|(desk beam)] :: set serving root
[%them p=(unit hiss)] :: outbound request
[%they p=@ud q=httr] :: inbound response
[%this p=? q=clip r=httq] :: inbound request
@ -2553,26 +2533,26 @@
++ horn :: resource tree
$% [%ape p=twig] :: /~ twig by hand
[%arg p=twig] :: /$ argument
[%day p=horn] :: /| list by @dr
[%alt p=(list horn)] :: /| options
[%dub p=term q=horn] :: /= apply face
[%fan p=(list horn)] :: /. list
[%for p=path q=horn] :: /, descend
[%hel p=@ud q=horn] :: /% propagate heel
[%hub p=horn] :: /@ list by @ud
[%for p=(list (pair path:spur horn))] :: /, switch by path
[%hel p=horn] :: /% propagate args
[%lin p=(list mark) q=horn] :: /& translates
[%man p=(map span horn)] :: /* hetero map
[%nap p=horn] :: /_ homo map
[%now p=horn] :: /& list by @da
[%now p=horn] :: /@ list by @da
[%saw p=twig q=horn] :: /; operate on
[%see p=beam q=horn] :: /: relative to
[%sic p=tile q=horn] :: /^ cast
[%toy p=mark] :: /mark/ static
[%toy p=? q=mark] :: /mark/ static/hook
== ::
++ milk (trel ship desk silk) :: sourced silk
++ silk :: construction layer
$& [p=silk q=silk] :: cons
$% [%$ p=cage] :: literal
[%bake p=mark q=beam r=path] :: local synthesis
[%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] :: general synthesis
[%alts p=(list silk)] :: options
[%bake p=mark q=coin r=beam] :: local synthesis
[%bunt p=mark] :: example of mark
[%call p=silk q=silk] :: slam
[%cast p=mark q=silk] :: translate
@ -2585,7 +2565,7 @@
[%mash p=mark q=milk r=milk] :: annotate
[%mute p=silk q=(list (pair wing silk))] :: mutant
[%pact p=silk q=silk] :: patch
[%plan p=beam q=spur r=hood] :: structured assembly
[%plan p=beam q=coin r=hood] :: structured assembly
[%reef ~] :: kernel reef
[%ride p=twig q=silk] :: silk thru twig
[%tabl p=(list (pair silk silk))] :: list

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
/: /%%%/tree/pub/docs /% /hymn/

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
/: /%%%/tree/pub/docs /% /json/

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
/: /%%%/tree/pub/front /% /hymn/

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
/: /%%%/tree/pub/front /% /json/

View File

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ arg=[address=@t contact=@t ~] ~]
:- %address-contact
[address.arg contact.arg]

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [arg1=cord arg2=cord ~] ~] ::[arg=[cord cord ~] ~]]
:- %auth
[arg1 arg2]

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [amount=@t currency=@t ~] ~]
:- %buy
[amount currency]

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ arg=[contact=@t address=@t ~] ~]
:- %bit-contact
[contact.arg address.arg]

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ ~ ~]
:- %list

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [amount=@t currency=@t ~] ~]
:- %sell
[amount currency]

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [to=@uc amo=@t ~] ~]
[%bit-send to amo]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: ConCATenate file listings
:::: /hoon/gen/cat
:::: /hoon/cat/gen
// /%%/ls/subdir
// /%/pretty

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/pretty/cat/gen
++ pretty-noun

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/? 310
:- %say
|= [^ [arg=(list cord) ~]]
:- %keys

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/curl/gen
/- sole
:- %get |= [^ [a=tape ~] ~]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/url/curl/gen
/? 310

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/ask/hood/gen
:- %say
|= [^ [mel=cord ~] ~]
=+ adr=(star ;~(less (mask "\"\\()[],:;<>@") prn))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/begin/hood/gun
:::: /hoon/begin/hood/gen
/? 314
/- sole

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/breload/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/cp/hood/gen
:- %say
|=([^ [input=path output=path ~] ~] kiln-cp/[input output])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/hi/hood/gen
:- %say
|=([^ [who=ship mez=$|(~ [a=tape ~])] ~] helm-send-hi/[who ?~(mez ~ `a.mez)])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/init/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/mv/hood/gen
:- %say
|=([^ [input=path output=path ~] ~] kiln-mv/[input output])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/rc/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/reboot/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/reload-desk/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/reload/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/rf/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/rm/hood/gen
:- %say
|=([^ [input=path ~] ~] kiln-rm/input)

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/schedule/hood/gen
:- %say
|=([^ [where=path tym=@da eve=@t ~] ~] kiln-schedule/[where tym eve])

gen/hood/serve.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
:::: /hoon/serve/hood/gen
/? 314
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI bec=beak]
[[pax=$|(term [i=span t=path]) ~] ~]
:- %helm-serve
?@ pax pax
=+ bem=(need (tome pax))
?. =([%da now] r.bem) :: XX actual sentinel
bem(r [%ud 0])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/link/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/unlink/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/mount/hood/gen
:::: /hoon/unmount/hood/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/verb/hood/gun
:::: /hoon/verb/hood/gen
/? 314
/- sole

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/subdir/ls/gen
++ subdir
|= [pax=path des=(map ,@t ,~)]

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/make/gen
:- %say
|=([^ arg=(list ,@) foo=_`@`1 bar=_`@`2] noun/[arg foo bar])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/ticket/gen
:::: /hoon/moon/gen
/? 314

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/pope/gen
:: Input twitter keys
/- sole

gen/talk/load.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
:::: /hoon/load/talk/gen
/? 314
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI byk=beak]
[[man=span ~] ~]
[%talk-load man]

gen/talk/log.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
:::: /hoon/log/talk/gen
/? 314
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI byk=beak]
[[man=span ~] ~]
[%talk-log man]

gen/talk/save.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
:::: /hoon/save/talk/gen
/? 314
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI byk=beak]
[[man=span ~] ~]
[%talk-save man]

gen/talk/unlog.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
:::: /hoon/unlog/talk/gen
/? 314
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI byk=beak]
[[man=span ~] ~]
[%talk-unlog man]

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/- twitter
[twitter .]
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI bec=beak]
[[who=span msg=cord ~] ~]
[%twit-do [who %post eny msg]]

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:: Input twitter keys
/- sole, twitter
[sole twitter .]
++ baz64 (cook crip (star alp))
:- %ask
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvI bec=beak]
[~ ~]
^- (sole-result (cask twit-do))
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User: "] %+ sole-go urs:ab |= acc=span
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "App token: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= ctok=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "App secret: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= csec=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User token: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= atok=cord
%+ sole-lo [%& %$ "User secret: "] %+ sole-go baz64 |= asec=cord
(sole-so %twit-do [acc %auth [ctok csec] atok asec])

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
/+ sh-utils
|_ [hide ~]
++ peer ,_`.
++ poke--args
%+ add-subs [[our /twit] our /post/(scot %uv eny)]
%^ gate-mess .
|=([a=span b=cord ~] [/twit %twit-do !>([a %post eny b])])
++ posh-twit-stat
(args-into-gate . |=([@ @ a=@da @] tang/~[leaf/"Tweet recieved {<a>}"]))
++ pour |*([ost=@ * sih=[@ ^]] :_(+>.$ [ost %give +.sih]~))

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:: Display twitter feed
:::: /hook/core/twitter-feed/app
/+ sh-utils
:::: ~fyr
|_ [hide ~]
++ stat ,[id=@u who=@ta now=@da txt=@t]
++ rens
:- %say
|=(stat rose/[": " `~]^~[leaf/"{<now>} @{(trip who)}" leaf/(trip txt)])
++ peer ,_`.
++ poke--args
|= [ost=bone his=ship who=span ~]
%.(+< (add-subs [[our /twit] our /user/[who]] ,_`+>.$))
++ posh-twit-feed
(args-into-gate . |=(a=(list stat) tang/(turn a rens)))
:: ++ pour |*([ost=@ * sih=[@ ^]] :_(+>.$ [ost %give +.sih]~))

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
/+ tree
/: /%%/ /% /elem/
^- (map path marl)
[[/ ((getall:tree /h1/h2/h3/h4/h5/h6) -.-)] ~ ~]

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
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@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
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font-weight: 400;
font-style: italic;
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font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "bau";
src: url("//");
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font-style: italic;
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font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: "scp";
src: url("//");
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
font-family: "bau";
font-size: 18px;
.mono {
#c {
width: 32rem;
margin-left: -16rem;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
h2 {
font-weight: 500;
h1 {
font-size: 1.6rem;
h1:after {
content: "\2014";
margin-left: 1rem;
h2 {
font-size: 1rem;
h2.advice {
margin-top: 2rem;
color: #555;
#c pre {
font-size: .6rem;
margin-top: 2rem;
#pass {
width: 32rem;
button {
border: .3rem solid #000;
background-color: #fff;
font-size: 1rem;
padding: .3rem;
font-weight: 500;
.sig {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 2rem;
display: inline;
vertical-align: middle;
span#ship {
font-family: 'bau';
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 1.2rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: .1rem;
display: inline-block;
min-width: 1rem;
input {
font-family: 'scp';
display: inline;
input {
border: none;
padding: .3rem;
outline: none;
border-bottom: 3px solid #555;
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 480px) {
#c {
width: 16rem;
margin-left: -8rem;
#pass {
width: 16rem;
input {
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: Core markdown parser, exposed as ++parse
:::: /hoon/parse/down-jet/lib
=+ =~

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
:: ++down rendering arms
:::: /hoon/rend/down-jet/lib
++ into-inner

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
$% [%cash wire p=@p q=buck] ::
[%conf wire dock %load ship term] ::
[%flog wire flog] ::
[%serv wire ?(desk beam)] ::
[%poke wire dock pear] ::
[%wont wire sock path *] :: send message
== ::
@ -94,6 +95,10 @@
%^ emit %poke /helm/ask/(scot %p ~doznec)
[[~doznec %ask] %ask-mail mel]
++ poke-serve
|= top=?(desk beam) =< abet
(emit %serv /helm/serv top)
++ poke-hi |=(mes=@t abet:(emit %flog /di %text "< {<src>}: {(trip mes)}"))
++ coup-hi
|= [pax=path cop=(unit tang)] =< abet

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct1/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct1 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[oct1 .]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ game ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g +>+< :: game
++ k !|(x o) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<)) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<)) :: play at x
-- ::
++ new +<(boo 0, box 0, who &) :: reset game
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<~[(icon who)]>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ voy ": {<~[(icon who)]>} (row/col): " :: print prompt

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct2/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct2 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[oct2 .]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct3/lib :::::: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct3 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :::::: semantics
!: :: ::
[. ^oct3]
|% ::
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ jon a/(turn (gulf 0 9) |=(@ b/(bit +<))) :: to json
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/oct4/lib :: :: dependencies
:: :: ::
/? 310 :: arvo version
/- oct4 :: structures
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: semantics
!: :: ::
[. ^oct4]
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ bit |=(@ =(1 (cut 0 [+< 1] bud))) :: moved at address
++ get |=(point (bit (off +<))) :: get point
++ jon a/(turn (gulf 0 9) |=(@ b/(bit +<))) :: to json
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: play from
|_ [src=ship game] ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g `game`+>+<+ :: game
++ k &(!|(x o) ept) :: legal move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<), q.sag `src) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<), p.sag `src) :: play at x
-- ::
++ ept =+(own |(&(=(~ -) !=(oth `src)) =(`src -))) :: we can play
++ hey |=(? +>+<+(aud ((stat ship) +< src aud))) :: enter/leave
++ muy |= (list ship) ?~ +< +>+<+ :: many in audience
$(+< t.+<, aud ((stat ship) & i.+< aud)) ::
++ nam =+ ?: =(p.sag `src) ['=' (icon &) ~] :: print name
?: =(q.sag `src) ['=' (icon |) ~] ::
"" (welp (scow %p src) `tape`-) ::
++ new +<+(boo 0, box 0, who &, sag [~ ~]) :: reset game
++ oth own(who !who) :: who owns other turn
++ own ?:(who p.sag q.sag) :: who owns this turn
++ res ?. |(~(win bo box) ~(win bo boo)) :: possible result
?: =(511 (con boo box)) ::
`"tie :-(" ~ `"{<nam>} wins" ::
++ row |= y=@ :- (add y '1') %- zing :: print row
(turn (gulf 0 3) |=(@ ~[' ' ~(v at y +<)])) ::
++ str =+ [own ~[(icon who)]] ^- tape :: print player
?~(-< -> (scow %p u.-<)) ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
++ vew =- ?: =(~ -) ~ :(weld "[" - "]") :: print watchers
=+ dow=(~(tap by aud)) |- ^- tape ::
?~ dow ~ =+ mor=$(dow t.dow) ::
:(weld nam(src p.i.dow) ?~(mor "" ", ") mor) ::
++ voy =+ ~[(icon who)] %+ weld vew :: print prompt
?.(ept " ({-}'s turn) " ": {-} (row/col): ")::

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/react/lib
++ react-elems :: XX /~
@ -45,7 +48,9 @@
=+ atr=(mo a.g.src)
?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %codemirror])
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src)
$(src ;codemirror(value "{v.i.a.g.i.c.src}");)
=. a.g.src
[value/v.i.a.g.i.c.src (skip a.g.src |=([a=mane *] ?=(^ a)))]
$(src [[%codemirror a.g.src] ~])
?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %exec]) :: runnable code attribute tag
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src) :: verify its only a text node
=* code v.i.a.g.i.c.src

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
:: App construction utilities
:::: /hoon/sh-utils/lib
++ append
|* a=*
|* b=*
[b a]
++ hapt (pair ship path)
++ args-done |*(ref=_,[(list) ^] (add-exit (add-nice ref))) :: accept args
++ add-exit :: add "kill self" kiss
|* ref=_,[(list) ^]
%+ add-resp [%pass / %g %cide %$]
++ add-nice :: return "succcess" response
|* ref=_,[(list) ^]
%+ add-resp [%give %nice ~]
++ add-subs :: add gall subscription
|* [hat=[hapt ship path] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
(add-resp [%pass /show %g %show hat] ref)
++ args-into-gate :: poke--args from gate: output and exit
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] gat=_,[@ *]]
%- args-done
%^ gate-outs con
|=(a=_+<.gat [%rush (gat a)])
++ args-into-resp :: compute gifts with gate and exit
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] gat=_,(pole ,[@ *])]
%- args-done
|* [ost=bone * arg=_+<.gat]
:_ con
%. (gat arg)
|* a=(pole ,[@ *])
?~ a ~
a(- [ost %give -.a], + $(a +.a))
++ add-output :: send gift to /out
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] ote=[@ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
=> .(+<- `[* [hid=hide *] *]`con)
=+ sus=(~(tap in `(set bone)`(~(get ju pus.hid) /out)))
=+ mof=(turn sus (append [%give ote]))
|= _+<.ref
=+ neu=(ref +<)
neu(- (welp mof -.neu))
++ add-resp :: add response move to requesting bone
|* [mof=[@ @ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
|* [ost=bone _?@(+<.ref ~ +<+.ref)]
=+ neu=(ref +<)
neu(- [[ost mof] -.neu])
++ gate-give :: respond with computed gift
|* [gat=_,[@ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
(gate-move |*(_+<.gat [%give (gat +<)]) ref)
++ gate-bang :: respond with computed note
|* [gat=_,[@ @ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
(gate-move |*(_+<.gat [%pass /bang (gat +<)]) ref)
++ gate-mess :: respond with local message
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] gat=_,[@ @ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
=> .(+<- `[* [hid=hide *] *]`con)
%- gate-move :_ ref
|* _+<.gat
=+ `[imp=path mez=cage]`(gat +<)
[%pass /poke %g %mess [our.hid imp] our.hid mez]
++ gate-move :: respond with computed move
|* [gat=_,(mold) ref=_,[(list) ^]]
|* [ost=bone * arg=_+<.gat]
((add-resp (gat arg) ref) +<)
++ gate-outs :: send computed gift to /out
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] gat=_,[@ *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
|* [ost=bone * arg=_+<.gat]
((add-output con (gat arg) ref) +<)
++ listen-in :: recieve standard input
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] ref=_,[(list) ^]]
=> .(+<- `[* [hid=hide *] *]`con)
(add-subs [[our +.imp] our /in/[-.imp]]:hid ref)
++ print
|* [con=[* [hide *] *] tap=tape]
(add-output con [%rush %tang [%leaf tap] ~] ,_[~ con])
++ verify :: type-check with context and move
|* [con=^ mof=[@ *]]
|* ref=_,[(list ,_mof) _con]
|* _+<.ref
^- [(list ,_mof) _con]
(ref +<)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
:: Alias
/+ sh-utils

View File

@ -1,64 +1,41 @@
:::: /hoon/tree/lib
/- tree-include
++ extract
|= a=marl ^- tape
?~ a ~
%- weld :_ $(a t.a)
?. ?=(_:/(**) i.a)
$(a c.i.a)
++ getall
++ getall :: search in manx
|= tag=(list mane)
|= ele=manx ^- marl
?: (lien tag |=(a=mane =(a n.g.ele)))
(zing (turn c.ele ..$))
++ baff |*([a=(unit) b=(trap)] ?^(a a *b))
++ find-in-tree
|* [paz=fist:jo fun=$+(* (unit))]
|= jon=json
=+ a=`(list json)`~[jon]
|^ (try)
++ try
|. ^+ *fun
?~ a ~
%+ biff (paz i.a)
|* [b=(list json) c=*] ^+ *fun
(baff (baff (fun c) try(a b)) try(a t.a))
++ map-to-json
++ map-to-json :: hoon data to json
|* [a=$+(* cord) b=$+(* json)]
|* c=(map) ^- json
|* c=(map) ^- json :: XX c=(map _+<.a _+<.b)
~! c
(jobe (turn (~(tap by c)) |*([k=* v=*] [(a k) (b v)])))
++ json-front
|= a=json ^- json
=- (fall `(unit json)`- ~)
%. a
%+ find-in-tree (ot c/(ar some) gn/so ga/(om so) ~):jo
|= [nom=span atr=(map span cord)] ^- (unit json)
?. (~(has by atr) 'urb:front') ~
?> ?=(%meta nom)
(biff (~(get by atr) %value) poja)
++ read-schem
=< (cook to-noun (cook to-tree apex))
:: a.b_c.d => [[%a %b] [%c %d]]
:: a.b_c, a_b__c => [[%a %b] %c]
:: a_b_c, a__b_c => [%a [%b %c]]
++ read-schem :: decode gapped noun
=< (cook to-noun (cook build-grove apex))
++ noun $|(term [noun noun]) :: shadow
++ data $|(term [n=@ l=noun r=data])
:: improper list of possible entry points
++ grove $|(term [gap=@ sealed=noun pending=grove])
++ apex ;~(plug sym (star ;~(plug delim sym)))
++ delim ;~(pose (cold 0 dot) (cook lent (plus cab)))
++ to-noun |=(a=data ?@(a a [l.a $(a r.a)]))
++ to-tree
|= [acc=data a=(list ,[p=@u q=term])]
%+ roll a =< .(acc ^acc)
|= [[n=@u v=term] acc=data]
?@ acc [n acc v]
?: (gth n n.acc) [n (to-noun acc) v]
acc(r $(acc r.acc))
++ to-noun |=(a=grove ?@(a a [sealed.a $(a pending.a)]))
++ build-grove
|= [a=grove b=(list ,[p=@u q=term])] ^- grove
%+ roll b =< .(acc a)
|= [[gap=@u v=term] acc=grove] ^- grove
?@ acc [gap acc v]
?: (gth gap gap.acc) [gap (to-noun acc) v]
acc(pending $(acc pending.acc))

View File

@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
:: A Twitter API library.
:::: /hoon/twitter/lib
/? 314
/- twitter
=+ twit:twitter
:::: functions
++ fass :: rewrite path
|= a=path
%- trip
%^ gsub '-' '_'
%+ reel a
|= [p=@t q=@t]
(cat 3 '/' (cat 3 p q))
++ gsub :: replace chars
|= [a=@t b=@t t=@t]
^- @t
?~ t t
%+ add (lsh 3 1 $(t (rsh 3 1 t)))
=+ c=(mod t (bex 8))
?:(=(a c) b c)
++ oauth :: OAuth 1.0 header
|= $: med=meth
pas=(list tape)
^- @t
=+ non=(turn (rip 2 (shaw zet 128 ken)) |=(a=@ ~(x ne a)))
=+ tim=(slag 2 (scow %ui (unt zet)))
=+ sky=(crip :(weld (urle (trip sec.con.key)) "&" (urle (trip sec.acc.key))))
=+ ^= bas
^- tape
=+ ^= hds
%- reel :_ |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q))
%- sort :_ aor
%- weld :- pas
^- (list tape)
:~ :(weld "oauth_consumer_key=" (trip tok.con.key))
:(weld "oauth_nonce=" non)
:(weld "oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1")
:(weld "oauth_timestamp=" tim)
:(weld "oauth_token=" (trip tok.acc.key))
:(weld "oauth_version=1.0")
;: weld
(trip (cuss (trip `@t`med))) "&"
(urle url) "&"
(urle (scag (dec (lent hds)) `tape`hds))
=+ sig=`tape`(sifo (swap 3 (hmac (swap 3 sky) (crip bas))))
%- crip
;: weld "OAuth "
"oauth_consumer_key=" "\"" (trip tok.con.key) "\", "
"oauth_nonce=" "\"" non "\", "
"oauth_signature=" "\"" (urle sig) "\", "
"oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", "
"oauth_timestamp=" "\"" tim "\", "
"oauth_token=" "\"" (trip tok.acc.key) "\", "
++ valve :: produce request
|= $: med=meth
[rus=tape quy=quay]
^- hiss
=+ url="{rus}.json"
=+ req=|=(a=tape (scan a auri:epur))
=+ ^= help
|= quy=(list ,[tape tape])
^- (list tape)
%+ turn quy
|= a=[p=tape q=tape]
:(weld (urle p.a) "=" (urle q.a))
=+ tan=(turn quy |=([p=@t q=@t] [(trip p) (trip q)]))
=+ har=(help (turn tan |=(p=[p=tape q=tape] [p.p (urle q.p)])))
=+ hab=(help tan)
=+ lav=(reel har |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q)))
=+ voy=?:(=(0 (lent lav)) ~ (scag (dec (lent lav)) `tape`lav))
=+ vab=(reel hab |=([p=tape q=tape] :(weld p "&" q)))
=+ vur=(crip ?:(=(0 (lent vab)) ~ (scag (dec (lent vab)) `tape`vab)))
=+ ^= head
%- ~(gas by *math)
:~ ['authorization' [(oauth med url hab key est eny) ~]]
['content-type' ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ~]]
?: =(%get med)
?~ voy
[(req url) med head ~]
[(req :(weld url "?" voy)) med head ~]
[(req url) med head (some [(met 3 vur) vur])]
:::: library
++ twip :: response printers
++ mean
|= [msg=@t num=@ud] ^- tank
rose/[": " `~]^~[leaf/"Error {<num>}" leaf/(trip msg)]
++ twir :: response parsers
++ fasp |*([a=@tas b=*] [(gsub '-' '_' a) b])
++ user (cook crip (plus ;~(pose aln cab)))
++ mean (ot errors/(ar (ot message/so code/ni ~)) ~):jo
++ stat
=+ jo
^- $+(json (unit ,[id=@u who=@ta now=@da txt=@t]))
%- ot
:~ id/ni
user/(ot (fasp screen-name/(su user)) ~)
(fasp created-at/da)
++ usel
=+ jo
^- $+(json (unit (list ,who=@ta)))
=- (ot users/(ar -) ~)
(ot (fasp screen-name/(su user)) ~)
++ twit
=> |% :: request structures
++ dev ,@t :: device name
++ gat ,@t :: grant type
++ lat ,@t :: latitude
++ lid (list tid)
++ lon ,@t :: longitude
++ lsc (list scr)
++ lst (list ,@t)
++ nam ,@t :: location name
++ pla ,@t :: place-id
++ scr ,@t :: screen name
++ slu ,@t :: category name
++ tid ,@u
++ tok ,@t :: oauth token
++ url ,@t :: callback url
++ at ,[%access-token p=tok]
++ de ,[%device p=dev]
++ fo ,[%follow p=lid]
++ gr ,[%grant-type p=gat]
++ id ,[%id p=tid]
++ ii ,[%'!inline' p=@t]
++ is ,[%id p=lid]
++ la ,[%lat p=lat]
++ lo ,[%long p=lon]
++ na ,[%name p=lid]
++ oa ,[%oauth-callback p=url]
++ os ,[%source-screen-name p=scr]
++ pl ,[%place-id p=pla]
++ qq ,[%q p=@t]
++ sc ,[%screen-name p=scr]
++ sd ?(ui sc)
++ ss ,[%screen-name p=lsc]
++ sl ,[%slug p=slu]
++ si ,[%source-id p=tid]
++ st ,[%status p=@t]
++ te ,[%text p=@t]
++ ti ,[%target-id p=tid]
++ ts ,[%target-screen-name p=scr]
++ tr ,[%track p=lst]
++ ur ,[%url p=url]
++ ui ,[%user-id p=tid]
++ us ,[%user-id p=lid]
|_ [key=keys est=time eny=@uw]
++ lutt |=(@ `@t`(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui +<)))
++ llsc
|= (list scr)
(roll +< |=([p=scr q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') p)))
++ llst
|= (list ,@t)
(roll +< |=([p=@t q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') p)))
++ llid
|= (list tid)
(roll +< |=([p=tid q=@t] (cat 3 (cat 3 q ',') (lutt p))))
++ mold :: construct request
|* [med=meth pax=path a=$+(* *)]
|= [args=a quy=quay]
(valve med (cowl pax args quy) key est eny)
++ cowl :: handle parameters
|= $: pax=path
ban=(list ,[p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))])
^- [path quay]
?~ ban
[(fass pax) quy]
?: =('!inline' p.i.ban)
?@ q.i.ban
[(fass (welp pax /[`@t`q.i.ban])) quy]
:- (fass pax)
%+ welp quy
%+ turn `(list ,[p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))])`ban
|= [p=@t q=?(@ (list ,@))]
^- [@t @t]
:- (gsub '-' '_' p)
?@ q
?- p
?(%id %source-id %target-id %user-id) (lutt q)
@ `@t`q
?- p
?(%follow %id %name %user-id) (llid q)
%track (llst q)
%screen-name (llsc q)
* !!
++ stat-ment
(mold %get /statuses/mentions-timeline ,~)
++ stat-user
(mold %get /statuses/user-timeline ,[sd ~])
++ stat-home
(mold %get /statuses/home-timeline ,~)
++ stat-retw
(mold %get /statuses/retweets-of-me ,~)
++ stat-rets-iddd
(mold %get /statuses/retweets ,[ii ~])
++ stat-show
(mold %get /statuses/show ,[id ~])
++ stat-dest-iddd
(mold %post /statuses/destroy ,[ii ~])
++ stat-upda
(mold %post /statuses/update ,[st ~])
++ stat-retw-iddd
(mold %post /statuses/retweet ,[ii ~])
++ stat-oemb-iddd
(mold %get /statuses/oembed ,[id ~])
++ stat-oemb-urll
(mold %get /statuses/oembed ,[ur ~])
++ stat-retw-idss
(mold %get /statuses/retweeters/ids ,[id ~])
++ sear-twee
(mold %get /search/tweets ,[qq ~])
++ stat-filt-foll
(mold %post /statuses/filter ,[?(fo tr) ~])
++ stat-samp
(mold %get /statuses/sample ,~)
++ stat-fire
(mold %get /statuses/firehose ,~)
++ user
(mold %get /user ,~)
++ site
(mold %get /site ,[fo ~])
++ dire
(mold %get /direct-messages ,~)
++ dire-sent
(mold %get /direct-messages/sent ,~)
++ dire-show
(mold %get /direct-messages/show ,[id ~])
++ dire-dest
(mold %post /direct-messages/destroy ,[id ~])
++ dire-neww
(mold %post /direct-messages/new ,[sd te ~])
++ frie-nore-idss
(mold %get /friendships/no-retweets/ids ,~)
++ frie-idss
(mold %get /friends/ids ,[sd ~])
++ foll-idss
(mold %get /followers/ids ,[sd ~])
++ frie-inco
(mold %get /friendships/incoming ,~)
++ frie-outg
(mold %get /friendships/outgoing ,~)
++ frie-crea
(mold %post /friendships/create ,[sd ~])
++ frie-dest
(mold %post /friendships/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ frie-upda
(mold %post /friendships/update ,[sd ~])
++ frie-show
(mold %get /friendships/show ,[?(si os) ?(ti ts) ~])
++ frie-list
(mold %get /friends/list ,[sd ~])
++ foll-list
(mold %get /followers/list ,[sd ~])
++ frie-look
(mold %get /friendships/lookup ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ acco-sett-gett
(mold %get /account/settings ,~)
++ acco-veri
(mold %get /account/verify-credentials ,~)
++ acco-sett-post
(mold %post /account/settings ,~)
++ acco-upda-deli
(mold %post /account/update-delivery-device ,[de ~])
++ acco-upda-prof
(mold %post /account/update-profile ,~)
++ acco-upda-prof-back
(mold %post /account/update-profile-background-image ,~)
++ acco-upda-prof-colo
(mold %post /account/update-profile-colors ,~)
++ bloc-list
(mold %get /blocks/list ,~)
++ bloc-idss
(mold %get /blocks/ids ,~)
++ bloc-crea
(mold %post /blocks/create ,[sd ~])
++ bloc-dest
(mold %post /blocks/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ user-look
(mold %get /users/lookup ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ user-show
(mold %get /users/show ,[sd ~])
++ user-sear
(mold %get /users/search ,[qq ~])
++ user-cont-tees
(mold %get /users/contributees ,[sd ~])
++ user-cont-tors
(mold %get /users/contributors ,[sd ~])
++ acco-remo
(mold %post /account/remove-profile-banner ,~)
++ user-prof
(mold %get /users/profile-banner ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-crea
(mold %post /mutes/users/create ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-dest
(mold %post /mutes/users/destroy ,[sd ~])
++ mute-user-idss
(mold %get /mutes/users/ids ,~)
++ mute-user-list
(mold %get /mutes/users/list ,~)
++ user-sugg-slug
(mold %get /users/suggestions ,[sl ~])
++ user-sugg
(mold %get /users/suggestions ,~)
++ favo-list
(mold %get /favorites/list ,~)
++ favo-dest
(mold %post /favorites/destroy ,[id ~])
++ favo-crea
(mold %post /favorites/create ,[id ~])
++ list-list
(mold %get /lists/list ,~)
++ list-stat
(mold %get /lists/statuses ,~)
++ list-memb-dest
(mold %post /lists/members/destroy ,~)
++ list-memb-hips
(mold %get /lists/memberships ,[sd ~])
++ list-subs-bers
(mold %get /lists/subscribers ,~)
++ list-subs-crea
(mold %post /lists/subscribers/create ,~)
++ list-subs-show
(mold %get /lists/subscribers/show ,[sd ~])
++ list-subs-dest
(mold %post /lists/subscribers/destroy ,~)
++ list-memb-crea-alll
(mold %post /lists/members/create-all ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ list-memb-show
(mold %get /lists/members/show ,[sd ~])
++ list-memb-bers
(mold %get /lists/members ,~)
++ list-memb-crea
(mold %post /lists/members/create ,[sd ~])
++ list-dest
(mold %post /lists/destroy ,~)
++ list-upda
(mold %post /lists/update ,~)
++ list-crea
(mold %post /lists/create ,[na ~])
++ list-show
(mold %get /lists/show ,~)
++ list-subs-ions
(mold %get /lists/subscriptions ,[sd ~])
++ list-memb-dest-alll
(mold %post /lists/members/destroy-all ,[?(us ss) ~])
++ list-owne
(mold %get /lists/ownerships ,[sd ~])
++ save-list
(mold %get /saved-searches/list ,~)
++ save-show-iddd
(mold %get /saved-searches/show ,[ii ~])
++ save-crea
(mold %post /saved-searches/create ,[qq ~])
++ save-dest-iddd
(mold %post /saved-searches/destroy ,[ii ~])
++ geoo-iddd-plac
(mold %get /geo/id ,[ii ~])
++ geoo-reve
(mold %get /geo/reverse-geocode ,[la lo ~])
++ geoo-sear
(mold %get /geo/search ,~)
++ geoo-simi
(mold %get /geo/similar-places ,[la lo na ~])
++ tren-plac
(mold %get /trends/place ,[id ~])
++ tren-avai
(mold %get /trends/available ,~)
++ tren-clos
(mold %get /trends/closest ,[la lo ~])
++ user-repo
(mold %post /users/report-spam ,[sd ~])
++ oaut-auth-cate
(mold %get /oauth/authenticate ,~)
++ oaut-auth-rize
(mold %get /oauth/authorize ,~)
++ oaut-acce
(mold %post /oauth/access-token ,~)
++ oaut-requ
(mold %post /oauth/request-token ,[oa ~])
++ oaut-toke
(mold %post /oauth2/token ,[gr ~])
++ oaut-inva
(mold %post /oauth2/invalidate-token ,[at ~])
++ help-conf
(mold %get /help/configuration ,~)
++ help-lang
(mold %get /help/languages ,~)
++ help-priv
(mold %get /help/privacy ,~)
++ help-toss
(mold %get /help/tos ,~)
++ appl-rate
(mold %get /application/rate-limit-status ,~)
++ stat-look
(mold %get /statuses/lookup ,[us ~])

View File

@ -32,11 +32,28 @@
:: pax/(cu deft (su fel:stab))
:: dat/(of json/some mime/(pe / (cu taco so)) ~) :: XX mite
:: ==
++ poke-wipe
|= sup=spur ^+ abet :: XX determine extension, beak
=+ ext=%md
?~ (file (tope beak-now [ext sup]))
~|(not-found/[ext `path`(flop sup)] !!)
=- abet:(emit %info write/~ our -)
(fray (tope beak-now [ext sup]))
++ poke-tree
|= [sup=spur mim=mime] ^+ abet :: XX determine extension, beak
(poke--data [`%md (flop sup)] %mime mim)
++ poke-paste
|= [typ=?(%hoon %md %txt) txt=@t] ^+ abet
(poke--data [`typ /web/paste/(scot %da now)] %mime / (taco txt))
++ poke-comment
|= [pax=path txt=@t] ^+ abet
=. pax [%web (welp pax /(scot %da now))]
=. txt (rap 3 (scot %p src) ': ' txt ~)
(poke--data [`%comment-md pax] %mime / (taco txt))
++ poke--data
|= [[ext=(unit ,@t) pax=path] dat=data] ^+ abet
?~ ext $(ext [~ -.dat])
@ -48,8 +65,8 @@
++ made
|= [pax=wire @ res=gage] ^+ abet
?. =(our src)
~|(foreign-write/[our=our src=src] !!)
:: ?. =(our src)
:: ~|(foreign-write/[our=our src=src] !!)
?+ -.res ~|(gage/-.res !!)
%| (mean p.res)
%& =- abet:(emit %info write/~ our -)

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/octo-game/mar
/? 310
|_ cod=[who=? box=@ boo=@] :: game state
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun ,[who=? box=@ boo=@] :: clam from %noun

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
:: this mark is used to receive a confirmed transaction
:::: /hoon/bit-accounts/mar
/? 310
/- bit-api
[bit-api .]
|_ bit-accounts
++ grab :: converter arm
++ noun bit-accounts :: clam from noun
++ json |= jon=^json ^- bit-accounts
~| jon
%- need %. jon
=> jo
=+ bal=(ot amount/so currency/(cu cass sa) ~)
(ot accounts/(ar (ot id/so name/so balance/bal ~)) ~)

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
|_ @t
++ grab |%
++ noun cord

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
|_ ~
++ grab |%
++ noun ,~

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/bit-api-call/mar
/? 314
/- bit-api
[bit-api .]
|_ [access-token=@t req=bit-api-call]
++ wrap
|= [end-point=path req=$|(%get [%post p=json])]
[/com/coinbase/sandbox/api v1/end-point req ~ ['access_token' access-token]~]
++ order
|= [amount=@t currency=@t] ^- json
(jobe qty/s/amount ?~(currency ~ [currency/s/currency ~]))
++ grow
|% ++ httpreq
%- wrap
?- -.req
%list [/accounts %get]
%buy [/buys %post (order +.req)]
%sell [/sells %post (order +.req)]
%send $(req [%txt-send (rsh 3 2 (scot %uc adr.req)) btc.req])
:+ /transactions/'send_money' %post
(joba %transaction (jobe to/s/to.req amount/s/btc.req ~))

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/bit-get-token/mar
/? 314
/- bit-api
/+ http
[bit-api .]
|_ req=bit-get-token
++ grow
|% ++ httpreq
^- request:http
=- [/com/coinbase/sandbox /oauth/token [%post ~] ~ `quay`-]
:~ ['grant_type' 'authorization_code']
['code' oat.req]
['redirect_uri' (crip (earn red.req))]
['client_id' cid.req]
['client_secret' sec.req]

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
:: this mark is used to receive a confirmed transaction
:::: /hoon/bit-transaction/mar
/? 310
|_ id=@t ::XX time
++ grab :: converter arm
++ noun ,@t :: clam from noun
++ json |= jon=^json
~| jon
(need ((ot transaction/(ot id/so ~) ~):jo jon))

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
:::: /hoon/term-line/mar
/? 314
|_ txt=cord
++ grab :: convert from
++ noun ,@t :: clam from %noun
++ json (cork so:jo need)

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
:: this mark is used to receive incoming oauth2 tokens that we use to poke our %gall server
:::: /hook/door/do-auth/mar
/? 310
|_ cod=cord
++ grab :: converter arm
++ noun ,@t :: clam from noun
++ json (cork (ot authcode/so platform/so ~):jo need) :: (need (so:jo jon))

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
|_ cod=cord
++ grab :: converter am
++ noun ,@t :: clam from noun
++ json (cork (ot secret/so platform/so ~):jo need) :: (need (so:jo jon))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/core/md/pro
:::: /hoon/coffee/mar
/? 314
|_ mud=@t

mar/comment-md.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
:::: /hoon/comment-md/mar
/? 314
// /===/mar/md :: alias

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/core/css/mar
:::: /hoon/css/mar
|_ mud=@t
++ grow :: convert to

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:::: /hoon/dill-belt/mar
:::: /hoon/belt/dill/mar
/? 314
/- kyev,sole

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More