Track terminal state in pure code.

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Benjamin Summers 2019-09-18 15:07:53 -07:00
parent e3b5c8a34d
commit dcb25bbbb8

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
module Vere.Term.Logic
( SpinnerCause(..), Ev(..), Ef(..)
, init
, step
, drawState
) where
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Empty, getCurrentTime, init)
import Data.Sequence (Seq((:<|), Empty))
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
data SpinnerCause = User | Event Text
deriving (Show)
type SpinnerState = Maybe SpinnerCause
%line -- Output a line above the edit line.
%spin -- Set the spinner state.
%bell -- Ring a bell (no change to the state).
%draw -- Redraw the current line (no change to the state).
%move -- Move the cursor position.
%edit -- Set the edit line, moving the cursor to the end.
%more -- Write the edit line to history, and clear it.
data Ev
= EvLine Text
| EvSpin SpinnerState
| EvMove Word
| EvBell
| EvDraw
| EvEdit Text
| EvMore
deriving (Show)
data Ef
= EfClear
| EfWrite Text
| EfShift Int
| EfRing
| EfSpin SpinnerState
deriving (Show)
data St = St
{ sHistory :: Seq Text
, sLine :: Text
, sCurPos :: Word
, sSpinner :: SpinnerState
deriving (Show)
init :: Wen -> St
init now = St mempty "" 0 Nothing
step :: St -> Ev -> St
step st@St{..} = \case
EvLine t -> st & record t
EvSpin s -> st { sSpinner = s }
EvMove w -> st { sCurPos = min w (word $ length sLine) }
EvEdit t -> st { sLine = t, sCurPos = word (length t) }
EvMore -> st { sLine = "", sCurPos = 0 } & record sLine
EvBell -> st
EvDraw -> st
word :: Integral i => i -> Word
word = fromIntegral
record :: Text -> St -> St
record t st@St{..} = st { sHistory = trim (sHistory |> t) }
trim :: Seq a -> Seq a
trim Empty = Empty
trim s | length s < 20 = s
trim (_ :<| s) = s
drawState :: St -> [Ev]
drawState St{..} = hist <> out <> cur <> spin
hist = EvLine <$> toList sHistory
out = if null sLine then [] else [EvEdit sLine]
cur = if 0 == sCurPos then [] else [EvMove $ fromIntegral $ sCurPos]
spin = maybe [] (singleton . EvSpin . Just) sSpinner